New Developments in Geoinformation Technology and their Impacts on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing FIG & SSGA Workshop Ulan Baatar, Mongolia, Sept 4 - 8, 2011 Presentation by Gottfried Konecny Emeritus Prof. Leibniz University Hannover Steam Engine Railway Electricity Automobile Information Health Textile Industry Steel Chemistry Petrochemistry Technology Clothing Transport Mass Individual Globalization Wellness Consumption Mobility Communication 1 st Cycle 2nd Cycle 3rd Cycle 4th Cycle 5th Cycle 6th Cycle 1800 1850 1900 1950 1990 20xx The Kondratjev Cycles 100 year Anniversary of ISPRS in Vienna 2010 Election of Honorary Fellows of the Society: Li Deren, China; Costas Armanakis, Canada; Ivan Antipov, Russian Federation; George Zarzicky, Canada; Stan Morain, USA New Technology made it possible, that tasks, which were not affordable before, are available now, they can be used for partial automation: 1.Satellite Positioning to cm accuracy (GNSS-GPS) 2. Imaging by digital aerial photography (ortho mapping) 3. Satellite Imagery covering the Globe (Google Earth) 4. Laser Scanning 5. Computer Technology Advances (Moore´s Law) 6. Database Technology (Object Relational Data Bases) 7. Web Applications (Geoportals, Crowd Sourcing) 8. Mobile Technology Applications (Smart Phones) 1. Satellite Positioning GNSS-GPS Result: 1. Augmented Accuracy Systems such as EGNOS, WAAS, NTRIP and Omnistar permit static geolocation anywhere on the globe with +/- 50cm accuracy with inexpensive code receivers 2. Phase receivers operating in RTK mode at a range of 10km or in CORS networks with station up to 50km range permit +/- 1cm accuracy 3.Mobile applications with RTK or CORS reference permit +/- 1 dm accuracy 2. Digital Aerial Photography 3. High Resolution Satellites ESRI Viewer for Change Detection of Landsat Images Hyperspectral Cube (AVIRIS Data) Competition between Optical and Radar Systems Surface motion: Interferometry • TLS Terrestrial Laser Scanning • • • ALS Airborne Laser Scanning • • • • MLS Mobile Laser Scanning TLS.jpg ALS-Funktionsprinzip.jpg D:\user\Milan-Geoservice\TLS\PR\MLS-VMX-250-17-03-2010\JPG\VMX-250-TGB-W.jpg 4. Laser Scanning Properties of 3D Laserscanners Model RIEGL LMS VZ400 Distance up to 500 m for Laser Class I Scan range horizontal total 100° (+60° / -40°) Scan range vertical max. 360° Distance accuracy ± 5 mm Data rate 125 000 points/sec. Measurement Interference Scanner and Camera TLS Terrestrial Laser Scanning Flugzeug Aerocontrol Aisa Laserscanner-1 Rollei-Kamera Kamera-transparent Aero-Complex-Monitoring Universal Data Collection System with - Airborene Laser Scanning - Infrared Thermography - Terrestrisches Laser Scanning - Digital RGB Images - Imaging Spectrometer DSC_1970 Scanner ALS Airborne Laser Scanning PPT4B61.tmp Stadion-DSM-AWD-Arena-90m.jpg PPT4B61.tmp DHM erzeugt mittels ALS DSM Shaded Relief © Stadt Hannover PPT4B61.tmp DHM erzeugt mittels ALS DSM Shaded Relief © Stadt Hannover Stadion-DSM-AWD-Arena-94m.jpg PPT4C6B.tmp PPT4C6D.tmp MLS - Mobile Laser Scanning Stadt Cottbus 5. Exponential Growth of Computer Technology Exponential Growth in Network Performance Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook ArcGIS software components Software components in ArcGIS (1) Overview: ArcGIS components. 6. GIS and Database Technology an example: ArcGIS Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook Test Plots - Level 1 Map Result of import into ArcGIS/ArcInfo and automated polygon closure & attribute allocation. Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook Test Plots - Level 2 Map Result of import into ArcGIS/ArcInfo and manual polygon closure & attribute allocation. Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook Image or Raster Data and the Geodatabase (3) 1. Storage of raster data in database tables Image pyramid. The geographical extent remains identical in every pyramid layer. Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook Test Plots - Level 2 Map DEM from elevation information with automatically generated contours. Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook Software components in ArcGIS (11) Components of ArcGIS desktop software (6): Extensions (additional components): • ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for processing and modelling surface information in grids • ArcGIS 3D Analyst for processing surface information in TINs • ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst • ArcGIS Survey Analyst • ArcPress for printing • etc. StreetMap Address + Orthophoto und Vector Data City models: Vector data example1 Point: address information Polygon of the building Road network City models: Address information Building model: 3D presentation City models: Vector data City models: Orthophoto Orthophoto Final - colour 7. Web Portal, Web Services, Data Management Data to be distributed through the Portal Apple I Pod I Pad I Phone I Phone G3 Blackberry Samsung Omni 8. Smart Phones Versatility lies in the downloadable „Apps“ making the Smartphone a Navigation Device (Google Maps, Navtech, Tom Tom) an Internet Browser a phone a data base Versatility lies in the downloadable „Apps“ making the Smartphone a Navigation Device (Google Maps, Navtech, Tom Tom) an Internet Browser a phone a data base Google Earth Images Google Maps and Address Search Google Street View Google Maps Navigation Bing Maps 3D View 1.GIS has integrated aerial and satellite images 2. 2.It is able to display available and augmented maps 3. 3.It can incorporate address searches with street views 4. 4.It has become a navigation device 5. 5.It can incorporate 3D views (3D city models) 6. 6. What are then the problems our disciplines are facing? The problems are sociological in nature: 1. do we have political support? 2. do the laws sufficiently protect our professional interests? 3. what is the esteem scientists and engineers have in society? If we are not sufficiently heard, what are the alternatives for us? 1. to get engaged in social, economic, political and ultimately ethical issues issues 2. who can give us guidance in our approach to solve problems in integrating photogrammetry and remote sensing into a greater context?