4 - TERÉN Surface Toolset TooE Description Aspect Derives aspect from a raster surface. The aspect identifies the downslope direction of the maximum rate of change in value from each cell to its neighbors. Contour Creates a line feature class of contours (isolines)from a raster surface. Contour List Creates a feature class of selected contour values from a raster surface. Contour with Barriers Creates contours from a raster surface. The inclusion of barrier features will allow you to independently generate contours on either side of a barrier. Curvature Calculates the curvature of a raster surface, optionally including profile and plan curvature. Cut Fill Calculates the volume change between two surfaces. This is typically used for cut and fill operations. Hillshade Creates a shaded relief from a surface raster by considering the illumination source angle and shadows. Observer Points Identifies which observer points are visible from each raster surface location. Slope Identifies the slope (gradient, or rate of maximum change in z-value)from each cell of a raster surface. Viewshed Determines the raster surface locations visible to a set of observer features. A Aspect □ Flat (-1) ■ North [0-223] M Northeast (22.5-67.5) □ East (67,5-112.5] ■ Southeast (112.5-157,5) □ South (157.5-202.5) ■ Southwest (202,5-247.5) ■ West (247.5-292.5) ■ Northwest (292.5-337.5) ■ North (337.5-360) B. Contour C. Hillshade D. Slope