ATLAS OF SOIL PROFILES W. L. KUBIÉNA INSTITUTE OF SOILS, CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS, Madrid Thomas Mutby and Company, London J 9 5 4 This atlas was compiled at the request of the circle of readers who wished to keep loose the coloured plates of the Author's book «The Soils of Europe». There were different reasons for this demand. Some wished to use the plates framed as a decoration for their working rooms, others saw a possibility of using them for their lectures as graphical demonstrative material, either directly or with the use of an epidiascope. The most numerous were those who considered the use of coloured plates of profiles an urgent need in the teaching of pedology, which is not limited today only to the Schools of Agriculture and Selviculture, but is gaining more and more interest in General Natural Science. In some countries it has even become part of the Secondary Teaching and in rural districts also of Primary Teaching. It is to be hoped that this development continues to increase. In general teaching the possibility of including some special modern subjects of Natural Science depends greatly on the posession of graphical demonstrative material. As mankind lives from the soil, the failure to supply in our general education an adequate knowledge of soils must be considered as a serious lack. There are amateurs who profit more from the contemplation of loose plates in a portfolio than from searching them among the pages of a book. Also by those the publication in the present form will be appreciated. This atlas contains only the plates of profiles. The micromor-phologtcal plates of the above mentioned book are not included because it is intended to use them in a separate micromorphological atlas. The latter will give an overall view on the most important forms of soil structure in order to facilitate the application of the morphological method in the diagnosis of the soil. The plates I-VIII, X-XVII, X1X-XXI, XXII and XXIII have been painted by Mrs. Gertrud Kallab Purtscher, plates IX-XVIII and XX 2 by Mr. Anton Prazak. G 1. 2, Explanation of plate I 1. Dy in a pool of a podsol and highmoor zone over granite below spruce forest (Bohemian Forest). 2. Eutrofic Gyttja with Nymphea alba and an äfja of green algae (Wies, Štyria). From W. L. KVBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaclonet Cientificas Irutitute ol Soils. Madrid. Explanation of plale II 1. Rambla (raw warp soil) with Myricaria Germanica. In the subsoil a buried (A) Horizon (Enns Valley, Styria). 2. Anmoor below Iris sibirica with strongly gleyed subsoil (Enns Valley, Styria), From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Conicjo Superior de Inveatlgidoncs Clenllflcas Institute of Soils. Madrid. JSL. Explanation of plate III 1. Solonchak with Atropia distans and strongly developed layer of salt enrichment (A/Sa) and superficial salt efflorescences (Sa). Summer aspect. 2. Solonati with Artemisia pauciftora and well developed columnar horizon (A/Bn). From W. L. KVBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investlgaciones Gentiflcas Institute of Soil*. Madrid. m Explanation of plale IV 1. Solod with bleached horizon formation below a lawn of Koeleria gracilis and Pyrethrum achilleifolium. 2. Paternia (grey warp soil) below pasture and alder bushes with two buried profiles (I and II) (Enns Valley, Styria). From W. L. KVBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaclones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. 1 Explanation of plate V 1. Berevina (rendsina'like warp soil) below dry lawn on limestone gravel (C) above limestone sand (D) (Enns Valley, Styria). 2. Smonitza (chernosem-like warp soil) below buckwheat field on limestone gravel (Basin of Vienna). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de lnvestlgaclones Clentlficas Institute ot Soils, Madrid. w Explanation of plate VI 1. Allochthonous brown vega (brown warp soil) below meadow with two buried profiles (I and II) with lightly anmoor-like humus formation. (Pulkau Valley, Lower Austria.) 2. Braunlehm vega (brown loam warp soil) in two layers. In irrigation channel (above right) stratified erosion sediments assorted by grainsize. Upon them lies a fragment of the heavily cemented surface crust. (Valley of Galle-go. Zaragoza, Spain.) From W. L. KVBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Coruejo Superior de Investigaciones Clentificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. w J z Explanation of plate VII 1. Alpine Hamada Rawmark (alpine hamada raw soil) below Festuca duriuscula on graphite sericite phyllite (Veleta, Sierra Nevada, 3740 m. Spain). 2. Lime Cnut Yerma (lime crust desert soil) above loose marl. On the surface a lime crust fragment with endolitic lichens. On the left fissure filled up with eolic sediments with the formation of a surface rind. Scanty desert vegetation in fissures, in the picture Anabasis articalata (Beach of San Juan, Alicante). From W. L. KVBIENA, - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investlgaciones Clentiflcas Institute of Soils. Madrid. 1 Explanation of plate VIII 1, Tundra ranker below Empetrum nigrum on aplitic injection gneiss (Lilnahamari, Finlandish polar sea coast). 2. Eilagranker below Poa bulbosa on granite (Guarramas 2240 m. Siena de Guadarrama, Spain). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de I nvestiga clones Clentiflcas Institute of Soils. Madrid. Explanation of plate IX 1. Mull like ranker below Festuca varia on chlorite schist (Wollaner Nock, Carintia, ca 2000 m. Austria). 2. Grey ranker below spruce forest on sericite phyllite (Rottenmann. Styria, ca 750 m. Austria). From W. [.. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investlgaclones Clentificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. 1. 2 Explanation of plate X 1. Tangel ranker below germinating Sarothamnus purgans on gneiss (Maliciosa, 2000 m., Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain). 2. Podsol ranker below Calluna heath on quarzite (Cordillera Cantabri-ca, Asturias. Spain, of 1700 m.). From ». L. Kl'BIEXA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Corwejo Superior de Investlgaclones Cienlificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. IT 1. Explanation of plate XI 1. Alpine pitch rendzina below moist Firmetum on limestone Hoch' könig. Salzburg. 2300 m., Austria). 2. Grey alpine cushion rendzina below Silene acaulis on limestone (Dachstein, Styria. 2800 m.J. 3. Black alpine cushion rendsina below Saxifraga Rudolfiana on limestone (Hochkönig, Salzburg. 2700 m). From W. L. KVBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUHOPE Consejo Superior de Invesrlgadones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. Explanation of plate XII 1. Tangelrendsina below Pin us rnontana and Rhododendron hirsu-tum on dolomite (Dachsteingebiet, Štyria, 1700 m.). 2. Brown rendsina below Quercus Ilex and Juniperus oxycedrus on dolomitic limestone (Guadalix, Prov. Madrid, 850 m.). From W. L. KUB1ENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Inveatigaclonea Cientificas Institute of Soils, Madrid, Explanation of plate XIII 1. Mull-like rendsina below forest of Pinna nigra austriaca with Ses-leria varia on dolomite (Modling, Southern Wienerwald). 2. Mull rendsina below meadow on marl (Southern Wienerwald). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investlgaciones Clentlflcas Institute of Soils. Madrid. A/a c 2 Explanation of plate XIV 1. Xerorendsina below xerophitic flora of rock steppe, in the picture Lavandula latifolia and Brachypodium ramosum on marl rich in gypsum (Sierra de la Muela, Prov. Zaragoza, Spain), 2. Serösem on marl containing gypsum below scanty vegetation of the dry steppe, in the picture Herniaria fructicosa and Ononis tridentata (Va-llecas, near Madrid). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienlificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. c 2. Explanation of plate XV 1. Chernozem on loess (Haugsdorf Lower Austria). 2. Degraded chernozem on loess (Mistelbach, Lower Austria). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. XVI Explanation of plate XVI 1. Typical terra fusca (limestone brown loam) below beech forest on limestone (Southern Wienerwald). 2. Siallitic terra rossa (limestone-red loam) below xerophytic top flora in the picture Ptilotrichum spinosum and Featuca Hystrix on limestone. Summer aspect (Prov. Valencia, Spain). From W. L, KUAIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. i. Explanation of plate XVII 1. Bleached braunlehm (in the picture betic gelblehm, an Andalusian local variety) below Rhododendron baeticum and Quercus suber on siliceous sandstone. 2. Slightly bleached rotlehm relict soil on clay schist below Cistus laurifolius. (Sierra Morena, Puerto de Despeflaperros, Spain). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. 2. Explanation of plate XVIII 1. Euirophic (Centro-European) Braunerde below beech forest on basaltic lava (Paulusberg, Burgenland, Austria). 2. Oligotrophia (Centro-European) Braunerde below mixed forest on sandstone shale (Admont, Styria). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior tie Investigaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. C3)/c 1. 2 Explanation of plale XIX 1. (Centro-European) Calc-braunetde below meadow on loess (Fernltz, Lower Austria). 2. Meridional braunerde on gneiss below dry vegetation. In the picture Quercus Ilex, Thymus vulgaris and Stipa juncea (Santa Maria de la Alameda. Sierra de Guadarrama, 900 m.). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investlgaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. 1. Explanation of plate XX 1. Eupodsolic brown earth (eumorphic semipodsol) on mountain pasture with Crocus nudiflorus (on quarzite schist) (Cordillera Cantabrica, Asturias, 1.400 m.). 2. Stesopodsolic brown earth (stesomorphic semipodsol) below beech forest with bilberry shrubs on chlorite schist (Freyenthurn, Klagenfurt, Carintia, Austria). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. Explanation of plate XXI 1. Krauss Pseudogley below spruce forest; thickets of Aira flexuosa on weathering sediments of sandstone (Elbesandsteingebirge). 2. Molken-podsol under spruce forest with cranberry and bilberry bushes on moraine (Serfaus, Tyrol, 1.800 m.). From W. L. KVBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. Explanation of plate XXII 1. Humus-podsol on dune sands under Calluna heather with two ort-stein layers (Bhi-Bha) followed by a series of ortsteinbands (Dorum, Bremen, North Sea coast). 2. (Asturian) Iron-humus-podsol under grassy heath with Erica ciliaris under oak and chestnut trees on silicious sandstone (Cantabrian Cordillera, Asturias, 300 m.). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Institute of Soils. Madrid. Explanation of plate XXIII 1. Iron-podsoi under pine forest (Pinus siluestris) on moraine (Helna-vesi, Finland). 2. Northern Nanopodsol (Northern dwarf podsol) under tundra forest with Betula nana and Cladonia rangiferina on syenite (Petsamo, Finnish Lappland). From W. L. KUBIENA. - THE SOILS OF EUROPE Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientiiicas Institute of Soils. Madrid.