(r k CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute Czech Academy of Sciences, The Czech Republic Marian Pavelka, Lenka Krupková OP Výzkum a vývoj pro Inovace EVROPSKÁ UNIE EVROPSKÝ FOND PRO REGIONÁLNÍ ROZVOJ ŠANCE PRO VÁŠ ROZVOJ MINISTERSTVO ŠKOLSTVÍ MLÁDEŽE A TĚLOVÝCHOVY CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS, v.v.i THE STRUCTURE AND INTERCONNECTION OF THE CZECHGLOBE RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 3 basic thematic segments : Atmosphere Ecosystems Socio-economic systems RESEARCH DOMAINS: CLIMATE ANALYSIS AND MODELLING ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS IMPACT STUDIES AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS HUMAN DIMENSIONS OF GLOBAL CHANGE IMPACTS ADAPTIVE AND INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUES 17 research teams ^CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS Department of Matter and Energy Fluxes Marian Pavelka ^CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS, v.v.i CZECHGLOBE- SPATIALLY DISTRIBUTED INFRASTRUCTURE in ^Dlouhá louka i Jezeří ^Milešovka Odry potok 4 Lesní potok r r r 1 4 Polomka é U dvou louček |M| ^j^Domaninek H Í^Drásov ARáiec L&Ü Brno J^Lanžhol g atmosphenc station of greenhouse gases monitoring A network of ecosystem stations for monitoring and quantification of carbon fluxes within X ecosystems meteostations 4 network of catchments monitoring geo- and hydrological cycles JL physiological, metabolomic and isotopic laboratory )_^_ airborne laboratory of process imaging C terminals.of emote sensing systems of long-term impact experiments j fir- innovation equipment for the development of third-generation biofuels CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS, v.v.i Lamella Domes Czech Globe Global Change Research Institute CAS, v.v.i Atmospheric Tower National reference point of GHG observation 250 m (meteo, C02, CO, CH4/ N20, SF6, 230 m (meteo, 03, Hg) 222 125 m (meteo, C02, CO, CH4, N20,03) 50 m (meteo, C02, CO, CH4, N20,03) 10 m (meteo, C02, CO, CH4, N20,03) ^CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS, v.v.i Ecosystem station network (CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS Research area of the team •Long-term monitoring of greenhouse gases fluxes and meteorological elements (network of ecosystem stations) •Understanding of physiological processes (level cell - individual -ecosystem) affecting ability of ecosystems to bind atmospheric carbon •Quantification and dynamics of ecosystem C02 fluxes and model estimation of future development and up-scaling into the Czech Rep. scale • Description of ecosystems adaptation to global climate change and a proposal of arrangements that will reduce negative impacts and increase the ability of ecosystems to bind C02 from atmosphere www.czechglobe.cz 8 Czech Globe Global Change Research Institute CAS WhßLdoesJtmean_Eco • Infrastructure of Ecosystem Stations are built for precise long term monitoring the functioning of land ecosystems and the exchange of energy and greenhouse gases between the ecosystems and the atmosphere • An essential part of ES is a tower equipped by eddy covariance system and set of sensors for measurement of micrometeorological parameters • Equipped with standardized sensors and measurement systems • Standardized data processing www.czechglobe.cz 9 Czech Globe Global Change Research Institute CAS Eddy covariance technique ultrasonic anemometr ffl infrared gas analyzer and control computer Eddy covariance technique eddy covariance tower w - vertical component of a wind velocity vector Final form : tic — W pc P - a scalar (temperature, gas concentration) Observed parameters on Ecosystem stations (ES): - GHG fluxes - especially C02, N20, CH4 - energy fluxes - other parameters: » vertical C02 concentration profile in air » water regime (precipitation, evapotranspiration, tree transpiration (flow - heat pulse method), SWC, water table depth) » net radiation; incident, transmited, reflected PhAR » meteorological elements (Ta, Ts, Rh, WS+D, SM...) » phenology observations (with auto, cameras) » hyper spectral remote sensing imagery » biomass inventory » litterfall amount » carbon stock in vegetation and soil » ... Data stored in 2 levels: final (processed) data and rough data for the possible reprocessing according to the newest procedures http://iakdvchamesto.czechqlobe.cz Net of ICOS stations Integrated Carbon Observation System https ://www. icos- ri. eu IN ICOS RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE AN EXTENSIVE NETWORK OF STANDARDIZED AND INTEGRATED NATIONAL ATMOSPHERIC, ECOSYSTEM AND MARINE STATIONS, SUPPORTED BY ICOS CENTRAL FACILITIES AND ICOS CARBON PORTAL, FORM THE BASIS FOR ADVANCED CARBON CYCLE RESEARCH IN EUROPE P Integrated l< Carbon Observation System IN ICOS RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE AN EXTENSIVE NETWORK OF STANDARDIZED AND INTEGRATED NATIONAL ATMOSPHERIC, ECOSYSTEM AND MARINE STATIONS, SUPPORTED BY ICOS CENTRAL FACILITIES AND ICOS CARBON PORTAL, FORM THE BASIS FOR ADVANCED CARBON CYCLE RESEARCH IN EUROPE O Combined Atm+Eco # Atmospheric O Ecosystem # Ocean /\/ Ocean shipping lines CzechGlobe Global Change Research Institute CAS FLUXNET Sites Per IGBP Land Cover Classification (2007) (Source: MODIS, LP DA AC) Evergreen Needleleaf Forest Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Deciduous Needleleaf Forest Deciduous Broadleaf Forest O Mixed Forest O O Closed Shrubland O O Open Shrubland O o Woody Savannas o Savannas Grasslands Permanent Wetlands Croplands Urban and Built-up Cropland-Natural Vegetation Mosaic Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Non-Classified www.czechglobe.cz 21 Czech Globe Global Change Research Institute CAS Planned international stations www.czechglobe.cz 22 Soil chamber Stem chamber Shoot/leaf chamber Ecosystem respiration measurement SAMTOL-II (CzechGlobe and Konel, CR) Control box SAMTOL-II Computer + SF PLC - modules Analyser LI-840A (LI-COR) Valves for chamber closing Valves for air sampling Net ecosystem production of different ecosystems 1 j \ / i 1 \ x s \ / ^_ /- S x / / \ I ( 1 J ) 1 - , J / \ \ \ '/ \ i ) 1 L / J s ) i ) Z 1 1 h -s V V / \ i ) \ 1 r - r — 1 \ / x, f ( / T" 1 J s l \ ) ...... \ / í 1 s. / y - \ \ , ■> r c* \ / ? - •■ '/- _\ y i J í \ -r \ / / V. \ / T \ / / I i J v > / \ \ r ( — J 1 S to / o s — 7 < ? f i \ \ K x > t í \ / \ \ A -* '4 / \ ľ 1 r X X — ' 7 r / ' I r L x / / s L ■ > 1 ■ 1 / 12.03. 16.05. oooooooo oooooooo i- i- i- (M o o -30--20 ■-20-10 D-10-0 D0-10 □ 10-20 ^I7.C3 C4 01.04. 06.04. 11.04. 16.04. 21.04. -21. 26.04. 01.05. -OŤľCÔ D2.C3 D7.C3 C3 )000000 > inoinoin 1 T-T-(NtN 26.08. 31.08. -30-20 □-20-10 D-10-0 D0-10 □ 10-20 22.I C7 .C8 1.C8 DOOOOOOO dlo inoinoin 1 T-t-CNCN V 'i m m X Ý- ooooooooo ooooooooo očóióóióiíóéó-^o i- i- i- (M 01.09. 06.09. 11.09. 16.09. 21.09. 26.09. 01.10. 06.10. 11.10. 16.10. 21.10. 26.10. 31.10. 05.11. 10.11. 15.11. 20.11. 25.11. 30.11. -30-20 □-20-10 D-10-0 D0-10 □ 10-20 Samples of measured meteo. parameters 30 20 10 -10 -20 KLIMATOLOGICKÁ STANICE 2011 (CLIMATOLOGtCAL STATION) *— t- CM CO 00 o o o o o I0l0<0ir>r^-OOCOCT)OOT-CNICN OOCDCOCDCDCŽ>CŽ)-i— t— ■>— t— t— t— o oj cvi ^ t-^ o o o oi ct> od co cd r-~ t-- r--~ csi^— cdcm*— ocm^— oocmocm*— ocm-»— ocm mean daily air temperature (2 meters above the gound) SMRKOVÝ POROST 2011 (SPRUCE STAND) t— t— cNinn^fLnLncDCDr^-ooooCTJOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOt-t— ■ Z St daily sum of global radiation incident on the stand □ Z Rn daily sum of net radiation of the stand 30 25 KLIMATOLOGICKÁ STANICE 2011 (CLIMATOLOGICAL STATION) t— i— cMncrj-ij-Lnmtotoi— co co CT> o o O CM CM ■»— O CM tt" t— O t— Cľ> C\J -t— O O ct) ct) CO CO CO co cm C3 cm ■«— o cm r- r- r- i— CD CM mean daily soil temp, (depth of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 cm) 100 KLIMATOLOGICKÁ STANICE 2011 (CLIMATOLOGICAL STATION) ■>—■<— cMcoro^riOLococor— 00 00O5OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOi-t- 1- t— o O CM t— CM CM O CM ooocrjCTjcooooor— r— t-COCSJOCM-í-OCM-í-OCM mean daily relative air humidity (2 meters above the ground) Analysis of „source" days during the vegetation season (BK spruce forest) Carbon capture Dormant period Temperature drop Cloudy Cloudy+rainy Sunny Sunny and hot Conclusions We have a big datasets - 20 Hz fluxes measurement - 17 520 rows/year - 300 meteo sensors (15.7 M values/year) - data from biomass inventory, remote sensing... We are looking for: student with interest to help us We offer: work in our team work with unique datasets and equipment Ph.D study (Bioclimatology, MENDELU) www.czechglobe.cz 33 Thank you for your attention Global Change Resarch Institute CAS pavelka.m@czechglobe.cz www.czechglobe.cz