APPENDIX E BCF VALUES FOR COMMUNITY MEASURMENT RECEPTORS from Appendix C of EPA, 1999b APPENDIX C MEDIA-T O-RE CE PTORBCFu Appendix C provides recommended guidance for determining values for media-to-receptor bioconcentration factors (BCFs) based on values reported in the scientific literature, or estimated using physical and chemical properties of the compound. Guidance on use of BCF values in the screening level ecological risk assessment is provided in Chapter 5. Section C-1.0 provides the general guidance recommended to select or estimate BCF values. Sections C-l. 1 through C-1.7 further discuss determination of BCFs for specific media and receptors. References cited in Sections C-l. 1 through C-1.7 are located following Section C-l .7. For the compounds commonly identified in risk assessments for combustion facilities (identified in Chapter 2), BCF values have been determined following the guidance in Sections C-1.1 through C-1.7. BCF values for these limited number of compounds are included in this appendix in Tables C-l through C-7 to facilitate the completion of screening ecological risk assessments. However, it is expected that additional compounds may require evaluation on a site specific basis, and in such cases, BCF values for these additional compounds could be detennined following the same guidance (Sections C-l. 1 through C-l .7) used in determination of the BCF values reported in this appendix. For reproducibility and to facilitate comparison of new data and values as they become available, all data reviewed in the selection of the BCF values provided at the end of this appendix are also included in Tables C-l through C-7. References cited in Tables C-l through C-7 (Media-to-Receptor BCF Values) are located following Table C-7. For additional discussion on some of the references and equations cited in Sections C-l. 1 through C-1.7, the reader is recommended to review the Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) (U.S. EPA 1998) (see Appendix A-3), and the source documents cited in the reference section of this appendix. C-1.0 GENERAL GUIDANCE This section summarizes the recommended general guidance for detennining compound-specific BCF values (media-to-receptors) provided in Tables C-l through C-7. As a preference, BCF values were selected from empirical field and/or laboratory data generated from reviewed studies that are published in the scientific literature. Information used from these studies included calculated BCF values, as well as, collocated media and organism concentration data from which BCF values could be calculated. If two or more BCF values, or two or more sets of collocated data, were available in the published scientific literature, the geometric mean of the values was used. Field-derived BCF values were considered more indicative of the level of bioconcentration occurring in the natural environment than laboratory-derived values. Therefore, when available and appropriate, field-derived B CF values were given priority over laboratory-derived values. In some cases, confidence in the methods used to determine or report field-derived BCF values was less than for the laboratory-derived values. In those cases, the laboratory-derived values were used for the recommended BCF values. When neither field or laboratory data were available for a specific compound, data from a potential surrogate compound were evaluated. The appropriateness of the surrogate was determined by comparing the structures of the two compounds. Where an appropriate surrogate was not identified, a regression equation based on the compound's log Yi^ value was used to calculate the recommended BCF value. E-l With the exception of the air-to-plairt biotransfer factors (5v), recommended BCF values provided in the tables at the end of this appendix are based on wet tissue weight and dry media weight (except for water). As necessary, reported values were converted to these units using the referenced tissue or media wet weight percentages. The conversion factors, equations, and references for these conversions are discussed in Sections C-l. 1 through C-i.7 where appropriate, and are presented at the end of each table (Tables C-l through C-7). C-1.1 SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS Soil-to-soil invertebrate BCF values (see Table C-l) were developed mainly from data for earthworms. Measured experimental results were primarily in the form of ratios of compound concentrations in a earthworm and the compound concentrations in the soil in which the earthworm was exposed. As necessary, values were converted to wet tissue and dry media weight assuming a moisture content (by mass) of 83.3 percent for earthworms and 20 percent for soil (Pietz et al. 1984). Organics For organic compounds with no field or laboratory data available, recommended BCF values were estimated using the following regression equation: log BCF= 0.M9 log - 1.146 Equation C-l-1 * Southworth, G.R., J.J. Beauchamp, andP.K. Schmieder. 1978. "Bioaccunmlation Potential of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons inDaphnia Pulex. " Water Research. Volume 12. Pages 973-977. Inorganics For inorganic compounds with no field or laboratory data available, the recommended BCF value is equal to the arithmetic average of the available BCF values for other inorganics as specified in Table C-l. C-l.2 SOIL-TO-PLANT AND SEDIMENT-TO-PLANT BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS Soil-to-plant BCF values (see Table C-2) account for plant uptake of compounds from soil. Data for a variety of plants and food crops were used to determine recommended BCF values. Orsanics For all organics (including PCDDs and PCDFs) with no available field or laboratory data, the following regression equation was used to calculate recommended values: log BCF = 1.5 88 - 0.578 log K»w Equation C-1-2 • Travis, C.C. and A.D. Arms. 1988. "Bioconcentration of Organics in Beef, Milk, and Vegetation." Environmental Science and Technology. 22:271-27'4. Inorganics For most metals, BCF values were based on empirical data reported in the following: Baes, C.F., R.D. Sharp, A.L. Sjoreen, and R.W. Shor. 1984. "Review and Analysis of Parameters and Assessing Transport of Environmentally Released Radionuclides Through Agriculture." Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The scientific literature also was searched to identify studies. Although U.S. EPA (1995a) provides values for certain metals calculated on the basis of plant uptake response slope factors, it is unclear how the BCF E-2 values were calculated or which sources or references were used. Therefore, values reported in U.S. EPA (1995a) were not used. C-1.3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS Experimental data for crustaceans, aquatic insects, bivalves, and other aquatic invertebrates were used to determine recommended BCF values for water-to-aquatic invertebrate (see Table C-3). Both marine and freshwater exposures were reviewed As necessary, available results were converted to wet tissue weight assuming that invertebrate moisture content (by mass) is 83.3 percent (Pietz et al. 1984). Orsanics Reported field values for organic compounds were assumed to be total compound concentrations in water and, therefore, were converted to dissolved compound concentrations in water using the following equation from U.S. EPA (1995b): BCF (dissolved) = (BCF (total) / ffd) - 1 Equation C-1 -3 where BCF (dissolved) = BCF based on dissolved concentration of compound in water BCF (total) BCF based on the field derived data for total concentration of compound in water & - Fraction of compound that is freely dissolved in the water -— 1 / [1 + ((DOC x KJ /10) + (POC x Km,)] DOC = Dissolved organic carbon, kilograms of organic carbon / liter of water (2.0 x 10* Kg/L) IT "flW - Octanol-water partition coefficient of the compound, as reported in U.S. EPA (1994a) POC = Particulate organic carbon, kilograms of organic carbon / liter of water (7.5 x lO-09 Kg/L) Laboratory data were assumed to be based on dissolved compound concentrations. For organic compounds with no field or laboratory data available, BCF values were determined from surrogate compounds or calculated using the following regression equation: /og£CF=0.819x logYL^- 1.146 Equation C-M • Southworth, G.R., J.J. Beauchamp, andP.K. Schmieder. 1978. "Bioaccumulation Potential of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Daphnia Pulex. " Water Research. Volume 12. Pages 973-977. Inorganics For inorganic compounds with no field or laboratory data available, the recommended BCF values were estimated as the arithmetic average of the available BCF values for other inorganics, as specified in Table C-3. E-3 C-1.4 WATER-TO-ALGAE BIO CONCENT RATION FACTORS Experimental data for both marine and freshwater algal species were reviewed As necessary, available results were converted to wet tissue weight assuming that algae moisture content (by mass) is 65.7 percent (Isensee et al. 1973). Orsanics For organic compounds with no field or laboratory data available, BCF values were calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF= 0.819 x log -1.146 Equation C-l-5 • Southworth, G.R., J J. Beauchamp, and P.K. Schmieder. 1978. "Bioaccumulation Potential of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Daphnia Pulex. " Water Research. Volume 12. Pages 973-977. Inorganics For inorganics, available field or laboratory data were evaluated for each compound. C-1.5 WATER-TO-FISH BIO CONCENTRATION FACTORS Experimental data for a variety of marine and freshwater fish were used to determine recommended BCF values (see Table C-5). As necessary, values were converted to wet tissue weight assuming that fish moisture content (by mass) is 80.0 percent (Holcomb et al. 1976). For both organic and inorganic compounds, reported field values were considered bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) based on contributions of compounds from food sources as well as media. Therefore, field values were converted to BCFs based on the trophic level of the test organism using the following equation: BCF - (BAFTLn i FCMTJ - 1 Equation C-l-6 The reported field bioaccumulation factor for the trophic level "n" of the study species. The food chain multiplier for the trophic level "n" of the study species. Orsanics Reported field values for organic compounds were assumed to be total compound concentrations in water and, therefore, were converted to dissolved compound concentrations in water using the following equation from U.S. EPA (1995b): BAF (dissolved) = {BAF (total) if#)-\ Equation C-1 -7 where BAF based on dissolved concentration of compound in water BAF based on the field derived data for total concentration of compound in water Fraction of compound that is freely dissolved in the water £r.d: where BAFTLK FCMTLn BAF (dissolved) BAF (total) E-4 1 / [1 + ((DOC x *U /10) + (POC x U Dissolved organic carbon, Kg of organic carbon / L of water (2.0 x 1CT06 Kg/L) Octanol-water partition coefficient of the compound, as reported in US. EPA (1994a) Particulate organic carbon, Kg of organic carbon / L of water (7.5 x lCr09 Kg/L) Laboratory data were assumed to be based on dissolved compound concentrations. For organics for which no field or laboratory data were available, the following regression equation was used to calculate the recommended BCF values: /og£CF=0.91xtogKow-1.975 xfog(6.8E-07x K^ + 1.0) - 0.786 Equation C-l-8 • Bintein, S., J. Devillers, and W. Karcher. 1993. "Nonlinear Dependence of Fish Bioconcentrations on n-Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients." SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. Vol.1. Pages 29-39. Inorganics For inorganic compounds with no available field or laboratory data, the recommended BCF values were estimated as the arithmetic average of the available BCF values reported for other inorganics. C-1.6 SEDEVIENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS Experimental data for a variety of benthic infauna, worms, insects, and other invertebrates were used to determine the recommended BCF values for sediment-to-benthic invertebrate (see Table C-6). As necessary, values were converted to wet tissue weight assuming that benthic invertebrate moisture content (by mass) is 83.3 percent (Pietz et al. 1984). Organics For organic compound (including PCDDs and PCDFs) with no available field or laboratory data, the recommended BCF values were determined using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log - 1.146 Equation C-1 -9 • Southworth, G.R., J.J. Beauchamp, and P.K. Schmieden 1978. "Bioaccumulation Potential of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Daphnia Pulex. " Water Research. Volume 12. Pages 973-977. Inorganics For inorganic compound with no available field or laboratory data, the recommended BCF values were estimated as the arithmetic average of the available BCF values for other inorganics. C-1.7 AIR-TO-PLANT BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS The air-to-plant bioconcentration (Bv) factor (see Table C-7) is defined as the ratio of compound concentrations in exposed aboveground plant parts to the compound concentration in air. Bv values in Table C-7 are reported on dry-weight basis since the plant concentration equations (see Chapter 3) already include a dry-weight to wet-weight conversion factor. ffd DOC POC E-5 Organics For organics (excluding PCDDs and PCDFs), the air-to-plant bioconcentration factor was calculated using regression equations derived for azalea leaves in the following documents: * Bacci E., D. Calamari, C. Gaggi. and M. Vighi. 1990. "Bioconcentration of Organic Chemical Vapors in Plant Leaves: Experimental Measurements and Correlation." Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 24. Number 6. Pages 885-889. Bacci E., M. Cerejeira, C. Gaggi, G. Chemello, D, Calamari, and M. Vighi 1992. "Chlorinated Dioxins: Volatilization from Soils and Bioconcentration in Plant Leaves." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Volume 48. Pages 401-408. Bacci et al. (1992) developed a regression equation using empirical data collected for the uptake of 1,2,3,4-TCDD in azalea leaves and data obtained from Bacci et al. (1990). The bioconcentration factor obtained was included in a series of 14 different organic compounds to develop a correlation equation with Ka„ and H(defined below). Bacci et al. (1992) derived the following equations: log Bwl = 1.065 log Km - log (-^) - 1.654 {r = 0.957) Equation C-l-10 Hi BV = -7 v""- Equation C-1-11 ( Jwater' Pforage where Bvoi = Volumetric air-to-plant biotransfer factor (fresh-weight basis) Bv = Air-to-plant biotransfer factor (dry-weight basis) pair = 1.19 g/L(Weast 1986) p/orBge = 770 g/L (Macrady and Maggard 1993) f-^er - 0.85 (fraction of forage that is water—Macrady and Maggard [1993]) H - Henry's Law constant (atm-nf/mole) R = Universal gas constant (atm-m3/mole °K) T = Terrperarure(25°C,298''K) Equations C-l-10 and C-l-11 are used to calculate Bv values (see Table C-7) using the recommended values of HandKSK provided in Appendix A at a temperature (I) of 25 °C or 298.1 K. The following uncertainty should be noted with use of Bv values calculated using these equations: E-6 For organics (except PCDDs and PCDFs), U.S. EPA (1993) recommended that#v values be reduced by a factor of 10 before use. This was based on the work conducted by U.S. EPA (1993) for U.S. EPA (1994b) as an interim correction factor. Welsch-Pausch, McLachlan, and Umlauf (1995) conducted experiments to determine concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs in air and resulting biotransfer to welsh ray grass. This was documented in the following: Welsch-Pausch, K.M. McLachlan, and G. Umlauf. 1995. "Deterrnination of the Principal Pathways of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans to Lolium Multifiorum (Welsh Ray Grass)". Environmental Science and Technology. 29: 1090-1098. A follow-up study based on Welsch-Pausch, McLachlan, and Umlauf (1995) experiments was conducted by Lorber (1995) (see discussion below for PCDDs and PCDFs). In a following publication, Lorber (1997) concluded that the Bacci factor reduced by a factor of 100 was close in line with observations made by him through various studies, including the Welsch-Pausch, McLachlan, and Umlauf (1995) experiments. Therefore, this guidance recommends that Bv values be calculated using the Bacci, Cerejeira, Gaggi, Chemello, Calamari, and Vighi (1992) correlation equations and then reduced by a factor of 100 for all organics, excluding PCDDs and PCDFs. PCDDs and PCDFs For PCDDs and PCDFs, Bv values, on a dry weight basis, were obtained from the following: • Lorber, M., and P. Pinsky. 1999. "An Evaluation of Three Empirical Air-to-Leaf Models for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans." National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA). U. S. EPA, 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC. Accepted for Publication in Chemosphere. U.S. EPA (1993) stated that, for dioxin-like compounds, the use of the Bacci, Cerejeira, Gaggi, Chemello, Calamari, and Vighi (1992) equations may overpredict Bv values by a factor of 40. This was because the Bacci, Calamari, Gaggi, and Vighi (1990) and Bacci, Cerejeira, Gaggi, Chemello, Calamari, and Vighi (1992) experiments did not take photodegradation effects into account. Therefore, Bv values calculated using Equations C-I0 and C-l 1 were recommended to be reduced by a factor of 40 for dioxin-like compounds. However, according to Lorber (1995), the Bacci algorithm divided by 40 may not be appropriate because (1) the physical and chemical properties of dioxin congeners are generally outside the range of the 14 organic compounds used by Bacci, Calamari, Gaggi, and Vighi (1990), and (2) the factor of 40 derived from one experiment on 2,3,7,8-TCDD may not apply to all dioxin congeners. Welsch-Pausch, McLachlan, and Umlauf (1995) conducted experiments to obtain data on uptake of PCDDs and PCDFs from air to Lolium Multifiorum (Welsh Ray grass). The data includes grass concentrations and air concentrations for dioxin-congener groups, but not the invidual congeners. Lorber (1995) used data from Welsch-Pausch, McLachlan, and Umlauf (1995) to develop an air-to-leaf transfer factor for each dioxin-congener group. Bv values developed by Lorber (1995) were about an order of magnitude less than values that would have been calculated using the Bacci, Calamari, Gaggi, and Vighi (1990; 1992) correlation equations. Lorber (1995) speculated that this difference could be attributed to several factors including experimental design, climate, and lipid content of plant species used E-7 Lorber (1999) conducted an evaluation of three empirical air-to-leaf models for estimating grass concentraions of PCDDs and PCDFs from air concentrations of these compounds described and tested against field data. Bv values recommended for PCDDs and PCDFs in this guidance were obtained from the experimentally derived values of Lorber (1999). Metals For metals, no literature sources were available for Bv values. U.S. EPA (1995a) quoted from the following document, that metals were assumed not to experience air to leaf transfer: Belcher, G.D., and C.C. Travis. 1989. "Modeling Support for the RURA and Municipal Waste Combustion Projects: Final Report on Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for the Terrestrial Food Chain Model." Interagency Agreement No. 1824-A020-A1. Office of Risk Analysis, Health and Safety Research Division. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. October. Consistent with the above references, Bv values for metals (excluding elemental mercury) were assumed to be zero (see Table C-7). Mercuric Compounds Mercury emissions are assumed to consist of both the elemental and divalent forms. However, only small amounts of elemental mercury is assumed to be deposited (see Chapter 2). Elemental mercury either dissipates into the global cycle or is converted to the divalent form. Methyl mercury is assumed not to exist in the stack emissions or in the air phase. Consistent with various discussions in Chapter 2 concerning mercury, (1) elemental mercury reaching or depositing onto the plant surfaces is negligible, and (2) biotransfer of methyl mercury from air is zero. This is based on assumptions made regarding speciation and fate and transport of mercury from stack emissions. Therefore, the Bv value for (1) elemental mercury was assumed to be zero, and (2) methyl mercury was assumed not to be applicable. Bv values for mercuric chloride (dry weight basis) were obtained from U.S. EPA (1997). It should be noted that uptake of mercury from air into the aboveground plant tissue is primarily in the divalent form. A part of the divalent form of mercury is assumed to be converted to the methyl mercury form once in the plant tissue. E-8 Bacci E., D. Calamari, C. Gaggi, and M. Vighi. 1990. "Bioconcentration of Organic Chemical Vapors in Plant Leaves: Experimental Measurements and Correlation," Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 24, Number 6. Pages S85-889. Bacci E., M. Cerejeira, C. Gaggi, G. Chemello, D. Calamari, and M. Vighi. 1992. "Chlorinated Dioxins: Volatilization from Soils and Bioconcentration in Plant Leaves." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Volume 48. Pages 401-408. Baes, C.F., R.D. Sharp, AL. Sjoreen, andR.W, Shor. 1984. "Review and Analysis of Parameters and Assessing Transport of Environmentally Released Radionuclides through Agriculture." Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Belcher, G.D., and C.C. Travis. 1989. "Modeling Support for the RURA and Municipal Waste Combustion Projects: Final Report on Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for the Terrestrial Food Chain Model." Interagency Agreement No. 1824-A020-A1. Office of Risk Analysis, Health and Safety Research Division. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. October. Bmtein, S., J. Devillers, and W. Karcher. 1993. "Nonlinear Dependence of Fish Bioconcentrations on n-OctanoFWater Partition Coefficients." SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. Vol. 1. Pages 29-39. Holcombe, G.W., D.A. Benoit, E.N. Leonard and J.M. McKim. 1976. "Long-term Effects of Lead Exposure on Three Generations of Brook Trout {Salveniusfontinalis}." Journal, Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Volume 33. Pages 1731-1741. Isensee, A.R., P.C. Kearney, E.A. Woolson, G.E. Jones, and V.P. Williams. 1973. "Distribution of Alkyl Arsenicals in Model Ecosystems." Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 7, Number 9. Pages 841-845, Lorber, M. 1995. "Development of an Air-to-plant Vapor Phase Transfer for Dioxins and Furans. Presented at the 15th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds". August 21-25, 1995 in Edmonton, Canada. Abstract in Organohalogen Compounds. 24:179-186. Lorber, M., and P. Pinsky. 1999. "An Evaluation of Three Empirical Air-to-Leaf Models for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans." National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA). U. S. EPA, 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC. Acceptedfor Publication in Chemosphere. E-9 McCrady, J.K., S.P. Maggard. 1993. "Uptake and Photodegradation of 2,3,7,8-TetracUorodibenzc-p-dioxin Sorbed to Grass Foliage." Environmental Science and Technology. 27:343-350. Pietz, R.I., J.R. Peterson, J.E. Prater, andD.R. Zenz. 1984. "Metal Concentrations in Earthworms From Sewage Sludge-Amended Soils at a Strip Mine Reclamation Site." J. Environmental Qual. Vol. 13, No. 4. Pp 651-654. Southworth, G.R., J.J. Beauchamp, and P.K. Schmieder. 1978. "Bioaccumulation Potential of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Daphnia Pulex. " Water Research. Volume 12. Pages 973-977. Travis, C.C., and A.D. Arms. 1988. "Bioconcentration of Organics in Beef, Milk, and Vegetation." Environmental Science and Technology. 22:271-274. U.S. EPA. 1993. Review Draft Addendum to the Methodology for Assessing Health Risks Associated with Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions. Office of Health and Environmental Assessment. Office of Research and Development. EPA-600-AP-93-003. November 10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). 1994a. Draft Report Chemical Properties for Soil Screening Levels. Prepared for the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. Washington, D.C. July 26. U.S. EPA. 1994b. Estimating Exposure to Dioxin-Like Compounds. Draft Report. Office of Research and Development. Washington, D.C. EPA/600/6-88/005Ca,b,c. June. U.S. EPA, 1995a. Review Draft Development of Human Health-Based and Ecologically-Based Exit Criteria for the Hazardous Waste Identification Project. Volumes I and II. Office of Solid Waste. March 3. U.S. EPA. 1995b. Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Te:hnical Support Document for the Procedure to Determine Bioaccumulation Factors. EPA-820-B-95-005. Office of Water, Washington, D.C. March. U.S. EPA. 1997. Mercury Study Report to Congress, Volumes I through VIII. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and ORD. EPA/452/R-97-001. December. U.S. EPA. 1998. Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities. External Peer Review Draft. U.S. EPA Region 6 and U.S. EPA OSW. Volumes 1-3. EPA530-D-98-001A. July. Veith, G.D., K.J. Macek, S.R. Petrocelli, and J. Carroll. 1980. "An Evaluation of Using Partition Coefficients and Water Solubility to Estimate Bioconcentration Factors for Organic Chemicals in Fish." Pages 116-129. In J. G. Eaton, P. R. Parrish, and A C. Hendricks (eds.), Aquatic Toxicology. ASTM STP 707. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia. E-10 Welsch-Pausch, K.M. McLachlan, and G. Umlauf. 1995. "Determination of the Principal Pathways of Poiychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans to Lolium Multiflorum (Welsh Ray Grass)". Environmental Science and Technology. 29: 1090-1098. Weast, R.C. 1986. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 66m Edition. Cleveland, Ohio. CRC Press. E-ll TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg CO PC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 1 of 14) I5Reporfc(l Values' References Experimental Parameters Species 1-— ■ l--1 1 1 " Dioxins and I'urnns Compound; 2,3,7,8-tctrachlorodibi:nzo-p-dioxin Recommended BCF Value: 1.59 The DCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 5 laboratory values for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibeiiza-p-dioxin (TCUD) as follows: 14.5 Martinucci, Crespi, Omodeo, Osella, and Traldi (1983) 20-day exposure Not specified 9.41 0.64 0.68 0.17 Reinecke and Nash (19S4) 20-day exposure Aliotobaphora caliginosa Ltanbiicus nibellus Compound: l ,2,3,7,8-pcntachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Recommended Value: 1.46 Tlie BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1.59x0.92 -1,46 Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorodtbeiizo-p-dioxin Recommended Value: 0.49 The DCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1.59x0.31 =0.49 Co m po imd; 1,2,3,6,7,8-hex ac h to rod i be n ro -p - di oxi n Recommended Value: 0.19 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1.59x0.12 = 0.19 Compound: 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexadilorodibcnzo-p-dioxin Recommended Value: 0.22 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF -- 1.59 x 0.14 = 0.22 Com|)Ound:l.2,3,4,6,7,S,-licp!achlorodibcn70-p-dioxin Recommended Value: 0.081 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1.59 x0.051 = 0.081 Compouml: Occh 1 orodibcnzo-p-dioxin Recommended Value: 0.019 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1,59 x 0.012-0.019 Compound: 2,3,7,8-tet rn c h torodi b crizo fiiran Recommended BCF Value: 1.27 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1.59 x 0.80 =1.27 Compound: 1,2,3,7,8 -pc n tac h 1 orodibe n zoftirnn Recommended BCF Value: 0.32 TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIE INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg CO PC/kg wet tissue) / (nig COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 2 of 14) 16Reportcd Values* References experimental Parameters Species The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) {U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows;: BCF =1.59x0.22 = 0.32 Compound: 2,3,4,7,8-pcntactdorodibcnzofmaii Recommended BCF Value: 2.54 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59 x 1.6- 2.54 Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8-hcxachlorodibcnzofiiran Recommended BCF Value: 0.121 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59x0.076 = 0.121 Compound: 1,2,3,6,7,8-hc xachlnrodtbcnzoftiran Recommended BCF Value: 0.30 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59x0.19 = 0.30 Compound: 2,3,4,6,7,8-hexachlorodibcni;ofüran Recommended BCF Value: 1.07 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59x0.07 =1.07 Compound: 1,2,3,7,8,9-heJtachlorodtbcriiofiiraii Recommended BCF Value: 1.00 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59x0.63 = 1.00 Compound: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorodiuenzofHran Recommended BCF Value: 0.017 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59x0.011 = 0.017 Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-hcptachlorodibenzofuran Recommended BCF Value: 0.62 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59 x 0.39 = 0.62 Compound: Octochlorodibcn^ofuran Recommended BCF Value: 0.025 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEE) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1.59x0.016 = 0.025 Poly nuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Compound: Bcn/.o(a)pyrene Recommended BCF Value; 0.07 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 6 laboratory values for benzo(a)pyrene. The values reported in Rhett, Simmers over soil dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99". and Lee (1988) were converted to earthworm wet weight TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 3 of 14) l7Reportcd Values' References experimental Parameters Species 0.12 0.14 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.06 Rhctt, Simmers, and Lee (1988) 28-day exposure Eisenia foetida Cotnpoou rid; 1) c n z o(a)anth ra ccne Recommended BCF Value: 0.03 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 15 values for benzo(a)anthracene. The values reported in Marquenie, Simmers, and Kay (1987) were converted to wet weight nvcr dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99 ■-. 0.07 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.003 0-07 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.09 Marquenie, Simmers, and Kay (1987) 3 2-day exposure Eisenia foelida Compound: Bcn7o(h)f1uoranthcne Recommended BCF Value: 0.07 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 6 laboratory values for benzo(b)fluoranthene. The values reported in Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99 *. 0.11 0.16 0.06 0.04 0,06 0.05 Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) 28-day exposure Eisenia foelida Compound: Bcnw>(k)fluoranthene Recommended BCF Value: 0.08 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 15 laboratory values for benzo(k)fluoranthene. The values reported in Marquenie, Simmers, and Kay (1987) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99a. 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.07 0.24 0.12 0.02 0.10 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.04 Marquenie, Simmers, and Kay (1987) 32 day exposure Eisenia foelida TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 4 of 14) l8Reportcd Values' References Experimental Parameters Species Compound: Chryscne Recommended BCF Value: 0.04 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 15 laboratory values for chrysenc. The values reported in Marqucnie, Simmers, and Kay (1987) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99 '. 0.O6 0.03 0.09 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.14 0.007 0.14 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.10 Marquenic, Simmers, and Kay (1987) 32-day exposure Eisenia foetida Compound: D ibe n zo(a, h )an lliraccnc Recommended BCF Value: 0.07 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 15 laboratory values for Dibcnz(a,h)anlhrceiie. The values reported in Marquenie, Simmers, and Kay (1987) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99 '. 0.18 0.13 0.1O 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 Marqucnie, Simmers, and Kay (1987) 32-day exposure Eisenia foetida Compound: 1 ndcno{ 1,2,3 -cd)py renc Recommended BCF Value: 0.08 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 6 laboratory values for indeno(l dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99". ,2,3-cd)pyrene. The values reported in Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) were converted to wet weight over 0.07 0.13 0.08 0.09 0.06 0.05 Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) 28-day exposure Eisenia foetida Pol)chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Compound: Aroclorl016 Recommended BCF Value: 1.13 TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 5 of 14) i9Rcpnrted Values' References Experimental Parameters Species The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 7 laboratory values for a mixture of l'CB congeners. The values reported in Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) and Kreis, Edwards, Cuendet, and Tarradellas (1987) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99 1.43 0.81 0.75 1.07 1.17 Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) 28-day exposure Eisenia Joelida 1.92 1.16 Kreis, Edwards, Cuendet, and Tarradellas (1987) Chronic exposure Nicodrilus sp. Compound: Aroclor 1254 Recommended BCF Value: 1.13 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 7 laboratory values for a mixture of PCD congeners, The values reported in Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) and Kreis, Edwards, Cuendet, and Tarradellas (1987) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99 a. 1.43 0.81 0.75 1.07 1.17 Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) 28-day exposure Eisenia foetida 1.92 1.16 Kreis, Edwards, Cuendet, and Tarradellas (1987) Chronic exposure Nicodrilus sp. TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) I (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 6 of 14) 20 Reported Values* References Sji pi'it'.s Nttroaroinattcg Compound: 1,3-Dinitrobenzeiie Recommended BCF Value: 1.19 No empirical data were available for 1,3-dinitrobcnzene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819xlog 1.146 (Soutli worth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log 1^.= 1.491 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: 2,4-Diniirololnene Recommended UCf* Value: 3.08 No empirical data were available for 2,4-dinitrotoIuene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K^. - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where logK„w= 1.996 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: 2,6-Dinitrotohiene Recommended BCF Value: 2.50 No empirical data were available for 2,6-dinitrotoluene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log 1.146 (South worth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder S978), where log K„„=> 1.886 (U.S. liPA 1994b). Co inpound: Nitrobenzene Recommended BCF Value: 2.26 No empirical data were available for nitrobenzene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K,,, - 1.14(5 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K^^ 1.833 {U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: Pcntachloronitrobcnzenc Recom me nd cd BC F Va I ue: 4SI No empirical data were available for penlachloronitroberaene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„„,- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log fc^. - 4.640 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Phlhalatc Esters Compound: I)is(2-ethylhexyl)phlhnlate Recommended BCF Value; 1,309 No empirical data were available for bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF" was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0,819 x log K^,- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K,w = 5.205 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: Di(n)oclyl phlhalatc Recommended BCF Value: 3,128,023 No empirical data were available for di(n)octyl phthatalc or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log = 9,330 (U.S. EPA 1994b). TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 7 of 14) 21 Repurk'd Values" References Experimental Parameters Species Volatile Organic Compounds Compound: Acetone Recommended BCF Value: 0.05 No empirical data were available for acetone or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound.The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log Kolt -1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder (1978), where lüg K,,a -0.222 (Karickoff and Long 1995). Compound: Acrylonitrilc Recommended BCF Value: 0.11 No empirical data were available for ncrylonitrile or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„w = 0.250 (Karickoff and Long 199$). Compound: Chloroform Recommended BCF Value: 2.82 No empirical data were available for chloroform or fora structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF-0.819x logK^- 1.146(Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log= 1.949 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: Crotonaldehyde Recommended BCF Value: 0.20 No empirical data were available for crotonaldehyde or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using (he following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log Kj„ - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„,T = 0.55 {Based on equations developed by Hanschand Leo 1979, calculated in NRC (1981)). Compound: 1,4-Dioxanc Recommended BCF Value: 0.04 No empirical data were available for 1,4-dioxane or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log IC,,, - 1,146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log - -0.268 (U.S. RPA 1995a). Compound: Formaldehyde Recommended BCF Value: 0.14 No empirical data were available for formaldehyde or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. Tiie BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K^, - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„„ = 0.342 (U.S. EPA 1995a). Compound: Vinyl chloride Recommended BCF Value: 0.62 No empirical data were available for vinyl chloride or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„w - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„w = 1.146 (U.S. EPA 1994b). TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 8 of 14) 22Repoi led Values' References Experimental Parameters__Species Other Chlorinated Organic; Compound: Carbon Tclrachloridc Recommended BCF Value: 12.0 No empirical data were available for carbon tetrachloride or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K^- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmiedcr 1978), where log = 2.717 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: Hcxachlorabenzcnc Recommended BCF Value: 2,296 No empirical data were available for hexachlorobenTene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation; iog BCF = 0.819 x log K„w- 1.146 (Sonthworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log ^- 5.503 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: Hexacrilorobutadicnc Recommended BCF" Value: 535 No empirical data were available for hexachlorobutadiene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x logK,,,- 3,146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmiedcr 1978) where log K^.-4.731 (U.S. EPA 1994b), Compound: I lexachlorocyclnpenladiciie Rccom me tided BCF Value: 745 No empirical data were available for hcxachlorocyclopentadiene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K^. - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder (1978), where log - 4.907 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound; Pcntachlorobenzcne Recommended BCF Value: 1,050 No empirical data were available for pentachlorobenzene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF-0.819 x logK^ - 1,146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmiedcr (1978), where logK„„ = 5.088 (U.S. EPA 1994b), Compound: Pentachlorophcnol Recommended BCF Value: 1,034 No empirical data were available for pentachlorophcnol or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation log BCF = 0.819 x log K„„ - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder (1978), where log K„„ - 5.080 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Pesticides Compound: 4,4'-DDE Recommended BCF Value: 1.26 Empirical data for 4,4'-DDE were not available. The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 13 laboratory values for 4,4'-DDT. The first six values reported in Gisii (1970), Davis (1971), and Beyer and Gish (1980) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99". 0.08 0.39 0.29 0.41 Davis (1971) Chronic exposure LumbliCUt terrestris TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIO CON CENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 9 of 14) 23Rcpt>rted Vnlncs' References Experimental Parameters Species 0.83 Beyer and Gish(19S0) Chronic exposure Aporrectodea trapezoides Aparrectodea turgida Allolobojihora chlorotica Lwnbricus terrestris 0.85 1.20 2.40 4.60 2.50 1.60 Wheatley and Hardman (1968) Chronic exposure Not specified 10.00 14.46 Yadav, Mitlad, Agarwal, and Pillai (1981) Chronic exposure Pheretima posthuma Compound: Hcpiachlor Recommended BCF Value: i .40 Empirical data for heptachlor were not available. The BCF was calculated using 1 laboratory value for heptachlor epoxide. The value reported iti weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99". Beyer and Gisb (1980) was converted to wet 1.40 Beyer and CJish (1980) Chronic exposure Aporrectodea trapezoides Aparrectodea turgida AUolohaphora chlorotica Lumbricia terrestris Compound: Hexachlorophene Recommended BCF Value: 106,970 No empirical data were available for hexachlorophene or for a structurally-similar surrogate compound, The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„„- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder (1978), where log = 7.540 (Karickoff and Long 1995). Inorganics Compound: Aluminum Recommended BCF Value: 0.22 Empirical data for aluminum were not available. The recommended BCF is the arithmetic mean of the recommended values for those inorganics with empirical data available (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, nickel, and zinc). Compound; Antimony Recommended BCF Value: 0.22 Empirical data for antimony were not available. The recommended BCF is the arithmetic mean of the recommended values for those inorganics witli empirical data available (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, nickel, and zinc), Compound: Arsenic Recommended BCF Value: 0.11 :■:■[— TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil) (Page 10oil4) 24 Reported Values' References Experimental Parameters Species The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 5 laboratory values for arsenic as listed below. The values reported in Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99 ". 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.06 Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) 28-day exposure Eisenia foetida Compound; Barium Recommended BCT Value: 0.22 Empirical data for barium were not available. The recommended BCF is the arithmetic mean of the recommended values for those inorganics with empirical data available (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, nickel, and zinc). Compound: Beryllium Recommended BCF Value; 0.22 limpirical data for beryllium were not available. The recommended BCF is the arithmetic mean of the recommended values for those inorganics with empirical data available (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, nickel, and zinc). Compound: Cadmium ■ Recommended HCF Value: 0.96 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 22 laboratory values for cadmium. The values reported in Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) and Simmers, Rhett, and Leo (1983) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99*. 0.33 0.72 0.25 0.19 3.17 0.55 0.70 0.35 Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) 28-day exposure 0J3 0.50 0.29 8.77 1.25 7.86 0.17 6.67 0.11 3.95 8.01 1.50 4.39 2.10 Simmers, Rhett, and Lee (1983) Chronic exposure Atlolobophora longa A. caliginosa A. rosea A. chlolotica Lumbriats letresttis A. tumbricus Octoiasitim sp. Compound: Chromium (total) Recommended BCF Value: 0.01 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratory values for chromium. The values reported in Rhett, Simmers, and Lee (1988) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99*. TABLE C-l SOIL-TO-SOIL INVERTEBRATE BIO CON CK NT RATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soll) (Page U of 14) 25Repor , , , Recommended BCF Value: 0.0449 The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 1.588 - 0.578 x log K„w (Travis and Anns 1988), where log Ka„ = 5.08 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Pesticides Compound: 4,4-DDE Recommended BCF Value: 0.00937 The BCF for these constituents were calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 1.588 - 0.578 x log K,^ (Travis and Arms 1988)., where log K,w ■ 6.256 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: Heptachlor Recommended BCF Value: 0.0489 The BCF for these constituents were calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF - 1.588 - 0.578 x log K,,,, (Travis and Arms 1988)., where log K„„ - 5.015 (U.S. EPA 1994b). Compound: Hcxachlorophcnc Recommended BCF Value: 0.0017 TABLE C-2 SOIL-TO-PLANT AND SEDIMENT-TO- PLANT BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg dry tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil or sediment) (Page 6 of 7) Reported Values__References__Experimental Parameters _ Species The BCF for these constituents were calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF - 1.588 - 0.578 x log K,w (Travis and Arms 1988)., where log K„„ = 7.54 (Kanckhoff and Long 1995). Inorganics Compound: Aluminum Recommended BCF Value: 0.004 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Antimony Recommended BCF Value: 0.2 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Arsenic Recommended BCF Value: 0.036 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in U.S. EFA (1992c). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound Barium Recommended BCF Value: 0.15 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound; Beryllium Recommended BCF Value: 0.01 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Cadmium Recommended BCF Value: 0.364 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in U.S. EPA (1992c). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Chromium (total) Recommended BCF Value: 0.0075 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Copper Recommended BCF Value: 0.4 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported, Compound: Cyanide (total) Recommended BCF Value: No data No empirical or K„„ data were available for this constituent. Compound: Lead Recommended BCF Value: 0.045 TABLE C-2 SOIL-TO-PLANT AND SEDIMENT-TO- PLANT BI O CO NC E NT RATION FACTORS (mg COPC/kg dry tissue) / (mg COPC/kg dry soil or sediment) (Page 7 of 7) Reported Values References Experimental Parameters Species The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Mercuric chloride Recommended BCF Value: 0.0375 The BCF was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 values for mercuric chloride (IIgCI2). 0.022 0.032 0.075 Cappon (1981) The values were derived from studies during one growing season using 20 food crop vegetables. Not specified. Compound: Methyl mercury Recommended BCF Value: 0.137 The BCF was calculated using (he geometric mean of 3 values for methyl mercury. 0.062 0.149 0.277 Cappon(1981) The values were derived from studies during one growing season using 20 food crop vegetables. Not specified. Compound: Nickel Recommended BCF Value: 0.032 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in U.S. EPA (1992c), Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Selenium Recommended BCF Value: 0.016 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in U.S. EPA (1992c). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Silver Recommended BCF Value: 0.4 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Thallium Recommended BCF Value: 0.004 The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in Baes, Sharp, Sjoreen and Shor (1984). Experimental parameters were not reported. Compound: Zinc The BCF for this constituent was based on empirical data reported in U.S. EPA (1992c). Experimental parameters were not reported. Recommended BCF Value: 0.0000000000012 TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 1 of 18) Reporte*! Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species Dioxins and Furan* Compound: 2,3,7,8-Te(rachlorodibcnzo(p)dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) Recommended BCF' Value: 1,560 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 values from data reported for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo(p)dtoxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD), 1,762 1,381 Yockim, Isensee, and Jones (1978) 32-day exposure duration Daphnid; Heiiosoma sp. Compound: 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo(p)dioxin (1,2,3,7,8-PcCDD) Recommended BCF" Value: 1,435 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1,560x0.92-1,435 Compound: l,2l3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo(p)dioxin (1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD) Recommended BCF Value: 483.6 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor {BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF -1,560x0.31 =483.6 Compound: l,2,3,6,7,8-HexachtorodLbenzo(p)dioxin (1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD) Recommended 11CF Value: 187.2 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1,560 x0.12=i87.2 Compound: l,2,3,7,8,9-Hcxaclilorodibcnz^p)dioxm (1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD) Recommended BCF Value: 218.4 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1,560x0.14=218.4 Compound; l,2,3,4f6,7,8-Hcptachlorodibenzo(p)dioxin(l,2,31416,7(8-HpCDD) Recommended BCF Value: 79.6 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows; BCF =1,560x0.051 = 79.6 Compou nd: Octachlurodibcnzo{p)dioxin(OCDD) Recommended BCF Value: 18,7 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1,560x0.012= 18.7 Compound: 2,3,7,8-Tclracltlorodibenzofiiran (2,3,7,8-TCDF) Recommended BCF Value: 1248 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1,560x0.80= 124 Compound: 1,2,3,7,8-Pcntachlorodibcnzofuran (1,2,3,7,8-FcCDF) Recommended BCF Value: 343.2 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaecumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1,560x0.22 = 343.2 Compound: 2,3,4,7,8-PenlachIorodibenzofuran (2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF) Recommended BCF^ Value; 2,496 TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 2 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1,560 x 1.6 = 2,496 Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofnrnti (1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF) Recommended BCF Value: 118.6 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1,560x0.076= 118.6 Compound: ],2,3,6,7,8-Hcxachlorodibcnzofuran(l,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF) Recommended BCF Value: 296.4 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1,560x0.19 = 296.4 Compound: 2,3,4,ó,7,8-Hexachlorodibena)furan(2,3,410,7,a-HxCDF) Recommended BCF Value: 1,045 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (US. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 1,560x0,67= 1,045 Compound; 1,2,3,7,8,9-1 lexachlorodibcnzofiifan (l,2,3,7,8,v-HxCDF) Recommended BCF Value: 982.8 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows; BCF = 1,560x0.63 = 982.8 Cotnpoti nd: |,2,3,4,6,7(8-HeptachlorodibcnTOfuran(l,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF) Recommended BCF Value: 17.2 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =1,560x0.011 = 17.2 Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-1 leptachlorodi benzol ran (1,2,3,4,7,8,9-1 IpCDF) Recommended BCF Value; 608.4 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF -1,560x0.39 = 608.4 Compound: Octachlorodibenzoniran (OCDF) Rccoinntended BCF Value; 25,0 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows; BCF = 1,560x0.016 = 25.0 Polynuclcar Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Compoun d: Benzoía) p vre ne Recommended BCF Value; 4,697 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 6 laboratory values as follows: 55,000 Eadie, Land rum, and Faust (1982) Reported as the mean of the measured PAH concentrations in tlie test species and the sediment Pontoporcia hoyi 12,761 Newsted and Giesy (1987) 24-hour exposure duration Daphnia magna TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 3 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 861 Roesijadi, Anderson, and Blaylock (1978) 7-day exposure duration Macoma inquinata 3,000 Lee, Gardner, Anderson, Blaytock, and Barwell-Clarke (1978) 8-day exposure duration. The reported value was calculated by dividing the wet tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(jj.g/g)/(|ig/L)j conversion factor of 1 x 10J was applied to the value. Crassostrea virginica 2,745 2,158 Levcrscc, Landrum, Giesy, and Fannin (1983) 6-hour exposure duration; 0.2 ppm concentrated humic acid added to test medium Daphnia magna (.'■Mil pound. Uctizofii) anthracene Recommended BCF Value: 12,299 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratory values as follows: 18,000 Lee, Gardner, Anderson, Blaytock, and Barwell-Clarke (1978) 8-day exposure duration; The reported value was calculated by dividing the wet tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(M-g/gyfjig/L)] conversion factor of 1 x 10! was applied to the value. Crassostrea virginica 10,225 News ted and Giesy (1987) 24-hour exposure duration Daphnia magna 10,109 Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder (1978) 24-hour exposure duration Daphnia pulex Compound: Benzo(b)i]uoranthcnc Recommended BCF Value: 4,697 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. The BCF for benzo(a)pyrene was used as a surrogate. Compound; Denzo{k)ilUorftntlienc Recommended BCF Value: 13,225 The BCF value was based on one laboratory value as follows: 13,225 Ncwsted and Giesy (1987) 24-hour exposure duration Daphnia magna Compound: Chryscuc Recommended BCF Value: 980 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 7 laboratory values as follows; 5,500 Eastmond, Booth, and Lee (1984) Not reported Daphnia magna TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 4 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 248 199 1,809 418 Millea, Corliss, Farragut, and Thompson (1982) 28-day exposure duration; reported values were based on accumulation in the cephalothorax and abdomen at exposures of 1 or 5 u,g/L in a cloed seawater system. Penaeus duorarum ö,088 Newsted and Gicsy (1987) 24-hour exposure duration Daphnia magna 694 Roesijadi, Anderson, and Blaylock (1978) 7-day exposure duration Macoma inquinata Compound: Dibcnzo(n,h)anthracenc Recommended BCF Value: 710 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 laboratory values as follows: 652 773 Lcversee, Landrum, (Jiesy, and Fannin (1983) 6-hour exposure duration Daphnia magna Compound: lndeno(l,2,3-cd)pvrcne Recommended BCF Value: 4,697 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. The BCF for benzo(a)pyrene was used as a surrogate. Polychlorlnated Uiphcuyls (PC Hs) Compound: Aroclor 1016 Recommended BCF Value: 13,000 The BCF value for Aroclor 1016 was calulatcd using one laboratory value as follows: 13,000 Parrish et al. (1974) as cited in EPA (1980b) 84 day exposure Edible portion Crassoslrea virginica Compound: Aroclor 1254 Recommended BCF Value: 5,538 The BCF value for Aroclor 1254 was calulated using the geometric mean 13 laboratory values as follows: 41,857 6,900 5,679 Rice and White (1987) Field study Sphaerium striatum TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 5 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 750 740 3,800 1,500 6,200 3,500 2,600 2,700 Mayer, Mchrle, and Sanders (1977) 4 to 21-day exposure Orconectes nais; Daphnia magna; Gammarm pseudolimnaeus; Palaemontes kadiakensis; Corydalus cornutus; Culex tarsaUs; Chaoborus punctipennis 120,000 Veith, Kuehl, Pugliai, Glass, and Eaton (177) Field samples Zooplankton 340,000 in lipid 51,000 dry tissue Scuta and Theilncker (1977) 45 days exposure Brachiomis plicatilis >27,000 Nimmo et al. (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) Field data Whole body Invertebrates 740 Mayer ct al. (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) 21 days exposure Pteronarcys dorsata 1,500 Mayer et al, (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) 7 days exposre Coiydahis cornutus 750 Mayer el al. (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) 21 days exposure Orconecles nais 373 Mayer et al. (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) 5 days exposure Nereis diversicolor 140 Duke ct al. (1970) as cited in EPA (1980b) 2 day exposure Penaeux duorarum 8,100 Duke et al. (1970) as cited in EPA (1980b) 2 days exposure Crassostrea virginica 236 Courtney and Langston (1978) as cited in EPA (1980b) 5 days exposure Aienicola marina iNitroaromatics Compound: 1,3-Di nitrobenzene Recommended I3CF Value: 13 TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 6 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species Laboratory data were not available for tins constituent, BCF far 2,4-dinitrotoluene was used as a surrogate. Compound: 2,4-Dinitrotolucnc Recommended BCF' Value: 13 The recommended BCF value is based on one study as follows: 13 Liu, Bailey, and Pearson (1983) 4-day exposure duration Duphnia magna Compound; 2,6-Dinitrotolucnc Recommended BCF Value: 13 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. BCF for 2,4-dinitrotoluene was used as a surrogate. Compound: Nitrobenzene Recommended BCF Value: 13 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent, BCF for 2,4-dinitrotoluene was used as a surrogate. Coinpou n d: Pe n 1 ach 1 oroni troben ze ne Recommended BCF Value: 13 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. BCF for 2,4-dinitrotoluene was used as a surrogate. Pltthatatc Esters Compound; Bis(2-elhylhexyl)plit!ialalc Recommended BCF Value: 318 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 12 laboratory values as follows: 2,497 Brown and Thompson (1982) 14 to 2 8-day exposure duration Mytitus edulis 257 Perez, Davey, Lackie, Morrison, Murphy, Soper, and Winslow (1983) 30-day exposure duration Pilar morfhatttta 48 2237 Sanders, Mayer, and Walsh (1973) 14-day exposure duration; The reported value was calculated by dividing the wet tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(pg/g)/(fig/L)], and a conversion factor of 1 x 10' was applied to the value. The reported value was also converted from dry weight to wet weight using a conversion factor of 5.99*. Gammarus pseudalinmacus 1,214 17,473 2,271 24,456 Sodergren(1982) 27-day exposure duration Chironomus sp.; Sialis sp,; Phanorbis corneus; Gammarus pulex TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (rag COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 7 of 18) Reported Values* Reference Experimental Parameters Species 11 1Ü 7 17 Wofford, Wilscy, Neff, Giam, and Neff(1981) 24-hour exposure duration C/'assostrea virginica; Penasits aziecits Compound: Di(n)oclyl phahalatc Recommended BCF Value: 5,946 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 laboratory values as follows: 13,600 2,600 Sanborn, Metcalf, Yu, and Lu (1975) Not reported Pliysia sp.; Dapftnia sp. Volatile Organic Compounds' Compound: Acetone Recommended BCF Value: 0.05 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent, The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = and Schmieder 1978), where log K,w - -0.222 (Karickoff and Long 1995) = 0.819 x log Kolv - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, Compound: Acryloniirite Recommended BCF Value: 0.11 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = Schmieder 1978), where Log Kolv = 0.250 (Karickoff and Long 1995). 0.819 x log K(,w - 1,146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Compound: Chloroform Recommended BCF Value: 2.82 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF -Schmieder 1978), where log K„w = 1.949 (U.S. EPA 1994b). 0.8 19 x log K„w - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Compound: Crotonaldchydc Recommended BCF" Value: 0.20 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.: and Schmieder 1978) where, log K,™ ~ 0.55 {Based on equation developed by Hansch and Leo (1979), as calculated in NRC (1981)). 119 x log K„, - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, Compound: 1,4-Dioxanc Recommended BCF Value: 0.043 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF -Schmieder 1978) where, log K„„ - -0.268 (U.S. EPA 1995a). 0.8 19 x log K^^-1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Compound: Formaldehyde Recommended BCF Value: 0.14 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent, The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation; log BCF and Schmieder 1978) where, log IC,,, = 0.342 (U.S. EPA 1995a). - 0. 819 x log K^, - 1,146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, TABLE C-3 WATE R-TO-AQU ATI C INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 8 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species Compound; Vinyl chloride Recommended BCF Value: 0.62 laboratory data were not available for this constituent.The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = and Schmicder 1978) where, log K™ = 1,146 (U.S. EPA 1994b). 0.819 x log K„„ - ) ,146 (South worth, Beau champ. Other Chlorinated Organics Compound: Carbon tetrachloride Recommended BCF Value: 12 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent, The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF and Schmieder 1978) where, log Kow = 2.717 (U.S. EPA 1994b). = 0.819 x log K^ - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, Compound: He x ac h lorobcnzcnc Recommended BCF Value: 2,595 The BCF val ue was calculated using the geometric mean of 16 laboratory values as follows: 215,331 8,051 11,064 Baturo and Lagadic (1996) 48 to 120-hour exposure duration Lymnaea palustris 1,360 1,510 1,630 770 940 1,030 Isen see, Holden, Wool son, and Jones (1976) 31 -day exposure duration Heliosoma sp.; Daphnia magna 287 1,247 Metealf, Kapoor, Lu, Schuth, and Sherman (1973) 1 to 33-day exposure duration Daphnia magna: Physa sp. 17,140 21,820 5,000 Nebeker, Griffis, Wise, Hopkins, and Barbitta(1989) 28-day exposure duration Otigochaete 24,000 Oliver (1987) 79-day exposure duration Oligochaete 5.5 Schauerte, Lay, Klein, and Korte (1982) 4 to 6-week exposure duration Dytiscus marginalia Compound: I Icxachlorobuladicnc Recommended BCF Value; 10.5 The BCF value was based on four laboratory values from one study as follows: TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page9ofl8) Reported Values" Reference Experimental Parameters Species 6.27 45.4 11.1 3.86 Laseter, Bartell, Laska, Holmquist, Condie, Brown, and Evans (1976) 10-day exposure duration Procambarus clarki Compound: Hexachlorocyclopcntadiene Recommended BCF Value: 1,232 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 laboratory values as follows: 929 1,634 Lu, Metcalf, Hirwe, and Williams (1975) Not reported Physa sp. Culex sp. Compound: Pcntachlorobcnzenc Recommended BCF Value: 2,595 Laboratory data were not available for this constituent, The BCF for hcxachlorobenzene was used as a surrogate. Compound: Pcntachlorophcno! Recommended BCF Value: 52 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 13 laboratory values as follows: 145 342 Makelaand Oikari (1990) 1 -day exposure duration Anodonta anatina 165 Luand Metcalf (1975) 1-day exposure duration Daphnia magna 81 461 Makela, Petanen, Kukkonen, and Oikari (1991) Multiple exposure durations Anodonta anatina 80 121 61 85 Makela and Oikari (1995) 2 to 36-weck exposure duration Anodonta anatina; Pseudanodonta complanta 42 72 0.26 1.7 Schimmel, Patrick, and Faas (1978) 28-day exposure duration Crassostrea Virginia!', Penaeits aztecus; Palaemonetes pugio Pesticides Compound: 4,4'-DDE Recommended BCF Value: 11,930 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 14 field values""' (Reich, Perkins, and Cutter 1986). TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (PagelOoflS) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 19,400 4,421 207,070 8,782 67,641 2,374 5,099 2,197 8,344 46,953 15,369 35,373 4,983 3,972 Reich, Perkins, and Cutter (1986) Field samples. Tubificidae; Chironomidae; Corixidae 36,342 39,390 Mctcalf, Sanborn, Lu, and Nye (1975) 33-day exposure duration Pliysa sp.; Culexpipiens quinquefascialus 28,600 1310 63,500 51,600 36,400 Hamelink, Waybrant, and Yant (1977) Not reported Zooplankton 19,528 5,024 Metcalf, Sangria, and Kapoor (1971) 33-day exposure duration; The value reported in Hamelink and Waybrant (1976) was converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor was 5.99", Physa sp.; Culex pipiens quinquefascialus 19,529 Met calf, Kapoor, Lu, Schuth, and Sherman (1973) 33-day exposure duration Physa sp. Compound: Hcplachlor Recommended BCF Value: 3,807 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 4 laboratory values as follows: 37,153 31,403 Lu, Metcalf, Plummet, and Mandel (1975) Not reported Physa sp. Culex sp. 300 600 Schimmel, Patrick, and Forester (1976) 96 hour exposure duration Penacus duaramm Compound: Hexachloropchcne Recommended BCF Value: 970 The BCF value was based on one study as follows: 970 Sanborn (1974) Not reported Physa sp. inorganics Compound: Aluminum Recommended BCF Value: 4,066 TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 11 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species Laboratory data were not available for this constituent. The recommended BCF is the arithmetic mean of the recommended values for 14 inorganics with laboratory data available (antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc). Compound: Antimony Recommended BCF Value: 7 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric means of 2 laboratory values as follows: 10 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Freshwater and marine invertebrates Compound: Arsenic Recommended BCF Value: 73 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 5 laboratory values as follows: 33 50 45 219 131 Spchar, Fiandt, Anderson, and DcFoe (1980) 21 to 28-day exposure duration Pleronarcys dorsala; Daphnia magna Compound: Barium Recommended BCF Value: 20O The BCF was based on one study as follows: 200 Thompson, Burton, Quinn andNg (1972) Not reported Freshwater invertebrate Compound: Beryllium Recommended BCF Value: 45 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 laboratory values as follows: 10 200 Thompson, Burton, Quinn and Ng (1972) Not reported Freshwater invertebrate Compound: Cadmium Recommended BCF Value: 3,461 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 8 field values as follows: 238 549 894 3,577 1 1,383 15,936 9,897 27,427 Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin, and Bullard (1995) Field samples, Chironomidea; Ephei mcroplera TABLE C~3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 12 of 18) Reported Values* Reference Experimental Parameters Species 1,490 2,460 720 Eisler, Zaroogian, and Heimekcy (1972) 3-week exposure duration Qassostrea virginica; Aquipecten irradians; Homarus americanus 165 George and Cooinbs (1977) 28-day exposure duration Mytilus eduiis 1,359 137 2,939 217 615 1,850 573 1,530 1,082 781 775 553 Giesy, Kanio, Boling, Knight, Mashburn, and Clarkin (1977) 52-week exposure duration; the reported value was calculated by dividing the dry tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(pg/g)/(pg/L)] conversion factor of 1 x 101 was applied to the value A conversion factor or 5,99w was used to convert dry weight to wet weight. Ceraiopogonidae; Chironomidae; Beetle; Anisotptera; Zygoptera; Ephemeroptera 1,840 Gillespie, Rcisinc, and Massaro (1977) 8-day exposure duration; the reported value was calculated by dividing the dry tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(ppm)/(ppb)] and a conversion factor of 1 x 103 was applied to the value. Orconectcs propinquos prupinquos 3,770 1,752 Graney, Cherry, and Cairns (1983) Jennings and Rainbow (1979) 28-day exposure duration 40-day exposure duration; the reported value was calculated by dividing the dry tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(mg/g)/(ppm)] conversion factor of 1 x 10' was applied to the value. A conversion factor or 5.99(a> was used to convert dry weight to wet weight. Corbicida jhtminea Carcinus maenas 1.86 6.88 7.18 660 3400 Kiockner(1979) 64-day exposure duration Ophryothochadiadema Sp. 48 33 57 34 55 23 Nimmo, Lightner, and Bahner (1977) 28 to 30-day exposure duration Pcnaeus duorarum 1.023 17.7 1,477 17.5 2,412 30 3,406 28.7 37.2 Pesch and Stewart (J980) 42-day exposure duration; the values repotted in Pesch and Stewart (1980) were converted to wet weight using a conversion factor of 5.99w. Argopeclen irradians; Palaeinonetes pugio TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATTC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 13 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 57 301 341 167 Phillips (1976) 35-day exposure duration; the reported value was calculated by dividing the wet tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(ug/g)/(pg/L)] conversion factor of 1 x 101 was applied to the value. Mytilus edulis 160 Pringle, Hissong, Katz, and Mulawka (1968) 70-day exposure duration Mya arenaria 3,500 Sundelin (1983) 66-week exposure duration Pontoporeia affinis 123 89 93 67 48 115 Theede, Scholz, and Fischer (1979) 7 and 10-day exposure duration; the reported value was calculated by dividing the dry tissue concentration by the medium concentration [(ng/gV(ug/L)] conversion factor of 1 x 10} was applied to the value. A conversion factor or 5.99' was used to convert dry weight to wet weight. Laomedea loveni 2,150 13,600 Zaroogian and Cheer (1976) 40-week exposure Crassosírea virginica Compound: Chromium (loin!) Recommended BCF Value: 3,000 The BCF value was based on 1 field value as follows: 3,000 Namminga and Wilhm (1977) Field samples. Chironomidae 1,900 NAS(I974) Not reported Zooplankton 2,000 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Freshwater invertebrates Compound: Copper Recommended BCF Value: 3,718 The BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 9 field values as follows: 546 Namminga and Wilhm (1977) Field samples. Chironomidae 2,896 3,066 5,111 4,940 1 1,130 4,174 8,347 2,862 Saiki, Castlebcrry, May, Martin, and Bullard (1995) Field samples. Chironomidae; Ephemeropiei a TABLE C-3 WATER-TO-AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCO NC ENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 14 of 18) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 373 Eislcr(1977) 14-day exposure duration Mya arenai a 17,720 22,571 Graney, Cherry, and Cairns (1983) 28-day exposure duration Corbicuia fluminea 54 53 87 48 70 57 35 44 Jones, Jones and Radlett (1976) 25-day exposure duration Nereis diversicohr 800 Majori and Petronio (1973) 8-day exposure duration Mylilus galloprovinciahs 104 2,792 McLusky and Phillips (1975) 21-day exposure duration Phylloduce macutata 37 40 43 42 Nehring(1976) 14-day exposure duration; the value reported was converted to wet weight using a conversion factor of 5.99670,00 Duke et al. (1970) and Nimmo et al. (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) Field data Whole body Cynoscion nebulosus >133,000 Nimmo et al. (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) Field data Fishes 38,000 Halter (1974) as cited in EPA (1980b) 24 clays exposure Salmo galrdneri 61,200 Mayer et al. (1977) as cited in EPA (1980b) 77 days exposure Whole body Ictalurus punctatus Nitroaromatics Compound: 1,3-Dinilrobenzene _______!_ Rcconuncndcd BCF value: 74 The BCF for 1,3 -dinitrobenzene was based on one laboratory value as follows: Deencr, Sinnige, Seinen, and Hemens (1987) 3-day exposure duration Poecilia reticulata Compound. 2,4-Dinitrotolucnc Recommended BCF value: 21.04 TABLE C-S WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 6 of 19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species Empirical data for this compound were not available The BCF for nitrobenzene was used as a surrogate. Compound; 2,6-Dimlrotolucnc Recommended BCF value: 21.04 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF for nitrobenzene used as a surrogate. Compound; Nitrobenzene Recommended BCF value: 21.04 The reconunended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 laboratory values as follows: 29.5 Denser, Sinnige, Seinen, and Hermens (1987) 3-day exposure duration Poecilia reticulata 15 Veith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) 28 -day cxposute duration Pimephales promelas Compound: Pemach 1 oroni i robenzene Recommended BCF value: 214 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 7 laboratory values as follows: 238 Kanazawa(198I) Continuous flow test Pseudorasbora ;mrva 250 320 380 Körte, Freitag, Geyer, Klein, Kraus, and Lahaniatis (1978) 24-hr exposure duration Leitcisens idus melanotus 114 147 169 Niimi, Lee, and Kissoon (1989) 20, 28, and 36-day exposure duration Oncorhynchus mykiss Phthalnte Esters Compound: Bis(2-elhylhexyl)phthalalc Recommended BCF value: 70 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 14 laboratory values as follows: 91 569 Mayer (1976) 56-day exposure duration; bas range of reported values. ed on a high to low Pimephales promelas 155 42 Mehric and Mayer (1976) 36 to 56-day exposure Pimephales promelas Oncorhynchus mykiss TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRA HON FACTORS (rag COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 7 of 19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species 178 10,563 306 Sodergrcn (1982) 27-day exposure duration Phoxinus phoxinus Lampelra planeri Pungilis pungitis 51.5 8.9 1.6 Tan, Barron, and Hayton (1990) Not reported Salmo gairdneri 4 U.S. EPA (1992a) Not reported Fish 851 Veith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) Not reported Pimephales piomelas 10.7 13.5 WoiTord, Wilsey, Neff, Giam, and Neff( 1981) 24-hour exposure duration Cypinodon variegalus Compound: Di(n)octyl phtlialate Recommended BCF value: 9,400 The recommended BCF value was based on data from one study as follows; 9,400 Sanborn, Metcalf, Vu, and Lu (1975) Not reported Gambiisia ajfinis Volatile Organic Compounds Compound: Acetone Recommended BCF value: 0.10 Empirical data were not available for this compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.91 x logic. - 1.975 xlog(6.8E-07 x 1.0) - 0.786(Bintein etal. 1993), where log K„„ =-0.222 (Karickoff and Long 1995) Compound: Acrylonitrilc Recommended BCF value: 48 The recommended BCF value was based on data from one study as follows: 48 Barrows, Petrocelli, Macek, and Carroll (1978) 28-day exposure duration Lepomis macrochlrus Compound: Chloroform Recommended BCF value: 3.59 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratory values follows: 5.6 3.44 2.4 Anderson and Lusty (1980) 24-hr exposure, 24-hr depuration Oncorhynchus mykiss Leponis macrochinus Micropterus salmoides TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 8 of19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species Compound: Crotonaldehyde Recommended BCF value: 0.52 Empirical data were not available for this compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.91 x lagK„, - 1.975 x log(6.8E-07 x K^-t- 1.0) - 0.786 (Bintein et al. 1993), where log ^ = 0.55 (based on equation inHansch and Leo 1979, as calculated in NRC (1981)). Compound: Formaldehyde Recommended I1CF value: 0.34 Empirical data were not available for this compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.91 x log - 1.975 x log(6.8E-07 x K™, + 1.0)- 0.786 (Bintein et al. 1993), where log K„„ = 0.342 (U.S. EPA 1995a) Compound: Vi ny 1 eh 1 ori de Recommended BCF value: 1.81 Empirical data were not available for this compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF ^ 0.91 x log K„„ - 1.975 x log(6.8E-07 x + 1.0) - 0.786 (Bintein et al. 1993), where log Kow =1.146 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Other Chlorinated Organics Compound: Carbon tetrachloride Recommended BCF value: 30 The recommended BCF value was based on 1 laboratory values as follows; 30 Barrows, Petrocelli, Macck, and Carroll (1978) 28-day exposure duration l.epomis macrochilia Compound: Hcxaehlorobciizenc Recommended BCF' value: 253 The recommended BCF value on 1 field value as followsbc 253 Oliver and Niimi (1988) Field samples. Freshwater fish 22,000 Carlson and Kosian (1987) 32-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas 1,260 2,040 6,160 15,850 Isensee, Holden, Woolson, and Jones (1976) 31-day exposure duration Gambits ia qffinis Icialurus punctatus 290,000 Koneman and van Lceuwen (1980) Not reported Poecilia reticulata 400 1 420 Körte, Freitag, Geyer, Klein, Kraus, and Laham'atis(1978) 1-day exposure duration Zettcisens idus melanotus TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC IL water) (Page 9 of 19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species 32,000 39,000 Kosian, Lemke, Stitdders, and Vcith (1981) 28-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas 5,200 6,970 Lores, Patrick, and Summers (1993) 30-day exposure duration; based on a high to low range of reported values. Cyprinodon variegatus 1 93 287 Metcalf, Kapoor, Lu, Schuth, and Sherman (1973) 3 to 32 day exposure duration Gambusia affinis 12,240 12,600 15,250 13,330 21,140 Nebeker, Griffis, Wise, Hopkins, and Barbittas (1989) 28-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas 253,333 Oliver and Niimi (1983) 119-day exposure duration Oncorhynchus mykiss 27,000 Schrap and Opperliuizen (1990) Not reported Poecilia reticulata 18,500 Vcith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) 32-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas 7,800 U.S. EPA (1987) Not reported Oncorhynchus mykiss 8,690 U.S. EPA(1980h) Not reported Pimephales promelas 253 Oliver and Niimi (1988) Field samples. Freshwater fish Compound: Hcxachlorobuladiene Recommended BCF value: 783 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratory values as follows: 920 1,200 Leeuwangh, Bult, and Schneiders (1975) 49-day exposure duration; 15-day depuration. The values reported in Leeuwangh, Bull, and Schneiders (1975) were converted to wet weight using an unit conversion factor of 5.0 ". Carassius auratus 435 Laska, Dartcll, Lascter (1976) Not reported Gambusia affinis Compound: Hexachlorocyclopentadicric Recommended BCF' value: 165 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 6 laboratory values as follows: TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS {mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 10 of 19) Reported Values Refcrencc Experimental Parameters Species 1,230 Freitag, Geyer, Kraus, Viswanathan, Kotzias, Altar, Klein, and Körte (1982) 3-day exposure duration Leuctscus idia 448 Lu and Metealf (1975) Not reported. The values reported in Lu and Metcalf (1975) were converted to wet weight using an unit conversion factor of 5.0 ■ Gambusia affinis 100 1,148 PDdowskiand Khan (1984) 16-day exposure duration Carassiiis aura tits 11 Spehar, Veith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) 30-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas 29 Veith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) 32-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas Compound: Pciilachlorobcnzenc Recommended BCF value; 12,690 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 12 laboratory values as follows; 5,100 7,100 7,300 Banerjee, Suggatt, and O'Grady (1984) 2-day exposure duration Lepomis macrochirus Oncorynchus mykiss Poecilia reticulata 20,000 Bruggeman, Oppenhuizen, Wijbenga, and Hutzinger(l984) Not reported Poecilia reticulata 8,400 Carlson and Kosian (1987) 3 1 -day exposure duration Pimephales promelas 28,183 lkemoto, Motoba, Suzuki, Uchida (1992) 24-hour exposure duration Olyzlas talipes - 260,000 Konemann and van Leeuwen (1980) Not reported Poecilia reticulata 17,000 Opperhuizen, Velde, Gobas, Liem, and Steen (1985) Multiple exposure durations Poecilia reticulata 6,600 Qiao and Farrcll (1996) 10-day exposure duration Oncorhynchus mykiss 23,000 Schrap and Opperhuizen (1990) Not reported Poecilia reticulata 4,700 Van Hoogcn and Opperhuizen (1988) 5-day exposure duration; 21-day depuration Poecilia reticulata 3,400 Veith, Macek, Petrocclli, and Carroll (1980) 28-day exposure duration Lepomis macrochirus TABLE 05 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) I (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (PageH of 19) 1 '■■..............-'- -...... Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Speeles Compound: Pcntachloroplicnol Recommended BCF value: 109 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 20 laboratory values as follows: 128 776 Garten and Trabalka (1983) Not reported Fish 189,5 Gates and Tjeerdema (1993) 1-day exposure duration Moroni saxalilis 2 131 Kobayashi and Kishino (1980) 1-hour exposure duration Carassius auratus 350 Körte, Freitag, Geyer, Klein, Karus, and Lahaniatis(I978) 1-day exposure duration Zeucisens idus melunolus 16 48 5 27 Parrish, Dyar, Eiws, and Wilson (1978) 28 to 151 -day exposure duration Cyprinadon variegams 30 38 Schimmel, Patrick, and Faas (1978) 28-day exposure duration Ftmidtdus similis Mugil cephalus 216 Smith, Bharath, Mallard, Orr, McCarty, and Ozbura(1990) 28-day exposure; 14-day depuration Jordanella ßnridae 1,066 434 426 281 Spehar, Nelson, Swanson, and Renoos (1985) 32-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas 52,3 607 Stehly and Hayton (1990) 96-houi exposure Carassius auratus 770 Veith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) 32-day exposure Pimephales promelas Pesticides Compound: 4,4-DDE Recommended BCF value: 25,512 TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 12 of 19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 11 laboratory values as follows: 12,037 Metcalf, Sanborn, Lu, and Nye (1975) Not reported Fish 51,285 27,542 Garten and Trabalka (1983) Freshwater Fish 5,010 110,000 106,000 181,000 Hamelink and Waybrant (1976) Not reported Lepomis macrvchirus Oncorhynchus mykiss 27,358 Metcalf, Sangha, and Kapoor (1971) 33-day exposure duration Gambusia affinis 217 27,358 Metcalf, Kapoor, Lu, Schuth, and Sherman (1973) 3 to 33-day exposure duration Gambusia affinis 81,000 Oliver and Niimi (1985) 96-day exposure duration Oncorhynchus mykiss 51,000 Veith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) 32-day exposure duration I'imephales promelas Compound: Hcptachlor Kccommcmlcd HO' value: 5,522 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 7 laboratory values as follows: 3,700 2,400 4,600 Goodman, Hansen, Couch, and Forester (1978) 28-day exposure duration Cyprinodon variegatus 3,600 10,000 Schimmel, Patrick, and Forester (1976) 96-hour exposure duration Leiostomus xanthurus 11,200 U.S. EPA (1980a) Not reported Fish 9,500 Veith, DeFoe, and Bergstedt (1979) 32-day exposure duration Pimephales promelas Compound: Hcxachlorophene Recommended BCF' value: 278 The recommended BCF value was based on data from one study as follows: r 278 Sanborn(1974) Not reported Oncorhychus mykiss TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 13 of 19) Reported Values Reference i Experimental Parameters ...................—-——■-—-___- Species Inorganics Compound: Aluminum Recommended BCF value: 2.70 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 7 laboratory values as follows: 0.05 1.25 0.05 0.35 Cleveland, Little, I lamilton, Buckler, and Hunn (1986) 37-day exposure duration Salvelimis fominalis 36 123 215 Cleveland, Buckler, and Brumbaugh (1991) 56-day exposure duration; 28-day depuration Salvelimis fontinalis Compound: Antimony ------............ Recommended BCF value: 40 The recommended BCF value was based on one study as follows: 40 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng(1972) Not reported Fish Compound: Arsenic Recommended BCF value: 114 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratory values as follows: 333 100 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng {1972) Not reported Fish 44 U.S. EPA (1992b) Not reported Fish Compound: Barium Recommended BCF value: 633 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF is the arithmetic mean of the recommended values for 14 inorganics with empirical data available (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc). Compound: Beryllium Recommended BCF value: 62 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 4 laboratory values as follows: TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 14 of 19) Report«! Values Reference i- Experimental Parameters Species 200 200 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Fish 19 U.S. EPA (1992b) Not reported Fish 19 U.S. EPA (1978) 28-day exposure duration Fish Compound: Cadmium Recommended BCF value: 907 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 4 field values. 558 1,295 729 1,286 Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin, and Ballard (1995) Field samples. The field values reported in Saiki, Castlcbcrry, May, Martin, and Ballard (1995) were converted to wet weight using a conversion factor of 5.0'. The field values are also based on mean values calculated for each of the 4 fish species. Catoslomus occidentalis Gasterosteus aculeatus Ptychocheilus grandis Oncorhynchus tshawylasch 716 Benoit, Leonard, Christensen, and Fiandt (1976) 38-week exposure duration; based on mean values calculated from various tissue concentrations in the kidney, liver, spleen, gonad, gills, and muscle/red blood cells. A unit conversion of 1,000 was applied to the value. Salvelinus fontanilis 480 Eisler, Zaroogian, and Hcnnekey(1972) 3-week exposure duration h'undulus helerocliius 161 51 Harrison and Klaverkamp (1989) 72-day exposure duration, 25 and 63-day depuration Oncorhynchus mykiss Coregonus clupeatormis 33 Kumada, Kimura, and Yokote (1980) 10 week exposure duration Oncorhynchus mykiss 8 3,333 Kumada, Kimura, Yokote, and Matida (1973) 280-day exposure; values arc based on a high to low range of values. The values reported in Kumada, Kimura, Yokote, and Matida (1973) were converted to wet weight using a conversion factor of 5,0". Oncorhynchus mykiss 4.4 Spehar(1976) 30-day exposure duration Jordanella floridae 3,000 200 Thompson, Burton, Quinn and Mg (1972) Not reported Fish TABLE C-S WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 15 of 19) Reported Val ues Reference Experimental Parameters Species 4,100 Williams and Giesy(1979) 5 6-day exposure duration Fish Compound: Chromium (total) Recommended BCF value: 19 The recommended BCI- value was calculated using the geometric mean of"4 laboratory values as follows: 1.27 1.34 Frommand Stokes (1962) 30-day exposure duration; values are based on a high to low range of reported values. Oncorhynchus mykiss 200 400 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Fish Compound: Coppc Recommended BCF" value: 710 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 4 field values as follows: 761 697 1,236 387 Saiki, Castlebcrry, May, Martin, and Ballard (1995) Field samples Calosiomus occidentalis Gaslerosteus aculeatus Ptychocheilus grandis Oncorhynchus tshawylasch 50 500 667 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Fish 36 U.S. EPA (1992b) Not reported Fish TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 16 of 19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species Compound: Cyanide (total) Recommended BCF value: 633 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF is the arithmetic mean of the recommended values for 14 inorganics with empirical data available (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc). Compound: Lead Recommended BCF value; 0,09 The recommended BCF value based on one field value: 0.09 Afchinson, Murphy, Bishop, Mcintosh, and Mayes (1977) Field samples. The values reported in Atcliinson, Murphy, Bishop, Mcintosh, and Mayes (1977) were converted to wet weight using a conversion factor of 5.0». Lcpomis macrochiras 0.15 0.17 Holcombe, Benoit, Leonard, and McKim (1976) 266-day exposure duration, The values reported in Holcombe, Benoit, Leonard, and McKim (1976) were converted to wet weight using a conversion factor of 5.0", Me an val ues were calcu 1 ate d b ased o n ti ssuc concentrations in the red blood cells, kidney, and muscle. Saivelimis fontartilis 300 100 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng(1972) Nat reported Fish Compound: Mercuric chloride Recommended BCF value: 3,530 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratoiy values as follows: 1,800 Boudou and Ribeyre (1984) 60-day exposure duration Onc.oihynchus my kiss 4.380 5,580 Snarski and Olson (1982) 287-day exposure duration; values arc based on a high to low range of reported values. Pimephales promelas Compound: Methyl mercury Recommended BCF value: 11,168 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratory values as follows: 11,000 Boudou and Ribeyre (1984) 60-day exposure duration Oncorhynchus mykiss TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 17 of 19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species 10,800 11,724 MeKim, Olson, Holcome, and Hunt (1976) 756-day exposure duration Salvelimis fontinalis Compound: Nickel Recommended BCF value: 78 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 3 laboratory values as follows: 100 100 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Fish 47 U.S. EPA (1992b) Not reported Fish Compound: Selenium Recommended BCF value: 129 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 12 laboratory values as follows: 18 Adams (1976) 96-day exposure duration Fish 4,900 Besscr, Canfield, and LaPoint (1993) 30-day exposure duration Lepomis reinhardtii 7 Cleveland , Little, Buckler, and Wiedmeyer (1993) 60-day exposure duration; values are based on a high to low range, of reported values. Lepomis macrochirus 154 711 Dobbs, Cherry, and Cairns (1996) 25-day exposure duration Pimephales pramctas 3 240 Hodson, Spry, and Blunt (1980) 351 -day exposure duration; values represent a high to low range of reported values based on BCFs for peritoneal fat and the liver. Oncorkynchus mykiss 285 i 465 Lemly(l982) 120-day exposure duration Micropterus sahnoides Lepomis macrochirus 4,000 167 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Fish Compound: Silver Recommended BCF value: 87.71 The rccotnmended BCF value was calctdated using the geometric mean of 2 laboratory values as follows: 3,330 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng (1972) Not reported Fish TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 18 of 19) Reported Values Reference Experimental Parameters Species Compound: Thallium Recommended BCF value 10,000 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 laboratory values as follows: 10,000 10,000 Thompson, Burton, Quinn, and Ng(1972) Not reported Fish Compound: Zinc ..........____...........____ Rcconuncttded ÜCV value: 2,059 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 4 field values as follows: 2,299 2,265 4,290 804 Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin, and Ballard (1995) Field samples. Calostomus occidentalis Gasteroteus aculeatus Ptychocheilus grandis Oncorhynclms tshawywsch 50 130 130 200 Deutch, Borg, Kloster, Meyer, and Moller (1980) 9-day exposure duration Spinachia vulgaris Gasterosteus acid. Pungitius pungitius ('alius scorpius 373 8,853 Pentrcath(1973) 180-day exposure duration; values arc based on a high to low range of reported values Pleuroncctcs plalessa 1,000 2,000 2,000 Thompson, Burton, Quinn and Ng (1972) Not reported Fish 47 U.S. EPA (1992b) Not reported Fish Notes: (a) The reported values are presented as the amount of COPC in fish tissue divided by the amount of COPC in water. If the values reported in the snidies were presented as dry tissue weight, they were converted to wet weight by dividing the concentration in dry fish tissue weight by 5.0. This conversion factor assumes a fish's total weight is 80.0 percent moisture (Holcomb, Benoit, Leonard, and McKim 1976). TABLE C-5 WATER-TO-FISH BIO CONCENT RAT ION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg dissolved COPC / L water) (Page 19ofl9) The conversion factor was calculated as follows: Conversion factor---1.0 g fish total weight- \0 g fish total weight - 0.80 g fish wet weight (b) The equation used to convert the total organic COPC concentrations in field samples to dissolved COPC concentrations is from U.S. EPA (1995a) as follows: BAF (dissolved) = (BAF(total) Iff,) - 1 where: BAF (dissolved) - BAF based on dissolved concentration of COPC in water W BAF (total) e BAF based on the field derived data for total concentration of COPC in water 00 fg= Fraction of COPC that is freely dissolved in the water where: fM - 1 / [1 + ((DOC x. K.J I f0) + (POC x K„J] DOC = Dissolved organic carbon, Kg of organic carbon / Lof water (2.0 x lO0' kg/L) K,„ = Octanol-water partition coefficient of the COPC, as reported in U.S. EPA (1994b) POC = Particulate organic carbon. Kg of organic carbon / L of water (7.5 x 10'°' Kg/L) (c) The reported field BAFs were converted to BCFs as follows: BCF= (BAFTL„ I FCMV„) - 1 where: BAFn, — The reported field bioaccumulation factor for the trophic level "n" of the study species. FCMrLn = The food chain multiplier for the trophic level "n" of the study species. (d) PCB values were converted to dissolved COPC BCFs based on the K„ for Aroclor 1254. (e) The geometric mean of the converted field derived BCFs was compared to the geometric mean of the laboratory derived BCFs, The higher of the two values was selected as the COPC BCF. TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIO CON CENT RATI ON FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 1 of 11) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species Dioxins and Furans Compound; 2,3,7,8-Tclrachlorodibeuzo-p-dioxiii (2,3,7,8-TCnD) Recommended BCF value: 19,596 Empirical tlata for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K,„ = 6.64 (U.S. EPA 1994a) Compound: l,2,3,7,8-Pcntachlorodibenzo(p)dioxin (1,2,3,7,8-PcCDD) Recommended BCF value: 18,023 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-speccific bioaccumulation equivalency factor (BEF) (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF = 19,596 x 0.92 = 3,896 Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hcxachlorodibcnzo p dioxin (1,2,3,4,7,8-llxCDD) Recommended BCF value: 6,075 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF -19,596 x 0.31 =1313 Compound: 1,2,3,6,7,8-1 lexachlorodibcnzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,6,7,8-1 IxCDD) Recommended BCF value: 2,351 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF - 19,596 x 0.12 =2,351 Compound: l,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodilx:nzo-pdioxin (1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD) Recommended BCF value. 2,743 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF -19,596 x 0.14 =2,743 Compound: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-1 leptachlorodibcnzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD) Recommended BCF' value: 99.4 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.051 =99.4 Compound: Octachlorodibenz.o-p-dioxin (OCDD) Recommended BCF value: 23.5 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.012 =23.5 Compound: 2,3,7,8-Telrachlorodibcnzofuran (2,3,7,8-TCDF) Recommended BCF value: 2,642 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF - 3,302 x0.80 - 2,642 Compound: 1,2,3,7,8-Penlachlorodibcnzo-p-furan (1,2,3,7,8-PcCDF) Recommended BCF value: 4,311 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.22 =4,311 Compound: 2,3,4,7,8-Pcniaclilorodibciizo-p-furan (2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF) Recommended BCF value: 31,354 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 1.6 =31,354 TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 2 oil 1) Reported Values' Referente Experimental Parameters Species Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hcxacblorodibcnzo-p-furan (1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF) Recommended BCF value: 1,489 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.076 =1,489 Compound: l,2,3,6,7,8-llexachlorodibenzo-p-furan (1,2,3,6,7,8-MxCDF) Recommended BCF value: 3,723 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.19 ■ -3,723 Compound: 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-furan (2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF) Recommended BCF' value: 13,129 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.67 = 13,129 Compound: 1,2,3,7,8,9-IIexnchlorodibcnzo-p-fiiran (1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF) Recommended BCF value: 12,345 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.63 - 12,345 Compound: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,-1 Icptnchlorodibcnzo-p-furan (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF) Recommended BCF value: 215.6 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.011 =215.6 Compound: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-1 lcptaclilorodibcnzo-p-furan (1,2,3,4,7,8,9-IlpCDF) Recommended BCF value: 7,642 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.39 =7,642 Compound: Oclachlorodibcnzo-p-fiirnn (OCDF) Recommended BCF' value: 313.5 The BCF was calculated using the TCDD BCF and a congener-specific BEF (U.S. EPA 1995b) as follows: BCF =19,596 x 0.016 =313.5 Polynuclcar Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Compound: Bcnzo(a)pyrenc Recommended BCF value: 1. 59 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 8 values as follows: 5.2 2.8 Augcnfcld, Anderson, Riley, and Thomas (1982) 60-dny exposure duration Macoma inquinuta Abartnicola pacifica 0.4 0.65 7.4 Driscoll and McElroy (1996) 6 to 12-day exposure duration Nereis diversicolor Scolecolipides virdis Leiloscoloplos fragilis TABLE C-6 SEDIfVIENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE B IOC ONCE NT RATI ON FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg CO PC / kg dry sediment) (Page 3 of 11) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Spec! cs 2.3 6.9 Landrum, Eadie, and Faust (1991) Mixture of PAH at four concentrations Diporeia sp. 0.09 Roesijadi, Anderson, and Blaylock (1978) 7-day exposure duration Macoma inquinata Compoun d: 13 en?. o(cd)pyrene Recommended BCF value: 1.61 Empirical data for this compound were not available, Therefore, the BCF for benzo(a)pyrcne was used as a surrogate. Polychlorlnafcd Biphenyls {Cells) Compound: Aroclor 1016 Recommended BCF value: 0.53 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 empirical values as follows: TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPCI kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 4 of 11) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 0.2 1.4 Wood, O'Keefe, and Bush (1997) 12-day exposure du rat i on; 1 - d ay depurat i on Chironomus ientans Compound; Aroclor 1254 Recommended BCF value: 0.53 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 2 empirical values as follows: 0.2 1.4 Wood, O'Keefe, and Bush (1997) 12-day exposure duration, 1-day depuration Chironomus ientans . ._______________________....................... . . Nilrnaromatlcs Compound: 1,3-Dinilrobenzene Recommended BCF value: 1.19 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF - 0.819 x log K,„ - 1.146 (Sonthworth, Beauchamp, and Schmiedcr 1978), where log K^ = 1.491 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: 2,4-Dinitrotoltiene Recommended BCF value: 58 The recommended BCF value was b ised on 1 study as follows 58 Liu, Bailey, and Pearson (1983) 4-day exposure duration Lumbriculus variegatus Compound: 2,6-Dinilrotoluene Recommended BCK value: 2.50 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation; log BCF = 0.819 x log K,w - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„„ = 1.886 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: Nitrobenzene Recommended BCF value: 2.27 Empirical data were not available for this compound. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: !ogBCF = 0.819x logK™- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log Ka„= 1.833 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: Pentaehloronitrobenzene Recommended BCF value: 451 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF - 0.819 x log K^, - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log = 4,640 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Phthalalc Esters Compound: Bi s( 2-ct hylhexyi Jphihal ate Recommended BCF value: 1,309 TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 5 of 11) Reported Values* Reference Experimental Parameters Species Empirical data for tiiis compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„„ - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmicdcr 1978), where log K0„ = 5.205 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: Di(n)oclyl phthalatc Recommended BCF value: 3,128,023 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF - 0.819 x log K„w - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„w = 9.330 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Volatile Organic Compounds Compound: Acetone Recommended BCF value: 0.05 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF - 0.819 x log K„„ - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K^, = -0.222 (Karickoff and Long 1995) Compound: Acrylonilrilo Recommended BCF value: 0.11 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„lv - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log Kolv = 0.250 (Karickoff and Long 1995) Compound: Chloroform Recommended BCF value: 2.82 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log tv, - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K^ = 1.949 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: Crotonaldehyde Recommended BCF' value: 0.20 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmicdcr 1978), where log ^ = 0.55 (based on equations developed by Hansch and Leo 1979, as calculated in NRC 1981) Compound: 1,4-Dioxane Recommended BCF value: 0.04 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„v - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„ »-0.268 (U.S. EPA 1995a) Compound: Formaldehyde Recommended BCF value: 0.14 Empirical data for this compound were not available.The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„w -1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K,w = 0.342 (U.S. EPA 1995a) Compound: Vinyl chloride Recommended BCF' value: 0.62 TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Pageóofll) Reported Values* Reference Experimental Parameters Species Empirical data for this compound were not available. The DCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log tC,w - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„w - 1.146 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Other Chlorinated Organic: Compound: Carbon tetrachloride Recommended BCF value: 12 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„,-1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„w = 2.717 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: Hcxaclilorobcnzene Recommended BCF value: 2,296 Empirical data for this compound were not available, The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF - 0.819 x log K„w- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„w = 5.503 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: Hexachlorobuiadicne Rcconunendcd BCF value: 0.44 The recommended BCF value was based on empirical data from one study as follows: 0.44 Oliver (1987) 79-day exposure duration; The values reported in Oliver (1987) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99*. Oligochaetcs Compound: Ilex achl orocycl ope n I a di enc Recommended BCF value: 746 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„„ - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log rv* = 4.907 (U.S. EPA 1994b) Compound: Pcntachlorobcnzcnc Recommended BCF value: 0.32 The recommended BCF value is based on 1 study as follows: 0.32 Oliver (1987) 79-day exposure duration; The values reported in Oliver (1987) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99". Oligochaetes Compound: Pemachlorophcnol Recommended BCF value: 1,034 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K„„- 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„„ = 5.080 (U.S. EPA 1994b) TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BI O CO N CENT RAT ION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 7 of 11) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Speef ĽS Pesticides Compound: 4,4-DDE Recommended BCF value: 0.95 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 13 values as follows: 2.9 9.6 1.3 2.1 0.4 24.6 0.2 1.8 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.07 1.2 Reich, Perkins, and Cutter (1986) Field samples Tubificidae Chironomidae Croixidae Compound: Hcptachlor Recommended BCF value: 1.67 Empirical data for heptachlor were not available. The BCF was calculated from 1 field-derived value for hcptachlor epoxide as follows: 10.0 Beyer and Gish (1980) Field samples; The value reported in Beyer and Gish (1980) was converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99". Aporrectodea trapezoides Apafyeclodea tuigido Allolabaphora chlorotica Lumbricus leneslris Compound: Hcxuchlorophene Recommended BCF value: 106,970 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The BCF was calculated using the following regression equation: log BCF = 0.819 x log K,w - 1.146 (Southworth, Beauchamp, and Schmieder 1978), where log K„„ = 7.540 {Karickoff and Long 1995) Inorganics Compound: Aluminum Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). Compound: Antimony Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical dat; chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). i (cadmium, TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 8 of 11) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species Compound: Arscnie Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). Compound: Barium Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). Compound: Beryllium Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical dala for this compound were not available. The recommended DCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). Compound: Cadmium Recommended BCF valne: 3.4 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 8 field-derived values as follows: 3.33 7.68 1.79 7.15 1.67 2.34 2.27 6.29 Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin, and Bullard (1995) Field samples; The values reported in Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin, and Bullard (1995) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99'. Chironomidac Epheroptcra Compound: Chromium (total) Recommended BCF value: 0.39 The recommended BCF value was based on 1 field-derived value as follows: 0.39 Namminga and Wilhm (1977) Field samples Chironomidae 0.03 0.07 0.001 0.003 Capuzzo and Sasner (1977) 168-day exposure duration; The reported value was calculated by dividing the tissue concentration by the media concentration [(ug/g)/(mg/g)] and a conversion factor of 1x10" 'was applied to the value. A conversion factor of 5.99a was applied to convert dry tissue weight to wet weight. Mya arenaria Compound: Copper Recommended BCF value: 0.30 TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC / kg wet tissue) / (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 9 of 11) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of 9 field values as follows: 0.11 0.13 0.22 0.32 Jones, Jones, and Radlett (1976) 25-day exposure duration; The values reported in Jones, Jones, and Radlett (1976) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5,99*. Nereis diveriscolor 1.1 Namminga and Wilhtn (1977) Field samples Chironomidae 0.29 0.31 0.36 0.36 0.16 0.06 0.73 0.25 Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin and Bullard (1995) Field samples; The values reported in Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin and Bullard (1995) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using a conversion factor of 5.99". Chironomidae Ephcmeroptera Compound: Cyanide (total) Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data were not available for this compound. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). Compound: 1 cad Recommended BCF value: 0.63 The recommended BCF value was based on 1 study follows: 0.4 1.0 Harrahy and Clements (1997) 14-day exposure duration Chironomus teutons Compound: Mercuric chloride Recommended BCF value: 0.068 The recommended BCF value was based on 6 field values as follows: 0.08 Saouter, Hare, Campbell, Boudou, and Ribeyre (1993) 9-day exposure duration Hcxagenia rigida 0.16 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.O4 0.06 Hildebrand, Strand, and Huckabcc (1980) Field samples Hydropsychidae, Corydalus, Decapoda, Aterix, Psephenidae, and unspecified other benthic invertebrates Compound: Methyl mercury Recommended BCF value: 0.48 The recommended BCF value was based on 6 field values as follows: TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS (mg COPC I kg wet tissue) I (mg COPC / kg dry sediment) (Page 10 of 11) Reported Values' Reference Experimental Parameters Species 4.0 Saouter, Hare, Campbell, Boudou, and Ribcyre (1993) 9 day exposure duration Hexagenia itgtda 1.45 0.41 O.50 0.37 0.26 0.44 Hildebratid, Strand, and Huckabee (1980) Field samples Hydropsychidae, Corydalus, Decapoda, Atersx, Psephenidae, and unspecified other benthic invertebrates Compound: Nickel Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercuiy, and zinc). Compound: Selenium Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercuiy, and zinc). Compound: Stiver Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those metals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). Compound: Thallium Recommended BCF value: 0.90 Empirical data for this compound were not available. The recommended BCF value is the arithmetic average of 6 recommended values for those melals with empirical data (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, inorganic mercury, and zinc). Compound: Zinc Recommended BCF value: 0 57 The recommended BCF value was calculated using the geometric mean of S field values as follows: 3.6 Nammirsga and Wi Ihm (1977) Not reported Chironomidae 0.46 0.83 0.38 1.16 0.13 0.39 0.79 1.57 Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin, and Bullard (1995) Field samples; the values reported in Saiki, Castleberry, May, Martin and Bullard (1995) were converted to wet weight over dry weight using an unit conversion factor of 5.99', Chironomidae Ephemeroptera TABLE C-6 SEDIMENT-TO-BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE BIOCONCENTRATION FACTORS . "Pentachlorophenol Accumulation in the Freshwater Mussels Anodonta anatina and Pseudanodonta complanata, and some Physiological Consequences of Laboratory Maintenance." Chemosphere. Volume 31. Number 7. Pages 3651-3662. Majori, L., and F. Petronio. 1973. "Marine Pollution by Metals and Their Accumulation by Biological Indicators (Accumulation Factor)." Rev. Intern. Oceanogr. Med. Volume 31-32. Pages 55-90, Marquerie, J.M., J.W. Simmers, and S.H. Kay. 1987. "Prelmnary Assessment of Bioaccumulation of Metals and Organic Contaminants at the Times Beach Confined Disposal Site, Buffalo, N.Y." Miscellaneous Paper EL-87-6. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. 67 pp. In Beyer 1990. Maitinucci, G.B., P. Crespi, P. Omodeo, G. Osella, and G. Traldi. 1983. "Earthworms and TCDD (2,3,7,8-TetracMorodibeiizo-p-dioxin) in Sevesco." Pp 275-283. InSatchell 1983 . As cited in Beyer (1990). Mauck, W.L., et al. 197S. "Effects of the Polychlorinated Biphenyl Aroclor 1254 on Growth, Survival, and Bone Development in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)." Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Volume 35. Page 1084. Mayer, F.L., Jr. 1976. 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