MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Department of Molecular Biology and Radiobiology Případné téma BP bude vypsáno v systému až po předběžné domluvě, pokud vás některé téma zaujalo, napište mi: MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Martin Černý Developmental and Production Biology – Omics Approaches MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO 225 Department of Molecular Biology and Radiobiology Developmental and Production Biology – Omics Approaches Who are we? 6 postdocs 6 PhD students 6 graduate students 14+ pregraduate students 2 technicians • Plant molecular physiology&Radiobiology • Proteomics&Metabolomics • Structural biology Prof. RNDr. Břetislav Brzobohatý, CSc. MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO root growth nutrient uptake leaf development pathogen interaction light temperature yield aging clock flowering Omics group MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO microscopy proteomics metabolomics transformation RT-qPCR bioinformatics MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Omics analyses MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO • Proteome profiling • Relative and absolute protein quantification • Metabolome profiling maXis impact UHR-TOF Protein-ligand interaction LESA Nanomate Detection of PTMs amaZon speed ETD ion trap TSQ Quantiva triple quadrupole MS Targeted analyses ag sensitivity Our LC-MS MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNOQ Exactive GC Orbitrap 5/2017 MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Abiotic interactions - Temperature perception - Light quality, inensity, photoperiod Biotic interactions - Phytophthora - Club root disease Molecular processes and grwoth regulation - UPS - Phytohormones, growth regulators Topics MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO “Cytokinin modulates proteomic, transcriptomic and growth responses to temperature shocks in Arabidopsis“ “The impact of heat stress targeting on the hormonal and transcriptomic response in Arabidopsis“ Abiotic interactions: Cytokinin and temperature MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNOAbiotic interactions: Cytokinin and temperature MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNOAbiotic interactions: Cytokinin and temperature 2017-2019 GACR 17-04607S – Interaction between light and cytokinin 2017-2019 – PhD Talent – Role of HSP proteins in regulation of seed germination Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR Ing. Hana Habánová RNDr. Radomíra Vaňková, CSc. MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Phytophthora 2016-2022 MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNOPlant signaling: Biotic and abiotic interactions New joint research centre at Mendel University Our role: Comparative analysis of Phytophthora infection Plant hormones in Phytophthora infection Abiotic stress and Phytophthora infection MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Club root disease MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNOUPS in plant signaling Andreas Bachmair 2017-2018 7AMB17AT027: „Targeted protein degradation in response to a plant hormone cytokinine“). MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Plant-plant interactions CEITEC 2020 TE02000177 - Centrum pro inovativní využití a posílení konkurenceschopnosti českých pivovarských surovin a výrobků (2014-2019, TA0/TE) - Stress response propagation - Volatile compounds MENDEL UNIVERSITY IN BRNO Peptide libraries for targeted protein identification and quantitation Techniques development and optimization Targeted Metabolomics