Revealing ligand-receptor interaction NMR titration Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 1/17 Introduction of reacting partners Recommended procedure O Assignment of free receptor: ß -cyklodextrine (ID H, DQF-COSY) O Assignment of free ligand: doxepine (ID 1H, DQF-COSY, NOESY) • Identification of proton resonances of ring A and B • Determination of major and minor conformation of doxepin O ID NMR titration: rearrangement of ß -cyclodextrin resonaces upon interaction identification of inner protons O ID NMR titration: rearrangement of doxepin resonaces upon complexation estimation of binding mode q ROESY spectrum of complex: ROE intermolecular contacts O Fitting the titration isotherm Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 3 / 17 ID 1H of ß -cyclodext rin in D2O DQF-COSY of (3 -cyclodextrin in D20 E Q_ Q. CO f 5.0 e c,d b,a 4.0 3.5 4.5 4.0 82 - -"-H (ppm) □ |3I ► < S Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 5 / 17 ID 1H of ß -cyclodext rin in D2O ID *H of doxepin in D20 ID :H of doxepin in D20 Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 8 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 9 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 M J IH F E E D" l_1 L_2 f-J C02 - H (ppm) C2 C| A2 ^ ^1 Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 9 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 7.5 / a \ M L K J Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 10 / 17 NOESY 700ms of doxepin in D20 7.5 6.6 6.8 E 7.0 Cl Cl 7.2 7.4 7.6 Dox DoxEH3B- DoxEH4A- DoxEH2A-HlA q DoxZíf4B-H3B[| 3B 6.5 H,C 2B Z-doxepin E-doxepin y \^CH3 DoxZH2B-HŤB DoxZH2B-H3B 7:5 / a \ M L K J 6.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 6.5 □ |3I ► < s Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 10 / 17 *H NMR titration: ß -cyclodextrin H NMR titration: (3 -cyclodextrin doxepimpCD J e 0.9620 3.0444 Jan Novotný [ppm] May 3, 2017 11 / 17 *H NMR titration: ß -cyclodextrin ID *H NMR titration: (3 -cyclodextrin Inner /3-CD protons H3' and H5' are dominantly exposed to shielding induced by ring current of aromatic ring. Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 12 / 17 H NMR titration: doxepin ID *H NMR titration: doxepin 1.9605 1.6154 doxepin :(3CD 5:1 3,75:1 1,75:1 1:1 0,75:1 0,2:1 0:1 1.1021 1.0035 K,L J | ' 1394 0.7815 H6 H-A2 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 A 6.6 [ppm] Find the most perturbed resonances and estimate the time regime of interaction Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 14 / 17 ID *H NMR titration: doxepin 1.9605 1.6154 doxepin:(3CD 1:0 5:1 3,75:1 1,75:1 1:1 0,75:1 0,2:1 0:1 K,L J i 1.1394 D.9346 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 6.6 [ppm] Find the most perturbed resonances and estimate the time regime of interaction Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 14 / 17 ID XH NMR titration: doxepin One set of broaden signals of doxepin ^> fast/intermediate rate of exchange. ROESY 300ms - doxepin:/3 -cyclodextrin=5:l Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 15 / 17 ROESY 300ms - doxepin:/3 -cyclodextrin=5:l Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 15 / 17 Proposed orientation of doxepine in ß -cyclodextrin ID H NMR titration: determination of stoichiometry/K^ R + L±=> RL [rl] [rl] [r][l] - (r0-[rl])(l0-[rl]) Upon titration we are gradually changing Z_o concentration: Sr = [RL]SRbound + (Ro - [RL])SRfi ASr = Sr — órfree ree Titration curve of A5(H1') as a function of increasing concentration of doxepine. -0.01 - -0.02 -0.03 E §; -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 -0.07 -0.08 0.001 EXP —e— FIT------- \ A8=0.58á \\ \\ V LR([Ka(cL+cR0) + 1]-sqrt[(Ka(cL+c 5ALR =-0.071 Ka = 2.997e+04 R0)+1)2-4Ka2cRC )])/[KacR0] \\ V 0.002 0.003 cL [M] 0.004 0.005 Jan Novotný May 3, 2017 17 / 17