General comments • inspect molecular formula CmHh0oNnXx: Degree of unsaturation m + 1 — 0.5(h + x — n) • identify signals of CH3 and exchangeable protons in ID 1H sectrum • arbitrary numbering (e.g., from lower to higher value of chemical shift) of resolved resonances in all spectra • identification of the individual spin systems using DQF-COSY • resolve geminal protons using HSQC • connect molecular fragments/isolated spins using HMBC, NOESY specify the stereochemistry (relative configuration) by means of J— and NOE interaction • in ID spectrum bottom blue numbers are integrals, labels in violet frames contains the arbitrary label (A-N), multiplet specification (use with caution, automatically determined), and position of a signal in ppm 9 UnHa-UnHb in 2D reffers to correlation of protons a and b of unknown compound Un ^■H^^^H 1/3 ID XH of C10H20O 1H ID ).8M DMSO 25CTXI (d) 4128 4.0 Jan Novotný -Tr M (tt) 3.16 hr1 3.5 3.0 L (heptd) 2.20 K(m) 1.83 J V_ 2.5 fl (ppm) —1— 2.0 —1— 1.5 —1— 1.0 —r 0.5 2/3 Task 1: J-connectivity of C10H20O J_I_L 4 J_I_L J_I_L J_I_I_L J_I_I_I_I_—I_I_I_L E o. 2 Q_ e- UnHc-Hm UnHg-Hm UnHk-Hmi UnHb-Hj UnHc-Hk \ UnHb-HiJ UnHb-Hh UrliHb-Hf UnHf-Hc UnHe UnHf-Hi UnHf-Hb 3H UnHm-Hn Jan Novotný 1 * 9 □ [31 i 3/3 Task 1: ./-connectivity of C10H20O Task 1: J-connectivity of C10H20O E o. 2 Q_ e- 3- 1 1 UnHg-Hm' UnHk-Hmi UnHm-Hn Jan Novotný UnHJ-Hj □ S1 3/3 Task 1: -/-connectivity of C10H20O 1- E a. 2 a. 3- J_L UnHg-Hm' UnHk-Hmi UnHm-Hn Jan Novotný IMHb-Hf □ UnHf-Hb VII 3/3 Task 1: J-connectivity of C10H20O j_1_i_ _i_1_i_ 30H HSQC HMBC 35H E Q. Q. O co 40H 45H 50H UnC8-Hn ^ TT,UnC6-He UnC6-HUi^6-Hhy V^c6-Hb UnC6-Hki----^' ^ h 30 UnC7-He^ UnC6-Hf UnC7-Hk» UnC7-Hj h 35 UnC7-Hb UnC7-Hi h 40 UnC8-He UnC8-Hm UnC8-Hk„ „n „_\ UnC8-Hb UnC8-Hh xUnC8-Hh h 45 UnC9-Hn UnC9-Hm \ \ UnC9;H1 UnC9-Hd °n""f \ UnC9-Hi \ Un""Ha UnC9-Hg h 50 = Jan Novotný