General comments • inspect molecular formula CmHh0oNnXx: Degree of unsaturation m + 1 — 0.5(h + x — n) • identify signals of CH3 and exchangeable protons in ID 1H sectrum • arbitrary numbering (e.g., from lower to higher value of chemical shift) of resolved resonances in all spectra • identification of the individual spin systems using DQF-COSY • resolve geminal protons using HSQC • connect molecular fragments/isolated spins using HMBC, NOESY specify the stereochemistry (relative configuration) by means of j— and NOE interaction Jan Novotný Task 1: Unknown substance C10H20O Jan Novotný Task 1: ID *H of Ci0H20O 4.0 —1— 3.5 3.0 —1— 2.5 fl (ppm) —1— 2.0 —1— 1.5 —1— 1.0 —r 0.5 Jan Novotný 3/5 Task 1: ./-connectivity of C10H20O • methyls la,2d connected to CH 51 • remaining crosspeak of CH 51 to CH 9g O methyls la,2d diastereotopic =>* chiral carbon 9 I a. . 1 H 2_. .d H3C 5 9 g H CH I 2H 4^ UnHg-Hm 3 2 C02-1H (ppm) if > Jan Novotný 4/5 Task 1: ./-connectivity of C10H20O • CH 9g has crosspeaks with deshielded 10m OH group (n) • CH 9g has two crosspeaks with diastereotopic protons 4if H fH H f I E S 2 4^ UnHg-Hm" UnHm-Hn 3 2 C02-1H (ppm) if > Jan Novotný 4/5 Task 1: ./-connectivity of C10H20O • CH 10m connected with CH2 8ck • CH2 4if connected with CH2 7bj I 2H 3J 4^ UnHm-Hn 3 2 C02-1H (ppm) Jan Novotný 4/5 Task 1: J-connectivity of C10H20O • CH2 8ck weakly coupled with CH2 7bj closing ring • protons b and k coupled to CH 6h which is connected to methyl 3e • other expected crosspeaks in DQ-COSY crowded / overla pped, found topology confirmed in HMBC (3/aJhc) a, 1 H 2^>, ,d b M 1- E ä 2 UnHc-J UnHg-Hm" DnHk-Hm" UnHm-Hn DnHJ -H j 3 2 (ö2- 1H (ppm) Jan Novotný Task 1: J-con necti vity of C10H20O • CH2 8ck weakly coupled with CH2 7bj closing ring • protons b and k coupled to CH 6h which is connected to methyl 3e • other expected crosspeaks in DQ-COSY crowded/overlapped, found topology confirmed in HMBC (3/4Jhc) 3~J3 MENTHOL Jan Novotný 30 35- E Q_ Q. Ü CO 40- 45 50 HSQC HMBC UnC6-Hh UnC6-He UnC6-Hi UnC6-Hk UnC6-Hb 30 UnC7-He^ UnC6-Hf UnC7-Hk* UnC7-Hj \ UnC7" 35 Hb UnC7-Hi 40 UnC8-He UnC8-Hm UnC8_Hk „_ „\ UnC8-Hb UnC8-Hn \ xUnC8-Hh \ / 45 UnC9-Hn UnC9-Hm UnC9-Hl UnC9_Hd UnC9-Hg UnC8-Hc UnC9-Ha 50 4 2 G)2- 1H (ppm) = 4/5 Task 1: Stereochemistry of menthol CiqH2oO • lo2: homonuclear/heteronuclear couplings • large couplings preserved in ID slices of HSQC: axial H - 2 visible interactions (geminal and vicinal) x equatorial H - only geminal • ID TOCSY: selective decoupling =4> simplification of complex multiplets • DQF-COSY: analysis of phase sensitive spectrum • lo3: NOE contacts (axial strong) He 3JXA = small 3JXB = large c 3JHC — 6-8 Hz 2JHr = 5-7 Hz H B 3JXA = small 3JXB = small 3JHC = 1-3 Hz R 2JHr = 0-2 Hz □ 31 Task 1: Stereochemistry of menthol CiqH2oO • lo2: homonuclear/heteronuclear couplings • large couplings preserved in ID slices of HSQC: axial H - 2 visible interactions (geminal and vicinal) x equatorial H - only geminal • ID TOCSY: selective decoupling =4> simplification of complex multiplets • DQF-COSY: analysis of phase sensitive spectrum • lo3: NOE contacts (axial strong) h9 Task 1: Unknown substance C21H26O7 Jan Novotný