Typography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typography#/media/File:Pressing-16th_century.jpg Lukáš Žídek Typography Typography in science Purpose: to exchange information most efficiently • Presentation of original results • Reviewing literature • Other purposes: education etc. Students and typography: • Writing theses (project reports etc.) • Writing manuscripts 9 Preparing poster presentation • Preparing slides for oral presentation Lukáš Žídek Typography riting • Hand-writing, using seals to print o ancient times • Movable type • 11th century, China: Bi Sheng (China, 1040) clay Wang Zhen (China, 1298) wood Choe Yun-ui (Korea, 1234) metal • 15th century, Europe Johannes Gutenberg (Germany, 1439) lead O Author: hand-writing -> manuscript O Typesetter: typesetting form O Printer: printing -> print Lukáš Žídek Typography Publishing in the era of type Typewriter in practical use since 1870's (USA: E. Remington and Sons, 1873 - QWERTY keyboard) O Author: typing -> "manuscript" O Typesetter: typesetting -> form Q Printer: printing -> print er Desktop publishing available since 1980's (USA: Apple Macintosh, 1985) O Author: typing (text editor) "manuscript" O Author/publisher: "typesetting" (typography software) O Author/publisher: "printing" "print" electronic/hardcopy Many historical "relics" from the hand-writing/typewriter times Lukáš Žídek Typography Office packages, combined with text editors (e.g. Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice) Typesetting software (e.g. 7j=X) |AT|=X: document preparation system using T|=X □ i5P • Typeface / typeface family (Czech: rodina písma) • Style (Czech: řez) • Weight (Czech: váha/duktus) • Size (Czech: stupeň) Font = "all the variations of a typeface of a given size possible" (J. Tyner,Principles of Map Design, Guilford Press, 2010, p. 51) Lukáš Žídek Typography Different fonts of the same typeface (Adobe Bookman): different style: • Adobe Bookman 9 Adobe Bookman • Adobe Bookman different weight: 9 Adobe Bookman a Adobe Bookman different size: • Adobe Bookman • Adobe Bookman • Adobe Bookman Lukáš Žídek Typography Serif x Sans-serif Use: • Serif fonts are preferred for lengthy printed text. The serifs create a "line" which leads the eyes. Use in the main text of your thesis. • Sans-serif fonts are more legible for individual words. Use as labels in figures, in structures of chemical compounds etc. Lukáš Žídek Typography Choice of typ Proportional x Monospace Use: • Use proportional fonts as standard. • Monospace fonts were developed for typewriters. Use for amino acid/nucleotide sequences. Use to emulate computer terminal in printed text. Lukáš Zídek Typography What influenced font design • Tradition • Legibility (ability to recognize individual letters) • Readability (ease of reading and understanding • Beauty • Physical requirements (casting the sorts) Lukáš Žídek Typography Adobe Palatino abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Adobe Bookman abcdefghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz Nice, but not ideal for scientific text Lukáš Žídek Typography Adobe Times abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Popular, acceptable for scientific text Computer Modern Roman abcdefghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz Designed for computer typesetting. Ideal for scientific text (especially for math symbols). Lukáš Žídek Typography Adobe Courier abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz Example of a monospaced font Adobe Helvetica abcdef g h i j kl m nopq rstu vwxyz Example of a sans-serif font Lukáš Žídek Typography • Upright (Roman) Use: standard • Italics Use: emphasis, foreign phrases {vide supra), headings, biology (genus and species: E. coli), mathematics • Small Capitals Use: abbreviations (10 pm) • Bold Use: headings, mathematics If not necessary, do not design your own style of headings. Use templates or default setting (if template is not available). E.g. in lAT^X: using \section, \emph, not \textbf, \textit Lukáš Žídek Typography 4: sort height Point size = height of the sort {type) Units: European point (Didot 1770): 1/864 royal foot « 0.376 mm American TEXpoint (Knuth 1978): 1/72.72 in « 0.351 mm American PostScript point (Warnock 1982): 1/72 in « 0.353 mm Lukáš Žídek Typography <* Optimal height of letter: reading distance divided by 250 Purpose height size Comfortable reading 1.4-1.8 mm 10pt Manuals etc. 2.0-2.4 mm 10-12 pt Posters 6.0-8.0 mm 18-30 pt • Optimal length of line (movement of eyes): 2-3 "alphabets" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz small size =4> two columns • Optimal line spacing (leading, pronounce "leading"): 1.2 • Optimal margins: "total" margin t = 20 to 40% pagewidth page width = paper width minus binding (7 mm-15 mm) two-sided: top 0.51, bottom 0.71, inside 0.41, external 0.61 one-sided: top 0.51, bottom 0.71, left 0.51, right 0.51 Lukáš Žídek Typography • Ligature Difficult x Difficult • Italic correction Who is Josef? x Who is Josef? • Kerning LAVATORY x LAVATORY Lukáš Žídek Typography All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in our Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls from the Aquitani; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the Belgae. Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the civilization and refinement of our Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. flushed left no hyphenation All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in our Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls from the Aquitani; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the Belgae. Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the civilization and refinement of our Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. justified no hyphenation "rivers"! All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in our Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls from the Aquitani; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the Belgae. Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the civilization and refinement of our Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. justified hyphenation used Lukáš Žídek Typography Single words/lines ending paragraphs/pages {orphans) and single lines opening pages {widows) should be avoided. Example of a page with a widow and orphans: this line ending a preceding paragraph is a widow line. In this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, the next word is orphan In this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, in this text, there is no problem. But this line, beginning a new paragraph, is an orphan. Lukáš Žídek Typography Avoid "poor • Use 5 x 5, not 5 x 5 • Use 5 - 5, not 5 - 5 • Use 5 ± 1, not 5 +/-1 • Use 5°, not 5° • Use 5/iim, not 5um • Use 1,2,3,..., not 1, 2, 3,... You have a computer, not a typewriter Lukáš Žídek Typography • - Hyphen, (Unicode: U+002D, - in |ATEX) Use: line breaks within words (soft hyphen, U+OOAD), compounded words (hand-written, tea-cup, bude-li, Guth-Jarkovsky, Brno-Slatina • - En-dash (U+2013, — in |ATEX) range (pages 10-20, May-July 2017) Czech phrases like Chlast - slast. chiast — siast. • — Em-dash (U+2014, — in IATeX) Use: separates inserted clause/idea: She was tall—taller than you are—and pretty. • - Minus sign (U+2212, $-$ in I^TeX) -35 $-35$ +35 $+35$ 60-35 $60-35$ Lukáš Žídek Typography • ' Apostroph ('in |ATEX) Use: possessive (John's, Charles'), omission (can't, Rock 'n' Roll), plural (1960's, dot the i's and cross the t's) • ' Prime ($Vprime$ in IaTeX) Use: feet, minutes (10° 15'), chemistry (atom Hť), mathematics, physics • Quotation mark "Friend" x 'Friend' x ,,Kamarád" Lukáš Žídek Typography • Space (U+0020, Space in |ATEX) Use: normal space, line break allowed • Non-breaking space (shown as I here) (U+00A0, - in IaTeX, Ctrl Shift Space in MS Word) Use: Between numbers and units, in references to named parts of a document (Chapterll2, Figurefc), between a person's titles, forenames, surnames (Dr.lSmith, JohnlF. Kennedy, vanlderlWaals), some combinations with math symbols (from 0 toll), when break looks ugly ("orphans") In Czech: also following prepositions K, k, O, o, S, s, U, u, V, v, Z, z and conjunctions A, I, i. • Thin space (non-breaking, U+2009, \, in |A"Tj=X) Use: 541 129299 541\, 129\, 299, 5°, between numbers and other units (instead of U+00A0, debated) Lukáš Žídek Typography 5x10 =^bla blabla bia bia blablabla bia bia blabla 5 x 10"3 ^bla blabla bia bia blablabla blabl blabla 5x10 3 5 x 10"3 =^bla blabla bia bia blablabla bia bia blablabla blabla 5 x 10"3 ^bla blabla bia bia blablabla blabl bia blablabla 5 x 10"3 Lukáš Žídek Typography Mathematics • Mathematical italics variables, indices, functions: a, x, Aki • Upright (mathematical Roman), \mathrm{ } in |AT[=X) numbers: 1,153.67, e~ikx subscripts/superscripts that are abbreviations, not indices: Dcalc, Tc operators: cosux, log/c differentials: dx units: kg, MHz a Bold vectors: v Typeset equations, do not include them as figures! Lukáš Žídek Typography Equations, tables, figures, etc. Use cross-references (do not type "Figure 3", etc.) (\label{fig-gel} and \ref{fig-gel} in lAT^X, selecting "fig-gel" in Cross-reference dialog box in MS Word) Lukáš Žídek Typography Use style of the journal or style typical for the field • numbers, reference list at the end in the order as they appear in the text • numbers, references as footnotes in the order as they appear in the text • names, reference list at the end in the alphabetical order Use bibliographic databases: • Software: EndNote, BibTex, • Use database but create stand-alone list of references (the database is usually not supplied to publisher) • You can maintain a single database for all your papers. • Outputs from Web Of Science Lukáš Žídek Typography • Caption above table • Footnotes bellow table a No vertical lines • No horizontal lines between rows Table 1: Rodents Number Animal m/g 1 white mouse Mus musculusa 30 2 rat Rati u s rati u s 250 M. domesticus Lukáš Žídek Typography • Caption below figure • Use specialized software to create chemical structures (ChemDraw, Chemtool, XDrawChem) • Labels sans-serif, large enough size (at least 7pt) • Copyright (transfered to publisher) When using own, already published figures: o ask publisher for permission (use in thesis is often free) • modify the figure (change colors, symbols) • Cite/acknowledge source even if not protected by copyright • Simple graphics (schemes, plots) should be original (not be copied from other sources) • Use sufficient resolution • Never shrink (change the original height-to-width ratio)! a Never expand (enlarge) - it lowers resolution! • Avoid runaround (text flowing around a figure) Lukáš Žídek Typography 2.0 h 0.0 E 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time / hrs 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time/hrs Original Do not do this! Lukáš Zídek Typography Runaround When he was presi-iezuela, Carlos Andres the two families he >ne with his wife, the :h a mis-separate )th sides say ained a tense »ver visiting, >, or even ac-ig each other, r. Perez died of 88 last De-id decades of ; resentment rth. Now the "e clashing in oi battle here *e to lay him and Mrs. Perez's daugli says she is a spokesw her mother. The mistress, Cecil prefers Mian she lived with for most of th cade, until h away. She claims J said he never v be buried in V as long as his President Huge was in charge. Since Mr. failed to spell preferences in it's now up to & judge to decide, in a tria de uled for August State la to inter Mmln Vm- the surviving spouse pri ' * ' j£wo choosing where to bury 8ffi&g0foir- ceased. In this case, thai isnained mm Do not use in thesis! Carlos Andres Hrez Lukáš Zídek pography • Vector graphics - optimal for simple geometric shapes image composed of primitive objects: polygons, ellipses, shapes defined by Bezier curves supports text Use for graphs and simple schemes containing regular shapes • Bitmap {raster) graphics - optimal for "irregular" images image composed of (rectangular) pixels Use for photographs, models of molecules etc. Lukáš Žídek Typography vector x bitmap lossy x lossless compression 1 x magnification Lukáš Žídek Typography vector x bitmap lossy x lossless compression 2x magnification Lukáš Žídek Typography vector x bitmap lossy x lossless compression 4x magnification .eps, 3kB ■ a .tif, 98kB .png, 6kB ^ .jpg, 9kB <□► 4 ^ > 4 = t 4 = > = -0 0,0 Lukáš Žídek Typography vector x bitmap lossy x lossless compression 10x magnification eps, 3kB png, 6kB Lukáš Žídek Typography o EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) - vector Use: editing, publication • TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) - high quality bitmap Use: editing, archiving, publication • PNG (Portable Network Graphics) - bitmap lossless compression Use: logos, maps, models of molecules, schemes • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) - bitmap lossless compression, less colors Use: animation • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - bitmap lossy compression Use: photographs • PDF (Portable Document Format) - end format Lukáš Žídek Typography As high as required (quality), as low as possible (size) Typical requirements by journals: • Line art: 1000-1200 DPI (dots-per-inch) • Half-tone (photographs): 300 DPI • Combination (photographs with labels etc): 500-600 DPI Example: a landscape picture, width-to-height ratio = \/2 to fit a column of width = 8.9 cm, =4> height = 6.3 cm required resolution 600 DPI 8.9cm = 3.50in, 3.50 x 600 = 2100 6cm = 2.48 in, 2.48 x 600 = 1488 The figure should have 2100x1488 pixels (~3 megapixels!) Lukáš Žídek Typography Related to physical properties of light: • Hue - wavelength • Saturation - monochromaticity • Luminance - intensity But color perception is physiology, not opticsl Lukáš Žídek Typography Purpose: color-coding Use to help the reader to better understand/remember not to make the thesis/slideshow more colorful • Use standard/intuitive choice of colors Examples: positive x negative, cold x hot, rigid x flexible correct x wrong, active x inactive o Be consistent (same color-coding in all figures) • Do not use too many colors • Different people may see colors differently o Different devices define colors differently computer screen/beamer: RGB, printer: CMYK • Technical factors (old lamp, running out of toner) Lukáš Žídek Typography computer display pigments used for printing By BenRG (left) and Palschou (right) at en.wikipedia Lukáš Žídek Typography 0% 11 % 30% 41 % 59% 70% 90% 100 % Lukáš Žídek Typography 0% ■ 11% ■ 30 % ■ ■ 41 % ■ ■ 59 % ■ ■ 70 % ■ ■ 90 % ■ ■ 100% ■ Lukáš Žídek Typo< graphy Ability to focus on different colors Ability to focus on different colors Ability to focus on different colors Lukáš Zídek Ability to focus on different colors Ability to focus on different colors o tocus on ainerent colors Ability to focus on different colors Lukáš Zídek Typography • Sans-serif • Letter height: 5-10% slide height • One idea per slide • Not more than 35 words per slide • Not more than 35 characters per line • Color coding Lukáš Žídek Typography When writing a paper • follow requirements of the publisher even if they violate the general typographic rules • use template if available When writing a thesis • follow requirements of the school even if they violate the general typographic rules • use template if available Your thesis should show original ideas/results but standard typography! Lukáš Žídek Typography