F4280 Technologie depozice tenkých vrstev a povrchových úprav Topics for bachelor/master theses Lenka Zajíˇcková Pˇrírodovˇedecká fakulta & CEITEC, Masarykova univerzita, Brno lenkaz@physics.muni.cz jarní semestr 2017 F4280 Technologie depozice a povrchových úprav: Lenka Zajíˇcková 2 / 2 Topics for bachelor/master theses Atmospheric pressure plasma modification of surfaces for improved adhesion (plasma treatment of plastics and metals, deposition of organosilicon functional coatings) - collaboration with Surface Treat a.s. http://www.surface-treat.cz/, INP Greifswald (plasma jets) Deposition of NH2 and COOH plasma polymers immobilization of biomolecules, biosensors (QCM, SPR), tissue engineering - interdisciplinary topic, collaboration with biologists, biochemists understanding of the process of deposition and plasma diagnostics collaboration with EMPA St. Gallen (Switzerland), University of Mons (Belgium), University of Bari (Italy), gas dynamics simulations in atmospheric pressure discharge, molecular dynamic simulations (collaboration with Osaka University), Deposition of TiSiO2 (ternary oxide) films by atomic layer deposition (ALD) optical applications (waveguides), microelectronic applications (dielectric properties), collaboration with University in Nantes (France) Synthesis of carbon nanotubes for application in sensing and adhesion collaboration with Brno University of Technology, Czech Technical University and company FEI (Thermo Scientific) in Brno Synthesis of graphene and its functionalization