Pronouns - Possessives - Demonstratives - A lot of - Much - Many There aren't many cherries, but there are a lot of strawberries. Is there much pasfa? Yes, there is a lot. ♦ A lot of/lots of are used with both plural countable and uncountable nouns. They are normally used In affirmative sentences. Of is omitted when a lot/lots are not followed by a noun. e.g. There were a lot of/lots of people at the concert. There is a lot of Hots ol yoghurt in the fridge. Have you got many books? Yes, I've got a lot ♦ Much and many are normally used in interrogative and negative sentences. Much is used with uncountable nouns and many with plural countable nouns. e.g. Is there much sugar in the cupboard? There isn't much sugar in this cake. Have you got many CDs? I havenl got many CDs. ♦ How much and now many are used in questions and negations. How much + uncountable noun > amount How many + countable noun -> number e.g. How much money have you got?' 'Not much.' 'How many stamps do you need?' 'Six.' ♦ Too many is used with plural countable nouns. It has a negative meaning and shows that there is more of something than is wanted or needed. e.g. You eat too many sweets. Your teeth will rot. ♦ Too much is used with uncountable nouns. It has the same negative meaning as too many. e.g. I've got too much work to do. I can't go out. ♦ We use mostlsome/anylmany/muchl(a) few/(a) tittle/several/one, two, etc. + of when a noun follows, preceded by this, that, these, those, a, the or possess/Ves. e.g. Most of the people at the party were from work, but: Most people like parties. itratives -üWu^^H A few/Few - A little/Little 1 Laura has got a few peaches. She can make some jam. * * Lucy has got (very) few peaches. She can't make any jam. Simon has got a little paint. He can paint the door. Rick has got (very) little paint. He can't paint the door. ♦ A few/few are used with plural countable nouns (flowers, letters, etc.). A few means not many, but enough. e.g. There are a few hotels in this town. You'll probably find a room to spend the night. Few means hardly any, almost none and can be used with very for emphasis. e.g. There are (very) few cupboards in the kitchen. There's not enough room to store my plates and ♦ A llttle/lfttle are used with uncountable nouns (milk, time, etc.). A little means not much, but enough, e.g. There Is a little petrol in the tank. It will get us to the next town. Little means hardly any, almost none and can be used with vary for emphasis. e.g. There's (very) little coffee left. We need to buy some more. 171 Pronouns - Possessives - Demonstratives A few/Few - A little/Little There aren't many cherries, but there are a lot of strawberries. Is there much pasta? Yes, there is a lot. ♦ A lot of/lots of are used with both plural countable and uncountable nouns. They are normally used in affirmative sentences. Of is omitted when a lot/lots are not followed by a noun. e.g. There were a lot of/lots of people at the concert. There is a lot of Hots of yoghurt in the fridge. Have you got many books? Yes, I've got a lot. ♦ Much and many are normally used in interrogative and negative sentences. Much is used with uncountable nouns and many with plural countable nouns. e.g. Is there much sugar in the cupboard? There isn't much sugar in this cake. Have you got many CDs? I haven't got many CDs. ♦ How much and now many are used in questions and negations. How much + uncountable noun > amount How many + countable noun -> number e.g. How much money have you got?' 'Not much.' 'How many stamps do you need?' 'Six.' ♦ Too many is used with plural countable nouns. It has a negative meaning and shows that there is more of something than is wanted or needed. e.g. You eat too many sweets. Your teeth will rot. ♦ Too much is used with uncountable nouns. It has the same negative meaning as too many. e.g. I've got too much work to do. I can't go out. ♦ We use mostlsomelanylmanylmuchl(a) few/(a) tittlelseveral/one, two, etc. + of when a noun follows, preceded by this, that, these, those, a, the or possessiVes. eg. Most of the people at the party were from work, but: Most people like parties. strati ves - Wrj^S 3 I <«Mf> ■ Laura has got a few peaches. She can make some jam. Lucy has got (very) few peaches. She can't make any jam. Simon has got a little paint. He can paint the door. Rick has got (very) little paint. He can't paint the door. ♦ A few/few are used with plural countable nouns (flowers, letters, etc.). A few means not many, but enough. e.g. There are a few hotels in this town. You'll probably find a room to spend the night. Few means hardly any, almost none and can be used with very for emphasis. e.g. There are (very) few cupboards in the kitchen. There's not enough room to store my plates and ♦ A llttle/lfttle are used with uncountable nouns {milk, time, etc.). A little means not much, out enough. e.g. There is a little petrol in the tank. It will get us to the next town. Little means hardly any, almost none and can be used with very for emphasis. e.g. There's (very) little coffee left. We need to buy some more. 171 ssessives - Demonstratives - Quantifiers 19 1 A: B: 2 A: B: 3 A: B: 4 A: B: 5 A: B: 6 A: B: 7 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 11 A: 8 10 B: A: B: A: B: 14 A: B: 12 13 Fill in many, much, how many, how much or a ► lot (of). Shall we go out tonight? I can't. I don't have ...much... money, I'm afraid. Can you help me, please? I'm sorry. I haven't got .........time at the moment. ............................potatoes are in that bag? Seven, I think. Why? What did you do on your holiday? Well, I read ...............and I relaxed on the beach. There isn't....................milk left. Well, I'll buy some later this afternoon. ..........................homework have you got? Quite...........................I'd better start now. Did you enjoy your dinner? Yes. I ate.........................and I'm very full. Mark is a wonderful athlete. Yes. He has won...............................competitions. Are in the garden? Yes, and they are beautiful too. Are you very busy? No. I haven't do today. She has got..........................clothes. I know. She wears something different every day. ................................times have you seen this film? Three times, but I always cry at the end. should we take on the picnic? Oh, enough for all four of us. Have you travelled to................................places? Yes, I go to a different country every year. 21 Underline the correct item. 200 Fill in the gaps with too much or too many. 1 A: Would you like to spend the weekend with us? B: I can't. I have ...too many... things to do. 2 A: Shall we go to London tomorrow? B: No. It takes...................................time to get there. 3 A: I had a terrible nightmare last night. B: That's because you watch ..........................horror films. 4 A: meat is bad for your health. B: I know. I rarely eat red meat. 5 A: There are...............................people on this train. B: I know. It's very crowded. 6 A: I have spent this month. B: You should have been more sensible. 7 A: This sauce tastes awful. B: I think I put..............................salt in it. 8 A: I for the party. B: I know. There is a lot left over. 9 A: There are ..................................books in this bag. B: I know. It's very heavy, isn't it? 10 A: You are making...........noise. I can't concentrate. B: I'm sorry. I'll try to be quiet. 1 I have a lot of records, but very fewllittlelvery little CDs. 2 We have very little/very few/few spaghetti, so I can't make Spaghetti Bolognese. 3 I'm tired. I didn't get many/muchifew sleep last night. 4 I've made many/much/a lot of notes, but i haven't written my essay yet. 5 This coffee is bitter. It needs a few la little/little more sugar. 6 I have invited a few la lot of/much people to the party. I hope there will be room for them all. 7 I don't have many/much/few time at the moment. I'll talk to you later. 8 I have had a fewlvery fewlvery little success in my search for a job. 9 There are much/a tot of la little reasons why he should go to university. 10 I'd love to come to the beach. I just need a few/a little! many minutes to get ready. 11 There are much/little/few people who are as hardworking as James. 12 I have little/a little/a few work to do before I can leave. 13 I made a lot/a littie/a few biscuits this morning. Would you like to try one? 14 There weren't few/much/many people in town today. It was very quiet. 15 There is a little/little/a few chance of his getting the job. He has no experience. 22 Fill in many, few, much or little. Claire pushed the door open a 1) ...little... and looked inside. The house was small and there was not 2)........................... furniture. There were a 3) .................chairs and a table, but there were very 4) ....................signs of comfort. There was not 5) ...........................light, but Claire could see that there were not 6) or ornaments. It was as though the owner of the house spent very 7) ....................... time there. After a 8).................more moments, she quietly closed the door and walked away. 23 Add of where necessary. 1 A lot ...of... people have mobile phones these days. 2 Many..............her books are very old. 3 Most..............children enjoy watching cartoons. 4 I've met several..............his colleagues. 5 A few..............birds were singing in the tree. 6 Have you ever seen any..............Bruce Willis' films? 7 friends live abroad. 8 One..............her books has won an award. 9 I have hardly time at the moment. 10 A few..............the guests arrived early. 172 ff It i! I ■ ,. ::•', :([!^ iJ: j ', 1'-' 44 Cause and Effect Scanning When you need to search technical material for the answers to specific questions, you will want to locate the particular information without reading every word. This can be accomplished by scanning the passage. To scan let your eyes run rapidly down the page and look for the key or important words that you are seeking. Read the following three questions. Then find the answers by scanning the passage for the key words. Try to do it ail in three minutes. 1. What is the speed of light? (key words: a large number) 2. Who originated the wave theory of light? (key words: a proper name with capital letters) 3. What is silver bromide used for? {key words: silver bromide) Reading Reflecting on Light Most of what we know about the world comes to us through our ability to "see" with our eyes, our telescopes, and our microscopes. But how do we see? Sight is not something that reaches out from our eyes. Instead it is the light that travels to our eyes. You see this page, for example, because light, reflecting from the sun or an electric light, travels from the paper to your eyes. Sometimes we see light as it comes from a direct source, such as the sun, fire, lightning, or a light bulb. The rest of the time we see light as it is reflected off objects. Light travels at high speeds. It must have been a great leap in the intuition of scientists to realize that light actually "travels." It isn't just there! In the air light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. It travels slightly faster in a vacuum and slower in other transparent materials such as water or diamonds. It takes light less than one minute to travel from the earth to the moon and about 15 minutes to go from the earth to the sun. In 1678 the Dutch scientist Christian Huygens was the first to propose that light travels in waves. Since then the work of the American Albert Einstein and the Scottish James Maxwell has revealed that light actually consists of particles known as photons and travels in electromagnetic waves. Light seems to travel in straight lines. If you shine a flashlight in the dark, for example, the beam of light appears to be straight. In contrast, sound waves travel in every direction. We can hear people on the other side of a wall but cannot see them. In certain situations light diverges from a straight path. When it falls on an object, most is either absorbed (in the case of an opaque object such as wood or metal) or passes through (in the case of a transparent object such as water or glass). The remainder of the light is reflected. It is reflected light that changes direction. When light is reflected off a smooth surface, it changes direction in a regular way, that is, the angle that is reflected equals the angle at which it strikes the surface. If the surface is rough, light is reflected in many directions. Light reflecting off a smooth surface. Light reflecting off a rough surface. Certain silver compounds (like silver bromide) reflect almost all the light that falls on them and are accordingly used for mirrors. The image that is reflected in a flat mirror is identical to the original object, even in size, except that the image is reversed. This is because light on a flat surface changes direction. When light passes from one transparent medium to another, it changes speed and direction. This process, called refraction, explains the apparent shortening of a person's legs or the bending of a stick in water. Light is a form of energy that can be transformed into heat. You can prove this by using a magnifying,glass to concentrate the sun's rays on a piece of paper and burn a hole in it. It is this light energy from the sun that warms the earth and enables living things to grow. Plants get light energy directly from the sun. Animals get it from the plants they eat. Making Inferences. A scientist must make every effort to be precise by reading and observing carefully and measuring and recording accurately. Inaccurate information can result in incorrect conclusions. Indicate whether each of the following statements is stated in the passage (S), implied by other information in the passage (/), or neither stated nor implied (N). Do not indicate whether the statement is true or false. '* —_— 1. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. - 2. Light travels slower through glass than through air. - 3. Light travels faster than sound. - 4. Moonlight is reflected light. - 5. Light travels faster through water than sound does. - 6. Scientists did not always know that light travels. - 7. Light travels in the same way as sound. - 8. Light travels at different speeds in different substances. .—._ 9. Sound waves do not travel in straight lines. _ 10. Most of the sound we hear is reflected. - 11. Most of the sunlight falling on the tin roof of a building is absorbed. _ 12. An opaque object reflects more light than a transparent one. _ 13. A flat mirror reflects a reversed image. ____ 14. Light energy can be converted to heat energy. _ 15. Scientists must be very clever people!