Capacity building, governance and knowledge – rural regional learning DERREG Final meeting October 12-14, 2011 Murska Sobota, Slovenia Dirk Roep & Wiebke Wellbrock Wageningen University DERREG - project   WP4 – Capacity building, governance and knowledge  6 case study areas; research done in collaboration with respective partners  Comparative analysis on well-working arrangements Deliverable D4.3 •  Conceptual framework: • Wellbrock and Roep (forthcoming), Governance of place-based learning and innovation in rural areas, European countryside (open access journal) Various policies Different places shaped by various practices Development activities Interfaces Development strategies: scope, scale, targets, beneficiaries, etc Place-based development Positioning  Support of capacity building  Enhance self-efficacy  More resilient, robust, vital regions  Support to joint learning and innovation in grassroots development activities in various rural places  How can this support be best arranged?  Governance of joint learning and innovation in rural regions  Focus – arrangements and working of interfaces WP4 Capacity building, governance & KSS Heuristic framework of learning rural region What did we do (and did not do)?  A) Mapping policies and knowledge support structure  complexity – a comprehesive overview is difficult  B) Inventorizing grassroots development initiatives and their activities  Focus on diversity, incomplete  Joint learning (and innovation) assumed  C) Identify type of support for joint L&I:  1) how support is arranged and operationalised  2) how beneficiaries evaluate the support  D) Select well-working operational arrangements The Westerkwartier: An introduction  Westerkwartier, Netherlands  Part of Groningen Province  4 municipalities, 80% agricultural land  173.4 inhabitants km²/ 374km²  LEADER region (1 Local Action Group)  North: Agriculture, South: Diverse interests Marum Groote- gast Leek LAG LEADER action plan LEADER execution National (Regional) Government NL Groningen Province West part of Groningen province (a.k.a. Westerkwartier) Wetterskip Frysland Steering group West -Waterboards Friesland, Noorderzijl -Municipalities Marum, Zuidhorn, Grootegast, Leek - Regio manager West ZuidhornWaterschap Noorderzijl POP (provincial ambience plan) European Union Local level OP ERDF Koers Noord (Course North) RDP2MJP of AVP (multi-annual progr.) Koers verlegd (Changing course) Regio dev. Plan 2008+ PLG (rural area plan) MJP 2008+ (Multi-ann. prog) POP execution plan Rural development policy Regional development policy CAP2 and EAFRD ERDF and EFS Dirk Roep & Wiebke Wellbrock Atelier Knowledge institutes, experts & facilitators „Westerkwartier‟ EU Ministries Province Municipalities Waterboard Countryside Exchange Brug Toekomst Research, Education & Advice Programs LAG Expert team WindowLiving villages For example: - WichterWest - Touristic platform - Inboeren - MEI - Boer & Natuur - De Eendracht - De Dotterbloem - Mien Westerkwartier - Punt 1 Grassroots development initiatives WSI „Knowledge support structure‟ „Public Administration‟ Steering Group Groningen-West IntegratedDevelopmentProgram Westerkwartier Touristic catalysts Association Groningen Villages Rural House Meeting place Rural café “Regional transition” Rural house, Westerkwartier NL Photo: W.Wellbrock Rural house • Low-threshold access point: Window to connect with public administration & knowledge agents – Various experts brokering between initiators & supporters (WSI, LAG, VGD, Province , Municipality & Knowledge institutes) – Financed by LEADER – Likely continued as a virtual access point Touristic Catalysts Photo: Groningen Province Touristic Catalysts: Support & Facilitation • LEADER project to bring tourism to a higher level: collaboration, better facilities, promotion & regional branding • Main tasks – Network incubator – Encouraging business plans and investments – Collective promotion • Association of touristic entrepreneurs is now active Rural Cafés Photo: Groningen Province Rural Cafés • Informal exchange of ideas & networking between initiators, public administration & knowledge agents • Main objectives: – Give citizens possibilities to present their regional development projects/ ideas – Exchange development ideas – Informal networking in stimulating atmosphere – Themed cafés (people with same interest) Rural regional learning: evalution & reflection Evaluation of support & facilitation Well-working arrangements  An arrangement is composed of:  shape of operational space (procedures, rules & regulations) – room for maneouvre  scale of operation (region, community, business sector)  delegation of tasks and roles to operational agents and agencies  Well-working arrangements are well targeted and a -tuned composure Delegation of tasks and roles  Mediating tasks and roles are crucial, e.g.:  Network brokering  Advice, assistance & process management  Lobbying  Delegation of task and roles to:  Regional development networks  Public private partnerships  Public institutes  Professionals Some lessons learned  The context (different places) is important, but in general:  Operational agents / agencies are crucial to make an interface work well and policies effective  Their efficacy depends on the operational space given to fulfill specific tasks and roles, including informal ones  Shared leadership is needed to take off  Proper scaling (not same as administrative level) towards targeted practices or places is crucial  Facilitation by KSS is underdeveloped – regular funded education, research and advice can be more engaged Discussion  What does the „learning region‟ perspective add?  Comprehensive view – will enhance integration  Highlights the need for well-working interfaces to make policies more effective  Stresses the (public) support of joint L&I in grassroots development activities (place-based development)  And makes the facilitation of L&I by the KSS explicit – challenge to have the KSS  Reflexive monitoring and evaluation (learning from) as driver of a learning region Thank you for your attention! © Wageningen UR