Quality of Life

Týden 1+2

Basic information

- 1 lesson a week (Tuesday morning)
- compulsory attendance (missing 1 lesson without apologize, 2 with apologize are permitted)
- discussion or workshop form - active participation
- experiential learning and reflection, practice-oriented learning
- e-learning, reading texts and working in the interactive syllabus


Jaroslav Biolek




1) What do you imagine when anyone says "quality of life"? (mind map)

2) Critical reading the text of "Introduction to quality of life" - subjectivity, complexity, relativity (dual-entry diary)

3) Reflection on the reading  and discussion on your comments and ideas


Plans for seminars

1. Interactive discussions about topics related with QoL and geography

- reading books, articles about QoL

- discussions about concepts of QoL, multidimensionality, methodology, research on QoL...


2. Applied research on a problem concerned QoL in Brno

- reading articles in newspapers, journals

- walking through Brno, observing a life in the city, talking with people...

Tasks for next week:

- think of 2-3 particular problems concerned QoL in Brno which you would like to do research on and send your suggestions

- write a short essay on QoL (your point of view on QoL) and upload in https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/1431/jaro2017/Z8147/ode/ode_68109089/


Poslední změna: 17. 2. 2015 13:28.04https://prezi.com/uzf4qy3jcvqb/quality-of-life-seminars/