Quality of Life
Týden 5+6
Discussion about research on the development of locality above Central cemetery
1. Purpose of this research?
- definition of key questions
- covering research issues - present activities and problems x future plans
2. Characteristics of this place?
- interactions? processes?
- actors? things?
- fitting together?
3. Our basic questions?
- who, for who, where?
- what, with whom?
- when?
- how?
-► PLAN: - time
- methods
- people
1. Purpose of this research?
- definition of key questions
- covering research issues - present activities and problems x future plans
2. Characteristics of this place?
- interactions? processes?
- actors? things?
- fitting together?
3. Our basic questions?
- who, for who, where?
- what, with whom?
- when?
- how?
-► PLAN: - time
- methods
- people