surv.plot <- function (S, draw.CIs=NULL, x.ticks, y.ticks, group.names,, p.val=NULL, legend.position=c("NE", "SE", "SW", "NW"), short.names=NULL, short.legend=F, add.left=0, style=c("R", "JCO", "bw", "NEJM"), presentation=F, reset.par=T, verbose=F, debug=F, lnames=NULL, ...) { #TODO add p.val.pos if(debug) print("entering surv.plot") old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # all par settings which # could be changed. if (reset.par) on.exit(par(old.par)) if (!is.null(legend.position)) legend.position <- match.arg(legend.position) if (!is.null(style)) style <- match.arg(style) if (debug) print(legend.position) n.strata <- max(1,length(S$strata)) if (missing(group.names)) if (n.strata > 1) { group.names <- names(S$strata) } else group.names <- "" if (missing(short.names)) { temp <- unlist(strsplit(group.names, "=")) short.names <- temp[seq(2, length(temp), by=2)] } if(debug) print("parsing args") args <- list(...) if (!missing(x.ticks)) args <- modifyList(args, list(xlim=c(min(x.ticks),max(x.ticks)))) if (!missing(y.ticks)) args <- modifyList(args, list(ylim=c(min(y.ticks), max(y.ticks)))) if (is.null(args$lty)) args <- modifyList(args, list(lty=1)) if (is.null(args$lwd)) args <- modifyList(args, list(lwd=3)) if (is.null(args$mark)) args <- modifyList(args, list(mark="/")) if (is.null(args$xlab)) args <- modifyList(args, list(xlab="time")) if (is.null(args$ylab)) { if (style=="NEJM") { args <- modifyList(args, list(ylab="Probability of Survival")) } else { args <- modifyList(args, list(ylab="estimated survival probability")) } } if (is.null(args$col)) if (n.strata > 1) { if (style=="R") args <- modifyList(args, list(col=1:n.strata)) else if (style=="bw") args <- modifyList(args, list(col=rep(1,n.strata), lty=1:n.strata)) else if (style=="JCO") args <- modifyList(args, list(col=rgb(red=c(45, 227), green=c(123, 183), blue=c(200, 16), maxColorValue=255))) else if (style=="NEJM") { if (n.strata == 2) args <- modifyList(args, list(col=c("#BC2C25", "#1170B8"))) if (n.strata == 3) args <- modifyList(args, list(col=c("#A82498", "#1170B8", "#E07A19"))) if (n.strata == 4) args <- modifyList(args, list(col=c("#A82498", "#1170B8", "#E07A19", "#409438"))) } } else args <- modifyList(args, list(col=1)) if (style=="NEJM") { args <- modifyList(args, list(mark.time=F)) args <- modifyList(args, list(xlab=bquote(expression(bold(.(args$xlab)))))) args <- modifyList(args, list(ylab=bquote(expression(bold(.(args$ylab)))))) } if(presentation) cex.factor <- sqrt(2) else cex.factor <- 1 if(debug) print("defining strata") if(debug) print(paste("colors:", args$col)) strata <- S$strata if(is.null(strata)) strata <- 1 #TODO check it par(mar=c(*n.strata+5, 5+add.left, 2, 1) + 0.1, mgp=c(3, 1, 0)) if(debug) print("calling plot") if (!is.null(draw.CIs)) { new.args <- args # TODO use for loop for more than 1 CI new.args$col <- args$col[draw.CIs], c(list(S[draw.CIs],, bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xaxs='i', yaxs='i', xpd=NA), new.args)) par(new=T) new.args$lwd <- args$lwd/2, c(list(S[draw.CIs], bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xaxs='i', yaxs='i', xpd=NA, cex.lab=cex.factor), new.args)) par(new=T) new.args$lwd <- args$lwd new.args$col <- args$col[-draw.CIs], c(list(S[(1:n.strata)[-draw.CIs]], bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xaxs='i', yaxs='i', xpd=NA, cex.lab=cex.factor), new.args)) } else {, c(list(S, bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xaxs='i', yaxs='i', xpd=NA, cex.lab=cex.factor), args)) } if(debug) print("adding axes") if (missing(x.ticks)) x.ticks <- axTicks(1) if (missing(y.ticks)) y.ticks <- axTicks(2) axis(1, at=x.ticks, labels=x.ticks, cex.axis=cex.factor) axis(2, at=y.ticks, labels=y.ticks, las=2, cex.axis=cex.factor) if(debug) print("adding labels") if(!is.null(p.val) && p.val!=F) { if (is.logical(p.val)) { <-S$call[1] <- call("survdiff") S.diff <- eval( p.val <- paste("p =", format.pval(1-pchisq(S.diff$chisq, df=length(S.diff$n)-1), digits=3)) } text(x=min(x.ticks)+0.03*max(x.ticks),y=min(y.ticks)+0.03*max(y.ticks), p.val, adj=c(0,0), cex=cex.factor) } if ( { n.x <- length(x.ticks) grp <- rep(1:n.strata, times=strata) n.risk.mat <- matrix(0,nrow=n.x, ncol=n.strata) for (g in 1:n.strata) { for (x in 1:n.x) { index <- which(S$time[grp==g]>x.ticks[x]) # ">" or ">=" if (length(index) == 0) n.risk.mat[x,g] <- 0 else n.risk.mat[x,g] <- S$n.risk[grp==g][min(index)] } } text.col <- args$col if (style=="NEJM") { mtext(text=expression(bold("No. at Risk")), side=1, line=-(n.strata+1.25), outer=T, adj=0, cex=cex.factor) mtext(text=short.names, side=1, outer=T, line=((1:n.strata)-(n.strata+1.1)), cex=cex.factor, col=1, adj=0) mtext(text=as.vector(n.risk.mat), side=1, at=rep(x.ticks,n.strata), line=rep(1:(n.strata), each=n.x)+4, cex=cex.factor, col=1) } else { mtext(text="# at risk", side=1, line=4, at=-40, adj=1, cex=cex.factor) mtext(text=as.vector(n.risk.mat), side=1, at=rep(x.ticks,n.strata), line=rep(1:(n.strata), each=n.x)+4, cex=0.8*cex.factor, col=rep(text.col,each=n.x)) } } if (n.strata > 1 & !is.null(legend.position)) { if (substr(legend.position, 1, 1) == "N") { leg.y <- max(y.ticks) leg.yjust <- 1 } else { leg.y <- min(y.ticks) leg.yjust <- 0 } if (substr(legend.position, 2, 2) == "W") { leg.x <- min(x.ticks) leg.xjust <- 0 } else { leg.x <- max(x.ticks) leg.xjust <- 1 } if (short.legend) legend.names <- short.names else{if (!is.null(lnames)) legend.names <- lnames else legend.names=group.names} legend.col <- args$col legend(x=leg.x, y=leg.y, legend=legend.names, col=legend.col, bty="n", lty=args$lty, lwd=args$lwd, xjust=leg.xjust, yjust=leg.yjust, cex=cex.factor) } if (verbose) return(list(groups=group.names,, times=x.ticks)) }