Physiology and Cultivation of Algae and Cyanobacteria 1. Definition • Algae formal tax. standing, polyphyletic origin, artificial assemblage of O2 evolving photosynthetic organisms • Algae vs. Plants the same storage compounds, similar defence strategies against predators & parasites Plants •hi degree of differentiation •repr. organs surrounded by jacket of sterile cells •multicell. embryo remains developmentaly & nutrit. independent on parents •meristems on root/shoot apices •digenetic life cycles with alterations betw. hapl. gametophyte & dipl. sporophyte Algae •don’t have roots, stems, leaves, not well defined vasc. tissue •don’t form embryo •mono- & digenetic life cycles •occur in dissimilar forms (micro algae, macro a. multicellular, colonies, branched,…) •less complexity of the thalli •hi diversity 0.2 – 60m ecology & habitats reserve & structural polysacharides evolutionary origin •1 – 10 mil. species •½ primary production in biosphaera Klasification • under constant revision (Van Den Hoek et al. 1995) Occurrence & distribution Aquatic • almost everywhere (from freshwater spring to salt lakes) • tolerance of wide range of pH, temp., turbidity, O2 & CO2 conc. • planctonic » unicellular, suspended throughout lighted regions of all water (inc. polar ice) • benthic » within sediments » limited to shallow areas (because of rapid attenuation of light with depth) » attached to stones – epilithic, on mud/sand – epipelic » on oter algae/plants – epiphytic, on animals – epizoic • marine benthic – after habitat – supralitoral – above high-tide level within reach wave spray – intertidal – exposed to tidal cycles – sublitoral – from extreme low-water to cca 200m deep • ocean – 71% of earth surface, more than 5000 spec. of planctonic algae – phytoplancton » base of marine food chain » produce 50% of O2 we inhale - life » death – blooms – too large populations (decrease water transparency, prod. toxins & poisons) – kelps » giant algae – temperate pelagic marine environment, till 60m submerged forests » also beneath polar ice sheet » can survive at very low depth – record of 268m u.s.l. – dark blue red algae (blue-green ligh, 0.0005% of surface intensity) » have accesory pigments, chanel the energy to chl a • accesory & protective pigments – give algae wide variety of colors <> names Occurrence & distribution Freshwater fytoplancton & benthic algae » base of aquatic food chain » not exhibit size range of marine relatives Subaerial » life on land » tree trunks, animal fur, snow, hot springs, desert rocks » activity – convert rock > soil − to minimize soil erosion & increase water retention & nutrient availability for plants Symbiosis • lichens, corals » to survive in environments that they could not alone Structure o thallus Unicells & unicell colonial algae • solitary cells, unicells with/w-out flagela, motile (Ochromonas)/non-motile (Nannochloris) • colony – aggregates of several single cells held together ±organized – grow – cell division – each cell can survive solely • coenobium – colony with number of cells & arrangement determined at the time of origin (e.g. Volvox – motile, Pediastrum – non-motile) Structure o thallus Filamentous algae – result from cell division in plane perpendicular to axis of filament – cell chain ─simple └branched – true/false ─uniseriate – 1 layer of cells └multiseriate – up to multiple layer Syphonous algae – siphonous/coenocytic construction of tubular filaments lacking transverse cell walls – unicellular but multinucleate (coenocytic) Structure o thallus Parenchymatous & pseudoparenchymatous algae – mostly macroscopic • parenchymatous » originated from division of primary filament (all directions) » lost filamentous structure • pseudoparenchymatous » originated from close aggregation of branched filaments, forming thallus held together with mucilages (red algae) Nutrition • algae = phototrophs • most algal divisions – contain colorless heterotrophic spec. – osmotrophy, phagotrophy – auxotrophy – cannot synthesize essential components (vitamin B12, fatty acids,..) and have to import them • algae can use wide spectrum of nutritional strategies combining: – phototrophy – heterotrophy – mixotrophy (relative contribution of photo.&hetero. can vary) » often in extreme environment (limiting light,…) – after nutritional strategies: – obligate heterotrophic algae – primarily heterotrophs, but capable phototrophy in limiting prey concentration (Gymnodium gracilentum - Dinophyta) – obligate phototrophic algae – primarily phototrophs, but capable phagotrophy/osmotrophy when light is limiting (Dinobryon divergens - Heterocontophyta) – facultative mixotrophic algae – can equally well grow as photo-/heterotrophs (Fragilidinium subglobosum - Dinophyta) – obligate mixotrophic algae – primary mode is phototrophy & phago-&/osmotrophy provides essential substances (e.g.photoauxotrphs, Euglena gracilis - Euglenophyta) Reproduction • vegetative by division of single cell or fragmentation of colony • asexual by production of motile spores • sexual by union of gametes – vegetative & asexual » allow stability of addapted genotypes from generation to the next » fast & economical increase of number of individual » lack genetic variability – sexual » involves - plasmogamy (union of cells) - karyogamy (union of nuclei) - chromosome/gene association & meiosis >> genetic recombination » allow variation, but is more costly Vegetative & Asexual reproduction • Binary fission & Cellular bisection – simplest form – parent org. divides into two equal parts of the same hereditary info as parent – unicellular a. - longitudinal - transverse – growth of population - lag > exponential > log > stationary (plateau) phase – in multicellular a. & colonies - leads to the growth of individual • Zoospore, Aplanospore & Autospore – zoospores - flagelate motile spores that may be produced within parental vegetative cell (Clamydomonas - Chlorophyta) – aplanospores - aflagelate spores that begin their development within parent cell wall before being released - can dvelop into zoospores – autospores - aflagelate daughter cells released from ruptured cell wall of parental cell, - replicas of vegetative cells that produce them & lack the capacity to develop into zoospore (Nannochloropsis - Heterocontophyta, Chlorella - Chlorophyta) spores - may be produced within - ordinary cells - specialized sporangia Vegetative & Asexual reproduction • Autocolony formation – coenobium/colony - each cell can produce new colony similar to parent. – cell division produce multicellular group (not the unicellular individuals) > differs from the parent in cell size not in number e.g. Volvox (Chlorophyta) – gonidia - series of cells which produce a hollow sphaere within the hollow of parental colony (released after its rupture) • Fragmentation – ± random process whereby non-coenobic colonies/filaments break into two/several fragments having capacity to develop into new individual Vegetative & Asexual reproduction • Resting stages – under unfavourable conditions (desiccation) – thick-walled cells • hypnospores & hypnozygotes – thick-walled, produced ex novo from cells previosly separated from parent cells » hypnospores - Ulothrix spp., Chlorococcum (Chlorophyceae) » hypnozygotes - Spyrogyra spp. (Chlorophyceae), Dinophyta – enables algae to survive temporary drying out of small water bodies & allow transport to another (e.g. via birds) • statospores – endogenous cysts formed within vegetative cells by members of Chrysophyceae e.g. Ochromonas spp. » cyst walls consist of silica >> preserved as fossils – spherical, ellipsoidal, often ornamented with spines or other projections – wall - with pores sealed by unsilicified bung – within cysts lie nucleus, chloroplasts, reserve material – after dormancy - germination - form one/several flagelate cells • akinetes occurrence in blue-green algae – enlarged vegetative cells that develop thickened wall in response to limiting env. nutrients or light (e.g. Anabaena cylindrica - Cyanophyta) – extremely resistant to drying & freezing – long-term anaerobic storage of genetic material, remain viable in sediments for many years in hard conditions – in suitable conditions > germination into new vegetative cells Sexual reproduction Gametes – morphologicaly identical/different with/from vegetative cells (a. group speciphic sign) – haploid DNA content – possible different gamete types • isogamy - both gametes types motile & indistinguishable • heterogamy - gametes differ in size » anisogamy - both gametes are motile, 1. small - sperm 2. large - egg » oogamy - 1. motile, small - sperm 2. non-motile, very large - egg Algae exhibit 3 different life cycles with variation within differrent groups • main difference - where meiosis occure & type of cells it produces & whether there is more than one free-living stages Sexual reproduction Haplontic or zygotic life cycle – single predominant haploide vegetative phase, with meiosis after germination of zygote » Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyta) Diplontic or gametic life cycle – single predominant diploid vegetative phase – meiosis gives rise to haploid gametes » Fucus (Heterocontophyta), Diatoms Haplontic or zygotic life cycle Diplontic or gametic life cycle Sexual reproduction Diplohaplontic or sporic life cycle – present alternations of generation between two different phases consisting of haploide gametophyte & diploid sporophyte • gametophyte - produce gamete by mitosis • sporophyte - produce spore by meiosis – alternation of generations can be • isomorphic - both phases morphologicaly identical » Ulva (Chlorophyta) • heteromorphic - with predominance of – sporophyte - Laminaria (Heterocontophyta) – gametophyte - Porhyra (Rodophyta) Diplohaplontic or sporic life cycle -isomorphic alternation of generations Diplohaplontic or sporic life cycle -heteromorphic alternation of generations Physiology and Cultivation of Algae and Cyanobacteria 2. Summaries of the ten algal divisions • Historically – classified on basis of: pigmentation, chem. structure of storage products, thylakoid membrane organization, chemistry, structure of cell wall, number, arrangement, and ultrastructure of flagella, occurrence of special features, sex.cycles • Recently – comparison of sequence of 5S; 18S; 28S rRNA, internal genetic coherence Cyanophyta – together with prochlorophyta – non-motile G- eubacteria • 1-cell. to filament (un-/branched), & colonial aggr. • widely distrib.; planctonic, blooms, picoplancton, benthic, soil, mud, hot springs; symbiotic • Pigm.: chl a, blue & red phycobilins, carotenes • phycobilisomes in rows on outher surface of thylakoids • Thylacoids – free in cytoplasm, non-stacked, singled&equidistant • Res.polysach.: cyanophycean starch (granules betw. thylakoids), cyanophycin • some marine contain gas vesicles • some filamentous form heterocysts & akinetes • some produce hepato-, neurotoxins Prochlorophyta • 1-cell. / filamentous (un-/branched) • free-living component of pelagic nanoplancton, obligate symbionts within didemnid ascidians & holoturians • mainly limited to tropical&subtropical env. • Pigm.: chl a, chl b, β-carotene, xanthophyls lack phycobilins, • Thylakoids – free in cytoplasm, stacked • Res.polysach.: cyanophycean starch (starch-like) Cyan.&Prochlor. • able to fix nitrogen • contain polyhedral bodies (carboxysomes) with RuBisCO • in cell wall peptidoglycane layer • obligate photoautotrophs • asexual reproduction (cell division / fragmentation of colonies) Glaucophyta • 1-cell., flagellate, dorsiventral construction, 2 unequal flagella inserted in shallow depression below apex • marine, rare freshw., solme soil • Pigm.: chl a, acces.pigm.: phycoerythrocyanin, phycocyanin, allophycocyanin in phycobilisomes, carotenoids • Chlpl. lie ni spec. vacuole, present thin peptidoglycan wall betw. 2 outher plastid membranes • Thylacoids non-stacked • ctDNA in center of chlpl. near carboxysomes (RuBisCO) • Res.polysach.: starch (granules in cytoplasm outside of chlpl.) • photoautotrophs with blue-green plastids – cyanelles – presumed to be phylogenetically derived from endosymbiotic cyanobacterium • unknown sex. reproduction Rhodophyta • red algae, mostly seaweeds, can free-living 1-cell. • mostly marine • lack flagellate stages • Pigm.: chl a, phycobiliproteins in phycobilisomes • Chlpl. 2-membrane enclosure • thylakoids – non-stacked, single&equidistant within chlpl. • ctDNA scattered throughout chlpl. • Res.polysach.: floridean starch & α-1.4-glucan polysach. – grains in cytoplasm • mostly photoautotrophs • Repr. – in majority – cytokinesis incomplete >> pit connection >> proteinacous plug >> plug – sexual.: isomorphic / heteromorphic diplohaplontic life cycle Heterokontophyta • when 2 flagella they are different • flagelate cells – heterokont – long mastigonemate flagellum directed forward during swimming & short smooth fl., points backwards along the cell • 1-cell-to-colonial, filamentous, siphonous, multicellular complex kelp; various type of flagellum • mostly marine (can freshw,&terestrial) • Pigm.: prepoderance of carotenoids over chlorophylls – chl a, c1, c2, c3, access.: b-carotene, fucoxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin • thylakoids stacked in three – lamellae • one lamellae usually runs along whole chlpl. = girdle lamellae • chlpl. 2-membrane & fold of ER • ctDNA – ring-shaped • Res.polysach.: chrysolaminarin in cytoplasm in spec. vacuole • eyespot – layer of globules, enclosed within chlpl. together with photoreceptor loc. in smooth flagellum, forms photoreceptive apparatus • photoautotrophy can be combine with heterotrophy • sex. reproduc.: life cycle – haplontic (Chrysophyceae), diplontic (Bacillariophyceae), diplohaplontic (Phaeophyceae) Haptophyta • mostly 1-cell., motile, palmelloid / coccoid (rare colonial/filament.) • generaly marine • flagellate cells – 2 naked flagella inserted laterally or apically (may have diff. lenght) • haptonema – typically long organelle flagellar structure (diff ultrastruct.) • Pigm.: chl a, c1, c2, access.: fucoxanthin, β-carotene, xanthins • Chlpl. enclosed within fold of ER • Thylakoids – stacked in three, no girdle lamellae • ctDNA – nucleoid scattered in chlpl. • can be eyespot – row of globules inside chlpl., no associated flagellar struct. • Res.polysach.: chrysolaminarin • Cell surface – tiny celulosic scales or calcified scales bearing spoke-like fibrils • Phototrophs / heterotrophs, phagotrophy in forms that lack cell covering • Sex. reprod.: heteromorphic diplohaplontic life cycle Cryptophyta • 1-cell. flagellate • assymetric cells, dorsiventrally constructed • 2 unequal hary flagella, subapically inserted, emerging from above gullet loc. on ventral side of cell – lined by ejectosomes • free-swimming in freshw. & marine • Pigm.: chl a, c2, phycobilins in thylakoid lumen > in phycobilisomes • Chlpl. – 1 - 2 per cell, surrounded by fold of ER - in these intermembrane space – peculiar organemme – nucleomorph - ? nucleus of red algal symbiont • Thylakoids in pairs, no girdle lamellae • Pyrenoid projects out from the inner side of chlpl. • ctDNA condensed in small nucleoid inside chlpl. • Res.polysach.: starch ganules in periplastidial space • eyespot sometimes inside plastid, no association with flagella • Cell enclosed in stiff, proteinaceous periplast – polygonal plates • mostly photosynthetic nutrition, can be heterotrophs • Repr.: primary longitudinal cell division, can be sexual Dinophyta • 1-cell., flagelates (can be ameboid, coccoid, palmelloid or filament.) • 2 flagella with independent beating pattern (1st - training, 2nd - girdling) >> rotatory whirling motion • characteristic cell covering components beneath cell membrane (layer of flat, polygon. vesicles – empty or celulose filled) • dinokont type – theca – bi-partite armor (upper, anterior [epiconus]; lower, posterior [hypoconus]) separated by groove (cingulum) loc. transversal flagellum; smaller groove (sulcus) – extended posteriorly – host longitudinal flagellum • important freshw. & marine microplancton • consumed by filterfeeders; parasites; endosymbionts of tropical corals • Pigm.: chl a, b, c1, c2, fucoxanthin, carotenoids, xanthophylls • Chlpl. (if present) surrounded by 3 membranes • Thylakoids stacked in 3; ctDNA in small nodules scattered in whole chlpl. • complex photoreceptive system “compound eye” (Warnowiaceae) – lens & retinoid • Dinocaryon – eukaryotic nucleus, chromosomes condensed during mitosis, karyotheca unbroken – endomitosis • Res.polysach.: starch - grains in cytoplasm; oil droplets in some genera • At cell suraface – trichocysts – discharge explosively when stimulated • Photoautotrophy & hi. diversity of nutrit. types • can form blooms, possib. bioluminiscence • Sex. reproduct. – haplontic life cycle; can form hypnospores Euglenophyta • mostly unicell.flagellates, can be colonial • widely distributed, freshwater, brakish & marine, abundant in hi. heterotrophic env. • flagella arise from bottom of cavity – reservoir (loc. in anterior end of cell); can live in mud; presence of pellicle – proteinaceous wall inside cytoplasm – spiral construction • Pigm.: chl a & b, β & γ-carotenes, xanthins, some spec. can absent plastids • Chlpl.- 3 membrane envelope • Thylakoids – group of three without girdle lamella • photoreceptive system – orange eyespot loc. free in cytoplasm; true photoreceptor loc. at base of flagellum • Res.polysach.: paramylon (β-1,3-glucan); granules inside cytoplasm(not in chlpl.) • obligate mixotrophs, require vitamins of B group; colorless can be phagotrophs, osmotrophs • Reproduction – only asexual Chlorarachniophyta • naked, unicell., form net-like plasmodium via filopodia • life cycle forms – amoeboid, coccoid, flagellate stages • ovoid zoospores bear single flagellum • marine • Pgm.: chl a & b • Chlpl. – 4-membrane envelope, each has prominent projecting pyrenoid • Thylakoids – stacked in one to three • nucleomorph present btw. 2nd and 3th membrane originated from green algal endosymbiont • Res.polysach.: paramylon (β-1,3-glucan) • phototrophs & phagotrophs engulfs bacteria, flagelates & eukaryotic algae • Repr. – mostly asexual – mitosis or zoospore formation – heterogamy rarely Chlorophyta • great range of somatic differentiation (flagellates to differentiated multicell. thalli) • thallus organization <--> basis of classification • flagella -wide diversity in number & arrangement (1-8 in apical / subapical region) • zoids are isokont (similar struct. but can differ in lenght) • freshwater, marine & terestrial • Pigm.: chl. a & b, β & γ-carotenes, xanthophylls • Chlpl. – 2-membrane envelope • Thylakoids – stacked, form grana • pyrenoid (if present) in chlpl. • ctDNA – circular • Res.polysach.: starch – most important – grain inside chlpl. • glucan & β-1,4-mannan can present in cell wall • eyespot (if present) loc. inside chlpl. • photoautotrophs, can be heterotrophs • Repr. – sex. – variety of life cycle – group specific – similarity to higher plants - Trentepohliaceae – cell division using phrogmoplast disc where the cells will divide • probably land plants derived directly from these freshwater algae Endosymbiosis & origin of eukaryotic algae • procaryotic ancestor → endosymbiotic events → primary plastid • secondary / tertiary endosymbiosis → plastid (sec. eukaryotic cell) • arrangement of cellular compartments inside the the other – info about evolut. history • Cyanobacteria – evolved >2.8 bill. years ago – fundamental roles in ocean carbon, oxygen, nitrogen fluxes – turning point in biogeochemistry of Earth – photosynthesis – energy of VIS, oxidation of H2O, reduction of CO2 – CO2 + H2O + light chl a> (CH2O)n + O2 Three major algal lineages of primary plastids • Glaucophyta lineage – plastids – thin peptidoglycan cell wall & cyanobacter.-like pigments » cyanobacterial ancestry – neither green nor red plastid present – any secondary plastid derived from Glacophyta is known • Chlorophyta lineage “green algae” – green algal plastid – 2-membrane system surround. • chl b – sec. pigment, phycobiliproteins lost – other – prochlorophyte based hypothesis – major role in oceanic food webs & carbon cycle from -2.2 bill. years until Permian extinction (-250mil y.) – origin of land plants – >Secondary endosymbiosis → Euglenophyta (3-membrane plastid) & Chlorarachniophyta (4-membrane plastid • Rodophyta leneage “ red algae” – red algal plastid – 2-membrane system • chl a & phycobiliproteins organized into phycobilisomes attached on thylakoid membrane • Thylakoids with phycobilisomes don’t form stacks – similar to cyanobacteria – >Secondary endosysmbiosis → Cryptomonades (Cryptophyta) • (4-membrane plastid) + chl c (also Haptophyta, Heterocontophyta & Dinophyta) – stacked thylakoids found in lineages lacking phycobilisomes – >a few groups of Dinoflagelates Tertiary endosymbiosis – uptake of secondary plastid containing endosymbiont – All these groups are relatively modern org. – dinoflagelates & coccolithophorids rise paralel with dinosaurs – diatoms rise with mammals members of red lineages in shallow seas in Jurassic period provide petroleum Endosymbiosis & origin of eukaryotic algae Physiology and Cultivation of Algae and Cyanobacteria 3. Photosynthesis • light • structure & function – membrane structure – pigments – photosystems • photosynthesis – reactions – light dependent – light independent • energy transfers Light • sunlight vs. PAR • units; W m-2 s-1; µmol m-2 s-1 • spectrum • absorption, transmittation, reflection, scattering, interference • environmental accessibility (spectrum, int..) Structure & function • thylakoid membrane structure • pigments • photosystems Photosynthetic reactions • general equation: » nCO2 + nH2O + light (CH2O)n + nO2 • light dependent reactions • light interception, l. energy transfer • excitation, charge separation • ETR » linear » cyclic • O2 evolution • light independent reactions • CBB – Calvin Benson Bassham Cycle • RuBisCO • CA Chl a Role of Carbon Concentrating Mechanism • Carbonic Anhydrase • periplasmic space, carboxysomes (b-g algae), pyrenoid (algae) • CA vs. RuBisCO • mechanisms of HCO3 - uptake – active transp. via CMP (enough ATP) – symport Na+ HCO3 - - via icpB complex – Na+/H+ antiport help – difusion • CO2 uptake - difusion Energy transfers & regulations • excitation energy (excess) dissipation pathways – photosynthesis – state stransitions – heat production (Xanthophyll cycle) – fluorescence • photoaclimation – light dependent motions; state transitions; non-photochemical processes • photoinhibition – photomodification – photodamage • photorespiration & chlororespiration • RuBisCo – generation of glycolate • enigma; PQ pool reducion Photosynthesis–Irradianceresponsecurve (Pvs.Ecurve) Measurement of photosynthetic production Methods: – gravimetric – turbidimetric – fluorometric – gasometric – IRGA; O2 measurement Physiology and Cultivation of Algae and Cyanobacteria 4. Biogechemical role of algae • Energy flow in the environment • Limiting nutrients – Liebig’s Law of the Minimum µ = µmax [LM] / [LM] + Km • Cycles of nutrients • Phosphorus • Nitrogen • Sulphur • Carbon & Oxygen • environmental factors Phosphorus • PO4 3• membranes, coenzymes, DNA, RNA, ATP • orthophosphate; metaphosphate (polyphosphate); “organic” phosphate Nitrogen • diazotrophs • N-fixation (N2 >> NH3) • assimilation (NO3 -&NH4 + >> organic N) • mineralization (organic N >> NH4 +) • nitrification (NH4 +&NO2 - >> NO3 -) • denitrification (NO3 - >> NO, N2O, N2) • nitrogenase; MoFe(V)-protein; PS I; • Nostoc, Anabaena, Trichodesmium, Katagnymene Silicon • [Si(OH)4]; (SiO2 . nH2O) • silica-forming organism • Chrysophyceae • Bacillariophyceae • Dictyochlorophyceae • cell wall; sediments Sulphur • aminoacids (Cys, Pro, cystine) • SO2, SO4 2-, H2S, • APS (adenosine-5’-phosphosulphate) • PAPS (3’-phosphoadenosine-5’- phosphosulphate) • DMS (dimethyl sulphide) • DMSP (dimethylsulphonium propionate) Carbon & Oxygen • CO2, H2O, CO, O2, HCN, CH4, CaCO3, CFC, HCFC • photosynthesis • oxidizing atmosphere • coccoliths Algae & Men • macroalgae (commerce - 42 countries) • food – Laminaria (China, N.,S.Korea, Japan, Philipines, Chile, Norway, Indonesia, U.S., India) – Porphyra, Kappaphycus, Undaria, Euchema, Gracilaria – Nori (Porphyra yezzoensis) – 13mil. t/y • microalgae • carotenoids, pigmenst, proteins, vitamins, … – nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, animal feed additives, cosmetics, fertilizers – Dunaliella, Haematococcus, Arthrospira, Chlorella Physiology and Cultivation of Algae and Cyanobacteria 5. Overview • Collection of the samples • Isolation & purification of algal culture • Culturing – Methods – Equipments & material – Conditions – Culturing media Collection of the samples • purpose specific • sample specifics (nature & environment) • time • concentration • type of vessel/container • removal of the unwanted organisms (filter) • transfer conditions & storing Isolation & purification of algal culture • Equipments & suplies – Microscopes – Filters & sieves – Glasseare, Plasticware, Utensils • Methods – Sterile manipulation – Isolation techniques Equipments & suplies • Microscopes – dissecting (80x,..) – inverted – lighting • dark-field • fiber optic light source • fluorescent lamp • epifluorescence • Filters & sieves – woven screens – nylon netting – membrane filters (material) – differential filtration • Flow-box Glasseare, Plasticware, Utensils • borosicate glassware • plasticware (ready-to-use, culture-grade) • sterilization technique & sterility • dust-proof cabinet / clean containers • caps & splips • sterile filtration apparatus • sterile spatula • pens, labels • parafilm • growth chambers – test tubes, flask, culture flask, Erlenmeyer flask, Petri dish, plugs, two-steps screw – cultivator, tank, bioreactor Sterilization & sterile manipulation Methods of isolation & purification • Enrichment culture • Single-cell isolation • Size separation >> filtering • Density separation >> centrifugation • Dilution • Isolation with use of agar – streaking – spray • Isolation with use of phototaxis • Automatization (flowcytometer) Culturing techniques • chemicals • equipment – balance, ph-meter, autoclave, filtration, ultrasonic washer, refrigerator, cultivator • conditions – ph, temp, irradiation, photoperiode,.. • glasware – E. flask, reagent bottles, pipetes, flask, tubes, P. dishes, spatulas, funels, filter holder, syringe, .. • water • agar • soil Media • stock solutions – macronutrients – trace elements – vitamins – chelators – soil extracts • preparation of media • synthetic media • enriched media • soil water media • solidified media – agar • Freshwater media • Seawater media • natural & artificial Physiology and Cultivation of Algae and Cyanobacteria 6. Culture methods • Bath cultures – common, simple, low cost, closed system, volume-limited – any flow of nutritions & products – Erlenmeyer flasks, tubes, Petri dishes – growth curve phases – lag, acceleration, exponential, retardation, stationary, decline Culture methods • Continuous cultures – resources are potentially infinite – cultures are maintained at chosen point on the growth curve by regulated addition of fresh medium – air pump – CO2 source, mixing – categories of contin. cult.: • turbidostat cultures • chemostat cultures • Semi-continuous cultures – periodic fresh medium addition & harvesting Culture methods • Commercial-scale cultures – volume of cca. 102 – 109 l – large open ponds, circular ponds with rotating arm, raceway ponds, large bags, tube system – factors to be considered: • biology of alga; the cost of land; labor; energy; water; nutrients; climate (if outdoors); type of product • light utilization efficiency; ability to control temp.; hydrodynamic stress; ability to maintain culture unialgal or axenic; scale up ability – Chlorella, Spirulina, Dunaliella Methods used for algal culture growth evaluation • direct – fresh/dry mass determination – counting – number of cells (colonies) – cell volume – protein content – calorific value – flow-cytometry & epifluorescence microscopy • indirect – turbidity; optical density – chlorophyll content Endogenous rhythms • circadian rhythms • molecular feedback loop ~ 24h~ environmental light-dark cycles ~ positive/negative phase shifts according to phaseresponse curve of particular response • necessity to transfer sunlight-sensitive processes into the night (cell division in night) • lost under certain conditions (e.g. constatnt light, bright light, growth of Euglena on organic medium) – phototaxis – timing of cell division – photosynthetic capacity – bioluminiscence – gene expression – sensitivity to UV Endogenous rhythms • biweekly (circa-semilunar) rhythms • wave action (sea may reduce gamete concentration of marine org. with external fertilization) • e.g.:brown alga Dictyota dichotoma releases eggs twice a month in the field; synchronization signal every second full-moon light • day-length effect (photoperiodism) • circadian timer measures length of night and triggers photoperiodic response • LD (12:12~light:dark) – induce upright thali formation • SD (8:16)– induce reproductive organs formation • circannual rhythmicity • sequence of short and long days over the years results cyclic reproductive stages formation (e.g. Ascophyllum, Laminaria) • signal probably temporal sequence of different physiological stages Documetation • Microcopy (light & fluorescence) – drawings – photography – classic & digital • algal culture collections • Web pages of culture collections in the world: • macroalgae ~ herbarium