chapter 1 atoms: the quantum world 1 - A 2s ,3.5 0 10 20 Radius, r/ciQ FIGURE 1.27 The radial distribution function tells us the probability density for finding an electron at a given radius regardless of the direction. The graph shows the radial distribution function for the Is-, 2s-, and Js-orbitals in hydrogen. Note how the most probable radius (corresponding to the grearesi maximum) increases as n increases. What is the three-dimensional appearance of an »orbital? V1 FIGURE 1.28 The three s-orbilals of lowest energy. The simplest way of drawing an atomic orbital is as a boundary surface, a surface within which there is a high probability (typically 90%) of finding the electron. We shall use blue to denote s-orbitals, but that color is only an aid to their identification, The shading within the boundary surfaces is an approximate indication of the electron density at each point. Self-Test 1.10A Calculate the same ratio but for the more distant point at r = 2a0, twice as far from the nucleus. [Answer: 0.018] Self-Test 1.10B Calculate the same ratio but for a point at 3a0 from the nucleus. The radial distribution function, F, is closely related to the wavefunction i|j = RY and is given by P{r) = r2R(r)1 (20a) For s-orbitals, this expression turns out to be the same as P(r) = 4w2i|i(r)2 (20b)* and this expression is the form that you will normally see used; however, it applies only to s-orbitals, whereas Eq. 20a applies to any kind of orbital. The radial distribution function has a very special significance: it tells us the probability that the electron will be found at a particular radius regardless of the direction. Specifically, the probability that the electron will be found anywhere in a thin shell of radius r and thickness 8r is given by P(r)8r (Fig. 1.27). Be careful to distinguish the radial distribution function from the wavefunction and its square, the probability density: The wavefunction itself tells us, through t|i(r)25\^ the probability of finding the electron in the small volume hV at a particular location (specified by r, 0, and ). The radial distribution function tells us, through P(r)5r, the probability of finding the electron in the range of radii St; at a particular radius, regardless of the values of 6 and rj>. The radial distribution function for the population of the Earth, for instance, is zero up to about 6400 km from the center of the Earth, rises sharply, and then falls back to almost zero (to take into account the small number of people who are on mountains or flying in airplanes). Note that for all orbitals, not just s-orbitals, ? is zero at the nucleus, simply because the shell in which we are looking for the electron has shrunk to zero size. (The probability density for an s-orbital is nonzero at the nucleus, but here we are multiplying it by a volume that becomes zero at the nucleus.) As r increases, the value of 41IT2 increases (the shell is getting bigger), but, for a ls-orbital, the square of the wavefunction, i|>(r)2, falls toward zero; as a result, the product of 4-rrr1 and ty{r)2 starts off at zero, goes through a maximum, and then declines to zero. The value of P is a maximum at aQ, the Bohr radius. Therefore, the Bohr radius corresponds to the radius at which an electron in a ls-orbital is most likely to be found. Instead of drawing the s-orbital as a cloud, chemists usually draw its boundary surface, a surface that encloses the densest regions of the cloud. However, although the boundary surface is easier to draw, it does not give the best picture of an atom; an atom has fuzzy edges and is not as smooth as the boundary surface might suggest. An electron is likely to be found only inside the boundary surface of the orbital. An s-orbital has a spherical boundary surface (Fig. 1.28), because the electron cloud is spherical. s-Orbitals with higher energies have spherical boundary surfaces of greater diameter. They also have a more complicated radial variation with nodes at locations that can be found by examining the wavefunc-tions (Fig. 1.29). A subshell with I - 1 consists of three p-orbitals. A p-orbital has two lobes of opposite sign (Fig. 1.30). The two lobes are separated by a planar region called a nodal plane, which cuts through the nucleus and on which — 0. A p-electron will never be found on this plane, and so a p-electron is never found at the nucleus. This difference from s-orbitals will prove to be of major importance for understanding the structure of the periodic table and stems from the fact that an atomic orbitals [ \ \ s io Radius, r/dQ FIGURE 1.29 The radial wavefunctions of the first three 5-orbitals of a hydrogen atom. Note that the number of radial nodes increases (as n - 1), as does the average distance of the electron from the nucleus (compare with Fig. 127). Because the probability density is given by i|i2, all s-orbitals correspond to a nonzero probability density at the nucleus. electron in a p-orbital has nonzero orbital angular momentum that flings it away from the nucleus. There are three p-orbitals in each subshell, corresponding to the quantum numbers m, = +1, 0, -1. However, chemists commonly refer to the orbitals according to the axes along which the lobes lie; hence, we refer to px, py, and pz orbitals (Fig. 1.31). A subshell with / = 2 consists of five d-orbitals. Each d-orbital has four lobes, except for the orbital designated Ajl, which has a more complicated shape (Fig. 1.32). A subshell with / = 3 consists of seven /-orbitals with even more complicated shapes (Fig. 1.33). ■ The total number of orbitals in a shell with principal quantum number n is n . To confirm this rule, we need to recall that / has integer values from 0 to « - 1 and that the number of orbitals in a subshell for a given value of (is 21 + 1. For instance, for n = 4, there are four subshells with ( = 0, 1, 2, 3, consisting of one s-orbital, three p-orbitals, five i-orbitals, and seven /"-orbitals, respectively. There are therefore 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 7 = 16, or 42, orbitals in the shell with n = 4 (Fig. 1.34). The location of an electron In an atom is described by a wavefunction known as an atomic orbital; atomic orbitals are designated by the quantum numbers n, I, and m, and fall into shells and subshells as summarized in Fig. 1.25. 0.05 Nodal pi mc 5 10 Radius, rian FIGURE 1.30 The boundary surface and the radial variation of a 2p-orbital along the (vertical) z-axis. All p-orbitals have boundary surfaces with similar shapes, including one nodal plane. Note that the orbital has opposite signs (as depicted by the depth of color) on each side of the nodal plane. 5 10 15 20 Radius, rlüQ There is no direct relation between the values of mt and the x, y, z designation of the orbitals: the orbitals labeled with the axes are combinations of the orbitals labeled with the quantum number n%\. How do the three p-orbitals differ? FIGURE 1.31 There are three p-orbitals of a given energy, and they lie along three perpendicular axes, We shall use yellow to indicate p-orbitals: dark yellow for the positive lobe and light yellow for the negative lobe. chapter 1 atoms: the quantum world 1.10 the electronic structure of hydrocf.n 27 Which f/-nrbitalü have significant electron density in the xy-plane? FIGURE 1,32 The boundary surface of a c/-orbital is more complicated than that of an s- or a p-orbltal. There arc, in fact, five d-orbitals of a given energy; four of them have four lobes, one is slightly different. In each case, an electron that occupies a t/-orbi[al will not be found at the nucleus. We shall use orarige to indicate d-orbitals: dark orange for the positive lobes, and light orange for the negative lobes. ■ T - 3yx2 FIGURE 1.33 The seven /-orbitals of a shell (with n - 3) have a very complex appearance. Their detailed forrri will not be used again in this text. However, Iheir existence is important for understanding the periodic table, the presence of the lanlhanidcs and actinides, and the properties of the later d-block elements. A darker color denotes a positive lobe, a lighter color a negative lobe. M +3+2 +1 0 -1 4p +10-1 FIGURE 1.34 There are 1 b orbitals in the shell with n = 4, each of which can hold two electrons (see Section 1.12), for a total of 32 electrons. 1.9 Electron Spin Schrodingcr's calculation of the energies of the hydrogen orbitals was a milestone in the development of modern atomic theory. Yet the observed spectral lines did not have exactly the frequencies he predicted. In 1925, two Dutch-American physicists, Samuel Goudsmit and George Uhlenbeck, proposed an explanation for the tiny deviations that had been observed. They suggested that an electron behaves in some respects like a spinning sphere, something like a planet rotating on its axis. This property is called spin. koX 1-1 HOW DO WE KNOW . . . THAT AN ELECTRON HAS SPIN? Electron spin was first detected experimentally by two German scientists, Otto Stern and Walter Gerlach, in 1920. They made use of the fact that a moving electric charge generates a magnetic field, and so a spinning electron should behave like a tiny bar magnet. In their experiment (see illustration), Stern and Gerlach removed all the air from a container and set up a highly nonuniform magnetic field across it. They then shot a narrow stream of silver atoms through the container toward a detector. For reasons that are explained in Section 1.12, a silver atom has one unpaired electron, with its remaining 46 electrons paired. The atom therefore behaves like a single unpaired electron riding on a heavy platform, the rest of the atom. Colic. i plare A schematic representation of the apparatus used hy Stern and Gerlach. In the experiment, a stream of atoms splits into two as it passes belween the poles of a magnet. The atoms in one stream have an odd T electron, and those in the other an odd i electron. If a spinning electron behaved like a spinning ball, the axis of spin could point in any direction. The electron would behave like a bar magnet that could have any orientation relative to the applied magnetic field. In that case, a broad band of silver atoms should appear at the detector, because the field would push the silver atoms by different amounts according to the orientation of the spin. Indeed, that is exactly what Stern and Gerlach observed when they first carried out the experiment. However, the first results were misleading. The experiment is difficult because the atoms collide with one another in the beam. An atom moving in one direction might easily be knocked by its neighbors into a different direction. When Stern and Gerlach repeated their experiment, they used a much less dense beam of atoms, thereby reducing the number of collisions between the atoms. They now saw only two narrow bands. One band consisted of atoms flying through the magnetic field with one orientation of their spin; the other band consisted of the atoms with opposite spin. The two narrow bands confirmed not only that an electron has spin but also that it can have only two orientations. Electron spin is the basis of the experimental technique called electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), which is used to study the structures and motions of molecules and ions that have unpaired electrons. This technique is based on detecting the energy needed to flip an electron between its two spin orientations. Like Stern and Gerlach's experiment, it works only with ions or molecules that have an unpaired electron. According to quantum mechanics, an electron has two spin states, represented hy the arrows t and 1 ox the Greek letters « and (3. We can think of an electron as being able to spin counterclockwise at a certain rate (the T state} or clockwise at exactly the same rate (the i state). These two spin states are distinguished by a fourth quantum number, the spin magnetic quantum number, ms. This quantum number can have only two values: +\ indicates an t electron and —j indicates a 4- electron (Fig. 1.35). Box 1.1 describes an experiment that confirmed these properties of electron spin. An electron has the property of spin; the spin is described by the quantum number ws, which may have one of two values. HL.10 The Electronic Structure of Hydrogen Let's review what we now know about the hydrogen atom by imagining what happens to its electron as the atom acquires energy. Initially, the electron is in the lowest energy level, the ground state of the atom, with n = 1. The only orbital with this energy is the ls-orbital; we say that the electron occupies a ls-orbital or that it is a "ls-electron." The electron in the ground state of a hydrogen atom is described by the following values of the four quantum numbers: FIGURE 1.35 The two spin states of an electron can be represented as clockwise or counterclockwise rotation around an axis passing through the electron. The two states are identified by the quantum number ms and depicted by the arrows shown on the right. / = 0 m, = 0 m. = +2 or ■ The electron can have either spin state. When the atom acquires enough energy (by absorbing a photon of radiation, for instance) for its electron to reach the shell with n = 2, it can occupy any of the four orbitals in that shell. There are one 25- and three 2p-orbitals in this shell; in chapter 1 atoms: the quantum would Many-electron atoms are also called polyelectron atoms. Along with code breakers and weather forecasters, chemists are now among the heaviest users of computers, which they use to calculate the detailed electronic structures of atoms and molecules. hydrogen, they all have the same energy. When an electron is described by one of these wavefunctions, we say that it "occupies" a 2s-orbital or one of the 2p-orbitals or that it is a 2s- or 2p-electron. The average distance of an electron from the nucleus when it occupies any of the orbitals in the shell with n = 2 is greater than when n = 1, and so we can think of the atom as swelling up as it is excited energetically. When the atom acquires even more energy, the electron moves into the shell with n = 3; the atom is now even larger. In this shell, the electron can occupy any of nine orbitals (one 3s-, three 3p-, and five 3d-orbitals). More energy moves the electron still farther from the nucleus to the n = 4 shell, where sixteen orbitals are available {one 4s-, three 4p-, five 4d-, and seven ^-orbitals). The state of an electron in a hydrogen atom is defined by the four quantum numbers n, I, nij, and ms; as the value of n increases, the size of the atom increases. Sele-Test 1.11A The three quantum numbers for an electron in a hydrogen atom in a certain state are n = 4, I = 2, and mt = ~\, In what type of orbital is the electron located? [Answer; 4d\ Self-Test 1.11B The three quantum numbers for an electron in a hydrogen atom in a certain state are n = 3, / = 1, and ntj = -1. In what type of orbital is the electron located? THE STRUCTURES OF MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS All neutral atoms other than hydrogen have more than one electron. A neutral atom of an element with atomic number Z > 1 has Z electrons. Such an atom is a many-electron atom, an atom with more than one electron. In the next three sections, we build on what we have learned about the hydrogen atom to see how the presence of more than one electron affects the energies of atomic orbitals. The resulting electronic structures are the key to the periodic properties of the elements and the abilities of atoms to form chemical bonds. 1.11 Orbital Energies The electrons in a many-electron atom occupy orbitals like those of hydrogen. However, the energies of these orbitals are not the same as those for a hydrogen atom. The nucleus of a many-electron atom is more highly charged than the hydrogen nucleus, and the greater charge attracts electrons more strongly and hence lowers their energy. However, the electrons also repel one another; this repulsion opposes the nuclear attraction and raises the energies of the orbitals. In a helium atom, for instance, with two electrons, the charge of the nucleus is +2e and the total potential energy is given by three terms: attraction v = — 2 2p FIGURE 1.36 The relative energies of the shells, subshells, and orbitals in a many-electron atom. Each of the boxes can hold at most two electrons. Note the change in the order of energies of the 3d- and 45-orbitals after Z = 20. seen that all the orbitals of a given shell in the hydrogen atom are degenerate. For instance, the 2s-orbital and all three 2/?-orbitaIs have the same energy. In many-electron atoms, however, the results of spectroscopic experiments and calculations show that electron-electron repulsions cause the energy of a 2p-orbital to be higher than that of a 2s-orbital. Similarly, in the n = 3 shell, the three 3p-orbitals lie higher than the 3s-orbital, and the five 3 The outermost electrons arc used in the formation of chemical bonds (Chapter 2), and the theory of bond formation is called valence theory; hence the name of these electrons. 2s r 15 r 4 Be l$22s2, [Hej2s: IP 5 B ls22s22p>, [He]2s22f>' If It 1 h 6 C ls22s22p2, [He]2s22p2 chapter 1 atoms: the quantum world FIGURE 1.39 The order in which atomic orbitals are occupied according to the building-up principle. When we add an electron, we move one place to the right until all the electrons [Z electrons for an element of atomic number Z) have been accommodated. AL the end of a row, move to the beginning of the next row down. The names of the blocks of the periodic table indicate the last subshell being occupied according lo the building-up principle. The numbers of electrons that each type of orbital can accommodate are shown by the numbers across the bottom of the table. The colors of the blocks match the colors that we are using for the corresponding orbitals. 1.12 the building-up principle /■block p block Start Is [Hej [Ne] [Ar] |KY| [Xe] LRnj □d o- —\->□ — —>□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□hedged _□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□017□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ KB' !]□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □I (tt), indicating that they have the same spin magnetic quantum numbers. For reasons based in quantum mechanics, which result in two electrons with parallel spins tending to avoid each other, this arrangement has slightly lower energy than that of a paired arrangement. However, it is allowed only when the electrons occupy different orbitals. The procedure that we have been using is called the building-up principle. It can be summarized by two rules. To predict the ground-state configuration of an element with atomic number Z: 1 Add Z electrons, one after the other, to the orbitals in the order shown in Fig. 1.39 but with no more than two electrons in any one orbital. 2 If more than one orbital in a subshell is available, add electrons with parallel spins to different orbitals of that subshell rather than pairing two electrons in one of the orbitals. The first rule takes into account the Pauli exclusion principle. The second rule is called Hund's rule, for the German spectroscopist Friedrich Hund, who first proposed it. This procedure gives the configuration of the atom that corresponds to the lowest total energy, allowing for the attraction of the electrons to the nucleus and their repulsion by one another. An atom with electrons in energy states higher than predicted by the building-up principle is said to be in an excited state. For example, the electron configuration [He)2s12p1 represents an excited state of a carbon atom. An excited state is unstable and emits a photon as the electron returns to an orbital that restores the atom to a lower energy. In general, we can think of an atom of any element as having a noble-gas core surrounded by a number of electrons in the valence shell, the outermost occupied shell. The valence shell is the occupied shell with the largest value of n. The underlying organization of the periodic table described in Section B now begins to unfold. All the atoms of the main-group elements in a given period have a valence shell with the same principal quantum number, which is equal to the period number. For example, the valence shell of elements in Period 2 (from iithium to neon) is the shell with n = 2. Thus all the atoms in a given period have the same type of core. For example, the atoms of Period 2 elements all have a heliumlike Is2 core, and those of Period 3 elements have a neonlike ls22s22p6 core, denoted [Ne], All the atoms of a given group (in the main groups, particularly) have analogous valence electron configurations that differ only in the value of n. For instance, all the members of Group I have the valence configuration ns \ and all the members of Group 14/TV have the valence configuration ns1np1. With these points in mind, let's continue building up the electron configurations across Period 2. Nitrogen has Z = 7 and one more electron than carbon, giving [He]2s22p3. Each p-electron occupies a different orbital, and the three have parallel spins (7). Oxygen has Z = 8 and one more electron than nitrogen; there- fore, its configuration is [He]2s22p4 (8) and two of its 2p-electrons are paired. Similarly, fluorine, with Z — 9 and one more electron than oxygen, has the configuration [He]2s22p5 (9), with only one unpaired electron. Neon, with Z = 10, has one more electron than fluorine. This electron completes the 2p-subshell, giving [He]2s22p6 (10). According to Figs. 1.36 and 1.39, the next electron enters the 3s-orbital, the lowest-energy orbital of the next shell. The configuration of sodium is therefore [He]2s22p63s1, or more briefly, [Ne^s1, where [Ne] denotes the neonlike core. Self-Test 1.12A Predict the ground-state configuration of a magnesium atom. {Answer: \s12s12p6is2, or [Ne]3s2l SELF-test 1.12B Predict the ground-state configuration of an aluminum atom. I The s- and p-orbitals of the shell with n = 3 arc full by the time we get to argon, [Ne]3s23/?f', which is a colorless, odorless, unreactive gas resembling neon. Argon completes the third period. From Fig. 1.36, we see that the energy of the 4s-orbital is slightly lower than that of the 3