Study of glow discharge positive column by electrostatic probes: Double probe Contents 1 Symmetric double probe at floating potential 2 2 Operation of double probe 2 2.1 A) Zero voltage Vd = 0.............................. 2 2.2 B) Small negative voltage Vd < 0........................ 3 2.3 C) High negative voltage 2 J02 eVc + In a. kTP (2) (3) (4) where joi a jq2 are electron current densities at probes at potential equal to plasma potential. Electron temperature Te is given by the slope of straight line G = ^\Ip/Ie2\ — 1 of the plotted graph of lnG = f{Vd) according to 4. 4 4 Calculation of plasma parameters from I-V characteristic of double probe 4.1 Electron temperature: method of currents ratio Evaluation of the data obtained by double probe is similar to simple Langmuir probe analysis. From the plot of I-V characteristic is possible to determine current of both probes Ip\ and Ip2- It is shown in fig. 5. Then we subtract electron current Ie2 and plot lnG = /(Vd). Electron temperature Te can be calculated from the slope according to equation 4 in case of Maxwellian velocity distribution. Coefficient a depends on probe and sheath sizes. If they are same for both probes a = 0. Figure 5: Determination of Rq and g from I-V, currents IPl and IP2 for = 0. 4.2 Electron temperature: resistance method Equation 4 can be written as: 'e2 crexp eVd + 1 (5) Derivation of Ie2 with respect to Vj, we get for = 0 d/e2 dFd J2h ae yd=o (6) If we replace 4^- = dV^d/j, we get for electron temperature e a k(l+a) 'd/d. (7) vd=o where a can be calculated using equation 4 'e2 We can simplify eq.7 using G: G and by replacing a using G in eq. 7, we get: vd=o Ie2 (G - G1 d/d vd=o (8) (9) (10) where Rq is so called equivalent resistance of double probe ~dVd Ro d/d 11 yd=o Electron temperature can be calculated easily from I-V curve using equation 10. We need to determine Rq,^2Ip and G first. The slope of the middle part of I-V in point = 0 gives us value of Rq. Ion currents Ip± and Ip2 in case of = 0 can be determined using asymptotes of saturated currents. We prolong them to y axis. Then we divide distance MN into 5 parts. There is a point a located in distance equal to | MN from y axis - that is value of Ipi or Ip2 f°r Vd = 0. This graphical method can is shown in fig. 5. Electron current at second probe is given by: Ie2 — \Ip2 \ + Id and can be determined directly from I-V according to fig. 5. For calculation of G: G Ie2 £/p (12) (13) vd=o it is important to use Ie2 for Vd = 0 and ^2 Ip = Ip\ and Ip2 for a 4.3 Electron density in plasma According to Kir hoff law the current in probe circuit is: 7P = 7Pl + 7P2 = lei +h2=0 e Vi 1 T T [ eV2 ho + ho exp 1 — exp + ho + Ieo exp + 11- exp kT, eV2 kTP (14) (15) (16) (17) 6 Current in probe circuit is / = Ip± = IP2 and therefore: / = iiO 1 - exp Using: eV1 T¥P tanhx Ii0 1 - exp eV2 kTP we can rewrite 18 as: / = I[q tanh e2x _ 1 e2x + 1 eVd kTP (18) (19) (20) where V