DOPORUČENÁ příprava na JA001 CHEMIE Gramatika - kapitoly z učebnice Murphy, R., English Grammar in Use, CUP 2010 možno nastudovat i z jiných zdrojů lekce téma 8 Present perfect 12 For, since, when - present perfect and past 25 When I do, When I've done 26 Can, could, be able NE ( It must have been…, I needn't have done…) 31 Have to, must 32 Must, mustn't, needn't 38 If I do, If I did… conditionals 43 Passive 53 Verb + -ing form 83 Pronouns 107 Comparison (as …as / than) 115 Conjunctions unless, as long as, provided Slovíčka A selection of academic vocabulary abundance debris fundamental property temporal adjust decompose harmless provide thorough achieve deteriorate impact purify trace apply develop include radiate treatment arrangement diameter increase reflect trigger behave differ involve remain undergo bind discard landfill remove value clarify dissolve liquid resolved vaporize column evaporate melt row wastewater component evidence moisture separate compound expose neglect significant consist of foam obtain skeleton convert focus on occur solution crude oil fuel perform sufficient deal with fume precipitation surface Pozn. Tato slovní zásoba není odborná, ale akademická. Pro celkový přehled je třeba nastudovat aktuální lekce probírané v kurzech JAZ01 a JAZ02 dostupné v IS. Spojovací výrazy addition cause effect contrast concession Přípustkový vztah besides because and so but although similarly because of as a result however despite and due to consequently while even if beside since on the other hand even though in spite of time stress explanation condition reference to something during even for example if regarding while especially in other words unless considering for instance such as Slovotvorba Ke zkoušce je nutné rozumět různým tvarům slov a umět je utvořit. Doplňte tvary k příkladům níže, pokud existují: put the words in different forms: noun verb adverb adjective negative prefix able addition agree agreement agree x agreeable disagree, disagreement class create dependence environment forest friend happy help character interest perform please pollute proceed pure qualify responsible