oxide /'Dk.said/ a chemical combination of oxygen and one other element pyroxene /pAi>Dksi:n/ any of a large class of rock-forming silicate minerals, generally containing calcium, magnesium, and iron and typically occurring as prismatic (hranolový) crystals amphibole /'amfibaul/ any of a class of rock-forming silicate or aluminosilicate minerals typically occurring as fibrous /'f/ubras/ (vláknovitý) or columnar / ks-'lam-nar/ crystals. silicate /'sil.i.kat/ any of a large number of common minerals formed of silica, oxygen, and one or more other elements silica /'sil.i.k9/ a mineral that exists in various forms, including sand, quartz, and flint, used to make glass and cement hematite 'hi:.ma,tait/ a common dark red or grey rock from which iron is obtained limonite /'[AimanAit/ an amorphous brownish secondary mineral consisting of a mixture of hydrous ferric oxides, important as an iron ore. amorphous /a 'mo:, fas/ having no fixed form or shape hyd rated /hai'drei.tid/ having absorbed enough water or other liquid geothite 'gaitAit/ a dark or yellowish-brown mineral consisting of hydrated iron oxide, occurring typically as masses of fibrous crystals. give off to produce ion /'ai.Dn/ an atom or small group of atoms that has an electrical charge because it has added or lost one or more electrons dissociate /di'saa.jl.eit/ to consider as separate and not related disrupt /dis'rApt/ to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected to substitute for /'sAb.sti.tJu:t/ to use something or someone instead of another thing or person to decompose ^dii.kam'pauz/ to break, or to break something, into smaller parts sulphuric acid /sAÍ.fjua.nk 'aes.id/ a strong acid with no colour emit /i'mit/ to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas vent /vent/ a small opening that allows air, smoke, or gas to enter or leave a closed space pyrite /'pai.rart/ a shiny, yellow mineral containing iron and sulphur, that looks like gold but is not valuable angular /'aerj-gjs.lsr/ having a clear shape with sharp points spherical /'sfmkal/ round, like a ball edge /ed3/ the outer or furthest point of something successive /sak'ses.iv/ happening one after the other without any break penetrate /'pen.i.treit/ to move into or through something clay /klei/ thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked, used for making bricks and containers bulk /bAik/ large size or mass exert Ag'z3:t/ to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen spall off spoil Break {ore, rock, or stone) into smaller pieces sheeting The process by which thin sheets, scales, plates, or flakes of rock are successively broken loose or stripped from the outer surface of a large rock mass. Also known as exfoliation. abrade /s'breid/ to remove part of the surface of something by rubbing abrasion /a'brei^an/ the process of rubbing away the surface of something tumble /'t/\m.bal/ to fall quickly to grind /graind/ to make something into small pieces or a powder by pressing between hard surfaces glacier /'glses.i.ar/ a large mass of ice that moves slowly batholith 'ba9ali9/ a very large igneous rock extending to an unknown depth in the earth's crust. granite /'graen.rt/ a very hard, grey, pink, or black rock, used for building concentric /kan'sen.trik/ Concentric circles and rings have the same centre slabs /slaeb/ a thick, flat piece of a solid substance, such as stone, wood, metal, food, etc., that is usually square or rectangular burrow /'bAr.su/ to dig a hole in the ground, especially to live in to pry /prai/ to move or lift something by pressing a tool against a fixed point brittle /'bnt.al/ delicate and easily broken deep-seated /di:p'si:.tid/ firmly established at a deep or profound level. to trickle /'trik.al/ If liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line to thaw /6a:/ to (cause to) change from a solid, frozen state to a liquid or soft one, because of an increase in temperature latitude /'laet.i.t[u:d/ the position north or south of the equator measured from 0° to 90° (season) /prs'naunst/ very noticeable or certain heaving /hi:v/ to move something heavy using a lot of effort bulge /bAld3/ to stick out in a round shape (vyboulit se) spongy /'spAn.d3i/ soft and able to absorb or having already absorbed a lot of liquid, like a sponge