MATCONT SBML Tutorial 1: Using MATCONT for researching biological models in SBML Pieter Pareit May 29, 2011 1 Introduction This tutorial will go through the steps needed to work with a biological model in a SBML-file by using MatCont, a graphical MATLAB software package for the interactive numerical study of dynamical systems [1, 2]. An example paper from The Journal of Cell Biology is taken, Signaling switches and bistability arising from multisite phosphorylation in protein kinase cascades [6]. The corresponding SBML-file is located and part of Figure 3 from the article is recreated, see Figure 1. On one of the locations where MatCont detects a bifurcation, a further study is done. a b 0 20 40 80 80 100 [MAPKKL, (nM) Stationary rates (nM/s) Figure 1: Figure 3 from [6]. 2 Installation • MatCont Download location: • libSBML Download location: Installation instructions: • SBML Toolbox Download location: 1 Installation instructions: http: //sbml. org/Sof tware/SBMLToolbox/docs/ManualV3. pdf Get the latest version of MatCont, the file to download is called Extract it in a folder matcont, no further installation is needed. MatCont can be started by changing the path in MATLAB to the folder matcont and typing matcont at the MATLAB command line. The libraries HbSBML and SBML Toolbox need to be installed. There are three options, depending on your situation and platform. (1) Compile and install from source, (2) use an installer corresponding to your platform or (3) unzip a folder with prebuild libraries in matcont/SBML. The first option, compiling and installing from source, can be used when this is the only way to install the software on your system. See the relevant documentation for your platform in the installation instructions. The second option, using the installer, is the best option. Get the correct installer from the download location of libSBML and install it. During installation, make sure that you additionally select the MATLAB interface. Next, from the download location of the SBML Toolbox, get the setup program and install it. On some systems the setup program has to be run from the MATLAB command window, this has to be done with a command like cd('c:\Program Files\SBML\SBMLToolbox\toolbox\') ; install. The third option might be the only option when using a system where you don't have administrator rights. It will only work on 32-bits Windows systems. From the MatCont download location, get the zip-file, this zip-file contains a folder called Win32. Place it in matcont/SBML/. Now you should have a folder matcont/SBML/win32. 3 Paper and SBML-file Download the pdf of the paper at Many published biological models are maintained in the BioModels Database at biomodels-main/. Go to that website and enter the name of the main author, Markevich, in the search box. A selection of all models with the author's name in it will be shown. Several models are available, the needed model is BioModels ID BIOMD0000000027, this can be checked in the relevant notes. Choose to download the curated SBML-file. The file BI0MD0000000027.xml will be stored on your computer. BIOMD0000000027 - Markevich2004_MAPK_orderedMM Download SBML | | Other formats (auto generated) i Actions SBMLL2V1 (curated) SBML L2 V2 (auto-generated)m SBML L2 V3 (auto-generated)^ SBML L2 V4 (auto-generated) Publication ID: 14744999 Reference Publication J Cell Biol 2004 Feb;164(3):S53-S. Signaling switches and bistability arising from Markevich Nl. Hoek JB. Kholodenko BN Department of Pathology. Anatomy, and Cell E Philadelphia. PA 19107. USA. [morel Hod., Oriainal Model: BIOMD00000000Z7.xml.onam set#1 bqbioliis Taxonomy Xenopus laevis Submitter: Nicolas Le Novere set #2 babiol:isVersionOf Gene Onto-lo-av T 4 Working with the SBML-file 4.1 Importing into MatCont After starting MatCont with the command matcont in MATLAB, the main MatCont window appears. Select the menu 'Select^Systerrwimport SBML', see Figure 2. 2 Figure 2: Main MatCont window with selection to import an SBML-file. SBML files have the extension .xml. The file selection dialog that opens will filter on files with that extension. Now go to the location where the file BI0MD0000000027.xml was downloaded and click open as in Figure 3. D MatCont Select Compute Window Type Options Help * System Curve Point Type Curve Type Derivative 5 Duration Status Select SBML file 3mmmwm IQMDOOOOOOOOSO.^ml | ] BIQMDQQ0QQ0Q209.xml i| BIOM DQQ00Q003 ] BIQMDQuOuuOu225.>;rnl B michaelrc_and_m SHUB [ IQMDQ00Q00Q088.x-ml | 3 BIOMDQ0OQ0OQ242.xml i] tvsonZODl.xml ID M D ODD ODD D15 4.X ml j ] BiaMa00O00O0249.xrnl IQMDQ00Q00Q169.x-ml | 3 BIOMDQ0OQ0OQ257.xml ID M D DDD DDD D17 8 X ml j ] BIOMDDDODDOD258.liml IQMDQ00Q00Q186.x-ml j 3 BIOMDuc]0uc]0u27Q.xml ID M D ODD ODD D195 .X ml j ] BIOHDDDODDOD315.)iml ^ Name: EIOI-.ID00O00O002 .'.xml ?5 of Ivpei | (*. xml) Open ] | Cancel | Figure 3: Select SBML-file in filechooser. The biological model in the SBML-file is now read. The species, parameters and reactions from the biological model are converted to coordinates, parameters and differential equations for use by MatCont. The System window, Figure 4, will open. Most importantly, the importer will generate the system of differential equations M' = v4 ■ Mp - vx ■ M Mp' — vi ■ M — v2 ■ Mp + v3 ■ Mpp - v4 ■ Mp Mpp' — v2 • Mp — v3 • Mpp in which MAPKK *klcat Kml * (M/Kml + Mp/Km2 + 1) MAPKK * k2cat Km2 * (M/Kml + Mp/Km2 + 1) MKP3 * k3cat Km3 * (M/Km5 + Mp/KmA + Mpp/'Km3 + 1) MKP3 * Meat Kmi * (M/Krah + Mp/Kmi + Mpp/Km3 + 1)' If desirable, modifications can be done. For now, just press 'OK'. V2 V3 V4 3 Select Compute Window Type Options Help Class System Curv'i Paint Type Curve Type Derivatives Duration ODE Markevich2Q04_MAPK_ordered Name Coordinates Parameters Time Derivatives - numerically - from window - symbolically Markř/Kh20Q4 J-l-.Fk_ordřrřdl.ll.l iMjMn'.Mr.'f Iklcat.Kmljkícatj Km2Jk?iatJKm?,k4;at,Km4,Km?JMAPKK,M 1st ord 2nd ord 3rc 4th ord CS 5th ord [S ■ M' = (MKP3*Mp*k4íati:':Km4*(MyKrn5 + Mp/Km4 + Mpp/Km3 + 1)) - (M'MA |Mp' = (M*MAPKK*kleat)/(Kml"(M/Kml + Mp/Km2 + 1)) - (MAPICK*Mp*lc2cai' Mr.-p =-l-li.PKK*l-l|:-*k2íat--Km2ř-l.1-Kml + Mp/Krn2 + 1)) - CMKP3*Mpp"k3 Figure 4: System window with imported system. 4.2 Numerical integration until equilibrium Now choose the menu 'Type ^Initial Point^Point' so that the Starter and Integrator window will open as in Figure 5. Initial Point E>Z M |500 HP |o Mpp |0 klcat |o.oi Kml |50 k2cat |15 Km2 |500 k3cat |o.OS4 Km3 k4cat |o.os Km4 |ls Km5 hg MAPKK |50 MKP3 |100 Select Cycle - Integrator Integration data Q® InitStepsize MaxStepsize Rel, Tolerance Abs. Tolerance F.-=fin>= Normcontrol Figure 5: Starter and integrator window with initial values. The initial values are already filled in as retrieved from the model during the import. From Figure 1 it is clear that for [MAPKK]tot = 50 there are three steady states. Starting from [M] = 500 and [Mp] = [Mpp] = 0 we find the first one by a forward integration. To obtain this, we leave the default method of integration, ode45, in the Integrator window, but change the interval of integration to 2000. To see visually what is happening, we open the numerics window with the menu 'Window^Numerics' and we open a 2Z?-plot with the menu 'Window^Graphics^2Dplot'. Since we are doing a time integration, it is natural to change the abscissa from 'Coordinates' to 'Time'. We are interested in the behavior of the coordinate Mpp, so change the ordinate to coordinate Mpp. Now on the 2Dplot window, choose the menu 'Layout^Plotting region' and make sure that the abscissa runs from 0 to 2000 and the ordinate from 0 to 100. 4 Using forward integration (menu 'Compute^Forward'), [Mpp] will reach its steady state, close to 50. Selecting 'Compute^Extend' a couple of times, the value of [Mpp] will get stuck in its equilibrium. The setup and result should be as in Figure 6. ■ matcont Q(n)[x] Select Compute Window Type Options Help Class ODE System MarKevieh20G4_N1APK_ordered Curve P_0(3) Point Type P Curve Type 0 Derivatives SSSNN Duration 13.2 sees Status ready Initial Point t 1° M |500 Mp 1° M p p |oo klcat |o.oi Kml |5 0 k2cat |l5 Km 2 |500 k3cat |0.084 Km 3 I22 k4cat |o.os Km 4 |ia Km 5 |7S MAPKK |5 0 MKP3 |l 00 Select Cycle ■ 2Dplot:l Q@® File Edit View Insert Tools Desktop Window Help Layout Plot ^ ;s|^3.0E«<£-|a|BB|«a 0 200 400 600 1000 1200 1400 Method Interval InitStepsize MaxStepsize Rel. Tolerance Abs. Tolerance Refine Normcontrol Integration data ode45 H Numeric EJ(5)@ Window v t 2000 Coordinate? 1.1 437.7859436 Mp 12.84365907 Mpp 49.37039728 Figure 6: Setup and result of numerical integration to first equilibrium. This should also be done for other values of [Mpp] close by. Let's change the initial point Mpp to [Mpp] — 80. Because of Formula 1 in [6], [Mp] = Mtat - [M] - [Mpp], (1) either [M] or either [Mp] needs to be changed. Set [M] — 420. A forward computation gives Figure 7. 4.3 Continuation of the system From the equilibrium we can start a continuation. First the initial point has to be selected. To do this choose the menu 'Selects Initial Point' and select the last point of the orbit in the window. The Starter window is automatically updated with the values of the selected point and contains the values of Table 1. time 0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000 M 500 437.785 437.730 420 437.692 437.729 Mp 0 12.843 12.851 0 12.853 12.852 Mpp 0 49.370 49.418 80 49.453 49.417 Table 1: Numeric values after time integration. Since we have an equilibrium of the system, select 'Type ^Initial Point^Equilibrium'. The Continuer window will open, and in the Starter windowthe parameter of continuation can be chosen by clicking the corresponding button, take MAPKK. The setup should be as in Figure 8. 5 Figure 7: The numeric integration of the system. Initial Point II |437.63258 Mp |l2.353441 Mp p |49.453933 Jklcat |o.oi JKml |50 Jk2cat |l5 J)Km2 |500 |0.034 JKm3 1" Jk4cat |0.06 jKm4 |is JKm5 (• MAPKK |50 OMKP3 |ioo acobian Data increment |le-05 H Contiruer 00® Continuation Data lnitStep5ize 0.01 M i n 3te p s i z e le-5 SI a;; Stepsi ze 0.1 Corrector D ata MaxNewtonlters 3 MaxCorrlters 10 MaxTestlters 10 VarTolerance le-5 FunTolerance le-S TestTolerance le-5 Adapt 3 Stop Dats MaxNumPoints 300 ClosedCurve 50 H Numeric □©a Window Coordinates LI - Mp Mpp Parameters klcat Ifml Figure 8: Updated starter window. When selecting 'Compute^Forward' to start the continuation, we get the following error: 'No convergence at x0'. The problem is that the system is linearly dependent. By (1) the sum of the concentrations remains constant. Therefore the system has to be edited to make the equations lineary independent, choose 'Select^Systerrw Edit/Load'. In the Systems selection window, choose the current system, Markevich2004_MAPK_orderedMM.m and select 'Edit'. In the System window, change the equations by replacing the equation for Mp' by Mp — 500 — M — Mpp and remove Mp from the 'Coordinates'. The System window should now look like Figure 9. 6 a Mat Con t Selen Compuie Window Type Options Help « Class System Curve Point Type Curve Type Derivatives Duration Status ODE Markevich20Q4_MAPK_ordered Coordinates Parameters ■Markevkh2 004_MAPK_orderedMM_I |M,Mpp |klcatJKml,k2cat^m2Jk3catJlcat O.Ol JKml 50 Jk2si;ze 0.1 Corrector Data MaxNewtonlters 3 MaxCorrlters 10 MaxTestlters 10 VarTolerance U-6 FunTolerance le-6 TestTolerance le-5 Adapt 3 Stop DatE MaxNumPoints 5000 CloseclCurva 50 ■ Numeric [T][H][xf Window Coordinate; |.| 46.9625 Mpp 451.2744 Parameter; klcat 0.00019207673 Kml 5fi Figure 14: Starter window for LP-LP continuation. It is best to look at the parameter plane. Select a 2DPIot with on the axes the relevant parameters, MAPPK and Kml. A good plotting region for MAPKK is from 35 to 60 and for Kml from 30 to 270. A forward continuation ('Compute^Forward') gives Figure 15. At M = 249.921974, Mpp = 240.426057, kml = 246.269558, MAPKK = 41.157105 a cusp bifurcation is detected. Figure 15: LP-LP continuation. 9 References [1] A. Dhooge, W. Govaerts, and Yu.A. Kuznetsov. MATCONT: a MATLAB package for numerical bifurcation analysis of ODEs. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 29(2):141-164, 2003. [2] A. Dhooge, W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, W. Mestrom, A.M. Riet, and B. Sautois. MATCONT and CL_MATCONT: Continuation toolboxes in Matlab., 2004. [3] W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, and B. Sautois. MATCONT. Scholarpedia, 1(9):1375, 2006. [4] M. Hucka, A. Finney, H.M. Sauro, H. Bolouri, J.C. Doyle, H. Kitano, A.P. Arkin, B.J. Bornstein, D. Bray, A. Cornish-Bowden, A.A. Cuellar, S. Dronov, E.D. Gilles, M. Ginkel, V. Gor, I.I. Goryanin, W.J. Hedley, T.C. Hodgman, J.H. Hofmeyr, P.J. Hunter, N.S. Juty, J.L. Kasberger, A. Kremling, U. Kummer, N. Le Novere, L.M. Loew, D. Lucio, P. Mendes, E. Minch, E.D. Mjolsness, Y. Nakayama, M.R. Nelson, P.F. Nielsen, T. Sakurada, J.C. Schaff, B.E. Shapiro, Shimizu T.S., H.D. Spence, J. Stelling, K. Takahashi, M. Tomita, J. Wagner, and J. Wang. The systems biology markup language (SBML): a medium for representation and exchange of biochemical network models. Bioinformatics, 19(4):524-531, 2003. [5] C. Li, M. Donizelli, N. Rodriguez, H. Dharuri, L. Endler, V. Chelliah, L. Li, E. He, A. Henry, M.I. Stefan, etal. Biomodels database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models. BMC systems biology, 4(1):92, 2010. [6] N.I. Markevich, J.B. Hoek, and B.N. Kholodenko. Signaling switches and bistability arising from multisite phosphorylation in protein kinase cascades. The Journal of cell biology, 164(3):353, 2004. 10