Introduction to Mathematical Physiology I - Biochemical Reactions J. P. Keener Mathematics Department University of Utah Math Physiology-p. 1/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Introduction The Dilemma of Modern Biology • The amount of data being collected is staggering. Knowing what to do with the data is in its infancy. • The parts list is nearly complete. How the parts work together to determine function is essentially unknown. What can a Mathematician tell a Biologist she doesn't already know? - p.2/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Introduction The Dilemma of Modern Biology • The amount of data being collected is staggering. Knowing what to do with the data is in its infancy. • The parts list is nearly complete. How the parts work together to determine function is essentially unknown. How can mathematics help? • The search for general principles; organizing and describing the data in more comprehensible ways. • The search for emergent properties; identifying features of a collection of components that is not a feature of the individual components that make up the collection. What can a Mathematician tell a Biologist she doesn't already know? - p.2/28 A few words about words University of Utah rA big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 A few words about words University of Utah rA big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 A few words about words University of Utah rA big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - find the ratio of two numbers (Mathematician) Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 University of Utah A big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 University of Utah A big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) • to differentiate - Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 University of Utah A big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) to differentiate - find the slope of a function (Mathematician) Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 University of Utah A big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) • to differentiate - change the function of a cell (Biologist) Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 University of Utah A big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) • to differentiate - change the function of a cell (Biologist) • a PDE - Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 A few words about words University of Utah A big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) • to differentiate - change the function of a cell (Biologist) — Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 A few words about words University of Utah rA big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) • to differentiate - change the function of a cell (Biologist) • a PDE - Phosphodiesterase (Biologist) Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah A few words about words A big difficulty in communication between Mathematicians and Biologists is because of different vocabulary. Examples: • to divide - replicate the contents of a cell and split into two (Biologist) • to differentiate - change the function of a cell (Biologist) • a PDE - Phosphodiesterase (Biologist) And so it goes with words like germs and fiber bundles (topologist or microbiologist), cells (numerical analyst or physiologist), complex (analysts or molecular biologists), domains (functional analysts or biochemists), and rings (algebraists or protein structure chemists). Learning the Biology Vocabulary - p.3/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Quick Overview of Biology The study of biological processes is over many space and time scales (roughly 1016): Lots! I hope! -p.4/28 Quick Overview of Biology University of Utah • The study of biological processes is over many space and time scales (roughly 1016): • Space scales: Genes —► proteins —► networks^ cells^ ^^^^^ tissues and organs —► organism —► communities —► ecosystems Lots! I hope! -p.4/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Quick Overview of Biology The study of biological processes is over many space and time scales (roughly 1016): Space scales: Genes —► proteins —► networks^ cells^ tissues and organs —► organism —► communities —► ecosystems Time scales: protein conformational changes —► protein folding —► action potentials —► hormone secretion —► protein translation —► cell cycle —► circadian rhythms —► human disease processes scale adaptation population changes —► evolutionary Lots! I hope! -p.4/28 Some Biological Challenges University of Utah • DNA -information content and information processing; Math Physiology - p.5/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Some Biological Challenges DNA -information content and information processing Proteins - folding, enzyme function; Math Physiology - p.5/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Some Biological Challenges DNA -information content and information processing; Proteins - folding, enzyme function; Cell - How do cells move, contract, excrete, reproduce, signal, make decisions, regulate energy consumption, differentiate, etc.? Math Physiology - p.5/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Some Biological Challenges DNA -information content and information processing; Proteins - folding, enzyme function; Cell - How do cells move, contract, excrete, reproduce, signal, make decisions, regulate energy consumption, differentiate, etc.? Multicellular^ - organs, tissues, organisms, morphogenesis Math Physiology - p.5/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Some Biological Challenges DNA -information content and information processing; Proteins - folding, enzyme function; Cell - How do cells move, contract, excrete, reproduce, signal, make decisions, regulate energy consumption, differentiate, etc.? Multicellular^ - organs, tissues, organisms, morphogenesis Human physiology - health and medicine, drugs, physiological systems (circulation, immunology, neural systems). Math Physiology - p.5/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Some Biological Challenges DNA -information content and information processing; Proteins - folding, enzyme function; Cell - How do cells move, contract, excrete, reproduce, signal, make decisions, regulate energy consumption, differentiate, etc.? Multicellular^ - organs, tissues, organisms, morphogenesis Human physiology - health and medicine, drugs, physiological systems (circulation, immunology, neural systems). Populations and ecosystems- biodiversity, extinction, invasions Math Physiology - p.5/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Introduction Biology is characterized by change. A major goal of modeling is to quantify how things change. Fundamental Conservation Law: ^ (stuff in fi) rate of transport + rate of production In math-speak: Flux Í In udv = fan J ' nds + In fdv where u is the density of the measured quantity, J is the flux of u across the boundary of fi, / is the production rate density, and Vt is the domain under consideration (a cell, a room, a city, etc.) Remark: Most of the work is determining J and /! Math Physiology - p.6/28 Imagine the «§ Mathematical Biology I University of Utah da dt Basic Chemical Reactions A^B da _ _7 V7 _ _db dt ~ ^a ~ dt' A^B = -k+a + k-b = k- Math Physiology - p.7/28 University of Utah k A + C A B then da dt = —kca = With back reactions. ^ (the "law" of mass action) A + C^B da dt =-k+ca + k_b=-ft. In steady state, -k+ca + k-b = 0 and a + b = a0, so that a = _ k-ao _ Keqao Remark: c can be viewed as controlling the amount of a. Math Physiology - p.8/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Example:Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport Problem: If oxygen and carbon dioxide move into and out of the blood by diffusion, their concentrations cannot be very high (and no large organisms could exist.) o2 CO2 O2 CO. In Tissue In Lungs Math Physiology - p.9/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Example-.Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport Problem: If oxygen and carbon dioxide move into and out of the blood by diffusion, their concentrations cannot be very high (and no large organisms could exist.) co2 02 In Tissue In Lungs Problem solved: Chemical reactions that help enormously: C02{+H20) ^ HCO+ + H~ Hb + 402 ^ Hb{02)A Math Physiology - p.9/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Example-.Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport Problem: If oxygen and carbon dioxide move into and out of the blood by diffusion, their concentrations cannot be very high (and no large organisms could exist.) o, C02 02 co2 CO, ---- In Lungs In Tissue Problem solved: Chemical reactions that help enormously: C02{+H20) ^ HCO+ + H~ Hb + 402 ^ Hb{02)A Hydrogen competes with oxygen for hemoglobin binding. Math Physiology - p.9/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Example II: Polymerization n-mer monomer An + A A n+l da n dt = /c_an+i — /c+anai — k-an + /c+an_iai Question: If the total amount of monomer is fixed, what is the steady state distribution of polymer lengths? Remark: Regulation of polymerization and depolymerization is fundamental to many cell processes such as cell division, cell motility, etc. Math Physiology - p. 10/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Enzyme Kinetics S + E cH P + E ft=k-c k+se %= k-c - k+se + k2c = -I dl = k2C Use that e + c = e0, so that § = /c_(e0 - e) - fc+se § = -k+se + (k- + fc2)(e0 - e) _ Math Physiology - p. 11/28 Possibilities Mathematical Biology University of Utah The QSS Approximation Assume that the equation for e is "fast", and so in quasi-equilibrium. Then, (k- + fe)(eo — e) — k+se = 0 or e = (fc_+fc2)e0 fc_ -\-k2Jrkjrs = e0 K, __m s+Kr, (the qss approximation) Furthermore, the "slow reaction" is dp _ dt ~ -ft=k2c = k2e0l^T-s This is called the Michaelis-Menten reaction rate, and is used routinely (without checking the underlying hypotheses). Remark: An understanding of how to do fast-slow reductions is crucial! Math Physiology - p. 12/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Enzyme Interactions 1) Enzyme activity can be inhibited (or poisoned). For example. S + E^chp + E I + E^C2 Then % = -|=^eo S+Km(l+-^) 2) Enzymes can have more than one binding site, and these can "cooperate". S + E^d^P + E S + C1^C2k^P + E dp _ ds dt _ _ OS _ TT" - J J- - V 7 dt max _l.s2 Math Physiology - p. 13/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Introductory Biochemistry DNA, nucleotides, complementarity, codons, genes, promoters, repressors, polymerase, PCR imRNA, tRNA, amino acids, proteins ATP, ATPase, hydrolysis, phosphorylation, kinase, phosphatase Math Physiology - p. 14/28 Biochemical Regulation University of Utah polymerase binding site gene "start" regulator region E E E Math Physiology - p. 15/28 The Tryptophan Repressor R* R It DNA mRNA *- E-► trp km Op k—rnM. konOf - k0ffOp, 0f + 0p + 0R = 1, krR*Of — k-rOR, kRT2R - k-RR\ R + R* = R0 keM - k-eE, kTE - k-pT - 2 dR dt Math Physiology - p. 16/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Steady State Analysis E(T) = R* (T) = J\ip k m k—& k— k m on koff R*(T) + 1 = k-TT, kRT2Ro kRT* + k.R Possibilities Mathematical Biology University of Utah The Lac Operon CAP binding site / RNA-polmerase binding site i-1 start site — -operator lac gene + glucose + lactose + glucose - lactose glucose lactose - glucose + lactose LAAAAAAAAAKCWWc — CAP repressor RNA polymerase operon off (CAP not bound) operon off (repressor bound) (CAP not bound) operon off (repressor bound) operon on Math Physiology - p. 18/28 The Lac Operon University of Utah lactose outside the cell glucose + ^repressorj ^ CAP ... lactose- allolactose kl k2 R + 2A^Ri, O + R^Oi. -l -2 E O^m^e,P, P^L^a Math Physiology - p. 19/28 Lac Operon dM ~dt 1 + KxA2 O = —-——777 (qss assumption) (-2) K + KiA2 v ' oipM — ^)pP} aEM - jEE, dP ~dt ~ dE ~dt ~ dL Le L dt KLe + Le KL + L dA „ L n „ A -dl = aAEK^TL-ßAEKlTÄ-lAA Math Physiology - p.20/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Lac Operon - Simplified System ( P and B is qss, L instantly converted to A) dM ~dT dA ~dt 1 + ^A2 aMK + KlAi-7MM' op „, aL—M L, jp KLe + Le je KA + A 7A A. / dM/dt = 0 i / i ' i ' i > t / dA/dt = 0 ,'/' 10 10 10 Allolactose Small L, Math Physiology - p.21/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Lac Operon - Simplified System ( P and B is qss, L instantly converted to A) dM ~dT dA ~dt 1 + ^A2 aMK + KlAi-7MM' op „, aL—M L, jp KLe + Le je KA + A 7A A. y' dM/dt = 0 dA/dt = 0 10 10 10 Allolactose Intermediate Lt Math Physiology - p.21/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Lac Operon - Simplified System ( P and B is qss, L instantly converted to A) dM ~dT dA ~dT 1 + ^A2 aMK + KlAi-7MM' op „, aL—M L, jp KLe + Le je KA + A 7A A. 10 10 10 Allolactose Large L( Math Physiology - p.21/28 Lac Operon - Bifurcation Diagram External Lactose Math Physiology - p.22/28 Glycolysis ATPV ADP PFK1 + Glu ATP ADP Glu6-P F6-P ATP ADP F16-bisP 7S2 + E k< k_3 Vi ESI Si, (S2 = ADP) (Si = ATP) 7 k- Si + ES2' S- V2 SiES^ES] + S2 Math Physiology - p.23/28 Imagine the Possibilities Mathematical Biology University of Utah Glycolysis 7S2 +E Si + ES2 S2 Applying the law of mass action: dsi fe_3 -> V2 ES] S- SiES?^ES^ + S2. dt ds 2 dt dx — k2X2 — ^k3s^e + 7^-3x1 — t>2s2 ■ _ da: 2 dt - = — k\s\x\ + (k-i + ^2)^2 + fcßs^e — ksxi, = kisixi — (k-i + k2)x2- Math Physiology - p.24/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Glycolysis Nondimensionalize and apply qss: da i dr d(T2 dr where U\ = U2 = = V - /(č7l,č72), = af (0-1,0-2) - W2 o 7 er £ er i + ö\J + 1 7 o2o\ + o2 + 1 1.0 -1 0.8 -0.6 -0.4-0.2 -0.0 - —i-1-1-1-1-r 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 °i Math Physiology - p.25/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Rhythms AAAAAA Nucleus i xxxxxxxxxxxx (tím) AAAAAA Cytoplasm (Tyson, Hong, Thron, and Novak, Biophys J, 1999) Math Physiology - p.26/28 Mathematical Biology University of Utah Circadian Rhythms dM ~dT dP ~dt v m kjYi Is/L vpM - \ A ! fciPi + 2k2P2 J + P -hP where q = 2/(1 + y/l + 8KP), Pi = qP, P2 = i(l - q)P. dM/dt = 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mRNA 90 100 Math Physiology - p.27/28 Cell Cycle University of Utah Mitosis Mitotic cyclin Cyclin degradation Cyclin degradation G-| cyclin DNA replication Cell Cycle (k&s 1998) Math Physiology - p.28/28