CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM / ' ; .'. ' The Estate of A.T.Kerr Cornell University Library The original of tliis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Cornell University Library QK 771.D22 1896 Power of movement In plants. 3 1924 024 548 558 THE POWER OF MOVEMENT IN PLANTS BY CHARLES DARWIN, LL. D., F. R, S. ASSISTED BY FRANCIS DARWiN WITH ILL US TRA TIONS NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1896 Authorized Edition. CONTENTS. IntrodtjCtiox .. Pao-e 1-i) CHAPTER I. The Ciecttmnutating Movements of Seedling Plants. Brassica oleracea, cireumnntation of the radicle, of the arolied hj'pocotyl whilst still buried beiieath the ground, whilst rising above the ground and straightening itself, and when erect—Circumnutation of the cotyledons—Eate of movement—Analogous observations on various organs in species of.Githago, Gossypiuin, Oxalis, Tropseolum, Citrus, jEscuIus, of several Leguminous and Cucurbitaceous genera, Opuntia, Helianthus, Primula, Cyclamen, Stapelia, Cerinthe, Nolana, Solanum, Beta, Ricinus, Quercus, Corylus, Pinus, Cycas, Canna, Allium, Asparagus, Phalaiis, Zea, Avena, Nephrodium, and Selaginella 10-66 CHAPTER II. Genekal Considerations on the Movements and Growth of Seedling Plants. Generality of the circumnutating movement—Eadicles, their cireumnntation of service—Manner in which they penetrate the ground—Manner in which hypocotyls and other organs bied.k through the ground by being arched—Singular manner of germination in Megarrhiza, &c.—Abortion of cotyledons—Circumnutation of hypocotyls and epicotyls whilst still buried and arched—Their power of ptruighteDing themselves— Bursting of the seed-ccats—Inherited elTect of the arching process in hypo- vi CONTENTS. gean hypocotyls—Circumnutation of hypocotyls and epicotyle when erect—Cii-cumniitation of cotyledons—Pulvini or joints of cotyledons, duration of their activity, rudimentary in O.xalis coi-niculata, their development—Sensitiveness of cotyledons to light and consequent disturbance of their periodic movementsSensitiveness of cotyledons to contact Page G7-128 CHAPTEE III. Sensitiveness of the Apex of the Radicle to Contact and TO OTHER IkRITANTS. Manner in which radicles bend when they encounter an obstacle in the soil—Vicia faba, tips of radicles highly sensitive to contact and other irritants—ER'ects of too high a, temperature — Power of discriminating between objects attached on opposite sides —Tips of secondary radicles sensitive — Pisum, tips of radicles sensitive—Effects of such sensitiveness in overcoming geotropism — Secondary radicles —Phaseolus, tips of radicles hardly sensitive to contact, but highly sensitive to caustic and to the removal of a slice—Tropgeolum—Gossypium-'-Cucurbita —Raphanus— jE^cuIus, tip not sensitivetoslight contact, highly sensitive to caustic—Quercus, tip highly sensitive to contact — Power of discrimination—Zea, tip highly sensitive, secondary radicles—Sensitiveness of ladicles to moist air—Summary of chapter 129-200 CHAPTER lY. Tub Cibci'mkutatikg Movkments of the several parts of Mature Plants. Circumnutation of stems: concluding remarks on—Ciioumnutation of stolons: aid thus afforded in winding amongst the stems of surrounding plants—Circumnutation of flower-stems—Circumnutation of Dicotyledonous leaves—Singular oscillatory movement i( leaves of Dioniea—Leaves of Cannabis sink at night — Leaves of Gymnospei-ms—Of Monocotyledons—Cryptogams — Ccncluding remarks on the circumnutation of leaves : generally lise in the evening and sink in the morning .. .. 201-262 CONTENTS. ^'' CHAPTER V. Modified Ciecumnutation : Cumbikg Plants; Epinastio and Hyponastic Muvements. Oilcumautation modified through innate causes or through the notion of external conditions—Innate causes—Chmbing plants ; similarity of their movements with those of ordinary fjlants; increased am|ilitude ; occasional points of difference—Epinastio growth of young leaves—Hyponastic growth of the hypoootyls and epicotyls of seedlings—Hooked tips of climbing and other plants due to modified circumnutation—Ampelopsis tricuspidata —Smithia Plundii—Straightening of the tip due to liyponasty — Epinastic growth and circumnutation of the flower-pedancles of Trifolium repeus and Oxalis carnosa Page 203-279 CHAPTER VI. Modified Circumnutation: Sleep or Nyctitropio Move.ments, THEiB Use: Sleep of Cotyledons. Preliminary sketch of the sleep or nyctitropio movements of leaves —Presence of pnlvini—The lessening of radiation the final cause of nictritropio movements—Manner of trying experiments on leaves of Oxalis, Arachis, Cassia, Melilotus, Lotus and Marsilea, and on the cotyledons of Mimosa—Concluding remarks on I'adiation from leaves—Small differences in the conditions make a great difference in the result—Dcsciiption of the nyctitropio position and movements of the cot\ ledons of various plants — List of species—Concluding remarks—Independence of the nyctitropio movements of the leaves and cotyledons of the same species—Reasons for believing that the movements have been acquired for a special purpose 280-316 CHAPTER VII. Modified Ciucumnutation : Ntotitropic ok Sleep Movements OF Leaves. Conditions necessary for these movements—List of Genera and Families, which include sleeping plants—Description of tho movements in the several Genera—Oxalis: leaflets folded at Vlii CONTENTS. night—Averrhoa: rapid movements of the leaflets —PorlieriR; leaflets close when plant kept very dry—Tropa?olum : leaves do not sleeji unless -well illuminated during day—Lupinus : various modes of sleeping—Mehlotus: singular movements of terminal leaflet—Trifolium—Desmodium : rudimentary lateral leaflets, movements of, not developed on yonng plants, state of their pulvini—Cassia : complex movements of the leaflets—Bauhinia: leaves folded at ni^ht—Mimosa pudica: compounded movements of leaves, cifect of darkness—Mimosa albida, reduced leaflets of—Schrankia : downward movement of the pinnje — Marsilea: the only cryptogam known to sleep—Concluding remarks and summary—Xyctitropism consists of modified ciroumnutation, regulated by the alternations of light and darkness ^Shape of first true leaves Page 317-417 CHAPTEE Vlir. Modified Cibcumxutation : Movements excited by Liqht. Distinction between heliotropism and tlie effects of light on the periodicity of the movements of leaves—Heliotropic movements of Beta, Solanum, Zea, and Avena—Heliotiopio movements towards an obscure light in Apios, Brassica, Phalaris, Tropieolum, and Cassia—Apheliotropio movements of tendrils of Bignonia—Of flower-peduncles of Cyclamen—Burying of the pods —Heliotropism and apheliotropism modified forms of circumnutation—Steps by which one movement is converted into the other—Transversal-heliotropismus or diaheliotropism influenced by epinasty, the weight of the part and apogeotropism—Apogeotropism overcome during the middle of the day by diaheliotropism—Effects of the weight of the blades of cotyledons—Socalled diurnal sleep—ChlofO])hyll injured by intense light — Movements to avoid intense light 418-448 CHAPTEE IX. Sensitivfness of Plants to Light : its transmitted ErrBOTa. Uses of he'iotropism—Insectivorous and climbing plants not hellotropic—Same organ heliotropic at one age and not at another— Extraordinary sensitiveness of some plants to light—The effbcts CONTENTS. IS of light do not correspond with its intensity —Etticts of previonii illumination—Time required for the action of light—After-offects of light—Apogeotropism acts as soon as light fails—Accuracy with which plants benft to the light—This dependent on th<3 ijlumination of one whole side of the pait—Localised sensitiveness to light-and its transmitted effects—Cotyledons of Phalaris, manner of bending—Results of the exclusion of light from their tips—Effects transmitted beneath the s>irface of the ground — Lateral illumination of the tip determines the direction of the curvature of the base—Cotyledons of A vena, curvature of basal part due to the illumination of upper part—Similar results with the hypocotyls of Brassica and Beta—Eadicles of Sinapis aiiheliotropic, due to the sensitiveness of their tips—Concluding remarks and summary of chapter—Means by which circumnuiatidu has been converted into hel iotropism or apheliotropism Page 44 9-i3'A CHAPTEE X. Modified Cibcumndtation : Movements excited by Gravitatios. Means of observation—Apogeotropism—Cytisns—Verbena—Beta —Gradual conversion of tlie movement of ciicummitation into apogeotropism in Eubus, Lilium, Phalaris, Avena, and Brassica —Apogeotropism retarded by heliotropism—Effected by the aid of joints or pulvini—Movements of flowt-r-peduncles of Oxalis — General remarks on apogeotropism—Geotropism—Movements of radicles—Burying of seed-capsules—Use of process—Trifolium subterraneum — Arachis — Amphicarpaja — Diageotropism — Conclusion 493-522 CHAPTEE XL Localised Sensitiveness to Gravitation, and its TBANSMiTTBft Effects. General considerations—Vicia faba, effects of amputating the tips of the radicles—Regeneration of the tips—Effects of a short exposure of the tips to geotro]'io action and their subsequent amputation—Kflects of amputating the tips obliquely—Kff'ects of cauterising the tips—Effects of grease on the tips—Pisum CONTENTS. sntivTim, tips of ranicles cauterised transversely, and on theii upper and lower sides— Phaseolus, cauterisation and gr(ase on the tips—Gossypium—Cucurbita, lips cauterised transverse!}, and on their upper and lower sides—Zea, tips cauterised—Concluding remarks and summary of chapter—Advantages of the sensibility to geotropism being localised in tbe tips of the radicles Page 23-545 OHAPTEE XII. SUMMABY AKD CONCLUDING ReMAKKS. Nature of the eircumnutating movement—History of a germinating seed—The radicle first protrudes and circumnutates—^Its tip highly sensitive—Emergence of the hypocotyl or of the epicotyl from the grcund under the form of an arch—Its circumnutation and that of the cotyledons—The seedling throws up a leafbearing stem —'1 he circumnutation of all the parts or organs — Modified circumnutation—Epinastyand hyponasty—Movements of climbing plants—Nyctitropic movements—Movements excited by light and gravitation—Localised sensitiveness—Resemblance between the movements of plants and animals—The tip of the radicle acts like a biain 546-573 Index 574-593 THE MOVEMENTS OF PLANTS. INTRODUCTION. The chief object of the present work is to describe and connect together several large classes of movement, common to almost all plants. The most widely prevalent movement is essentially of the same nature as that of the stem of a climbing plant, which bends successively to all points of the compass, so that the tip revolves. This movement has been called by Sachs "revolving nutation;" but we have found it much more convenient to use the terms circumnwtation and circumnutate. As we shall have to say much about this movement, it will be useful here briefly to describe its nature. If we observe a circumnutating stem, which happens at the time to be bent, we will say towards the north, it will be found gradually to bend more and more easterly, until it faces the east ; and so onwards to the south, then to the west, and back again to the north. If the movement had been quite regular, the apex would have described a cii'cle, or rather, as the stem is always growing upwards, a circular spiral. But it generally describes irregular elliptical or oval figiu-es ; for the apex, after pointing in any one direction, commonly moves back to the opposite ' side, not, however, returning along the same line. After-wards other irregular ellipses or ovals are successively described, with their longer 2 INTRODUCTION. axes directed to different points of the compass. Whilst describing such figures, the apex often travels in a zigzag line, or makes small subordinate loops or Driangles. In the case of leaves the ellipses are generally narrow. Until recently the cause of all such bending rnovements was believed to be due to the increased growtli of the side which becomes for a time convex ; that this side does temporarily grow more quickly than the concave side has been well established ; but De Vries has lately shown that such increased growth follows a previously increased state of turgescence on the convex side.* In the case of parts provided with a so-called joint, cushion or pulvinus, which consists of an aggregate of small cells that have ceased to increase in size from a very early age, we meet with similar movements ; and here, as Pfeffer has shown f and as we shall see in the course of this work, the increased turgescence of the cells on opposite sides is not followed by increased growth. Wiesner denies in certain cases the accuracy of De Vries' conclusion about turgescence, and maintains t that the increased extensibility of the cell-walls is the more important element. That such extensibility must accompany increased turgescence in order that the part may bend is manifest, and this has been insisted on by several botanists ; but in the case of unicellular plants it can hardly fail to be the more important element. Oi the whole we may at present conclude that iu* Sachs first showed (' Lohr- 19, 1879, p. 830. biioh,' See., 4th edit. p. 452) the f 'D:c Periodisclien Bewegunintimate connection between tnr- gen der Blattoigane,' 1875. gescence and growth. For De 1 'Untersuchungen iiber den Vries' interesting essay, ' Waehs- Heliotropismus,' Sitzb, der K, thumskriimmungcn mehrzelliger Akad. derWissenschaft. (Vienna). Organo,' see ' Bot. Zeitung,' Deo. Jan. 1880. INTRODUCTION. a areased growthj first 01/ one side and then on another, is a secondary effect, and that the increased turgescence of the cells, together with the extensibility of their walls, is the primary cause of the movement of circumnutation. * In the course of the present volume it will be shown that apparently every growing part of every plant is continually circumnutating, though often on a small scale. Even the stems of seedlings before they have broken through the ground, as well as their buried radicles, circumnutate, as far as the pressure of the surrounding earth permits. In this universally present movement we have the basis or groundwork for the acquirement, according to the requirements of the plant, of the most diversified movements. Thus, the great sweeps made by the stems of twining plants, and by the tendrils of other climbers, result from a mere increase in the amplitude of the ordinary movement of circumnutation. The position which young leaves and other organs ultimately assume is acquired by the circumnutating movement being increased in some one direction. The leaves of various plants are said to sleep at night, and it will be seen that their blades then assume a vertical position through modified circumnutation, in order to protect their upper surfaces from being chilled through radiation. The movements of various organs to the light, which are so gener&l throughout the vegetable kingdom, and occasionally from the light, or transversely with respect to it, are all modified * See Mr. Vines excellent dis- Naturkunde in Wiirteniberg,' cussion (' Arbeitcu des Bot. Insti- 1S74, p. 211) on the curious movetuts ill VVurzburg,' B. II. pp 142, ments of Spirogyra, a plant con- 143, 1878) on this intiicate subject. sisting of a single row of o€ll8,.arc Hofmcister's observaticpns ('Jnh- vuluable in relation to tliissubjoct. resohrifte des Vereins fiir Vaterl. i INTRODUCTION. forms of circumnutation ; as again are the equally prevalent movements of stems, &c., towards the zenith, and of roots towards the centre of the earth. In accordance with these conclusions, a considerable difficulty in the way of evolution is in part removed, for it might have been asked, how did all their diversified movements for the most different purposes first arise ? As the case stands, we know that there is always movement in progress, and its ami)litude, or direction, or both, have only to be modified for the good of the plant in relation with internal or external stimuli. Besides describing the several modified forms of circumnutation, some other subjects will be discussed. The two which have interested us most are, firstly, the fact that with some seedling plants the uppermost part alone is sensitive to light, and transmits an influence to the lower part, causing it to bend. If therefore the upper part be wholly protected from light, the lower part may be exposed for hours to it, and yet does not become in the least bent, although this would have occurred quickly if the upper part had been excited by light. Secondly, with the radicles of seedlings, the tip is sensitive to various stimuli, especially to very slight pressure, and, when thus excited, transmits an influence to the upper part, causing it to bend from the pressed side. On the other hand, if the tip is subjected to the vapour of water proceeding from one side, the upper part of the radicle bends towards this side. Again it is the tip, as stated by Ciesielski, though denied by others, which is sensitive to the attraction of gravity, and by transmission causes the adjoining parts of the radicle to bend towards the centre of the earth. These several cases of the effects of contact, other irritants, vapour, light, and the INTRODUCTION. 5 attraction of gravity being transmitted from the excited part for some little distance along the organ in question, have an important bearing on the theory of all such movements. Terminology.—A brief explanation of some terms wliioh will be used, must here be given. With seedliugs, the stem which supports the cotyledons (i.e. the organs which represent the first leaves) has been called by many botanists the hypocotyledonous stem, but for brevity sake we will speak of it merely as the hyyocotyl: the stem immediately above the cotyledons will be called the epicoiyl or plumule. The radicl; can be distinguished from the hypocotyl only by the presence of root-hairs and the nature of its covering. The meaning of the word circumnutation has already been explained. Authors speak of positive and negative heliotropism,* —that is, the bending of an organ to or from the light ; but it is much more convenient to confine the word hili4r''pism to bending towards the light, and to designate as ajheli'dropUm bending from the light. There is another reason for this change, for writers, as we have observed, occasionally drop the adjectives pusitioe and mgutive, and thus introduce confusion into their discussions. Dialieliotropisn may express a position more or less transverse to the light and induced by it. In like manner positive geotropism, or bending towards the centre of the earth, will bo called by us gcotropism ; ajioyeotiupir-m will mean bending in opposition to gravity or from the centre of the earth ; and diajeUropism, a position more or less transverse to the radius of the earth. The words heliotropism and geotropism properly mean the act of moving iu relation to the light or the earth; but in the same manner as gravitation, though defined as " the act of tending to the centre," is often used to express the cause of a body falling, so it will be found convenient occasionally to employ heliotropism and geotropism, &c., as the cause of the movements in question. The term epinasty is now often used in Germany, and implies that the upper surface of an organ grows more quickly than the * The highly useful terms of Frank : see his remarkable ' BeiHeliotropism aud Geotropism trage zur J'tiauzenphysiologie, Reie first used by Dr. A. B. 1868. b INTRODUCTION. lower surface, and thus causes it to bend downwards. Byponasly is the reverse, and implies increased growth along the lowtjr surface, causing the part to bend upwards.* M'thods of Observafion.—The movements, sometimes very small and sometimes considerable in extent, of the various organs observed by us, were traced in the manner which after many trials we found to be best, and which must be described. Plants growing in pots were protected wholly from the light, or had light admitted from above, or on one side as the case might require, and were covered above by a large horizontal sheet of glass, and with another vertical sheet on one side. A glass filament, not thicker than a horsehair, and from a quarter to three-quarters of an inch in length, was affixed to the part to be observed by means of shellac dissolved in alcohol. The solution was allowed to evaporate, until it became so thick that it set hard in two or three seconds, and it never injm-ed the tissues, even the tips of tender radicles, to which it was applied. To the end of the glass filament an excessively minute bead of black sealing-wax was cemented, below or behind which a bit of card with a black dot was fixed to a stick driven into the ground. The weight of the filament was so slight that even small leaves were not perceptibly pressed down. Another method of observation, when much magnification of the movement was not required, wiU presently be described. The bead and the dot on the card were viewed through the horizontal or vertical glass-plate (according to the position of the object), and when one exactly covered the other, a dot was made on the glass-plate with a sharply pointed stick dipped in thick Indian-ink. Other dots were made at short intervals of time and these were afterwards joined by straight lines. The figures thus traced were therefore angular; but if dots had been made every 1 or 2 minutes, the lines would have been more curvilinear, as occurred when radicles were allowed to trace their own courses on smoked glass-plates. To make the dots accurately was the sole difficulty, and required some practice. Nor could this be done quite accurately, when the movement was much magnified, such as 30 times and upwards; yet even in this case the general course may be trusted. To test the accuracy of the above method of observation, a filament was fixed to an * These terms are used in the ' Wiirzbuig Aibeiten,' Heft ugeuse giveu them by Dc Vries, 1872, p. 252. IKTEODUCTION. 7 Inanimate object which was made to snde along a straight edge and dots were repeatedly made on a glass-plate; when these were joinedj the result ought to have been a perfectly straight line, and the line was very nearly straight. It may be added that when the dot on the card was placed half-an-inch below or behind the bead of sealing-wax, and when the glassplato (supposing it to have been properly curved) stood at a distance of 7 inches in front (a common distance), then the tracing represented the movement of the bead magnified 15 times. Whenever a great increase of the movement was not required, another, and in some respects better, method of observation was followed. This consisted in fixing two minute triangles of thin paper, about -fy inch in height, to the two ends of the attached glass filament ; and when their tips were brought into a line so that they covered one another, dots were made as before on the glass-plate. If we suppose the glass-plate to stand at a distance of seven inches from the end of the shoot bearing the filament, the dots when joined, will give nearly the same figure as if a filament seven inches long, dipped in ink, had been fixed to the moving shoot, and had inscribed its own course on the plate. The movement is thus considerably magnified; for instance, if a shoot one inch in length were bending, and the glass-plate stood at the distance of seven inches, the movement would be magnified eight times. It would, however, have been very diiflcult to have ascertained in each case how great a length of the shoot was bending; and this is indispensable for ascertaining the degree to which the movement is magnified. After dots had been made on the glass-plates by either of the above methods, they were copied on tracing paper and joined by ruled lines, with arrows showing the direction of the movement. The nocturnal courses are represented by straight broken lines. The first dot is always made larger than the others, so as to catch the eye, as may be seen in the diagrams. The figures on the glass-plates were often drawn on too large a scale to be reproduced on the pages of this volume, and the proportion in which they have been reduced is always given.* Whenever it could be approximately told how much the movement had been magnified, this is stated. We have perhaps * We are much indebted to he has reduced and engraved our Mr. Cooper for the care with which diagrams. 2 S INTEODUCTION. mtrodusod a superfluous number of diagrams; but they tako up less space than a full description of the movements. Almost all the sketches of plants asleep, &c., were carefully drawn for us by Mr. George Darwin. As shoots, leayes, &c., in circumnutating bend more and more, first in one direction and then in another, they were necessarily viewed at different times more or less obliquely ; and as the dots were made on a flat surface, the apparent amount of movement is exaggerated according to the degree of obliquity of the point of view. It would, therefore, have been a much better plan to have used hemispherical glasses, if we had possessed them of all sizes, and if the bending part of the shoot had been distinctly hinged and could have been placed so as to have formed one of the radii of the sphereBut even in this case it would have been necessary afterwards to have projected the figures on paper; so that complete accuracy could not have been attained. From the distortion of our figures, owing to the above causes, they are of no use to any one who wishes to know the exact amount of movement, or the exact course pursued; but they serve excellently for ascertaining whether or not the part moved at all, as well as the general character of the movement. In the following chapters, the movements of a considerable number of plants are described ; and the species have been arranged according to the system adopted by Hooker in Le Maout and Decaisne's ' Descriptive Botany.' No one who is not investigating the present subject need read all the details, which, however, we have thought it advisable to give. To save the reader trouble, the conclusions and most of the more important parts have been printed in larger type than the other parts. He may, if he thinks fit read the last chapter first, as it includes a summary of the whole volume ; and he will thus see what points interest him, and on which he requires the full evidence. Finally, we must have the pleasui-e of returning oui INTKODUCTION. 9 sincere thanks to Sir Joseph Hooker and to Mr. W. Thiselton Dyer for their great kindness, in not onlysending us plants from Kew, hut in procuring others from several sources when they were required for our observations ; also, for naming many species, and giving us information on various points. 10 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cb*p. t CHAPTEK I. The CiBCDMNUTATiNG Movements of Seedling Plaittb. Brassica oleracea, circumnutation of the radicle, of the arched hypocotyl whilst still buried beneath the ground, whilst rising above the ground and straightening itself, and when erect—Circumnutation of the cotyledons—Bate of movement—Analogous observations on various organs in species of Githago, Gossypium, Oxalis, Trop^olum, Citrus, iEsculus, of several Leguminous and Cuourbitaceous genera, Opuntia, Helianthus, Primula, Cyclamen, Stapeli, Cerinthe, Nolana, Solanum, Beta, Elcinus, Querous, Gorylus, Pinus, Cycas, Canna, Allium, Asparagus, Phalaris, Zea, Aveiia, Nephrodium, and Selagiuella. The following cliapter is devoted to the circumnutating movements of the radicles, hypocotyls, and cotyledons of seedling plants; and, when the cotyledons do not rise above the ground, to the movements of the epicotyl. But in a future chapter we shall have to recur to the movements of certain cotyledons which sleep at night. Brassica oleracea (^Cructferce).—Fuller details 'will be given with respect to the movements in this case than in any other, as space and time will thus ultimately be saved. Badicle.—A seed with the radicle projecting '05 inch was fastened with shellac to a little plate of zinc, so that the radicle stood up vertically; and a fine glass filament was then fixed near its base, that is, close to the seed-coats. The seed was surrounded by little bits of wet sponge, and the movement of the bead at the end of the filament was traced (Fig. 1) during sixty hours. In this time the radicle increased in length from "05 to -11 inch. Had the filament been attached at first close to the apex of the radicle, and if it could have remained there all the time, the movement exhibited would have Chap. 1, BKASSICA. 11 been much greater, for at the close of our observations tho tip, instead of standing vertically upwards, had become bowed downwards through geotropism, so as almost to touch the zino plate. As far as we could roughly ascertain by measure- *'S- !• ments made with compasses on 'other seeds, the tip alone, for a length of only -j-g^ to ^^ of an inch, is acted on by geotropism. But the tracing shows that the basal part of the radicle continued to circumnutate irregularly during the whole time. The actual extreme amount of movement of the bead at the end of the filament was nearly •05 inch, but to what extent the movement of the radicle was magnified by the filament, which was nearly I inch in length, it was impossible to estimate. Another seed was treated and observed in the same manner, but the radicle in this case protruded ! inch, and was not Brassca oleriacea : circumnutation of radicle, traced on horizontal glass, from 9 A.M. Jan. 31st to 9 P.M. Feb. 2Qd. Movement of bead at end of filament magnified about 40 times. Fig. 2. Brasswa oleracea ; circumnutating and geotropic movement of radicle, traced on horizontal glass during 46 hours. fastened so as to project quite vertically upwards. The filament was affixed close to its base. The tracing (Kg. 2, reduced by half) shows the movement from 9 a.m. Jan. 31st to 7 a.m. Feb. 2nd; but it continued to move during the whole of the 12 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. 1 Skid in tlie same general direction, and in a similar zigzag manner. From the radicle not being quite perpendicular when the filament was afBxed geotropism came into play at once; but the irregular zigzag course shows that there was growth (probably preceded by turgescence), sometimes on one and sometimes on another side. Occasionally the bead remained stationary for about an hour, and then probably growth occurred on the side opposite to that which caused the geotropic curvature. In the case previously described the basal part of the very short radicle from being turned vertically upwards, was at first very little affected by geotropism. Filaments were afiSxed in two other instances to rather longer radicles protruding obliquely from seeds which had been turned upside down; and in these eases the lines traced on the horizontal glasses were only slightly zigzag, and the movement was always in the same general direction, through the action of geotropism. All these observations are liable to several causes of error, but we believe, from what will hereafter be shown with respect to the movements of the radicles of other plants, that they may be largely trusted. Bypocotyl.—The hypocotyl protrudes through the seed-cx)ats as a rectangular projection, which grows rapidly into an arch like the letter U turned upside down [\ ; the cotyledons being still enclosed within the seed. In whatever position the seed may be embedded in the earth or otherwise fiixed, both legs of the arch bend upwards through apogeotropism, and thus rise vertically above the ground. As soon as this has taken place, or even earlier, the inner or concave surface of the arch grows more quickly than the upper or convex surface; and this tends to separate the two legs and aids in drawing the cotyledons out of the buried seed-coats. By the growth of the whole arch the cotyledons are ultimately dragged from beneath the ground, even from a considerable depth; and now the hypocotyl quickly straightens itself by the increased growth of the concave side. Even whilst the arched or doubled hypocotyl is stiU beneath the ground, it circumnutates as much as the pressure of the surrounding soil will permit; but this was difficult to observe, because as soon as the arch is freed from lateral pressure the two legs begin to separate, even at a very early age, before the arch would naturally have reached the surface. iSeeds were allowed to germinate on the surface of damp earth, and after they had fixed themselves by their radicles, and after the, as yet, only Chap. I. BKASSICA. 13 slightly arched hypocotyl had become nearly yertical, a glass filament was affixed on two occasions near to the base of the basal leg (i.e. the one in connection with the radicle), and its moTcments were traced in darkness on a horizontal glass. The result was that long lines were formed running in nearly the plane of the vertical arch, due to the early separation of the two lega now freed from pressure ; but as the lines were zigzag, showing lateral movement, the arch must have been circumnutating, whilst it was straightening itself by growth along its inner or concave surface. A somewhat different method of observation was next followed : Fig. 3. Srassica oleracea : ciroumnutating movement of buried and arched hypocotyl (dimly illuminated from above), traced on horizontal glass during 45 hours. Movement of bead of filament magniBed about 25 times, and here reduced to one-half of original scale, as soon as the earth with seeds in a pot began to crack, the surface was removed in parts to the depth of '2 inch; and a filament was fixed to the basal leg of a buried and arched hypocotyl, just above the summit of the radicle. The cotyledons were still almost completely enclosed within the much-cracked seed-coats ; and these were again covered up with damp adhesive soil pressed pretty firmly down. The movement of the filament was traced (Fig. 3) from 11 a.m. Feb. 5th till 8 a.m. Feb. 7th. By this latter period the cotyledons had been dragged from beneath the pressed-down earth, but the upper part of the hypocotyl still formed nearly a right angle with the lower part. The tracing shows that the arched hypocotyl tends at this early 14 CmCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. I age to cii-cunmutate irregularly. On the first day the greatei movement (from right to left In the figure) was not in the plane of the vertical and arched hypocotyl, but at right angles to it, or in the plane of the two cotyledons, which were still in close contact. The basal leg of the arch at the time when the filament was affixed to it, was already bowed considerably backwards or from the cotyledons; had the filament been affixed before this bowing occurred, the chief movement would have been at right angles to that shown in the figure. A filament was attached to another buried hypocotyl of the same age, and it moved in a similar general manner, but the line traced was not so complex. This hypocotyl became almost straight, and the cotyledons were dragged frombeneath the ground on the evening of the second day Fig. 4. / Brassica oUracea : circumnutiiting movement of buried and arched hypocotyl, with the two legs of the arch tied together, traced on horizontal glass during 33J hours. Movement of the bead of filament magnified about 26 times, and here reduced to one-half original scale. Before the above observations were made, some arched hypocotyls buried at the depth, of a quarter of an inch were uncovered ; and in order to prevent the two legs of the arch from beginning to separate at once, they were tied together with fine silk. This was done partly because we wished to ascertain how long the hypocotyl, in its arched condition, would continue to move, and whether the movement when not masked and disturbed by the straightening process, indicated circumnutation. Firstly, a filament was fixed to the basal leg of an arched hypocotyl close above the summit of the radicle. The cotyledons were still partially enclosed within the seed-coats. The movement was traced (Fig. 4) from 9.20 a.m. on Dsa Ohap. I. BEASSICA. 15 23rd to 6.45 a.m. on Dec. 25th. No doubt tlie natural movement was much disturbed by the two legs having been tied together ; but we see that it was distinctly zigzag, first in one direction and then in an almost opposite one. After 3 p.m. on the 24;th the arched hypocotjl sometimes remained stationary for a considerable time, and when moving, moved far slower than before. Therefore, on the morning of the 25th, the glass filament was removed from the base of the basal leg, and was fixed horizontally on the summit of the arch, which, from the legs having been tied, had grown broad and almost flat. The movement was now traced during 23 hours (Fig. 5), and we Fig. 5. Brassica oleracea: circummtating movement of the crown of a buried anil arched hypocotyl, with the two legs tied together, traced on a horizontal glass during 23 hours. Movement of the bead of the filament magnified about 58 times, and here reduced to one-half original scale. see that the course was still zigzag, which indicates a tendency to circumnutation. The base of the basal leg by this time had almost completely ceased to move. As soon as the cotyledons have been naturally dragged from beneath the ground, and the hypocotyl has straightened itself by growth along the inner or concave surface, there is nothing to interfere with the free movements of the parts ; and the circumnutation now becomes much more regular and clearly displayed, as shown in the following cases: —A seedling was placed ip front and near a north-east window with a line joining the 16 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. I. two cotyledons parallel to the window. It was thus left the whole daj so as to accommodate itself to the light. On the following morning a filament was fixed to the midrib of the larger and taller cotyledon (which enfolds the other and smaller one, whilst still within the seed), and a mark being placed close behind, the movement of the whole plant, that is, of the hypocotyl and cotyledon, was traced greatly magnified on a vertical glass. At first the plant bent so much towards the hght that it was useless to attempt to trace the movement ; but at 10 A.M. heliotropism almost wholly ceased and tho first dot was Fig. 6. Braasica oleracea- conjoint circumnutation of the hypocotyl and cotyledons during 10 hours 45 minutes. Figure here reducsd to one-half original scale. made on the glass. The last was made at 8.45 p.m.; seventeen dots being altogether made in this interval of 10 h. 45 m. (see Fig. 6). It should be noticed that when I looked shortly after 4 P.M. the bead was pointing off the glass, but it came on again at 5.30 p.m., and the course during this interval of 1 h. 30 m. has been filled up by imagination, but cannot be far from correct The bead moved seven times from side to side, and thus described 3J ellipses in 101 h. ; each being completed on an average in 3 h. 4 m. On the previous day another seedling had been observed tinder similar conditions, excepting that the plant was so Chap. I. BKASSICA, 17 placed that a line joining the two cotyledons pointed toTvards the window ; and the filament was attached to the smaller cotyledon on the side furthest from the window. Moreover, the plant was now for the first time placed in this position. The cotyledons bowed themselves greatly towards the light from 8 to 10.50 A.M., when the first dot was made (Fig. 7). During the Fig. 7. Brassica oleracea : conjoint circumnutation of the hypocotyl aad cotyledons, from 10.50 A.M. to 8 A.M. on the following morning. Tracing made on a vertical glass. next 12 hours the bead swept obliquely up and down 8 times and described 4 figures representing ellipses ; so that it travelled at nearly the same rate as in the previous case. During the night it moved upwards, owing to the sleep-movement of the cotyledons, and continued to moTe in the same direction till 9 A.M. on the following morning ; but this latter movement would not have occurred with seedlings under their natural conditions fully exposed to the light. By 9.25 A.M. on this second day the same cotyledon had 18 CIKCUMNUTATION OF SEEPLINGS. Chap. 1 Brassica oleracea ; conjoint circnmnutation begun to fall, and a Jot was made on a fresh glass. The mo7ement was traced until 5.30 p.m. as shown in (Fig. 8), which is given, because the course followed was much more irregular than on the two previous occasions. During these 8 hours the bead changed its course greatly 10 times. The upward movement of the cotyledon during the afternoon and early part of the night is here plainly shown. As the filaments were fixed in the three last cases to one of the cotyledons, and as the hypocotyl was left free, the tracings show the movement of both organs conof the hypocotyl and cotyledons during joined ; and we noW 8 hours. Figure here reduced to one- wished to ascertain whethird of the original scale, as traced on a ^.j^gj, ^^^j^ circumnutated. rertical glass. ^.. , xi. j Filaments were therefore fixed horizontally to two hypocotyls close beneath the petioles of their cotyledons. These seedlings had stood for two days in the same position before a north-east window. In the morning, up to about 11 A.M., they moved in zigzag lines towards the light; and at night they again became almost upright through apogeotropism. After about 11 a.m. they moved a little back from the light, often crossing and recrossing their former path in zigzag lines. The sky on this day varied much in brightness, and these observations merely proved that the hypocotyls were continually moving in a manner resembling circnmnutation. On a previous day which was uniformly cloudy, a hypocotyl was firmly secured to a little stick, and a filament was fixed to the larger of the two cotyledons, and its movement was traced on a vertical glass. It fell greatly from 8.52 A.M., when the first dot was made, till 10.55 a.m. ; it then rose greatly until 12.17 p.m. Afterwards it fell a little and made a loop, but by 2.22 p.m. it had risen a little and continued rising till 9.23 p.m., when it made another loop, and at 10.30 p.m. was again rising. These observations show that the cotyledons move Chap. I. BEASSICA. 19 vertically up and down all day long, and as there was some Blight lateral movement, they circumnutated. The cabbage was one of the first plants, the seedlings of which were observed by us, and we did not then know how far the circumnutation of the different parts was affected by light. Young seedlings were therefore kept in complete darkness except for a minute or two during each observation, when they were illuminated by a small wax taper held almost vertically above them. During the first day the hypocotyl of one changed its course 13 times (see Kg. 9) ; and it deserves notice that the longer axes of the figures described often cross one another at right or nearly right angles. Another seedling was observed in the same manner, but it was much older, for it had formed a true leaf a quarter of an inch in length, and the hypocotyl was If inch in height. The figure traced was a very complex one, though the movement was not so great in extent as in the last case. The hypocotyl of another seedhng of the same age was secured to a little stick, and a filament having been fixed to the midrib of one of the cotyledons, the movement of the bead was traced during 14 h. 15 m. (see Fig. 10) in darkness. It should be noted that the chief movement of the cotyledons, namely, up and down, would be shown on a horizontal glassplate only by the lines in the direction of the midrib (that is. Srassica oleracea : circumnutation of hypocotyl, in darkness, traced on a horizontal glass, by means of a filament with a bead fixed across its summit, between 9.15 a.m. and 8.30 A.M. on the following morning. Figure here reduced to onehalf of original scale. 20 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. 1. up and down, as Fig. 10 liere stands) being a little lengthened or shortened; whereas any -lateral movement would be well exhibited. The present tracing shows that the cotyledon did thus move laterally (that is, from side to side in the tracing) 12 times in the 14 h. 15 m. of observation. Therefore the cotyledons certainly ciroumnutated, though the chief movement was up and down in a vertical plane. Eate of movement.—The movements of the hypocotyls and cotyledons of seedling cabbages of different ages have now been sufficiently illustrated. With respect to the rate, seedlings were placed under the microscope with the stage removed, and with a micrometer eye-piece so adjusted that each division equalled -gho ™oh; the plants were illuminated by light passing through a solution of bichromate of potassium so as to eliminate heUotropism. Under these circumstances it was interesting to observe how rapidly the circumnutating apex of a cotyledon passed across the divisions of the micrometer. Whilst travelling in any direction the apex generally oscillated backwards and forwards to the extent of -gJ g and sometimes of nearly 2^0 of an inch. These oscillations were quite different from the trembling caused by any disturbance in the same room or by the shutting of a distant door. The first seedling observed was nearly two inches in height and had been etiolated by having been grown in darkness. The tip of the cotyledon passed across 10 divisions of the micrometer, that is, -^ of an inch, in 6 m. 40 s. Short glass filaments were then fixed vertically to the hypocotyls of several seedlings so as to project a little above the cotyledons, thus exaggerating the rate of movement ; but only a few of the observations thus made are worth giving. The most remarkable fact was the oscillatory movement above described, and the difference of rate at which the point crossed the divisions of the micrometer, after short intervals of time. For instance, a tall not-etiolated seedling had been kept for 14 h. in darkness ; it was exposed before a north-east window for only Brassica oleracea : circumnutation of a cotyledon, the hypocotyl having been secured to a' stick, trajed on a horizontal glass, in diirlcness, from 8.15 A.M. to 10.30 P.M. Movement of the bead of the filament magnified 13 times. Ohap. I. GITHAGO. 21 two or tliiee minutes whilst a glass filament was fixed vertically to the hypocotyl ; it was then again placed in darkness for half an hour and afterwards observed by light passing through bichromate of potassium. The point, oscillating as usual, crossed five divisions of the micrometer (i. e. j-os inch) in Im. 30 s. The seedling was then left in darkness for an hour, and now it required 3 m. 6 s. to cross one division, that is, 15 m. 30 s. to have crossed five divisions. Another seedling, after being occasionally observed in the back part of a northern room with a very dull light, and left in complete darkness for intervals of half an hour, crossed five divisions in 5 m. in the direction of the window, so that we concluded that the movement was heKotropic. But this was probably not the case, for it was placed close to a north-east window and left there for 25 m., after which time, instead of moving still more quickly towards the light, as might have been expected, it travelled only at the rate of 12 m. 30 s. for five divisions. It was then again left in complete darkness for Ih., and the point now travelled in the same direction as before, but at the rate of 3 m. 18 s. for five divisions. We shall have to recur to the cotyledons of the cabbage in a future chapter, when we treat of their sleep-movements. The circumnutation, also, of the leaves of fully-developed plants wUl hereafter be described. Fig. 11. Biihago segetum : circumnutation of hypocotyl, traced on a horizont&l glass, by means of a filament fixed transversely across its summit, from 8.15 A.M. to 12.15 P.M. on the following day. Movement of bead of filament magnified about 13 times, here reduced to one-half the original scale. Oithago segetum (Caryophyllese).—A young seedling was dimly Illuminated from above, and the circumnutation of the hypo- 22 CIBCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chat. 1 cotyl was obsers^ed during 28 K as shown in Fig. 11- K moved in all directions; the lines from right and to left in the figure being parallel to the blades of the cotyledons. The actual distance travelled from side to side by the summit of the hypocotyl was about -2 of an inch; but it was impossible to be accurate on this head, as the more obliquely the plant was viewed, after it had moved for some time, the more the distances were exaggerated. We endeaToured to observe the circumnutation of the cotyledons, but as they close together unless kept exposed to a moderately bright light, and as the hypocotyl is extremely hehotropic, the necessary arrangements were too troublesome. We shall recur to the nocturnal or sleep-movements of the cotyledons in a future chapter. Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton) (Malvaceae).—The circumnutation of a hypocotyl was observed in the hot-house, but Gossypium: circnmQu- the movement was so much exaggerated tr^ed on tTrizml ^^** *^® ^^^ *^°^ V^s&edi for a time out of tal glass, from 10.30 view. It was, however, manifest that two A.M. to 9.30 A.M. on somewhat irregular ellipses were nearly following morning, completed in 9 h. Another seedling, by means of a 6la- i ,..•,. ,, ,, , j j • ment fixed across 1 5 m. in height, was then observed duimg its summit. More- 23 h.; but the observations were not ment of bead of fiia- made at sufficiently short intervals, as TwteT -Sillu- ^1^°^ ^y tte few dots in Kg. 12, and the minated from above, tracing was not now sufficiently enlarged. Nevertheless there could be no doubt about the circumnutation of the hypocotyl, which described in 12 h. a figure representing three irregular ellipses of unequal sizes. The cotyledons are in constant movement up and down during the whole day, and as they offer the unusual case of moving downwards late iu the evening and in the early part of the night, many observations were made on them. A filament was fixed along the middle of one, and its movement traced on a vertical glass; but the tracing is not given, as the hypocotyl was not secured, so that it was impossible to distinguish clearly between its movement and that of the cotyledon. The cotyledons rose from 10.30 a.m. to about 3 p.m. ; they then sank tiu 10 P.M., rising, however, greatly in the latter pai-t of the night Chap I. GOSSYPIUM. 23 The angles above the horizon at which the cotyledons of another seedling stood at different hours is recorded in the following Bhort table : — Oct. 20 2.50 P.M 25" above horizon. » 4.20 22° « 5.20 „ 15° -, 10.40 „ 8^ Oct. 21 8.40 A. M 28° „ ,, 11-15 , S.I" „ 9.11 P.M 10° below horizon. The position of the two cotyledons was roughly sketched at various hours with the same general result. In the following summer, the hypocotyl of a fourth seedling was secured to a little stick, and a glass filament with triangles of paper having been fixed to one of the cotyledons, its movements were traced on a vertical glass under a double skylight in the house. The first dot was made at 4.20 p.m. June 20th ; and the cotyledon fell till 10.15 p.m. in a nearly straight line. Just past midnight it was found a little lower and somewhat to one side. By the early morning, at 3.45 a.m., it had risen greatly, but by 6.20 a.m. had fallen a little. During the whole of this day (21st) it fell in a slightly zigzag line, but its normal course was disturbed by the want of sufficient illumination, for during the night it rose only a little, and travelled irregularly during the whole of the following day and night of June 22nd. The ascending and descending lines traced during the three days did not coincide, so that the movement was one of circumnutation. This seedling was then taken back to the hot-house, and after five days was inspected at 10 p.m., when the cotyledons were found hanging so nearly vertically down, that they might justly be said to have been asleep. On the following morning they had resumed their usual horizontal position. Oxalis rosea (Oxalideas).—The hypocotyl was secured to a little stick, and an extremely thin glass filament, with two triangles of paper, was attached to one of the cotyledons, which was "15 ir ch in length. In this and the following species the end of the petiole, where united to the blade, is developed into a pulvinus. The apex of the cotyledon stood only 5 inches from the vertical glass, so that its movement was not greatly exaggerated as long as it remained nearly horizontal ; but in the course of the day it both rose considerably above and fell beneath a horizontal position, and then of course the movement was much exaggerated. 3 24 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. 1. In Fig. 13 ils course is shown from 6.45 a.m. on June 17th, to 7.40 A.M. on the following morning ; and we see that during tho daytime, in the course of 11 h. 15 m., it travelled thrice dowji and twice up. After 5.45 p.m. it moved rapidly downwards, and in an hour or two depended vertically ; it thus remained all night asleep. This position could not be represented on the vertical glass nor in the figure here given. By 6.40 A.M. on the following morning (18th) both cotyledons had risen greatly, and they continued to rise until 8 a.m., when they stood almost horizontally. Their movement was traced during the whole of this day and until the next morning ; but a tracing is not given, as it was closely similar to Fig. 13, excepting that the Unes were more zigzag. The cotyledons moved 7 times, either upwards or downwards ; and at about 4 p.m. the great nocturnal sinking movement commenced. Another seedling was observed in a similar manner during nearly 24 h., but with the difference that the hypocotyl was left free. The movement also was less magnified. Between 8.12 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the 18th, the apex of the cotyledon moved 7 times upwards or downwards (Fig. 14). The nocturnal sinking movement, which is merely a great increase of one of the diurnal oscillations, commenced about 4 P.M. Oxalk Va!diviana.—l\\is species is interesting, as the coty- 8°30^a.7n. u Oxalis rosea : circuninutation of cotyledons, the hypocotyl being secured to a stick ; illuminated from above. Figure here given one-harf of original scale. Chap. I. OXALIS. 25 ledons rise perpendicularly upwards at night so as to como into close contact, instead of sinking vertically downwards, as in the case of 0. rosea. A glass filament was fixed to a cotyledon, 17 of an inch in length, and the hypocotyl was loft free. On Fig. 14. ,G'-iO'a.mS9'^ Fig. 15. S'SS' Oxalis rosea : conjoint circuronutation of the cotyledons and hypocotyl, traced from 8.12 a.m. on June 18th to 7.30 A.M. 19th. The apex of the cotyledon stood only 3f inches from the vertical glass. Figure here given one-half of original scale. fiS I'SS'pM. Oxalis Valdiviana : conjoint circumnutation of a cotyledon and the hypocotyl, traced on vertical glass, during 24 hours. Figure here given one-half of original scale ; seedling illuminated from above. the first day the seedling was placed too far from the vertical glass ; £0 that the tracing was enormously exaggerated and the movement could not be traced when the cotyledon either rose or sank much; but it was clearly seen that the cotyledons rose thrice and fell twice between 8.15 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. Early on uhe following morning (June 19th) the apex of a cotyledon was 26 CIKOUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. 1 placed only 1| inch from the vertical glass. At 6 40 a.m. it stood horizontally; it then fell till 8.35, and then rose. Altogether in the course of 12 h. it rose thrice and fell thrice, as may be seen in Pig. 15. The great nocturnal rise of the cotyledons usually commences about 4 or 5 p.m., and on the following morning they are expanded or stand horizontally at about 6.30 A.M. In the pre.sent instance, however, the great nocturnal rise did not commence till 7 p.m.; but this was due to the hypocotyl having from some unknown cause temporarily bent to the left side, as is shown in the tracing. To ascertain positively that the hypocotyl circumnutated, a mark was placed at 8.15 p.m. behind the two now closed and vertical cotyledons ; and the movement of a glass filament fixed upright to the top of the hypocotyl was traced until 10.40 p.m. During this time it moved from side to side, as well as backwards and forwards, plainly showing circumnutation ; but the movement was small in extent Therefore Fig. 15 represents fairly well the movements of the cotyledons alone, with the exception of the one great afternoon curvature to the left. Oxalis corniculata (var. cuprea).—The cotyledons rise at night to a variable degree above the horizon, generally about 45° : those on some seedlings between 2 and 5 days old were found to be in continued movement all day long ; but the movements were more simple than in the last two species. This may have partly resulted from their not being sufBciently illuminated whilst being observed, as was shown by their not beginning to rise until very late in the evening. Oxalis (^BiophytuTn) sensHiva.—The cotyledons are highly remarkable from the amplitude and rapidity of their movements during the day. The angles at which they stood above or beneath the horizon were measured at short intervals of time ; and we regret that their course was not traced during the whole day. "We will give only a few of the measurements, which were made whilst the seedlings were exposed to a temperature of 22^° to 244 ° C. One cotyledon rose 70° in 11 m. ; another, on a distinct seedling, fell 80° in 12 m. Immediately before this latter fall the same cotyledon had risen from a vertically downward to a vertically upward position in 1 h. 48 m., and had therefore passed through 180° in under 2 h. We have met with no other instance of a circumnutating movement of such great amplitude as 180° ; nor of such rapidity of movement as the passage through 80° in 12 m. The cotyledons of this plant sleep at night by rising Chap. I. TEOP^OLUM. 27 Fig. 16. vertically and coming into close contact. This upward movement differs from one of the great diurnal oscillations above described only by the position being permanent during the night and by its periodicity, as it always commences late in the evening. Tropseolum minus (?) (var. Tom Thumb) (Tropseolete).—The cotyledons are hypogean, or never rise above the ground. By removing the soil a buried epicotyl or plumule was found, with its summit arched abruptly downwards, like the arched hypocotyl of the cabbage previously described. A glass filament with a bead at its end was afBxed to the basal half or leg, just above the hypogean cotyledons, which were again almost surrounded by loose earth. The tracing (Fig. 16) shows the course of the bead during 11 h. After the last dot given in the figure, the bead moved to a great distance, and finally off the glass, in the direction indicated by the broken line. This great movement, due to increased growth along the concave surface of the arch, was caused by the basal leg bending backwards from the upper part, that is in a direction opposite to the dependent tip, in the same manner as occurred with the hypocotyl of the cabbage. Another buried and arched epicotyl was observed in the same manner, excepting that the two legs of the arch were tied together with fine silk for the sake of preventing the great movement just mentioned. It moved, however, in the evening in the same direction as before, but the line followed was not so straight. During the morning the tied arch moved in an irregularly circular, strongly zigzag course, and to a greater distance than in the previous case, as was shown in a tracing, magnified 18 times. The movements of a young plant bearing a few leaves and of a mature plant, will hereafter be described. Tropaolnm minus (?): circumnutation of buried and arched epicotyl, traced on a horizontal glass, from 9.20 A.M. to 8.15 p.m. Movement of bead of filament magnified 27 times. 28 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. I, Citrus auranliam (Orange) (Aurantiace^ .-The cotyledons are hypogean. The oircumnutation of an epicotyl, ^hioh at the close o? our obseryations was -59 of an inch (15 mm.) in height above the ground, is shown in the annexed figure (Fig. 17), us observed during a period of 44 h. 40 m. Fig. 17. Oitna aurantiwn: circumnutatioii of epicotyl with a filament fixed transversely near its apex, traced on a horizontal glass, from 12.13 p.m. on Feb. 20th to 8.55 A.M. on 22nd. The movement of the bead of the filament was at first magnified 21 times, or lOJ, in figure here given, and afterwards 36 times, or 18 as here given ; seedling illuminated from above. , J^.sculus hippocaitanum (Hippocastanese).—Germinating seeds wore placed in a tin box, kept moist internally, with a sloping bank of damp argillaceous sand, on which four smoked glassplates rested, inclined at angles of 70° and 65° with the horizon. The tips of the radicles were placed so as just to touch the upper end of the glass-plates, and, as they grew downwards they pressed lightly, owing to geotropism, on the smoked surfaces, and left tracks of their course. In the middle part of each track the glass was swept clean, but the margins wore much blurred and irregular. Copies of two of these tracks (all four being nearly alike) were made on tracing paper placed over the glass-plates after they had been varnished ; and thoy are as exact as possible, considering the nature of the margins (Fig. 18). They suffice to show that there was some lateral, almost serpentine movement, and that the tips in their downward course pressed with unequal force on the plates, as Chap. I VICIA. 29 the tracks varied in breadth. The more perfectly serpentine tracks made by the radicles of Phaseolus multiflorus and Vicia faba (presently to be described), render it almost certain that the radicles of the present plant circummitated. Phaseolus multiflorus (Leguminosse). —ronr smoked glass-plates were arranged in the same manner as described under .^Esculns, and the tracks left by the tips of four radicles of the present plant, whilst growing downwards, were photographed as transparent objects. Three of them are here exactly copied (Pig. 19). Their serpentine courses show that the tips moved regularly from side to side; they also pressed alternately with greater or less force on the plates, sometimes rising up and leaving them altogether for a very short distance ; but this was better seen on the original plates than in the copies. These radicles therefore were continually moving in all directions—that is, they circumnutated. The distance between the extreme right and left positions of the radicle A, in its lateral movement, was 2 mm., as ascertained by measurement with an eye-piece micrometer. Vicia faba (Common Bean) (Leguminosse).—Radicle. —Some beans were allowed to germinate on bare sand, and after one had protruded its radicle to a length of '2 of an inch, it was turned upside down, so that the radicle, which was kept in damp air, now stood upright. A iilament, nearly an inch in length, was affixed obliquely near its tip ; terminal bead was traced from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m., as shown in Fig, 18. The radicle at first changed its course twice A. B. ^sculus h'ppocastanum : outlines of tracks left on inclined glass-plates by tips of radicles. In A the plate was inclined at 70° with the horizon, and the radicle was 1 9 inch in length, and •23 inch in diameter at base. In B the plate was inclined 65° with the horizon, and the radicle was a trifle larger. Fig. 19. IA. B. C. Phaseolus Tnultifiorns ; tracks left on inclined smoked glass-plates by tips of radiclcn in growing downwards. A and C, plates inclined at 60°, B inclined at 68° with the horizon. and the movement of the 30 CIKCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. 1 abruptly, then made a small loop and then a larger zigzag curve. During the night and till 11a.m. on the following Fig. 20. Viaia faba: circumnutation of a radicle, at first pointing rerti.'ally upwards, kept in darkness, traced on a horizontal glass, during 14 hour.^. Movement of bead of filament magnified 23 times, here reduced to one-half of original scale. morning, the bead moved to a great distance in a nearly straight line, in the direction indicated by the broken line in the figure. This resulted from the tip bending quickly downwards, as it had now become much declined, and had thus gained a position highly favourable for the action of geotropism. Fig. 21. ficia faba : tracks left on inclined smoked glass-plates, by tips of radicles in growing downwards. Plate C was inclined at 63°, plates A and D at 71°, plate B at 75°, and plate E at a few degrees beneath the hoTi/on. Chap. 1. VICIA. 31 We next experimented on nearly a score of radicles by allowing them to grow downwards over inclined plates of smoked glass, in exactly the same manner as with iEsculus and Phaseolus. Some of the plat-es were inclined only a few degrees beneath the horizon, but most of them between 60° and 75°. In the latter cases the radicles in growing downwards were deflected only a little from the direction which they had followed whilst germinating in sawdust, and they pressed lightly on the glass^ plates (Fig. 21). Five of the most distinct tracks are here copied, and they are all slightly sinuous, showing circumnutation. Moreover, a close examination of almost every one of the tracks clearly showed that the tips in their downward course had alternately pressed with greater or less force on the plates, and had sometimes risen up so as nearly to leave them for short intervals. The distance between the extreme right and left positions of the radicle A was 0'7 mm., ascertained in the same manner as in the case of Phaseolus. Epicotyl.—At the point where the radicle had protruded from a bean laid on its side, a flattened solid lump projected "1 of an inch, in the same horizontal plane with the bean. This protuberance consisted of the convex summit of the arched epicotyl; and as it became developed the two legs of the arch curved themselves laterally upwards, owing to apogeotropism, at such a rate that the arch stood highly inclined after 14 h., and vertically in 48 h. A iilament was fixed to the crown of the protuberance before any arch was visible, but the basal half grew so quickly that on the second morning the end of the filament was bowed greatly downwards. It was iherefore removed and fixed lower down. The line traced during these two days extended in the same general direction, and was in parts nearly straight, and in others plainly zigzag, thus giving some evidence of circumnutation. As the arched epicotyl, in whatever position it may be placed, bends quickly upwards through apogeotropism, and as the two legs tend at a very early age to separate from one another, as soon as they are relieved from the pressure of the surrounding earth, it was difScult to ascertain positively whether the epicotyl, whilst remaining arched, circumnutated. Therefore some rather deeply buried beans were uncovered, and the two legs of the arches were tied together, as had been done with the epicotyl of Tropseolum and the hypoootyl of the Cabbage. The movements of the tied arches were traced in the usual manner on 32 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. L two occasions during three days. But the tracings made under sach unnatural conditions are not worth giving ; and it need only be said that the lines were decidedly zigzag, and that small loops wero occasionally formed. We may therefore conclude that the epicotyl circumnutates whilst still arched and before it has grown tall enough to break through the surface of the ground. In order to observe the movements of the epicotyl at a somewhat more advanced age, a filament was fixed near the base of one which was no longer arched, for its upper half now formed a right angle with the lower half. This bean had germinated on bare damp sand, and the epicotyl began to straighten itself much sooner than would have occurred if it had been properly planted. The course pursued during 50 h. (from 9 a.m. Dec. 26th, to 11 A.M. 28th) is here shown (Fig. 22) ; and we sea Fig. 22. FicKj faba : circumnutation of young epicotyl, traced in darkness during 50 hours on a liorizontal glass. Movement of bead of filament magnified 20 times, here reduced to one-lialf of original scale. that the epicotyl circumnutated during the whole time. Its basal part grew so much during the 50 h. that the filament at the end of our observations was attached at the height of 4 inch above the upper surface of the bean, instead of close to it. If the bean had been properly planted, this part of the epicotyl would still have been beneath the soil. Late in the evening of the 28th, some hours after the above observations were completed, the epicotyl had grown much Btraighter, for the upper part now formed a widely open angle with the lower part. A filament was fixed to the upright basal part, higher up than before, close beneath the lowest scale-like process or homologue of a leaf; and its movement was traced Chap. I. LATHYEUS. 33 during 38 h. (Fig. 23). We here again have plain evidence of continued circumnutation. Had the bean been properly planted, the part of the epicotyl to which the filament was attached, the Fig. 23. Viola faha ; circumnutation of tlie same epicotyl as in Fig. 22, a little more Advanced in age, traced under similar conditions as before, from 8.40 A.M. Dec. 28th, to 10.50 A.M. 30th. Movement of bead here magnified 20 times. movement of which is here shown, would probably have just risen above the surface of the ground. Lathyrus nissoUa (Leguminosss).—This plant was selected for observation from being an abnormal form with grass-like leaves. Fig. 24. Lathyrus nissolia: circumnutation of stem of young seedling, traced in darkness on a horizontal glass, from 6.45 a.m. Kor. 22nd, to 7 a.m. 23rd. llovemcnt of end of leaf magnified about 12 times, here reduced to one-half of original scale. The cotyledons are hypogean, and the epicotyl breaks through the ground in an arched form. The movements of a stem, 1'2 inch in height, consisting of three internodes, the lower one almost wholly subterranean, and the upper one bearing a short, 34 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. I. narrow leaf, is shown during 24 h.., in Fig. 24. No glass filament was employed, but a mark was placed beneath the apex of the leaf. The actual length of the longer of the two elhpses described by the stem was about '14 of an inch. On the previous day the chief line of movement was nearly 8+ right angles to that shown in the present figure, and it was more simple. Cassia tora* (LeguminossB).—A seedling was placed before a Fig. 25 Cfasrii tora ; conjoint circumnutation of cotyledons and hypocotyl, traad on vertical glas.9, from 7.10 a.m. Sept. 25th to 7.30 a.m. 26th. Figure here given reduced to one-half of original scale. • Seeds of plant, which grew neiir the sea-side, were sent to us by Fritz Muller from S Brazil. Ti,e seedlings did not flourish or flower well with us; they were sent to Kew, and were pronounced not to bo distinguishable from C. tora. Ohap. I. LOTUS. 35 north-east window ; it bent very little towards it, as the bypocotyl which was loft free was rather old, and therefore not highly heliotropic. A filament had been fixed to the midrib of one of the cotyledons, and the movement of the whole seedling was traced dur'ag two days. The circumnutation of the hypocotyl is quite insignificant compared with that of the cotyledons. These rise up vertically at night and come into close contact ; so that they may be said to sleep. This seedling was so old that a very small true leaf had been developed, which at night was completely hidden by the closed cotyledons. On Sept. 24th, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., the cotyledons moved five times up and five times down ; they therefore described five irregular ellipses in the course of the 9 h. The great nocturnal rise commenced about 4.30 p.m. On the following morning (Sept. 25th) the movement of the same cotyledon was again traced in the same manner during 24 h. ; and a copy of the tracing is here given (Fig. 25). The morning was cold, and the window had been accidentally left open for a short time, which must have chilled the plant ; and this probably prevented it from moving quite as freely as on the previous day ;. for it rose only four and sank only four times during the day, one of the oscillations being very small. At 7.10 A.M., when the first dot was made, the cotyledons were not fully open or awake ; they continued to open till about 9 a.m., by which time they had sunk a little beneath the horizon : by 9.30 a.m. they had risen, and then they oscillated up and down ; but the upward and downward lines never quite coincided. At about 4.30 p.m. the great nocturnal rise commenced. At 7 a.m. on the following morning (Sept. 26th) they occupied nearly the same level as on the previous morning, as shown in the diagram : they then began to open or sink in the usual manner. The diagram leads to the belief that the great periodical daily rise and fall does not differ essentially, excepting in amplitude, from the oscillations during the middle of the day. Lotus JacoboBus (Leguminosae).—The cotyledons of this plant, after the few first days of their life, rise so as to stand almost, though rarely quite, vertically at night. They continue to act in this manner for a long time even after the development of some of the true leaves. With seedlings, 3 inches in height, and bearing five or six leaves, they roso at night about 45°. They continued to act thus for about an additional fortnight. Subsequently they remained horizontal at night, though still greon, 36 CIEOUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. L and at last dropped off. Their rising at night so as to stand almost vertically appears to depend largely on temperature; for when the seedlings were kept in a cool house, though thoy still continued to grow, the cotyledons did not become vertical at night. It is remariiable that the cotyledons do not generally rise at night to any conspicuous extent during the first four or five days after germination; but the period was extremely variable with seedlings kept under the same conditions; and many were observed. Glass filaments with minute triangles of paper were fixed to the cotyledons (li mm. in breadth) of two seedlings, only 24 h. old, and the hypocotyl was secured to a stick; theii- movements greatly magnified were traced, and they certainly oircumnutated the whole time on a small scale, but they did not exhibit any distinct nocturnal and diurnal movement. The hypocotyls, when left free, circamnutated over a large space. Another and much older seedling, bearing a half-developed leaf, had its movements traced in a similar manner during the three first days and nights of June ; but seedlings at this age appear to be very sensitive to a deficiency of light; they were observed under a rather dim skylight, at a temperature of between 16° to 17 J° C. ; and apparently, in consequence of these conditions, the great daily movement of the cotyledons ceased on the third day. During the first two days they began rising in the early afternoon in a nearly straight line, until between 6 and 7 p.m., when they stood vertically. During the latter part of the night, or more probably in the early morning, they began to fall or open, so that by 6.45 a.m. they stood fully expanded and horizontal. They continued to fall slowly for some time, and during the second day described a single small ellipse, between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., in addition to the great diurnal movement. The course pursued during the whole 24 h. was far less complex than in the foregoing case of Cassia. On the third morning they fell very much, and then circumnutated on a small scale round the same spot ; by 8.20 P.M. they showed no tendency to rise at night. Nor did the cotyledons of any of the many other seedlings in the same pot rise ; and so it was on the following night of June 5th. The pot was then taken back into the hot-house, where it was exposed to the sun, and on the succeeding night all the cotyledons rose again to a high angle, but did not stand quite vertically. On each of the above days the line representing the great nocturnal Ohap. L OYTISUS. 37 rise did not coincide with tliat of the great diurnal fall, so lliat narrow ellipses were described, as is the usual rule with circumnutating organs. The cotyledons are provided with a pulvinus, and its development will hereafter be described. Mimosa pudica (Leguminosse).—The cotyledons rise up vertically at night, so as to close together. Two seedlings were observed in the greenhouse (temp. 16° to 17° 0. or 63° to 65° P.). Their hypocotyls were secured to sticks, and glass filaments bearing little triangles of paper were affixed to the cotyledons of both. Their movements were traced on a vertical glass during 24 h. on November 13th. The pot had stood for some time ia the same position, and they were chiefly illuminated through the glass-roof. The cotyledons of one of these seedlings moved downward in the morning till 11.30 a.m., and then rose, moving rapidly in the evening until they stood vertically, so that in this case there was simply a single great daily fall and rise. The other seedling behaved rather differently, for it fbU in the morning until 11.30 A.M., and then rose, but after 12.10 p.m. again fell ; and the great evening rise did not begin until 1.22 p.m. On the following morning this cotyledon had fallen greatly from its vertical position by 8.15 a.m. Two other seedlings (one seven and the other eight days old) had been previously observed under unfavourable circumstances, for they had been brought into a room and placed before a north-east window, where the temperature was between only 56° and 57° F. They had, moreover, to be protected from lateral light, and perhaps were not sufficiently illuminated. Under these circumstances the cotyledons moved simply downwards from 7 a.m. till 2 p.m., after which hour and during a large part of the night they continued to rise. Between 7 and 8 a.m. on the following morning they fell again ; but on this second and likewise on the third day the movements became irregular, and between 3 and 10.30 P.M. they circumnutated to a small extent about the same spot; but they did not rise at night. Nevertheltss, on the following night they rose as usual. Cytisus fragrans (Leguminosee).—Only a few observations were made on this plant. The hypoootyl circumnutated to a considerable extent, but in a simple manner—namely, for two hours in one direction, and then much more slowly back again in a zigzag course, almost parallel to the first line, and beyond the starting-point. It moved in the same direction all night, but next morning began to return. The cotyledons continually 38 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Ckap. L move both up and down and laterally ; but they do not rise up at night in a conspicuous manner. Lupinus luteus (Leguminosaj).—Seedlings of this plant were observed because the cotyledons are so thick (about 08 of an inch) that it seemed unlikely that they would move. Our observations were not very successful, as the seedlings are strongly heliotropio, and their circumnutation could not be accurately observed near a north-east window, although they had been kept during the previous day in the same position. A seedling was then placed in darkness with the hypocotyl secured to a stick; both cotyledons rose a little at first, and then fell during the rest of the day ; in the evening between 5 and 6 p.m. they moved very slowly; during the night one continued to fall and the other rose, though only a little. The tracing was not much magnified, and as the lines were plainly zigzag, the cotyledons must have moved a little laterally, that is, they must have circumnutated. The hypocotyl is rather thick, about • 12 of inch ; nevertheless it circumnutated in a complex course, though to a small extent. The movement of an old seedling with two true leaves partially developed, was observed in the dark. As the movement was magnified about 100 times it is not trustworthy and is not given ; but there could be no doubt that the hypocotyl moved in all directions during the day, changing its course 19 times. The extreme actual distance from side to side through which the upper part of the hypocotyl passed in the course of lU hours was only ^ of an inch ; it sometimes travelled at the rate of Jj of an inch in an hour. Cucurhita ovifera (Cucurbitacese).—i?a(?;c?e ; a seed which had Fig. 26. ^Cucurhita m^fera: course followed by a radicle in bending geotropically downwards, traced on a horizontal glass, between 11.25 A.M and 10.25 P.M. ; the direction during the night is indicated by the broken line. Movement of bead magnified 14 times. germinated on damp sand was fixed so that the slightly curved radicle, which was only -07 inch in length, stood almost vertically OaAP. I. CUCURBITA, 39 upwards, in which position geotropism would net at first with little power. A filament was attachod near to its base, and projected at about an -angle of 45° above the horizon. The general course followed during the 11 hours of observation and during the following night, is shown in the accompanying diagram (Kg. 26), and was plainly due to geotropism ; but it was also clear that the radicle circumnutated. By the next morning the tip had curved so much downwards that the filament, instead of projecting at 45° above the horizon, was nearly horizontal. Another germinating seed was turned upside do\vn and covered with damp sand ; and a filament was fastened to the radicle so as to project at an angle of about 50° above the horizon; this radicle was '35 of an inch in length and a little curved. The course pursued was mainly governed, as in the last case, by geotropism, but the line traced during 12 hours and magnified as before was more strongly zigzag, again showing circunmutation. Four radicles were allowed to grow downwards over plates of smoked glass, inclined at 70° to the horizon, under the Fig. 27. Fig. 28. A. B. Cucurhita oviferj: tracks left by tips of radicles in growing downwards over smoked glassplates, inclined at 70° to the horizon. Cururbila ov'ft'ra ; circumnutation of arched hypocotyl at a very early age, traced in darkness on a horizontal glass, from 8 A.M. to 10.20 A.M. on the following day. The movement of the bead magnified 20 times, here reduced to onehalf of original scale. same conditions as in the cases of .a^sculus, Phai-eolus, and Vicia. Facsimiles are here given (Fig. 27) of two of these tracbs ; and a third short one was almost as plainly serpentine as that at A. It was also manifest by a greater or less amount of soot having been swept off the glasses, that the tips hnd 4 to CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap, t Fig. 29. pressed alternately witli greater and less force on tliem. There must, therefore, hsivr, i^^en movement in at least two jjlanes at right angles to one a.iother. These radioles were so delicate that they rarely had the power to sweep the glasses quite clean. One of them had developed some lateral or secondary rootlets, which projected a, few degrees beneath the horizon ; and it is an important fact that three of them left distinctly serpentine tracks on the smoked surface, showing beyond doubt that they had circumnutated like the main or primary radicle. But the tracks were so slight that they could not be traced and copied after the smoked surface had been varnished. Bypncotyl.—A seed lying on damp sand was firmly fixed by two crossed wires and by its own gi-owing radicle. The cotyledons were still enclosed within the seed-coats ; and the short hypocotyl, between the summit of the radicle and the cotyledons, was as yet only slightly arched. A filament ('85 of inch in length) was attached at an angle of 35° above the horizon to the side of the arch adjoining the cotyledons. This part would ultimately form the upper end of the hypocotyl, after it had grown straight and vertical. Had the seed been proj^erly planted, the hypocotyl at this stage of growth would have been deeply buried beneath the surface. The course followed by the bead of the filament is shown in Fig. 28. The chief lines of movement from left to right in the figure were parallel to the plane of the two united cotyledons and of the flattened seed; ard this movement would aid in dragging them out of the seed-coats, which are held down by a special structure hereafter to be described. The movement at right angles to the above lines was due to the arched hypocotyl becoming more arched as it increased in height. The foregoing observations apply to the leg of the arch next to the cotyledons, but CucUfhita ovifera : circumnutation of straight and vertical hypocotyl, with filament fastened transversely across its upper end, traced in darkness on a horizontal glass, from 8.30 A.M. to 8.30 p.m. Tile movement u{ the terminal bc:iJ originally magnified about 18 times, here only 4^ times. UHAP. I. CUCUEBITA. 41 the other leg adjoicing the radicle likewise circumnutatod at on equally early age. The movement of the same hypocotyl after it had become straight and vertical, but with the cotyledons only partially expanded, is shown in Eig. 29. The course pursued during 12 h. apparently represents four and a half ellipses or ovals, with the longer axis of the first at nearly right angles to that of the others. The longer axes of all were oblique to a line joining the opposite cotyledons. The actual extreme distance from £ide to side over which the summit of the tall hypocotyl passed in the course of 12 h. was -28 of an inch. The original figure was traced on a large scale, and from the obliquity' of the line of view tbe outer parts of the diagram are much exaggerated. Cotyledons.—On two occasions the movements of the cotyledons were traced on a vertical glass, and as the ascending and descending lines did not quite coincide, very narrow ellipses were formed; they therefore circumnutated. Whilst young they rise vertically up at night, but their tips always remain reflexed ; on the following morning they sink down again. With a seedling kept in complete darkness they moved in the same manner, for they sank from 8.45 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. ; they then began to rise and remained close together until 10 p.m., when they were last observed. At 7 a.m. on the following morning they were as miioh expanded as at any hour on the previous day. The cotyledons of another young seedling, exposed to the light, were fully open for the first time on a certain day, but were found completely closed at 7 a.m. on the following morning. They soon began to expand again, and continued doing so till about 5 P.M. ; they then began to rise, and bj' 10.30 p.m. stood vertically and were almost closed. At 7 a.m. on tbe third morning they were nearly vertical, and again expanded during the day; on the fourth morning they were not closed, yet they opened a little in the course of the day and rose a little on the following night. By this time a minute true leaf had -become developed. Another seedling, still older, bearing a well-developed leaf, had a sharp rigid filament affixed to one of its cotyledons (85. mm. in length), which recorded its own movements on a revolving drum with smoked paper. The observations were made in the hot-house, where the plant had lived, so that there was no change in temperature or light. The record commenced at 11 a.m. on February 18th; and fiom this hour till 3 p.m. the 42 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Caav. I. cotyledon fell; it then rose rapidly till 9 p.m., then -very gradually till 3 a.m. February 19th, after which hour it sank gradually till 4.30 p.m. ; but the downward movement was interrupted by one slight rise or oscillation about 1.30 p.m. Aftei 4.30 P.M. (19th) the cotyledon rose till 1 a.m. (in the night of February 20th) and then sank very gradually till 9.30 a.m., when our observations ceased. The amount of movement was greater on the 18th than on the 19th or on the morning of the 20th. Oucurhita aurardia.—An arched hypocotyl was found buried a little beneath,the surface of the soil; and in order to prevent it straightening itself quickly, when relieved from the surrounding pressure of the soil, the two legs of the arch were tied together. The seed was then lightly covered with loose damp earth. A filament with a bead at the end was afllxed to the basal leg, the movements of which were observed during two days in the ufeual manner. On the first day_the arch moved in a zigzag line towards the side of the basal leg. On the next day, by which time the dependent cotyledons had been dragged above the surface of the soil, the tied arch changed its course greatly nine times in the course of MJ h. It swept a large, extremely irregular, circular figure, returning at night to nearly the same spot whence it had started early in the morning. The line was so strongly zigzag that it apparently represented five ellipses, with their longer axes pointing in various directions. With respect to the periodical movements of the cotyledons, those of several young seedlings formed together at 4 p.m. an angle of about 60°, and at 10 p.m. their lower parts stood vertically and were in contact ; their tips, however, as is usual in the genus, were permanently reflexed. These cotyledons, at 7 a.m. on the following morning, were again well expanded. Lageimria vulgaris (var. miniature Bottle-gourd) (Cucurbitaceae).—A seedling opened its cotyledons, the movements of which were alone observed, slightly on June 27th, and closed them at night: next day, at noon (28th), they included an angle of 53°, and at 10 p.m. they were in close contact, so that each had risen 26i°. At noon, on the 29th, they included an angle of 118°, and at 10 p.m. an angle of 54°, so each had risen 32° On the following day they were still more open, and the nocturnal rise was greater, but the angles were not measured. Two other seedlings were observed, and behaved during three days in a closely similar manner. The cotyledons, therefore. Uhap. J. CUCUKLITA. 43 Fis- 30. A ; •.cis'p.m. 10»as p.m. e°38'\ 13^ open more and more on each succeeding day, and rise each night about 30° ; consequently during the first two nights of their life they stand vertically and come into contact. In order to ascertain more accurately the nature of these movements, the hypocotyl of a seedhng, with its cotyledons well expanded, was secured to a little stick, and a filament with triangles of paper was affixed to one of the cotyledons. The observations were made under a rather dim skylight, and the temperature during the whole time was between 17i° to 18° C. (63° to 65° P.). Had the temperature been higher and the hght brighter, the movements would probably have been greater. On July 11 th (see Fig. 30), the cotyledon fell from 7.35 A.M. till 10 A.M. ; it then rose (rapidly after 4 p.m.) till it stood quite vertically at 8.40 p.m. During the early morning of the next day (12th) it fell, and continued to fall till 8 A.M., after which hour it rose, then fell, and again rose, so that by 10.35 P.M. it stood much higher than it did in the morning, but was not vertical as on the preceding night. During the following early morning and whole day (13th) it fell and circumnutated, but had not risen when observed late in the evening ; and this was probably due to the deficiency of heat or light, or of l)oth. We thus see that the cotyledons became more widely open at noon on each succeeding day ; and that they rose considerably each night, though not acquiring ft vertical position, except during the first two nights. Cucumis dudaim (Cucurbitacese). —Two seedlings had opened iSi° Lagcnaria vulgaris : circnmnutation of a cotyledon, 1^ inch in length, apex only 4| inches from the vertical glass, on which its movements were traced from 7.35 a.m. July 11th to 9.5 A.M. on the 14th. Figure here given reduced to one-third of original scale. M: CIEOUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chai>. I. Fig. 31. their cotyledons for the first time during the day,—one to the extent of 90° and the other rather more; they remained in nearly the same position until 10.40 p.m. ; but by 7 a.m. on the following morning the one which had been previously open to the extent of 90° had its cotyledons vertical and completely shut ; the other seedling had them nearly shut. Later in the morning they opened in the ordinary manner. It appears therefore that the cotyledons of this plant close and open at somewhat different periods from those of the foregoing species of the allied genera of Cucurbita and Lagenaria. Opuntia hasilaris (Cactece).—A seedling was carefully observed, because considering its appearance and the nature of the mati^re plant, it seemed very unlikely that either the hypocotyl or cotyledons would circumnutate to an appreciable extent. The cotyledons were well developed, being •9 of an inch in length, "22 in breadth, and "IS in thickness. The almost cylindrical hypocotyl, now bearing a minute spinous bud on its summit, was only '45 of an inch in height, and •19 in diameter. The tracing (Fig. 31) shows the combined movement of the hypocotyl and of one of the cotj'ledons, from 4.45 p.m. on May 28th to 11 A M. on the 31st. On the 29th a nearly perfect ellipse was' completed. On the 30th the hypocotyl moved, from some unknown cause, in the same general direction in a zigzag line ; but between 4.30 and 10 P.M. almost completed a second small ellipse. The cotyledons move only a little up and down : thus at 10.15 P.M. they stood only 10° higher than at noon. The chief seat of movement therefore, at least when tho cotyledons are rather old as in the present case, lies in the hypocotyl. The ellipse described on the 29th had its longer axis directed at nearly right angles to a line joining the two cotyledons. The actual amount of movement of the bead at the end of the Opuntia hasilans : conjoint ciz"cumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledon ; filament fixed longitudinally to cotyledon, and movement ti'aced during Q^ h. on horizontal glass. Movement of the terminal bead magnified about 30 times, here reduced to onethird scale. Seedling kept in hot-house, feebly illuminated from above. Cahi'. I. PKIMULA. 45 filament was, as far as could be ascertained, about 'U of an inch. Helirtnthus annuus (Compositai).—The upper part of the hypocotyl moved during the day-time in the course shown in the annexed figure (Fig. 32). As the hne runs in various directions, crossing itself several times, the movement may be considered as one of circumntitation. The extreme actual distance travelled was at least •! ojf an inch. The movements of the cotyledons of two seedlings were observed; one facing a northeast window, and the other so feebly illuminated from above as to be almost in darkness. They continued to sink till about noon, when they began to rise ; but between 5 and 7 or 8 p.m. they either sank a little, or moved laterally, and then again began to rise. At 7 a.m. on the following morning those on the plant before the north-east mndow had opened so little that they stood at an angle of 73° above the horizon, and were not observed any longer. Those on the seedling which had been kept in almost complete darkness, sank during the whole day, without rising about mid-day, but rose during the night. On the third and fourth days they continued slaking without any alternate ascending movement; and this, no doubt, was due to the absence of light. Frimuld Sinensis (Primulacete).—A seedling was placed with the two cotyledons parallel to a north-east window on a day when the light was nearly uniform, and a filament was affixed to one of them. From observations subsequently made on another seedling with the stem secured to a stick, the greater part of the movement shown in the annexed figure (Fig. 33), must have been that of the hypocotyl, though the cotyledons certainly move up and down to a certain extent both during tha day and night. The movements of the same seedling were traced Hdianthus annuus : circumautation of hypocotyl, with filament fi.\-ed across its summit, traced on a horizontal glass in darkness, from 8.45 A.M. to 10.45 P.M., and for an hour on following morning. Movement of bead magniHed 21 times, here reduced to one-half of original scale. 46 CIEOUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. 1 on the following day with nearly the same result; and there can be no doubt about the circumnutation of the hypocotyl. Fig. 33. Primula Sinensis : conjoint circumiiutation of hypocotyl and cotyledon, traced on vertical glass, from 8.40 A.M. to 10.45 P.M. Movements o( bead magnified about 26 times. Cyclamen Persicum (Primulacese).—This plant is generally supposed to produce only a single cotyledon, but Dr. H. Gressner * has shown that a second one is developed after a long interval of time. The hypocotyl is converted into a globular conn, even before the first cotyledon has broken through the ground with its blade closely enfolded and with its petiole in the form of an arch, like the arched hypocotyl or epicotylof any ordinary dicotyledonous plant. A glass filament was affixed to a cotyledon, -55 of an inch in height, the petiole of which had straightened itself and stood nearly vertical, but with the blade not as yet fully expanded. Its movements were traced during 24^ h. on a horizontal glass, magnified 50 ^'S- 34. times ; and in this interval it described two irregular small circles ; it therefore circumnutates, though on an extremely small scale. Sfapelia aarpednn (Asclepiadeaj). — This plant, when mature, resembles a cactus. The flattened hypocotyl is fleshy, enlarged in the upper part, and bears two rudimentary cotyledons. It breaks through the ground in an arched form, with the rudimentary Botyledons closed or in contact. A filament was affixed almost Stapelia sarpcdon ; circumnutation of hypocotyl, illuminated from above, traced on horizontal glass, from 6.45 A.M. June 26th to 8.45 A.M. 28th. Temp. 23°-24° C. Jlovemont of bead magnified 21 times 'Bot. Zeitung,' 1874, p. 837. Ohaf. I. IPOMfflA. 47 vertically to the hypocotyl of a seedling half an inch high ; and its movements were traced during 50 h. on a horizontal glass (Pig. 34). From some unknown caiise it bowed itself to one side, ani as this was effected by a zigzag course, it probably circumnutated ; but with hardly any other seedling observed by us was this movement so obscurely shown. Ipomcea cmrulea vel Pharbitis nil (Convolvulaceje).—Seedlings of this plant were observed because it is a twiner, the upper internodes of which circumnutate conspicuously; but, like other twining plants, the first few internodes which rise above the ground are stiff enough to support themselves, and therefore do not circumnutate in any plainly recognisable maimer.* In this particular instance the fifth internode (including tlie hypocotyl) was the first which plainly circumnutated and twined round a stick. We therefore wished to learn whether circumnatation could be observed in the hypocotyl if carefully observed in our usual manner. Two seedlings were kept in the dark with filaments fixed to the upper part of their hypocotyls ; but from circumstances not worth explaining their movements were traced for only a short time. One moved thrice forwards and twice backwards in nearly opposite directions, in the course of 3 h. 15 m. ; and the other twice forwards and twice backwards in 2 h. 22 m. The hypocotyl therefore circumnutated at a remarkably rapid rate. It may here be added that a filament was affixed transversely to the summit of the second internode above the cotyledons of a little plant 3i inches in height; and its movements were traced on a horizontal glass. It circumnutated, and the actual distance travelled from side to side was a quarter of an inch, which was too small an amount to be perceived without the aid of marks. The movements of the cotyledons are interesting from their complexity and rapidity, and in some other respects. The hypocotyl (2 inches high) of a vigorous seedling was secured to a stick, and a filament with triangles of paper was affixed to one of the cotyledons. The plant was kept all day in the hot-house, and at 420 p.m. (June 20th) was placed under a skylight in the house, and observed occasionally during the evening and night. It fell in a slightly zigzag line to a moderate extent from 4.20 p.m. till 10 15 p.m. When looked at shortly after midnight (12.30 P.M.) it had risen a very little, and considerably bj * 'Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants,' p. 33, 1S75. 48 CIBOUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. 1 3.45 AM. When again looked ^.m'.ajoi si^ lotSo'p.m.Sl Ipomcea carulca : circurnnutation of cotyledon, traced on vertical glass, from 6.10 a.m. June 21st to 6.45 A.M. 22Qd. Cotyledon with petiole 1 6 inch in length, apex of blade 4"1 inch from the vertical glass; so movement not greatly magnified i temp. 20° C. at, at 6.10 A.M. (21st), it had fallen largely. A new tracing was now begun (see Fig. 35), and soon afterwards, at 6.42 A.M., the cotyledon had risen a little. During the forenoon it was observed about every hour ; but between 12.30 and 6 P.M. every half-hour. If the observations had been made at these short intervals during the whole day, the figure would have been too intricate to have been copied. As it was, the cotyledon moved up and down in the course of 16 h. 20 m. (i e. between 6.10 a.m. and 10.30 P.M.) thirteen times. The cotyledons of this seedling sank downwards during both evenings and the early part of the night, but rose during the latter part. As this is an unusual movement, the cotyledons of twelve other seedlings were observed ; they stood almost or quite horizontally at mid-day, and at 10 p.m. were all declined at various angles. The ]nost usual angle was between 30° and 35°; but three stood at about 50° and one at even 70° beneath the horizon. The blades of all these cotyledons had attained almost their full size, viz. from 1 to li inches in length, measured along their midribs. It is a remarkable fact that whilst young—that is, when less than half an inch in length, measured in the same manner—they do not sint OttAP. I. CEEINTHE. 49 downwards in the evening. Therefore their weight, which is considerable when almost fully developed, probably came into play in originally determining the downward movement. The periodicity of this movement is much influenced by the degree of light to which the. seedlings have been exposed during the day; for three kept in, an obscure place began to sink about noon, instead of late in the evening ; and those of another seedling were almost paralysed by having been similarly kept during two whole days. The cotyledons of several other species li Ipomoea likewise sink downwards late in the evening. Cerinthe major (Boraginese). —The circumnutation of the hypocotyl of a young seedling with the cotyledons hardly Fig. 36. Cerinthe major: circumnutation of hypocotyl, with rilament fixed .icross ita summit, illuminated from above, traced on horizontal glass, from 9.26 A.M. to 9.53 P.M. on Oct. 25th. Movement of the bead magnified 30 times, here reduced to one-third of original scale. expanded, is shown in the annexed figure (Pig. 36), which apparently represents four or five irregular ellipses, described in the course of a little over 12 hours. Two oldei seedlings were similarly observed, excepting that one of then! was kept in the dark ; their hypocotyls also circumnutated, but in a more simple manner. The cotyledons on a seedling exposed to the light fell from the early morning until a little after noon, and then continued to rise until 10.30 p.m. or lq,ter. The cotyledons of this same seedling acted i a the same general manner during the two following days. It had previously been tried in the dark, and after being thus kept for only 1 h. 40 m. the cotyledons began at 4.80 p.m. to sink, instead of continuing to rise till late at night. w CIRUUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Chap. I Fig. 37. Nolana prostrata (Nolanea). —The movements were not traced, but a pot with seedlings, which had been kept in the dark for an hour, was placed under the microscope, with the micrometer eye-piece so adjusted that each division equalled ^th of an inch. The apex of one of the cotyledons crossed rather obliquely four divisions in 13 minutes ; it was also sinking, as shown by getting out of focus. The seedlings were again placed in darkness for another hour, and the apex now crossed two divisions in 6 m. 18 s. ; that is, at very nearly the same rate as before. After another interval of an hour in darkness, it crossed two divisions in 4 m. 15 s., therefore at a quicker rale. In the afternoon, after a longer interval in the dark, the apex was motionless, but after a time it recommenced moving, though slowly ; perhaps the room was too cold. Judging from previous cases, there can hardly be a doubt that this seedling was circumnuta- ting. Solanum lycopersicum (Solanefe) ^The movements of the hypocotyls of two seedling tomatoes were observed during seven hours, and there could be no doubt that both circumnutated. They were illuminated from above, but by an accident a little light entered on one side, and in the accompanying figure (Fig. 37) it may be seen that the hypocotyl moved to this side (the upper one in the figure), making small loops and zigzagging in its course. The moveSoJanum lycopersicum : circunjnutation of hypocotyl, with filament fixed across its summit, traced on horizontal glass, from 10 A.M. to 5i'.M.0ct.24th Ilhnninated ob- ments of the cotyledons were also traced both on vertical and horizontal glasses ; their angles with the horizon were likewise -measured at various hours. They fell from 8.30 a.m. (October 17th) to about noon ; then moved laterally in a zigzag line, and at about 4 p.m. began to rise; they continued to do so until 10.30 p.m., by which hour they stood vertically and were asleep. At what hour of the night or early morning they began to fall was not ascertained. Owing to the lateral movement shortly after mid-day, the descending and ascending lines did not coincide, and irregular ellipses were described during each 24 h. The regular periodicity of these movements is destroyed, as W8 shall hereafter see, if the seedlings are kept in the dark. liquely from above. llovement of bead magnified about 35 times, here reduced to onethird of original scale. l^UAP. I. SOLANUM. ft! Solatium palinacanthum.—Several arched hypocotyls rising nearly "2 of an inch above the ground, but with the cotyledons still buried beneath the surface, were observed, and the tracings showed that they ciroumnutated. Moreover, in several cases little open circular spaces or cracks in the argillaceous sand which surrounded the arched hypocotyls were Tisible, and these appeared to have been made by the hypocotyls having bent first to one and then to another side whilst growing upwards. In two instances the vertical arches were observed to move to a considerable distance backwards from the point where the cotyledons lay buried; this movement, which has been noticed in some other cases, and which seems to aid in extracting Ihe cotyledons from the bnried seed-coats, is due to the commencement of the straightening of the hypocotyl. In order to prevent this latter movement, the two legs of an arch, the Fig. 38. Solarium, palinacantlium : circumnutation of an aruhed hypocotyl, jiist emerging from the ground, with the two legs tied together, traced in darjiness on a horizontal glass, from 9,20 A.M. Dec. 17th to 8.30 A.M. 19th. Movement of bead magnified 13 times; but the filament, which was affixed obliquely to the crown of the arch, was of unusual length. summit of which was on a level with the surface of the soil, were tied together ; the earth having been previously removed to a little depth all round. The movement of the arch during 4.7 hours iinder these unnatural circumstances is exhibited in the annexed figure. The cotyledons of some seedlings in the hot-house were horizontal about noon on December 13th ; and at 10 p.m. had risen to an angle of 27° above the horizon ; at 7 a.m. on the following 52 CIECUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. CuAl-. 1 Fig. 39. morning, before it was light, they had risen to 59° above the horizon; in the afternoon of the same day they were found again horizontal. Beta vulgaris (ChenopodeEe).—The seedlings are excessively sensitive to Ught, so that although on the first day thoy were uncovered only during two or three minutes at each observation, they all moved steadily towards the side of the room whence the light proceeded, and the tracings consisted only of slightly zigzag lines directed towards the light. On the next day the plants were placed in a completely darkened room, and at each observation were illuminated as much as possible from vertically above by a small wax taper. The annexed fiigure (Fig. 39) shows the movement of the hypocotyl during 9 h. under these circumstances. A second seedling was similarly observed at the same time, and the tracing had the same peculiar character, due to the h5'poootyl often moving and returning in nearly parallel lines. The movement of a third hypocotyl differed greatly. We endeavoured to trace the movements of the cotyledons, and for this purpose some seedlings were kept in the dark, but they moved in an abnormal manner ; they continued rising from 8.45 am. to 2 p.m., then moved laterally, and from 3 to 6 p.m. descended ; whereas cotyledons which have been exposed all the day to the light rise in the evening so as to stand vertically at night; but this statement applies only to young seedlings. For instance, six seedlings in the greenhouse ha^ types amongst plants, were continually circumnutating, we may infer that this kind of movement is common to every seedling species. StJB-KiNGDOM I.—Phaenogamous Plants. Class I. —DiCOTTLEDOKS. Sub-class I Family. 14. Cruciferx. 26, Caryophylleas. 36 MahacecB. 41. Oxalidece. 49. TropcBolece. 52, AurantiaccoB. 70. Hippocastanm. 75. LeguminoscB, 106, Cucurhitacece, 109. Cactece. 122. Composite^. 135. PHmulacecB. 145. Asclepiadece. 151. ConvolvulacecE. 154. BorraginecE, 156. Nolaruios. 157, Solanecs. 181. Chenopodiem. 202. Euphorhiacece, 211, CupuUferce, 212. Corylacem. —Angiosperms. Cohort. II. Pap.iktales. IV. CARYOPHYLLALIi. VI. Malvales. VII. GeRANIALES. Ditto Ditto X. Sapindales. XI. EOSALES. XII. Passiflorales. XIV. FlCOIDALES. XVII. ASTEALES. XX. Primulales. XXII. Gentianales. XXIII. Polemosiales. Ditto Ditto xxiv. solanales. xxvii. chenopodialea XXXII. EuPHOEBIALUa xxxvi. quernales. Ditto Sub-class II. — GijmnospeTms. 22S. Conifcra:. 224. Cycadem. Class II. — Monocotyledons. 2. Cannacece, II. Amomales. 34. Liliacem. XI. LlLIALES. 41. Asparagece. Ditto 55. Graminem. XV. Glumales. SuB-KrNGi>OM II.—Cryptogamio Plants. 1. Filices. I. Pilicales. 6, Lycopodiaccas. Ditto CUAP. IL ACTION OF THE RADICLE. fi9 Radicles.—In all the germinating seeds observed by us, the first change is the protrusion of the radicle, which immediately bonds downwards and endeavours to penetrate the ground. In order to effect this, it is almost necessary that the seed should be pressed down so as to ofier some resistance, unless indeed the soil is extremely loose ; for otherwise the seed is lilted up, instead of the radicle penetrating the surface. But seeds often get covered by earth thrown up by burrowing quadrupeds or scratching birds, by the castings of earth-worms, by heaps of excrement, the decaying branches of trees, &c., and will thus be pressed down ; and they must often fall into cracks \\hen the ground is dry, or into holes. Even with seeds lying on the bare surface, the first developed root-hairs, by becoming attached to stones or other objects on the surface, are able to hold down the upper part of the radicle, whilst the tip penetrates the ground. Sachs has shown* how well and closely root-hairs adapt themselves by growth to the most irregular particles in the soil, and become firmly attached to them. This attachment seems to be effected by the softening or liquefaction of the outer surface of the wall of the hair and its subsequent consolidation, as will be on some future occasion more fully described. This intimate union plays an important part, according to Sachs, in the absorption of water and of the inorganic matter dissolved in it. The mechanical aid afforded by the root-hairs in pene-. trating the ground is probably only a secondary service. The tip of the radicle, as soon as it protrudes from the seed-coats, begins to circumnutate, and the whole ' Physiologie Ve'g^talo,' 18C8, pp. 199, 205. 70 ACTION OF THE EADICLB. Chai'. U growing part continues to do so, probably for as long as growth continues. This movement of the radicle has been described in Brassica, ^sculus, Phaseolus, Vicia, Cucurbita, Quercus and Zea. The probability of its occurrence was inferred by Sachs,* from radicles placed vertically upwards being acted on by geotropism (which we likewise found to be the case), for i{ they had remained absolutely perpendicular, the attraction of gravity could not have caused them to bend to any one side. Circumnutation was observed in the above specified cases, either by means of extremely fine filaments of glass affixed to the radicles in the manner previously described, or by their being allowed to grow downwards over inclined smoked glass-plates, on which they left their tracks. In the latter cases the serpentine course (see Figs. 19, 21, 27, 41) showed unequivocally that the apex had continually moved from side to side. This lateral movement was small in extent, being in the case of Phaseolus at most about 1 mm. from a medial line to both sides. But there was also movement in a vertical plane at right angles to the inclined glass-plates. This was shown by the tracks often being alternately a little broader and narrowea-, due to the radicles having alternately pressed with greater and less force on the plates. Occasionally little bridges of soot were left across the tracks, showing that the apex had at these spots been lifted up. This latter fact was especially apt to occui 'Ueber das Wachsthum der had previously remarked ('Bti Wurzeln : Arbeiten des bot. In- tiage zur Pflanzenphyslologie, stituls in Wilrzburg,' Heft iii. 1868, p. SI) on the fact of radicles 1873, p. 460. Tliis memoir, be- placed vertically upwards being Bides its intrinsic and great in- acttd on by geotropism, and ho terest, deserves to be studied as a explained it by the supposition model of careful investigation, that their growth was not equaj and we shall have occasion to on all sides, refer to it repeatedly. Dr. Frank CUAP. II. ACTION OF THE RADICLE. 71 wlien the radicle instead of travelling straight down the glass made a semicircular bend ; but Pig. 52 shows that this may occur when the track is rectilinear.' The apex by thus rising, was in one instance able to surmount a bristle cemented across an inclined glassplate ; but slips of wood only ^ of an inch in thickness always caused the radicles to bend rectangularly to one side, so that the apex did not rise to this small height in opposition to geotropism. In those cases in which radicles with attached filaments were placed so as to stand up almost vertically, they curved downwards through the action of geotropism, circumnutating at the same time, and their courses were consequently zigzag. Sometimes, however, they made great circular sweeps, the lines being likewise zigzag. Radicles closely surrounded by earth, even when this is thoroughly soaked and softened, may perhaps be quite prevented from circumnutating. Yet we should remember that the circumnutating slieath-like cotyledons of Phalaris, the hypocotyls of Solanum, and the epicotyls of Asparagus formed round themselves little circular cracks or furrows in a superficial layer of damp argillaceous sand. They were also able, as well as the hypocotyls of Brassica, to form straight furrows in damp sand, whilst circumnutating and bending towards a lateral light. In a future chapter it will be shown that the rocking or circumnutating movement of the flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum aids them in burying themselves. It is therefore probable that the circumnutation of the tip of the radicle aids it slightly in penetrating the ground ; and it may be observed in several of the previously given diagrams, that the movement is more strongly pronounced in radicles when they first 72 ACTION OF THE EADICLE. Chap. II protrude from the seed than at a rather later period j but whether this is an accidental or an adaptive coincidence we do not pretend to decide. Nevertheless, when young radicles of Phaseolus muUiflorus were fixed vertically close over damp sand, in the expectation that as soon as they reached it they would form circular furrows, this did not occur,— a fact which may be accounted for, as we believe, by the furrow being filled up as soon as formed by the rapid increase of thickness in the apex of the radicle. Whether or not a radicle, when surrounded by softened earth, is aided in forming a passage for itself by circumnutating, this movement can hardly fail to be of high importance, by guiding the radicle along a line of least resistance, as will be seen in the next chapter when we treat of the sensibility of the tip to contact. If, however, a radicle in its downward growth breaks obliquely into any crevice, or a hole left by a decayed root, or one made by the larva of an insect, and more especially by worms, the circumnutating movement of the tip will materially aid it in following such open passage ; and we have observed that roots commonly run down the old burrows of worms.* When a radicle is placed in a horizontal or inclined position, the terminal growing part, as is well known, bends down towards the centre of the earth; and Sachs t has shown that whilst thus bending, the gro\\th of the lower surface is greatly retarded, whilst that * Stcalso, Prof. Hensen'setnte- rows made by worms, meiits (' Zeitvohrift fiii- Wissen, f ' Arbeiten des bot. Inst. Zool.,' B. xxviii. p. 35i. 1S77) to Wurzburg,' vol. i. 1S73, p. 4G1. the same effect. He goes so far See also p. 397 for the length of as to believe that roots are able the growing part, and p. 451 on to penetrate the ground to a greot the force of geotvopism. depth only by means of the bui- OuAV. TT. ACTION OF THE KADICLE. 7.T of the upper surface continues at the normal rate, or may be even somewhat increased. He has further shown by attaching a thread, running over a pulley, to a horizontal radicle of large size, namely, that of the common bean, that it was able to pull up a weight of only one gramme, or 15'4 grains. We may therefore conclude that geotropism does not give a radicle force sufficient to penetrate the ground, but merely tells it (if such an expression may be used) which course to pursue. Before we knew of Sachs' more precise observations we covered a flat surface of damp sand with the thinnest tin-foil which we could procure (-02 to -03 mm., or '00012 to -00079 of an inch in thickness), and placed a radicle close above, in sucli a position that it grew almost perpendicularly downwards. When the apex came into contact with the polished level surface it turned at right angles and glided over it without leaving any impression ; yet the tin-foil was so flexible, that a little stick of soft wood, pointed to the same degree as the end of the radicle and gently loaded with a weight of only a quarter of an ounce (120 grains) plainly indented tlie tin-foil. Eadicles are able to penetrate the ground by the force due to their longitudinal and transverse growth ; the seeds themselves being held down by the weight of the superincumbent soil. In the case of the bean the apex, protected by the root-cap, is sharp, and the growing part, from 8 to 10 mm. in length, is much more rigid, as Sachs has proved, than the part immediately above, which has ceased to increase in length. We endeavoured to ascertain the downward pressure of the growing part, by placing germinating beans between two small metal plates, the upper one of which was loaded with a known weight; and the 74 ACTION OF THE EADICLE. Chap. Tt, radicle was then allowed to grow into a narrow hole ir wood, 2 or 3 tenths of an inch in depth, and closed at the bottom. The wood was so cut that the short space of radicle between the mouth of the hole and the bean could not bend laterally on three sides ; but it was impossible to protect the fourth side, close to the bean. Consequently, as long as the radicle continued to increase in length and remained straight, the weighted beau would be lifted up after the tip had reached the bottom of the shallow hole. Beans thus arranged, surrounded by damp sand, lifted up a quarter of a pound in 24 h. after the tip of the radicle had entered the hole. With a greater weight the radicles themselves always became bent on the one unguarded side; but this probably would not have occurred if they had been closely surrounded on all sides by compact earth. There was, however, a possible, but not probable, soiirce of error in these trials, for it was not ascertained whether the beans themselves go on swelling for several days after they have germinated, and after having been treated in the manner in which ours had been; "' J.^, namely, being first left for 24 h. in !=Q water, then allowed to germinate in - — J very damp air, afterwards placed over Outline of piece of the holc and almost surrounded by unei-;'if"'''uaturli^amp saud in a closed box. size) with a iioie We Succeeded better in ascertaining tiie°radicie "of "a *^® ioTce exerted transversely by these bean grew. Thick- radicles. Two Were so placed as to uess of stick at , , n , i ,.-,.,narrow end -08 penetrate Small holes made m little inch, at broad end sticks, One of which wRs cut into thelb; depth of , hole -1 inch. sliape here exactly copied (Fig. 55). The short end of the stick beyond the hole was purposely split, but not the opposite Chap. II. ACTION OF THE KADICLE. 76 Fig. 56. end. As the wood was highly elastic, the split or fissure closed immediately after being made. After six days the stick and bean were dug out of the damp sand, and the radicle was found to be much enlarged above and beneath the hole. The fissure, which was at first quite closed, was now open to a width of 4 mm. ; as soon as the radicle was extracted, it immediately closed to a width of 2 mm. The stick was then suspended horizontally by a fine wire passing through the hole lately filled by the radicle, and a little saucer was suspended beneath to receive the weights ; and it required 8 lbs. 8 ozs. to open the fissure to the width of 4 mm.—that is, the width before the root was extracted. But the part of the radicle (only •! of an inch in length) which was embedded in the hole, probably exerted a greater transverse strain even than 8 lbs. 8 ozs., for it had split the solid wood for a length of rather more than a quarter of an inch (exactly "275 inch), and this fissure is shown in Fig. 55. A second stick was tried in the same manner with almost exactly the same result. We then followed a better plan. Holes were bored near the narrow end of two wooden clips or pincers (Fig. 56), kept closed by brass spiral springs. Two radicles in damp »and were allowed to grow through these holes. TJie Wooden pincers, kept closed by a spiral brass spring, witb n hole ("14 inch in diameter and '6 inch in depth) bored through the narrow closed ]iart, through which a radicle of a bean was allowed to grow. Temp. 50°-60° F. 7G ACTIOK OF THE KADICLE. Chap H. pincers rested on glass-plales to lessen the friction from the sand. The holes were a little larger (yiz. -14 inch) and considerably deeper (viz. -6 inch) than in the trials with the sticks ; so that a greater length of a rather thicker radicle exerted a transverse strain. After 13 days they were taken up. The distance of two dots (see the figure) on the longer ends of the pincers was now carefully measured ; the radicles were tlien extracted from the holes, and the pincers of course closed. They were then suspended horizontally in the same manner as were the bits of sticks, and a weight of 1500 grams (or 3 lbs. 4 ozs.) was necessary with one of the pincers to open them to the same extent as had been effected by the transverse growth of the radicle. As soon as this radicle had slightly opened the pincers, it had grown into a flattened form and had escaped a little beyond the hole ; its diameter in one direction being 4*2 mm., and at right angles 3'5 mm. If this escape and flattening could have been prevented, the radicle would probably have exerted a greater strain than the 3 lbs. 4 ozs. With the other pincers the radicle escaped still further out of the hole; and the weight required to open them to the same extent as had been effected by the radicle, was only 600 grams. With these facts before us, there seems little difficulty in understanding how a radicle penetrates the ground. The apex is pointed and is protected by the root-cap ; the terminal growing part is rigid, and increases in length with a force equal, as far as ouiobservations can be trusted, to the pressure of at least a quarter of a jwund, probably with a mucli greater force ^\hen prevented from bending to any side by the surrounding earth. Whilst thus increasing in length it increases in thickness, pushing away the damp CuAP II. HYPOCOTYLS AND EPICOTYLS. 77 earth on all sides, with a force of above 8 pounds in one case, of 3 pounds in another case. It was impossible to decide whether the actual apex exerts, relatively to its diameter, the same transverse strain as the parts a little higher up ; but there seems no reason to doubt that this would be the case. The growing part therefore does not act like a nail when hammered into a board, but more like a wedge of wood, which whilst slowly driven iiito a crevice continually expands at the same time by the absorption of water; and a wedge thus acting will split even a mass of rock. Manner in ivhich Hypocotyls, JEpicotyls, &o., rise up and hreah through the ground.—-After the radicle has penetrated the ground and fixed the seed, the hypocotyls of all the dicotyledonous seedlings observed by us, which lift their cotyledons above the surface, break through the ground in the form of an arch. When the cotyledons are hypogean, that is, remain buried in the soil, the hypocotyl is hardly developed, and the epicotyl or plumule rises in like manner as an arch through the ground. In all, or at least in most of such cases, the downwardly bent apex remains for a time enclosed within the seed-coats. With Corylus avellena the cotyledons are hypogean, and the epicotyl is arched; but in the particular case described in the last chapter its apex had been injured, and it grew laterally through the soil like a root; and in consequence of this it had emitted two secondary shoots, which likewise broke through the ground as arches. Cyclamen does not produce any distinct stem, and only a single cotyledon appears at first ; * its petiole • This is the conclusion arrived considered by otlier botHnists as at by Dr. H. Gressner ('Bot. the first true leaf is really the Zeitimg,' 1874, p. 837), who second cotyledon, which is greatly jiiuintains that what has been delayed in its devuloiJiuent. 78 HYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTYLS, ETC., Chap, rt Cyclamen, seedling, bioaks tnrough the ground as an arch (Fig. 57). Fig. 57. Abronia also has only a single fully developed cotyledon, but in this case it is the hypocotyl which first emerges and is arched. Abronia umbellata, however, presents this peculiarity, that the enfolded blade of the one developed cotyledon (with the enclosed endosperm) whilst still beneath the surface has its apex upturned and parallel to the descending leg of the arched hypocotyl ; but it is dragged out of the ground by the continued growth of the hypocotyl, with the apex pointing downward. With Cycas pedinata the cotyledons are hypogean, and a true leaf first breaks through the ground with its petiole forming an arch. In the genus Acanthus the cotyledons are likewise hypogean. In A. mollis, a single leaf first breaks through the ground with its petiole arched, and with the opposite leaf much less developed, short, straight, of a yellowish colour, and isanihus mollis: seedling, with the ^yith the petiole at first UOt hypogean cotyledon on thn near , ,« ,^^ j.i j. i? xi, side removed ind the radicles cut halt aS thick aS that Ot the off: a, blade of first leaf beginofher. The Undeveloped ning to e,\pand, with petiole still , » . , , -, paitiallj arched; 6, second and leaf IS protected by Standovpositejeaf, as yet very im,.er- -j, beneath itS aichcd feltectly developed ; c, hypogean o cotyledon on the opposite side. low ; and it is an instruc* Peraicurn : figure enlarged : c, blade of cotyledon, not yet expanded, with arched petiole beginning to straighten itself; /i, hypocotyl developed into a corm ; r, secondary radicles. Fig. 58. OuAV. II. BREAKING THROUGH THE GROUND. 79 five fact that it is not arched, as it has not to force for itself a passage through the ground. In the accompanying sketch (Fig. 58) the petiole of the first leaf has already partially straightened itself, and the blade is beginning to unfold. The small second leaf ultimately grows to an equal size with the first, but this process is effected at very different rates in different individuals : in one instance the second leaf did not appear fully above the ground until six weeks after the first leaf. As the leaves in the whole family of the Acanthacese stand either opposite one another or in whorls, and as these are of equal size, the great inequality between the first two leaves is a singular fact. We can see how this inequality of development and the arching of the petiole could have been gradually acquired, if they were beneficial to the seedlings by favouring their emergence ; for with A. candelabrum, spinosus, and latifolius there was great variability in the inequality between the two first leaves and in the arching of their petioles. In one seedling of A. candelabrum the first leaf was arched and nine times as long as the second, which latter consisted of a mere little, yellowish-white, straight, hairy style. In other seedlings the difference in length between the two leaves was as 3 to 2, or as 4 to 3, or as only "76 to • 62 inch. In these latter cases the first and taller leaf was not properly arched. Lastly, in another seedling there was not the least difference in size between the two first leaves, and both of them had their petioles straight ; their laminae were enfolded and pressed against each other, forming a lance or wedge, by which means they had broken through the ground. Therefore in different individuals of this same species of Acanthus the first pair of leaves breaks through ihe ground by two widely different methods ; and if 80 HYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTFLS, ETC., Chap. rt. either had proved decidedly advantageous or disadvantageous, one of them no doubt would soon have prevailed. Asa Gray has described * the peculiar manner of germination of three widely different plants, in which the hypocotyl is hardly at all developed. These were therefore observed by us in relation to our present subject. Delphinium mdieaule.—The elongated petioles of the two cotyledons are confluent (as are sometimes their blades at the base), and they break through the ground as an arch. They thus resemble in a most deceptive manner a hypocotyl. At first they are solid, but after a time become tubular ; and the basal part beneath the ground is enlarged into a hollow chamber, within which the young leaves are developed without any prominent plumule. Externally roothairs are formed on the confluent petioles, either a little above, or on a level with, the plumule. The first leaf at an early period of its growth and whilst within the chamber is quite straight, but the petiole soon becomes arched ; and the swelling of this part (and probably of the blade) splits open one side of the chamber, and the leaf then emerges. The slit was found in one case to be 3'2 mm. in length, and it is seated on the line of confluence of the two petioles. The leaf when it first escapes from the chamber is buried beneath the ground, and now an upper part of the petiole near the blade becomes arched in the usual manner. The second leaf comes out of the slit either straight or somewhat arched, but afterwards the upper part of the petiole,—certainly in some, and we believe in all cases,—arches itseK whilst forcing a passage through the soil. ' Botanical Text-Book,' 1879, p. 22. OiL,\p. II. BREAKING THROUGH THE GROUND. 81 Megarrhiza Californica.—The cotyledons of this Gourd never free themselves from the seed-coats and are hypogeau. Their petioles are completely confluent, forming a tube which terminates downwards in a little solid point, consisting of a minute radicle and hypocotyl, with the likewise minute plumule enclosed within the base of the tube. This structure was well exhibited in an abnormal specimen, in which one of the two cotyledons failed to produce a petiole, whilst the other produced one consisting of an open semicylinder ending in a sharp point, formed of the parts just described. As soon as the confluent petioles protrude from the seed they bend down, as they are strongly geotropic, and penetrate the ground. Tlie seed itseK retains its original position, either on the surface or buried at some depth, as the case may be. If, however, the point of the confluent petioles meets with some obstacle in the soil, as appears to have occurred with the seedlings described and figured by Asa Gray,* the cotyledons are lifted up above the ground. The petioles are clothed with root-hairs like those on a true radicle, and they likewise resemble radicles in becoming brown when immersed in a solution of permanganate of potassium. Our seeds were subjected to a high temperature, and in the course of three or four days the petioles penetrated the soil perpendicularly to a depth of from 2 to 2^ inches ; and not until then did the true radicle begin to grow. In one specimen which was closely observed, the petioles in 7 days after their tirst protrusion attained a length of 2J inches, and the radicle by this time had also become well developed. The plumule, still enclosed within the tube, was now ' American Journal of Science,' vol. xiv. J877, p. 2] 82 HYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTYLS, ETC., Chap. H Fig. 58, A. •a inch in length, and was quite straight ; But from having increased in thickness it had just begun to split open the lower part of the petioles on one side, along the line of their confluence. By the following jjiorning the upper part of the plumule had arched itself into a right angle, and the convex side or elbow had thus been forced out through the slit. Here then the arching of the plumule • plays the same part as in the case of the petioles of the Delphinium. As the plumule continued to grow, the tip became more arched, and in the course of six days it emerged through the 2^ inches of superincumbent soil, still retaining its arched form. After reaching the surface it straightened itself in the usual manner. In the accompanying figure (Fig. 58, A) we have a sketch of a seedling in this advanced state of development; the surface of the ground being reiirqwrhiza Caiifonika : presented by the line G G. "il ^^, The germination of the seeds in reduced to one-half their native Californian home proscale: c, cotvledous , .i t/v. , within seed-coats ; p, cccds lu a rather different manner, (he two confiuent as we infer from an interestino petioles; A and r, hy- , ,, „ ht t, , . , , pocotyi and radicle; letter trom Mr. Kattan, sent to us ;>/, plumule; G G, by p^of. ^ga Gray. The petioles surface or soil. •' , /. , , „ protrude trom the seeds soon after the autumnal rains, and penetrate the ground, generally in a vertical direction, to a depth of from 4 to even 6 inches. They were found in this state by Mr. Rattan during the Christmas vacation, with the plu- Chap. II. BEEAKING THROUGH THE GROUND. 83 mules still enclosed within the tubes ; and he remarks that if the plumules had been at once developed and had reached the surface (as occurred with our seeds which were exposed to a high temperature), they would surely have been killed by the frost. As it is they lie dormant at some depth beneath the surface, and are thus protected from the' cold ; and the roothairs on the petioles would supply them with sufficient moisture. We shall hereafter see that many seedlings are protected from frost, but by a widely different process, namely, by being drawn beneath the surface by the contraction of their radicles. Vv'^e may, however, believe that the extraordinary manner of germination of Megarrhiza has another and secondary advantage. The radicle begins in a few weeks to enlarge into a little tuber, which then abounds with starch and is only slightly bitter. It would therefore be very liable to be devoured by animals, were it not protected by being buried whilst young and tender, at a depth of some inches beneath the surface. Ultimately it grows to a huge size. Ipomoea leptopliylla.—In most of the species of this genus the hypocotyl is well developed, and breaks through the ground as an arch. But the seeds of the present species in germinating behave like those of Megarrhiza, excepting that the elongated petioles of the cotyledons are not confluent. After they have protruded from the seed, they are united at their lower ends with the undeveloped hypocotyl and undeveloped radicle, which together form a point only about -1 inch in length. They are at first highly geotropic, and penetrate the ground to a depth of rather above half an inch. The radicle then begins to grow. On four occasions after the petioles had grown for a short distance vertically downwards, the-v 84 HYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTYLS, ETC., Chap. II. were placed in a horizontal position in damp air in the dark, and in the course of 4 hours they again became curved vertically downwards, having passed through 90° in this time. But their sensitiveness to geotropism lasts for only 2, or 3 days; and the terminal part alone, for a length of between "2 and -4 inch, is thus sensitive. Although the petioles of our specimens did not penetrate the ground to a greater depth than about J inch, yet they continued for some time to grow rapidly, and finally attained the great length of about 3 inches. The upper part is apogeotropic, and therefore grows vertically upwards, excepting a short portion close to the blades, which at an early period bends downwards and becomes arched, and thus breaks through the ground. Afterwards this portion straightens itself, and the cotyledons then free themselves from the seed-coats. Thus we here have in different parts of the same organ widely different kinds of movement and of sensitiveness ; for the basal part is geotropic, the upper part apogeotropic, and a portion near the blades temporarily and spontaneously arches itself. The plumule is not developed for some little time ; and as it rises between the bases of the parallel and closely approximate petioles of the cotyledons, which in breaking through the ground have formed an almost open passage, it does not require to be arched and is consequently always straight. Whether the plumule remains buried and dormant for a time in its native country, and is thus protected from the cold of winter, we do not know. The radicle, like that of the Megarrhiza, grows into a tuber-like mass, which ultimately attains a great size. So it is with fyomosa pandurata, the germination of which, as Asa Gray informs us, resembles that of I. leptoplujlla. The following case is interesting in connection with Chap. IT BREAKING THROUGH THE GROUND. 85 the root-like nature of the petioles. The radicle of a seedling was cut off, as it was completely decayed, and the two now separated cotyledons were planted. They emitted roots from their bases, and continued green and healthy for two months. The blades of both then withered, and on removing the earth the bases of the petioles (instead of the radicle) were found enlarged into little tubers. Whether these would have had the power of producing two independent plants in the following summer, we do not know. In Querous virens, according to Dr. Engelmann,* both the cotyledons and their petioles are confluent. The latter grow to a length "of an inch or even more;" and, if we understand rightly, penetrate the ground, so that they must be geotropic. The nutriment within the cotyledons is then quickly transferred to the hypocotyl or radicle, which thus becomes developed into a fusiform tuber. The fact ot tubers being formed by the foregoing three widely distinct plants, makes us believe that their protection from animals at an early age and whilst tender, is one at least of the advantages gained by the remarkable elongation of the petioles of the cotyledons, together with their power of penetrating the ground like roots under the guidance of geotropism. The following cases may be here given, as they bear on our present subject, though not relating to seedlings. The flower-stem of the parasitic Lathriea squamaria, which is destitute of true leaves, breaks through tlie ground as an arch ;t so does the flower* ' Transact. St. Louis Acarl. ground cannot fail to be greatly Science,' vol. iv. p. ] 90. facilitated by the extraordinary t The passapie of the flower- quantity of water secreted at this etcm of the Lathrsea through the period of the year by the subter- 86 HYPOCOTYLS. EPICOTYLS, ETC., Cuap. II. stem of the parasitic and leafless Monotropa hypopitijs. With Hellehorus niger, the flower-stems, which rise up independently of the leaves, likewise break through the ground as arches. This is also the case with the greatly elongated flower-stems, as well as with the petioles of Epimedium pinnatum. So it is with the petioles of Ranimculus ficaria, when they have to break through the ground, but when they arise from the summit of the bulb above ground, they are from the first quite straight ; and this is a fact which deserves notice. The rachis of the bracken fern (Pteris aquilina), and of some, probably many, other ferns, likewise rises above grouiid under the form of an arch. No doubt other analogous instances could be found by careful search. In all ordinary cases of bulbs, rhizomes, ranean scale-like leaves : not that tliire is any leason to suppose that the secretion is a special adaptation for Ihis purpose : it probably follows from the ^reat quantity of sap absorl)ed in the early sprin;;; by the parabitie roots^ After a long period without any rain, the eartli had become liglitcoloured and very dry, but it nas dark coloured and damp, even in fiarts quite w(-t. for a distance of al least six inches all round each Hower-stem. The water is secreted by glands (described by Cohn, ' Berioht. Bot. Sect, der SolileH3c:;en Gesell.,' 1876, p. H3) wl.icli line the longitudinal cliaunels lunniiig through e.icli scale-like leaf. A large plant was dug up, washed so as to remove the earth, left (or some time to drain, and then plac(;d iu tl'.e evening on a dry glass-plate, covered with a bell-glass, and by next morning it liad secreted a large pool of water. The pl;:te was wiped dry, and in the course of tl)e succeeding 7 or 8 houi-s another little pool was secreted, and after 16 additional hours several large drops. A smaller plant was washed and placed in a lai-ge jar, which was left inclined for au hour, by whicli time no uiore wiitL-r drained off. The jar was then placed upright and closed : after 23 hours twodnichms of water were collected from the bottom, and a little more after 25 additional hours. The flowerstems were now cut off, for they do not secrete, and the subterranean part of the plant was found to weigh 1U6-8 grams (1611 grains), and the water seoifted during the 48. hours weigheil 11 '9 grams (1^3 grains).—that is, one-ninth of the whole weight of the plant, excluding tlie flowerstems. We should remerab;r that plants in a state of nature would probably tecrete in 48 hours much more than tlie above largo amount, for their roots would continue all the tiine ahsorbing sap from the plant on which they were para- sitic. Chap. II. BREAKING THROUGH THE GROUND. 87 root-stocks, &c., buried beneatll the ground, the surface is broken by a cone formed by the young imbricated leaves, the combined growth of which gives them ibrce sufficient for the purpose. With germinating monocotyledonous seeds, of which, however, we did not observe a large number, the plumules, for instance, those of Asparagus and Canna, are straight whilst breaking through the ground. With the Graminete, the sheath-like cotyledons are likewise straight ; they, however, terminate in a sharp crest, which is white and somewhat indurated ; and this structure obviously facilitates their emergence from the soil : the first true leaves escape from the sheath through a slit beneath the chisel-like apex and at right angles to it. In the case of the onion (Allium cepa) we again meet with an arch ; the leaf-like cotyledon being abruptly bowed, when it breaks through the ground, with the apex still enclosed within the seed-coats. The crown of the arch, as previously described, is developed into a white conical protuberance, which we may safely believe to be a special adaptation for this office. The fact of so many organs of different kinds— hypocotyls and epicotyls, the petioles of some cotyledons and of some first leaves, the cotyledons of the onion, the rachis of some ferns, and some flowerstems—being all arched whilst they break through the ground, shows how just are Dr. Haberlandt's ' I'emarks on the importance of the arch to seedling plants. He attributes its chief importance to the upper, young, and more tender parts of the hypocotyl * ' Die Schutzeinrichtun^en in though our observatioTia lead 113 ''r^r Eiitwickeluu"; dt-r Keirn- to diiier on souie points from thu pLlanze,' 1877. We liave learned author, much i'rom this interesting essay, 7 88 HYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTYLS, KTC, Cuap II. or epicotyl, being thus saved from abrasion and pressure whilst breaking through the ground. But we think that some importance may be attributed to the increased force gained by the hypocotyl, epicotyl, or other organ by being at first arched ; for both legs of the arch increase in length, and both have points of resistance as long as the tip remains enclosed within the seed-coats ; and thus the crown of the arch is pushed up through the earth with twice as much force as that which a straight hypocotyl, &c., could exert. As soon, however, as the upper end has freed itself, all the work has to be done by the basal leg. In the case of the epicotyl of the common bean, the basal leg (the apex having freed itself from the seedcoats) grew upwards with a force sufficient to lift a thin plate of zinc, loaded with 12 ounces. Two more ounces were added, and the 14 ounces were lifted up to a very little height, and then the epicotyl yielded and bent to one side. With respect to the primary cause of the arching process, we long thought in the case of many seedlings that this might be attributed to the manner in which the hypocotyl or epicotyl was packed and curved within the seed-coats ; and that the arched shape thus acquired was merely retained until the parts in question reached the surface of the ground. But it is doubtful whether this is the whole of the truth in any case. For instance, with the common bean, the epicotyl or plumule is bowed into an arch whilst breaking through the seed-coats as shown in Fig. 59 (p. 92). The plumule first protrudes as a solid knob (e in A), which after twenty-four hours' growth is seen (e in B) to be the crown of an arch. Nevertheless, with several beans which germinated in damp air, and had otherwise been treated in an unnatural manner, little Chai'. II. BREAKING THKOUGH THE GROUND. 89 plumules were developed in the axils of the petioles of both cotyledons, and these were as perfectly arched as the normal plumule; yet they had not been subjected to any confinement or pressure, for the seedcoats were completely ruptured, and they grew in tho open air. This proves that the plumule has an innate or spontaneous tendency to arch itself. In some other cases the hypocotyl or epicotyl protrudes from the seed at first only slightly bowed; but the bowing afterwards increases independently of any constraint. The arch is thus made narrow, with the two legs, which are sometimes much elongated, parallel and close together, and thus it becomes well fitted for breaking through the ground. With many kinds of plants, the radicle, whilst still enclosed within the seed and likewise after its first protrusion, lies in a straight line with the future hypocotyl and with the longitudinal axis of the cotjdedons. This is the case with Gucurbita ovifera ; nevertheless, in whatever position the seeds were buried, the hypocotyl always came up arched in one particular direction. Seeds were planted in friable peat at a depth of abott an inch in a vertical position, with the end from which the radicle protrudes downwards. Therefore all the parts occupied the same relative positions which they would ultimately hold after the seedlings had risen clear above the surface. Notwilhstanding this fact, the hypocotyl arched itself; and as the arch grew upwards through the peat, the buried seeds were turned either upside down, or were laid horizontally, being afterwards dragged above the ground. Ultimately the hypocotyl straightened itself in the usual manner; and now after all these movements the several parts occupied the same position relatively to one another and to the centre of the earth, which tliey 90 JIYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTYLS, ETC., Chap. Ft. had done when the seeds were first buried. But it may be argued in this and other such cases that, as the hypocotyl grows up through the soil, the seed w:]l almost certainly be tilted to one side ; and then from the resistance which it must offer during its further elevation, the upper part of the hypocotyl will be doubled down and thus become arched. This view seems the more probable, because with Ranunculus ficaria only the petioles of the leaves which forced a passage through the earth were arched ; and not those which arose from the summits of the bulbs above the ground. Nevertheless, this explanation does not apply to the Cucurbita, for when germinating seeds were suspended in damp air in various positions by pins passing through the cotyledons, fixed to the inside of the lids of jars, in which case the hypocotyls were not subjected to any friction or constraint, yet the upper part became spontaneously arched. This fact, moreover, proves that it is not the weight of the cotyledons which causes the arching. Seedc of Helianthus annuus and of two species of Ipomoea (those of I. bona nox being for the genus large and heavy) were pinned in the same manner, and the hypocotyls became spontaneously arched ; the radicles, which had been vertically dependent, assumed in consequence a horizontal position. In the case of Ipomoea leptophylla it is the petioles of the cotyledons which become arched whilst rising through the ground; and this occurred spontaneously when the seeds were fixed to the lids of jars. It may, however, be suggested with some degree of probability that the arching was aboriginally caused by mechanical compulsion, owing to the confinement of the parts in question within the seed-coats, or to Motion whilst they were being dragged upwards. 'Bn\ Chap. II. BKEAKING THROUGH THE GROUND. 91 if this is so, we must admit from the cases just given, that a tendency in the upper part of the several specified organs to bend downwards and thus to become arched, has now become with many plants firmly inherited. The arching, to whatever cause it may be due, is the result of modified circumnutation, through increased growth along the convex side of the part ; such growth being only temporary, for the part always straightens itself subsequently by increased growth along the concave side, as will hereafter be described. It is a curious fact that the hypocotyls of some plants, which are but little developed and which never raise their cotyledons above the ground, nevertheless inherit a slight tendency to arch themselves, although this movement is not of the least use to them. We refer to a movement observed by Sachs in the hypocotyls of the bean and some other Leguminosse, and which is shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 59), copied from his Essay.* The hypocotyl and radicle at first grow perpendicularly downwards, as at A, and then bend, often in the course of 24 hours, into the position shown at B. As we shall hereafter often have to recur to this movement, we will, for brevity sake, call it " Sachs' curvature." At first sight it might be thought that the altered position of the radicle in B was wholly due to the outgrowth of the epicotyl (e), the petiole {p) serving as a hinge ; and it is probable that this is partly the cause ; but the hypocotyl and upper part of the radicle themselves become slightly curved. The above movement in the bean was repeatedly seen by us ; but our observations were made chiefly on l^htiseolus multiflorus, the cotyledons of which are likeArbeiten (h'a bot. Iiistit. Wiirzburg,' vol. i. 1873, p. t08. 92 HYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTYLS, ETC., Chap. FX wise hypogean. Some seedlings with well-developed radicles were first immersed in a solution of permanganate of potassium ; and, judging from the changea of colour (though these were not very clearly defined), the hypocotyl is about -3 inch in length. Straight, thin, black lines of this length were now drawn from the bases of the short petioles along the hypocotyls F,g. .59 Vici'y foba : germinating seeds, suspended in damp air : A, witli radicle growing perpendicularly downwards ; B, the same bean after 24- hours and after the radicle has curved itself; r, radicle ; A, short hypocotyl ; c, epicotyi appearing as a knob in A and as an arch in B ; p^ petiole of the cotyledon, the latter enclosed within the seed-coats, of 23 germinating seeds, which were pinned to the lids of jars, generally with the hilum downwards, and with their radicles pointing to the centre of the earth. After an interval of from 24 to 48 hours the black lines on the hypocotyls of 16 out of the 23 seedlings became distinctly curved, but in very various degiees (namely, with radii between 20 and Chap. II, BKEAKING THROUGH THE GUOUND. 93 SO mm. on Sachs' cyclometer) in the same relative direction as shown at B in Fig. 59. As geotropism will ohviously tend to check this curvature, seven seeds were allowed to germinate with proper precautions for their growth in a klinostat,* by which means geotropism was eliminated. The position of the hypocotyls was observed during four successive days, and they continued to bend towards the hilum and lower surface of the seed. On the fourth day ihef were deflected by an average angle of 63° from a lino perpendicular to the lower surface, and were therefore considerably more curved than the hypocotyl and radicle in the bean at B (Fig. 59), though in the same relative direction. It will, we presume, be admitted that all leguminous plants with hypogean cotyledons are descended from forms which once raised their cotyledons above the ground in the ordinary manner ; and in doing so, it is certain that their hypocotyls would have been abruptly arched, as in the case of every other dicotyledonous plant. This is especially clear in the case of Phaseolus, for out of five species, the seedlings of which we observed, namely, P. muUiflot'ts, caracalla, vulgaris, Hernandesii and Boxburghii (inhabitants of the Old and New Worlds), the three last-named species have well-developed hypocotyls which break through the ground as arches. Now, if we imagine a seedling of the common bean or of P. multijlorus, to behave as its progenitors once did, the hypocotyl Qi, Fig. 59), in whatever position the , seed may have been buried, would become so much arched that the upper part would be doubled down parallel to the lower part ; and * An instrument devised by on whioh the plant under, cnnsistins; esBontially of a tion is sunpoited : see ' Wurzburg slowly revolving borinoutal axis. Aibeiteu,' 1879, ]). 20!). 94 RUDIMENTARY COTYLEDONS. Ohap. 11 this is exactly the kind of curvature which actual!}' occurs in these two plants, though, to a much less degree. Therefore we can hardly doubt that their short hypocotyls have retained Jby inheritance a tendency to curve themselves in the same manner as they did at a former period, when this movement was highly important to them for breaking through the ground, though now rendered useless by the cotyledons being hypogean. Rudimentary structures are in most cases highly variable, and we might expect that rudimentary or obsolete actions would be equally so; and Sachs' curvature varies extremely in amount, and sometimes altogether fails. This is the sole instance known to us of the inheritance, though in a feeble degree, of movements which have become superfluous from changes which the species has undergone. Rudiineiifarij Cotyledons.—A few remarks on this subject may be here interpolated. It is well known Fi go _ that some dicotyledonous plants produce only a single cotyledon ; for instance, certain species of Ranunculus, Corydalis, Cha?rophyllum ; and we will here endeavour to show that the loss of one or both cotyledons is apparently due to a store of nutriment being laid up in some other part, as in the hypocotyl or one of the two cotyledons, or one of the secondary radiclea f^ilms aurantium: two young spedliugs: 0, larger cotyledon; c', smaller cotyledon ; A, thickened hypocotyl ; r, radicle. In A the epicotyl is still arched, in B it has become erect. Cu.\r. n EUDIMENTAEY COTYLEDONS 95 rig. 61. Willi the orange [Ciirvs aurantium) the cotyledons are hypogean, and one is larger than the other, as may be seen in A (Fig. 60). In B the inequality is rather greater, and the steni has grown between the points of insertion of the two petioles, so that they do not stand opposite to one another ; in another case the separation amounted to one-fifth of an inch. The smaller cotyledon of one seedling was extremely thin, and not half the length of the larger one, so that it was clearly becoming rudimentary.* In all these seedlings the liypocotyl was enlarged or swollen. With Abronia umbellafa one of the cotyledons is quite rudimentary, as may be seen (c) in Fig. 61. In this specimen it consisted of a little green flap, -jL-th inch in length, destitute of a petiole and covered with glands like those on the fully developed cotyledon (c). At first it stood opposite to the Abronia umbeWda . seedlarger cotyledon ; but as the petiole of the latter increased in length and grew in the same line with the hypocotyl (h), the rudiment appeared in older seedlings as if seated some way down the hypocotyl. With Ahronia arenaria there is a similar rudiment, which in one ling twice natural size: c, cotyledon ; c', rudimentary cotyledon ; A, enlarged hypocotyl, with a heel or projection (//) at the lower end ; r, radicle. * In Paehira aqiiafica, as deecribed Ijy Mr. R. I. Tjynch ('Journal Linn. Soo. Bot.' vol. xvii. 1878, p. 147), one of the hypogean cotyledons ia of irauiense size; the other is small anil snon falls off; the )iair di' nut always stand opposite. In anctiier and very different water-plnnt, Trapa mi'ans, one of tlif coUledoiis, filled with farinaceous matter, is much larger than the other, which is sciircely visible, as is stated by Aug. de Ciindolle, ' Plivsiulogie Veg.' torn. ii. p. 8;^4, 1832. 96 KUDIMENTAEY COTYLEDONS. Chap. II Bpecimen was only -rroth and in another -jio-tt inch in length; it ultimately appeared as if seated halfway down the hypocotyl. In both these species the hypocotyl is so much enlarged, especially at a very early age, that it might almost be called a corm. The lower end forms a heel or projection, the use of which will hereafter be described. In Cydamen Persicum the hypocotyl, even whilst still within the seed, is enlarged into a regular corm,* and only a single cotyledon is at first developed (see former Fig. 57.) With Banunculus ficaria two cotyledons are never produced, and here one of the secondary radicles is developed at an early age into a so-called bulb.f Again, certain species of Chaerophyllum and Corydalis produce only a single cotyledon ;| in the former the hypocotyl, and in the latter the radicle is enlarged, according to Irmisch, into a bulb. In the several foregoing cases one of the cotyledons is delayed in its development, or reduced in size, or rendered rudimentary, or quite aborted ; but in other cases both cotyledons are represented by mere rudiments. With Opuntia hasilaris this is^not the case, for both cotyledons are thick and large, and the hypocotyl shows at first no signs of enlargement ; but afterwards, when the cotyledons have withered and disarticulated themselves, it becomes thickened, and from its tapering form, together with its smooth, tough, brown skin, appears, when ultimately drawn down to some depth into the soil, like a root. On the other * Dr. H. Gressner, ' Bot. Zei- Vauclier's account ('Hist. Phys. tung,' 1874, p. 824. des Plantes d'Europe,' torn i. 1841, t Irmisch, -Beitiiige znr Mor- p. 149) of the {iLTinination of the phologie d(-r Pflanzeii,' 1S54, pp. seeds of several species of Corv- 11, 12; 'Bot. Zeituug,' 1874, p. dalis, that the bulb or tubercnle 805 besius to be formed at an exI Delpino, 'Eivisia Botanica,' tremely eurlv age. 1877, 11. 21. It is evident from CuM\ 11. EUDIMENTAEY COTYLEDONS. 97 hand, with several other Cactese, the hypocotyl is from the first much enlarged, and both cotyledons are almost or quite rudimentary. Thus with Cereus Landheclcii two little triangular projections, representing the cotyledons, are narrower than the hypocotyl, which is pear-shaped, with the point downwards. In Rliipsalis cassytha the cotyledons are represented by mere points on the enlarged hypocotyl. In Eehinooaetus vmdescens the hypocotyl is globular, with two little prominences on its summit. In Pilocereus Houlletii the hypocotyl, much swollen in the upper part, is merely notched on the summit ; and each side of the notch evidently represents a cotyledon. Stapelia sarpedon, a member of the very distinct family of the Asclepiadese, is ileshy like a cactus ; and here again the upper part of the flattened hypocotyl is much thickened and bears two minute cotyledons, which, measured internally, were only -15 inch in length, and in breadth not equal to one-fourth of the diameter of the hypocotyl in its narrow axis ; yet these minute cotyledons are probably not quite useless, for when the hypocotyl breaks through the ground in the form of an arch, they are closed or pressed against one another, and thus protect the plumule. They afterwards open. From the several cases now given, which refer to widely distinct plants, we may infer that there is some close connection between the reduced size of one or both cotyledons and the formation, by the enlargement of the hypocotyl or of the radicle, of a so-called bulb. But it may be asked, did the cotyledons first tend to abort, or did a bulb first begin to be formed? As all dicotyledons naturally produce two well-developed cotyledons, whilst the thickness of the hypocotyl and of the radicle diifers much in different plants, it seems probable that these latter organs first became from 98 CIRCUMNUTATING MOVEMENTS OF Cuav. IT Bome cause thickened—in several instances apparently in correlation with the fleshy nature of the mature plant—so as to contain a store of nutriment sufficient for the seedling, and then that one or both cotyledons, from being superfluous, decreased in size. It is not surprising that one cotyledon alone should sometimes have been thus affected, for with certain plants, for instance the cabbage, the cotyledons are at first of unequal size, owing apparently to the manner in which they are packed within the seed. It does not, however, follow from the above connection, that whenever a bulb is formed at an early age, one or both cotyledons will necessarily become superfluous, and consequently more or less rudimentary. Finally, these cases offer a good illustration of the principle of compensation or balancemeut of growth, or, as Goethe expresses it, " in order to spend on one side. Nature is forced to economise on the other side." Circumnutation and other movements of Hi/pocotyh and Epicotyls, whilst still arched and buried heiieath the ground, and whilst hreahing through it.—According to the position in which a seed may chance to have been buried, the arched hypocotyl or epicoty] will begin to protrude in a horizontal, a more or less inclined, or in a vertical plane. Except when already standing vertically upwards, both legs of the' arch are acted on from the earliest period by apogeotropism. Consequently they both bend upwards, until the arch becomes vertical. During the whole of this process, even before the arch has broken through the ground, it is continually trying to circumnutate to a slight extent ; as it likewise does if it happens at first to stand vertically up,—all which cases have l)een observed and described, more or less fully, iu Ihe last chapter. After the arch has grown to some Chak II HYPOCOTYLS, ETC., WHILST ARGUED. 09 height upwards, the basal part ceases to circumnutate, whilst the upper part continues to do so. That an arched hypocotyl or epicotyl, with the two logs fixed in the ground, should be able to circumnutate, seemed to us, until we had read Prof. Wiesner's observations, an inexplicable fact. He has shown* in the case of certain seedlings, whose tips are bent downwards (or which nutate), that whilst the posterior side of the upper or dependent portion grows quickest, the anterior and opposite side of the basal portion of the same internode grows quickest ; these two portions being separated by an indifferent zone, where the growth is equal on all sides. There may even be more than one indiiferent zone in the same internode ; and the opposite sides of the parts above and below each such zone grow quickest. This peculiar manner of growth is called by Wiesner "undulatory nutation." Circumnutation depends on one side of an organ growing quickest (probably preceded by increased turgescence), and then another side, generally almost the opposite one, growing quickest. Now if we look at an arch like this fj and suppose the whole of one side—we will say the whole convex side of both legs—to increase in length, this would liot cause the arch to bend to either side. But if the outer side or surface of the left leg were to increase in length the arch would be pushed over to the right, and this would be aided by the inner side of the right leg increasing in length. If afterwards the process were reversed, the arch would be pushed over to the opposite or left side, and so on alternately,— that is, it would circumnutate. As an arched hypo* ' Die unduUreiide Nutation Also published separately set dcr Iiiternodien,' Akad. der Wis- p. 32. mich. (Vicuna), Jan. I7th, 1878. 100 CIECUMXUTATING MOVEMENTS OF Chap. II cotyl, with the two legs fixed in the ground, certainly circumnutates, and as it consists of a single internode, we may conclude that it grows in the manner described by Wiesner. It may be added, that the crown of the arch does not grow, or grows very slowly, foi it does not increase much in breadth, whilst the arch itself increases greatly in height. The circumnutating movements of arched hypocotyls and epicotyls can hardly fail to aid them in breaking through the ground, if this be damp and soft; though no doubt their emergence depends mainly on the force exerted by their longitudinal growth. Although the arch circumnutates only to a slight extent and probably with little force, yet it is able to move the soil near the surface, though it may not be able to do so at a moderate depth. A pot with seeds of Solanum palinacanthuin, the tall arched hypocotyls of which had emerged and were growing rather slowly, was covered with fine argillaceous sand kept damp, and this at first closely surrounded the bases of the arches ; but soon a narrow open crack was formed round each of them, which could be accounted for only by their having pushed away the sand on all sides ; for no such cracks surrounded some little sticks and pins which had been driven into the sand. It has already been stated that the cotyledons of Phalaris and Avena, the plumules of Asparagus and the hypocotyls of Brassica, were likewise able to displace the same kind of sand, either whilst simply circumnutating or whilst bending towards a lateral light. As long as an arched hypocotyl or epicotyl remains buried beneath the ground, the two legs cannot separate from one another, except to a slight extent from tlie yielding of the soil; but as soon as the arcb rises above the ground, or at an earlier period if Oeaf. II. HYPOCOTYLS, ETC., WHILST ARCHED. 10] (lie pressure of the surrounding earth be artificial!) removed, the arch immediately begins to straighten itself. This no doubt is due to growth along the whole inner surface of both legs of the arch ; such growth being checked or prevented, as long as the two legs of the arch are firmly pressed together. When the earth is removed all round an arch and the two legs are tied together at their b^ses, the growth on the under side of the crown causes it after a time to become much flatter and broader than naturally occurs. The straightening process consists of a modified form of circumnutation, for the lines described during this process (as with the hypocotyl of Brassica, , and the epicotyls of Vicia and Corylus) were often plainly zigzag and sometimes looped. After hypocotyls or epicotyls have emerged from the ground, they quickly become perfectly straight. No trace is ^left of their former abrupt curvature, excepting in the case of Allium cepa, in which the cotyledon rarely becomes quite straight, owing to the protuberance developed on the crown of the arch. The increased growth along the inner surface of the arch which renders it straight, apparently begins in the basal leg or that which is united to the radicle ; for this leg, as we often observed, is first bowed backwards from the other leg. This movement facilitates the withdrawal of the tip of the epicotyl or of thecotyledons, as the case may be, from within the seedcoats and from the ground. But the cotyledons often emerge from the ground still tightly enclosed within the seed-coats, which apparently serve to protect them. The seed-coats are afterwards ruptured and cast off by the swelling of the closely conjoined cotyledons, and not by any movement or their separation from one another. Nevertheless, in some few cases, especially with the 102 RUPTURE OF THE SEED-COATS. Chap. IL Fig. 62. Cucurbitaceae, the seed-coats are ruptured by a curious contrivance, described by M. Flahault.* A heel or peg is developed on one side of the summit of the radicle or base of the hypocotyl ; and this holds down the lower half of the seed-coats (the radicle being fixed into the ground) whilst the continued growth of the arched hypocotyl forces upwards the upper half, and tears asunder the seed-coats at one end, and the cotyledons are then easily withdrawn. The accompanying figure (Fig. 62) will render this description intelligible. Fortyone seeds of Cucurbita ovifera were laid on friable peat and were covered by a layer about an inch in thickness, not much pressed down, so that the cotyledons in being dragged up were subjected to very little friction, yet forty of them came up naked, the seednating seed, showing the coats being left buried in the peat. heel or peg projecting TMs was certainly dueto the action on one side from summit „ , <• i of radicle and holding 01 the peg, lOr When it Was prCdown lower tip of seedygnted from acting, the cotyledons, coats, which have been in i partially ruptured by as we shall presently see, were the growth of the arched ^f^g^ y„ ^^^ enclosed in their hypocotyl. ^seed-coats. Ihey were, however, cast off in tne course of two or three days by the swelling of the cotyledons. Until this occurs light is excluded, and the cotyledons cannot decompose carbonic acid ; but no one probably would have thought that the advantage thus gained by a little earlier cast« * 'Bull. Soc. Bot. de France,' torn. xxiv. 1S77, p. 201. Chap. II. EUPTUEE OF THE SEED-COATS. 103 ing oif of the seed-coats would be sufficient to account for the development of the peg. Yet, according to IE. Flahault, seedlings which have been preventeil from casting their seed-coats whilst beneath the ground, are inferior to those which have emerged with their cotyledons naked and ready to act. The peg is developed with extraordinary rapidity . for it could only just be distinguished in two seedlings, having radicles -So inch in length, but after an interval of only 24 hours was well developed in both. It is formed, according to Flahault, by the enlargement of the layers of the cortical parenchyma at the base of the hypocotyl. If, however, we judge by the effects of a solution of permanganate of potassium, it is developed on the exact line of junction between the hypocotyl and radicle; for the flat lower surface, as well as the edges, were coloured brown like the radicle; whilst the upper slightly ilielined surface was left uncoloured like the hypocotyl, excepting indeed in one out of 33 immersed seedlings in which a large part of the upper surface was coloured brown. Secondary roots sometimes spring from the lower surface of the peg, which thus seems in all respects to partake of the nature of the radicle. The peg is always developed on the side which becomes concave by the arching of the hypocotyl: and it would be of no service if it were formed on any other side. It is also always developed \^ith the flat lower side, which, as just stated, forms a part of the radicle, at right angles to it, and in a horizontal plane. This fact was clearly shown by burying some of the thin flat seeds in the same position as in Fig. 62, excepting that they were not laid on their flat broad sides, but with one edge downwards. Nine seeds were thus planted, and the peg was developed in the 104 EUPTUEE OF THE SEED-COATS. CttiP. It same position, relatively to the radicle, as in the figure; consequently it did not rest on the flat tip of the lower half of the seed-coats, but was inserted like a wedge between the two tips. As the arched hypocotyl grew upwards it tended to draw up the whole seed, and the peg necessarily rubbed against both tips, but did not hold either down. The result was, that the cotyledons of five out of the nine seeds tJms placed were ra,ised above the ground still enclosed within their seed-coats. Tour seeds were buried with the end from which the radicle protrudes pointing vertically downwards, and owing to the peg being always developed in the same position, its apex alone came into contact with, and rubbed against the tip on one side ; the result was, that the cotyledons of all four emerged still within their seed-coats. These cases show us how the peg acts in co-ordination with the position which the flat, thin, broad seeds would almost always occupy when naturally sown. When the tip of the lower half of the seed-coats was cut off, Flahault found (as we did likewise) that the peg could not act, since it had nothing to press on, and the cotyledons were raised above the ground with their seed-coats not cast off. Lastly, nature shows us the use of the peg ; for in the one Cucurbitaceous genus known to us, in which the cotyledons are hypogean and do not cast their seed-coats, namely, Megarrhiza, there is no vestige of a peg. This structure seems to be present in most of the other genera in the family, judging from FJahault's statements ; we found it well-developed and properly acting in Tricliosanthes anguina, in which we hardly expected to find it, as the cotyledons are somewhat thick and fleshy. Few cases can be advanced of a structure better adapted for a special purpose than the present one. Chap. II. EUPTUEE OF THE SEED-COATS. 105 With Mimosa pudica the radicle protrudes from a small hole in the sharp edge of the seed ; and on its summit, where united with the hypocotyl, a transverse ridge is developed at an early age, which clearly aids in splitting the tough seed-coats ; but it does not aid in casting them off, as this is subsequently effected by the swelling of the cotyledons after they have been raised above the ground. The ridge or heel therefore acts rather differently from that of Cucurbita. Its lower surface and the edges were coloured Ijrown by the permanganate of potassium, but not the upper surface. It is a singular fact that after the ridge has done its work and has escaped from the seed-coats, it is developed into a frill all round the summit of the radicle.* At the base of the enlarged hypocotyl of Abronia umhellata, where it blends into the radicle, there is a projection or heel which varies in shape, but its outline is too angular in our former figure (Fig. 61). The radicle first protrudes from a small hole at one end of the tough, leathery, winged fruit. At this period the upper part of the radicle is packed within the fruit parallel to the hypocotyl, and the single cotyledon is doubled back parallel to the latter. The swelling of these three parts, and especially the rapid development of the thick heel between the hypocotyl and radicle at the point where they are doubled, ruptures the tough fruit at the upper end and allows the arched hypocotyl to emerge ; and this seems to be the function of the heel. A seed was cut out of the fruit and * Our attention was CiJled to nt tlie junction of the radicle anil this case by a brief statement by liypocotyl. This seed possesses a Nobbe in his ' Handbuch der very hard and tough coat, and Samenkunde,' 1876. p. 215, where would be likely to require aid in a figure is also gi\ en of a seedling bursting and freeing the cutyleof Martvnia with a heel or ridge dons. 1 06 KUPTUKE OF THE SEKD-OOATS. Chap. IL allowed tO' germinate in damp air, and now a thin flat disc was developed all round the base of the hypocotyl and grew to an extraordinary breadth, like the frill described under Mimosa, but somewhat broader. Flahault says that with Mirabilis, a member of the same family with Abronia, a heel or collar is developed all round the base of the hypocotyl, but more on one side than on the other; and that it frees the cotyledons from their seed-coats. We observed only old seeds, and these were ruptured by the absorption of moisture, independently of any aid from the heel and before the protrusion of the radicle ; but it does not follow from our experience that fresh and tough fruits would behave in a like manner. In concluding this section of the present chapter it may be convenient to summarise, under the form of an illustration, the usual movements of the hypocotyls and epicotyls of seedlings, whilst breaking through the ground and immediately afterwards. We may suppose a man to be thrown down on his hands and knees, and at the same time to one side, by a load of hay falling on him. He would first endeavour to get his arched back upright, wriggling at the same time in all directions to free himself a little from the surrounding pressure ; and this may represent the combined effects of apogeotropism and circumnutation, when a seed is so buried that the arched hypocotyl or epicotyl protrudes at first in a horizontal or inclined plane. The man, still wriggling, would then raise his arched back as high as he could ; and this may represent the growth and continued circumnutation of an arched hypocotyl or epicotyl, before it has reached the surface of the ground. As soon as the man felt himself at all free, he would raise the upper part of his body, whilst still on Chap. II. CIRCUKSfUTATION OF HYPOCOTYLS, ETC, 107 liis knees and still wriggling ; and this may represent the bowing backwards of the basal leg of the arch, which in most cases aids in thfe withdrawal of the cotyledons from the buried and ruptured seed-coats, and the subsequent straightening of the whole hypocotyl or epicotyl—circumnutation still continuing. Circmnnutation of Hypocotyls and Epicotyls, u-hen erect—The hypocotyls, epicotyls, and first shoots of the many seedlings observed by us, after they had become straight and erect, circumnutated continuously. The diversified figures described by them, often during two successive days, have been shown in the woodcuts in the last chapter. It should be recollected that the dots were joined by straight lines, so that the figures are angular; but if the observations had been made every few minutes the lines would have been more or less curvilinear, and irregular ellipses or ovals, or perhaps occasionally circles, would have been formed. The direction of the longer axes of the ellipses made during the same day or on successive days generally changed completely, so as to stand at right angles to one another. The number of irregular ellipses or circles made within a given time differs much with different species. Thus with Brassica oleracea, Cerintlie major, and Cucurhita ovifera about four such figures were completed in 12 h. ; whereas with Solatium palinacanthum and Opuntia hasilaris, scarcely more than one. The figures likewise differ greatly in size ; thus they were very small and in some degree doubtful in Stapelia, and large in Brassica, &c. The ellipses described by Lathyrus nissoUa and Brassica were narrow, whilst those made by the Oak were broad. The figures are often complicated by small loops and zigzag lines. As most seedling plants before the development of true leaves are of low, sometimes very low stature, i08 CIECUMNUTATION OF HYPOCOTYLS, ETC. Chap. Hthe extreme amount of movement from side to side of their circumnutating stems was small; that of the hypocotyl of Githago segetum was about '2 of an inch, and that of Cucurhita ovifera about "28. A very young shoot of Lathyrus nissolia moved about •14, that of an American oak -2, that of the common nut only '04, and a rather tall shoot of the Asparagus •11 of an inch. The extreme amount of movement of the sheath-like cotyledon of Phalaris Canariensis was •S of an inch ; but it did not move very quickly, the tip crossing on one occasion five divisions of the micrometer, that is, j^gth of an inch, in 22 m. 5 s. A seedling Nolana prostrata travelled the same distance in 10 m. 38 s. Seedling cabbages circumutated mucli more quickly, for the tip of a cotyledon crossed 1 ^Q-th of an inch on the micrometer in 3 m. 20 s. ; and this rapid movement, accompanied by incessant oscillations, was a wonderful spectacle when beheld under the microscope. • The absence of light, for at least a day, does not interfere in the least with the circumnutation of the hypocotyls, epicotyls, or young shoots of the various dicotyledonous seedlings observe'd by us ; nor with that of the young shoots of some monocotyledons. The circumnutation was indeed much plainer in darkness than in light, for if the light was at all lateral the stem bent towards it in a more or less zigzag course. Finally, the hypocotyls of many seedlings are drawn during the winter into the ground, or even beneath it so that they disappear. This remarkable process, which apparently serves for their protection, has been fully described by De Vries.* He shows that • ' Bot. Zeitung,' 1879, p. 649. burg,' Jahrg.xvi. p. 16, aa quoted See also Winkltr in 'Verhandl. by Haberlandt, ' Suhutzeinrichundea Bot Veieins der P. Branden- gen dtr "Keimpaanze,' 1877, p. 52 Chap. II. CIKCUMNUTATION OF COTYLEDONS. 109 it is effected by the contraction of the parenchymacells of the root. But the hypocotyl itself in some cases contracts greatly, and although at first smooth becomes covered with zigzag ridges, as we observed with Giiliago segetum. How much of the drawing down and burying of the hypocotyl of Opuntia hasilaris was due to the contraction of this part and how much to that of the radicle, we did not observe. Circumnutation of Cotyledons.—With all the dicotyledonous seedlings described in the last chapter, the cotyledons were in constant movement, chiefly in a vertical plane, and commonly once up and once down in the course of the 24 hours. But there were many exceptions to such simplicity of movement ; thus the cotyledons of Ijpomoea cserulea moved 13 times either upwards or downwards in the course of 16 h. 18 m. Those of Oxalis rosea moved in the same manner 7 times in the course of 24 h. ; and those of Cassia tora described 5 irregular ellipses in 9 h. The cotyledons of some individuals of Mimosa piidica and of Lotus Jacobseus moved only once up and do^vn in 24 h., whilst those of others performed within the same period an additional small oscillation. Thus with different species, and with different individuals of the same species, there were many gradations from a single diurnal movement to oscillations as complex as those of the Ipomoea and Cassia. The opposite cotyledons on the same seedling move to a certain extent independently of one another. This was conspicuous with those of Oxalis sensitiva, in which one cotyledon might be seen during the daytime rising up until it stood vertically, whilst the opposite one was sinking down. Although the movements of cotyledons were generally in nearly the same vertical plane, yet their upward and downward courses never exactly coin- no CIECUMNUTATION OF COTYLEDONS. Chap. II cirled; so that ellipses, more or less narrow, were described, and the cotyledons may safely be said to have circumnutated. Nor could this fact be accounted for by the mere increase in length of the cotyledons through growth, for this by itself would not induce any lateral movement. That there was lateral movement in some instances, as with the cotyledons of the cabbage, was evident; for these, besides moving up and down, changed their course from right to left 12 times in 14 h. 15 m. With Solanum Jycojpersicum the cotyledons, after falling in the forenoon, zigzagged from side to side between 12 and 4 p.m., and then commenced rising. The cotyledons of Lupinus luteus are so thick (about -08 of an inch) and fleshy,* that they seemed little likely to move, and "were therefore observed with especial interest; they certainly moved largely up and down, and as the line traced was zigzag there was some lateral movement. The nine cotyledons of a seedling Finns pinaster plainly circumnutated ; and the figures described approached more nearly to irregular circles than to irregular ovals or ellipses. The sheath-like cotyledons of the Graminese circumnutate, that is, move to all sides, as plainly as do the hypocotyls or epicotyls of any dicotyledonous plants. Lastly, the very young fronds of a Fern and of a Selaginella circumnutated. In a large majority of the cases which were carefully observed, the cotyledons sink a little downwards in the forenoon, and rise a little in the afternoon or evening. They thus stand rather more highly inclined during the night than during the mid-day, at which * The cotyledons, though bright & c , 1877, p. 95), on the gradations green, resemble to a certain ex- in the Leguniinosas between snbtint hypogean ones; see the in- iiiirial and subterranean cotvlo teresting discussion by Haber- dons, landt ('Die Sohutzcinrichtungeu,' Cahp. II. CIRCUMNUTATION OF COTYLEDONS. Ill time they are expanded almost horizontally. Tlie circumnutating movement is thus at least partially periodic, no doubt in connection, as we shall hereafter see, with the daily alternations of light and daikaess. The cotyledons of several plants move up so much at uight as to stand nearly or quite vertically; and in t]iis latter case ihey come into close contact with one another. On the other hand, the cotyledons of a few plants sink almost or quite vertically down at night ; and in this latter case they clasp the upper part of the hypocotyl. In the same genus Oxalis the cotyledons of certain species stand vertically up, and those of other species vertically down, at night. In all such cases the cotyledons may be said to sleep, for they act in the same manner as do the leaves of many sleeping plants. This is a movement for a special purpose, and will therefore be considered in a future chapter devoted to this subject. In order to gain some rude notion of the proportional number of cases in which the cotyledons of dicotyledonous plants (hypogean ones being of course excluded) changed their position in a conspicuous manner at night, one or more species in several genera were cursorily observed, besides those described in the last chapter. Altogether 153 genera, included in as many families as could be procured, were thus observed by us. The cotyledons were looked at in the middle of the day and again at night ; and those were noted as sleeping which stood either vertically or at an angle of at least 60^ above or beneath the horizon. Of such genera there were 26 ; and in 21 of them the cotyledons of some of the species rose, and in only 6 sank at night ; and some of these latter cases are rather doubtful from causes to be explained in the chapter on the sleep of cotyledons. When 112 PULVINI OF COTYLEDONS. Chap. II. cotyledons which at noon were nearly horizontal, stood at night at more than 20° and less thain 60° above the horizon, they were recorded as " plainly raised ;" and of such genera there were 38. We did not meet with any distinct instances of cotyledons periodically sinking only a few degrees at night, although no doubt such occur. We hare now accounted for 64 genera out of the 153, and there remain 89 in which the cotyledons did not change their position at night by as much as 20°—that is, in a conspicuous manner which could easily be detected by the unaided eye and by memory; but it must not be inferred from this statement that these cotyledons did not move at all, for in several cases a rise of a few degrees was recorded, when they were carefully observed. The number 89 might have been a little increased, for the cotyledons remained almost horizontal at night in some species in a few genera, for instance, Trifolium and Geranium, which are included amongst the sleepers, such genera might therefore have been added to the 89. Again, one species of Oxalis generally raised its cotyledons at night more than 20° and less than 60° above the horizon ; so that this genus might have been included under two heads. But as several species in the same genus were not often observed, such double entries have been avoided. In a future chapter it will be shown that the leaves of many plants which do not sleep, rise a few degrees in the evening and during the early part of the night ; and it will be convenient to defer until then the consideration of the periodicity of the movements of cotyledons. On the Pulvini or Joints of Cotyledons. —With several of the seedlings described in this and the last chapter, the summit of the petiole is developed into a pulvinus, Chap. II. PULYINI OF COTYLEDONS. 113 cushion, or joint (as this organ has been variously called), like that with which many leaves are provided. It consists of a mass of small cells usually of a pale colour from the absence of chlorophyll, and with its outline more or less convex, as shown in the annexed figure. In the case of Oxalis sensitiva two-thirds of the petiole, and in that of Mimosa pudica, apparently the whole of the short subpetioles of the leaflets have been converted into pulvini. With pulvinated leaves (i.e. those provided with a pulvinus) their periodical movements depend, according to Pfeffer,* on the cells of the pulvinus alternately expanding more quickly on one side than on the other; whereas the similar movements of leaves not provided with pulvini, dbpend on their growth being alternately more rapid on one side than on the other.t As long as a leaf provided with a pulvinus is young and continues to grow, its movement depends on both these causes combined ;| and if the view now held by many botanists be sound, namely, that growth is always preceded by the expansion of the growing cells, then the difference between the movements induced by the aid of pulvini and Oxalis rosea : longitudinal section of a pulvinus on the summit of the petiole of a cotyledon, drawn with the camera luciJa, magnified 75 times : p, p^ petiole ; /, fibro-vascular bundle ; 6, 6, commencement of blade ol cotyledon. * 'Die Perioclische Bewegungcn der Bliittorgane,' 1875. t Batalin, 'Flora,' Oct. 1st, 1873 t Pfeffer, ibid. p. 5. 114 PULYINI OF COTYLEDONS. Chap. IL without such aid, is reduced to the expansion of tlie cells not being followed by growth in the first case, and being so followed in the second case. Dots were made with Indian ink along the midrib of both pulvinated cotyledons of a rather old seedling of Oxdlis Vddiviana ; their distances were repeatedly measured with an eye-piece micrometer during 8| days, and they did not exhibit the least trace of increase. It is therefore almost certain that the pulvinus itself was not then growing. Nevertheless, during this whole time and for ten days afterwards, these cotyledons rose vertically every night. In the case of some seedlings raised from seeds purchased under the name of Oxalis floribunda, the cotyledons continued for a long time to move vertically down at night, and the movement apparently depended exclusively on the pulvini, for their petioles were of nearly the same length in young, and in old seedlings which had produced true leaves. With some species of Cassia, on the other hand, it was obvious without any measurement that the pulvinated cotyledons continued to increase greatly in length during some weeks ; so that here the expansion of the cells of the pulvini and the growth of the petiole were probably combined m causing their prolonged periodic movements. It was equally evident that the cotyledons of many plants, not provided with pulvini, increased rapidly in length ; and their periodic movements no doubt were exclusively due to growth. In accordance with the view that the periodic movements of all cotyledons depend primarily on the expansion of the cells, whether or not followed by growth, we can understand the fact that there is but little difference in the kind or form of movement in the two sets of cases. This may be seen by com- Chap. U. PULVINI OF COIYLEDONS. 115 paring the diagrams given in the last chapter. Thus the movements of the cotyledons of Brassiea oleraeea and of Ipomoea cserulea, which are not provided with pulvini, are as complex as those of Oxalis and Cassia which are thus provided. The pulvinated cotyledons of some individuals of Mimosa pudica and Lotus Jacohasus made only a single oscillation, whilst those of other individuals moved twice up and down in the course of 24 hours; so it was occasionally with the cotyledons of CueurUta ovifera, which are destitute of a pulvinus. The movements of pulvinated cotyledons are generally larger in extent than those without a pulvinus; nevertheless some of the latter moved through an angle of 90". There is, however, one important difference in the two sets of cases ; the nocturnal movements of cotyledons without pulvini, for instance, those in the Cruciferse, Cucurbitacese, Githago, and Beta, never last even for a week, to any conspicuous degree. Pulvinated cotyledons, on the other hand, continue to rise at night for a much longer period, even for more than a month, as we shall now show. But the period no doubt depends largely on the temperature to which the seedlings are exposed and their consequent rate of development. Oxalis Valdioiana.—Some cotyledons which had lately opened and were horizontal on March 6th at noon, stood at night vertically up ; on the 13th the first true leaf was formed, and was embraced at night by the cotyledons; on April 9th, after an interval of 35 days, six leaves were developed, and yet the cotyledons rose almost vertically at night. The cotyledons of another seedling, which when first observed had already produced a leaf, stood vertically at night and continued to do so for 11 additional days. After 16 days from the first observation two leaves were developed, and the cotyledons were still greatly raised at night. After 21 days the cotyledons during the day were deflected beneath the horizon, but at night were raised 4 s° 116 PULVINI OF COTYLEDONS. Chap. IL above it. After 24 days from the first observation (begun after a true leaf had been developed) the cotyledons ceased to rise at night. Oaalk {Blopliytum)!S. Ci£AP. II same piilvinus and in different individuals. In the accompanying figures, A and B (Fig. 64), we have views of the epidermis * in the middle part of the petioles of two seedlings, in whicli the pulvinus was for this species well developed. They offer a striking contrast with the pulvinus of 0. rosea (see former Fig. 63), or of 0. Valdiviana. With the seedlings, falsely called 0. tropwoloides, the cotyledons of which rise very little at night, the small cells were still fewer in number and in parts formed a single transverse row, and in other parts short longitudinal rows of only two or three. Nevertheless they suf&oed to attract the eye, when the whole petiole was viewed as a transparent object beneath the microscope. In these seedlings there could hardly be a doubt that the pulvinus was becoming rudimentary and tending to disappear; and this accounts for its great variability in structure and function. In the following Table some measurements of the cells in fairly well-developed pulvini of 0. corniculata are given : — Seedling 1 day old, with colyhdon 23 mm. in length. Divisions of llicrometer.f Average length of cells of pulvinus 6 to 7 Length of longest cell below the pulvinus 13 Length of longest cell above the pulvinus 20 Seedling S diys old, cotyledon 3'1 mm. in length, Ki'.h the pulvinus quite distinct. Average length of cells of pulvinus 6 Length of longest cell below the pulvinus 22 Lengnh of longest cell above the pulvinus 40 Seedling 8 days old, cotyledon 5 mm. in leng/h, with a t-ue leaf formed but not yet expanded. Average length of cells of pulvinus 9 Length of longest cell below the pulvinus 44 Length of longest cell above the pulvinus 70 Seedling 13 days old, cot/jledon 45 mm. in Icngt'i, with a smill true leaf folly developed. Average length of cells of pulvinus 7 Length of longest cell below the pulvinus 30 Length of longest cell above the pulvinus tO * Longitudinal sections bIiow pulvinus. thiit the forms of the epidermic f Each division equalled -003 oelk may be taken as a fair repre- mtn. Bcntation of those constituting the • Chap. II. TULVINl OF COTYLEDONS 121 We here see that the cells of the pulyinus increase but little in length with advancing age, in comparison with those of the petiole both above and below it ; but they continue to grow in width, and keep equal in this respect with the other cells of the petiole. The rate of growth, however, varies in all parts of the cotyledons, as may be observed in the measurements of the 8-days' old seedling. The cotyledons of seedlings only a day old rise at night considerably, sometimes as much as afterwards; bat there was much variation in this respect. As the pulvinus is so indistinct at first, the movement probably does not then depend on the expansion of its cells, but on periodically unequal growth in the petiole. By the comparison of seedlings of different known ages, it was evident that the chief seat of growth of tho petiole was in the upper part between the pulvinus and the blade ; and this agrees with the fact (shown in the measurements above given) that the cells grow to a greater length in the upper than in the lower part. With a seedling 11 days old, the nocturnal rise was found to depend largely on the action of the pulvinus, for the petiole at night was curved upwards at this point ; and during the day, whilst the petiole was horizontal, the lower surface of the pulvinus was wrinkled with the upper surface tense. Although the cotyledons at an advanced age do not rise at night to a higher inclination than whilst young, yet they have to pass through a larger angle (in one instance amounting to 63°) to gain their nocturnal position, as they are generally deflected beneath the horizon during the day. Even with the 11-days' old seedhng the movement did not depend exclusively on the pulvinus, for the blade where joined to the petiole was curved upwards, and this must be attributed to unequal growth. Therefore the periodic movements of the cotyledons of 0. corniculala depend on two distinct but conjoint actions, namely, the expansion of the cells of the pulvinus and on the growth of the upper part of the petiole, including the base of the blade. Lotus Jacohxus.—The seedlings of this plant present a case parallel to that of Oxalis corniculata in some respects, and in others unique, as far as we have seen. The cotyledons during the first 4 or 5 days of their life do not exhibit any plain nocturnal movement ; but afterwards they stand vertically or almost vertically up at night. There is, however, some degree of variability in this respect, apparently dependent on the season and on the degree to which they have been illuminated during 122 PULVINI OF COTYLEDONS. Chat. IL Hie day. With older seedlings, having cotyledons 4 mm. ip length, which rise considerably at night, there is a well -developed pulvinus close to the blade, colourless, and rather narrower than the rest of the petiole, from which it is abruptly separated. It is formed of a mass of small cells of an average length of -021 mm. ; whereas the cells in the lower part of the petiole are about '06 mm., and those in the blade from '034 to •04 mm. in length. The epidermic cells in the lower part of the petiole project conically, and thus differ in shape from those over the pulvinus. Turning now to very young seedlings, the cotyledons of which do not rise at night and are only from 2 to 2^ mm. in length, their petioles do not exhibit any defined zone of small cells, destitute of chlorophyll and differing in shape exteriorly from the lower ones. Nevertheless, the cells at the place where a pulvinus will afterwards be developed are smaller (being on an average 015 mm. in length) than those in the lower parts of the same petiole, which gradually become larger in proceeding downwards, the largest being -030 mm. in length. At this early age the cells of the blade are about "027 mm. in length. We thus see that the pulvinus is formed by the cells in the uppermost part of the petiole, continuing for only a short time to increase in length, then being arrested in their growth, accompanied by the loss of their chlorophyll grains ; whilst the cells in the lower part of the petiole continue for a long time to increase in length, those of the epidermis becoming more conical. The singular fact of the cotyledons of this plant not sleeping at first is therefore due to the pulvinus not being developed at an early age. We learn from these two cases of Lotus and Oxalis, that the development of a pulvinus follows from the growth of the cells over a small defined space of the petiole being almost arrested at an early age. With Lotus Jacdbieus the cells at first increase a little in length ; in Oxalis cornicidata they decrease a little, owing to seli-division. A mass of such small cells forming a pulvinus, might therefore be either acquired or lost without any special difficulty, by different species in the same natural genus : and we know that Chap. II. DISTURBED rEEIODlC MOVEMENTS. 123 with seedlings of Trifolium, Lotus, and Oxalis some of the species have a well-developed pulvinus, and others have none, or one in a rudimentary condition. As the movements caused by the alternate turgescence of the cells in the two halves of a pulvinus, must be largely determined by the extensibility and subsequent contraction of their walls, we can perhaps understand why a large number of small cells will be more efficient than a small number of large cells occupying the same space. As a pulvinus is formed by the arrestment of the growth of its cells, movements dependent on their action may be long-continued withou any increase in length of the part thus provided; and such long-continued movements seem to be one chief end gained by the development of a pulvinus. Long-continued movement would be impossible in any part, without an inordinate increase in its length, if the turgescence of the cells was always followed by growth. Disiurlanae ofthe Periodic Movements of Cotyledons hy Light.—The hypocotyls and cotyledons of most seedling plants are, as is well known, extremely heliotropic ; but cotyledons, besides being heliotropic, are affected paratonically (to use Sachs' expression) by light ; that is, their daily periodic movements are greatly and quickly disturbed by changes in its intensity or bv its absence. It is not that they cease to circumnutate in darkness, for in all the many cases observed by us they continued to do so ; but the normal order of their movements in relation to the alternations of day and night is much disturbed or quite annulled. This holds good with species the cotyledons of which rise or sink so much at night that they may be said to sleep, as well as with others which rise only a little. But different species are affected in very different degrees by changes in the light. 124 DISTURBED PERIODIC MOVEMENTS. Chap. II. For instance, the cotyledons of Beta vulgaris, Solanum. lyeopersicum, Cerinthe major, and Liipinus luteus, when placed in darkness, moTed down during the afternoon and early night, instead of rising as they would have done if they had been exposed tc the light. All the individuals of the Solanum did not behave in the same manner, for the cotyledons of one circumnutated about the same epot between 2.30 and 10 p.m. The cotyledons of a seedling of Vxalis corniculata, which was feebly illuminated from above, moved downwards during the first morning in the normal manner, but on the second morning it moved upwards. The cotyledons of l.otits Jacohceus were not affected by 4 h. of complete darkness, but when placed under a double skylight and thus feebly illuminated, they quite lost their periodical movements on the third morning. On the other hand, the cotyledons of Cucurlita ovifera moved in the normal manner during a whole day in darkness. Seedlings of Gilhago segetum were feebly illuminated from above in the morning before their cotyledons had expanded, and they remained closed for the next 40 h. Other seedlings were placed in the dark after their cotyledons had opened in the morning and these did not begin to close until about 4 h. had elapsed. The cotyledons of Oxalis rosea sank vertically downwards after being left for lb. 20m. in darkness; but those of some other species of Oxalis were not affected by several hours of darkness. The cotyledons of several species of Cassia are eminently susceptible to changes in the degree of light to which they are exposed : thus seedlings of an unnamed S. Brazilian species (a large and beautiful tree) were brought out of the hothouse and placed on a table in the middle of a room with two north-east and one north-west window, so that they were fairly well illuminated, though of course less so than in the hot-house, the day being -moderately bright; and after 36 m. the cotyledons which had been horizontal rose up vertically and closed together as when asleep ; after thus remaining on the table for 1 h. 13 m. they began to open. The cotyledons of young seedlings of another Brazilian species and of C. negleda, treated in the same manner, behaved similarly, excepting that they did not rise up quite so much : they again became horizontal after about an hour. Here is a more interesting case : seedlings of Cassia tora in two pots, which had stood for some time on the table in the room just described, had their cotyledons horizontal. One pot was now exposed for 2 h. to dull sunshine, and the cotyledons Ohap. 11. SENSITI'\ ENESS OF COTYLEDOXS. 125 remained horizontal ; it was then brought back to the table, and ftfter 50 m. the cotyledons had risen 68° above the horizon. The other pot was placed during the same 2 h. behind a screen in the room, where the light was Tery obscure, and the cotyledons rose 63° above the horizon ; the pot was then replaced on the table, and after 50 m. the cotyledons had fallen 33°. These two pots with seedlings of the same age stood close together, and were exposed to exactly the same amount of light, yet the cotyledons in the one pot were rising, whilst those in the other pot were at the same time sinking. This fact illustrates in a striking manner that their movements are not governed by the actual amount, but by a change in the intensity or degree of the light. A similar experiment was tried with two sets of seedlings, both exposed to a dull light, but different in degree, and the result was the same. The movements of the cotyledons of this Cassia are, however, determined (as in many other cases) largely by habit or inheritance, independently of light; for seedlings which had been moderately illuminated during the day, were kept all night and on the following morning in complete darkness ; yet the cotyledons were partially open in the morning and remained open in the dark for about 6 h. The cotyledons in another pot, similarly treated on another occasion, were open at 7 A.M. and remained open in the dark for 4 h. 30 m., after which time they began to close. Yet these same seedlings, when brought in the middle of the day from a moderately bright into only a moderately dull light raised, as we have seen, their cotyledons high above the horizon. Sensitiveness of Cotyledons to contact.—This subject does not possess much interest, as it is not known that sensitiveness of this kind is of any service to seedling plants. We have observed cases in only four genera, though we have vainly observed the cotyledons of many others. The genus Cassia seems to be pre-eminent in this respect : thus, the cotyledons of G. tora, when extended horizontally, were both lightly tapped with a very thin twig for 3 m., and iii the course of a few minutes they formed together an angle of 90°, so that each had risen 45°. A single cotyledon of another seedling was tapped in a like manner for 1 m., and it rose 27° in 9 m. ; and after eight additional minutes it had risen 10° more ; the opposite cotyledon, which was not tapped, hardly moved at all. The cotyledons in all these cases became horizontal again in less than half an hour. The pulvinus is the most nensitive part, for on sli'ghtly pricking three cotyledons with a J.26 COTYLEDONS SENSITIVE CuAP. IX pin in this part, they rose up vertically ; but the blade was found also to be sensitive, care having been taken that the piilvinus was not touched. Drops of water placed quietly on these cotyledons produced no effect, but an extremely fine stream of water, ejected from a syringe, caused them to move upwards. When a pot of seedUngs was rapidly hit with a stick and thus jarred, Uie cotyledons rose slightly. When a minute drop of nitric acid was placed on both pulvini of a seedling, the cotyledons rose so quickly that they could easily be seen to move, and almost immediately afterwards they began to fall; but the pulvini had been killed and became brown. The cotyledons of an unnamed species of Cassia (a large tree from S. Brazil) rose 31° in the course of 26 m. afler the pulvini and the blades had both been rubbed during 1 m. with a twig ; but when the blade alone was similarly rubbed the cotyledons rose only 8°. The remarkably long and narrow cotyledons, of a third unnamed species from S. Brazil, did not move when their blades were rubbed on six occasions with a pointed stick for 30 s. or for 1 m. ; but when the pulvinus was rubbed and slightly pricked with a pin, the cotyledons rose in the course of a few minutes through an angle of 60°. Several cotyledons of O. neghcta (likewise from S. Brazil) rose in from 5 m. to 15 m. to various angles between 16° and 34°, after being rubbed during 1 m. with a twig. Their sensitiveness is retained to a somewhat advanced age, for the cotyledons of a little plant of C. iieglecta, 34 days old and bearing three true leaves, rose when lightly pinched between the finger and thumb. Some seedlings were exposed for 30 m. to a wind (temp. 50° P.) sufiSciently strong to keep the cotyledons vibrating, but this to our surprise did not cause any movement. The cotyledons of four seedlings of the Indian 0. i/lauca wore either rubbed with a thin twig for 2 m. or were lightly pinched : one rose 34° ; a second only 6° ; a third 13°; and a fourth 17°. A cotyledon of C. florida similarly treated rose 9° ; one of C. corymhosa rose 11°, and one of the very distinct C. mimosoides only 6°. Those of C. pubescens did not appear to be in the least sensitive ; nor were those of C. nodosa, but these latter are rather thick and fleshy, and do not rise at night or go to sleep. Smithia sensitiua. —This plant belongs to a distinct sub-order of the LeguminoPSB from Cassia. Both cotyledons of an oldish seedling, with the first true leaf partially unfolded, were rubbed for 1 m. with a fine twig, and in 5 m. each rose 32°; thoj UiiAp. II. TO CONTACT. 127 remained in this position for 15 m., but when looked at again 40in. after the rubbing, each had fallen 14°. Both cotyledons of another and younger seedling were lightly rubbed in the same manner for 1 m., and after an interval of 32 m. each had risen 30°. They were hardly at all sensitive to a fine jet of water. The cotyledons of side of the tender apex may sometimes mechanically prevent its growth ; or the application of thick gumwater more than once to the same side may injure it ; and then checked growth on tliis side with continued growth on the opposite and unaffected side would account for the reversed curvature of the apex. Various trials were made for ascertaining, as far as we could, the nature and degree of irritation to which the apex must be subjected, in order that the terminal growing part should bend a^^'ay, as if to avoid the cause of irritation. \\^g have seen in the numbered experiments, that a little square of I'ather thick letter-paper gummed to the apex induced, though slowly, considerable deflection. Judging from several cases in which various objects had been afHxed with gum, and had soon become separated from the apex by a layer of fluid, as well as from some trials in whicli drops of thick gum-water alone had been applied, this fluid never causes bending. We have also seen in the numbered ex])eriments that narrow splinters of quill and of very thin glass, affixed with shellac, caused only a slight degree of deflection, and this may perhaps have been due to the shellac itself. Little squares of goldbeaters' skin, which is excessively thin, were damped, and thus made to adhere to one side of the tips of two radicles ; one of these, after 24 h., produced no effect ; nor did tho 'JiiAi". III. OF THE KADICLE OF THE BEAN. 147 other in 8 h., within which time squares of card usually act ; but after 24 h. there was slight deflection. An oval bead, or rather cake, of dried shellac, 1 01 mm. in length and " 63 in breadth, caused a radicle to become deflected at nearly right angles in the course of only 6 h. ; but after 23 h. it had nearly straightened itself. A very small quantity of dissolved shellac was spread over a bit of card, and the tips of 9 radicles were touched laterally with it ; only two of them became slightly deflected to the side opposite to that bearing the speck of dried shellac, and they afterwards straightened themselves. These specks weie removed, and both together weighed less than Y^oth of a grain; so that a weight of rather less than 2o^tli ot ^ grain (0 • 32 mgs.) sufficed to excite movement in t\\o out of the nine radicles. Here then we have apparently reached nearly the minimum weight which will act. A moderately thick bristle (which on measurement was found rather flattened, being 0'33 mm. in one diameter, and 0'20 mm. in the other) ^as cut into lengths of about ^^^^ ^^ ^^ inch. These after bei]ig touched with thick gum-water, were placed on the tip of eleven radicles. Tliree of them were affected ; one being deflected in 8 li. 15 m. to an angle of about 90° from the perpendiculiir : a second to the same amount when looked at after 9 h. ; but after 24 h. from the time of first attachment the deflection had decreased to only 19^ ; the third was only slightly deflected after 9 h., and the bit of bristle was then found not touching the apex ; it was replaced, and after 15 additional hours the deflection amounted to 26° from the perpendicular. Tlie remaining eight radicles were not at all acted on by the bits of bristle, so that ' wo here appear to liave nearly reached the minimum 148 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. 111. of size of an object whicli will act on the radicle of the bean. But it is remarkable that when the bits of bristle did act, that they should have acted so quickly and efficiently. As the apex of a radicle in penetrating the ground must be pressed on all sides, we wished to learn whether it could distinguish between harder or more resisting, and softer substances. A square of the sanded paper, almost as stiff as card, and a square of extremely thin paper (too thin for writing on), of exactly the same size (about ^-th of an inch), were fixed Avitli shellac on opposite sides of the apices of 12 suspended radicles. The sanded card was between 0'15 and • 20 mm. (or between • 0059 and • 0079 of an inch), and the thin paper only 0"045 mm. (or 0' 00176 of an inch) in thickness. In 8 out of the 12 cases tlicre could be no doubt that the radicle was deflected from the side to wliich the card-like paper was attached, and towards the opposite side, bearing the very thin paper. This occurred in some instances in 9 h., but in others not until 24 h. had elapsed. Moreover, some of the four failures can hardly be considered as really failures : thus, in one of them, in which the radicle remained quite straight, the square of thin pajjer was found, wiien both were removed from the apex, to have been so thickly coated with shellac that it was almost as stiff as the card : in the second case, the radicle was bent upwards into a semicircle, but the deflection was not directly from the side bearing the card, and this was explained by the two squares having become cemenled laterally together, forming a sort of stiff gable, from which the radicle was deflected : in the third case, the square of card had been fixed by mistake in front, and though there was deflection from it, this might have been due to Sachs' curvature , Uhap. III. OF THE RADICLE OF THE BEAN. 149 in the fourth case alone no reason could be assigned why the radicle had not been at all deflected. These experiments suffice to prove that the apex of the radicle possesses the extraordinary power of discriminating between thin card and very thin paper, and is deflected from the side pressed by the more resisting or harder substance. Some trials were next made by irritating the tips without any object being left in contact with them. Nine radicles, suspended over water, had their ti23s rubbed, each six times with a needle, with sufficient force to shake the whole bean ; the temperature was favourable, viz. about 63^ F. In 7 out of these cases no effect whatever was produced ; ^ in the eighth case the radicle became slightly deflected from, and in the ninth case slightly deflected towards, the rubbed side : but these two latter opposed curvatures were probably accidental, as radicles do not always grow perfectly straight downwards. The tips of two other radicles were rubbed in the same manner for 15 seconds with a little round twig, two others for 30 seconds, and two others for 1 minute, but without any effect being produced. We may therefoi'e conclude from these 15 trials that the radicles are not sensitive to temporary contact, but are acted on only by prolonged, though very slight, pressure. We then tried the effects of cutting off a very thin slice parallel to one of the sloping sides of the apex, as we thought that the wound would cause prolonged irritation, which might induce bending towards the opposite side, as in- the case of an attached object. Two preliminary trials were made : firstly, slices were cut from the radicles of 6 beans suspended in damp air, with a pair of scissors, which, though sharp, probably caused considerable crushing, and no curva- 150 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap IH. tnre followed. Secondly, thin slices were cut with a razor obliquely off the tips of three radicles similarly suspended ; and after 44 h. two were found plainly bent from the sliced surface ; and the third, the whole apex of which had been cut off obliquely by accident, was curled upwards over the bean, but it was not clearly ascertained whether the curvature had been at first directed from the cut surface. These results led us to pursue the experiment, and 18 radicles, which had grown vertically downwards in damp air, had one side of their conical tips sliced off with a razor. The tips were allowed just to enter the water in the jars, and they were exposed to a temperature 14°-16° C. (57^-61° F.). The observations were made at different times. Three were examined 12 h. after being sliced, and were all slightly curved from the cut surface; and the curvature increased considerably after an additional 12 h. Eight were examined after 19 h. : four after 22 h. 30 m. ; and three after 25 h. The final result was that out of the 18 radicles thus tried, 1.3 were plainly bent from the cut surface after the above intervals of time ; and one other became so after an additional interval of 13 h. 30 m. So that only 4 out of the 18 radicles were not acted on. Tc^ these 18 cases the 3 previously mentioned ones should be added. It may, therefore, be concluded that a thin slice removed by a razor fi'om one side of the conical apex of the radicle causes irritation, like that from an attached object, and induces curvature from the injured surface. Lastly, dry caustic (nitrate of silver) was employed to irritate one side of the apex. If one side of the apex or of the whole terminal growing part of a radicle, is by any means killed or badly injured, tlie other side continues to grow; and this causes the pait Chap. III. OF THE RADICLE OF THE BEAN. 151 to bend over towards the injured side.* But i: the following experiments we endeavoured, generally with success, to irritate the tips on one side, without ladly injuring them. This was effected by first drying the tip as far as possible with blotting-paper, though it still remained somewhat damp, and then touching it once with quite dry caustic. Seventeen radicles were thus treated, and were suspended in moist air over water at a temperature of 58' F. They were examined after an interval of 21 h. or 24 h. The tips of two were found blackened equally all round, so that they could tell nothing and were rejected, 15 being left. Of these, 10 were curved from the side which had been touched, where there was a minute brown or blackish mark. Five of these radicles, three of which were already slightly deflected, were allowed to enter the water in tlie jar, and were re-examined after an additional interval of 27 h. (i.e. in 48 h. after the application of the caustic), and now four of them had become hooked, being bent from the discoloured side with their points directed to the zenith ; the fifth remained unaffected and straight. Thus 11 radicles out of the 15 were acted on. 13ut the curvature of the four just described was so plain, that they alone would have sufficed to show that tlie radicles of the bean bend away from that side of the apex which has been slightly irritated by caustic. Tlie power of an Irritant on the apex of the Radicle * Ciesielski found (his tn be the pended over water, with a thick case (' Unterauchungen uher die laj-er of grease, which is very Abwartskriimmung der Wurzel.' injurious or even fatal to grow- 1S71, p. 28) after burning with ing parts; for after 48 liouis rieated platiuum one side of a five of these radicles were curved radicle. So did wo when we towards the gieaied side, twc painted lonpitudiiiallj' half of the remaining straight. A-hole length of 7 r.idicles, sus- 11 152 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. Ill of the Bean, compared with that of Oeotropism.—We know that when a little square of card or other object is fixed to one side of the tip of a vertically dependent radicle, the growing part bends from it often into a semicircle, in opposition to geotropism. which force is conquered by the effect of the irritation from the attached object. Radicles were, therefore extended horizontally in damp air, kept at the proper low temperature for full sensitiveness, and squares of card were affixed with shellac on the Imver sides of their tips, so that if the squares acted, the terminal growing part would curve upwards. Firstly, eight beans were so placed that their short, young, horizontally extended radicles would be simultaneously acted on both by geotropism and by Sachs' curvature, if the latter came into play ; and they all eight became bowed downwards to the centre of the earth in 20 h., excepting one which was only slightly acted on. Two of them were a little bowed downwards in only 5 h. ! Therefore the cards, affixed to the lower sides of their tips, seemed to produce no effect ; and geotropism easily conquered the effects of the irritation thus caused. Secondly, 5 oldish radicles, 1'^ inch in length, and therefore less sensitive than the abovementioned young ones, were similarly placed and similarly treated. From what has been seen on many other occasions, it may be safely inferred that if they had been suspended vertically they would have bent away from the cards ; and if they had been extended horizontally, without cards attached to them, they would have quickly bent vertically downwards through geotropism; but the result was that two of these radicles were still horizontal after 23 h. ; two were curved only slightly, and the fifth as much as 40° beneath the horizon. Thirdly, 5 beans were fastened Chap. HI. OF THE EADICLE OV THE BEAN. 153 with their flat surfaces parallel to the cork-lid, so that Sachs' curvature would not tend to make the horizoiitally extended radicles turn either upwards or downwards, and little squares of card were afExed as before, to the lower sides of their tips. The result was that all five radicles were bent down, or towards the centre of the earth, after only 8 h. 20 ni. At the same time and within the same jars, 3 radicles of the same age, with squares afSxed to one side, were suspended vertically ; and after 8 h. 20 m. they were considerably deflected from the cards, and therefore curved upwards in opposition to geotropism. In these latter cases the irritation from the squares had overpowered geotropism ; whilst in the former cases, in which the radicles were extended horizontally, geotropism had overpowered the irritation Thus within the same jars, some of the radicles were curving upwards and others downwards at the same time — these opposite movements depending on whether the radicles, when the squares ^ere first attached to them, projected vertically down, or were extended horizontally. This difference in tlieir behaviour seems at first inexplicable, but can, wc believe, be simply explained l)y the difference between the initial power of the two forces under the above circumstances, combined with the well-known principle of the after-effects of a stimulus. When a young and sensitive radicle is extended horizontally, with a square attached to the lower side of the tip, geotropism acts on it at riglit angles, and, as we have seen, is then evidently more efficient than the irritation from the square ; and the power of geotropism will be strengthened at each successive period by its previous action—that is, by its after-effects. On the other hand, when a square is affixed to a vertically dependert radicle, and the apex begins to /.>1 SENSITIVENESS OF THE KADICLE. Chap. Ill curve upwards, this movement will be opposed by geotropism acting only at a very oblique angle, and the irritation from the card will be strengthened by its previous action. We may therefore conclude that the initial power of an irritant on the apex of the radicle of the bean, is less than that of geotropism when acting at right angles, but greater than tliat of geotropism when acting obliquely on it. Sensitiveness of the tips of the Secondary Radicles of the Bean to contact.—^All the previous observations relate to the main or primary radicle. Some beans suspended to cork-lids, with their radicles dipping into water, had developed secondary or lateral radicles, which were afterwards kept in very damp air, at the proper low temperature for full sensitiveness. They projected, as usual, almost horizontally, with only a slight downward curvature, and retained this position during several days. Sachs has shown* that these secondary roots are acted on in a peculiar manner by geotropism, so that if displaced they reassume their former sub-horizontal position, and do not bend vertically downwards like the primary radicle. Minute squares of the stiff sanded paper were affixed bv means of shellac (but in some instances with thick gum-water) to the tips of 39 secondary radicles of •different ages, generally the uppermost ones. Most of the squares were fixed to the lower sides of the apex, so that if they acted the radicle would bend upwards ; but some were fixed laterally, and a few on the upper side. Owing to the extreme tenuity of these radicles, it was very difficult to attach the square to the actual apex. Whether owing to this or some other circumstance, only nine of the squares induced an;y 'Arbeiten Eot. Inst., Wiirzburg,' Heft iv. 1S74, p. 605-617. Chap. Ill SENSITIVENESS OF THE EADICLK 155 curvature. The curvature amounted in some cases to about 45° above the horizon, in others to 90°, and then the tip pointed to the zenith. In one instance a distinct upward curvature was observed in 8 h. 15 m., but usually not until 24 h. had elapsed. Although only 9 out of 39 radicles were affected, yet the curvature was so distinct in several of them, that there could be no doubt that the tip is sensitive to slight contact, and that the growing part bends away from the touching object. It is possible that some secondary radicles are more sensitive than others ; for Sachs has proved * the interesting fact that each individual secondary radicle possesses its own peculiar constitution. Sensitiveness to contact of the Primary Radicle, a little above the afex, in the Bean ( Vioia faba) and Pea {Pisuni sativum).—The sensitiveness of the apex of the radicle in the previously described cases, and the consequent curvature of the upper part from the touching object or other source of irritation, is the more remarkable, because Sachs j has shown that pressure at the distance of a few millimeters above the apex causes the radicle to bend, like a tendril, towards the touching object. By fixing pins so that they pressed against the radicles of beans suspended vertically in damp air, we saw this kind of curvature ; but rubbing the part with a twig or needle for a few minutes produced no effect. Haberlandt remarks,^ that these radicles in breaking through the seed-coats often rub and press against the ruptured edges, and consequently bend round them.- As little squares of the card-like paper affixed with shellac to the tips were highly efficient in causing the radicles to bend away from them, similar pieces (of about -j^th * ' Arbeilen Bnt. Instit., Wiirz- J ' Die Solmtzeinriohtungen dei lurg,' Heft. iv. 1874, p. 620. Keimpflanze,' 1877, p. 25. t Ibid. Heft iii. 1873, p. 437. 156 SEXSITIVENESS OF THE Chap. XU inch square, or rather less) were attached in the same manner to one side of the radicle at a distance of 3 or 4 mm. above the apex. In our first trial on 15 radicles no effect was produced. In a second trial on the same number, three became abruptly curved (but only one strongly) towards the card within 24 h. From these cases we may infer that the pressure from a bit of card affixed with shellac to one side above the apex, is hardly a sufficient irritant ; but that it occasionally causes the radicle to bend like a tendril towards this side. We next tried the effect of rubbing several radicles at a distance of 4 mm. from the apex for a few seconds with lunar caustic (nitrate of silver) ; and although the radicles had been wiped dry and the stick of caustic was dry, yet the part rubbed was much injured and a slight permanent depression was left. In such cases the opposite side continues to grow, and the radicle necessarily becomes bent towards the injured side. But when a point 4 mm. from tiie apex was momentarily touched with dry caustic, it was only faintly discoloured, and no permanent injury was caused. This was shown by several radicles thus treated straightening themselves after one or two days ; yet at first they became curved towards the touched side, as if they had been there subjected to slight continued pressure. These cases deserve notice, because when one side of the apex was just touched with caustic, the radicle, as we have seen, curved itself in an opposite direction, that is, away from the touched side. The radicle of the common pea at a point a little above the apex is rather more sensitive to continued pressure than that of the bean, and bends towards the pressed side.* We experimented on a variety (YorkSachs, ' A beilen Bot. Institut., WurKbui-K,' Heft iii. p. 438. CHir. III. UPPER PAKT OF THE liADICLE. 15? shire Hero) which has a much wrinkled tongh skiii, too large for the included cotyledons ; so that out of 30 peas which had been soaked for 24 h. and allowed to germinate on damp sa,nd, the radicles of three were unable to escape, and were crumpled up in a strange manner within the skin ; four other radicles were abruptly bent round the edges of the ruptured skin against which they had pressed. Such abnormalities would probably never, or very rarely, occur with forms developed in a state of nature and subjected to natural selection. One of the fovir radicles just mentioned in doubling backwards came into contact with the pin by which the pea was fixed to the cork-lid ; and now it bent at right angles round the pin, in a direction quite different from that of the first curvature due to contact with the ruptured skin ; and it thus afforded a good illustration of the tendril-like sensitiveness of the radicle a little above the apex. Little squares of the card-like paper were next affixed to radicles of the pea at 4 mm. above the apex, in the same manner as with the bean. Twenty-eight radicles suspended vertically over water were thus treated on different occasions, and 13 of them became curved towards the cards. The greatest degree of curvature amounted to 62° from the perpendicular ; but so large an angle was only once formed. On one occasion a slight curvature was perceptible after 5 h. 45 m., and it was generally well-marked after 14 h. There can therefore be no doubt that with the pea, irritation from a bit of card attached to one side of the radicle above the apex suffices to induce curvature. Squares of card were attached to one side of the tips of 11 radicles within the same jars in which the above trials were made, and five of them became plainly, and one slightly, curved away from this side. Other 158 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. Ill analogous cases will be immediately described. The fact is here mentioned because it was a striking spectacle, showing the difference in the sensitiveness of the radicle in different parts, to behold in the same jar one set of radicles curved away from the squares on their tips, and another set curved towards the squares attached a little higher up. Moreover, the kind of curvature in the two cases is different. The squares attached above the apex cause the radicle to bend abruptly, the part above and beneath remaining nearly straight ; so that here there is little or no transmitted effect. On the other hand, the squares attached to the apex affect the radicle for a length of from about 4 to even 8 mm., inducing in most cases a symmetrical curvature ; so that here some influence is transmitted from the apex for this distance along the radicle. Pisum sativum (var. Yorkshire Hero) : Sensitiveness of the apex of the Radicle. —Little squares of the same cardlike paper were affixed (April 24th) with shellac to one side of the apex of 10 vertically suspended radicles : the temperature of the water in the bottom of the jars was 60°-61° F. Most of these radicles were acted on in 8 h. 30 m. ; and eight of them became in the course of 24 h. conspicuously, and the remaining two slightly, deflected from the perpendicular and from the side bearing the attached squares. Thus all were acted on ; but it will suffice to describe two conspicuous cases. In one the terminal portion of the radicle was bent at right angles (A, Fig. 66) after 24 h. ; and in the other (B) it had by this time become hooked, with the apex pointing to the zenith. The two bits of card here used were '07 inch in length and -04 inch in breadth. Two other radicles, which after 8 h. 30 m. were moderately deflected, became straight again after 24 h. Anothoi Chap. UI. OF THE RADICLE OF THE PEA. 169 trial was made in the same manner with 15 radicles ; but from circumstances, not worth explaining, they were only once and briefly examined after the short Fig. 66. B. Pisuin sativum : deflection produced withia 24 hours in the growth of vertically dependent radicles, by little squares of card aflixed with shellac to one side of apex : A, bent at right angles ; B, hooked. interval of 5 h. 30 m. ; and we merely record in our notes " almost all bent slightly from the perpendicular, and away from the squares ; the deflection amounting in one or two instances to nearly a rectangle." These two sets of cases, especially the first one, prove that the apex of the radicle is sensitive to slight contact and that the upper part bends from the touching object. Nevertheless, on June 1st and 4th, 8 other radicles were tried in the same manner at a temperature of 58°-60° F., and after 24 h. only 1 was decidedly bent from the card, 4 slightly, 2 doubtfully, and 1 not ill the least. The amount of curvature was unaccountably small ; but all the radicles which were at all bent, were bent away from the cards. We now tried the eii'ects of widely different temperatures on the sensitiveness of these radicles with squares 160 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chat. Ill of card attached to their tips. Firstly, 13 peas, most of them having very short and young radicles, were placed in an ice-box, in which the temperature rose during three days from 44° to 47° P. They grew slowly, but 10 out of the 13 became in the course of the three (lays very slightly curved from the squares; the other 8 were not affected ; so that this temperature was too low for any high degree of sensitiveness or for much movement. Jars with 13 other radicles were next placed on a chimney-piece, where they were subjected to a temperature of between 68° and 72° F., and after 24 h., 4 were conspicuously curved from the cards, 2 slightly, and 7 not at all ; so that this temperature was rather too high. Lastly, 12 radicles were subjected to a temperature varying between 72° and 85° F., and none of them were in the least affected by the squares. The above several trials, especially the first recorded one, indicate that the most favourable temperature for the sensitiveness of the radicle of the pea is about 60° F. The tips of 6 vertically dependent radicles were touched once with dry caustic, in the manner described under Yicia faha. After 24 h. four of them were bent from the side bearing a minute black mark ; and the curvature increased in one case after 38 h., and in another case after 48 h., until the terminal part projected almost horizontally. The two remaining radicles were not affected. With radicles of the bean, when^ extended horizontally in damp air, geotropism always conquered the effects of the irritation caused by squares of card attached to the lower sides of their tips. A similar experiment was tried on 13 radicles of the pea ; the squares being attached ^ith shellac, and the temperature between 58°~60° F. The result was somewhat different ; for Cu-iP. 111. OP THE RADICLE OF THE PEA. 161 these radicles are either less strongly acted oa by • geotropism, or, what is more probable, are morfe sensitive to contact. After a time geotropism always prevailed, but its action was often delayed ; and in three instances there was a most curious struggle between geotropism and the irritation caused by the cards. Four of the 13 radicles were a little curved downwards within 6 or 8 h., always reckoning from the time when the squares were first attached, and after 23 h. three of them pointed vertically downwards, and the fourth at an angle of 45° beneath the horizon. Tliese four radicles therefore did not seem Fig. 67. A. Pisum sativum: a radicle extended liorizontally in damp air witli a little square of card affixed to tlie lower side of its tip, causing it to bend upwards in opposition to geotropism. The deflection of tlie radicle after 21 hours is shown at A, and of the same radicle after 45 hours at B, now forming a loop. to have been at all affected by the attached squares. Four others were not acted on by geotropism within the first 6 or 8 h., but after 23 h. were much bowed down. Two others remained almost horizontal for 23 h., but afterwards were acted on. So that in these latter six cases the action of geotropism was much delayed. The eleventh radicle was slightly curved down after 8 h., but when looked at again after 23 h. the terminal portion was curved upwards; if it had Ui2 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. III. been longer observed, the tip no doubt would have been found again curved down, and it would have formed a loop as in the following case. The twelfth radicle after 6 h. was slightly curved downwards ; but when looked at again after 21 h., this curvature had disappeared and the apex pointed upwards ; after 30 h. the Tadicle formed a hook, as shown at A (Fig. 67) ; which hook after 45 h. was converted into a loop (B). The thirteenth radicle after 6 h. was slightly curved downwards, but within 21 h. had curved considerably up, and then down again at an angle of 45° beneath the horizon, afterwards becoming jjerpendicular. In these three last cases geotropism and the irritation caused by the attached squares alternately prevailed in a highly remarkable manner; geotropism being ultimately victorious. Similar experiments were not always quite so successful as in the above cases. Thus 6 radicles, horizontally extended with attached squares, were tried on June 8th at a proper temperature, and after 7 h. 30 m. none were in the least curved upwards and none were distinctly geotropic ; whereas of 6 radicles without any attached squares, which served as standards of comparison or controls, 3 became slightly and 3- almost rectangularly geotropic within the 7 h. 30 m. ; but after 23 h. the two lots were equally geotropic. On July 10th another trial was made with 6 horizontally extended radicles, with squares attached in the same manner beneath their tips ; and after 7 h. 30 m., 4 were slightly geotropic, 1 remained horizontal, and 1 was curved upwards in opposition to gravity or geotropism. This latter radicle after 48 h. formed a loop, like that at B (Fig. 67). An analogous trial was now made, but instead of attaching squares of card to the lower sides of the Chap. lU. OF THE EADICLE OF PHASEOLUS. 163 tips, tliese were touched with dry caustic. The, det.ails of the experiment will be given in the chapter on Geotropism, and it will suffice here to say that 10 peas, with radicles extended horizontally and not cauterised, were laid on and under damp friable peat ; these, which served as standards or controls, as well as 10 others which had been touched on the upper side with the caustic, all became strongly geotropic in 24 h. Nine radicles, similarly placed, had their tips touched on the lower side with the caustic ; and after 24 h., 3 were slightly geotropic, 2 remained horizontal, and 4 were bowed upwards in opposition to gravity and to geotropism. This upward curvature was distinctly visible in 8 h. 45 m. after the lower sides of the tips had been cauterised. Little squares of card were affixed with shellac on two occasions to the tips of 22 young and short secondarij radicles, which had been emitted from the primary radicle whilst growing in water, but were now suspended in damp air. Besides tlie difficulty ol' attaching the squares to such finely pointed objects as were these radicles, the temperature was too high, —varying on the first occasion from 72° to 77° F., and on the second being almost steadily 78° F. ; and this probably lessened the sensitiveness of the tips. The result was that after an interval of 8 h. 30 m,, 6 of the 22 radicles were bowed upwards (one of them greatly) in opposition to gravity, and 2 laterally ; the remaining 14 were not affected. Considering the unfavourable circumstances, and bearing in mind the case of the bean, the evidence appears sufficient to show that the tips of the secondary radicles of the pea are sensitive to slight contact. PJiaseolus multiflorus : Sensitiveness of the apex of the Radicle.—Fifty-nine radicles were tried with squares 161 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Cuap. Ill Df various sizes of the same card-like paper, also witL bits of thin glass and rough cinders, affixed with shellac to one side of the apex. Eather large drops of the dissolved shellac were also placed on them and allowed to set into hard beads. The specimens were subjected to various temperatures between 60° and 72° F., more commonly at about the latter. But out of this considerable number of trials only 5 radicles were, plainly bent, and 8 others slightly or even doubtfully, from the attached objects ; the remaining 46 not being at all affected. It is therefore clear that the tips of the radicles of this Phaseolus are much less sensitive to contact than are those of the bean or pea. We thought that they might be sensitive to harder pressure, but after several trials we could not devise any method for pressing harder on one side of the apex than on the other, without at the same time offering mechanical resistance to its growth. AVe therefore tried other irritants. The tips of 13 radicles, dried with blotting-paper, were thrice touched or just rubbed on one side with dry nitrate of silver. They were rubbed thrice, because we supposed from the foregoing trials, that the tips were not highly sensitive. After 24 h. the tips were found greatly blackened ; 6 were blackened equally all round, so that no curvature to any one side could be expected ; 6 were much blackened on one side for a length of about -'pth of an inch, and tliis length became curved at right angles towards the blackened surface, the curvature afterwards increasing in several instances until little hooks were formed. 1 1 was manifest that the blackened side was so much injured that it could not grow, whilst the opposite side continued to grow. One alone out of these 13 radicles became curved from the blackened side, the Chap. III. OF THE RADICLE OF 1>HASE0LUS. lfi£ curvature extending for some little distance above the apex. After the experience thus gained, the tips of six almost dry radicles were once touched with the dry caustic on one side ; and after an interval of 10 in. were allowed to enter water, which was kept at a temperature of 65°-67° F. The result was that after an interval of 8 h. a minute blackish speck could just be distinguished on one side of the apex of five of these radicles, all of which became curved towards the opposite side—in two cases at about an angle of 45°—in two other cases at nearly a rectangle—and in the fifth case at above a rectangle, so that the apex • was a little hooked ; in this latter case the black mark was rather larger than in the others. After 24 h. from the application of the caustic, the curvature of tiiree of these radicles (including the hooked one) had diminished ; in the fourth it remained the same, and in the fifth it had increased, the tip being now hooked. It has been said that after 8 h. black specks could be seen on one side of the apex of five of the six radicles ; on the sixth the speck, which was extremely minute, was on the actual apex and therefore central ; and this radicle alone did not become curved. It was therefore again touched on one side with caustic, and after 15 h. 30 m. was found curved from the perpendicular and from the blackened side at an angle of 34°, ^vhich increased in nine additional hours to 54°. It is therefore certain that the apex of the radicle of this Phaseolus is extremely sensitive to caustic, move so than that of the bean, though the latter is far more sensitive to pressure. In the experiments just given, the curvature from the slightly cauterised side of the tip, extended along the radicle for a length of nearly 10 mm. ; whereas in the first se1 166 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. Ill of experiments, when the tips of several were greatly blackeaed and injured on one side, so that their growth was arrested, a length of less than 3 mm. became curved towards the much blackened side, owing to the continued growth of the opposite side. This differeiKie in the results is interesting, for it shows that too strong an irritant does not induce any transmitted effect, and does not cause the adjoining, upper and growing part of the radicle to bend. We have analogous cases with Drosera, for a strong solution of carbonate of ammonia when absorbed by the glands, or too great heat suddenly applied to them, or crushing them, does not cause the basal part of the tentacles to bend, whilst a weak solution of the carbonate, or a moderate heat, or slight pressure always induces such bending. Similar results were observed with Dionasa and Pinguicula. The effect of cutting off with a razor a thin slice from one side of the conical apex of 14 young and short radicles was next tried. Six of them after being operated on were suspended in damp air ; the tips of the other eight, similarly suspended, were allowed to enter water at a temperature of about 65° F. It- was recorded in each case which side of the apex had been sliced off, and when they were afterwards examined the direction of the curvature was noted, before the record was consulted. Of the six radicles in damf air, three had their tips curved after an interval of 10 h. 15 m. directly away from the sliced surface, whilst the other three were not affected and remained straight; nevertheless, one of them after 13 additional hours became slightly curved from the sliced surface. Of the eight radicles with their tips immersed in water, seven were plainly curved av.ay from the sliced surfaces after 10 h. 15 m. ; and with CuAP.m. OF THE RADICLE OF TROP^OLUIU. 167 respect to the eighth which remained quite straight, too thick a slice had been accidentally removed, so that it hardly formed a real exception to the general result. When the seven radicles were looked at again, after an interval of 23 h. from the time of slicing, two had become distorted ; four were deflected at an angle of about 70° from the perpendicular and from the cut surface ; and one was deflected at nearly 90°, so that it projected almost horizontally, but with the extreme tip now beginning to bend downwards through the action of geotropism. It is therefore manifest that a thin slice cut off one side of the conical apex, causes the upper growing part of the radicle of this Phaseolus to bend, through the transmitted effects of the irritation, away from the sliced surface. Tro'peeolum majus: Sensitiveness of the apex of the Radicle to contact. —Little squares of card were attached with shellac to one side of the tips of 19 radicles, some of which were subjected to 78^ F., and others to a much lower temperature. Only 3 became plainly curved from the squares, 5 slightly, 4 doubtfully, and 7 not at all. These seeds were, as we believed, old, so we procured a fresh lot, and now the results were widely different. Twenty-three were tried in the same manner ; five of the squares produced no effect, but three of these cases were no real exceptions, for in two of them the squares had slipped and were parallel to the apex, and in the third the shellac was in excess and had spread equally all round the apex. One radicle was deflected only slightly from the perpendicular and from the card ; whilst seventeen were plainly deflected. The angles in several of these latter cases varied between 40° and 65° from the perpendicular ; and in two of them it amounted after 15 h. or 16 h. to about 90°. In one instance a loop 12 168 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Ohap. Ill was nearly completed in 16 h. There can, therefore, be no doubt that the apex is sensitive to slight contact, and that the upper part of the radicle bends away from the touching object. Gossypium herhaceum : SensUiveness of the apex of the J?a(^4cZe.—Radicles were experimented on in the same manner as before, but they proved ill-fitted for our purpose, as they soon became unhealthy when suspended in damp air. Of 38 radicles thus suspended, at temperatures varying from 66° to 69° F., with squares of card attached to their tips, 9 were plainly and 7 slightly or even doubtfully deflected from the squares and from the perpendicular ; 22 not being affected. We thought that perhaps the above temperature was not high enough, so 19 radicles with attached squares, likewise suspended in damp air, were subjected to a temperature of from 74° to 79° F., but not one of them was acted on, and they soon became unhealthy. Lastly, 19 radicles were suspended in water at a temperature from 70° to 75° F., with bits of glass or squares of the card attached to their tips by means of Canada-balsam or asphalte, which adhered rather better than shellac beneath the water. The radicles did not keep healthy for long. The result was that 6 were plainly and 2 doubtfully deflected from the attached objects and the perpendicular; 11 not being affected. The evidence consequently is hardly conclusive, though from the two sets of cases tried under a moderate temperature, it is probable that the radicles are sensitive to contact ; and would be more so under favourable conditions. Fifteen radicles which had germinated in friable peat were suspended vertically over water. Seven of them served as controls, and they remaiiied quite straight during 24 h. The tips of the other eight radicles Ojiap. III. OF THE RADICLE OF CUCURBITA. 169 were just touched with dry caustic on one side. Aftei only 5 h. 10 m. five of them were slightly curved from the perpendicular and from the side bearing the little blackish marks. After 8 h. 40 m., 4 oat ol these 5 were deflected at angles between 15° and 65° from the perpendicular. On the other hand, one which had been slightly curved after 5 h. 10 m., now became straight. After 24 h. the curvature in two. cases had considerably increased ; also in four other cases, but these latter radicles had now become so contorted, some being turned upwards, that it could no longer be ascertained whether they were still curved from the cauterised side. The control specimens exhibited no such irregular growth, and the two sets presented a striking contrast. Out of the 8 radicles which had been touched with caustic, two alone were not affected, and the marks left on their tips by the caustic were extremely minute. These marks in all cases were oval or elongated ; they were measured in three instances, and found to be of nearly the same size, viz. f of a mm. in length. Bearing this fact in mind, it should be observed that the length of the curved part of the radicle, which had become deflected from the cauterised side in the course of 8 h. 40 m., was found to be in three cases 6, 7, and 9 mm. Cucurbita ovifera : Sensitiveness of the a^ex of the Badicle.—The tips proved ill-fitted for the attachment of cards, as they are extremely fine and flexible. Moreover, owing to the hypocotyls being soon developed and becoming arched, the whole radicle is quickly displaced and confusion is thus caused. A large number of trials were made, but without any definite result, excepting on two occasions, when out of 23 radicles 10 were deflected from the attached squares 170 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX CiiAr. Ul of card, and 13 were not acted on. Kather large squares, though difficult to affix, seemed more efficient than very small ones. We were much more successful with caustic ; but in our first trial, 15 radicles were too much cauterised, and only two became curved from the blackened side ; the others being either killed on one side, or blackened equally all round. In our next trial the dried tips of 11 radicles were touched momentarily with dry caustic, and after a few minutes were immersed in water. The elongated marks thus caused were never black, only brown, and about ^ mm. in length, or even less. In 4 h. 30 m. after the cauterisation, 6 of them were plainly curved from the side with the brown mark, 4 slightly, and 1 not at all. The latter proved unhealthy, and never grew ; and the marks on 2 of the 4 slightly curved radicles were excessively minute, one being distinguishable only with the aid of a lens. Of 10 control specimens tried in the same jars at the same time, not one was in the least curved. In 8 h. 40 m. after the cauterisation, 5 of the radicles out of the 10 (the one unhealthy one being omitted) were deflected at about 90°, and 3 at about 45° from the perpendicular and from the side bearing the brown mark. After 24 h. all 10 radicles had increased immensely in length ; in 5 of them the curvature was nearly the same, in 2 it had increased, and in 3 it had decreased. The contrast presented by the 10 controls, after both the 8 h. 40 m. and the 24 h. intervals, was very great ; for they had continued to grow vertically downwards, excepting two which, from some unknown cause, had become somewhat tortuous. In the chapter on Geotropism we shall see that 10 radicles of this plant were extended horizontally on and beneath damp friable peat, under which conditiona Chap. IH. OF THE KADICLE OP KAPHANUS. 1.71 they grow better and more naturally than in damp air; and their tips were slightly cauterised on the lower side, brown marks about ^ mm. in length being thus caused. Uncauterised specimens similarly placed became much bent downwards through geotropism in the course of 5 or 6 hours. After 8 h. only 3 of the cauterised ones were bowed downwards, and this in a slight degree ; 4 remained horizontal ; and 3 were curved upwards in opposition to geotropism and from the side bearing the brown mark. Ten other specimens had their tips cauterised at the same time and in the same degree, on the upper side ; and this, if it produced any effect, would tend to increase the power of geotropism ; and all these radicles were strongly bowed downwards after 8 h. From the several foregoing facts, there can be no doubt that the cauterisation of the tip of the radicle of this Cucurbita on one side, if done lightly enough, causes the whole growing part to bend to the opposite side. Baphanus sativus : Sensitiveness of the apex of the Radicle.—We here encountered many difSculties in our trials, both with squares of card and with caustic ; for when seeds were pinned to a cork-lid, many of the radicles, to which nothing had been done, grew irregularly, often curving upwards, as if attracted by the damp surface above ; and when they were immersed in water they likewise often grew irregularly. We did not therefore dare to trust our experiments witli attached squares of card ; nevertheless some of them seemed to indicate that the tips were sensitive to contact. Our trials with caustic generally failed from the difficulty of not injuring too greatly the extremely fine tips. Out of 7 radicles thus tried, one became bowed after 22 h. at an angle of 60°, a second at 40° 172 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chat. IU and a third very slightly from the perpendicular and from the cauterised side. Msoulus hippocastanum : Sensitiveness of the apex oj the Radicle.—Bits of glass and squares of card were affixed with shellac or gum-water to the tips of 12 radicles of the horse-chestnut ; and when these objects fell off, they were refixed ; but not in a single instance was any curvature thus caused. _ These massive radicles, one of which was above 2 inches in length and • 3 inch in diameter at its base, seemed insensible to so slight a stimulus as any small attached object. Nevertheless, when the apex encountered an obstacle in its downward coiirse, the growing part became sc uniformly and symmetrically curved, that its appearance indicated not mere mechanical bending, but increased growth along the whole convex side, due to the irritation of the apex. That this is the correct view may be inferred from the effects of the more powerful stimulus of caustic. The bending from the cauterised side occurred much slower than in the previously described species, and it will perhaps be worth while to give our trials in detail. The seeds germinated in sawdust, and one side of the tips of the radicles were slightly rubbed once with dry nitrate of silver ; and after a few minutes were allowed to dip into water. They were subjected to a rather varying temperature, generally between 52° and 58° F. A few cases have not been thought worth recording, in which the whole tip was blackened, or in, which the seedling soon became unhealthy. (1.) The radicle was slightly deflected from the cauterised side in one day (i.e. 24 h.) ; in three days it stood at 60° from the perpendicular ; in four days at 90° ; on the fifth day it was curved up about 40° above the horizon ; so that it had passed through an angle of 130° in the five days, and this was the greatest amount of curvature observed. (2.) In two days radicle slightly deflected ; after seven davs CilAP. IIL OF THE KADICLB OP ^SCULUS. 1T3 deflected 69° from the perpendicular and from the cauterise('l side ; after eight days the angle amounted to nearly 90°. (3.) After one day slight deflection, but the cauterised mark was so faint that the same side was again touched with caustic. In four days from the first touch deflection amounted to 78°, which in an additional day increased to 90°. (4.) After two days slight deflection, which during the next three days certainly increased but never became great ; the radicle did not grow well and died on the eighth day. (5.) After two days yery slight deflection ; but this on the fourth day amounted to 56° from the perpendicular and from the cauterised side. (6.) After three days doubtfully, but after four days certainly deflected from the cauterised side. On the fifth day deflection amounted to 45° from the perpendicular, and this on the seventh day increased to about 90°. (7.) After two days slightly deflected ; on the third day the deflection amounted to 25° from the perpendicular, and this did not afterwards increase. (8.) After one day deflection distinct ; on the third day i' amounted to 44°, and on the fourth day to 72° from the perper. • dicular and the cauterised side. (9.) After two days deflection slight, yet distinct ; on the third day the tip was again touched on the same side with caustic and thus killed. (10.) After one day slight deflection, which after six days increased to 50° from the perpendicular and the cauterised side. (11.) After one day decided deflection, which after six days increased to 62° from the perpendicular and from the cauterised side. (12.) After one day slight deflection, which on the second day amounted to 35°, on the fourth day to 50°, and the sixth day to 63° from the perpendicular and the cauterised side. (13.) Whole tip blackened, but more on one side than the other; on the fourth day slightly, and on the sixth day greatly deflected from the more blackened side ; the deflection on tha ninth day amounted to 90° from the perpendicular. (14.) Whole tip blackened in the same manner as in the last case ; on the second day decided deflection from the more blackened side, which increased on the seventh day to nearlj 90° ; on the following day the radicle appeared unhealthy. ^15 ) Here we had the anomalous case of a radicle bending m SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. Ill slightly fi.wards the cauterised side on the first day, and continuing to do so for the next three days, when the deflection amounted to about 90° from the laerpendicnlar. The cause appeared to lie in the tendril-like sensitiveness of the upper part of the radicle, against which the point of a large triangular flap of the seed-coats pressed with considerable force; and this irritation apparently conquered that from the cauterised apex. These several cases show beyond doubt that the irritation of one side of the apex, excites the upper part of the radicle to bend slowly towards the opposite side. This fact was well exhibited in one lot of five seeds pinned to the cork-lid of a jar ; for when after 6 days the lid was turned upside down and viewed from directly above, the little black marks made by the caustic were now all distinctly visible on the upper sides of the tips of the laterally bowed radicles. A thin slice was shaved off with a razor from one side of the tips of 22 radicles, in the manner described under the common bean ; but this kind of irritation did not prove very effective. Only 7 out of the 22 radicles became moderately deflected in from 3 to 5 days from the sliced, surface, and several of the others grew irregularly. The evidence, therefore, is far from conclusive. Querous rdbur: Sensitiveness of the apex, of the Radicle. —The tips of the radicles of the common oak are fully as sensitive to slight contact as are those of any plant examined by us. They remained healthy in aamj) air for 10 days, but grew slowly. Squares of the cardlike paper were, fixed with shellac to the tips of 15 radicles, and ten of these became conspicuously bowed from the perpendicular and from the squares ; two slightly, and three not at all. But two of the latter ^\eve not real exceptions, as they were at first very short, and hardly grew afterwards. Some of the more IJnAP. la. OF THE RADICLE OF QUERCUS. 175 Fig. 68. remarkable cases are worth describing. The radicles were examined on each successive morning, at nearly the same hour, that is, after intervals of 24 h. No. 1. This radicle suffered from a series of accidents, dnd acted in an anomalous manner, for the apex appeared at first insensible and afterwards sensitive to contact. The iirst square was attached on Oct. 19th ; on the 21st the radicle was not at all curved, and the square was accidentally knocked off; it was refixed on the 22nd. and the radicle became slipihtly carved from the square, but tne curvature disappeared on the 23rd, when the square was removed and refixed. No curvature ensued, and the square was again accidentally knocked off, and refixed. On the morning of the 27th it was washed off by having reached the water in the bottom of the jar. The square was refixed, and on the 29th, that is, ten days alter the first square had been attached, and two days after the attachment of the Inst square, the radicle had grown to the great length of 3'2 inches, and now o.,„ . i >• i the terminal growing part had become bent with square of card away from the square into a hook (see Fig. 68). No. 2. Square attached on the 19th ; on the 20th radicle slightly deflected from it and from the perpendicular; on the 21st deflected at nearly right angles ; it remained during the next two days in this position, but on the 25th the upward curvature was lessened through the action of geotropism, and still more so on the 26th. No. 3. Square attached on the 19th; on the 21st a trace of curvature from the square, which amounted on the 22nd to about 40°, and on the 23rd to 53° from the perpendicular. No. 4. Square attached on the 21st; on the 22nd trace of curvature from the square ; on the 23rd completely hooked with the point turned up to the zenith.. Three days afterwards (i.e. 26th) the curvature had wholly disappeared and the apex poinied perpendicularly downwards. No. 5. Square attached on the 21st ; on the 22nd dociclel attached to one side of apex, causing it to become hooked. Drawing one-half natural scale. 176 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. Ul, though slight cur-yature from the square ; on the 23rd the tip had curved up above the ho izon, and on the 24th was hooked with the apex pointing almost to the zenith, as in Fig. 68. No. 6. Square attached on the 21st; on the 22nd slightly curved from the square; 23rd more curved; 25th considerably curved ; 27th aU curvature lost, and the radicle was now directed perpendicularly downwards. No. 7. Square attached on the 21st ; on the 22nd a trace of curvature from the square, which increased next day, and on the 24:th amounted to a right angle. It is, therefore, manifest that the apex of the radicle of the oak is highly sensitive to contact, and retains its sensitiveness during several days. The movement thus induced was, however, slower than in any of the previous cases, with the exception of that of ^sculus. As with the bean, the terminal growing part, after bending, sometimes straightened itself through the action of geotropism, although the object still remained attached to the tip. The same remarkable experiment was next tried, as in the case of the bean ; namely, little squares of exactly the same size of the card-like sanded paper and of very thin paper (the thicknesses of which have been given under Vicia, faba) were attached with shellac on opposite sides (as accurately as could be done) of the tips of 13 radicles, suspended in damp air, at a temperature of 65°-66° F. The result was striking, for 9 out of these 13 radicles became plainly, and 1 very slightly, curved from the thick paper towards the side bearing the thin paper. In two of tliese cases the apex became completely hooked after two days ; in four cases the deflection from the perpendicular and from the side bearing the thick paper, amounted in from two to four days to angles of 90°, 72°, 60°, and 49°, but in two other cases to only 18" and 15°. It should, however, be stated that in the (JllAP. III. OF THE RADICLE OF ZEA. 177 case in which the deflection was 49°, the two squares had accidentally come into contact on one side of the apex, and thus formed a lateral gable ; and the deflection was directed in part from this gable and in part from the thick paper. In three cases alone the radicles were not affected by the difference in thickness of the squares of paper attached to their tips, and consequently did not bend away from the side bearing the stiffer paper. Zea mays : Sensitiveness of the apex of the Radicle to contact. —A large ntimber of trials were made on this plant, as it was the only monocotyledon on which we experimented. An abstract of the results will suffice. In the first place, 22 germinating seeds' were pinned to cork-lids without any object being attached to their radicles, some being exposed to a temperature of 65^- 66° F., and others to between 74° and 79° ; and none of them became curved, though some were a little inclined to one side. A few were selected, which from having germinated on sand were crooked, but when suspended in damp air the terminal part grew straight downwards. This fact having been ascertained, little squares of the card-like paper were affixed with shellac, on several occasions, to the tips of 68 radicles. Of these the terminal growing part of 39 became within 24 h. conspicuously curved away from the attached squares and from the perpendicular ; 13 out of the 39 forming hooks with their points directed towards the zenith, and 8 forming loops. Moreover, 7 other radicles out of the 68, were slightly and two doubtfully deflected from the cards. There remain 20 which were not affected ; but 10 of these ought not to be counted ; for one was diseased, two had their tips quite sur rounded by shellac, and the squares on 7 had slipped so as to stand parallel to the apex, instead of obliquely 178 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Cuap. Ill, on. it. There were therefore only 10 out of the 68 which certainly were not acted on. Some of the radicles which were experimented on were young and short, most of them of moderate length, and two or three exceeded three inches in length. The curvature in the above cases occurred within 2i h., but it was often conspicuous within a much shorter period. For instance, the terminal growing part of one radicle was bent upwards into a rectangle in 8 h. 15 m., and of another in 9 h. On one occasion a hook was formed in 9 h. Six of the radicles in a jar containing nine seeds, which stood on a sand-bath, raised to a temperature varying from 76° to 82° F., became hooked, and a • seventh formed a complete loop, when first looked at after 15 hours. The accompanying figures of four germinating seeds (Fig. 69) show, firstly, a radicle (A) the apex of which has become so much bent away from the attached square as to form a hook. Secondly (B), a hook converted through the continued irritation of the card, aided perhaps by geotropism, into an almost complete circle or loop. The tip in the act of forming a loop generally rubs against the upper part of the radicle, and pushes off the attached square ; the loop then contracts or closes, but never disappears ; and the apex afterwards grows vertically downwards, being no longer irritated by any attached object. This frequently occurred, and is represented at C. The jar above mentioned with the six hooked radicles and another jar were kept for two additional days, for the sake of observing how the hooks would be modified. Most of them became converted into simple loops, like that figured at C ; but in one case the apex did not rub against the upper part of the radicle and thus remove the card ; and it consequently made, owing Ohap. in. OF THE KADICLE OF ZFi. J 79 to the continued irritation from the card, two complete loops, that is, a helix of two spires ; \^hich afterwards became pressed closely together. Then geotropism prevailed and caused the apex to grow perpendicularly downwards. In another case, shown at (D), the apex Fig. 69 .C D. Zea mays; radicles excited to bend away from the little squares of card attached to one side of their tips. in making a second turn or spire, passed through the first loop, which was at first widely open, and in doing so knocked off the card ; it then grew perpendicularly downwards, and thus tied itself into a knot, which soon became tight ! Secondary Radicles of Zea.—A short time after the first radicle has appeared, others protrude fi'om the 180 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. in. seed, but not laterally from the primary one. Ten of these secondary radicles, which were directed obliquely downwards, were experimented on with very small squares of card attached with shellac to the lower sides of their tips. If therefore the squares acted, the radicles would bend upwards in opposition to gravity. The jar stood (i)rotected from light) on a sand-bath, which varied between 76° and 82° F. After only 5 h. one appeared to be a little deflected from the square, and after 20 h. formed a loop. Tour others were considerably curved from the squares a^ter 20 h., and three of them became hooked, with their tips pointing to the zenith,—one after 29 h. and the two others after 44 h. By this latter time a sixth radicle had become bent at a right angle from the side bearing the square. Thus altogether six out of the ten secondary radicles were acted on, four not being affected. There can, therefore, be no doubt that the tips of these secondary radicles are sensitive to slight contact, and that when thus excited they cause the upper part to bend from the touching object; but generally, as it appears, not in so short a time as in the case of the first-formed radicle. Sensitiveness of the tip of the IIadicle to Moist Am. Sachs made the interesting discovery, a few years ago, that the radicles of many seedling plants bend towards an adjoining damp surface.* We shall here endeavour to show that this peculiar form of sensitiveness resides in their tips. The movement is directly the reverse of that excited by the irritants hitherto considered, which cause the growing part of the " ' Arbeiten dcs Bol. Institut., in Wurzbnrg,' vol. i. 1872, p. 209. CflAi. III. OF THE EADICLE TO MOIST AIR. 181 radicle to bend away from the source of irritatiou. In our experiments we followed Sachs' plan, and sieves with seeds germinating in damp sawdust were suspended so that the bottom was generally inclined at 40° with the horizon. If the radicles had been acted on solely by geotropism, they would have grown out of the bottom of the sieve perpendicularly downwards ; but as they were attracted by the adjoining damp surface they bent towards it and were deflected 50° from the perpendicular. For the sake of ascertaining whether the tip or the whole growing part of the radicle was sensitive to the moist air, a length of from 1 to 2 mm. was coated in a certain number of cases with a mixture of olive-oil and lamp-black. This mixture was made in order to give consistence to the oil, so that a thick layer could be applied, which would exclude, at least to a large extent, the moist air, and would be easily visible. A greater number of experiments than those which were actually tried would have been necessary, had not it been clearly established that the tip of the radicle is the part which is sensitive to various other irritants. Phaseolus multifl(yrus. —Twenty-nine radicles, to which nothing had been done, growing out of a sieve, were observed at the same time with those which had their tips greased, and for an equal length of time. Of the 29, 24 curved themselves so as to come into close contact with the bottom of the sieve. The place of chief curvature was generally at a distance of 5 or 6 mm. from the apex. Eight radicles had their tips greased for a length of 2 mm., and two others for a length of Is mm. ; they were kept at a temperature of 15°-16° 0. After intervals of from 19 h. to 24 h. all were still vertically or almost vertically dependent, for some of them had moved towards the adjoining damp surface by about 10°. They had therefore not been acted on, or only slightly acted on, by the damper air on one side, although the whole upper part was freely exposed. After 48 h. three of these radicles became 182 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Chap. IfL considerably cnrved towards the sieve ; and the absence of curvature in some of the others might perhaps be accounted for by their not having grown very well. But it should be observed that during the first 19 h. to 24 h. all grew well ; two of them having increased 2 and 3 mm. in length in 11 h. ; five others increased 5 to 8 mm. in 19 h. ; and two, which had been at first 4 and 6 mm. in length, iiicreased in 24 h. to 15 and 20 mm. The tips of 10 radicles, which likewise grew well, were coated with the grease for a length of only I mm., and now the result was somewhat difterent; for of these 4 curved themselves to the sieve in from 21 h. to 24 h., whilst 6 did not do so. Five of the latter were observed for an additional day, and now all excepting one became curved to the sieve. The tips of 5 radicles were cauterised with nitrate of silver, and about 1 mm. in length was thus destroyed. They were observed for periods varying between 11 h. and 24 h., and were found to have grown well. One of them had curved until it came into contact with the sieve ; another was curving towards it ; whilst the remaining three were still vertically dependent. Of 7 not cauterised radicles observed at the same time, all had come into contact with the sieve. The tips of 11 radicles were protected by moistened goldbeaters' skin, which adheres closely, for a length varying from Is to 2i mm. After 22 h. to 24 h., 6 of these radicles were clearly bent towards or had come into contact with the sieve ; 2 were slightly curved in tliis direction, and 3 not at all. All had grown well. Of 14 control specimens observed at the same time, all excepting one had closely approached the sieve. It appears from these cases that a cap of goldbeaters' skin checks, though only to a slight degree, the bending of the radicles to an adjoining damp surface. "Whether an extremely thin sheet of this substance when moistened allows moisture from the auto pass through it, we do not know. One case indicated that the caps were sometimes more efficient than appears from the above results; for a radicle, wMch after 23 h. had only slightly approached the sieve, had its cap (1^ mm. in length) removed; and during the next 15J h. it curved itself abruptly towards the source of moisture, the chief seat of curvature being at a distance of 2 to 3 mm. from the apex. Vicia faba.—lhe tips of 13 radicles were coated with the grease for a length of 2 mm. ; and it should be remembered that with these radicles the seat of chief curvature is about Chap. HI. OF THE KADICLE TO MOIST AIR. 183 4 or 5 mm. from the apex. Four of them were examined after 22 h., three after 26 h., and six after 36 h., and none had been attracted towards the damp lower surface of the sieve. In another trial 7 radicles were similarly treated, and 5 of tliem still pointed perpendicularly downwards after 11 h., whilst 2 were a little curved towards the sieve; by an accident thty were not subsequently observed. In both these trials the radicles grew well ; 7 of them, which were at fii'st from i to 11 mm. in length, were after 11 h. between 7 and 16 mm. ; 3 which were at first from 6 to 8 mm. after 26 h. were 115 to 18 mm. in length; and lastly, 4 radicles which were at first 5 to 8 mm. after 46 h. were 18 to 23 mm. in length. The control or ungreased radicles were not invariably attracted towards the bottom of the sieve. But on one occasion 12 oiit of 13, which were observed for periods between 22 h. and 36 h., were thus attracted. On two other occasions taken together, 38 out of 40 were similarly attracted. On another occasion only 7 out of 14 behaved in this manner, but after two more days the proportion of the curved increased to 17 out of 23. On a last occasion only 11 out of 20 were thus attracted. If we add up these numbers, we find that 78 out of 96 of the control specimens curved themselves towards the bottom of the sieve. Of the specimens with greased tips, 2 alone out of the 20 (but 7 of these were not observed for a sufficiently long time) thus curved themselves. We can, therefore, hardly doubt that the tip for a length of 2 mm. is the part which is sensitive to a moist atmosphere, and causes the upper part to bend towards its source. The tips of 15 radicles were cauterised with nitrate of silver, and they grew as well as those above described with greased tips. After an interval of 24 h., 9 of them were not at all curved towards the bottom of the sieve ; 2 were curved towards it at angles of 20° and 12° from their former vertical position, and 4 had come into close contact with it. Thus the destruction of the tip for a length of about 1 mm. prevented the curvature of the greater number of these radicles to the adjoining damp surface. Of 24 control specimens, 23 were bent to the sieve, and on a second occasion 15 out of 16 were similarly curved in a greater or less degi'ee. These control trials are included in those given in the foregoing paragraph. Avena sativa.—The tips of 13 radicles, which projected between 2 and 4 mm. from the bottom of the sieve, many of 13 181 SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX Cuap. TIL them not quite perpendicularly downwards, were coi^ted with the black grease for a length of from 1 to IJ mm. The sievea were inclined at 30° with the horizon. The greater number of these radicles were examined after 22 h., and a few after 25 h., and within these intervals they had grown so quickly as to have nearly doubled their lengths. With the ungreased radicles the chief scat of curvature is at a distance of not less than between 3-5 and 55 mm., and not more than between 7 and 10 mm. from the apex. Out of the 13 radicles with greased tips, 4 had not moved at all towards the sieve ; 6 were deflected towards it and from the perpendicular by angles varying between 10° and 35° ; and 3 had come into close contact with it. It appears, therefore, at first sight that greasing the tips of these radicles had checked but little their bending to the adjoining danip surface. But the inspection of the sieves on two occasions produced a widely different impression on the mind; for it was impossible to b^old the radicles with the black greased tips projecting from the bottom, and all those with ungreased tips, at least 40 to 50 in number, clinging closely to it, and feel any doubt that the greasing had produced a great effect. On close examination only a single ungreased radicle could be found which had not become curved towards the sieve. It is probable that if the tips had been protected by grease for a length of 2 mm. instead of from 1 to li mm., they would not have been affected by the moist air and none would have become curved. Triticum vidrjare.—Analogous trials were made on 8 radicles of the common wheat ; and greasing their tips produced much less effect than in. the case of the oats. After 22 h., 5 of them had come into contact with the bottom of the sieve; 2 had moved towards it 10° and 15°, and one alone remained perpendicular. Not one of the very numerous ungreased radicles failed to come into close contact with the sieve. These trials were made on Nov. 28th, when the temperature was only 4°'8 0. at 10 A.M. We should hardly have thought this case worth notice, had it not been for the following circumstance. In the beginning of October, when the temperature was considerably higher, viz., 12° to 13° C, we found that only a few of the ungreased radicles became bent towards the sieve; and this indicates that sensitiveness to moisture in the air is increased by a low temperature, as we have seen with the radicles of Viria faba i-elatively to objects attached to their tips. But in the present instance it is possible that a diffurence in the dryness Chap. III. OF THE RADICLE TO MOIST AIR. I8t of the air may have caused the difforena, in the results at the two periods. Finally, the facts just giveu with respect to Phaseohts multijlorus, Vicia faha, and Avena sativa show, as it aeems to us, that a layer of grease spread for a length of 1^ to 2 mm. over the tip of the radicle, or the destruction of the tip by caustic, greatly lessens or quite annuls in the upper and exposed part the power of bending towards a neighbouring source of moisture. We should bear in mind that the part which bends most, lies at some little distance above the greased or cauterised tip ; and that the rapid growth of this part, proves that it has not been injured by the tips having been thus treated. In those cases in which the radicles with greased tips became curved, it is possible that the layer of grease was not sufficiently thick wholly to exclude moisture, or that a sufficient length was not thus protected, or, in the case of the caustic, not destroyed. When radicles with greased tips are left to grow for several days in damp air, the grease is drawn out into the finest reticulated threads and dots, with narrow portions of the surface left clean. Such portions would, it is probable, be able to absorb moisture, and thus we can account for several of the radicles with greased tips having become curved towards the sieve after an interval of one or two days. On the whole, we may infer that sensitiveness to a difference in the amount of moisture in the air on the two sides of a radicle resides in the tip, which transmits some influence to the upper part, causing it to bend towards the source of moisture. Consequently, the movement is the reverse of that caused by objects attached to one side of the tip, or by a thin slice being cut off, or by being slightly cauterised. In a future chapter it will be sliown tliat sensitiveness to the attraction of 186 THE EFFECT OF KILLING OB Chap. IU. gravity likewise resides in the tip ; so that it is the tip which excites the adjoining parts of a horizontally extended radicle to bend towards the centre of the earth. Secondary Eadicles becoming vertically Geotropic by the destruction or injury of the Terminal Part of the Primary Eadicle. Sachs has shown that the lateral or secondary radicles of the bean, and probably of other plants, are acted on by geotropism in so peculiar a manner, that they grow out horizontally or a little inclined downwards ; and he has further shown * the interesting fact, that if the end of the primary radicle be cut off, one of the nearest secondary radicles changes its nature and grows perpendicularly downwards, thus replacing the primary radicle. We repeated this experiment, and planted beans with amputated radicles in friable peat, and saw the result described by Sachs ; but generally two or three of the secondary radicles grew perpendicularly downwards. We also modified the experiment, by pinching young radicles a little way above' their tips, between the arms of a U-shaped piece of thick leaden wire. The part pinched was thus flattened, and was afterwards prevented from growing thicker. Five radicles had their ends cut off, and served as controls or standards. Eight were pinched ; of these 2 were pinched too severely and their ends died and dropped oiT ; 2 were not pinched enough and were not sensibly afi'ected ; the remaining 4 were pinched sufficiently to check the growth ol the terminal part, but did not appear otherwise injured. When the U-shaped wires were removed, after an • ' Aibeiten Bot. Institut., 'Wiiizburg,' Heft iv. 1874, p. 622. Ohaf. IU. INJUKING THE PEIMAEY EADICLE. 187 interval of 15 days, the part beneath the wire was found to be very thin and easily broken, whilst the part above was thickened. Now in these four cases, one or more of the secondary radicles, arising from the thickened part just above the wire, had grown perpendicularly downwards. In the best case the primary radicle (the part below the wire being Ih inch in length) was somewhat distorted, and was not half as long as three adjoining secondary radicles, which had grown vertically, or almost vertically, downwards. Some of these secondary radicles adhered together or had become confluent. We learn from these four cases that it is not necessary, in order that a secondary radicle should assume the nature of a primary one, that the latter should be actually amputated ; it is sufficient that the flow of sap into it should be checked, and consequently shoiild be directed into the adjoining secondary radicles ; for this seems to be the most obvious result of the primary radicle beingpinched between the arms of a U-shaped wire. This change in the nature of secondary radicles is dearly analogous, as Sachs has remarked, to that "rhich occurs with the shoots of trees, when the leading one is destroyed and is afterwards replaced by one or more of the lateral shoots ; for these now grow upright instead of sub-horizontally. But in this latter case the lateral shoots are rendered apogeotropic, whereas with radicles the lateral ones are rendered geotropic. We are naturally led to suspect that the same cause acts with shoots as with roots, namely, an increased flow of sap into the lateral ones. We made some trials with Abies communis and pectinata, by pinching with ^ire the leading and all the lateral shoots excepting one. But we believe that they were too old when experipiented on ; and some \\ere pinched too severely, and L88 THE EFFECT OF KILLING OR Cr(«p. Ill some not enough. Only one case succeeded, namely with the spruce-fir. The leading shoot was not killed, but its growth was checked ; at its base there were three lateral shoots in a whorl, two of which were pinched, one being thus killed ; the third was left untouclied. These lateral shoots, when operated on (July 14th) stood at an angle of 8° above the horizon ; l)y Sept. 8th the unpinched one had risen 35° ; by Oct. 4th it had risen 46°, and by Jan. 26th 48°, and it had now become a little curved inwards. Part of this rise of 48^ may be attributed to ordinary growth, for the pinched shoot rose 12° within the same period. It .thus follows that the unpinched shoot stood, on Jan. 26th, 56° above the horizon, or 34° from the vertical; and it was thus obviously almost ready to replace the slowly growing, pinched, leading shoot. Nevertheless, we feel some doubt about this experiment, for we have since observed with spruce-firs growing rather unhealthily, that the lateral shoots near the summit sometimes become highly inclined, whilst the leading shoot remains apparently sound. A widely different agency not rarely causes shoots which naturally would have grown out horizontally to grow up vertically. The lateral branches of the Silver Fir (A. pectinata) are often affected by a fungus, Mcidium elatinum, which causes the branch to enlarge into an oval knob formed of hard wood, in one of which we counted 24 rings of growth. According to De Bary,* when the mycelium penetrates a bud begiiining to elongate, the shoot developed from it grows vertically upwards. Such upright shoots after• See his valuable aiticlo in are culled in Gorninn "Hixen 'Bot. Zcitung,' 1S(J7, p. 257, on bosen," or " witch-brooms." these iDOiistroue growths, whiclj Chap. III. INJURING THE PEIMARY EADICLE. 189 ards produce lateral and horizontal branches; and they then present a curious appearance, as if a young fir-tree had grown out of a ball of clay surrounding the branch. These upright shoots have manifestly changed their nature and become apogeotropic ; for if they had not been affected by the ^cidium, they would have grown out horizontally like all the other twigs on the same branches. This change can hardly be due to an increased flow of sap into the part ; but the presence of the mycelium will have greatly disturbed its natural constitution. According to Mr. JMeehan,* the stems of three species of Euphorbia and of Portulaca oleracea are " normally prostrate or procumbent ;" but when they are attacked by an ^cidium, they " assume an erect habit." Dr. Stahl informs us that he knows of several analogous cases ; and these seem to be closely related to that of the Abies. The rhizomes of Sparganium ramosum grow out horizontally in the soil to a considerable length, or are diageotropic ; but F. Elfving found that when they were cultivated in water their tips turned upwards, and they became apogeotropic. The same result followed when the stem of the plant was bent until it cracked or was merely much bowed.t No explanation has hitherto been attempted of such cases as the foregoing,—namely, of secondary radiclas growing vertically downwards, and of lateral shoots growing vertically upwards, after the amputation of * 'Proc. Acad. Nat. So. Phila- yiously observed ('Flora,' 187S, dfclphia,' June 16th, 1874, and p. 324) that tlie underground July 23rd, 187.5. shoots of Triticum repens bend t See F. Elfving's interesting vertically up wlieu the parts above paper in ' Arbeiten Bot. Institiit., ground arc removed, and wlien in VViirzbui'g,' vol. ii. 1880, p. 489. thu rhizomes are kept partly iiu Carl liraus (Triesdorf) had pie- in water. 1 90 EFFECT OF KILLING PEIMAEY RADICLE. Chap. lit the primary radicle or of the leading shoot. The following considerations give us, as we believe, the clue. Firstly, any cause which disturbs the constitution * is apt to induce reversion ; such as the crossing of two distinct races, or a change of conditions, as when domestic animals become feral. But the case which most concerns us, is the frequent appearance of peloric flowers on the summit of a stem, or in the centre of the inflorescence,—parts which, it is believed, receive the most sap ; for when an irregular flower becomes perfectly regular or peloric, this may be attributed, at least partly, to reversion to a primitive and normal type. Even the position of a seed at the end of the capsule sometimes gives to the seedling developed from it a tendency to revert. Secondly, reversions often occur by means of buds, independently of reproduction by seed ; so that a bud may revert to the character of a former state many bud-generations ago. In the case of animals, reversions may occur in the individual with advancing age. Thirdly and lastly, radicles when they first protrude from the seed are always geotropic, and plumules or shoots almost always apogeotropic. If then any cause, such as an increased flow of sap or the presence of mycelium, disturbs the constitution of a lateral shoot or of a secondary radicle, it is apt to revert to its primordial state ; and it becomes either apogeotropic or geotropic, as the case may be, and consequently grows either vertically upwards or downwards. It is indeed pos*_The facts on wliich tlie fol- xiv. On piloric flowers, chap, lowing concUi.sions are founded xiii. p. :-;2 ; ami see p. 3H7 on tlieii ;iro given in ' The Variatiou of position on the pknt. Witb Animals and Plauta under Domes- respect to sei-ds, p. 340. On retication,' 2nd eilit 1875. Ou tlie version by means of buds, p. 438 (•nu.-es leading to revcrsi in see cliup. xi vol. i. obiip. xii. vol. ii. iir.d ]). Cii) oliap. Chap. III. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER. 191 sible, or even probable, that this tendency to reversion may have been increased, as it is manifestly of service to the plant. Summary of Chapter. A part or organ may be called sensitive, when its irritation excites movement in an adjoining part. Now it has been shown in this chapter, that the tip of the radicle of the bean is in this sense sensitive to the contact of any small object attached to one side by shellac or gum-water ; also to a slight touch with dry caustic, and to a thin slice cut off one side. The radicles of the pea were tried with attached objects and caustic, both of which acted. With Phaseolus multijlorus the tip was hardly sensitive to small squares - of attached card, but was sensitive to caustic and to slicing. The radicles of Tropjeolum were highly sensitive to contact ; and so, as far as we could judge, were those of Gossypium herbaceum, and they were certainly sensitive to caustic. The tips of the radicles of Cucurhita ovifera were likewise highly sensitive to caustic, though only moderately so to contact. Eaphaniis sativus offered a somewhat doubtful case. \\'ith ^sculus the tips were quite indifferent to bodies attached to them, though sensitive to caustic. Those of Quercus rohur and Zea mays wer^ highly sensitive to contact, as were the radicles of the latter to caustic. In several of these cases the difference in sensitiveness of the tip to contact and to caustic was, as we believe, merely apparent ; for with Gossypium, Eaphanus, and Cucurbita, the tip was so fine and flexible that it was very difScult to attach any object to one of its sides. With the radicles of ^sculus, tlie tips were not at all sensitive to small bodies attaclied to them; but it does not follow from this L92 SUMMABY OF CHAPTEB. Cuap. IIL fact that they would not have been sensitive to somewhat greater continued pressure, if this could have been applied. The peculiar form of sensitiveness wliich we are here considering, is confined to the tip of the radicle for a length of from 1 mm. to 1 • 5 mm. When this part is irritated by contact with any object, by caustic, or by a thin slice being cut off, the upper adjoining part of the radicle, for a length of from 6 or 7 to even 12 mm., is excited to bend away from the side which has been irritated. Some influence must therefore be transmitted from the tip along the radicle for this length. The curvature thus caused is generally symmetrical. The part which bends most apparently coincides with that of the most rapid growth. The tip and the basal part grow very slowly and they bend very little. Considering the widely separated position in the vegetable series of the several above-named genera, we may conclude that the tips of the radicles of all, or almost all, plants are similarly sensitive, and transmit an influence causing the upper part to bend. With respect to the tips of the secondary radicles, those of Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, and Zea mays were alone observed, and they were found similarly sensitive. In order that these movements should be properly displayed, it appears necessary that the radicles should grow at their normal rate. If subjected to a high temperature and made to grow rapidly, the tips seem either to lose their sensitiveness, or the U]3per part to lose the power of bending. So it appears to be if they grow very slowly from not being vigorous, or from being kept at too low a temperature , also when they are forced to germinate in the middle of the winter. CaAi III. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER. 193 The curvature of the radicle sometimes occurs within from 6 to 8 hours after the tip has been irritated, and almost always within 24 h., excepting in the case of the massive radicles of ^sculus. The curvature often amounts to a rectangle,—that is, the terminal part bends upwards until the tip, which is but little curved, projects almost horizontally. Occasionally the tip, from the continued irritation of the attached object, continues to bend up until it forms a hook with the point directed towards the zenith, or a loop, or even a spire. After a time the radicle apparently becomes accustomed to the irritation, as occurs in the case of tendrils, for it again grows downwards, although the bit of card or other object may remain attached to the tip. It is evident that a small object attached to the free point of a vertically suspended radicle can offer no mechanical resistance to its growth as a whole, for the object is carried downwards as the radicle elongates, or upwards as the radicle curves upwards. Nor can the growth of the tip itself be mechanically checked by an object attached to it by gum-water, which remains all the time perfectly soft. The weight of' the object, though quite insignificant, is opposed to the upward curvature. We may therefore conclude that it is the irritation due to contact which excites the movement. The contact, however, must be prolonged, for the tips of 15 radicles were rubbed for a "hort time, and this did not cause them to bend. Here then we have a case of specialised sensibility, like that of the glands of Drosera ; for these are exquisitely sensitive to the slightest pressure if prolonged, bnt not to two or three rough touches. When the tip of a radicle is lightly touched on one fiide with dry nitrate oi' silver, the injury caused is 19 i SUMMARY OF CHAPTER. Chap. III. very slight, and the adjoining tipper part bends away from the cauterised point, with more certainty in most cases than from an object attached on one side. Here it obviously is not the mere touch, but the effect produced by the caustic, which induces the tip to transmit some influence to the adjoining part, causing it to bend away. If one side of the tip is badly injured or killed by the caustic, it ceases to grow, whilst the opposite side continues growing ; and the result is that the tip itself bends towards the injured side and often becomes completely hooked ; and it is remarkable that in this case the adjoining upper part does not bend. The stimulus is too powerful or the shock too great for the proper influence to be transmitted from the tip. We have strictly analogous cases with Drosera, Dionsea and Pinguicula, with which plants a too powerful stimulus does not excite the tentacles to become incurved, or the lobes to close, or the margin to be folded inwards. With respect to the degree of sensitiveness of the apex to contact under favourable conditions, we have seen that with Vicia faha a little square of writingpaper affixed with shellac sufficed to cause movement; as did on one occasion a square of merely damped goldbeaters' skin, but it acted very slowly. Short bits of moderately thick bristle (of which measurements have been given) affixed with gum-water acted in only three out of eleven trials, and beads oi dried shellac under go otli oi a grain in weight acted only twice in nine cases ; so that here we have nearly reached the minimum of necessary irritation. The apex, therefore, is much less sensitive to pressure than the glands of Drosera, for these are affected by far thinner objects than bits of bristle, and by a very much less weight than gjfyth of a grain. Chap. III. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER. 196 But the most interesting evidence of the delicate sensitiveness of the tip of the radicle, was afforded by its power of discriminating between equal-sized squares of card-like and very thin paper, when these were attached on opposite sides, as was observed with the radicles of the bean and oak. When radicles of the bean are extended horizontally with squares of card attached to the lower sides of their tips, the irritation thus caused was always conquered by geotropism, which then acts under the most favourable conditions at right angles to the radicle. But when objects were attached to the radicles of and of the above-named genera, suspended vertically, the irritation conquered geotropism, which, latter power at first acted obliquely on the radicle ; so that the immediate irritation from the attached object, aided by its after-effects, prevailed and caused the radicle to bend upwards,' until sometimes the point was directed to the zenith. We must, however, assume that the after-effects of the irritation of the tip by an attached object come into play, only after movement has been excited. The tips of the radicles of the pea seem to be more sensitive to contact than those of the bean, for when they were extended horizontally with squares of card adhering to their lower sides, a most curious struggle occasionally arose, sometimes one and sometimes the other force prevailing, but ultimately geotropism was always victorious ; nevertheless, in two instances the terminal part became so much curved upwards that loops were subsequently formed. With the pea, therefore, the irritation from an attached object, and from geotropism when acting at right angles to the radicle, are nearly balanced forces. Closely similar results were observed with the horizontally extended radicles of GuourUta ovifera, 196 SUM3IAKY OF CHAPTEB. Chap. III. when their tips were slightly cauterised on the lowei side. Finally, the several co-ordinated movements by which radicles are enabled to perform their proper functions are admirably perfect. In \yhatever direction the primary radicle first protrudes from the seed, geotropism guides it perpendicularly downwards ; and the capacity to be acted on by the attraction of gravity resides in the tip. But Sachs has proved * that the secondary radicles, or those emitted by the primary one, are acted on by geotropism in such a manner that they tend to bend only obliquely downwards. If they had been acted on like the primary radicle, all the radicles would have penetrated the ground in a close bundle. We have seen that if the end of the primary radicle is cut off or injured, the adjoining secondary radicles become geotropic and grow vertically downwards. This power must often be of great service to the plant, when the primary radicle has been destroyed by the larvae of insects, burrowing animals, or any otlier accident. The tertiary radicles, or those emitted by the secondary ones, are not influenced, at least in the case of the bean, by geotropism ; so they grow out freely in all directions. From this manner of growth of the A'arious kinds of radicles, they are distributed, together witlr their absorbent hairs, throughout the surrounding soil, as Sachs has remarked, in the most advantageous manner ; for the whole soil is thus closely searched. Geotropism, as was shown in the last chapter, excites the primary radicle to bend downwards with very little force, quite insufficient to penetrate the ground. Such penetration is effected by the pointed ' ArViten Bot. iDstitut., Wiirzbiirg,' Heft iv. 1874, pp. G05-631. Chap. UI. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER. 197 apex (protected by the root-cap) being pressed down by the longitudinal expansion or growth of the terminal rigid portion, aided by its transverse expansiDn, both of which forces act powerfully. It is, however, indispensable that the seeds should be at first held down in some manner. When they lie on the bare surface they are held down by the attachment of the root-hairs to any adjoining objects ; and this apparently is effected by the conversion of their outer surfaces into a cement. But many seeds get covered up by various accidents, or they fall into crevices or holes, ^^'ith some seeds their own weigrht suffices. The circumnutating movement of the terminal growing part both of the primary and secondary radicles is so feeble that it can aid them very little in penetrating the ground, excepting when the superiicial layer is very soft and damp. But it must aid them materially when they happen to break obliquely into cracks, or into burrows made by earth-worms or larvse. This movement, moreover, combined with the sensitiveness of the tip to contact, can hardly fail to be of the highest importance ; for as the tip is always endeavouring to bend to all sides it \\ill press on all sides, and will thus be able to discriminate between tlie harder and softer adjoining surfaces, in the same manner as it discriminated between the attached squares of card-like andjthin paper. Consequently it will tend to bend from the harder soil, and will thus follow the lines of least resistance. So it will be if it meets with a stone or the root of another plant in the soil, as must incessantly occur. If the tip were not sensitive, and if it did not excite the upper part of the root to bend away, whenever it encountered at right angles some obstacle in the ground, it would be liable 198 SUMMARY OP CHAPTER. Chap. IJl to be doubled up into a contorted mass. But we have seen with radicles growing down inclined plates of glass, that as soon as the tip merely touched a slip of wood cemented across the plate, the whole terminal growing part curved away, so that the tip soon stood at right angles to its former direction ; and thus it would be with an obstacle encountered in the ground, as far as the pressure of the surrounding soil would permit. We can also understand why thick and strong radicles, like those of ^sculus, should be endowed with less sensitiveness than more delicate ones ; for the former would be able by the force of their growth to overcome any slight obstacle. After a radicle, which has been deflected by some stone or root from its natural downward course, reaches the edge of the obstacle, geotropism will direct it to grow again straight downward ; but we know that geotropism acts with very little force, and here another excellent adaptation, as Sachs has remarked,* comes into play. For the upper part of the radicle, a little above the apex, is, as we have seen, likewise sensitive ; and this sensitiveness causes the radicle to bend like a tendril towards the touching object, so that as it rubs over the edge of an obstacle, it will bend downwards ; and the curvature thus induced is abrupt, in which respect it differs from that caused by the irritation of one side of the tip. This downward bending coincides with that due to geotropism, and both will cause the toot to resume its original course. As radicles perceive an excess of moisture in the air on one side and bend towards this side, we may infer that they will act in the same manner with respect to moisture in the earth. The sensitiveness to moisture ' Aibeiten Bot. Inst. Wiirzbuig.' Heft iii. p. 456. Chap. UL SUMMARY OF CHAPTER. 199 resides in the tip, which determines the bending of tlie upper part. This capacity perhaps partly accounts for the extent to which drain-pipes often become choked with roots. Considering the several facts given in this chapter, we see that the course followed by a root through the soil is governed by extraordinarily complex and diversified agencies,—by geotropism acting in a different manner on the primary, secondary, and tertiary radicles,—by sensitiveness to contact, different in kind in the apex and in the part immediately above the apex, and apparently by sensitiveness to the varying dampness of different parts of the soil. These several stimuli to movement are all more powerful than geotropism, when this acts obliquely on a radicle, which has been deflected from its perpendicular downward course. The roots, moreover, of most plants are excited by light to bend either to or from it ; but as roots are not naturally exposed to the light it is doubtful whether this sensitiveness, which is perhaps only the indirect result of the radicles being highly sensitive to other stimuli, is of any service to the plant. The direction which the apex takes at each successive period of the growth of a root, ultimately determines its whole course ; it is therefore highly important that the apex should pursue from the first the most advantageous direction ; and we can thus understand why sensitiveness to geotropism, to contact and to moisture, all reside in the tip, and why the tip determines the upper growing part to bend either from or to the exciting cause. A radicle may bo compared with a burrowing animal such as a mole, which wishes to penetrate perpendicJarly down into the ground. By continually moving his head from side to side, or circumnutating, he will feel any stone 14 200 SUMMARY OF ClIArTEH. Chai'. Ill, or other obstacle, as well as any diflerence in the hardness of the soil, and he will turn from that side ; if the earth is damper on one than on the other side he will turn thitherward as a better hunting-ground. Nevertheless, after each interruption, guided by the sense of gravity, he will be able to recover his downward course and to burrow to a greater depth. CHii>. lY. QIECUMNUTAXlOa 201 CHAPTEE IV. tus clbcumnctating movements of the seveni\- parts os Mature Plants. Circumnutation of stems : concluding remarks on—Ciroumnutatiou of stolons : aid thus afforded in winding amongst the sttms of surrounding plants—Circumnutation of flower-stems—Ciroumnulution of Dicotyledonous leaves—Sinsjular oscillatory movement of leaves of Diontea—Leaves of Cannabis sink at night—Leaves of Gymnosperms—Of Monoootvlcdons—Cryptogams—Concluding remarks on the circumnut itiou of leaves : generally rise in the evening and sink in the morning. We have seen in the first chapter that the stems of all seedlings, whether hypocotyls or epicotyls, as well as the cotyledons and the radicles, are continually circumnutating—that is, they grow first on one side and then on another, such growth being probably preceded by increased turgescence of the cells. As it was unlikely that plants should change their manner of growth with advancing age, it seemed probable that the various organs of all plants at all ages, as long as they continued to grow, would bo found to circumnutate, though perhaps to an extremely small extent. As it was important for us to discover whether this was the case, we determined to observe carefully a certain number of plants which were growing vigorously, and which were not known to move in any manner. We commenced with stems. Observations of this kind are tedious, and it appeared to us that it would be sufficient to observe the stems in about a score of genera, belonging to widely distinct families and inhabitants of various countries. Several plants 202 CIECUMXUTATION OF STEMS. Chat. IV were selected whicli, from being woody, or for othoi reasons, seemed the least likely to circumnutate. The observations and the diagrams were made in tlie manner described in the Introduction. Plants in pots were subjected to a proper temperature, and whilst being observed, were kept either in darkness or were feebly illuminated from above. They are arranged in the order adopted by Hooker in Le Maout and Decaisne's ' System of Botany.' The number of the family to which each genus belongs is appended, as this serves to show the place of each in the series. (1.) flerU umhellaia (Cruciferse, Fam. 14).— The movement of tlie stem of a young plant, 4 inclies in height, consisting of four iiiternodos (the hypocotyl included) besides a large bud Fi? 70. iUrts um^'ellata : circumnutation of stem of young plant, traced from 8.30 A.M. Sept. 13th to same hour on following morning. Distance of .<=ummit of stem beneath the horizontal glairs 7'6 inches. Diagram reduced to half of original size. Movement as here shown magnlHei between 4 and 5 times. on the summit, was traced, as here shown, during 24 h. (Fig. 70). As far as w& could judge the uppermost inch alone of the stem circumnutated, and this in a simple manner. Tlie movement was slow, and the rate vci-y unequal- at different limes. In part of its course an iiTCgnlar ellipse, or rather triangle, was completed in 6 h. 30 m. (2 ) lirasska Uerncea (Cruciferffi). —A very young plant, bearing tliroe leaves, of which the longest was only thret-quarters of an inch in length, was placed under a microscope fm-uished with an eye-piece micrometer and the tip of tlie largest leaf was Chap. IV. CIECUMNUTATION OF STEMS. 203 found to be in constant movement. It crossed five divisions of the micrometer, that is, ^-Jo^li of ^^ inch, in 6 m. 20 s. There cuuld hardly be a doubt that it Tvas the stem which chiefly moved, for the tip did not get quickly out of focus ; and tliis would have occurred had the movement been confined to the leaf, which moves up or down in nearly the same vertical plane. (3.) Linum usitatissimum (Linese, Fam. 39^\—The stems of this plant, shortly before the flowering period, are stated by Fritz Miiller (' Jenaische Zeitschrift,' B. v. p. 137) to revolve, or eircumnutate. (4.) Pelaryonium zonale (GeraniaccEB, Fam. 47).—A young plant, 7s inches in height, was observed in the usual manner ; but, in order to see the bead at the end of the glass filament Fig. 71. m'20p.iaSfir- g'a.mJoi') y'^^OMji^» Pelargonium zonale: circumnutation of stem of young plant, feebly illumiuated from above. Movement of bead magnified about 11 times ; traced on a horizontal glass from noon on March 9th to 8 A.M. oj the 1 Ith. and at the same time the mark beneath, it was necessary to cut off three leaves on one side. We do not know whether it was owing to this cause, or to the plant having previously become bent to one side through heliotropism, but from the morning of the 7th of March to 10.30 p.m. on the 8th, the stem moved a considerable distance in a zigzag line in the same general direction. During the night of the 8th it moved to some distance at right angles to its former course, and next morning (9th) stood for a time almost still. At noon on the 9th a new tracing was begun (see Fig. 71), which was continued till 8 a.m. on the 11th. Between noon on the 9th and 5 p.m. on the 10th (i.e. in the course of 29 h.), the stem described a circle. This plant therefore circumnutates, but at a very slow rate, and to a small extent. (5.) Tiopaeolum mujus (?) (dwarfed var. called Tom Thumb); (Gerajiiaceas, Fam. 47).—The species of this genus climb by the 204 CIKCUMXUTATION OF STEMS. Chap. IV aid of their sensitive petioles, but some of them also twmt round supports ; but even these latter species do not begin to circumnutate in a conspicuous manner whilst young. The Fig. 72. -- ^... TrotXBolum majtis(?): cirouranuUitiou of stein of young plant, traced on a liorizontal glass from 9 a.m. Dec. 26th to 10 a.m. on 27th. Movement of bend magnified about 5 times, and here reduced to half of original scale. variety here trcate 1 of has a rather thick stem, and is so dwarf that apparently it does not climb in any manner. We therefore wished to ascertain whether the stem of a young plant, consisting of two in- ^'?-''3. tcmodes, together 3'2 inches in height, circumnutated. It was observed during 25 h., and we see in Fig. 72 that the stem moved in a zigzag course, indicating circumnutation. (6.) Trifolium resupinatum (Leguminosze, Fam. 75). — When we treat of the sleep of plants, we shall see that the stems in several .„..,. . , „ Leguminous genera, for Tnfohum rcs'ipinaiu:n ; circumnutation of . , ,, , tt n stem, traced on vertical gla*s from 9.30 mstunce, those of HedyA.M. to 4.30 r.M. Nov. 3rd. Tracing not , sarum, Mimosa, Meligreatly mngmfie I, reduced to h.ilf of lotus, &C., which are not original size. Plant feebly illuminated ,. i • i i. from above. chmbers, Circumnutate , in a con spicuous manner. We will here give only a single instance (Fig. 73), showing the circumnutation of the stem of a large plant of a clover, Viifolium resupinatum. In the course of 7 h. the stem changed CllAl". IV CmCUMXUTATION OF STEIIS. 205 its course greatly eight times and completed three irregular circles or ellipses. It therefore ciroumnutated rapidly. Somb of the lines run at right angles to one anof her. Fig. 74. Riibus (hyboid) : circnmnutation of stem, traced on horizontal glass, from 4 1>.M. March 14th to 8.30 A.M. 16th. Tracing much magnified, reduced to half of original size. Plant illuminated feebly from above. (7.) Euhus idceus (hybrid) (EosaceiB, Fam. 76).—As we hapFig. 75. pened to have a young plant, 11 inches in height and growing vigorously, which had been raised from a cross between the raspberry (Rubus idmus) and a North American Eubus, it was observed in the usual manner. During the morning of March 14th the stem almost completed a circle, and then moved far to the right. At 4 it reversed its course, nnd now a fresh tracing was begun, which was continued during iOh h., and is given in Fig. 74. We here have well-marked circumnutation. (8.) Deutzia grarilis (Saxifragese, Fam. 77).—A shoot on a bush about 18 inches in height was observed. The bead changed its course greatly eleven o.^um gracilis -. cireumnutimes in the course of 10 h. 30 m. tation of stem, itept in (Fig. 75), and there could be no doubt about the circumnutation of the Btein. (9.) Fuchsia (grienhouse vaiv, with large flowers, probably a hybrid) (Onagrariese, Fam. 100).—A young plant, 15 inches in height, was observed during nearly 48 h. The dtu'kness, traced on horizontal glass, from 8.30 A.M. to 7 P.M.March 20th. Movement of bead originally magnified about 20 times, here reduced to half scale. 206 CIRCUMNUTATION OF STEMS. Chap. IV. acoompaDying figure (Fig. 76) gives the necessary particulare, ar.d sbo-n-s that the stem cireumnutated, though rather slowly. Fuch'ia (garden var.) : circnmuutation of stem, ke)it in darkness, traced ID horizontal glass, from 8.30 A.M. to 7 P.M. March 20th. Movement of bead originally magnified about 40 times, here reduced to half scale. (10.) Cereus sp' ciocissimns (garden var., souietimcs called Phyllocactus multiflorus) (Cactese, Fam. 109). — This plant which was growing vigorously from having been removed a few days before from the greenhouse to the hot-house, was observed with especial interest, as it seemed so liftle probable that the stem would circumnutate. The branches are flat, or flabelliform; but some of them are triangular in section, with the three sides hollowed out. A branch of this latter shape, 9 inches in length and li in diameter, was chosen for observation, as less likely to circumnutate than a flabelliform branch. The movement of the bead at the end of the glass filament, affixed to the summit of the branch, was traced (A, Fig. 77) from 9.23 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on Nov. 23rd, during which time it changed its course greatly six times. On the 24th another tracing was made (see B), and the bead on this day changed its course oftencr, malting in 8 h. what may be considered as four ellipses, with their longer axes differently directed. The position of the stem and its commencing course on the following morning are likewise shown. There can bo no doubt that this branch, though appearing quite rigid, cireumnutated ; but the Chap. IV. CIBCUMNUTATION OF STEMS. 207 extreme amount of movement during the time was very small, probably rather less than the j^gth of an inch. Fig. 77. trso'am. t'SO'p.m. S°" Oerms spedocbsiinus : circumnutation of stem, illuminated from above, tracca on a horizontal glass, in A from 9 a.m. to 4.30 P.M. on Nov. 2,'ird ; and in B from 8.30 A.M. on the 24th to 8 A.M. on the 25th. Movement of the bead in B magnified about 38 times. (11.) Hed';ra lelix (Araliaceae, Fam. 114).— The stem is known to be apheliotropic, and several seedlings growing in a pot in the greenhouse became bent in the middle of the summer at right angles fi om the light. On Sept. 2nd some of these stems were tied up so as to stand vertically, and were placed before a north-east window; but to our surprise they were now decidedly heliotropic, for during 4 days they curved themselves towards the light, and their course being traced on a horizontal glass, was strongly zigzag. During the 6 succeeding days they circumnutated over the same small space at a slow rate, but there could be no doubt about their circumnutation. The plants were kept exactly in the same place before the window, and after an interval of 15 days the stems were again observed during 2 days and their movements traced, and 208 CIKCUJiyUTATIOX OF STEMS. Chap. ly they were found to be still circummitating, but on a yet smaller scale. (12.) Gazarda nm(;ems (Compositse, Fam. 122).—The circumnutation of the stem of a young plant, 7 inches in height, as measured to the tip of the highest leaf, was traced during 33 h , and is shown in the accompauying figure (Fig. 78). Two Fig. 78. '.ji.m.ssr^ e°4.'}'ttMt.2S"''' Uctsi'". Gazania rinjens : circunmutation of stem traced from 9 A.M. March 21st to 6 P.M. on 22nd; plant kept in darkness. Movement of bead at the close of the observations magnified 34 times, here reduced to half the original scale. main lines may be obserred running at nearly right angles to two other main Unes; but these are interrupted by small loops. (13.) Azalea Indica (Ericine £e, Fam. 128).—A bush 21 inches in height was selected for observation, and the circumnutation of its leading shoot was traced during 26 h. 40 m , as shown in the following figure (Fig. 79). (14.) Plumbago Oupensis (Plumbaginese, Fam. 134).—A small lateral branch which projected from a tall freely growing bush, at an angle of 35° above the horizon, was selected for observation. For the first 11 h. it moved to a considerable distance in a nearly straight line to one side, owing probably to its having been previously deflected by the light whilst standing in the gioenhouse. At 7.20 p.m. on March 7th a fresh tracing was begun and continued for the next 43 h. 40 m. (see Fig. 80). During the first 2 h. it followed nearly the same direction as before, and then changed it a little; during the night it moved at nearly right angles to its previous coxirse. Next Chap. IV CIRCUMNUTATION OF STEMS 209 day (8th) it zigzagged greatly, and on the 9th moved irregularly rouud and round a small circular space. By 3 p.m. on the 9th the figure had become so complicated that no more dots could be made ; but the shoot continued during the evening of the 9th, the -whole of the 10th, and the morning of the llth to Fig. 80. Azalea Jndica : circumnutatioa of stem, illuminated from above, traced on horizontal glass, from 9.30 A.M. March 9th to 12.10 P.M. on the 10th. But on the morning of the 10th only four dots were made between 8.30 A.M. and 12.10 P.M., both hours included, so that the circumnutation is not fairly represented in this part of the diagram. Movement of the bead here magnified about 30 times. Plumhngo Capensis ; circumniitation of tip of a lateral branch, traced on horizontal glass, from 7.20 P.M. on March 7th to 3 P.M. on the 9th. Movement of bead magnified 13 times. Plant feeblv illuminated from above. circumnutate over the same small. space, which was only about the Jjth of an inch (-97 mm.) in diameter. Although this branch circumnutated to a very small extent, yet it changed its course frequently. The movements ought to have been more magnified. (15.) Aloysia citnvdora (Verbenaccfo, Fam. 173).—The following figure (Fig. 81) gives the movements of a shoot during 210 CIKCUMNUTATIOJf OF STEMS. Chap. IV. 31 h. 40 m., and shows that it civcumnutafed. The buah waa 15 inches in height. Fig. 81. Aloysia citriodora : circumnutation of stem, traced from 8 20 A.M. on March 22ad to 4 P.M. on 23rd. Plaat kept ia darkness. Movement magnified about 40 times. (16.) Verbena melindres (?) (a scarlet-flowered herbaceous var.) (Verbenacese).—A shoot 8 inches in height had been laid horizontally, for the sake qf observing its apogeotropism, and the terminal portion had grown Yertioally upwards for a length of 1^ inches. A glass filament, with a bead at the end, was fixed ' 7^ 82. 30'^m.ff? Vorbena mfndres: o.rcumQutatlon of stem in darkness, traced on vertical fe^m^gnile^Vtrme: ''"' ''' " " ''' ^""^ "'^- *'"—"^ upright to the tip, and its movements were traced during 11 h. 30 m. on a vertical glass (Pig. 82). Under these circumstances the lateral movements were chiefly shown; but as the liaes from side to side are not on the same level, the shoot Chap. IV. CIECUMNUTATION OF STEMS. 211 must have moved in a plane at right angles to that of the lateral movement, that is, it must have circumnutated. On the next day (6th) the shoot moved in the course of 16 h. four times to the right, and four times to the left; and this apparently represents the formation of four ellipses, so that each was completed in 4 h. (17.) CeratophyHum demersum (CeratophyllejB, Fam. 220).—An interesting account of the movements of the stem of this waterplant has been published by M. E. Eodier.* The movements are confined to the young internodes, becoming less and less lower down the stem; and they are extraordinary from their amplitude. The stems sometimes moved through an angle of above 2.0° in 6 h., and in one instance through 220° in 3 h. They generally bent from right to left in the morning, and in an opposite direction in the afternoon ; but the movement was sometimes temporarily reversed or quite arrested. It was not affected by light. It does not appear that M. Eodier made any diagram on a horizontal plane representing the actual course pursued by the apex, but he speaks of the " branches executing round their axes of growth a anovement of torsion." From the particulars above given, and remembering in the case of twining plants and of tendrils, how difficult it is not to mistake their bending to all points of the compass for true torsion, we are led to believe that the stems of this CeratophyHum circumnutate, probably in the shape of narrow ellipses, each completed in about 26 h. The following statement, however, seems to indicate something different from' ordinary circumnutation, but we cannot fnlly understand it. M. Eodier says : " II est alors facile de voir que ]e mouvement de flexion se produit d'abord dans les merithalles superieurs, qu'il se propage ensuite, en s'amoindrissant du hunt en has; tandis quau contraire le mouvement de redressemevt commence par la partie inferieure pour se terminer h la partie superieure qui, quelquefois, pen de temps avant de se relcver tout a fait, forme avec I'axe un angle tres aigu." (18 ) GonifercB.—Dr. Maxwell Masters states (' Journal Linn Soc.,' Doc. 2nd, 1879) that the leading shoots of many Coniferas during the season of their active growth exhibit very remarkable movements of revolving nutation, that is, they circumnutate. We may feel sure that the lateral shoots whilst growing would exhibit the same movement if carefully observed. » 'Cnmptes Eendua,' April 3ntli. 1877. Also a second liutios published separately in Bouidi-aux, Nov. 12th, 1877. 212 CIBCUJIXUTATION OF STEMS. Chap. IV (19.) Laium auratum (Fam. LdiacesB).—The circumnutatiou Fig. 83. 6p.mlL S'a.m.1^ Milium aumtun : circumniitation of a stem in darkness, traced on a horizontal glass, from 8 A.M. on March 14th to 8.35 A.M. on 1 6th. But it should be noted that our observations were interrupted between 6 P.M. on the 14-th and 12.15 P.M. on 15th, and the movements during this interval of 18 h. 15 m. are represented by a long brokuu line. Diagram reduced to half original scale. of the stem of a plant 2i inches in height is represented in the above figure (Fig. t-3). Fig. 48. Cppn-ux niferiiifulirts ; circumnutatinn of stem, illummated from above, traced on horizontal glass, from 9.45 a.m. March 9th to 9 P.M. on 10th The stem grew so i-apidly whilst being observed, that it was not possible to estimate how much its movements were magnified in the tracmg. (20.) Cyperus alternifoUns (Tam. Cyperacete.) —A Chap. IV. CIKCUMNUTATION OF STEMS. 213 filament, with a bead at the end, was fixed across the summit of a young stem 10 inches in height, close beneath the crown of elongated leaves. On March 8th, between 12.20 and 7.20 p.m., the stem described an ellipse, open at one end. On the followiDg day a new tracing was begun (Fig. 84), which plainly shows that the stem completed three irregular figures in the course of 35 h. 15 m. Concluding RemarJcs on the Circumnutation ofStems.— Any oue who will inspect the diagrams now given, and will bear in mind the widely separated position of the plants described in the series, —remembering that we have good grounds for the belief that the hypocotyls and epicotyls of all seedlings circumnutate,—not forgetting the number of plants distributed in the most distinct families which climb by a similar movement,—will probably admit that the growing stems of all plants, if carefully observed, would be found to circumnutate to a greater or less extent. When we treat of the sleep and other movements of plants, many other cases of circumnutating stems will be incidentally given. In looking at the diagrams, we should remember that the stems were always growing, so that in each case the circumnutating apex as it rose will have described a spire of some kind. The dots were made on the glasses generally at intervals of an hour, or hour and a half, and were then joined by straight lines. If they had been made at intervals of 2 or 3 minutes, the lines would have been more curvilinear, as in the case of the tracks left on the smoked glass-plates by the tips of the circumnutating radicles of seedling plants. The diagrams generally approach in form to a succession of more or less irregular ellipses or ovals, with their longer axes directed to diiferent points of the compass during the same day or on succeeding days. The stems there- 214 CmCUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. Chap. IV fore, sooner or later, bend to all sides; but after a stem has bent in any one direction, it commonly bends back at first in nearly, though not quite, the opposite direction ; and this gives the tendency to the formation of ellipses, which are generally narrow, but not so narrow as those described by stolons and leaves. On the other hand, the figures sometimes approach in shape to circles. Whatever the figure may be, the course pursued is often interrupted by zigzags, small triangles, loops, or ellipses. A stem may describe a single large ellipse one day, and two on the next. With different plants the complexity, rate, and amount of movement differs much. The stems, for instance, of Iberis and Azalea described only a single large ellipse in 24 h. ; whereas those of the Deutzia made four or five deep zigzags or narrow ellipses in llj h., and those of the Trifolium three triangular or quadrilateral figui-es in 7h. ClKCUMNUTATION OF StOLONS OK KuNNEES. Stolons consist of much elongated, flexible branches, which run along the surface of the ground and form roots at a distance from the parent-plant. They are therefore of the same homological nature as stems ; and the three following cases may be added to the twenty previously given cases. Frarjariij, (cultivated garden var.) : noaacem. —A plant growing m a pot liad emitted a long stolon ; this was supported by a stick, so that it projected for the length of several inches horizontally. A glass filament bearing two minute triangles of paper was affixed to the terminal bud, which was a little upturned ; and its movements were traced during 21 h., as shown in Fig. 85. In the course of the first 12 h. it moved twice up and twice down in somewhat zigzag lines, and no doubt travelled in the same manner dming the night. On the following Chap. IV. OIECUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. 215 morning after an interval of 20 h. the apex stood a little higher than it did at first, and this shows that the stolon had not been Fig. 85. lO'pm.^ Iff4,5'a.m 7°45'ajnJ9^ Fraga ia : circumnutation of stolon, kept in darkness, traced on vertical glass, from 10.45 A.M. May 18th to 7.45 A.M. on 19th. acted on within this time by geotropism ; " nor had its own weight caused it to bend downwards. On the following morning (19th) the glass filament was detached and refixed close behind the bud, as it appeared possible that the circumnutation of the terminal bud and of the adjoining part of the stolon might be different. The movement was now traced during two consecutive days (Tig. 86). During the first day the filament travelled in the course of 14 h. 30 m. five times up and four times down, besides some lateral movement. On the 20th the course was even more complicated, and can hardly be followed in the figure ; but the filament moved in 16 h. at least five times up and five times down, with very little * Dr. A. B. Frank states (' Die Naturliolie wagorechte Richtuno; von Pflanzenthcllen,' IS70, p. 20) tiiat the stolons of this plant tire Id acted on by geotropisra, but only after a considerable interval oj time. 216 CIKCUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. Ohap. IV lateral deflection. The first and last dots made on this second day, viz., at 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., were close together, showing that the stolon had not fallen or risen. Nevertheless, by comparing its position on Fig- 86. the morning of the 19th and 21st, it is obvioug that the stolon had sunk ; and this may be attributed to slow bending down either from its own weight or from geotro- pism. During a part of the 20th an orthogonal tracing was made by applying a cube of wood to the vertical glass and bringing the apex of the stolon at successive periods into a line with one edge; a dot being made each time on the glass. This tracing therefore represented very nearly the actual amount of movement of the apex ; and in the course of 9 h. the di.stance of the extreme dots from one another was '45 inch. By the same method it was ascertained that the apex moved between 7 a.m. on *3''a.m.21f' the 20th and 8 a.m. on the Fi-agaria : circumnatatioD of the same stolon 21st a distance of '82 inch, as in the last figure, observed inthe same ^ younger and shorter stolon was supported so that it projected at about 45° above the horizon, and its movement was traced by the same orthogonal method. On the first day the apex soon rose above the field of vision. By the next morning it had sunk, and the course pursued was now traced during 14 h. 30 m. (Fig. 87), The amount of movement was almost the same, manner, and traced from 8 A.M. May 19th to 8 A.M. 2l8C. Chap IV. CIECUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. 217 from side to side as up aud down ; and differed in this respec^t remarkably from the movement in the previous cases. During the latter part of the day, viz., between 3 and 10.30 r.M., the Kig. 87. jriO'^ w:am, 8°a.m FragaHai circumnutation of another and younger stolon, traced from 8 A.M. to 10.30 P.M. Figure reduced to one-half of original scale. actual distance travelled by the apex amounted to 1-15 inch; and in the course of the whole day to at least 2'67 inch. This is an amount of movement almost comparable with that of some climbing plants. The same stolon was observed on the following day, and now it moved in a somewhat less complex manner, in a plane not far from vertical. The extreme amount of actual movement was 1"55 inch in one direction, and '6 inch in another direction at right angles. During neither of these days did the stolon bend downwards through geotropism or its own weight. Four stolons still attached to the plant were laid on damp sand in the back of a room, with their tips facing the north-east windows. They were thus placed because De Vries says * that they are aphebotropic when exposed to the light of the sun ; but we could not perceive any effect from the above feeble degree of illumination. We may add that on another occasion, late in the summer, some stolons, placed upright before a south-west window • Arbeiten Bot. Inst., Wurzburg,' 1872, p. 434. 218 CIECUMNUTATION OP STOLONS. Chap IV. an a cloudy day, became distinctly curved towards the light, and were therefore heliotropic. Close in front of the tips of the prostrate stolons, a crowd of very thin sticks and the dried haulms of grasses were driven into the sand, to represent the crowded stems of surrounding plants in a state of nature. This was done for the sake of observing how the growing stolons would pass through them. They did so easily in the course of 6 days, and their circumnutation apparently facilitated their passage. When the tips encountered sticks so close together that they could not pass between them, they rose up and passed over them. The sticks and haulms were removed after the passage of the four stolons, two of which were found to have assumed a permanently sinuous shape, and two were sti'l Rtraight. But to this subject we shall recur under Saxifraga. Saxifraga sarmentosa (Saxifrages).—A plant in a suspended pot had emitted long branched stolons, which depended like Fig. 88. Saxifraga sar'mentosa : circamnutation of an inclined stolon, traced in darkness on a horizontal glass, from 7.45 A.M. April 18th to 9 A.M. on 9th. Movement of end of stolon magnified 2*2 times. threads on all sides. Two were tied up so as to stand vertically, and their upper ends became gradually bent downwards, but so slowly in the course of several days, that the bending was probably due to their weight and not to geotropism. A glass iilament with little triangles of paper was fixed to the end of one of these stolons, which was 17J inches in length, and had already become much bent down, but still projected at a considerable angle above the horizon. It moved only slightly three times from side to side and then upwards ; on the following day Chap. IV. CIECUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. 219 the movement was even less. As this stolon was so long v.e thought that its growth was nearly completed, so we tried another which was tliicker and shorter, viz., lOi inches in length. It moved greatly, chiefly upwards, and changed its course five times in the course of the day. During the night it curved so much upwards in opposition to gravity, that the movement could no longer be traced on the vertical glass, and a horizontal one had to be used. The movement was followed during the next 25 h., as shown in Fig. 88. Three irregular ellipses, with their longer axes somewhat differently directed, were almost completed in the first 15 h. The extreme actual amount of movement of the tip during the 25 h. was '75 inch. Several stolons were laid on a flat surface of damp sand, in the same manner as with those of the strawberry. The friction of the sand did not interfere with their circumnutation ; nor could we detect any evidence of their being sensitive to contact. In order to see how in a state of nature they would act, when encountering a stone or other obstacle on the ground, short pieces of smoked glass, an inch in height, were stuck upright into the sand in front of two thin lateral branches. Their tips scratched the smoked surface in various directions ; one made three upward and two downward lines, besides a nearly horizontal one; the other curled quite away from the glass; but ultimately both sui'mounted the glass and pursued their original course. The apex of a third thick stolon swept up the glass in a curved Hne, recoiled and again came into contact with it ; it then moved to the right, and after ascending, descended vertically ; ultimately it passed round one end of the glass instead of over it. Many long pins were next driven rather close together into the sand, so as to form a crowd in front of the same two thin lateral branches; but these easily wound their way through the crowd. A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course; at another place it could not pass through the pins, and the hinder part became bowed; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happened to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd. This stolon was rendered permanently sinuous to a slight degTee, and was thicker where sinuous than elsewhere, apparently from its longitudinal growth having been checked. Cotyledon umbilicus (Crassulaceae).—A plant growing in a pan 220 CIECUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. Cha.p. IV of damp moss had emitted 2 stolons, 22 and 20 inches in length One of these was supported, so that a length of 4J inches proiected in a straight and horizontal line, and the movement of tte apex was traced. The first dot was made at 9.10 a.m. Fig. 89. fU'tS'a.m.SS'l" f,G'iO''^ \tCa.m..Sl^(k 5°30'ji/m.Se'^ 'lO'3^p.m.3S^ Cotyledon umbilicus: circumnntation of stolon, traced ftom 11.15 A.M Aug. 25th to 11 A.M. 27th. Plant illuminated from above. Th' terminal internode was "25 inch in length, the penultimate 2'25,ana the third 3"0 inches in length. Apex of stolon stood at a distance of 5*75 inches from the vertical glass ; but it was not possible to ascertain how much the tracing was magnified, as it was not known how great a length of the internode circumnutated. the terminal portion soon began to bend downwards and continued to do so until noon. Therefore a straight line, very nearly as long as the whole figure here given (Fig. 89), was first traced on the glass ; but the upper part of this line has not been copied in the diagram. The curvature occurred in the middle Chap. IV. CIEOUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. 221 of the penultimate internode; and its chief seat was at the distance of li inch from the apex; it appeared due to the weight of the terminal portion, acting on the more flexible part of the internode, and not to geotropism. The apex after thus sinking down from 9.10 a.m. to noon, moved a little to the left; it then rose up and circumnutated ju a nearly vertical plane until 10.35 p.m. On the following day (26th) it was obFig. 90. _S°it' a,.in.25l^ S'S'itm. '/&'40'a.m.S^ e'20'^.m.aov^^ Votifledon umhUicus; circumnutation and downward movement of another ttolon, traced on vertical glass, from 9.11 A.M. Aug. 25th to 11 A.M. 27th. Apex close to glass, so that figure but little magnified, and here reduced to two-thirds of original size. served from 6.40 a.m. to 5.20 p.m., and within this time it moved twice up and twice down. On the morning of the 27th the apex stood as high as it did at 11.30 a.m. on the 25th. Nor did it sink down during the 28th, but continued to circumnutate about the same place. Another stolon, which resembled the last in almost every 222 CIRCUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. Chap. IV. respect, was observed during the same two days, but only two inches of the terminal portion was allowed to project freely and horizontally. On the 25th it continued from 9.10 a.m. to 1.30 r m. to bend straight downwards, apparently owing to its weight (Pig. 90); but after this hour until 10.35 p.m. it Zigzagged. This fact deserves notice, for we here probably see the combined effects of the bending down from weight and of circumnutation. The stolon, however, did not circumnutate when it first began to bend down, as may be observed in the present diagram, and as was still more evident in the last case, when a longer portion of the stolon was left unsupported. On the following day (26th) the stolon moved twice up and twice down, but still continued to fall ; in the evening and during the night it travelled from some unknown cause in an oblique direction. We see from these three cases that stolons or runners circumnutate in a very complex manner. The lines generally extend in a vertical plane, and this may probably be attributed to the effect of the weight of the unsupported end of the stolon ; but there is always some, and occasionally a considerable, amount of lateral movement. The circumnutation is so great in amplitude that it may almost be compared with that of climbing plants. That the stolons are thus aided in passing over obstacles and in winding between the stems of the surrounding plants, the observations above given render almost certain. If they had not circumnutated, their tips would have been liable to have been doubled up, as often as they met with obstacles in their path ; but as it is, they easily avoid them. This must be a considerable advantage to the plant in spreading from its parent-stock ; but we are far from supposing that the power has been gained by the stolons for this purpose, for circumnutation seems to be of universal occurrence with all growing parts; but it is not improbable that the amplitude of the movement may have been specially increased for this purpose. Cum IV. CIKCUMKUTATION OF FLOWEE-STEMS. 223 ClBCUMNUTATION OF FlOWEE-STEMS. We did not think it necessary to make any special observations on the circumnutation of flower-stems, these being axial in their nature, like stems or stolons ; but some were incidentally made whilst attending to other subjects, and these we will here briefly giyc. A few observations have also been made by other botanists. These taken together suffice to render it probable that all peduncles and sub-peduncles circumnutate whilst growing. Oxalis carnosa.—The peduncle which springs from the thick and woody stem of this plant bears three or four sab-peduncles . Fig. 91. Oxalis carnosa ; flower-stem, feebly illuminEitod from above, its circumnnta lion traced from 9 A.M. April 13th to 9 A.M. 15th. Summit of flcwel 8 inches beneath the horizontal glass. Movement probably magnified about 6 times. A filament with little triangles of paper was fixed within the calyx of a flower which stood upright. Its movements were observed for 48 h. ; during the first half of this time the flower was fully expanded, and during the second half withered. The figure here given (Fig. 91) represents 8 or 9 ellipses. Although the main peduncle ciroumnutated, and described one large and 224 CIEOUMJSTUTATIOjST of FLOWEE-STEMS CHAr. 1\ two smaller ellipses in the course of 24 h., yet the chief seat o< movement lies in the sub-peduncles, which ultimately bend vertically downwards, as will be described in a future chapter. The peduncles of Oxalis acetoselln likewise bend downwards, and afterwards, when the pods are nearly mature, upwards ; and this is effected by a circumnutating movement. It may be seen in the above figure that the flower-stem of O.carnosa circumnutated during two days about the same spot. On the other hand, the flower-stem of U. nensitioa undergoes a stnmgly marked, daily, periodical change of position, when kept at a proper temperature. In the middle of the day it stands vertically up, or at a high angle ; in the afternoon it sinks, and in the evening projects horizontally, or almost horizontally, rising again during the night. This movement continues from the period when the flowers are in bud to when, as we believe, the pods are mature : and it ought perhaps to have been included amongst the so-called sleep-movements of plants. A tracing was not made, but the angles were measured at successive periods during one whole day; and these showed that the movement was not continuous, but that the peduncle oscillated up and down. We may therefore conclude that it circumnutated. At the base of the peduncle there is a mass of small cells, forming a well- developed pulvinus, which is exteriorly coloured purple and hairy. In no other genus, as far as we know, is the peduncle furnished with a pulvinus. The peduncle of U. Ortegesii behaved differently from that of 0. sensitioa, for it stood at a less angle above the horizon in the middle of the day, than in the morning or evening. By 10.20 p.m. it had risen greatly. During the middle of the day it oscillated much up and down. Trifoliam sublerraneum.—A filament was fixed vertically to the uppermost part of the peduncle of a young and upright flower-head (the stem of the plant having been secured to a stick); and its movements were traced during 36 h. Within this time it described (see Fig. 92) a figure which represents four ellipses; but during the latter part of the time the peduncle began to bend downwards, aijd after 10.30 p.m. on the 24th it curved so rapidly down, that by 6.45 a.m. on the 25th it stood only 19° above the horizon. It went on circumnutating in nearly the same position for two days. Even after the flower-heads have buried themselves in the ground they continue, as will hereafter be shown, to circamnutate. It will also be seen in the next chapter that the sub-peduncles of the separate flowers of Uhap. IV. CIKCUMNUTATION OP FLOWER-STEMS. 225 TrifoKiim repens circumnittate in a complicated course during several days. I may add that the gynophore of Araclds hypogasa, Fig. 92. e'M)\.m.?4¥ ^'a.m S3T? I(f.30'^.m.24^ Trifolium subterraneum : main flower-peduncle, illummated from abors, circumnutation traced on horizontal glass, from 8.40 A.M. July 23rd to 10.30 P.M. 24th. which looks exactly like a peduncle, circumnutates -whilst growing vertically downwards, in order to bury the young pod in the ground. The movements of the flowers of Cyclamen Persicum were not observed ; but the peduncle, whilst the pod is forming, increases much in length, and bows itself down by a circumnutating movement. A young peduncle of Maurandia semperflorens, 1^ inch in length, was carefully observed during a whole day, and it made H narrow, vertical, irregular and short ellipses, each at an average rate of about 2 h. 25 m. An adjoining peduncle described during the same time similar, though fewer, ellipses.* According to Sachs f the flower-stems, whilst growing, ' The Movements and Habits 1875, p. 68. of Climbing Plants,' 2nd pdit., f ' Text-Book of Botany,' 1875, 226 CIKCUMNUTATION OP LEAVES. Chap. IV. of many plants, for instance, those of Brassica napus, revolve or circumnutate ; those of Alliam porrum bend from side to side, and, if this movement had been traced on a horizontal glass, no doubt ellipses would have been formed. Fritz Muller has described * the spontaneous revolving movements of the Bowerstems of an Alisma, which he compares with those of a tHmbing plant. We made no observations on the movements of the different parts of flowers. Morren, however, has observed t in the stamens of Sparmannia and Cereus a " fren.issement spontane," which, it may be suspected, is a circumnutating movement. The circumnutation .of the gynostemium of Stylidium, as described by Gad.t is highly remarkable, and apparently aids in the fertilisation of the flowers. The gynostemium, whilst spontaneously moving, comes into contact with the viscid labellum, to which it adheres, until freed by the increasing tension of the parts or by being touched. We have now seen that the flower-stems of plants belonging to such widely different families as the Criiciferse, Oxalidse, Leguminosae, PrimulacesB, Scrophularineae, Alismaeea3, and Liliacese, circumnutate ; and that there are indications of this movement in many other families. With these facts before us, bearing also in mind that the tendrils of not a few plants consist of modified peduncles, we may admit without much doubt that all growing flower-stems circumnutate. Circumnutation of Leaves : Dicotyledons. Several distinguished botanists, Hofmeister, Sachs, Pfeffer, De Vries, Batalin, Millardet, &c., have obp. 766. Lmnneus and Trevinmus plies ciicumnutation. (nocoiding to Pfeffer, ' Die Pe- * ' Jenaisohe Zeitsch.,' B. v. riodischeii Bewegungen,' &o., p. p. 133. 162) fctato tliat tlie flower-stalks f 'N. Mem. de I'Acad. E. de of many plants occupy different BruxeUr-s,' torn. xiv. 1841, p. 3. positions by night and i lay, and J ' Sitzungbericht des hot. Vewe shall S' e in the chapter on reins d'.T P. Brandenburg,' ixi the Slei^p of Plants that th^s im- p. 84. Chap IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 227 served, and some of them with the greatest care, the periodical movemeuts of leaves ; bat their attention has been chiefly, though not exclusively, directed to those which move largely and are commonly said to sleep at night. From considerations hereafter to be given, plants of this nature are here excluded, and will bo treated of separately. As we wished to ascertain whether all young and growing leaves circumnutated, we thought that it would be sufficient if we observed between 30 and 40 genera, widely distributed throughout the vegetable series, selecting some unusual forms and others on woody plants. All the plants were healthy and grew in pots. They were illuminated from above, but the light perhaps was not always sufficiently bright, as many of them were observed under a skylight of ground-glass. Except in a few specified cases, a fine glass filament with two minute triangles of paper was fixed to the leaves, and their movements were traced on a , vertical glass (when not stated to the contrary) in the manner already described. I may repeat that the broken lines represent the nocturnal course. The stem was always secured to a stick, close to the base of the leaf under observation. The arrangement of the species, with the number of the Family appended, is the same as in the case of stems. Fig. 93. Sarrocenia purpurea : circumnutation of young pitcher, traced from 8 A.M. July .Srd to 10.15 A.M. 4th. Temp. 17°-] 8° C. Apex of pitcher 20 inches from glass, so movement greatly magnified.(1.) Sarracenia purpurea (Sarracenese, Fam. 11).—A young leaf, or pitcher, 8^ inches in height, with the bladder swollen, but with the hood not as yet open, had a filament fixed transversely '228 CIBCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap. IV. across its apex ; it was observed for -13 la., and during the whole of this time it circumnutated in a nearly similar manner, but to a very small extent. The tracing given (Tig. 93) relates only to the movements during the first 26 h. (2.) Glaucium luteum (Papaveraoese, Tarn. 12).—A young plant, bearing only 8 leaves, had a filament attached to the youngest leaf but one, which was 3 inches in length, including the petiole. The circumnutating movement was traced during 47 h. On both days the leaf descended from before 7 a.m. until about 11 A.M., and then ascended slightly during the rest of the day and the early part of tbe night. During the latter part of the night it fell greatly. It did not ascend so much during the second as during the first day, and it descended considerably lower on the second night than on the first. This difference was probably due to the illumination from above having been insufficient during the two days of observation. Its course during the two days is shown in Fig. 94. (3.) Crambe maritima (Cruciferae, Fam. 14).—Aleaf 9^ inches in length on a plant not growing vigorously was first observed. Its apex was in constant movement, but this could hardly be traced, from being so small in extent. The apex, however, certainly changed its course at least 6 times in the course of 14 h. A more vigorous young plant, bearing only 4 leaves, was then selected, and a filament was affixed to the midrib of the third leaf from the base, which, with the petiole, was 5 inches in length. The leaf stood up almost vertically, but the tip Qlaucmm luteum : circumnutation of young leaf, traced from 9.30 A.M. June 14th to 8.30 A.M. Ii3th. Tr.Lcing not much magnified, as apex of leaf stood only hh inches from the glass. Chap. IY. DICOTYLEDONS. 229 was deflected, so that the filament projected almost horizontally, and its movements were traced during 48 h. on a vertical glass, as shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 95). We here plainly see that the leaf was conFig. 95. %°.a.iiif f'9°p.m.2Bi' lO'.SO'jf.m, 7:50'a.m.SS<^ tinually circumnutating ; but the proper periodicity of its movements was disturbed by its being only dimly illuminated from above through a double skylight. "VVe infer that this was the case, because two leaves on plants growing out of doors, had their angles above the horizon measured in the middle of the day and at 9 to about 10 P.M. on successive nights, and they were found at this latter hour to have risen by an average angle of 9° above their mid-day position : on the following morning they fell to their former position. Now it may be observed in the diagram that the leaf rose during the second night, so that it stood at 6.40 a.m. higher than at 10.20 p.m. on the preceding night ; and this may be attributed to the leaf adjusting itself to the dim light, coming exclusively from above. (4.) Brassica ohracea (Cruciferse). —Hofmeister and Batalin * state that the leaves of the cabbage rise at night, and fall by iay. We covered a young plant, bearing 8 leaves, under a largo bell-glass, placing it in the same position with respect to the 6!50'a.m.S^*h\ 3°2'm£^ Cramhe marltima : circumnutation of leaf, disturbed by being insufficieutly illuminated from above, traced from 7.50 A M. June 23rd to 8 A.M. 25th. Apex of 151 inches from the vertical glass, so that the tracing was much magnified, but is here reduced to one-fourth oforiginal scale. ' Flora," 1873, p. 437 230 CIKCUMXUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap. IT light in -which it had long remained, and a filament was fixed at the distance of -4 of an inch from the apex of a young leal nearly 4 inches in length. Its movements were then traced during three days, but the tracing is not worth giving. The leaf fell during the whole morning, and rose in the evening and during the early part of the night. The ascending and descending lines did not coincide, so that an irregular ellipse wa« formed each 24 h. The basal part of the midrib did not move, as was ascertained by measm-ing at successive periods the angle which it formed with the horizon, so that the movement was confined to the terminal portion of the leaf, which moved through an angle of IP in the course of 24 h., and the distance travelled by the apex, up and down, was between '8 and '9 of an inch. In order to ascertain the effect of darkness, a filament was fixed to a leaf ok inches in length, borne by a plant which after forming a head had proinced a stem. The leaf was inclined 44° above the horizon, and its movements were traced on a vertical glass every hour by the aid of a taper. During the first day the leaf rose from 8 a.m. to 10.40 p.m. in a shghtly zigzag course, the actual distance travelled by the apex being 67 of an inch. During the night the leaf fell, whereas it ought to have risen ; and by 7 a.m. on the following morning it had fallen -23 of an inch, and it continued falling until 9.40 a.m. It then rose until 10.50 p.m., but the rise was interrupted by one considerable oscillation, that is, by a fall and re-ascent. During -the second night it again fell, but only to a very short distance, and on the following morning re-ascended to a very short distance. Thus the normal course of the leaf was greatly disturbed, or rather completely inverted, by the absence of light; and the movements were likewise greatly diminished in amplitude. We may add that, according to Mr. A. Stephen Wilson,* the young leaves of the Swedish turnip, which is a hybrid between B. oleracea and rapa, draw together in the evening so much " that the horizontal breadth diminishes about 30 per cent, of the daylight breadth." Therefore the leaves must rise considerably at night. (5.) Dianthiis caryoijlyllus (Caryophyllea, Fam. 26). The „ r ' T™°«-.Bot. Soo. E,lii,biu-gh,' see Darwin. and Planta vol.xn,.p.^2 \Uth respect to under Drn,e.tic«tiuD.' 2nd edittlif origin of the & Widish turnip, vol. i. p. oi4. Chap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 231 terminal shoot of a young plant, growing very vigorously, was selected for observation. The young leaves at iirst stand up vertically and close together, but they soon bend outwards and downwards, so as to become horizontal, and often at the same time a little to one side. A filament was fixed to the tip of a young leaf whilst still highly inclined, and the first dot was made on the vertical glass at 8.30 a.m. June 13th, but it curved downwards so quickly that by 6.40 a.m. on the following morning it stood only a little above the horizon. In Fig. 96 Kig. 98 a W-lS'p.mWb 5s \e''4o'a.m.U-^ t0''4^'p.m.l4^h Dianthus cwyophijllus : circumnutatjon of young leaf, traced from 10.15 P.M. June 13th to 10..35 P.M. 16th. Apex of leaf stood, at the close of our observations, 8f inches from the vertical glass, so tracing not greatly magnified. The leaf was 5J inches long. Temp. t5J°-17J° C. the long, slightly zigzag line representing this rapid downward course, which was somewhat inclined to the left, is not given ; but the figure shows the highly tortuous and zigzag course, together with some loops, pursued during the next 1\ days. As tha leaf continued to move all the time to the left, it is evident that the zigzag line represents many circumnutations. (6.) Camellia Japonica (Camelliaoese, Fam. 32).—A youngish leaf, which together with its petiole was 21 inches in length and which arose from a side branch on a tall bush, had a filament attached to its apex. This leaf sloped downwards at an angle of 40° beneath the horizon. As it was thick and rigid, and its 16 232 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap. I"V petiole very short, mucli movement could not be expected Nevertheless, the apex changed its course Fig- 97. completely seven times in the course of llh h., but moved to only a very small distance. On the next day the movement of the apex was traced during 26 h. 20 m. (as shown in Fig. 97), and was nearly of the same nature, but rather less complex. The movement seems to be periodical, for on both days the leaf circumnutated in the forenoon, fell in the afternoon (on the first day until between 3 and 4 p.m., and on the second day until 6 p.m.), and then rose, falling again during the night or early morning. In the chapter on the Sleep of Plants we shall see that the leaves in several Malvaccous genera sink Fig. 98. 9". 30'<'I'* io'.ss'p.mJs'l^ Pelargonium zonale : circumnutation and downward movement of yoang leaf, traced from 9.30 A.M. June 14th to 6.30 P.M. 16th. Apex of leal 9J inches from the vertical glass, so figure moderately magnified* Temp. 15°-1RJ° C. at night; and as they often do not then occupy a vertical position, especially if they have not been well illuminated during Chap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 233 Fig. 99. the day, it is doubtfal wliether some of these cases ought uot to have been included in the present chapter. (7.) Pelargonium zonale (Geraniaceso, Tarn. 47). — A young leaf, \\ inch in breadth, with its petiole 1 inch long, borne on a young plant, was observed in the usual manner during 61 h. ; and its course is shown in the preceding figure (Fig. 98). During the first day and night the leaf moved downwards, but oircumnutated between 10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. On the second day it sank and rose again, but between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. it circumnutated on an extremely small scale. On the third day the circimmutation was more plainly marked. (8.) Cissua discolur (Ampelidese, Fam. 67).—A leaf, not nearly full-grown, the third from the apex of a shoot on a cut-down plant, was observed during 31 h. 30 m. (see Fig. 99). The day was cold (15°-16° C), and if the plant had been observed in the hot-house, the circumnutation, though plain enough as it was, would probably have been far more con- spicuous. (9.) Vicia faha (Leguminosfe, Fam. 75).—A young leaf, 3-1 inches in length, measured from base of petiole to end of leaflets, had a filament affixed to the midrib of one of the two terminal leaflets, and its movements were traced during 51^ h. The filament fell all morning (July 2nd) till 3 p.m., and then rose greatly till 10.35 p.m. ; but the rise this day was so great, compared with that which subsequently occurred, that it was probably due in part to the plant being illuminated from above. The latter part of the course on July 2nd is alone given in the following figure (Fig. 100). On the next day (July 3rd) the leaf again fell in the morning, then circumnutated in a conspicuous manner, and rose till late at night ; but the movement was not traced after 7.15 p.m., as by that time the filament pointed towards the upper edge of the glass. During the latter part of the night or early morning it again fell in the same manner as before. Cissus discolor : circumnutation of leaf, traced from 10.35 A.M. May 28th to 6 P.M. 29th. Apex of leaf 8f inches from the vertical glass. 234 CIKCUSINUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap. IV As tlio evening rise and the early morning fall were unusually large, the angle of the petiole above the horizon was measured at the two periods, and the leaf was found to have risen 1!)' Fig. 100. i'.B.—At 6.40 A.5L on tne 5th it was necessary to move the pot a little, and a new tr.icing was begun at the point where two dots are not joined in trie diagram. Apex of leaf 7 inches from the vei tical glass. Temp, generally 17J°C. Ohap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 249 (22.) Petunia violacea (Solanese, Fam. 157).—A very young leaf, only J inch in length, highly inclined upwards, was observed for four days. During the whole of this time it bent outwards and downwards, so as to become more and more nearly horizontal. The strongly marked zigzag line in the figure on p. 248 (Fig. Ill), shows that this was effected by modified circumnutation ; and during the latter part of the time there was much ordinary circumnutation on a small scale. The movement in the diagram is magnified between 10 and 11 times. It exhibits a clear trace of periodicity, as the leaf rose a little each evening ; but this upward tendency appeared to be almost conquered by Fig. 112, the leaf striving to become more and more horizontal as it grew older. The angles which two older leaves formed together, were measured in the evening and about noon on 3 successive days, and each night the angle decreased a little, though irregularly. (23.) Acanthus mollis (Acanthacese, Fam. 168). —The younger of two leaves, 2[ inches in length, petiole included, produced by a seedling plant, was observed during 47 h. Early on each of the three mornings, the apex of the leaf fell ; and it continued to fall till 3 p.m., on the two afternoons when observed. After 8 p.m. it rose considerably, and continued to rise on the second night until the early morning. But on the first night it fell instead of rising, and we have little doubt that this was owing to the leaf being very young and becoming through epinastic growth more and more horizontal ; for it may be seen in the diagram (Fig. 112), that the leaf stood on a higher level on the first than on the second day. The leaves of an allied species (A. spinosus) certainly rose every night ; and the rise between noon and 10.15 p.m., when measured on one occasion, was 10°. This rise was chiefly Acanthus moSi's; circumnutation of young leaf, traced from 9.20 A.M. June 14th to 8.30 A.M. 16th. Apex of leaf 11 inches from the vertical glass, so movement considerably magnified. Figure here reduced to onehalf of original 8<:ale. Temp. lo°-16i° C. 250 CIECUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap. IV. or exclusively due to the Btraightenmg of the blade, and not to the movement of the petiole. We may therefore conclude that the leaves of Acanthus circumnutate periodically, falling in the morning and rising in the afternoon and night. (24.) Cannabis sutiva (Cannabineae, Fam. 195).—We have here the rare case of leaves moving downwards in the evening, but not to a suflBcient degree to be called sleep.* In the early morning, or in the latter part of the night, they move upwards. For instance, all the young leaves near the summits of several stems stood almost horizontally at 8 a.m. May 29th, and at 10.30 P.M. were considerably declined. On a subsequent day two leaves stood at 2 p.m. at 21° and 12' beneath the horizon, and at 10 P.M. at 38° beneath it. Two other leaves on a younger plant were horizontal at 2 p.m., and at 10 p.m. had sunk to 36° beneath the horizon. With respect to this downward movement of the leaves, Kraus believes that it is due to their epinastic growth. He adds, that the leaves are relaxed during the day, and ten.=e at night, both in sunny and rainy weather. (25.) Finns pinaster (Coniferse, Fam. 223).—The leaves on the summits of the terminal shoots stand at first in a bundle almost upright, but they soon diverge and ultimately become almost horizontal. The movements of a young leaf, nearly one inch in length, on the summit of a seedling plant only 3 inches high, svere traced from the early morning of June 2nd to the evening of the 7th. During these five days the leaf diverged, and its apex descended at first in an almost straight line; but during the two latter days it zigzagged so much that it was evidently circumnutating. The same little plant, when grown to a height of 5 inche^i, was again observed during four days. A filament was fixed transversely to the apex of a leaf, one inch in length, and whiuh had already diverged considerably from its originally upright position. It continued to diverge (see A, Fig. 113), and to descend from 11.45 a.m. July 31st to 6.40 a.m. Aug. 1st. On August 1st it circumnutated about the same small spac?, and again descended at night. Next morning the pot was moved nearly one inch to the right, and a new tracing was begun (B). From tbis time, viz., 7 a.m. August 2nd to 8.20 a.m. on the 4th • We were led to observe tliis Flcra, 1879, p. C6. We rein-.t that plant by Dr. Carl Kraua' paper, we cannot fully underhand partk ' Beitrage zur Kentciss der Bene- of tbxa paper, gungen Wachsontler Laubblatter,' Chap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 251 the leaf manifestly ciroumnutattd. It does not appear from the diagram that the leaves move periodically, for the desceadiug course during the first two nights, was clearly due to epinastic B°45'a.m. SI'.' Fig. 113. 0''4i0'aml't e°40 a.m.: S'30'a.m.-a -7' a.m. 3"^ Pinus pinaster; circcmnutation of young leaf, traced from 11.45 A.M. July .'{1st to 8.20 A.M. ^ug. 4th. At 7 A.M. Aug. 2nd the pot was moved an inch to one side, so that the tracing consists of two figures. Apex of leaf 14^ inches from the vertical glass, so movements much magnified. growth, and at the close of our ohservations the leaf was not nearly so horizontal as it would ultimately become. Pinus austriaca.—Two leaves, 3 inches in length, but not 252 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap. IV. qaite fully grown, produced by a lateral shoot, on a young tree 3 feet in lieight, were obserred during 29 h. (July 31st), in the game manner as the leaves of the previous species. Both these leaves certainly circumnutafed, making Fig. 114. within the above period two, or two and a half, small, irregular ellipses. (26.) Cycas pcctinatu (Cycadese, Fam 224). — A young leaf, Hi inches in length, of which the leaflets had only recently become uncnrled, was observed during 47 h. 30 m. The main petiole was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets. To one of the latter, 31 inches in length, a filament was fixed ; the leaflet was much bowed downward, but as the terminal part was upturned, the filament projected almost horizontally. The leaflet moved (see Fig. 114) largely and periodically, for it fell until about 7 p.m. and rose during the night, falling again next morning after 6.40 a.m. The descending lines are in a marked manner zigzag, and so probably would have been the ascending lines, if they had been traced throughout the night. Ofjcas pectinata : circuranutation of one of the terminal leaflets, traced from 8.30 A.M. June 22n(l to 8 A.M. June 24th. Apex of leaflet 7| inches from the vertical gla-^s, so tracing not greatly magniHed, and here reduced to one-third of original scale; temp. 19°-21°C. CmcuMNUTATioN OF Leaves : Monocotyledons. (27.) Carina Warscewiczii (CannaccsB, Fam. 2).—The movements of a young leaf, 8 inches in length and 3i in breadth, produced by a vigorous young plant, were observed during 45 h, 60 m., as shown in Fig. 115. The pot was slided about an inch to the right on the morning of the nth, as a single figure would have been too complicated; but the two figures are continuous in time. The movement is periodical, as the leaf descended from the early morning until about 5 p M., and ascended dui-ing the rest of the evening and Chap. IV. MONOCOTYLEDONS. 253 part of the night. On the evening of the 11th it circumnutated on a small scale for some time about the same spot. A. 6. Canna Warscewiczii; oircumnutation of leaf, traced (A) from 11.30 A. M June 10th to 6.40 A.M. 11th ; and (B) from 6.40 A.M. 11th to 8.40 A.M. 12th. Apex of leaf 9 inches from the vertical glass. (28.) Iris pseudo-acorus (Iridese, Fam. 10).—The movements of a young leaf, rising 13 inches above the -water in which the plant grew, were traced as shown in the figure (Fig. 116), during 27 h. 30 m. It manifestly circumnutated, though only to a small extent. On the second morning, between 6.40 a.m. and 2 p.m. (at which latter hour the figure here given ends), the apex changed its course five times. During the next 8 h. 40 m. it zigzagged much, and descended as far as the lowest dot in the figure, making in its course two very small ellipses ; but if these lines had been added to the diagram it would have been too complex. (29.) Crinum Oapense (Amaryllidete, Fam. 11).—The leaves of this plant are remarkable for their great length and narrowness: one was measured and found to be 53 inches long and only 1-4 broad at the base. Whilst quite young they stand up almost vertically to the height of about a foot; afterwards Fig. 116. 7Iris pseudo-acorus ; oircumnutation of leaf, traced from 10.30 A.M. May 28th to 2 P.M. 29th. Tracing continued to 11 P.M., but not here copied. Apex of leaf 12 inches beneath the horizontal glass, so figure considerably magnified. Temp. 160-16° C. 254 CIECUMNUTATIOX OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV. their tips begin to bend over, and subscquenily hang vertically down, and thus continne to grow. A rather young leaf was selected, of which the dependent tapering point was as yet only 5) inches in length, the upright basal part being 20 inches high, though this part would ultimately become shorter by being more bent over. A large bell-glass was placed over the plant, with a black dot on one side ; and by bringing the dependent apex of the leaf into a line with this dot, the accompanying figure (Fig. 117) was traced on the other side of the boll, during 2k days. During the iirst day (22nd) the tip travelled laterally far to the left, perhaps in consequence of the plant having been Fig. 117. J0°4B'p.m.34'h: .^ Crinum capenie : circumnutation of dependent tip of young leaf, traced on a bell-glass, from 10.30 P.M. May 22nd to 10,15 A.M. 25th. Figure not greatly magnifieil. disturbed ; and the last dot made at 10.30 p.m. on this day is alone here given. As we see in the figure, thcro can be no doubt that the apex of this leaf circumnutated. A glass filament with little triangles of paper was at the same time fixed obliquely across the tip of a still younger leaf, which stood vertically up and was as yet straight. Its movements were traced from 3 p.m. May 22nd to 10 1.5 a.m. 25th. The leaf was growing rapidly, so that the apex ascended greatly during this period; as it zigzagged much it was clearly circumnntating, and it apparently tended to form one ellipse each day. The lines traced during the night were much more vertical than those traced during the day; and this indicates that the tracing would liave exhibited a nocturnal rise and a diurnal fall, if the leaf had not grown so quickly. The movement of this same leaf after an interval of six days (May 81st), by which time the tip had curved outwards into a horizontal position Chap. IV. MONOCOTYLEDONS. 255 and had thus made the first step towards becoming dependent, was traced orthogonically by the aid of a cube of wood (in the manner before explained) ; and it was thus ascertained that the Bctual distance travelled by the apex, and due to circumnutation, was 3^ inches in the course of 20J h. During the next 24 h. it travelled 2h inches. The circumnutating movement, therefore, of this young leaf was strongly marked. (30.) Paneratium littorale (Amaryllideaj).—The movements, much magnified, of a leaf, 9 inches in length and inclined at about 45° above the horizon, were traced during two days. On the first day it changed its course completely, upwards and downwards and laterally, 9 times in 12 h. ; and the figure traced apparently represented five ellipses. On the second day it was observed seldomer, and was therefore not seen to change its course so often, viz., only 6 times, but in the same complex manner as before. The movements were small in extent, but there could be no doubt about the circumnutation of the leaf. (31.) Imatophyllum. vel Clivia (sp. ?) (Amarylhdeas).—A long glass filament was fixed to a leaf, and the angle formed by it with the horizon was measured occasionally during three successive days. It fell each morning until between 3 and 4 p.m., •ind rose at night. The smallest angle at any time above the horizon was 48°, and the largest 50°; so that it rose only 2° at night ; but as this was observed each day, and as similar observations were nightly made on another leaf on a distinct plant, there can be no doubt that the leaves move periodically, though to a very small extent. The position of the apex when it stood highest was -8 of an inch above its lowest point. (32.) PisUa stratiotes (Aroidcse, Pam. 30). — Hofmeister remarks that the leaves of this floating water-plant are more highly inclined at night than by day.* We therefore fastened a fine glass filament to the midrib of a moderately young leaf, and on Sept. 19th measured the angle which it formed with the horizon 14 times between 9 a.m. and 11.50 p.m. The temperature of the hot-house varied during the two days of observation between 18i° and 23^° C. At 9 a.m. the filament stood at 32° above the horizon ; at 3.34 p.m. at 10° and at 11.50 pm. at 55°; these two latter angles being the highest and the lowest observed during the day, showing a difference of 45°. The rising did not become strongly marked until between • ' Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle,' 18U7, p. 327. 256 CIEGUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV 5 and 6 p.m. On the next day the leaf stood at only 10° above the horizon at 8.25 a.m., and it remained at about 15^ till past 3 P.M.; at 5.40 p.m. it was 23°, and at 9.30 p.m. 58°; so that the rise was more sudden this evening than on the previous one, and the difference in the angle amounted to 48°. The movement is obviously periodical, and as the leaf stood on the first night at 55°, and on the second night at 58° above the horizon, it appeared very steeply inclined. This case, as we shall see in a future chapter, ought perhaps to have been included under the head of sleeping plants. (33.) Pontederia (sp. ?) (from the highlands of St. Catharina, Fig. 118. Pontederia (sp. ?) : circumnutation of leaf, traced from 4.50 P.M. July 2nd to 10.15 A.M. 4-th. Apex of leaf 16J inches from the vertical glass, so tracing greatly magnified. Temp, about 17° C, and therefore rather too low. Brazil) (Pontederiacese, Fam. 46).—A filament was fixed across the apex of a moderately young leaf, 7J inches in height, and its movements were traced during 42J h. (see Fig. 118). On the first evening, when the tracing was begun, and during the night, the leaf descended considerably. On the next morning it ascended in a strongly marked zigzag line, and descended again in the evening and during the night. The movement, therefore, seems to be periodic, but some doubt is thrown on this conclusion, because another leaf, 8 inches in height, appearing older and standing more highly inclined, behaved differently. During the first 12 h. it circumnutated over a Chap. IV. CIECUMNUTATION OF CRYPTOGAMS. 257 small space, but during the night and the whole following day it ascended in the same general directioa; the ascent being effected by repeated up and down well-pronounced oscillations. Cetptogams. (34.) Nephrodium molle (Filices, Fam. 1).—A filament was fixed near the apex of a young frond of this Fern, 17 inches in height, which was not as yet fully uncurled ; and its movements were traced during 24 h. "We see in Fig. 119 that it Fig. 119. Nephrodium molle: circumnutation of rachis, traced from 9.15 A.M. Maj 28th to 9 A.M. 29th. Figure here given two-thirds of original scale. plainly circumnutated. The movement was not greatly magnified as the frond was placed near to the vertical glass, and would probably have been greater and more rapid had the day been warmer. For the plant was brought out of a warm greenhouse and observed under a skylight, where the temperature was between 15° and 16° 0. We have seen in Chap. I. that a frond of this Fern, as yet only slightly lobed and with a rachis only '23 inch in height, plainly circumnulated.* * Mr. Loomis and Prof. Asa Gray have described (' Botanical Gazette,' 1880, pp. 27, 43), an extremely curious case of morement in the fronds, but only in the fruiting fronds, of Asplenium tnehomanes. They move almost as rapidly as the little leaflets of Desmndium gyraw, alternately backwards and forwards through from 20 'o 40 degrees, in a plane at right angles to that of the frond. The apex of the frond describes " a long and very narrow ellipse,'' so that it oirmmnutates. But the movement differs from ordinary 258 CIECUMNUTATION OF CRYPTOGAMS. Chap. 17 Fig. 120. In the chapter on the Sleep of Plants the conspicuous circumnutation of Marsilea quadrijoliata (Marsileacese, Fam. 4) will be described. It has also been shown in Chap. I. that a yery young Selaginella (Lycopodiaceae, Fam. 6), only '4 inch in height, plainly circnmnutated ; we may therefoi-e conclude that older plants^ whilst growing, would do the same. (35.) Lunvlaria vulgaris (Hepaticse, Tarn. 11, Muscales). — The earth in an old flower-pot was coated with this plant, bearing gemmae. A highly inclined frond, which projected '3 inch above the soil and was 'i inch in breadth, was selected for observation. A glass hair of extreme tenuity, '75 inch in length, with its end whitened, was cemented with shellac to the frond at right angles to its breadth ; and a white stick with a minute black spot was driven into the soil close behind the end of the hair. The white end could be accurately brought into a line with the black spot, and dots could thus be successively made on the vertical glass-plate in front. Any movement of the frond would of course be exhibited and increased by the long glass hair ; and the black spot was placed so close behind the end of the hair, relative'y to the distance of the g'ass-plate in front, that the movement of the end was magnified about 40 times. Nevertheless, we are convinced that oiir tracing gives a fairly faithful representation of the movements of the frond. In the intervals between each observation, the plant was covered by a small bell-glass. The frond, as already stated, riroimmutation as it occurs only sufflcient to excite motion for a whpn the plant is exposed to the few minutes." light ; even artificial light " is Lunularia vulgaris: circumnutntion of a frond, traced from 9 A.M. Oct 25th to 8 A.M. 27th. Chap. IV. CIECUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. 259 was highly inclined, and the pot stood in front of a north-east window. During the five first days the frond moved downwards or became less inclined; and the long line which was traced was strongly zigzag, with loops occasionally formed or nearly formed; and this indicated circumnutation. "Whether the sinking was due to epinastic growth, or apheliotropism, we do not know. As the sinking was slight on the fifth day, a new tracing was begun on the sixth day (Oct. 25th), and was continued for 47 b. ; it is here given (Fig. 120). Another tracing was made on the next day (27th) and the frond was fotind to be still circumnutating, for during 14 h. 30 m. it changed its course completely (besides minor changes) 10 times. It was casually observed for two more days, and was seen to be continually moving. The lowest members of the vegetable series, the Thallogens, apparently oircumnutate. If an Osoillaria be watched under the microscope, it may be f-een to describe circles about every 40 seconds. After it has bent to one side, the tip first begins to bend back to the opposite side and then the whole filament curves over in the same direction. Hofmeister* has given a minute account of the curious, but less regular though constant, movements of Spirogyra: during 2i h. the filament moved 4 times to the left and 3 times to tlie right, and he refers to a movement at right angles to the above. The tip moved at the rate of about OT mm. in five minutes. He compares the movement with the nutation of the higher plauts.f We shall hereafter see that heliotropic movements result from modified circumnutation, and as unicellular Moulds bend to the light we may infer that they also ciroumnutate. CONCLUPING EeMAEKS ON THE ClKCUMNUTATION OP Leaves. The circumnutating movements of young leaves in 33 genera, belonging to 25 families, widely distributed * ' Ueber die Bewegungen (Jer 1880, vol. iii. p. 320) that the Faden der Sjiirogyra pririceps : movements of Spirulina, a memOaliresliefte des Veieins fiir vater- bar of the OsoillatorieiB, are closely liindisebe Naturkunde iu Wiirt- analogous "to the well-known temberg,' 1874, p. 211. rotation of growing shoots and t Zukalalsnremarks (as quoted tendrils." in 'Journal E. Mioroscop. Soc.,' 260 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap- I^ amongst ordinary and gynmospermous Dicotyledons and amongst Monocotyledons, together with several Cryptogams, have now been described. It would, therefore, not be rash to assume that the growing leaves of all plants circumnutate, as we Jiave seen reason to conclude is the case with cotyledons. The seat of movement generally lies in the petiole, but sometimes both in the petiole and blade, or in the blade alone. The extent of the movement differed much in different plants ; but the distance passed over was never great, except with Pistia, which ought perhaps to have been included amongst sleeping plants. The angular movement of the leaves was only occasionallv measured ; it commonly varied from only 2° (and probably even less in some instances) to about 10'; but it amounted to 23' in the common bean. The movement is chiefly in a vertical plane, but as the ascending and descending lines never coincided, there was always some lateral movement, and thus irregular ellipses were formed. The movement, therefore, deserves tc be called one of circumnutation ; for all circumnutating organs tend to describe ellipses,—that is, growth on one side is succeeded by growth on nearly but not quite the opposite side. The ellipses, or the zigzag lines representing dra\iTi-out ellipses, are generally very narrow ; yet with the Camellia, their minor axes wore half as long, and with the Eucalyptus more than half as long as their major axes. In the case of Cissus parts of the figure more nearly represented circles than ellipses. The amount of lateral movement is therefore sometimes considerable. Moreover, the longer axes of the successively formed ellipses (as with the Bean Cissus, and Sea-kale), and in several instances the' zigzag lines representing ellipses, were extended in very different directions during the same day or on Chap. IV. CIECUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. 2G1 the next day. The course followed was curvilinear ot straight, or slightly or strongly zigzag, and little loops or triangles were often formed. A single large irregular ellipse may be described on one day, and two smaller ones by the same plant on the next day. With Drosera two, and with Lupinus, Eucalyptus and Pancratium, several were formed each day. The oscillatory and jerking movements of the leaves of Dionsea, which resemble those of the hypocotyl of the cabbage, are highly remarkable, as seen under the microscope. They continue night and day for some months, and are displayed by young unexpanded leaves, and by old ones which have lost their sensibility to a touch, but which, after absorbing animal matter, close their lobes. We shall hereafter meet with the same kind of movement in the joints of certain Gramineae, and it is probably common to many plants while circumnutating. It is, therefore, a strange fact that no such movement could be detected in the tentacles of Drosera rotundifolia, though a member of the same family with Dionaea ; yet the tentacle which was observed was so sensitive, that it began to curl in'wards in 23 seconds after being touched by a bit of raw meat. One of the most interesting facts with respect to the circumnutation of leaves is the periodicity of their movements ; for they often, or even generally, rise a little in the evening and early part of the night, and sink again on the following morning. Exactly the same phenomenon was observed in the case of cotyledons. The leaves in 16 genera out of the 83 which were observed behaved in this manner, as did probably 2 others. Nor must it be supposed that in the remaining 15 genera there was no periodicnty in their movements ; for 6 of them were observed during too short a period for any judgment to be formed on this head 262 CIECUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Chap. IV and 3 were so young that their epinastic growth which serves to bring them down into a horizontal position, overpowered every other kind of movement In only one genus, Cannabis, did the leaves sink in the evening, and Kraus attributes this movement to the prepotency of their epinastic growth. That the periodicity is determined by the daily alternations of light and darkness there can hardly be a doubt, as will hereafter be shown. Insectivorous plants are very little affected, as far as their movements are concerned, by light ; and hence probably it is that their leaves, at least in the cases of Sarracenia, Drosera, and Dionaea, do not move periodically. The upward movement in the evening is at first slow, and with different plants begins at very different hours ; —with Glaucium as early as 11 a.m., commonly between 3 and 5 p.m., but sometimes as late as 7 p.m. It should be observed that none of the leaves described in this chapter (except, as we believe, those of Lupinus speciosus) possess a pulvinus ; for the periodical movements of leaves thus provided have generally been amplified into so-called sleep-movements, with which we are not here concerned. The fact of leaves and cotyledons frequently, or even generally, rising a little in the evening and sinking in the morning, is of interest as giving the foundation from which the specialised sleepmovements of many leaves and cotyledons, not provided with a pulvinus, have been developed. The above periodicity should be kept in mind, by any one considering the problem of the horizontal position of leaves and cotyledons during the day, whilst illumioated from above. Ohap. V MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. 2QiS CHAPTER V. Modified Ciroumnctation: Climeino Planvs ; Epinastio and HyPONASTIC MOVEMliNTS. Ciicumniitation modified through innate causes or through the action of external coijditions—Innate causes— Cliiubing plants; similiirity of tlieir movements with those of ordinary plants ; increased :implitude ; occasional points of difference —Epinastic growth of young leaves—Hyponastic growth of the hypo^'otyls and epitotyls of seedlings—Hooked tips of climbing and other plants due to modiiied circumuutation — Ampelopsis tricnspidiita — Smithia Pfuudii — • Straightening of the tip due to liyponasty—Epinastic growth and oircuiunuliition of the flmver-peduiicles of Trifulium repena and Oxalis carnosa. The radicles, hypocotyls and epicotyls of seedling plants, even before they emerge from the ground, and afterwards the cotyledons, are all continually circumnutating. So it is with the stems, stolons, flowerpeduncles, and leaves of older plants. We may, therefore, infer with a considerable degree of safety that all the growing parts of all plants circumnutate. Although this movement, in its ordinary or unmodified state, appears in some cases to be of service to plants, either directly or indirectly—for instance, the circumnutation of the radicle in penetrating the ground, or that of the arched hypocotyl and epicotyl in breaking through the surface—yet circumuutation is so general, or rather so universal a phenomenon, that we cannot suppose it to have been gained for any special purpose. We must believe that it follows in some unknown way from the manner in which vegetable tissues grow. 18 264 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. V. We sliall now consider the many cases in which 3ircumnutation has been modified for various special purposes ; that is, a movement already in progress is temporarily increased in some one direction, and temporarily diminished or quite arrested in other directions. These cases may be divided in two sub-classf s ; in one of which the modification depends on innate or constitutional causes, and is independent of external conditions, excepting in so far that the proper ones for growth must be present. In the second sub-class the modification depends to a large extent on external agencies, such as the daily alternations of light and darkness, or light alone, temperature, or the attraction of gravity. The first small sub-class will be considered in the present chapter, and the second sub-chiss in the remainder of this volume. The Circumnutation of Climbing Plants. The simplest case of modified circumnutation is that offered by climbing plants, with the exception of those which climb by the aid of motionless hooks or of rootlets : for the modification consists chiefly in the greatly increased amplitude of the movement. This would follow either from greatly increased growth over a small length, or more probably from moderately increased growth spread over a considerable length of the moving organ, preceded by turgescence, and acting successively on all sides. The circumnutation of climbers is more regular than that of ordinary plants ; but in almost every other respect there is a close similarity between their movements, namely, in their tendency to describe ellipses directed successively to all points of the compass—in their courses being often interrupted oy zigzag lines, triangles, loops, or small Chap V. CLIMBING PLANTS. 265 ellipses—in the rate of movement, and in different species revolving once or several times within the same length of time. In the same internode, the movements cease first in the lower part and then slowly upwards. In both sets of cases the movement mav be modified in a closely analogous manner by geotropism and by heliotropism ; though few climbing plants are aeliotropic. Other points of similarity might be pointed out. That the movements of climbing plants consist of ordinary circumnutation, modified by being increased in amplitude, is well exhibited whilst the plants are very young ; for at this early age they move like other seedlings, but as they grow older their movements gradually increase without undergoing any other change. That this power is innate, and is not excited by any external agencies, beyond those necessary for growth and vigour, is obvious. No one doubts that this power has been gained for the sake of enabling climbing plants to ascend to a height, and thus to reach the liglit. This is effected by two very different methods ; first, by twining spirally round a support but to do so their stems must be long and flexible ; and, secondly, in the case of leaf-climbers and tendrilbearers, by bringing these organs into contact with a support, which is then seized by the aid of their sensitiveness. It may be here remarked that these latter movements have no relation, as far as we can judge, with circumnutation. In other cases the tips of tendrils, after having been brought into contact with a support, become developed into little discs which adhere firmly to it. We have said that the circumnutation of climbing plants differs from that of ordinary plants chiefly by its greater amplitude. But most leaves circumnutate 266 jrODIFIED CIKCUMN GTATION. Chav. V. in an almost vertical plane, and therefore describe very narrow ellipses, whereas the many kinds of tendrils which consist of metamorphosed leaves, make much broader ellipses or nearly circular figures ; and thus they have a far better chance of catching hold of a support on any side. The movements of climbing plants have also been modified in some few other special ways. Thus the circumnutating stems of Solnanum dulcamara can twine round a support only when this is as thin and flexible as a string or thread. The twining stems of several British plants cannot twine round a support when it is more than a few inches in thickness ; whilst in tropical forests some can embrace thick trunks ;* and this great difference in power depends on some unknown difference in their manner of circumnutation. The most remarkable special modification of this movement which we have observed is in the tendrils of Echinooystis lobata; these are usually inclined at about 45° above the horizon, but they stiffen and straighten themselves so as to stand upright in a part of their circular course, namely, when they approach and have to pass over the summit of the shoot from which they arise. If they had not possessed and exercised this curious power, they would infallibly have struck against the suiirmit of the shoot and been arrested in their course. An soon as one of these tendrils with its three branches begins to stiffen itself and rise up vertically, the Devolving motion becomes more rapid; and as soon as it has passed over the point of difficulty, its motion coinciding witJi that from its own weight, causes it to fall into its previously inclined position so quickly, that the apex can be seen travelling like the hand of a gigantic cloclc. 'The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants ' p. .36. iThap. V. EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. 267 A large number of ordinary leaves and leaflets and a few flower-peduncles are provided with pulvini ; but this is not the case with a single tendril at present known. The cause of this difference probably lies in the fact, that the chief service of a pulvinus is to prolong the movement of the part thus provided after growth has ceased ; and as tendrils or other climbingorgans are of use only whilst the plant is increasing in height or growing, a pulvinus which served to prolong their movements would be useless. It was shown in the last chapter that the stolons or runners of certain plants circumnutate largely, and that this movement apparently aids them in finding a passage between the crowded stems of adjoining plants. If it could be proved that their movements had been modified and increased for this special purpose, they ought to have been included in the present chapter ; but as the amplitude of their revolutions is not so conspicuously different from that of ordinary plants, as in the case of climbers, we have no evidence on this head. We encounter the same doubt in the case of some plants which bury their pods in the ground. This burying process is certainly favoured by the circumnutation of the flower-peduncle ; but we do not know whether it has been increased for this special purpose. Epinasty—Hyponasty. The term epinasty is used by De Vries * to express greater longitudinal growth along the upper than * 'Arbciten des Bot. Inst., two terms as first used hy Schimin Wiirzburg,' Heftii. 1872, p. 223. per, and tljey have been adopted Dp Vries has sliglitly modified in lliis sense by Sachs. (p. 252) the meaning of the above 2G8 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Coat. V along the lower side of a part, which is thus caused to bend downwards; and hyponasty is used for the reversed process, by which the ^Jart is made to bend upwards. These actioTis come into play so frequently that the use of the above two terms is highly convenient. The movements thus induced result from a modified form of circumnutation ; for, as we shall immediately see, an organ under the influence of epinasty does not generally move in a straight line downwards, or under that of hyponasty upwards, but oscillates up and down with some lateral movement : it moves, however, in a preponderant manner in one direction. This shows that there is some growth on all sides of the part, but more on the upper side in the case of epinasty, and more on the lower side in that of hyponasty, than on the other sides. At the same time there may be in addition, as De Vries insists, increased growth on one side due to geotropism, and on another side due to heliotropism ; and thus the effects of epinasty or of hyponasty may be either increased or lessened. He who likes, may speak of ordinary circumnutation as being combined with epinasty, hyponasty, the effects of gravitation, light, &c. ; but it seems to us, from reasons hereafter to be given, to be more correct to say that circumnutation is modified by these several agencies. We will therefore speak of circumnutation, which is always in progress, as modified by epinasty, hyponasty, geotropism, or other agencies, whether internal or external. One of the commonest and simplest cases of epinasty is that offered by leaves, which at an early age are crowded together roimd the buds, and diverge as they grow older. Sachs first remarked that this was due to increased growth along the uppe^' side of the petiole and blade ; and De Vries has now shown in more detail that tlie movement is thus caused, aided slightly by Chap. V. EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. 269 tfte weight of the leaf, and resisted as he believes by apogeotropism, at least after the leaf has somewhat diverged. In oiu' observations on the circumnutation of leaves, some were selected which were rather too young, so that they continued to diverge or sink downwards whilst their movements were being traced. This may be seen in the diagrams (Figs. 98 and 112, pp. 232 and 249) representing the circumnutation of the young leaves ot Acanthus mollis and I'elcngovium zonale. Similar cases were observed with Drosera. The movements of a young leaf, only i inch in length, of I'etunia violacea were traced during four days, and offers a better instance (Kg. Ill, p. 248), as it diverged during the whole of this time in a curiously zigzag line with some of the angles sharply acute, and during the latter days plainly circumnutated. Some young leaves of about the same age on a plant of this Petunia, which had been laid horizontally, and on another plant which was left upright, both being kept in complete darkness, diverged in the same manner for 48 h., and apparently were not affected by apogeotropism ; though their stems were in a state of high tension, for when freed from the sticks to which they had been tied, they instantly curled upwards. The leaves, whilst very young, on the leading shoots of the Carnation (Diauthus caryophyllus) are highly inclined or vertical ; and if the plant is growing vigorously they diverge so quickly that they become almost horizontal in a day. But they move downwards in a rather oblique line and continue for some time afterwards to move in the same direction, in connection, we presume, with their spiral arrangement on the stem. The course pursued by a young leaf whilst thus obliquely descending was traced, and the line was distinctly yet not strongly zigzag ; the larger angles formed by the successive lines amounting only to 135°, 154°, and 163°. The subsequent lateral movement (shown in Fig. 96, p. 281) was strongly zigzag with occasional circumnutations. The divergence and sinking of the young leaves of this plant seem to be very little affected by geotropism or heliotropism ; for a plant, the leaves of which were growing rather slowly (as ascertained by measurement) was laid horizontally, and the opposite young leaves diverged from one another symmetrically in the usual manner, without any upturning in the direction of gravitation or towards the light. The needle-like leaves of Finns pinaster form a bundle whilst young ; afterwards they slowly diverge, so that those on the upright shoots become horizontal. The movements of one such 270 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. C'UAl-. V. young leaf was traced during 4j days, and the tracing here given (Fig. 121) Eiiows that it descended at first in a nearly straight line, but afterwards zigzagged, Fig. 121. P:re.«, roister : epinastic downward Jiioveriient of a young leaf, produced by a young plant in a pot, traced on a vertical glass under a BKyiight, from 0.45 a.m. June 2nd to 10.40 P.M. 0th. making one or two little loops. The diverging and descending movements of a rather older leaf were also traced (see former Fig. 118, p. 251) : it descended during the first day and night in a somewhat zigzag line ; it then circiimnutated round a small space and again descended. By this time the leaf had nearly assumed its final position, and now plainly circumnutated. As in the case of the Carnation, the leaves, whilst very young, do not seem to be much affected by geotropism or heliotropism, for those on a young plant laid horizontally, and those on another plant left upright, both kept in the dark, continued to diverge in the usual manner without bonding to either side. With Coi2ti. Ohap. V. 5a>INASTY AND HYPONASTY. 277' Fig. 124. B. /' \ A. eWam «* Trifolinm. repens: circnmnutating and epinastic movt^ments of the sub-peduncle of a single flower, traced on a vertical glass under a skylight, in A from 11.80 A.M. Aug. 27th to 7 A.M. 30th ; in B from 7 A.M. Aug. 30th to a little after 6 P.M. Sept. 8th. ¥ 278 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. V. upwards, so as to occupy the same position relatively to the upper part of the main peduncle as in Tr. repens. This fact alone would render it probable that the movements of the subpeduncles in Tr. repens were independent of geotropism. Never theless, to make sure, some flower-heads were tied to little sticks upside down and others in a horizontal position ; their subpeduncles, however, all quickly curved upwards through the action of heliotropism. "We therefore pj'otected some flowerheads, similarly secured to sticks, from tlie light, and although some of them rotted, many of their sub-peduncles turned very olowly from their reversed or from their horizontal positions, so as to stand in the normal manner parallel to the upper part of the main peduncle. These facts show that the movement is independent of geotropism or apheliotropism ; it must therebe attributed to epinasty, which however is cneoked, at least as long as the flowers are young, by heliotropism. Most of the above flowers were never fertilised owing to the exclusion of bees ; they consequently withered very slowly, and the movements of the sub-peduncles were in like manner much retarded. To ascertain the nature of the movement of the sub-peduncle, whilst bending downwards, a filament was fixed across the summit of the calyx of a not fully expanded and almost upright flower, nearly in the centre of the head. The main peduncle was secured to a stick close beneath the head. In order to see the marks on the glass filament, a few flowers had to be cut away on the lower side of the head. The flower uuder observation at first diverged a little from its upright position, so as to occupy the open space caused by the removal of the adjoining flowers. This required two days, after which time a new tracing was beg-un (Pig. 124). In A we see the complex circumnutating course pursued from 11.30 a.m. Aug. 26th to 7 a.m. on the 30th. The pot was then moved a very little to the right, and the tracing (B) was continued without interruption from 7 a.m, Aug. 30th to after 6 p.m. Sept. 8th. It should be observed that on most of these days, only a single dot was made each morning at the same hour. Whenever the flower was observed carefully, as on Aug. 30th and Sept. 5th and 6 th, it was found to be circumnutating over a small space. At last, on Sept. 7th, it began to bend downwards, and continued to do so until after 6 P.M. on the 8th, and indeed until the morning of the 9th, when its movements could no longer be traced on the vtrtical glass. It was carefully observed during the whole of the 8th, and by CsAP. V. EPINASTY AND HYrONASTY. 279 10.30 P.M. it had descended to a point lower down by two-thirds of the length of the figure as here given ; bnt from want of space the tracing has been eopiel in B, only to a little after 6 p.m. On the morning of the 9th the flower was withered, and the subpeduncle now stood at an angle of 57° beneath the horizon. If the flower had been fertilised it would have withered much sooner, and have moved much more quickly. We thus see that the sub-peduncle oscillated up and down, or circumnutated, during its whole downward epinastic course. The sub-peduncles of the fertilised and withered flowers of Oxalis carnosa likewise bend downwards through epinasty, as will be shown in a future chapter; and theii downward course is strongly zigzag, indicating circumnutation. The number of instances in which various organs move through epinasty or hyponasty, often in combination with other forces, for the most diversified purposes, seems to be inexhaustibly great ; and from the several cases which have been here given, we may safely infer that such movements are due to modified circumnutation. 19 280 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VT CHAPTER VI. SIODIFTEU CiRcrsrsTjTATioN : Sleep or Ntctitbofic jMovemes-tb, THEiB Use: Sleep of Cottledoxs. Preliminary sketch of the sleep or nyctitropic movements of leaves — Presence of pulvini—The lessL-uing of radiation the final cause of nyctitropic movements—Manner of trying experiments on leaves of Oxalis, Arachis, Cassia, Melilotus, lotus and Marsilea, and on the eotUedonsof Mimosa—Concluding remarks on radiation from leaves —Small differences in the conditions make a great differer.ce in the result—Desciiplion of the nyctitropic position and movements of the cotyltdons of various plants —List of species —Coxcluding reriiarks—Independence of the nyctitropic movements of the leaves aud cotyledons of the same species—Eeasons for believing that the movements have been acquired fur a special purpose. The so-called sleep of leaves is so conspicuous a phenomenon tkat it was observed as early as the time of Pliny ;* and since Linnaeus published his famous Essay, ' Somnus Plantarum,' it has been the subject of several memoirs. Many flowers close at night, and these are likewise said to sleep; but we are not here concerned with their movements, for although effected by the same mechanism as in the case of young leaves, namely, unequal growth on the opposite sides (as first proved by Pfeifer), yet they differ essentially in being excited chiefly by changes of temperature instead of light ; and in being effected, as far as we can judge, for a different purpose. Hardly any one supposes that there is any real analogy * Pfeffer has given a clear and riodi-clieii Bewcgungeu der Blatinteresting sketch of the liistmy torgaue,' 1S75, p. 1C3 Df tliis subject in his 'Die Pe- Chap. VI. SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 281 between the sleep of animals and that of plants,* whether of leaves or flowers. It seems, therefore, advisable to give a distinct name to the so-called sleep-movements of plants. These have also generally been confounded, under the term " periodic," with the slight daily rise and fall of leaves, as described in the fourth chapter ; and this makes it all the more desirable to give some distinct name to sleep-movements. Nyctitropism and nyctitropic, i.e. night-turning, may be applied both to leaves and flowers, and will be occasionally used by us ; but it would be best to confine the term to leaves. The leaves of some few plants move either upwards or downwards when the sun shines intensely on them, and this movement has sometimes been called diurnal sleep ; but we believe it to be of an essentially different nature from the nocturnal movement, and it will be briefly considered in a future chapter. The sleep or nyctitropism of leaves is a large subject, and we think that the most convenient plan will be first to give a brief account of the position which leaves assume at night, and of the advantages apparently thus gained. Afterwards the more remarkable cases will be described in detail, with respect to cotyledons in the present chapter, and to leaves in the next chapter. Finally, it will be shown that these movements result from circumnutation, much modified and regulated by the alternations of day and night, or light and darkness ; but that they are also to a certain extent inherited. Leaves, when they go to sleep, move either upwards or downwards, or in the case of the leaflets of com• Ch. Eoyer must, liowcver, be Nat.' (5th series), Bot. vol, il excepted ; see ' Auiiales dea Sc. 1808, p. 378. 282 MODIFIED CIUCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VI pound leaves, forwards, that is, towards the apex of the leaf, or backwards, that is, towards its base ; or, again, they may rotate on their own axes withot.t moving either upwards or downwards. But in almost every case the plane of the blade is so placed as to stand nearly or quite vertically at night. Therefore the apex, or the base, or either lateral edge, may be directed towards the zenith. Moreover, the upper surface of each leaf, and more especially of each leaflet, is often brought into close contact with that of the opposite one ; and this is sometimes effected by singulatly complicated movements. This fact suggests that the upper surface requires more protection than the lower one. For instance, the terminal leaflet in Trifolium, after turning up at night so as to stand vertically, often continues to bend over until the upper surface is directed downwards whilst the lower surface is fully exposed to the sky ; and an arched roof is thus formed over the two lateral leaflets, which have their upper surfaces pressed closely together. Here we have the unusual case of one of the leaflets not standing vertically, or almost vertically, at night. Considering that leaves in assuming their nyctitropic positions often move through an angle of 90°; that the movement is rapid in the evening; that in some cases, as we shall see in the next chapter, it is extraordinarily complicated; that with certain seedlings, old enough to bear true leaves, the cotyledons move vertically upwards at night, wliilst at the same time the leaflets move vertically downwards; and that in the same genus the leaves or cotyledons of some species move upwards, whilst those of other species move downwards ; —from these and other such facts, it is hardly possible to doubt that plants must derive sonip Chap. VI SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 283 great advantage from such remarkable powers oi movement. The nyctitropic movements of leaves and cotyledons are effected in two ways,* firstly, by means of pulvini which become, as Pfefi'er has shown, alternately more turgescent on opposite sides ; and secondly, by increased growth along one side of the petiole or midrib, and then on the opposite side, as was first proved by Batalin.f But as it has been shown by De Vries t that in these latter cases increased grov,'th is preceded by the increased turgescence of the cells, the difference between the above two means of movement is much diminished, and consists chiefly in the turgescence of the cells of a fully developed pulvinus, not being followed by growth. When the movements of leaves or cotyledons, furnished with a pulvinus and destitute of one, are compared, they are seen to be closely similar, and are apparently effected for the same purpose. Therefore, with our object in view, it does not appear advisable to separate the above two sets of cases into two distinct classes. There is, however, one important distinction between them, namely, that movements effected by growth on the alternate sides, are confined to young growing leaves, whilst those effected by means of a pulvinus last for a long time. We have already seen well-marked instances of this latter fact with cotyledons, and so it is with leaves, as has been observed by Pfeffer and by ourselves. The long endurance of the nyctitropic movements when effected by the aid of pulvini indicates, in addition tc the evidence already advanced, the functional imiaort* This distinction -was first Dassen in 1837. pointed out (according to Pfefler, f ' Flora,' 1873, p. 433. 'Die Periodischen Bewegungen J 'Bot. Zeituiig,' 1879, Dea Jer Blattorgaue,' 1875, p. 161) by 19ih, p. 830. 284 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VI ance of such movements to the plant. There is another difference between the two sets of cases, namely, that there is never, or very rarely, any torsion of the leaves, excepting when a pulvinus is present ; * but this statement applies only to periodic and nyctitropic movements, as may be inferred from other cases given by Frank.t The fact that the leaves of many plants place themselves at night in widely different positions from what they hold during the day, but with the one point in common, that their upper surfaces avoid facing the zenith, often with the additional fact that they come into close contact with opposite leaves or leaflets, clearly indicates, as it seems to us, that the object gained is the protection of the upper surfaces from being chilled at night by radiation. There is nothing improbable in the upper surface needing protection more than the lower, as the two differ in function and structure. All gardeners know that plants suffer from radiation. It is this and not cold winds which the peasants of Southern Europe fear for their olives.J Seedlings are often protected from radiation by a very thin covering of straw ; and fruit-trees on walls by a few fir-branches, or even by a fishing-net, suspended over them. There is a variety of the gooseberry,§ the flowers of which from being produced before the leaves, are not protected by tliem from radiation, and consequently often fail to yield fruit. An excellent observer || has remarked • Pfeffer, 'Die Ppiiod. Beweg. Dew,' remarks that an exposed dor Blattorgane.' ]875, p. 159. thermometer rises as soon as eveu t ' Die Nat. Wagercchte Rich- a fleecy cluud, hi^li in the bkv, tnii?: von Pflanzentheilen,' 18/0, passes over the zenith. P- 52. § 'Loudon's Gardener's Mae ,' I Martins in 'Bull. Soc. Bot. vol. iv. 1828, p. 112. de France," torn. xix. 1872. || Mr. Kivers in 'Gardener's Wells, in his famous ' Essay on Chron.,' 1866, p. 732. CuAF. VI. USE OF SLEEP JIOVEMENTS. 28£ that one variety of the cherry has the petals of its flowers much curled backwards, and after a se%ere frost all the stigmas were killed ; whilst at the same time, in another variety with incurved petals, the stigmas were not in the least injured. This view that the sleep of leaves saves them from being chilled at night by radiation, would no doubt have occurred to Linnteus, had the principle of radiation been then discovered ; for he suggests in many parts of his ' Somnus Plantarum ' that the position of the leaves at night protects the young stems and buds, and often the young inflorescence, against cold winds. We are far from doubting that an additional advantage may be thus gained ; and we have observed with several plants, for instance, Desmoclium gyrans, that whilst the blade of the leaf sinks vertically down at night, the petiole rises, so that the blade has to move through a greater angle in order to assume its vertical position than would otherwise have been necessary ; but with the result that all the leaves on the same plant are crowded together as if for mutual protection. We doubted at first whether radiation would affect in any important manner objects so thin as are many cotyledons and leaves, and more especially affect differently their upper and lower surfaces ; for although the temperature of their upper surfaces would undoubtedly fall when freely exposed to a clear sky, yet we. thought that they would so quickly acquire by conduction the temperature of the surrounding air, that it could hardly make any sensible difference to them, whether they stood horizontally and radiated into the open sky, or vertically and radiated chiefly iu a lateral direction towards neighbouring plants and other objects. We endeavoured, therefore, to ascertain something on this head by preventing the leaves 286 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VI of several plants from going to sleep, and by exposing to a clear sky when the temperature was beneath the freezing-point, these, as well as the other leaves jn the same plants which had already assumed their nocturnal vertical position. Our experiments show that leaves thus compelled to renlain horizontal at night, suffered much more injury from frost than those which were allowed to assume their normal vertical position. It may, however, be said that conclusicns drawn from such observations are not applicable to sleeping plants, the inhabitants of countries where frosts do not occur. But in every country, and at all seasons, leaves must be exposed to nocturnal chills through radiation, which might be in some degree injurious to them, and which they would escape by assuming a vertical position. In our experiments, leaves were prevented from assuming their nyctitropic position, generally by being fastened with the finest entomological pins (which did not sensibly injure them) to thin sheets of cork supported on sticks. But in some instances they were fastened down by narrow strips of card, and in others by their petioles being passed through slits in the cork. The leaves were at first fastened close to the cork, for as this is a bad conductor, and as the leaves were not exposed for long periods, we thought that the cork, which had been kept in the house, would very slightly warm them ; so that if they were injured by the frost in a greater degree than the free vertical leaves, the evidence would be so much the stronger that the horizontal position was injurious. But we found that when there was any slight difference in the result, which could be detected only occasionally, the leaves which had been fastened closely down suffered rather more than those fastened with very long and Chap. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 287 thin pins, so as to stand from J to J inch above the cork. This difference in the result, which is in itself curious as showing what a very slight difference in the conditions influences the amount of injury inflicted, may be attributed, as we believe, to the surrounding warmer air not circulating freely beneath the closely pinned leaves and thus slightly warming them. This conclusion is supported by some analogous facts hereafter to be given. We will now describe in detail the experiments which were tried. These were troublesome from our not being able to predict how much cold the leaves of the several species could endure. Many plants had every leaf killed, both those which were secured in a horizontal position and those which were allowed to sleep—that is, to rise up or sink down vertically. Others again had not a single leaf in the least injured, and these had to be re-exposed either for a longer time or to a lower temperature. Oxalis acetdsella.—A very large pot, thickly covered wilh between 800 and 400 loaves, had been kept all winter in the greenhouse. Seven leaves were 23inned horizontally open, and were exposed on March 16th for 2 h. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 4° C. (24° to 25° F.). Next morning all seven leaves were found quite killed, so were many of the free ones which had previously gone to sleep, and about 100 of them, either dead or browned and injured, were picked off. Some leaves showed that they had been slightly injured by not expanding during the whole of the next day, though they afterwards recovered. As all the leaves which were pinned open were killed, and only about a third or fourth of the others were either killed or injured, we had some little evidence that those which were prevented from assuming their vertically dependent position suffered most. The following night (17th) was clear and almost equally cold (— 3° to — 4° 0. on the grass), and the pot was again exposed but this time for only 30 m. Eight leaves had been pinned out, 288 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chap. \ I and in the morning two of them we«:e dead, whilst not a single other leaf on the many plants was even injured. . On the 23rd the pot was exposed for 1 h. 30 m., the temperature on the grass being only - 2° C, and not one leaf was injured: the pinned open leaves, however, all stood from 5 to I of an inch above the cork. On the 24th the pot was again placed on the ground and exposed to a clear sky for between 35 m. and 40 m. By a mistake the thermometer was left on an adjoining sun-dial 3 feet high, instead of being placed on the grass ; it recorded 25° to 26° F. (- 3 3° to - 3-8° C), but when looked at after 1 h. had fallen to 22° P. (- 5-5° C); so that the pot was perhaps exposed to rather a lower temperature than on the two first occasions. Eight leaves had been pinned out, some close to the cork and some above it, and on the following morning five of them (i.e. 63 per cent.) were found killed. By counting a portion of the leaves we estimated that about 250 had been allowed to go to sleep, and of these about 20 were killed (i.e. only 8 per cent.), and about 30 injured. Considering these cases, there can be no doubt that the leaves of this Oxalis, when allowed to assume their normal vertically dependent position at night, suffer much less from frost than those (23 in number) which had their upper surfaces exposed to the zenith. Oralis carnosa.—A plant of this Chilian species was exposed for 30 m. to a clear sky, the thermometer on the grass standing at — 2° C , with some of its leaves pinned open, and not one leaf on the whole bushy plant was in the least injured. On the 16th of March another plant was similarly exposed for 30 m., when the temperature on the grass was only a little lower, viz , — 3° to — 4° C. Six of the leaves had been pinned open, and next morning five of them were found much browned. The plant was a large one, and none of the free leaves, which were asleep and depended vertically, were browned, excepting four very young ones. But three other leaves, though not browned, were in a rather flaccid condition, and retained their nocturnal position during the whole of the following day. In this case it was obvious that the leaves which were exposed horizontally to the zenith suffered most. This same pot was afterwards exposed for 35-40 m. on a slightly colder night, and every leaf, both the pinned open and the free ones, was killed It may be added that two pots of 0. corniculata (var. Atro CuAP. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 289 purpurea) were exposed for 2 li. and 3 h. to a clear sky with the temp, on grass — 2° C, and none of the leaves, whether free or pinned open, were at all injured. Arachls Jtypogcea.—Some plants in a pot were exposed at night for 30 m. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° C, and on two nights afterwards they were again exposed to the same temperature, biit this time during 1 h. 30 m. On neither occasion was a single leaf, whether pinned open or free, injured ; and this surprised us much, considering its native tropical African home. Two plants were next exposed (March 16th) for 30 m. to a clear sky, the temperature of the surrounding grass being now lower, viz., between — 3° and — 4° C, and all four pinned-open leaves were killed and blackened. These two plants bore 22 other and free leaves (excluding some very young bud-like ones) and only two of these were killed and three somewhat injured; that is, 23 per cent, were either killed or injured, whereas all four pinned open leaves were utterly killed. On another night two pots with several plants were exposed for between 35 m. and 40 m. to a clear sky, and perhaps to a rather lower temperature, for a thermometer on a dial, 3 feet high, close by stood at — 3'3° to — 3"8° C. In one pot three leaves were pinned open, and all were badly injured ; of the 44 free leave§, 26 were inj^ired, that is, 59 per cent. In the other pot 3 leaves were pinned open and all were killed ; four other leaves were prevented from sleeping by narrow strips of stiff paper gummed across them, and all were killed ; of 24 free leaves, 10 were killed, 2 much injured, and 12 iinhurt; that is, 50 per cent, of the free leaves were either killed or much injured. Taking the two pots together, we may say that rather more than half of the free leaves, which were asleep, were either killed or injured, whilst all the ten horizontally extended leaves, which had been prevented from going to sleep, were either killed or much injured. Cassia floribunda.—A bush was exposed at night for 40 m. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° C, and not a leaf was injured.* It was again exposed on • Cassia Ixvigaia was exposed injured. But when 0. Ixvigata to ft cleiir sky fur 35 m., and C- was exposed fur 1 li., the temp. cctUiantlut (a Guiana species) for on the suriounding gi-ass being 00 m., the temperature on the bi-tween — 3° and — i° C, everj Burrounding grass being — 2° C, leaf was killed. and neither were in the least 290 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chap. VI. another night for 1 h., when the temperature of the grass was - 4° C. ; and now all the leaves on a large bush, whether pinned fiat open or free, were killed, blackened, and shrivelled, with the exception of those on one small branch, low down, which was very slightly protected by the leaves on the branches above. Another tall bush, with four of its large compound leaves pinned out horizontally, was afterwards exposed (temp, of surrounding grass exactly the same, viz., - 4° C), but only for 30 m. On the fo'Iowing morning every single leaflet on these four leaves was dead, with both their ujjper and lower surfaces completely blackened. Of the many free leaves on the bush, only seven were blackened, and of these only a single one (which was a younger and more tender leaf than any of the pinned ones) had both surfaces of the leaflets blackened. The contrast in this latter respect was well shown by a free leaf, which stood between two pinned-open ones; for these latter had the lower surfaces of their leaflets as black as ink, whilst the intermediate free leaf, though badly injured, still retained a plain tinge of green on the lower surface of the leaflets. This bush exhibited in a striking manner the evil effects of the leaves not being allowed to assume at night their normal dependent position; for had they all been prevented from doing so, assuredly every single leaf on the bush would have been utterly killed by this exposure of only 30 m. The leaves whilst sinking downwards in the evening twist round, so that the upper surface is turued inwards, and is thus better protected than the outwardly turned lower surface. Nevertheless, it was always the upper surface which was more blackened than the lower, whenever any difference could be perceived between them ; but whether this was due to the cells near the upper surface being more tender, or merely to their containing more chlorophyll, we do not know. MeHIutus officinalis.—A large pot with many plants, which had been kept during the winter in the greenhouse, was exposed during 5 h. at night to a slight frost and clear sky. Four leaves had been pinned out, and these died after a few days ; but so did many of the free leaves. Therefore nothing certain could be inferred from this trial, though it indicated that the norizontally extended leaves suffered most. Another large pot with many plants was next exposed for 1 h., the temperature on the surrounding grass being lower, viz., — 3° to — 4° C. Ten leaves had been pinned out, and the result was striking, for on the following morning all these were found much injured or Chap. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 291 killed, and none of the many free leaves on the several plants were at all injured, "with the doubtful exception of two or three very young ones. Melilotus Italica.—Six leaves were pinned out horizontally, three with their upper and three with their lower surfaces turned to the zenith. The plants were exposed for 5 h. to a clear sky, the temperature on ground being about — 1° C. Next morning the six pinned-open leaves seemed more injured even than the younger and more tender free ones on the same branches. The exposure, however, had been too long, for after an interval of some days many of the free leaves seemed in almost as bad a condition as the pinned-out ones. It was not possible to decide whether the leaves with their upper or those with their lower surfaces turned to the zenith had suffered most. Melilotus suav'Mleiis.—Some plants with 8 leaves pinned out were exposed to a clear sky during 2 h., the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° 0. Next morning 6 out of these 8 leaves were in a flaccid condition. There were about 150 free leaves on the plant, and none of these were injured, except 2 or 3 very young ones. But after two days, the plants having been brought back into the greenhouse, the 6 pinned-out leaves all recovered. Melilotus Taurica.—Several plants were exposed for 5 h. diiring two nights to a clear sky and slight frost, accompanied by some wind ; and 5 leaves which had been pinned out suffered more than those both above aiid below on the same branches which had gone to sleep. Another pot, which had likewise been kept in the greenhouse, was exposed for 35-40 m. to a clear sky, thetemperature of the surrounding grass being between — 3° and — 4° 0. Nine leaves had been pinned out, and all of these were killed. On the same plants there were 210 free leaves, which had been allowed to go to sleep, and of these about 80 were killed, i.e. only 38 per cent. Melilotus PeUtpiern-ana.—The plants were exposed to a clear sky for 35-40 m. : temperature on surrounding grass — 3° to — 4° C. Six leaves had been pinned out so as to stand about i inch above the cork, and four had been pinned close to it. These 10 leaves were all killed, but the closely pinned ones suffered most, as 4 of the 6 which stood above the cork still retained small patches of a green colour. A. considerable number, but not nearly all, of the free leaves, were killed or much injured, whereas all the pinned out ones were killed. 292 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. CuAr VI. Mdilotus macrorrMza.—The plants were exposed in the sanio manner as in the last case. Six leaves had been pinned out horizontally, and five of them wore killed, that is, 83 per cent. We estimated that there were 200 free leaves on the plants, and of these about 50 were killed and 20 badly injured, so that about 35 per cent, of the free leaves were killed or injured. Lotzts aristata.—Six plants were exposed for nearly 5 h. tf v a clear sky ; temperature on surrounding grass - 1-5° 0. Tour leaves had been pinned out horizontally, and 2 of these sufifcrcd more than those above or below on the same branches, which had been allowed to go to sleep. It is rather a remarkable fact that some plants of Lotus Jacohceus, an inhabitant of so hot a country as the Cape Verde Islands, were exposed one night to a clear sky, with the temperature of the surrounding grass — 2° C, and on a second night for 30 m. with the temperature of the grass between — 3° and — 4° C, and not a single leaf, either the pinned-out or free ones, was in the least injured. Marsilea quadrifoliata.—A large plant of this species—^the only Cryptogamic plant known to sleep— with some leaves pinned open, was exposed for 1 h. 35 m. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding ground being — 2° C., and not a single leaf was injured. After an interval of some days the plant was again exposed for 1 h. to a clear sky, with the temperature on the surrounding ground lower, viz., — 4° 0. Six leaves had been pinned out horizontally, and all of them were utterly killed. The plant had emitted long trailing stems, and these had been wrapped round with a blanket, so as to protect them from the frozen ground and from radiation; but a very large number of leaves were left freely exposed, which had gone to sleep, and of these only 12 were killed. After another interval, the plant, with 9 leaves pinned out, was again exposed for 1 h., the temperature on the ground being again - 4° C. Six of the leaves were killed, and one which did not at first appear injured afterwards became streaked with brown. The trailing branches, which rested on the frozen ground, had one-half or three-quarters of their leaves killed, but of the many other leaves on the plant, which alone could be fairly compared with the pinned-out ones, none appeared at first sight to have been killed, but on careful search 12 were found in this state. After another interval, the plant with 9 leaves pinned out, was exposed for 35-40 m. to a clear sky and to Jiearly the same, or perhaps a rather lower, temperature Cfor the thermometer by an accident had been left on a Chap. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 293 sun-dial close by), and 8 of these leaves were killed. Of the free leaves (those on the trailing branches not being considered), a good many were killed, but their number, compared with tiie uninjured ones, was small. Finally, taking the three trials together, 24 leaves, extended horizontally, were exposed to the zenith and to unobstructed radiation, and of these 20 were killed and 1 injured ; whilst a relatively very small proportion of the leaves, which had been allowed to go to sleep with their leaflets vertically dependent, were killed or injured. The cotyledons of several plants were prepared for trial, but the weather was mild and we succeeded only in a single instance in having seedlings of the proper age on nights which were clear and cold. The cotyledons of 6 seedlings of Mimosa pudica were fastened open on cork, and were thus exposed for 1 h. 45 m. to a clear sky, with the temperature on the surrounding ground at 29° F.; of these, 3 were killed. Two other seedlingG, after their cotyledons had risen up and had closed together, were bent over and fastened so that they stood horizontally, with the lower surface of one cotyledon fully exposed to the zenith, and both were killed. Therefore of the 8 seedlings thus tried 5, or more than half, were killed. Seven other ssedlings, with their cotyledons in their normal nocturnal position, viz., vertical and closed, were exposed at the same time, and of these only 2 were killed.* Hence it appears, as far as these few trials tell anything, that the vertical position at night of the cotyledons of Mimosa pudica protects them to a certain degree from the evil effects of radiation and cold. Concluding Remarhs on the Radiation from Leaves at Night.—We exposed on two occasions during the summer to a clear sky several pinned-open leaflets of Trifolium pratense, which naturally rise at night, and of Oxalis furpurea, which naturally sink at night (the plants growing out of doors), and looked at * We were siirpriscd that tt miiy be added tlisit seedlings c/ yo mg sepdliiiga of so tropical a the Indian Cassia puhescens were plant as Mimosa piidioa were a.h\e exposed for 1 h. 30 m. to a clear to resi.-t, as well as they did, ex- sky, with the temp, on the surposure for ] br. 4.t m. to a clear rounding ground at — 2° C, aad bky, the temperature on the sur- they were not in the least injured rounding ground being 29° F. 294 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATIOy. Chap. VL them early on several successive mornings, after they had assumed their diurnal positions. The difference in the amount of dew on the pinned-open leafleta and on those which had gone to sleep was generally conspicuous ; the latter being sometimes absolutely dry, whilst the leaflets which had been horizontal were coated with large beads of dew. This shows how much cooler the leaflets fully exposed to the zenith must have become, than those which stood almost vertically, either upwards or downwards, during the night. Erom the several cases above given, there can be no doubt that the position of the leaves at night affects their temperature through radiation to such a degree, that when exposed to a clear sky during a frost, it is a question of life and death. We may therefore admit as highly probable, seeing that their nocturnal position is so well adapted to lessen radiation, that the object gained by their often complicated sleep movements, is to lessen the degree to which they are chilled at night. It should be kept in mind that it is especially the upper surface which is thus protected, as it is never directed towards the zenith, and is often brought into close contact with the upper surface of an opposite leaf or leaflet. We failed to obtain sufficient evidence, whether the better protection of the upper surface has been gained from its being more easily injured than the lower surface, or from its injury being a greater evil to the plant. That there is some difference in constitution between the two surfaces is shown by the following cases. Cassia floribunda was exposed to a clear sky on a sharp frosty night, and several leaflets which had assumed their nocturnal dependent position with tlieir lower surfaces turned outwards so as to be Chap. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 295 exposed obliquely to the zenith, nevertheless had these lower surfaces less blackened than the upper surfaces which were turned inwards aud were in close contact with those of the opposite leaflets. Again, a pot full of plants of Trifolium resujmiatum, which had been kept in a warm room for three days, was turned out of doors (Sept. 21st) on a clear and almost frosty night. Next morning ten of the terminal leaflets were examined as opaque objects under the microscope. These leaflets, in going to sleep, either turn vertically upwards, or more commonly bend a little over the lateral leaflets, so that their lower surfaces are more exposed to the zenith than their upper surfaces. Nevertheless, six of these ten leaflets were distinctly yellower on the upper than on the lower and more exposed surface. In the remaining four, the result was not so plain, but certainly whatever difference there was leaned to the side of the upper surface having suffered most. It has been stated that some of the leaflets experimented on were fastened close to the cork, and others at a height of from J to f of an inch above it ; and that whenever, after exposure to a frost, any difference could be detected in their states, the closely pinned ones had suffered most. We attributed this difference to the air, not cooled by radiation, having been prevented from circulating freely beneath the closely pinned leaflets. That there was really a difference in the temperature of leaves treated in these two different methods, was plainly shown on one occasion ; for after the exposure of a pot with plants of Melilotus dentata for 2 h. to a clear sky (the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° C), it was manifest that more dew had congealed into hoar-frost on the closely pinned leaflets, than on those which stood horizontally 20 296 MODIFIED CIRGUMNUTATION. Chap. VL a little above the cork. Again, the tips of some few leaflets, which had been pinned close to the cork, proected a little beyond the edge, so that the air could circulate freely round them. This occurred with six leaflets of Oxalis acetosella, and their tips certainly suffered rather less than the rest of the same leaflets ; for on the following morning they were still slightly green. The same result followed, even still more clearly, in two cases with leaflets of Melilotus officinalis which projected a little beyond the cork ; and in two other cases some leaflets which were jjinned close to the cork were injured, whilst other free leaflets on the same leaves, which had not space to rotate and assume their proper vertical position, were not at all injured. Another analogous fact deserves notice : we observed oh several occasions that a greater number of free leaves were injured on the branches which had been kept motionless by some of their leaves having been pinned to the corks, than on the other branches. This was conspicuously the case with those of Melilotus Petitjnen-eana, but the injured leaves in this instance were not actually counted. A^'ith Arachis lujpogxa, a young plant with 7 stems bore 22 free leaves, and of these 5 were injured by the frost, all of which were on two stems, bearing four leaves pinned to the corksupports. With Oxalis earnosa, 7 free leaves were injured, and every one of them belonged to a cluster of leaves, some of which had been pinned to the cork. We could account for these cases only by supposing that the branches which were quite free had been slightly waved about by the wind, and that theii leaves had thus been a little warmed by the surrounding warmer air. If we hold our hands motion less before a hot fire, and then wave them about, we Chap. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 297 immediately feel relief; and this is evidently an analogous, though reversed, case. These several facts —in relation to leaves pinned close to or a little above the cork-supports—to their tips projecting beyond it — and to the leaves on branches kept motionless—seem to us curious, as showing how a difference, apparently trifling, may determine the greater or less injury of the leaves. We may even infer as probable that the less or greater destruction during a frost of the leaves on a plant which does not sleep, may often depend on the greater or less degree of flexibility of their petioles and of the branches which bear them. Ntctiteopic oe Sleep Movements of Cotyledons. We now come to the descriptive part of our work, and will begin with cotyledons, passing on to leaves in the next chapter. We have met with only two brief notices of cotyledons sleeping. Hofmeister,* after stating that the cotyledons of all the observed seedlings of the Caryophyllese (Alsinefe and Sileneje) bend upwards at night (but to what angle he does not state), remarks that those of Stellaria media rise up so as to touch one another ; they may therefore safely be said to sleep. Secondly, according to Kamey, t the cotyledons of Mimosa pudica and of Glianihus Bampieri rise up almost vertically at night and approach each other closely. It has been shown in a previous chapter that the cotyledons of a large number of plants bend a little upwards at night, and we here have to meet the difficult question at what inclination may they be said to sleep? According to the view jvhich we maintain, no movement deserves to be called • 'Die Lehre von derPflanzcnzelle,' 18G7, p. 327. t ' Adausonia,' March 10th, 18G9. '29e MODIFIED CIBCUMNUTATION. Chap. VI nyctitropic, unless it has been acquired for the sake of lessening radiation ; but this could be discovered only by a long series of experiments, showing that the leaves of each species suffered from this cause, if prevented from sleeping. We must therefore take an arbitrary limit. If a cotyledon or leaf is inclined at 60° above or beneath the horizon, it exposes to the zenith about one-half of its area; consequently the intensity of its radiation will be lessened by about half, compared with what it would have been if the cotyledon or leaf had remained horizontal. This degree of diminution certainly would make a great difference to a plant having a tender constitution. We will therefore speak of a cotyledon and hereafter of a leaf as sleeping, only when it rises at night to an angle of about 60°, or to a still higher angle, above the horizon, or sinks beneath it to the same amount. Not but that a lesser diminution of radiation may be advantageous to a plant, as in the case of Datura stramonium, the cotyledons of which rose from .31° at noon to 55° at night above the horizon. The Swedisli turnip may profit by the area of its leaves Ijeing reduced at night by about 30 per cent., as estimated by ]\] r. A. S. Wilson ; though in this case the angle through which the leaves rose was not observed. On the other hand, when the angular rise of cotyledons or of leaves is small, such as less than 3U°, the diminution of radiation is so slight that it probably is of no significance to the plant in relation to radiation. For instance, the cotyledons of Geranium Ihericurn rose at night to 27° above the horizon, and this would lessen radiation by only 11 per cent. : those of Linum Berendieri rose to 38°, and this would lessen radiation by 16 per cent. There are, however, some other sources of doubt wittt Chap. VI. SLEEP OP COTYLEDONS. 299 respect to the sleep of cotyledons. In certain cases, the cotyledons whilst young diverge during the day to only a yery moderate extent, so that a small rise at night, which we know occurs with the cotyledons of many plants, would necessarily cause them to assume a vertical or nearly vertical position at night ; and in this case it would be rash to infer that the movement was effected for any special purpose. On this account we hesitated long whether we should introduce several Cucurbitaceous .plants into the following list ; but from reasons, presently to be given, we thought that they had better be at least temporarily included. This same source of doubt applies in some few other cases ; for at the commencement of our observations we did not always attend sufficiently to whether the cotyledons stood nearly horizontally in the middle of the day. With several seedlings, the cotyledons assume a highly inclined position at night during so short a period of their life, that a doubt naturally arises whether this can be of any service to the plant. Nevertheless, in most of the cases given in the following list, the cotyledons may be as certainly said to sleep as may the leaves of any plant. In two cases, namely, with the cabbage and radish, the cotyledons of which rise almost vertically during the few first nights of their life, it was ascertained by placing young seedlings in the klinostat, that the upward movement was not due to apogeotropism. The names of the plants, the cotyledons of which stand at night at an angle of at least 60^ with the horizon, are arranged in the appended list on the same system as previously followed. The numbers of the Families, and with the Leguminosee the numbers of the Tribes, have been added to show how widely the plants in question are distributed throughout the 300 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VI. dicotyledonous series. A few remarks will have to be made about many of the plants in the list. In doing so, it will be convenient not to follow strictly any systematic order, but to treat of the Oxalidse and the Leguminosse at the close ; for in these two Families the cotyledons are generally provided with a pulvinus, and their movements endure for a much longer time than those of the other plants in the iist. List of Seedling Plants, the cotyledons of which rise or sink at night to an angle of at least 60° above or beneath the horizon. Brassica oleracea. Cruciferse (Fam. 14). napus (as we are infoi-med by Prof. Pfetier). Raphauus sativus. Cruciferse. Githago segetum. Caryophyllea; (Fam. 26). Stellavia media (according to Hofmeister, as quoted). Caryophyl- lea. Anoda Wrightii. Malvaceae (Fam. .36). Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton). M.ilvacejfi. Ctalis rosea. Oxalidae (Fam. 41). iloribunda. articulata. Valdiviana. sensitiva. Geranium rotundifolium. GcraniaceiE (Fam. 47). Trifolium subterrancum. minosSE (Fam. 75, Tribe 3), strictum. leucanthemum. Lotus omithopopoides. Leguminosse (Tribe 4). peregrinus. Jacoba;us. L(eguClianthus Dampieri. Leguminosrc (Tribe 5)—according to JI. Ramey. Smilhia sensitiya. Leguminosa: (Tribe 6). Haematoivlon Campechianum. Legnminosae (Tribe 13)—according to Mr. K. 1. Lynch. Cassia mimosoides. Leguminosre (Tribe 14). glauca. florida. corymbosa. pubescens. tora. neglecta. 3 other Br.izilian unnamed species. Bauhinia (sp. ?). (Tribe 15). Nejitunia oleracea. (Tribe 20). Mimosa pudica. (Tribe 21). albida. Cucnrbita ovifera. Leguminos£p Leguminosit Leguminosa; Cucurbitacese (Fam. 106). aurantia. Lagenaria vulgaris. Cucurbiracese. Cucnmis dudaim. Cucurbitacea. Apium petroselinum. Umbelliferae (Fam. 113). graveolens. Lactuca scariola. Compositas (Fam. 1 22). Helianthn.s annuu3(?). Compo.sita. Ipomoea ca;rulea, Convolvulacea (Fam. 151). purpurea. bona-nox, coccinea. Chap. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 301 List of Seedling Plants (continued). fiolanum lycopersicura. Solaneje (Fara. 157). Mimulus, (sp. ?) Scrophularineai (Fam. 159) — from iaformatioii given us by Prof. Pfett'er. IiHrabilis jalapa. Kyctagiuea3 (Fam. 177). Mirabilis longlflora. Beta vulgaris. Polygonea; (Fansi, 179). Amarauthus caudatus. Am.araU' thacea: (Fam. 180). Cannabis sativa (?}. CiLnuabiuese (Fam. 195). Brassica oleracea (Crucifoi'Ee). —It was shown in the first chapter that the cotyledons of the common cahbage rise in tlie evening and stand vertically up at night with their petioles in contact. But as the two cotyledons are of unequal height, they frequently interfere a little with each other's movements, the shorter one often not standing quite vertically. They awako early in the morning; thus at 6.45 a.m. on Nov. 27th, whilst it was still dark, the cotyledons, which had been vertical and in contact on the previous evening, were reflexed, and thus presented a very different appearance. It should he borne in mind that seedlings in germinating at the proper season, would not be subjected to darkness at this hour in the morning. The above amount of movement of the cotyledons is only temporary, lasting with plants kept in a warm greenhouse from four to six days ; how long it would last with seedlings gTOwing out of doors we do not know. Eaplianus sativus.—In the middle of the day the blades of the cotyledons of 10 seedlings stood at right angles to their hypocotyls, with their petioles a little divergent; at night the blades stood vertically, with their bases in contact and with their petioles parallel. Next morning, at 6.45 a.m., whilst it was still dark, the blades were horizontal. On the following night they were much raised, but hardly stood sufficiently vertical to be said to be asleep, and so it was in a still less degree on the third night. Therefore the cotyledons of this plant (kept in the greenhouse) go to sleep for even a shorter time than those of the cabbage. Similar observations were made, but only during a single day and night, on 13 other seedlings likewise raised in the greenhouse, with the same result. The petioles of the cotyledons of 11 young seedlings of Sinapis nirjra were slightly divergent at noon, and the blades stood at right angles to the hypocotyls ; at night the petioles were in close contact, and the blades considerably raised, with their bases in contact, but only a few stood sufBoieutlj Qpright to be called asleep. On the following morning. 302 MODIFIED CIBCUMNUTATION. Cii-U-. \1the petioles diverged before it was light. The hypocotyl u' slightly sensitive, so that if rubbed with a needle it benas towards the rubbed side. In the case of Lepidium sativum, the petioles of tl-.e cotyledons of young seedlings diverge during the day and converge so as to touch each other during tno night, by which means the bases of the tripartite blades are brought into contact ; but the blades are so little raised that they cannot be said to sleep. The cotyledons of several other cruciferous plants were observed, but they did not rise sufficiently during the night to be said to sleep. Oithago segetum (CaryophylleaB).—On the first day after the cotyledons had burst through the seed-coats, they stood at noon at an angle of 75° above the horizon ; at night they moved upwards, each through an angle of 15° so as to stand quite vertical and in contact with one another. On the second day they stood at noon at 59° above the horizon, and again at night were completely closed, each having risen 31°. On the fourth day the cotyledons did not quite close at night. The first and succeeding pairs of young true leaves behaved in exactly the same manner. We think that the movement in this case may be called nyctitropic, though the angle passed through was small. The cotyledons are very sensitive to light and will not expand if exposed to an extremely dim one. Anoda Wrightii (MalvaceaB).—The cotyledons whilst moderately young, and only from -2 to '3 inch in diameter, sink in the evening from their mid-day horizontal position to about 35° beneath the horizon. But when the same seedlings were older and had produced small true leaves, the almost orbicular cotyledons, now -55 inch in diameter, moved vertically downwards at night. This fact made us suspect that their sinking might be due merely to their weight ; but they were not in the least flaccid, and when lifted up sprang back through elasticity into their former dependent position. A pot with some old seedUngs was turned upside down in the afternoon, before the nocturnal fall had commenced, and at night they assumed in opposition to their own weight (and to any geotropic action) an upwardly directed vertical position. When pots were thus reversed, after the evening fall had already commenced, the sinking movement ajjpeared to be somewhat disturbed ; but all their movements were occasionally variable without any apparent cause. This latter fact, as well as that of the young cotyledons not sinking nearly so much as the older ones, deserves notice. Chai'. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 303 Although the movement of the cotyledons endured for a long time, no pulvinus was exteriorly visible; but their growth continued for a long time. The cotyledons appear to be only slightly heliotropic, though the hypocotyl is strongly so. (rmaypium arloreum (?) (var. Nankin cotton) (Malvaceae).—The cotyleaons behave in nearly the same manner as those of the Anoda. On June 15th the cotyledons of two seedlings were •65 inch in length (measured along the midrib) and stood horizontally at noon; at 10 p.m. they occupied the same position and had not fallen at all. . On June 23rd, the cotyledons of one of these seedlings were I'l inch in length, and by 10 p.m. they had fallen from a horizontal position to 62° beneath the horizon. The cotyledons of the other seedling were 1-3 inch in length, and a minute true leaf had been formed ; they had fallen at 10 p.m. to 70° beneath the horizon. On June 25th, the true leaf of this latter seedling was "9 inch in length, and the cotyledons occupied nearly the same position at night. By July 9th the cotyledons appeared very old and showed signs of withering; but they stood at noon almost horizontally, and at 10 p.m. hung down vertically. Oossypium herbiceum.—It is remarkable that the cotyledons of this species behave differently from those of the last. They were observed during 6 weeks from their first development until they had grown to a very large size (still appearing fresh and green), viz. 2h inches in breadth. At this age a true leaf had been formed, which with its petiole was 2 inches long. During the whole of these 6 weeks the cotyledons did not sink at night ; yet when old their weight was coiisiderable and they were borne by much elongated petioles. Seedlings raised from some seed sent us from Naples, behaved in the same manner ; as did those of a kind cultivated in Alabama and of the Sea-island cotton. To what species these three latter forms belong we do not know. We could not make out in the case of the Naples cotton, that the position of the cotyledons at night was influenced by the soil being more or less dry ; care being taken that they were not rendered flaccid by being too dry. The weight of the large cotyledons of the Alabama and Sea-island kinds caused them to hang somewhat downwards, when the pots in which they grew were left for a time upside down. It should, however, be observed that these three kinds were raised in the middle of the winter, which sometimes greatly interferes with the proper nyctitropic movements of leaves and cotyledons. 304 MODIFIED CIEOUMNUTATIOIT. Chap. VI. CucurbitacecE.—The cotyledons of Cucurhita aurantia and ovifei-a, and of Lagenaria vulgaris, stand from the 1st to tlie 3rd daj of their life at about 60° above the horizon, and at night rise up so as to become vertical and in close contact with one another. "With Cucumis dudaim they stood at noon at 45° above the horizon, and closed at night. The tips of the cotyledons of all these species are, however, reflexed, so that this part is fully exposed to the zenith at night ; and this fact is opposed to the belief that the movement is of the same nature as that of sleeping plants. After the first two or three days the cotyledons diverge more during the day and cease to close at night. Those of Trichosanthes anguina are somewhat thick and fleshy, and did not rise at night ; and they could perhaps hardly be expected to do so. On the other hand, those of Acanthosicyos horrida * present nothing in their appearance opposed to their moving at night in the same manner as the preceding species ; yet they did not rise up in any plain manner. This fact leads to the belief that the nocturnal movements of the above-named species has been acquired for some special purpose, which may be to protect the young plumule from radiation, by the close contact of the whole basal portion of the two cotyledons. Gtranium rotundijolium (Geraniacc-e).-—A single seedling came up accidentally in a pot, and its cotyledons were observed to bend perpendicularly downwards during several successive nights, having been horizontal at noon. It grew into a fine plant but died before flowering : it was sent to Kew and pronounced to be certainly a Geranium, and in all probability the above-named species. This case is remarkable because the cotyledons of G. cinereum, Endressii, Ibericum, Bichardsoni, and subcaulescens were observed during some weeks in the winter, and they did not sink, whilst those of ff. Ihricum, rose 27° at night. Apium petroselinum (Umbelliferje).—A seedling had its cotyledons (Nov. 22nd) almost fully expanded dui'ing the day ; by 8.30 P.M. they had risen considerably, and at 10.30 p.m. were almost closed, their tips being only yg^ of an inch apart. On the following morning (23rd) the tips were -i^ of an inch apart, * This plant, from Dammara climber ; it has been described Land in S. Africa, i3 remarkable in ' Transact. I -inn. Soc.,' Xiyii from being the one known mem- p. 30. ber of tbe Family which ii not a Chap. YI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 305 or more than seven times as much. On the next night the cotyledons occupied nearly the same position as before. On the morning of the 2ith they stood horizontally, and at night were 60'^ above the horizon ; and so it was on the night of the 23th. But four days afterwards (on the 29th), when the seedlings were a week old, the cotyledons had ceased to rise at night to any plain degree. Apium graveolens.—The cotyledons at noon were horizontal, and at 10 p.m. stood at an angle of 61° above the horizon. Lactuca scariula (Compositae).—The cotyledons whilst young stood sub-horizontally during the day, and at night rose so as to be almost vertical, and some were quite vertical and closed ; but this movement ceased when they had grown old and large, after an interval of 11 days. Selianthus arinuus (Compositae).—This case is rather doubtful ; the cotyledons rise at night, and on one occasion they stood at 73° above the horizon, so that they might then be said to have been asleep. Ipomcea cceruha vel Pharbiiis nil (Gonvolvulacese).—The cotyledons behave in nearly the same manner as those of the Anoda and Nankin cotton, and like them grow to a large size. Whilst young and small, so that their blades were from '5 to '6 of an inch in length, measured along the middle to the base of the central notch, they remained horizontal both during the middle of the day and at night. As they increased in size they began to sink more and more in the evening and early night ; and when they had grown to a length (measured in the above manner) of from 1 to 1'25 inch, they sank between 55° and 70° beneath the horizon. They acted, however, in this manner only when they had been well illuminated during the day. Nevertheless, the cotyledons have little or no power of bending towards a lateral light, although the hypoootyl is strongly heliotropic. They are not provided with a pulvinus, but continue to grow for a long time. Ipomcea purpurea (vel Pliarlitis hispiiki).—The cotyledons behave in all respects like those of /. ccerulea. A seedling witli cotyledons '75 inch in length (measiired as before) and 1G5 inch in breadth, having a small true leaf developed, was placed at 5.30 P.M. on a klinostat in a darkened box, so that neither weight nor geotropism could act on them. At 10 p.m. one cotyledon stood at 77° and the other at 82° beneath the horizon. Before being placed in the klinostat they stood at 15° and 29° 306 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chap. \L beneath the horizon. The nocturnal pcsition depends chiefl5 on the curvature of the petiole close to the blade, but the whole petiole Ijecomes shghtly curved downwards. It deserves notice that seedhngs of this and the last-named species were raised at the end of February and another lot in the middle of March, and the cotyledons in neither case exhibited any nyctitropic movement. Ipomaa hona-nox.—The cotyledons after a few days grow to an enormous size, those on a young seedling being 3j inches in breadth. They were extended horizontally at noon, and at 10 P.M. stood at 63° beneath the horizon. Five days afterwards they were 4i inches in breadth, and at night one stood at 64° and the other 48° beneath the hori,zon. Though the blades are thin, yet from their great size and from the petioles being long, we imagined that their depression at night might be determined by their weight ; but when the pot was laid horizontally, they became curved towards the hypocotyl, which movement -could not have been in the least aided by their weight, at the same time they were somewhat twisted upwards through apogeotropism. Kevertheless, the weight of the cotyledons is so far influential, that when on another night the pot was turned upside down, they were unable to rise and thus to assume their proper nocturnal position. Ipom-j-a cbccinm.—The cotyledons whilst young do not sink at night, but when grown a little older, but still only "4 inch in length (measured as before) and -82 in breadth, they became greatly depressed. In one case they were horizontal at noon, and at 10 p.m. one of them stood at 64° and the other at 47° beneath the horizon. The blades are thin, and the petioles, which become much curved down at night, are short, so that here weight can hardly have produced any effect. With all the above speries of Ipomoea, when the two cotyledons on the same seedling were imequally depressed at night, this seemed to depend on the position which they had held during the day with reference to the light. Solaiium lycopersicum (Solaneffi). — The cotjdedons rise so much at night as to come nearly in contact. Those of S. palinacaiithum were horizontal at noon, and by 10 p.m. had risen only '27° 30' ; but on the following morning before it was light they stood at 59° above the horizon, and in the afternoon of the same d ly were again horizontal. The behaviour of the cotyledons oi tliis latter species seems, therefore, to be anomalous. Chap. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 307 Mirabilis jalapa and longiflora (Nyotagineja).— The cotyledons, which are of unequal size, stand horizontally dviring the middle of the day, and at night rise up vertically and come into close contact with one another. But this movement with M. longiflora lasted for only the three first nights. Btta vulgaris (Polygoneffi).—A large number of seedlings were observed on three occasions. During the day the cotyledons sometimes stood sub-horizontally, but more commonly at an angle of about 50° above the horizon, and for the first two or three nights they rose up vertically so as to be completely closed. During the succeeding one or two nights they rose only a Lttle, and afterwards hardly at all. Araaranthus caudatus (Amaranthacese).—At noon the cotyledons of many seedlings, which had just germinated, stood at about 45° above the horizon, and at 10.15 p.m. some were nearly and others quite closed. On the following morning they were again well expanded or open. Cannabis sativa (Cannabineae).—We are very doubtful whether this plant ought to be here included. The cotyledons of a large number of seedlings, after being well illuminated during the day, were curved downwards at night, so that the tips of some pointed directly to the ground, but the basal part did not appear to be at all depressed. On the following morning they were again flat and horizontal. The cotyledons of many other seedlings were at the same time not in any way affected. Therefore this case seems very different from that of ordinary sleep, and probably comes under the head of epinasty, as is the case with the leaves of this plant according to Kraus. The cotyledons are heliotropic, and so is the hypocotyl in a still stronger degree. Oxnlis.—We now come to cotyledons provided with a pulvinus, all of which are remarkable from the continuance of the nocturnal movements during several days or even weeks, and apparently after growth has ceased. The cotyledons of 0. rosea, floribujtda and iirticulata sink vertically down at night and clasp the upper part of the hypocotyl. Those of 0. Valaioinna and smsitiva, on the contrary, rise vertically up, so that their upper surfaces come into close contact ; aud after the young leaves are developed these are clasped by the cotyledons. As in the daytime tliey stand horizontally, or are even a little deflected beneath the horizon, they move in the evening through an angle of at least 90°. Theii lomplicated circumnutating movements during the day havi; 308 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chap. VI been described in the first chapter. The experiment was a superfluous one, but pots with seedlings of 0. rosea and flonburi'ia were turned upside down, as soon as the cotyledons began to show any signs of sleep, and this made no difference in their movements. Leguminosce.—It may be seen in our list that the cotyledons of several species in nine genera, widely distributed throughout the Family, sleep at night ; and this probably is the case with many others. The cotyledons of all these species are pro cidod with a pulvinus ; and the movement in all is continued iuring many days or weeks. In Cassia the cotyledons of the ten species in the list rise up vertically at night and come into close contact with one another. We observed that those of 0. florida opened in the morning rather later than those of V. glauca and pubescens. The movement is exactly the same in 0. mimosoides as in the other species, though its subsequently developed leaves sleep in a different manner. The cotyledons of an eleventh species, namely, C. nodosa, are thick and fleshy, and do not rise up at night. The circumnutation of the cotyledons during the day of C. tora has been described in the first chapter. Although the cotyledons of Smithia scnsitii.a rose from a horizontal position in the middle of the day to a vertical one at night, those of S. Pfundii, which are thick and fleshy, did not sleep. "When Mimasa pudica and alhida have been kept at a BufiSciently high temperature during the day, the cotyledons come into close contact at night ; otherwise they merely rise up almost vertically. The circumnutation of those of M. pudka has been described. The cotyledons of a Bauhinia from St. Catharina in Brazil stood during the day at an angle of about 5'j° above the horizon, and at night rose to 77°; but it is probable that they would have closed completely, if the seedlings had been kept in a warmer place. Lotus.—In three species of Lotus the cotyledons were observed to sleep. Those of L. Jacohceus present the singular case of not rising at night in any conspicuous manner for the first 5 or 6 days o^ their life, and the pulvinus is not well developed at this period. Afterwards the sleeping movement is well displayed, though to a variable degree, and is long continued. We shall hereafter meet with a nearly parallel case with the leaves of Sida rhomhifolia. The cotyledons of L. Gebelii are only slightly raised at night, and differ much in this respec< frum the three species in our list. CiiAi' VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 309 TrifuUum.—The germination of 21 species was observed. In most of them the cotyledons riso hardly at all, or only slightly, at night ; but those of T. glomeratum, striatum and incw natum rose from 45° to 55° above the horizon. With 2\ suhterraneum, leucanthemum and strictum, they stood up vertically; and with T. strictum the rising-movement is accompanied, as we shall see, by another movement, which makes us believe that the rising is truly nyctitropio. We did not carefully examine the cotyledons of all the species for a pulvinus, but this organ was distinctly present in those of T. suhterraneum and strictum ; whilst there was no trace of a pulvinus in some species, for instance, in T. resupinatum, the cotyledons of which do not rise at night. Trifolium suhterraneum.—The blades of the cotyledons on the first day after germination (Nov. 21st) were not fully expanded, being inclined at about 35° above the horizon ; at night they rose to about 75°. Two days afterwards the blades at noon were liorizontal, with the petioles highly inclined upwards; and it is remarkable that the nocturnal movement is almost wholly coniined to the blades, being effected by the pulvinus at their bases ; whilst the petioles retain day and night nearly the same inclination. On this night (Nov. 23rd), and for some few succeeding nights, the blades rose from a horizontal into a vertical position, and then became bowed inwards at about an average angle of 10° ; so that they had passed through an angle of 100°. Their tips now almost touched one another, their bases being slightly divergent. The two blades thus formed a highly inclined roof over the axis of the seedling. This movement is the same as that of the terminal leaflet of the tripartite leaves of many species of Trifolium. After an interval of 8 days (Nov. 29th) the blades were horizontal during the day, and vertical at night, and now they were no longer bowed inwards. They continued to move in the same manner for the following two months, by which time they had increased greatly in size, their petioles being no less than • 8 of an inch in length, and two true leaves had by this time been developed. TrifuUum strictum.—On the first day after germination the cotyledons, which are provided with a pulvinus, stood at noon horizontally, and at night rose to only about 45° above the horizon. Four days afterwards the seedlings were again observed at night, and now the blades stood vertically and were in contact, excepting the tips, which were much deflesed, so that they faced the zenith. At this age the petioles are curved 310 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuai-. VI, ujjwards, and at night, when the bases of the blades are in contact, the two petioles together form a vertical ring surrounding the plumule. The cotyledons continued to act in nearly the same manner for 8 or 10 days from the period of germination; but the petioles had by this time become straight and had increased much in length. After from 12 to 14 days the first simple true leaf was formed, and during the ensuing fortnight a remarkable movement was repeatedly observed. At I. (Fig. 125) we have a sketch, made in the middle of the day, of a seedling about a fortnight old. The two cotyledons, of which Be is the light, and Lc the left one, stand directly opposite one another. TrifoUum strictum; diurnal and nocturnal positions of the two cotvledons and of the first leaf. I, Seedling viewed obliquely from above, during; the day: Ec, right cotyledon; Lc, left cotyledon; F, first true leaf. II. A rather younger seedling, viewed at night: lie, right cotyledon raised, but its position not otherwise changed ; Lc, left cotyledon raided and laterally twisted ; F, first leaf raised and twisted so as to face the left twisted cotyledon. III. Same seedling -(newed at night from the opposite side. The back of the first leaf, F, is here shown instead of the front, as in II. and the first true leaf {F) projects at right angles to them. At night (see 11. and III.) the right cotyledon {Re) is greatly raised, but is not otherwise changed in position. Tlie left cotyledon (lc) is likewise raised, but it is also twisted, so that its blade, instead of exactly facing the opposite one, now stands at nearly right angles to it This nocturnal twisting movement is effected not by means of the pulvinus, but by the twisting of the whole length of the petiole, as could be seen by the curved line of its upper concave surface. At the same time the true leaf (/O rises up, so as to stand vertically, or it even passes the vertical and is inclined a little inwards. It also twists a little, by which means the upper surface of its blade fronts, and almost comes into contact with, the upper surface of the twisted Ohap. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 311 left cotyledon. .This seems to be the object gained by these singular moTements. Altogether 20 seedlings were examined on successive nights, and in 19 of them it was the loft cotyledon alone which became twisted, with the true leaf always so twisted that its upper surface approached closely and fronted that of the left cotyledon. In only one instance was the right cotyledon twisted, with the true leaf twisted towards it ; but this seedling was in an abnormal condition, as the left cotyledon did not rise up properly at night. This whole case is remarkable, as with the cotyledons of no other plant have we seen any nocturnal movement except vertically upwards or downwards. It is the more remarkable, because we shall meet with an analogous case in the leaves of the allied genus Melilotus, in which the terminal leaflet rotates at night so as to present one edge to the zenith and at the same time bends to one side, so that its upper surface comes into contact with that of one of the two now vertical lateral leaflets. Concluding Bemarks on the Nyctitropio Movements of Cotyledons.—The sleep of cotyledons (though this is a subject which has been little attended to), seems to be a more common phenomenon than that of leaves. We observed the position of the cotyledons during the day and night in 153 genera, widely distributed throughout the dicotyledonous series, but otherwise selected almost by hazard; and one or more species in 26 of these genera placed their cotyledons at night so as to stand vertically or almost vertically, having generally moved through an angle of at least 60°. If we lay on one side the Leguminosse, the cotyledons of which are particularly liable to sleep, 140 genera remain ; and out of these, the cotyledons of at least one species in 19 genera slept. Now if we were to select by hazard 140 genera, excluding the Leguminosae, and observed their leaves at night, assuredly not nearly so many as 19 would be found to include sleeping species. We here refer exclusively to the plants observed by ourselves. 21 312 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VI In our entire list of seedlings, there are 30 genera, belonging to 16 Families, the cotyledons of which in some of the species rise or sink in the evening or early night, so as to stand at least 60° above or beneath the horizon. In a large majority of the genera, namely, 24, the movement is a rising one; so that the same direction prevails in these nyctitropic movements as in the lesser periodic ones described in the second chapter. The cotyledons move downwards during the early part of the night in only 6 of the genera; and in one of them. Cannabis, the curving down of the tip is probably due to epinasty, as Kraus believes to be the case with the leaves. The downward movement to the amount of 90^ is very decided in Oxalis Valdiviana and sensitiva, and in Geranium rotundifolium. It is a remarkable fact that with Anoda Wrightii, one species of Gossypium and at least 3 species of Ipomoea, the cotyledons whilst young and light sink at night. very little or not at all; although this movement becomes well pronounced as soon as they have grown large and heavy. Although the downward movement cannot be attributed to the weight of the cotyledons in the several cases which were investigated, namely, in those of the Anoda, Ipomoea purpurea and hona-nox, nor in that of I cocsinea, yet bearing in mind that cotyledons are continually circumnutating, a slight cause might at first have determined whether the great nocturnal movement should be upwards or downwards. We may therefore suspect that in some aboriginal member of the groups in question, the weight of the cotyledons first determined the downward direction. The fact ot the cotyledons of these species not sinking down much whilst they are young and tender, seems opposed to the belief that the greater movement when they are CuAP. VI. SLEEP Of COTYLEDONS. 313 grown older, has been acquired for the sake of protecting them from radiation at night ; but then we should remember that there are many plants, the leaves of which sleep, whilst the cotyledons do not ; and if in some cases the leaves are protected from cold at night whilst the cotyledons are not protected, so in other cases it may be of more importance to the species that the nearly full-grown cotyledons should be better protected than the young ones. In all the species of Oxalis observed by us, the cotyledons are provided with pulvini ; but this organ has become more or less rudimentary in 0. co-rnioulata, and the amount of upward movement of its cotyledons at night is very variable, but is never enough to be called sleep. We omitted to ascertain whether the cotyledons of Geranium rotundifolium possess pulvini. In the Leguminosse all the cotyledons which sleep, as far as we have seen, are provided with pulvini. But with Lotus Jacohieus, these are not fully developed during the first few days of the life of the seedling, and the cotyledons do not then rise much at night. With Trifolium strictum the blades of the cotyledons rise at night by the aid of their pulvini ; whilst the petiole of one cotyledon twists half-round at the same time, independently of its pulvinus. As a general rule, cotyledons which are provided with pulvini continue to rise or sink at night during A much longer period than those destitute of this organ. In thi.'s latter case the movement no doubt depends on alternately greater growth on the upper and lower side of the petiole^ or of the blade, or of both, preceded probably by the increased turgescence of the growing cells. Such movements generally last for a very short period—for instance, with Brassica and Githago for 4 or 5 nights, with Beta for 2 or 3, and with 314 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chai' Vl Raphanus for only a single night. There are, however, some strong exceptions to this rule, as the cotjledons of Gossypium, Anoda and Ipomcea do not possess pulvini, yet continue to move and to grow for a long time. We thought at first that when the movement lasted for only 2 or 3 nights, it could hardly be of any service to the plant, and hardly deserved to be called sleep ; but as many quickly-growing leaves sleep for only a few nights, and as cotyledons are rapidly developed and soon complete their growth, this doubt now seems to us not well-founded, more especially as these movements are in many instances so strongly pronounced. We may here mention another point of similarity between sleeping leaves and cotyledons, namely, that some of the latter (for instance, those of Cassia and Githago) are easily affected by the absence of light ; and they then either close, or if closed do not open ; whereas others (as with the cotyledons of Oxalis) are very little affected by light. In the next chapter it will be shown that the nyctitropic movements both of cotyledons and leaves consist of a modified form of circumnutation. As in the Leguminosse and Oxalidfe, the leaves and the cotyledons of the same species generally sleep, the idea at first naturally occurred to us, that the sleep of the cotyledons was merely an early development of a habit proper to a more advanced stage of life. But 110 such explanation can be admitted, although there seems to be some connection, as might have been expected, between the two sets of cases. For tlie loaves of many plants sleep, whilst their cotyledons do not do so—of which fact Desmodium gyrans offers a good instance, as likewise do three species of Nicotiana observed by us ; also Sida rhomUfoUa, Ahufilon Darwinii, and Ci.enopodium album. On the other CuAP. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 315 hand, the cotyledons of some plants sleep and not the leaves, as with the species of Beta, Brassica, Geranium, Apium, Solanum, and Mirabilis, named in our list. Still more striking is the fact that, in the same genus, the leaves of several or of all the species may sleep, but the cotyledons of only some of them, as occurs with Trifolium, Lotus, Gossypium, and partially with Oxalis. Again, when both the cotyledons and the leaves of the same plant sleep, their movements may be of a widely dissimilar nature : thus with Cassia the cotyledons rise vertically up at night, whilst their leaves sink down and twist round so as to turn their lower surfaces outwards. With seedlings of Oxalis Valdiviana, having 2 or 3 well-developed leaves, it was a curious spectacle to behold at night each leaflet folded inwards and hanging perpendicularly downwards, whilst at the same time and on the same plant the cotyledons stood vertically upwards. These several facts, showing the independence of the nocturnal movements of the leaves and cotyledons on the same plant, and on plants belonging to the same genus, lead to the belief that the cotyledons have acquired their power of movement for some special purpose. Other facts lead to the same conclusion, such as the presence of pulvini, by the aid of which the nocturnal movement is continued during some weeks. In Oxalis the cotyledons of some species move vertically upwards, and of others vertically downwards at night ; but this great difference within the same natural genus is not so surprising as it may at first appear, seeing that the cotyledons of all the species are continually oscillating up and down during the day, so that a small cause might determine whether they should rise or sink at night. Again, the peculiar nocturnal movement of the left-hand coty- 318 MODIFIED CIRGUMNUTATION. Chap VI. ledon of Trifolium, strictum, in combination with tJiat of the first true leaf. Lastly, the wide distribution in the dicotyledonous series of plants with cotyledons which sleep: Reflecting' on these several facts, our conclusion seems justified, that the nyctitropic movements of cotyledons, by which the blade is made to stand either vertically or almost vertically upwards or downwards at night, has been acquired, at least in most cases, for some special purpose ; nor can wo doubt that this purpose is the protection of the upper surface of the blade, and perhaps of the central bud or plumule, from radiation at night. Chat. VIL MODIi'IED CIECUMNUTATION. 317 CHAPTEE VII. MomriED CiEccMNUTATioN : Ntotitropio ok Sleep Movejibn'h of Leaves. Conditiotis necessary for tliese nrnvements—List of Genera and Families, which include sleeping plants—Description of the movements in the several Genera—Oxalis : leaflets folded at niu;ht—Averr"hoa ; rapid movements of the leaflets—Porlie'lii: leaflets close when pLmt kept very dry—Tropseolum : leaves do not sleep unless well illuminated during day—Lupinus: various modes of sleeping — Melilotus : singular movements of terminal leaflet —Trifolium — Desmodium: rudimentary lateral leaflets, movements of, not developed on young plants, state of their pulvini—Cassia : complex movements of the leaflets—Bauhinia: leaves folded at night — Mimosa pudica : compounded movements of leaves, eflect of darkness—Mimosa albida, reduced leaflets of—Schrankia: downward movement of the pinnae—Marsilea : the only cryptogam known to sleep—Concluding remarks and summary—Nyctitropism consists of modified circumnutation, regulated by the alternations of light and darkness—SJiape of first true leaves. We now come to the nyctitropic or sleep movements of leaves. It should be remembered that we confine this term to leaves which place their blades at night either in a vertical position or not more than 30° from the vertical,—that is, at least 60° above or beneath the horizon. In some few cases this is effected by the rotation of the blade, the petiole not being either raised or lowered to any considerable extent. The limit of 30° from the vertical is obviously an arbitrary one, and has been selected for reasons previously assigned, namely, that when the blade approaches the perpendicular as nearly as this, ouly half as much of the surface is exposed at night to the 318 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chap. VU zenith, and to free radiation as when the blade is horizontal. Nevertheless, in a few instances, leaves which seem to be prevented by their structure from moving to so great an extent as 60'' above or beneath the horizon, have been included amongst sleeping plants. It should be premised that the nyctitropic movements of leaves are easily affected by the conditions to which the plants have been subjected. If the ground is kept too dry, the movements are much delayed or fail : according to Dassen,* even if the air is very dry the leaves of Impatiens and Malva are rendered motionless. Carl Kraus has also lately insisted t on the great influence which the quantity of water absorbed has on the periodic movements of leaves ; and he believes that this cause chiefly determines the variable amount of sinking of the leaves of Polygonum convolvulus at night ; and if so, their movements are not in our sense strictly nyctitropic. Plants in order to sleep must have been exposed to a proper temperature: Eryihrina crista-galli, omI of doors and nailed against a wall, seemed in fairly good health, but the leaflets did not sleep, whilst those on another plant kept in a warm greenhouse were all vertically dependent at night. In a kitchen-garden the leaflets of Phaseolus vulgaris did not sleep during the early part of the summer. Ch. Eoyer says,t referring I suppose to the native plants in France, that they do not sleep when the temperature is below 5° C. or 41° F. In the case of several sleeping plants, viz., species ot * Daesen, ' Tijdsohrift vor. Na- Bot.* (5th series'), ix. 18GS, p. 34ri. turlijke Gesch. en Pliysiologie,' f ' Beitiage zur Keiituiss ck-r 18S7, vol. iv. p. 106. Bee also Bewcguugen,' &o., in ' Jj'lom," Ch. Eoyer on the importance of a 1879, pp. 42, 43, 67, &o. piopur state of turgosciMice of the J ' Annal. des Sc Nat. Bot.' culls, ill ' Aiiiial. di.f Sc. Nat. (5th Series), i.\. 1868 p.MU. Chai'. vxi. sleep of leaves. 319 Tropfeolum, Lupinus, Ipomcea, A.butilon, Siegesbeckia, and probably other genera, it is indispensable that the leaves should be well illuminated during the day in order that they may assume at night a vertical ).>osition ; and it was probably owing to this cause that seedlings of Ghenopodium album and Siegesbeckia orientalis, raised by us during the middle of the winter, though kept at a proper temperature, did not sleep. Lastly, violent agitation by a strong wiiid, during a few minutes, of the leaves of Maranta arundinacea (which previously had not been disturbed in the hothouse), prevented their sleeping during the two next nights. We will now give our observations on sleeping plants, made in the manner described in the Introduction. The stem of the plant was always secured (when not stated to the contrary) close to tJie base of the leaf, the movements of which were being observed, so as to prevent the stem from circumnutating. As the tracings were made on a vertical glass in front of the plant, it was obviously impossible to trace its course as soon as the leaf became in the evening greatly inclined either upwards or downwards ; it must therefore be understood that the broken lines in the diagrams, which represent the evening and nocturnal courses, ought always to be prolonged to a much greater distance, either upwards or downwards, than appears in them. The conclusions which may be deduced from our observations will be given near the end of this chapter. In the following list all the genera which include sleeping plants are given, as far as known to us. The same arrangement is followed as in former cases, and the number of the Family is appended. This list possesses some interest, as it shows that the habit of 320 MODIFIED CIKOUMNUTATION. Ciur. VII sleeping is common to some few plants throughout the whole vascular series. The greater number of tha genera in the list have been observed by ourselves with more or less care ; but several are given on the authority of others (whose names are appended in the list), and about these we have nothing more to say. No doubt the list is very imperfect, and several genera might have been added from the * Somnus Plantarum' by LinnBBus ; but we could not judge, in some of his cases, whether the blades occupied at night a nearly vertical position. He refers to some plants as sleeping, for instance, Lathyrus odoratus and Vicia faba, in which we could observe no movement deserving to be called sleep, and as no one can doubt the accuracy of Linnaeus, we are left in doubt. List of Genera, incladivij species the leaves of wlich shep. Class I. DICOTVLEDONS. Sub-class I. Genus. Githago Stellaria (Batalio). Portulaca (Ch.^ Royer). / Sida. Abutilon. iJalva (Linnajus") and PfefFer). / Hibiscus (Lin-l najus). / Anoda, Gossypium. Ayenia (Linnajus). Iriiunfetta (Lin-) najus). / Linum (Batalin). Oxalis. Averi-hoa, Porlieria. Guiacum. Impatieus DfEUS, Balalin) Angiospeems. Family. Caryophyllea; (26> Portulaceffi (27). Slalvacea: (36). (Lin-j Pfe Fer, SteroulacesB (37). Tiliaceae (38). Linea; (39). Oialida: (41). Zygophyllea! (45). )» Balsaminea! (48). Sub-class I. Angiospekjis—continued. Genus. ] Family. Tropajolum. Trop£eolei» (49). Crotolaria (Thisel-\ Leguminosa; (75) ton Dyer). Lupinus. Cytisus. Trigonella. Medicago. Melilotus. Ti-ifolium. Securigera. Lotus. Psoralea. Amorpha chartre). Dailea. Indigofera, Tephrosia. Wistaria. Hobinia. SphjErophysa, Colutesy, Astragalus. Glycyrrhiza. Coronilla. Hcdysarum. (Du-\ Tribe JL Tr.'l'll. Tr.'l V. Tr. V. Tr.Vl Cbap. Vtl. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 321 List of Genera (continued). Class 1. DICOTYLEDONS (continued). Sub-class I. Angiosperms. Gemis, Onobrychis, Smithin. Arachis. Dosmodium. Urania. \'icia. Centrosema. Amphicarpaja. Glycine. Erythrina. Apios. Phaseolus. Sophora. Ca^salpinia. Hasmatoxylon. Gleditscliia (Du-^ chartre). / Polnciana. Cassia. Bauhinia. Tamarindus. Adenanthura. Prosopis. Neptunia. Mimosa. Schraukia. Acacia. Albizzia. Mclaleuca(Rouche). Famili/. Legujninosa (75) „ Tr. VI. Tr. VII. Tr. Via. Tr. X. Tr. Xlll. Tr. XIV. Tr. XV. Tr. .XVI. Tr. XX. „ Tr. XXri. „ Tr. XXm. MyrtaceiE (94). Sub-class I. Angiospf'ims ((•ontinuv(J). Genus. jEnnthera (Liu-" naius). Passillora, Siegesbeclvia. Ipomcea. Nicotiana. Mirabilis. Polygonum (Ba-1 talin). J Amarauthus. Chenopodium. Pimelia (Bouch^). Kuphorbia. Phyllanthus(Pfef-1 ftr). ) Family. OnagrarieiB (100), PassifloracoEC (105^ Composita' (12'2). (Convolvulacea; \ (151). Solanea; (157). Nyctaginea; (177). PolygonesD (179). fAraaranthaceaj I (180). Chenopodieae (181) Thymetea; (188). Kuphorbiaceai (202] Sub-class II. Gym;jospekms. Abies (Chatiu). Class II. Thalia. Maranta. Colocasia. Strephium. MOXOCOTYLEUONS. CannacejE (21). Aroidea: (30). Gramineie {oo). Class 111. ACOTYLEDONS. Marsilea. Marsileace.'e (4). Githago segetum (Caryophyllese).—The first leaves produced by young seedlings, rise up and close together at night. On a rather older seedling, two young leaves stood at noon at 55° above the horizon, and at night at 86°, so each had risen 31°. The angle, however, was less in some cases. Similar observations were occasionally made on young leaves (for the older ones moved very little) produced by nearly full-grown plants. Batalin says ('Mora,' Oct. 1st, 1873, p. 437) that the young leaves of Stellaria close np so completely at night that they form together great buds. Sida (Malvaceae).—The nyctitropic movements of the leaves in this genus are remarkable in some respects. Batalin informs 322 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. CUAI'. \1I. (18 (see also 'Flora,' Oct. Fig. 126 e'M'a.m.SS'!', \lO'S^.m.aS^ 6°45'a.m.3o€\ B'SO'a.m.SO^ 1st, 1873, p. 437) that those o1 »S. napoea fall at night, but to what angle he cannot remember. The leaves of S. rhomhifolia and retusa, on the other hand, rise up vertically, and are pressed against the stem. We have therefore here within the same genus, directly opposite movements. Again, the leaves of S. rhomhifolia are furnished with a pulvinus, formed of a mass of small cells destitute of chlorophyll, and with their longer axes perpendicular to the axis of the petiole. As measured along this latter line, these cells are only ith of the length of those of the petiole; but instead of being abruptly separated from them (as is usual with the pulvinus in most plants), they graduate into the larger cells of the petiole. On the other hand, .S. napcea, according to Batalin, does not possess a pulvinus; and he informs us that a gradation may be traced in the several species of the genus between these two states of the petiole. Hda rhumhifolia presents another peculiarity, ofwhich we have seen no other instance with leaves that sleep: for those on very young plants, though they rise somewhat in the evening, do not go to sleep, as we observed Xs'is'a.m.SS'^ 4'j>.m.B9'!^V Si^'-t rhomhifolia : circuranu'ation and nyctitropic (or sleep) mo7ements of a leaf on a young plant, 9^ inches high; filnment fixed to midrib of nearly full-grown leaf, 2| inches in length ; movement traced under a skylight. Apex of leaf .'i| inches from the vertical glass, so diagram not greatly enlarged. (11 AP. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 323 oil several occasions ; whilst those on rather older plants sleep in a conspicuous manner. For instance, a leaf ('85 -of an inch in length) on a very young seedling 2 inches high, stood at noon 9° above the horizon, and at 10 p.m. at 28°, so it had risen only 19°; another leaf (1'4 inch in length) on a seedling of the same height, stood at the same two periods at 7° and 32°, and therefore had risen 25°. These leaves, which moved so little, had a fairly well-developed pulvinus. After an interval of some weeks, when the same seedlings were 2 J and 3 inches in height, some of the young leaves stood up at night quite vertically, and others were highly inclined ; and so it was with bushes which were fully grown and were flowering. The movement of a loaf was traced from 9.15 a.m. on May 28th to 8.30 a.m. on the 30th. The temperature was too low (15°—16° C), and the illumination hardly sufficient; consequently the leaves did not become quite so highly inclined at night, as they had done previously and as they did subsequently in the hot-house ; but the movements did not appear otherwise disturbed. On the first day the leaf sank till 5.15 P.M. ; it then rose rapidly and greatly till 10.5 p.m., and only a little higher during the rest of the night (Fig. 126). Early on the next day (29th) it fell in a slightly zigzag line rapidly until 9 a.m., by which time it had reached nearly the same place as on the previous morning. During the remainder of the day it fell slowly, and zigzagged laterally. The evening rise began after 4 p.m. in the same manner as before, and on the second morning it again fell rapidly. The ascending and descending lines do not coincide, as may be seen in the diagram. On the 30th a new tracing was made (not here given) on a rather enlarged scale, as the apex of the leaf now stood 9 inches from the vertical glass. In order to observe more carefully the course pursued at the time when the diurnal fall changes into the nocturnal rise, dots were made every half-hour between 4 P.M. and 10.30 p.m. This rendered the lateral zigzagging movement during the evening more conspicuous than in the diagram given, but it was of the same nature as there shown. The impression forced on our minds was that the leaf was expending superfluous movement, so that the great nocturnal rise might not occur at too early an hour. Alutilon Darwinii (Malvaceae).—The leaves on some very young plants stood almost horizontally during the day, and hung down vertically at night. Very fine plants kept in a 324 MODIFIED CIBCUMNUTATION. Chap. Vn, large hall, lighted only from the roof, did not sleep at night, for in order to do so the leaves must be well illuminated during the day. The cotyledons do not sleep. Linnaeus says, that the leaves of his Sidu abutilon sink perpendicularly down at night, though the petioles rise. Prof. Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of a Malva, allied to. iW. sylvestris, rise greatly at night; and this genus, as well as that of Hibiscus, are included by Linnteus in his list of sleeping plants. Anoda Wrightii (Malvaceae).—The leaves, produced by very young plants, when grown to a moderate size, sink at night either almost vertically down or to an angle of about 45° beneath the horizon ; for there is a considerable degree of variability in the amount of sinking at night, which depends in part on the degree to which they have been illuminated during the day. But the leaves, whilst quite young, do not sink down at night, and this is a very unusual circumstance. The summit of the petiole, where it joins the blade, is developed into a pulvinus, and this is present in very young leaves which do not sleep ; though it is not so well defined as in older leaves. Qussypium (var. Nahkin cotton, Malvaceae).—Some young leaves, between 1 and 2 inches in length, borne by two seedlings 6 and 7j inches in height, stood horizontally, or were raised a little above the horizon at noon on July 8th and 9th ; but by 10 P.M. they had sunk down to between 68° and 90° beneath the horizon. When the same plants had grown to double the above height, their leaves stood at night almost or quite vertically dependent. The leaves on some large plants of O. maritimum and Bruzilense, which were kept in a very badly lighted hot-house, only occasionally sank much downwards at night, and hardly enough to be called sleep. Oralis (OxalidEB).— In most of the species in this large genus the three leaflets sicik vertically down at night; but as their sub-petioles are short the blades could not assume this position from the want of space, unless they were in some manner rendered narrower; and this is effected by their becoming more or less folded (Pig. 127). The angle formed by the two halves of the same leaflet was found to vary in different individuals of several species between 92° and 1£0°; in three of the best folded leaflets of 0. fragrans it was 76°, 74°, and 54°. The angle is often different in the three leaflets of the same leaf. As the leaflets sink down at night and become folded, their lower surfaces are brought near together (.see B), or even into CuAP. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 325 oiose contact; and from this circumstance it might be thcwght that the object of the folding was the protection of their lower surfaces. If this had been the case, it would have formed a strongly marked exception to the rule, that when there is any difference in the degree of protection from radiation of the two surfaces of the leaves, it is always the upper surface which is the best protected. But that the folding of the leaflets, and consequent mutual approximation of their lower surfaces, serves merely to allow them to sink down vertically, may be Fig. 127. A. B. Oxnlis acetoscHa : A, le.if seeu from vertically .above; B, diagram of leaf askep, also seen from vertically above. inferred from the fact that when the leaflets do not radiate from the summit of a common petiole, or, again, when there is plenty of room, from the sub-petioles not being very short, the leaflets sink down without becoming folded. This occurs with the leaflets of 0. sensitiva, Plumierii, and hupleurifolia. There is no use in giving a long list of the many species wliich sleep in the above described manner. This holds good with species having rather fleshy leaves, like those of 0. carnom, or large leaves like those of 0. Orti-ge-ni, or four leaflets like those of 0. variabilis. There are, however, some species which show no signs of sleep, viz., 0. pevtaphylla, ennenphylla, hirta, and rubella. We will now describe the nature of the movements in some of the species. Uxalis acetosdla. —The movement of a leaflet, together with that of the main petiole, are shown in the following diagram (Fig. 128), traced between 11 a.m. on October 4th and 7.45 A.M. on the 5th. After 5.30 p.m. on the 4th the leaflet sank rapidly, and at 7 p.m. depended vertically. Ftr some time before it assumed this latter position, its movemer.ts could, of course, no longer be traced on the vertical glass, and the broken line in the diagram ought to be extended much furtboi ^26 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VTI, Fig. 128. TiS'a.m.S'br a.''^i ie°dS'a.m.S^ Oxalis acetosella: circumn^^tat^on and nyctitropic movements of mall and young leaves produced dui'in^ 3i8 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VTl the early spring from shoots on some cut-down plants in the greenhouse, slept in a totally different manner from the normal one ; for the three leaflets, instead of twisting on their own axes so as to present their lateral edges to the zenith, turned upwards and stood Tertioally with their apices pointing to the zenith. They thus assumed nearly the same position as in the allied genus Trifolium; and on the same principle that embryological characters reveal the lines of descent in the animal kingdom, so the movements of the small leaves in the above three species of Melilotus, perhaps indicate that this genus is descended from a form which was closely allied to and slept like a Trifolium. Moreover, there is one species, M. mcsianensis, the leaves of which, on full-grown plants between 2 and 3 feet in height, sleep like the foregoing small leaves and liktj those of a Trifolium. We were so much surprised at this latter case that, until the flowers and fruit were examined, we thought that the seeds of some Trifolium had been sown by mistake instead of those of a Melilotus. It appears therefore probable that M. messanensis has either retained or recovered a primordial habit. The circumnutation of a leaf of M. officinalis was traced, the stem being left free; and the apex of the terminal leaflet described three laterally extended ellipses, between 8 a.m. and 4 P.M. ; after the latter hour the nocturnal twi.-ting movement commenced. It was afterwards ascertained that the above movement was compounded of the circumnutation of the stem on a small scale, of the main petiole which moved most, and of the sub-petiole of the tei'minal leaflet. The main petiole of a leaf having been secured to a stick, close to the base of the subpetiole of the terminal leaflet, the latter described two small ellipses between 10.30 a.m., and 2 p.m. At 7.15 p.m., after this same leaflet (as well as another) had twisted themselves into their vertical nocturnal position, they began to rise slowly, and continued to do so until 10.35 p.m., after which hour they were no longer observed. As M. messanensis sleeps in an anomalous manner, unlike that of any other species in the genus, the circumnutation of a terminal leaflet, with the stem secured, was traced during two days. On each morning the leaflet fell, until about noon, and then began to rise very slowly; but on the first day the rising movement was interrupted between 1 and 3 p.m. by the formation of a laterally extended ellipse, and on the second day, at the aame time, by two smaller ellipses. The rising movement thcD Chap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 349 recommenced, and bicame rapid late in the evening, when the leaflet was beginning to go to sleep. The awaking or sinking movement had already commenced by 6.45 a.m on both mornings. TrifoUum (Tribe 3). —The nyctitropio movements of 11 species were observed, and were found to be closely similar. If we select a leaf of T. n-pens having an upright petiole, and with the three leaflets expanded horizontally, the two lateral leaflets will be seen in the evening to twist and approach each other, until their nppor surfaces come into contact. At the same time they bend downwards in a plane at right angles to that of their former position, until their midribs form an angle of about 45° with the upper part of the petiole. This peculiar change of position requires a considerable amount of torsion in the piilvinus. The terminal leaflet merely rises up without any twistFiff. 141. A. a. TrifoUum repens: A, leaf during the day; B, leaf asleep at night, ing, and bends over until it rests on and forms a roof over the edges of the now vertical and united lateral leaflets. Thus the terminal leaflet always passes through an angle of at least 90°, generally of 130° or 140°, and not rarely—as was often observed with T. s bterraneiim—of 180°. In this latter case the terminal leaflet stands at nighb horizontally (as in Fig. 141), with its lower surface fully exposed to the zenith. Besides the difference in the angles, at which the terminal leaflets stand at night in the individuals of the same speeies, the degree to which , the lateral leaflets approach each other often likewise differs. We have seen that the cotyledons of some species and not of others rise up vertically at night. The first true leaf is generally unifoliate and orbicular ; it always rises, and either stands vertically at night or more commonly bends a little over so as to expose the lower surface obliquely to the zenith, in the same manner as does the terminal leaflet of the mature leaf. But it does not twist it.self like the corresponding first simple leaf of Melilotus. 350 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VII With T, Pannonicum the first true leaf was generally unifoliate, but sometipies trifoliate, or again partially lobed and in an intermediate condition. Uircumnutatiun.—Sachs described in 1863* the spontaneous up and down movements of the leaflets of T. incarnatum, when kept in darkness. Pffeffer made many observations on the similar movements in T, pratense.^ He states that the teriuinal leaflet of this species, observed at difierent times, passed through angles of from 30° to 120° in the course of from Id to 4 h. We observed the movements of T. suhterraneam, resupinatum, and repens. Trifiilium siibterranenm.—A petiole was secured close to the base of the three leaflets, and the movement of the terminal leaflet was traced during 26i h., as shown in the figure on the next page Between 6.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. the apex moved 3 times up and 3 times down, completing 3 ellipses in 11 h. 15 m. The ascending and descending lines stand nearer to one another than is usual with most plants,, yet there was some lateral motion. At 6 p.m. the great nocturnal rise commenced, and on the next morning the sinking of the leaflet was continued until 8.30 A.M., after which hour it circumnutated in the manner just described. In the figure the great nocturnal rise and the morning fall are greatly abbreviated, from the want of space, and are merely represented by a short curved line. The leaflet stood horizontally when at a point a little beneath the middle of the diagram; so that during the daytime it oscillated almost equally above and beneath a horizontal position. At 8.30 A.M. it stood 48° beneath the horizon, and by 11. oO a.m. it had risen 50° above the horizon ; so that it passed through 98° in 3 h. By the aid of the tracing we ascertained that the distance travelled in the 3 h. by the apex of this leaflet was 1-03 inch. If we look at the figure, and prolong upwards in our mind's eye the short curved broken line, which represents the nocturnal course, we see that the latter movement is merely an exaggeration or prolongation of one of the diurnal ellipses. The same leaflet had been observed on the previous day, and the course then pursued was almost identically the same as that here described. * 'Flora,' 18K3, p. 497. t ' Die Period. Bewegungen,' 1875, pp. 35, 52. Ohap. VII. SLEEP OP LEAVES. 351 Fig. 142, Trifolium res'ipinatum.—A plant left entirely fr before a north-east window, in such a position that a terminal leaflet projected at right angles to the source of the light, the sky being uniformly clouded all day. The movements of this leaflet were traced during two days, and on both were closely similar. Those executed on the secood day are shown in Fig. 143. The . obliquity of the several lines is due partly to the manner in which the leaflet wa? viewed, and partly to its having moved a little towards the light. From 7.50 A.M. to 8.40 A.M. the leaflet fell, that is, the awakening movement was continued. It then rose and moved a little laterally towards the light. At 12.30 it retrograded, and at 2.30 resumed its original course, having thus completed a small ellipse during the middle of the day. In the evening it rose rapidly, and by 8 A.M. on the following morning had returned to exactly the same spot as on the previous morning. Tlie line representing the nocturnal course ought to be extended much higher up, and is here abbreviated into a short. ei. was placed 352 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VIL Fig. 143. TrifoKum resupinatum : circuinnutation and nyctitropic movements of the terminal leaflet during 24 hours. curved, broken line. The terminal leaflet, therefore, of this spocies described during the daytime only a single additional ellipse, instead of two additional ones, as in the case of T. subterraneum. But we should remember that it was shown in the fourth chapter that the stem ciroumnutates, as no doubt does the main petiole and the sub-petioles; so that the movement represented in fig. 143 is a compounded one We tried to observe the movements of a leaf kept during the day in darkness, but it began to go to sleep after 2 h. 15 m., and this was well pronounced after i h. 30 m. Trifohum repens.—A stem was secured close to the base of a moderately old leaf, and the movement of the terminal leaflet was observed during two days. This case is interesting solely from the simplicity of the movements, in contrast with those of the two preceding species. Oti the first day the leaflet fell between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., and on the second between 7 a.m. and 1 P.M. On both days the descending was somewhat zigzag, and this evidently represents the circui-n nutating movement of the two previous species during the middle of the day. After 1 P.M., Oct. 1st (Fig. 144), the leaflet began to rise, but the movement was slow on both days, both before and after this hour, until 4 pm. The rapid evening and nocturnal rise then commenced. Thus in this species the course during 24 h. consists of a single great ellipse ; in T. resupinatum of two ellipses, one of which includes the nocturnal movement and is much elongated; and in T. subterranei^m of three ellipses, of which the nocturnal one is likewise of great length. Securigera coroniUa (Tribe 4).—The leaflets, which stand opposite one another and are numerous, lise up at night, come into close contact, a' d bend backwards at a moderate angle towards the base of the petiole. Chap VII. BLEEP OF LEAVES. 353 Fig. Mi. Lotus (Tribe 4).—The nyotitropio movements of 10 species in this genus were observed, and found to be the same. The main petiole rises a little at night, and the three leaflets rise till they become vertical, and at the same time approach each other. This was conspicuous with L. JacobcBus, in which the leaflets are almost linear. In most of the species the leaflets rise so much as to press against the stem, and not rarely they become inohned a little inwards with their lower surfaces exposed obliquely to the zenith. This was clearly the case with L. major, as its petioles are unusually long, and the leaflets are thus enabled to bend further inwards. The young leaves on the summits of the stems close up at night so much, as often to resemble large buds. The stipule-like leaflets, which are often of large size, rise up like the other leaflets, and press against the stem (Fig. 145). All the leaflets of L. Gehelii, and probably of the other species, are provided at their bases with distinct pulvini, of a yellowish colour, and formed of very small cells. The circumnutation of a terminal leaflet of L. perigrinvs (with the stem secured) was traced during two days, but the movement was so simjile that it is not worth while to give the diagram. The leaflet fell slowly from the early morning till about 1 P.M. It then rose gradually at first, but rapidly late in the evening. It occasionally stood still for about 20 m. during the day, and sometimes zigzagged a little. The movement of one of the basal, stipule-like leaflets was likewise traced in the s.ime manner and at the same time, and its course was closely similar to that of the terminal leaflet. In Tribe 5 of Bentham and Hooker, the sleep-movements of species in 12 genera have been observed by ourselves and Trifolmm repens : oircumnutation and nyctitropic movements of a nearly full - grown terminal leaflet, traced on a vertical glass from 7 A.M. Sept. 30th to 8 A.M. Oct. 1st, Nocturnal course, represented by curved broken line, much ab- breviated. 354 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap VU others, but only in Eobinia with any care. I'soralea acanlii raises its three leaflets at night; whilst Amorplia fruticosa* T)alea alopecuroid.s, and Indigofera tinctoria depress them. Diichartre t states that I'ephrosia carihcea is the sole example jf " folioles couchees le long du petiole et vers la base; " but a Fig. 145. A. B. U>tue C, eticus : A, stem with leaves awake during the day ; B, with learea asleep at night. SS, stipule-like leaflets. similar movement occurs, as we have already seen, and shall again see in other cases. Wistaria Sinensis, according to Eoyer.4 " abaisse les folioles qui par une disposition bizarre sont inclinees dans la meme feuille, les sup6rieures vers le * Duoliarte, ' l';ie'nients Bjtanique,' 1867, p. aiU. t Ibid., p. 347. is J •Ann. des Sciences, Np,t8. Bot.' rsth series), ix. 18U8. Chap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 355 sommet, les inferieures vers la base du petiole commiui ; " but the leaflets on a young plant observed by us in the greenhouse merely sank vertically downwards at night. The leaflets are raised in Sphmropliysa salsola, Oolutea arborea, and Aslragalus uUyinosus, but are depressed, according to Linnajus, in Olycyrrhiza. The leaflets of Edbinia ps.udv-acacia likewise sink vertically down at night, but the petioles rise a little, viz., in one case 3°, and in another 4°. The circumnutating movements of a terminal leaflet on a rather old leaf were traced during two days, and were simple. The leaflet fell slowly, in a slightly zigzag line, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and then more rapidly; by 7 a.m. on the following morning it had risen to its diurnal position. There was only one peculiarity in the movement, namely, that on both days there was a distinct though small oscillation up and down between 8.30 and 10 a.m., and this would probably have been more strongly pronounced if the leaf had been younger. Coronllla rosea (Tribe 6).—The leaves bear 9 or 10 pairs ol opposite leaflets, which during the day stand horizontally, with Fig. 146. CoroniUa rosea : leaf aaleep. their midribs at right angles to the petiole. At night they rise up, so that the opposite leaflets come nearly into contact, and those on the younger leaves into close contact. At 'the same time they bend back towards the base of the petiole, until their midribs form with it angles of from 40° to 50° in a vertical plane, as here figured (Fig. 146). The leaflets, however, sometimes bend so much back that their midribs become parallel to Bnd lie on the petiole. They thus occupy a reversed position to what they do in several Leguminosse, for instance, in Mimosa 356 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. CiiAr. VII. pudica ; but, from standing further apart, they do not overlap one another nearly so much as in this latter plant. The main petiole is curved slightly downwards during the day, but straightens itself at night. In three cases it rose from 3° above the horizon at noon, to 9° at 10 p.m. ; from 11° to 33° ; and from 5° to 33°—the amount of angular movement in this latter case amountmg to 28°. In several other species of Coronilla the leaflets showed only feeble movements of a similar kind. JJedysarum coronarium (Tribe 6).—The small lateral leaflets on plants growing out of doors rose up vertically at night, but the large terminal one became only moderately inclined. The petioles apparently did not rise at all. Smithia PfundU (Tribe 6).—The leaflets rise up vertically, and the main petiole also rises considerably. Arachis hypiycea (Tribe 6^.— The shape of a leaf, with its two pairs of leaflets, is shown at A (Fig. 147) ; and a leaf asleep, Fig. 147. Arachis hypnrjma: A, Isaf during the day, seen from vertically abore ; B, leaf asleep, seen laterally; copied from a photogriph. Figures much reduced. traced from a photograph (made by the aid of aluminium light), is given at B. The two terminal leaflets twist round al night until their blades stand vertically, and approach eai'h other until they meet, at the same time moving a little upwards and backwards. The two lateral leaflets meet each other in the .same manner, but move to a greater extent forwards,, that is, in a contrary direction to the two terminal leaflets, which they partially embrace. Thus all four leuflots form tof;ctlior a single packet, with their edges directed to the zenith, and with their lower surfaces turned outwards. On a plant which was hot growing vigorously the closed leaflets seemed too heavy for the Chap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 357 Fig. 148. petioles to support them in a vertical position, so that each night the main petiole became twisted, and all the packets were extended horizontally, with the lower surfaces of the leaflets on one side directed to the zenith in a most anomalous manner. This fact is mentioned solely as a caution, as it surprised us greatly, until we discovered that it was an anomaly. The petioles are inclined upwards during the day, but sink at night, so as to stand at about right angles with the stem. The amount of sinking was measured only on one occasion, and found to be 39°. A petiole was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets, and the circumnutating movement of one of these leaflets was traced from 6.40 a.m. to 10.40 p.m., the plant beingilluminatedfromabove. The temperature was 17°—17i° C, and therefore rather too low. During the 16 h. the leaflet moved thrice up and thrice down, and as the ascending and descending lines did not coincide, three ellipses were formed. Desmodium gyrans (Tribe 6).—A large and full-grown leaf of this plant, so famous for the spontaneous movements of the two little lateral leaflets, is here represented (Fig. 148). The large terminal leaflet sleeps by sinking vertically down, whilst the petiole rises up. The cotyledons do not sleep, but the first-formed leaf sleeps equally well as the older ones. The appearance presented by a sleeping branch and one in the day-time, copied from two photographs, are shown at A and B (Fig. 149), and we see how at night the leaves are crowded together, as if for mutual protection, by the rising of the petioles. The petioles of the younger leaves near the summits of the shoots rise up at night, so as to stand vertical and parallel to the stem ; whilst those on the sides were found in four cases to have risen respectively 46^°, 36°, 20°, and 19-5° above the inclined positions which they had occupied during the day. For instance, in the first of these four cases the petiole stood in the day at 23°, and at night at 69i° above the horizon. In the evening the rising of the petioles is almost completed before the leaflets sink perpendicularly downwards. Desmodium qyrans; leaf seen from above, reduced to onc-haif natural size. The minute stipulet unusually largo 358 MODIFIED CIBCJUMNUTATION. Chap. VU. Circiimnutation. —The circumnutating movements of four yoimg shoots were observed during 5 h. 15 m. ; and in this time each completed an oval figure of small size. The main petiole also circumnutates rapidly, for in the course of 31 m. (temp, 91° F.) it changed its course by as much as a rectangle six times, describing a figure which apparently, represented two ellipses. Fig. 149. Vesmodium gyrans: A, stem during the day ; B, stem with leaves asleep. Copied from a photograph ; figures reduced. The movement of the terminal leaflet by means of its subpetiole or pulvinus is quite as rapid, or even more so, than that of the main petiole, and has much greater amplitude. Pfeffer has peen* these leaflets move through an angle of 8° in the course of from 10 to 30 seconds. A fine, nearly full-grown leaf on a young plant, 8 inches in height, with the stem secured to a stick at the base of the leaf, •vas observed from 8.30 a.m. June 22nd to 8 a.m. June 24th • ' Die Period. Beweg.,' p. 35. CThap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 859 In the diagram given on the next page (Fig. 150), the two curved broken lines at the base, which represent the nocturnal courses, ought to bo prolonged far downwards. On the first day the leaflet moved thrice down and thrice up, and to a considerable distance laterally ; the course was also remarkably crooked. The dots were generally made every hour; if they had been made every few minutes all the lines would have been zigzag to an extraordinary degree, with here and there a loop formed. We may infer that this would have been the ca^e, because five dots were made in the course of 31m. (between 12.34 and 1.5 p.m.), and we see in the upper part of the diagram how crool;ed the course here is ; if only the first and last dots had been joined we should have had a straight line. Exactly the same fact may be seen in the lines representing the course between 2.24 p m. and 3 p.m., when six intermediate dots were made ; and again at 4.46 and 4.50. But the result was widely different after 6 p.m.,—that is, after the great nocturnal descent had commenced ; for though nine dots were then made in the course of 82 m , when these were joined (see Figure) the line thus formed was almost straight. The leaflets, therefore, begin to descend in the afternoon by zigzag lines, but as soon as the descent becomes rapid their whole energy is expended in thus moving, and their course becomes rectilinear. After the leaflets are completely asleep they move very little or not at all. Had the above plant been subjected to a higher temperature than 67°—70° F., the movements of the termiual leaflet would probably have been even more rapid and wider in extent than those shown in the diagram ; for a plant was kept for some time in the hot-houfe at from 92°—93° F., and in the course of 35 m. the apex of a leaflet twice descended and once ascended, travelling over a space of 1'2 inch in a vertical direction and of '82 inch in a horizontal direction. Whilst thus moving the leaflet also rotated on its own axis (and this was a point to which no attention had been before paid), for the plane of the blade differed by 41° after an interval of only a few minutes. Occasionally the leaflet stood still for a short time. There was no jerking movement, which is so characteristic of the little lateral leaflets. A sudden and considerable fall of temperature causes the terminal leaflet to sink downwards ; thus a cut-off leaf was immersed in water at 95° F., which was slowly raised to 103° F., and afterwards allowed to sink to 70° F., and the sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet then curved downwards. The water was afterwards 24 '660 MODIFIED CIBCUMNUTATION. Fig. 150. Chap TTI S'SCfam^"^ -I .5 -a CO eC «' : S E £< 'S.'S p P.tie £ 364 MODIFIED CIRCUMNDTATION Chap. VII Bequcnt appearance, may be attributed to reversion to more oi less distant progenitors.* No one supposes that the rapid movements of the lateral leaflets of T>. yyrans are of any use to the plant; and why they should behave in this manner is quite unknown. We imagined that their power of movement might stand in somo relation with their rudimentary condition, and therefore o1> served the almost rudimentary leaflets of Mimosa alhida vel sensitiva (of which a drawing will hereafter be given. Fig. 159); but they exhibited no extraordinary movements, and at night they went to sleep like the full-sized leaflets. There is, however, this remarkable difference in the two cases ; in Desmodium the pulvinus of the rudimentary leaflets has not been reduced in length, in correspondence with the reduction of the blade, to the same extent as has occurred in the Mimosa ; and it is on the length and degree of curvature of the pulvinus that the amount of movement of the blade depends. Thus, the average length of the pulvinus in the large terminal leaflets of Desmoiium is 3 mm., whilst that of the rudimentary leaflets is "'SG mm. ; so that they differ only a little in length. But in diameter they differ much, that of the pulvinus of the little leaflets being only 0'3 mm. to 0'4 mm.; whilst that of the terminal leaflets is 1'33 mm. If we now turn to the Mimosa, we find that the average length of the pulvinus of the almost rudimentary leaflets is only 0'466 mm., or rather more than a quarter of the length of the pulvinus of the full-sized leaflets, namely, 1 66 mm. In this small reduction in length of the pulvinus of the rudimentary leaflets of. Desmodium, we apparently have the proximate cause of their great and rapid circumnutating movement, in contrast with that of the almost rudimentary leaflets of the Mimosa. The small size and weight of the blade, and the little resistance opposed by the air to its movement, no doubt also come into play ; for we have seen that these leaflets if immersed in water, when the resistance would be much greater, were prevented from jerking forwards. Why, during the reduction of the lateral leaflets of Desmodium, or during their reappearance —if they owe their origin to reversion—the pulvinus should have been so much less affected than the blade, whilst with the 'Desmodium venpertilionie is rudimentary laferallenflets. Durlosely allied to D. gyranf, and chartre, 'Ele'raentsde Botanique, it seems only oceasioually to Imar 1867, p. 353. Chap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 365 Mimosa tlie pulvinus has been greatly reduced, we do not know. Nevertheless, it deserves notice that the reduction of the leaflets in these two genera has apparently been effected by a different process and for a different end ; for with the Mimosa the reduction of the inner and basal leaflets was necessary from the want of space; but no such necessity exists with Desmodium, and the reduction of its lateral leaflets seems to have been due to the principle of compensation, in consequence of the great size of the terminal leaflet. TJraria (Tribe 6) and Ceiitrosema (Tribe 8).—The leaflets of Uraria layopus and the leaves of a Centrosema from Brazil both sink vertically down at night. In the latter plant the petiole at the same time rose 16i°. AmpMcarpcea monoica (Tribe 8).—The leaflets sink down vertically at night, and the petioles likewise fall considerably. Fig. 151. TJS^ji.mJO^.' Amphicarpcea monoica ; circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaf (during 48 h. ; its apex 9 inches from the vertical glass. Figure reduced to one-third of original scale. Plant illuminated from above: temp. 17J°-18J° C. A petiole, which was carefully observed, stood during the day '25° above the horizon and at night 32° below it ; it therefore fell 57°. A filament was fixed transversely across the terminal leaflet of a fine young leaf (2i inches in length including the 366 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VII. petiole), and the movement of the whole leaf was traced on a vertical glass. This was a bad plan in some respects, because the rotation of the leaflet, independently of its rising or falling, raised and depressed the filament; but it was the best plan for"^ our special purpose of observing whether the leaf moved much after it had gone to sleep. The plant had twined closely roimd a thin sticli:, so that the circumnutation of the stem was prevented. The movement of the leaf was traced during 48 h., from 9 A.M. July 10th to 9 a.m. July 12th. In the figure given (Fig. 151) we see how complicated its course was on both days : during the second day it changed its coui-se greatly 13 times. The leaflets began to go to sleep a little after 6 p.m., and by 7.1.5 P.M. hung vertically down and were completely asleep; but on both nights they continued to move from 7.15 p.m. to 10.40 and 10.50 p.m., quite as much as during the day ; and tliis was the point which we wished to ascertain. We see in the figure that the great sinking movement late in the evening does not differ essentially from the circumnutation during the day. Glycine hiapida (Tribe 8). —The three leaflets sink vertically down at night. Erythrina (Tribe 8).—Pive species were observed, and the leaflets of all sank vertically down at night ; with E. caffra and with a second unnamed species, the petioles at the same time rose slightly. The movements of the terminal leaflet of E. cristagalli (with the main petiole secured to a stick) were traced from 6.40 a.m., June 8th, to 8 a.m. on the 10th. In order to observe the nyctitropic movements of this plant, it is necessary that it should have grown in a warm greenhouse, for out ol doors in our climate it does not sleep. We see in the tracing (Fig. 152) that the leaflet oscillated twice up and down between early morning and noon ; it then fell greatly, afterwards rising till 3 P.M. At this latter hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. On the second day (of which the tracing is not given) there was exactly the same double oscillation before noon, but only a very small one in the afternoon. On the third morning the leaflet moved laterally, which was due to its beginning to assume an oblique position, as seems invariably to occur with the leaflets of this species as they grow old. On both nights after the leaflets were asleep and hung vertically down, they continued to move a little both up and down, and from side to side. Erytliriiia caffra.—A filament was fixed transversely across Chap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 367 a terminal leaflet, as we wished to observe its movements when asleep. The plant was placed in the morning of June lUth under a skylight, where the light was not bright ; and we do not know whether it was owing to this cause or to the plant having been disturbed, but the leaflet hung vertically down all day; nevertheless it circumnutated in this position, describing a figure which represented two irregular ellipses. On the next day it circumnutated in a greater degree, describing four irregular ellipses, and by 3 p.m. had risen into a horizontal position. By 7.15 P.M. it was asleep and vertically dependent, but continued to circumnutate as long as observed, until 11 P.M. Erythrina corallodendion . — The movements of a terminal leaflet were traced. During the second day it oscillated four times up and four times down between 8 a.m. and 4 P.M., after which hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. On the third day the movement was equally great in amplitude, but was remarkably simple, for the leaflet rose in an almost perfectly straight line from 6.50 a.m. to 3 p.m., and then sank down in an equally straight line until vertically dependent and asleep. 6'^il'a.mM. , 6'jiSa.m.9 , S'p.mA Krythrina cristi-gatti : circumDutation and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet, 3J inches in length, traced during 25 h.; apex of leaf 3^ inches from the vertical glass. Figure reduced to one-half of original scale. Plant illuminated from above; temp. 17|^- 18i° C. ids MODIFIED tlECUMNUTATION. Chap. VTI, Jpios tuherosa (Tribe 8).—The leaflets sink vertically dowE at uight. Phaseolus vulijaris (Tribe 8).—The leaflets likewise sink vertically down at night. In the greenhouse the petiole of a young leaf rose 16°, and that of an older leaf 10° at night. With plants growing out of doors the leaflets apparently do not sleep until somewhat late in the season, for on the nights of July 11th and 12th none of them were asleep ; whereas on the night of August 15th the same plants had most of their leaflets vei-tically dependent and asleep. With Ph. caiacalla and Bernandesii, the primary unifoliate leaves and the leaflets of the secondary trifoliate leaves sink vertically down at night. This holds good with the secondary trifoliate leaves of Ph. Eoxhurghii, but it is remarkable that the primary imifoliate leaves, which are much elongated, rise at night from about 20° to about 60° above the horizon. With older seedlings, however, having the secondary leaves just developed, the primary leaves stand in the middle of the day horizontally, or are deflected a little beneath the horizon. In one such case the primary leaves rose from 26° beneath the horizon at noon, to 20° above it at 10 P.M. ; whilst at this same hour the leaflets of the secondary leaves were vertically dependent. Here, then, we have the extraordinary case of the primary and secondary leaves on the same plant moving at the same time in opposite directions. We have now seen that the leaflets in the six genera of Phaseolese observed by us (with the exception of the primary leaves of Phaieolus Eoocburyhii) all sleep in the same manner, namely, by sinking vertically down. The movements of the petioles were observed in only three of these genera. They rose in Centrosema and Phaseolus, and sunk in Amphicarpsea. Sophora chrysophyVa (Tribe 10). —The leaflets rise at night, and are at the same time directed towards the apex of the leaf, as in ilimosa pudica. Ccesalpinia, Ecem'itorylon, Oltditschia, Poinciana.—The leaflets of two species of Caesalpinia (Tribe 13) rose at night. With EoEmatoxylon Campechianum (Tribe 13) the leaflets move forwards at night, so that their midribs stand parallel to the petiole, and their now vertical lower surfaces are turned outwards (Fig. 153). The petiole sinks a little. In Oleditschia, i( we understand correctly Duchartre's description, and in Pmii' CHAr. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 369 ciana OilUesii (botti belonging to Tribe 13), the leaves behave in the same manner. Fig. 153. Hmmatoxylon Campechianum : A, branch during daytime ; B, branch with leaves asleep, reduced to two-thirds of natural scale. Cassia (Tribe 14).—The nyctitropic movements of the leaves in many species in this genus are closely alike, and are highly complex. They were first briefly described by LinncBus, and since by Dnchartre. Our observations were made chiefly on 0. florihunda * and corymbosa, but several other species were casually observed. The horizontally extended leaflets sink down vertically at night; but not simply, as in so many other genera, for each leaflet rotates on its awn axis, so that its lower surface faces outwards. The upper surfaces of the opposite leaflets are thus brought into contact with one another beneath the petiole, and are well protected (Fig. 154). The rotation and other movements are effected by means of a well-developed pulvinus at the base of each leaflet, as could be plainly seen when a straight narrow black line had been painted along it during the day. The two terminal leaflets in the daytime include rather less than a right angle : but their divergence increases greatly whilst they • I am informed by Mr. Dyer that Mr. Bentliam believes that C. floribundd (a common greenhouse bush) is a liybrid raised in France, and that it c'imes very near to C, Icevigatn. It is no doubt the same as the form described by lindley (' Bot. Eeg.,' Tab. 1422," ftft C. Nerhertiana, 370 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chap. VIL Bink downwards and rotate, so that they stand laterally at night, as may be seen in the figure. Moreover, they move somewhat backwards, so as to point towards the base of the petiole. Fig. 154. Cassia coryniicsa: A, plant during day; B, same plant at night. Both figures copied from fhotographa. lu one instance we found that the midrib of a tei-minal leaflet formed at night an angle of 36°, with a line dropped Chap. YII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 371 perpendicularly from the end of the petiole. The second pair of leaflets likewise moves a little backwards, but less than the terminal pair; and the third pair moves vertically downwards, or even a little forwards. Thus all the leaflets, in those species which bear only 3 or 4 pairs, tend to form a single packet, with their upper surfaces in contact, and their lower surfaces turned outwards. Lastly, the main petiole rises at nighl, but with leaves of different ages to very different degrees, namely, some rose through an angle of only 12°, and others as much as 41°. Cassia caUiantlia.—Ihe leaves bear a large number of leaflets, which move at night in nearly the same manner as just described; but the petioles apparently do not rise, and one which was carefully observed certainly fell 3°. Cassia puhet,cens. — The chief difference in the nyctitropic Fig. 155. Oasaia puhtscens: A, npper part of plant during flie day ; B, same pant at night. Figures reduced from pliotographs. movements of this species, compared with those of the fonnei species, consists in the leaflets not rotating nearly so much ; 372 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. CiiAr VII therefore their lower surfaces face but little outwards at niKht. The petioles, which during the day are inclined only a little above the horizon, rise at night in a remarkable manner, and stand neirly or quite vertically. Tliis, together with the dependent position of the leaflets, makes the whole plant wonderfully compact at night. In the two foregoing figures, copied from photographs, the same plant is represented awake and asleep (Fig. 155), and we see how different is its appearance. Cassia mimosuides.—At night the numerous leaflets on each leaf rotate on their axes, and their tips move towards the apex of the leaf; they thus become imbricated with their lower surfaces directed upwards, and with their midribs almost parallel to the petiole. Consequently, this species differs from all the others seen by us, with the exception of the following one, in the leaflets not sinking down at night. A petiole, tho movement of which was measured, rose 8° at night. Gassia Bardayana.—The leaflets of this Australian species are numerous, very narrow, and almost linear. At night they rise up a little, and also move towards the apex of the leaf. For instance, two opposite leaflets which diverged from one another during the day at an angle of 104°, diverged at night only 72° ; so that each had risen 16° above its diurnal position. The petiole of a young leaf rose at night 34°, and that of an older leaf 19°. Owing to the slight movement of the leaflets and the considerable movement of the petiole, the bush presents a different appearance at night to what it does by day; yet the leaves can hardly be said to sleep. The circumnutating movements of the leaves of 0. /loribunda, calliantha, and puhesceiis were observed, each during three or four days ; they were essentially alike, those of the last-named species being the simplest. The petiole of C. floribuiida was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets, and a filament was fixed along the midrib of one of them. Its movements were traced from 1 p.m. on August 13th to 8.30 a.m. 17th ; but those during the last 2 h. are alone given in Fig. 156. From 8 a.m. ok each day (by which hour the leaf had assumed its diurnal position) to 2 or 3 P.M., it either zigzagged or circumnutated over nearly the same small space; at between 2 and 3 p.m. the great evening fall commenced. The lines representing this fall and the early morning rise are oblique, owing to the peculiar manner in which the leaflets sleep, as already described. After the leaflet was asleep at 6 p.m., and whilst the glass filament hung Chap. VII SLEEP OF LEAVES. 373 perpeniicularly down, the movement of its apex was traced until 10.30 P.M. ; and during this whole time it swayed from side to side, completing more than one ellipse. Bauhinia (Tribe 15).— Fig. 156 The nyctitropic moyements of four species were alike, and were highly peculiar. A plant raised from seed sent us from South Brazil by Fritz Miiller, was more especially observed. The loaves are large and deeply notched at their ends. At night the two halves rise up and close completely together, like the opposite leaflets of many Leguminosse. With very young plants the petioles rise considerably at the same time ; one, which was inclined at noon 45° above the horizon, at night stood at 75° ; it thus rose 30°; another rose 34°. "Whilst the two halves of the leaf are closing, the midrib at first sinks vertically downwards and afterwards bends backwards, so as to pass close along one side of its own upwardly inclined petiole; the midrib being thus directed towards the stem or axis of the plant. The angle which the midrib formed with the horizon was measured in one case at different hours: at noon it stood horizontally; late in the evening it depended vertically ; then rose to the opposite side, and at 10.15 P.M. stood at only 27° beneath the horizon, being directed towards the stem. It had thus travelled through 153° )^ — " fi4 a «u ^ a) O «.5 '^ 03 o a is. 3 --> ^ rt s s « s I 374 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VII. Owing to this movement—to the leaves being folded—and to the petioles rising, the whole plant is as much more compact at night than during the day, as a fastigiate Lombardy poplar is compared with any other species of poplar. It is remarkable that when our plants had grown a little older, viz., to a height of 2 or 3 feet, the petioles did not rise at night, and the midribs of the folded leaves were no longer bent back along one side of the petiole. We have noticed in some other genera that the petioles of .very young plants rise much more at night than do those of older plants. Tamarindus Indica (Tribe 16).—The leaflets approach or meet each other o.t night, and are all directed towards the apex of the leaf. They thus become imbricated with their midribs parallel to the petiole. The movement is closely similar to that of HsBmatoxylon (see former Pig. 153), but more striking from the greater number of the leaflets. Adenanthera, Prosopis, and Neptunia (Tribe 20).—With Ai^enanthera paeonia the leaflets turn edgeways and sink at night. In Prosopis they turn upwards With Neptunia oUracea the leaflets on the opposite sides of the same pinna come into contact at night and are dii'scted forwards. The pinnae themselves move downwards, and at the same time backwards or towards the stem of-the plant. The main petiole rises. Mimosa pvdica (Tribe 20).—This plant has been the subject of innumerable observations ; but there are some points in relation to our subject which have not been sufficiently attended to. At night, as is well known, the opposite leaflets come into contact and point towards the apex of the leaf ; they thus become neatly imbricated with their upper surfaces protected. The four pinnae also approach each other closely, and the whole leaf is thus rendered very compact. The main petiole sinks downwards during the day till late in the evening, and rises until very early in the morning. The stem is continually circumnutating at a rapid rate, though not to a wide extent. Some very young plants, kept in darkness, were observed during two days, and although subjected to a rather low temperature of 57°—59° F., the stem of one described four small ellipses in the course ot 12 h. We shall immediately see that the main petiole is likewise continually circumnutating, as is each separate pinna and each separate leaflet. Therefore, if the movement of the apex of any one leaflet were to be traced, the course described would be compounded of the movements of four separate parts. CHAI'. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 375 a'3&a.m.a!!!^i TS^KjnM^A A filament had been fixed on the preyions evei jng, longitudinally to the main petiole of a nearly full-grown, highlysensitive leaf (four inches in length), the stem having been secured to a stick at its base ; and a tracing was made on a vertical glass in the hot/house under a high temperature, la the figure given (Pig. 157), the first dot was made at 8.30 a.m. August 2nd, and the last at 7 P.M. on the 3rd. During 12 h. on the first day the petiole moved thrice downwards and twice upwards. Within the same length of time on the second day, it moved five times downwards and four times upwards. As the ascending and descending lines do not coincide, the petiole manifestly circumnutates; the great evening fall and nocturnal rise being an exaggeration of one of the circumnutations. It should, however, be observed that the petiole fell much lower down in the evenings than could be seen on the vertical glass or is represented in the diagram. After 7 P.M. on the 3rd (when the last dot in Fig. 157 was made) the pot was carried into a bed-room, and the petiole was fou.nd at 12.50 a.m. (i.e. after midnight) standing almost upright, and much more highly inclined than it was at 10.40 P.M. when observed again at 4 A.M. it had begun to fall, and continued falhng till 6.15 a.m., after which hour it zigzagged and again ciroumnutated. Similar observations were made on another petiole, with nearly the same result. On two other occasions the movement of the main petiole 25 J'^.m.3^ff'p.m.S". Mimosa pudica : circTiirmutation and nyctitropic movement of main petiole, traced during 34 h. 30 m. 376 MODIFIED CIECUMNOTATION. Cjap. VII was observed every Wo or three minutes, the plants being kept at a rather high temperature, viz., on the first occasion at 77o_81° p., and the filament then described 2^ ellipses in 69 m. On the second occasion, when the temperature was 81°—86° F., it made rather more than 3 ellipses in 67 m. Therefore, Fig. 157, though now sufficiently complex, would have been incomparably more so, if dots had been made on the glass every 2 or 3 minutes, instead of every hour or half-hour. Although the main petiole is continually and rapidly describing small elUpses during the day, yet after the great nocturnal rising movement has commenced, if dots are made every 2 or 3 minutes, as was done for aa hour between 9.30 and 10.30 p.m. (temp. 84° F.), and the dots are then joined, an almost absolutely straight line is the result. To show that the movement of the petiole is in all probability due to the varying turgesoence of the pulvinus, and not to growth (in accordance with the conclusions of Pfeffer), a very old leaf, with some of its leaflets yellowish and hardly at aU sensitive, was selected for observation, and the plant was kept at the highly favourable temp, of 80° F. The petiole fell from 8 A.M. tiU 10.15 A.M., it then rose a little in a somewhat zigzag line, often remaining stationary, till 5 p.m., when the great evening fall commenced, which was continued till at least 10 P.M. By 7 A.M. on the following morning it had risen to the same level as on the previous morning, and then descended in a zigzag line. But from 10.30 a.m. till 4.15 p.m. it remained almost motionless, all power of movement being now lost. The petiole, therefore, of this very old leaf, which must have long ceased growing, moved periodically ; but instead of circumniitatiug several times during the day, it moved only twice down and twice up in the course of 24 h., with the ascending and descending lines not coincident. It has already been stated that the pinnse move independently of the main petiole. The petiole of a leaf was fixed to a cork support, close to the point whence the four pinnse diverge, with a short fine filament cemented longitudinally to one of the twc terminal pinnae, and a graduated semicircle was placed close beneath it. By looking vertically down, its angular or lateral movements could be measured with accuracy. Between noon and 4.15 r m. the pinna changed its position to one side by only 7°; but not continuously in the same direction, as it moved four times to one side, and three times to the opposite side. Chap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. . 377 in one instance to the extent of 16° This pinna, therefore, circumnutated. Later in the evening the four pinnae approach each other, and the one which was observed moved inwards 59° between noon and 6.45 p.m. Ten observations were madf in the course of 2 h. 20 m. (at average intervals of 14 m.) between 4.25 and 6.45 p.m. ; and there was now, when the leal was going to sleep, no swaying from side to side, but a steady inward movement. Here therefore there is in the evening the same conversion of a ciroumnutating into a steady movement in one direction, as in the case of the main petiole. It has also been stated that each separate leaiJet circnmnutates. A pinna was cemented with shellac on the summit ol a little stick driven firmly into the ground, immediately beneath a pair of leaflets, to the midribs of both of which excessively fine glass filaments were attached. This treatment did not injure the leaflets, for they went to sleep in the usual manner, and long retained their sensitiveness. The movements of one of them were traced during 49 h., as shown in Fig. 158. On the first day the leaflet sank down till 11.30 a.m., and then rose till late in the evening in a zigzag Hue, indicating circumnutation. On the second day, when more accustomed to its new state, it oscillated twice up tind twice down during the 24 h. This plant was subjected to a rather low temperature, viz., 62°—64° F. ;' had it been kept warmer, no doubt the movements of the leaflet would have been much more rapid and complicated. It may be seen in the diagram that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide ; but the large amount of lateral movement in the evening is the result of the leaflets bending towards the apex of the leaf when going to sleep. Another leaflet was casually observed, and found to be continually circumuutftting during the same length of time. The circumnutation of the leaves is not destroyed by their being subjected to moderately long continued darkness ; but the proper periodicity of their movements is lost. Some very young seedlings were kept during two days in the dark (temp. 57°^59° F.), except when the circumnutation of their stems was occasionally observed ; and on the evening of the second day the leaflets did not fully and properly go to sleep. The pot was then placed for three days in a dark cupboard, under nearly the same temperature, and at the close of this period the leaflets showed no signs of sleeping, and were only slightly sensitive to a touch. On the following day the stem was cemented to a 378 MGDIFiED CIROUMNUTATION. Chap. Vll stick, and the movements of two leaves were traced on a vertical glass' during 72 h. The plants were still kept in the dark, excepting that at each observation, which lasted 3 or 4 minutes, Fig. 158. js'.so'pm. to'aoutiais'* iivnvisa pudica; circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of a leaflet (with pinna secured), traced on a vertical glass, from 8 A.M. Sept. 14tli to 9 A.M. 16th. they were illuminated by two candles. On the third day the leaflets still exhibited a vestige of sensitiveness when forcibly pressed, but in the evening they showed no signs of sleep. Nevertheless, their petioles continued to circumnutate distinctly, Ghap. VII. SLEEP OP LEAVES. 379 altlLOUgh. the proper order of their movements in relation to the day and night was wholly lost. Thus, one leaf descended during the iirst two nights (i.e. between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. next morning) instead of ascending, and on the third night it moved chiefly in a lateral direction. The second leaf behaved in an equally abnormal manner, moving laterally during the first night, descending greatly during the second, and ascending to an unusual height during the third night. With plants kept at a high temperature and exposed to the light, the most rapid circumnutating movement of the apex of a leaf which was observed, amounted to -g^ of an inch in one second; and this would have equalled ^ of an inch in a minute, had not the leaf occasionally stood still. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as ascertained by a measure placed close to the leaf) was on one occasion nearly | of an inch in a vertical direction in 15 m. ; and on another occasion |- of an inch in 60 m. ; but there was also some lateral movement. Mimosa albida*—The leaves of this plant, one of which is here figured (Fig. 159) reduced to f of the natural size, present soma Fig. 159. Mimosa albida ; leaf seen from vertioally above. interesting peculiarities. It consists of a long petiole bearing only two pinnae (here represented as rather more divergent than is usual), each with' two pairs of leaflets. But the inner * Mr. Thistleton Dyer informs us that this Peruvian plant (whii'h was sent to us from Kew) is considered by Mr. Bentham (' Trims. Linn. Soo.,' vol. xxx. p. 390) to be " the species or variety whicli most commonly represents the M seiisitiva of our giirdens." 380 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Chap. VIl. basal leaflets are greatly reduced in size, owing probably to the want of space for their full development, so that they may be considered as almost rudimentary. They vary somewhat in size, and both occasionally disappear, or only one. Nevertheless, they are not in the least rudimentary in function, for they are sensitive, extremely heliotropic, circuninutate at nearly the same rate as the fully developed leaflets, and assume when asleep exactly the same position. With M. pudica the inner leaflets at the base and between the pinnas are likewise much shortened and obliqtiely truncated ; this fact was well seen in some seedlings of M. pudica, in which the third leaf above the cotyledons bore only two pinnse, each with only 3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, of which the inner basal one was less than half as long as its fellow; so that the whole leaf resembled pretty closely that of M. alhida. In this latter species the main petiole terminates in a little point, and on each side of this there is a pair of minute, flattened, lancet-shaped projections, hairy on their luargins, which drop off and disappear soon after the leaf is fully developed. There can hardly be a doubt that these little projections are the last and fugacious representatives of an additional pair of leaflets to each pinna; for the outer one is twice as broad as the inner one, and a little longer, viz. ^^ of an inch, whilst the inner one is only f=g- long. Now if the basal l^air of leaflets of the existing leaves were to become rudimentary, we should expect that tine rudiments would still exhibit some trace of their present great inequality of size. The conclusion that the pinnae of the parent-form of M. alhida possessed at least three pairs of leaflets, instead of, as at present, only two, is supported by the structure of the first true leaf; for this consists of a simple petiole, often "bearing three pairs of leaflets. This latter fact, as well as the presence of the rudiments, both lead to the conclusion that M. alhida is descended from a form the leaves of which bore more than two pairs of leaflets. The second leaf above the cotyledons resembles in all respects the leaves on fully developed plants. When the leaves go to sleep, each leaflet twists half round, so as to present its edge to the zenith, and comes into dose contact with its fellow. The pinnae also approach each other closely, so that the four terminal leaflets come together. The large basal leaflets (with the little rudimentary ones in contact with them) move inwards and forwards, so as to embrace the outside of the united terminal leaflets, and thus all eight leaflets CHiP. YII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 381 (the rudimentary ones included) form together a single vertical packet. The two pinnte at the same time that they approach each other sink downwards, and thus instead of extending horizontally in the same line with the main petiole, as during the day, they depend at night at about 45°, or even at a greater angle, beneath the horizon. The movement of the main petiole seems to be variable ; we have seen it in the evening 27° lower than during the day ; but sometimes in nearly the same position. N'evertheless, a sinking movement in the evening and a rising one during the night is probably the normal course, for this was well-marked in the petiole of the first-formed true leaf. The circumnutation of the main petiole of a young leaf was traced during 21 days, and was considerable in extent, but less complex than that of M. pudica. The movement was much more lateral than is usual with circumnutating leaves, and this was the sole peculiarity which it presented. The apex of one of the, terminal leaflets was seen under the microscope to travel -jL of an inch in 3 minutes. Mimosa marginata.—The opposite leaflets rise u|iaiid approach each other at night, but do not come into close contact, except in the case of very young leaflets on vigorous shoots. Pull-grown leaflets circumnutate during the day slowly and on a small scale. Schrankia uncinata (Tribe 20).—Aleaf consists of two or three pairs of pinnae, each bearing many small leaflets. These, when the plant is asleep, are directed forwards and become imbricated. The angle between the two terminal pinnse was diminished at night, in one case by 15° ; and they sank almost vertically downwards. The hinder pairs of pinnae likewise sink downwards, but do not convorge, that is, move towards the apex of the leaf The main petiole does not become depressed, at least during the evening. In this latter respect, as well as in the sinking of the i'innse, there is a marked difference between the nyctitropic movements of the present plant and of Mimosa pudica. It should, however, be added that our specimen was not in a very vigorous condition. The pinnse of Schrankia aculeata also sink at night. Acacia Farnesiana (Tribe 22).—The different appearance presented by a bush of this plant when asleep and awake is wonderful. The same leaf in the two states is shown in the following figure (Kg. 160y The leaflets move towards the apex of the pinna and become imbricated, and the pinnas then look like bits of dangling string. The following remarks and mcasuremeuts 382 SrODIFIED CIECUMNUTATIOX. Chap. VII do not fully apply to the small leaf here figured. The pinnoB move forwards and at the same time sink downwards, whilst the main petiole rises considerably. With respect to the degree of moYement : the two terminal pinnsje of one specimen formed together an angle of 100° during the day, and at night of only '68°, so each had moved 81° forwards. The penultimate pinnsB during the day formed together an angle of 180°, that is, they stood in a straight line opposite one another, and at night each had moved 65° forwards. The basal pair of pinnae were directed Fig. 160. A. B. Acada Famesiana: A, leaf during the day; B, the same leaf at night. during the day, each about 21° backwards, and at night 38° forwards, so each had moved 59° forwards. But the pinn* at the same time sink greatly, and sometimes hang almost perpendicularly downwards. The main petiole, on the other band, rises much: by 8.30 p.m. one stood 34° higher than at noon, and by 6.40 a.m. on the following morning it was still higher by 10°; shortly after this hour the diurnal sinking movement commenced. The course of a nearly full-grown leaf was traced during 14 h. ; it was strongly zigzag, and apparent!} Vhm: \n. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 3So represented five ellipses, with their longer axes differently directed. Alhizzia lophantha (Tribe 23).—The leaflets at night come into contact with one another, and are directed towards the apex oi the pinna. The pinnse approach one another, but remain in the same plane as during the day ; and in this respect they differ much from those of the above Schrankia and Acacia. The main petiole rises but little. The first-formed leaf above the cotyledons bore 11 leaflets on each side, and these slept like those on the subsequently formed leaves ; but the petiole of this first leaf was curved downwards during the day and at night straightened itself, so that the chord of its arc then stood 16° higher than in the day-time. Melaleuca ericcefolia (Myrtacese).—According to Bouche (' Bot. Zeit.,' 1874, p. 359) the leaves sleep at night, in nearly the same manner as those of certain species of Pimelia. CEnothera moUissima (Onagrariese).—According to Linnseus (' Somnus Plantarum '), the leaves rise up vertically at night. Passiflora gracilis (Passifloracse).—The young leaves sleep by their blades hanging vertically downwards, and the whole length of the petiole then becomes somewhat curved downwards. Externally no trace of a pulvinus can be seen. The petiole ot the uppermost leaf on a young shoot stood at 10.45 a.m. at 33° above the horizon ; and at 10.30 p.m., when the blade was vertically dependent, at only 15°, so the petiole had fallen 18°. That nf the next older leaf fell only 7°. From some unknown cause the leaves do not always sleep properly. The stem of a plant, which had stood for some time before a north-east window, was secured to a stick at the base of a young leaf, the blade of which was inclined at 40° below the horizon. Prom its position the leaf had to be viewed obliquely, consequently the vertically ascending and descending movements appeared wh^n traced oblique. On the first day (Oct. 12th) the leaf descended in a zigzag line until late in the evening; and by 8.15 a.m. on the 13th had risen to nearly the same level as on the previous morning. A new tracing was now begun (Pig. 161). The leaf continned to rise until 8.50 a.m., then moved a little to the right, and afterwards descended. Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. it circumnutated, and after the latter hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. At 7.15 p.m. it depended vertically. The dotted line ought to have been prolonged much lower down in the figure. By 6.50 a.m. on the following morning (14th) the 381 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VII. leaf had risen greatly, and continued to rise till 7.50 a.m., aftei which hour it redescended. It should be observed that the lines traced on this second morning would have coincided with and confused those previously traced, had not the pot been slided a very Httle to the left. In the evening (Mth) a mark was placed behind the iilament attached to the apex of the leaf, and its movement was carefully traced from 5 p.m. to 10.15 p.m. Fig. 161. Passiflora gracilis ; circumnutatioD and nyctitropic movement of leaf traced on vertical glass, from 8.20 A.M. Oct. i3th to 10 A.M. 14th Figure reduced to two-thirds of original scale. Between 5 and 7.15 p.m. the leaf descended in a straight line, and at the latter hour it appeared vertically dependent. But between 7.15 and 10.15 p.m. the line consisted of a succession of steps, the cause of which we could not understand ; it was, however, manifest that the movement was no longer a simple descending one. Siegesbeckia orientalis (Compositse).—Some seedlings were raised in the middle of winter and kept in the hot-house ; they flowered, but did not grow well, and their leaves never showed any signs of sleep. The leaves on other seedlings raised in May wwre horizontal at noon (June 22ud), and depended at a consi' Chap. Vll. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 38£ derable angle bbneath the horizon at 10 p.m. In the case of fonr youngish leaves, which were from 2 to 2 J inches in length, these angles were found to be 50°, 56°, 60°, and 65°. At the end of August, when the plants had grown to a height of 10 to 11 inches, the younger leaves were so much curved downwards at night that they might truly be said to be asleep. This is one Fig. 162. Nicotiana glanca ; shoots with leaves expanded during the day, and asleep at night. Figures copied from photographs, and reduced. of the species which must be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep, for on two occasions when plants were kept all day in a room with north-east windows, the leaves did not sleep at night. The same cause probably accounts for the leaves on our seedlings raised in the dead of the winter not Bleeping. Professor Pfeffer informs us that the leaves oi another species ( the evening rise does not commence until 3 or 4 p.m. In the figure as given on p. 386 (Fig. 163) the first dot was made at 3 P.M. ; and the tracing was continued for the following 65 h. When the leaf pointed to the dot next above that marked -3 p.m. it stood horizontally. The tracing is remarkable only from its simplicity and the straightness of the lines. The leaf each day described a single great ellipse ; for it should be observed that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide. On the evening of the 11th the leaf did not descend quite so low as usual, and it now zigzagged a little. The diurnal sinking movement had already commenced each morning by 7 a.m. The broken lines at the top of the figure, representing the nocturnal vertical position of the leaf, ought to be prolonged much higher up. Mirdbilis longiflora and jalapa (Nyctaginefe).—The first pair of leaves above the cotyledons, produced by seedlings of both these species, were considerably divergent during the day, and at night stood up vertically in close contact with one another. The two upper leaves on an older seedling were almost horizontal , by day, and at night stood up vertically, but were not in close contact, owing to the resistance offered by the central bud. Polygonum aviculare (Polygonese).—Professor Batalin informs us that the young leaves rise up vertically at night. This is likewise the case, according to Linnaeus, with several species of Amaranthus (Amaranthaceee) ; and we observed a sleep movement of this kind in one member of the genus. Again, with Chenopodium album (Chenopodieffi), the upper young leaves ot some seedlings, about 4 inches in height, were horizontal or sub-horizontal during the day, and at 10 p.m. on March 7th were quite, or almost quite, vertical. Other seedlings raised in the greenhouse during the winter (Jan. 28th) were observed day and night, and no difference could be perceived in the position of their leaves. According to Bouche (' Bofc. Zeitung,' 1874, p. 3b9) the leaves of timdia Unuides and spedabilis (Thymeleje) sleep at night. 388 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VII. Euphorbia jacquviioeflora (Euphorbiacese). — Mr. Lynch called our attention to the fact that the young leaves of this plant sleep by depending vertically. The third leaf from the summit (March 11th) was inclined during the day 30° beneath the horizon, and at night bung vertically down, as did some of the still younger leaves. It rose up to its former level on the following morning. The fourth and fifth leaves from the summit stood horizontally during the day, and sank down at night only 38°. The sixth leaf did not sensibly alter its position. The sinking movement is due to the downward curvature of the petiole, no part of which exhibits any structure like that of a pulvinus. Early on the morning of June 7th a filament was fixed longitudinally to a young leaf (the third from the summit, and 2j- inches in length), and its movements were traced on a vertical glass during 72 h., the plant being illuminated from above through a skylight. Each day the leaf fell in a nearly straight line from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., after which hour it was so much inclined downwards that the movement could no longer be traced ; and during the latter part of each night, or early in the morning, the leaf rose. It therefore circumnutated in a very simple manner, making a single large ellipse every 24 h., for the ascending and descending lines did not coincide. On each successive morning it stood at a less height than on the previous one, and this was probably due, partly to the increasing age of the leaf, and partly to the illumination being insufiBcient ; for although the leaves are very slightly heliotropic, yet, according to Mr. Lynch's and our own observations, their inclination during the day is determined by the intensity of the light. On the third day, by which time the extent of the descending movement had much decreased, the line traced was plainly much more zigzag than on any previous day, and it appeared as if some of its powers of movement were thus expended. At 10 P.M. on June 7th, when the leaf depended vertically, its movements were observed by a mark being placed behind it, and the end of the attached filament was seen to oscillate slowly and slightly from side to side, as well as upwards and downwards. Phyllanthus Niruri (Euphorbiacese). —The leaflets of this plant sleep, as described by Pfeffer,* in a remarkable manner, apparently like those of Cassia, ^or they sink downwards at uight and twist round, so that their lower surfaces are turued * ' Die Period. Bcwcfj,,' p. 139. (JHAI-. YII. SLEEP OF LEAVES 389 outwards. They are furnishod, as might hare been expected from tills complex kind of movement, with a pulvinus. Gymnospeems. Pinus Nordmanidana (Coniferje).—M. Chatin states ' that tho leaves, which are horizontal during the day, rise up at night, so as to assume a position almost perpendicular to the branch from which they arise ; we presume that he here refers to a horizontal branch. He adds : " En mfime temps, ce mouvement d'ereotion est accompagne d'uu mouvement de torsion imprime a la partie basilaire de la feviille, et pouvant souvent parcourir un arc do 'JO degres." As the lower surfaces of the leaves are white, whilst the uppur are dark green, the tree presents a widely different appearance by day and night. The leaves on a small tree in a pot did not exhibit with us any nyctitropic movements. We have seen in a former chapter that the leaves of Pinus pinaster and Austriaca are continually circumnutating. Monocotyledons. Thalia dealhata (Cannacese).—The leaves of this plant sleep by turning vertically upwards ; they are furnished with a welldeveloped pulvinus. It is the only instance known to us of a very large leaf sleeping. The blade of a young leaf, which was as yet only 13J- inches in length and 61 in breadth, formed at noon an angle with its tall petiole of 121°, and at night stood vertically in a line with it, and so had risen 59°. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as measured by an orthogouio tracing) of another large leaf, between 7.30 a.m. and 10 p.m., was 10^ inches. The oircumnutation of two young and dwarfed leaves, arising amongst the taller leaves at the base of the plant, was traced on a vertical glass during two days. On the iirst day the apex of one, and on the second day the apex of the other leaf, described between 6.40 a.m. and 4 pm. two ellipses, the longer axes of which were extended in very different directions from the lines representing the great diurnal sinking and nocturnal rising movement. Maranta arundifiacea (Cannacese).—The blades of the leaves, which are furnished with a pulvinus, stand horizontally during ' Comptes Rendus,' Jan. 1876, p. 171. 390 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VII the day or between 10° and 20° above the horizon, and at night TCrtically upwards. They therefore rise between 70° and 90° at night. The plant was placed at noon in the dark in the hothouse, and on the following day the moTements of the leaves were traced. Between 8.40 and 10 30 a.m. they rose, and then fell greatly till 1.37 P.M. But by 3 p.m. they had again risen a little, and continued to rise during the rest of the afternoon anJ night ; on the following morning they stood at the same level as on the previous day. Darkness, therefore, during a day and a half does not interfere with the periodicity of their movements. On a warm but stormy evening, the plant whilst being brought into the house, had its leaves violently shaken, and at night not one went to sleep. On the next morning the plant was taken back to the hot-house, and again at night the leaves did not sleep ; but on the ensuing night they rose in the usual manner between 70° and 80°. This fact is analogous with what we have observed with climbing plants, namely, that much agitation checks for a time their power of circumnutation ; but the effect in this instance was much more strongly marked and prolonged. Colocasia antiquorum {Caladium esculentum, Hort.) (Aroideae). —The leaves of this plant sleep by their blades sinking in the evening, so as to stand highly inclined, or even quite vertioal'y with their tips pointing to the ground. They are not provided with a pulvinus. The blade of one stood at noon 1° beneath the horizon; at 4.20 p.m., 20° ; at 6 p.m., 43° ; at 7.20 p.m., 69° ; and at 8 30 P.M., 68° ; so it had now begun to rise ; at 10.15 p.m. it stood at 65°, and on the following early morning at 11° beneath the horizon. The circumnutatioQ of another young leaf (with its petiole only SMnohes, and the blade 4 inches in length), was traced on a vertical glass during 48 h. ; it was dimly illuminated through a skylight, and this seemed to disturb the proper periodicity of its movements. Nevertheless, the leaf fell greatly during both afternoons, till either 7.10 pm. or 9 p.m., when it rose a little and moved laterally. By an early -hour on both mornings, it had assumed its diurnal position. The well-marfeed lateral movement for a short time in the early part of the night, was the only interesting fact which it presented, as this caused the ascending and descending lines not to coincide, in accordance with the general rule with circumnutating organs. The movements of the leaves of this plant are thus of the most simple kind; and the tracing is not worth giving. We have seen that in another genus of the Aroideas, namely.-Pistia, the Chap. Vll. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 391 leaves rise so much at night that they may almost be said to Strephium floribundum* (Graminece). — The oval leaves are provided with a pulvinus, and are extended horizontally or declined a little heneath the horizon during the day. Those on the upright culms simply rise up vertically at night, so that their tips are directed towards the zenith. (Kg. 164.) Fig^ 164. Strephium floribundum : culms with leaves during the day, and when ijsl i i i being slightly lateral, tiou 01 highly sensitive Seedlings, T^'fZlt'Trt ''^'''^ ^e^e unintentionally illu- 5.30 p.m. Direction ofthe minatcd rather obliquely, or only 11"' wi*^''m„''^i:;!;!;t ^* successive intervals of time. shown by a line ioinin^ -ri„ . , j _.. the firstand penultimate ^°^ instance, two young seedlmgs of dots. Figure reduced to ^^i<^ vulgaris were placed in the middle one-third of the original of a room with north-east windows, and ^""'^^ "'ere kept covered up, except during each observation which lasted for only a minute or two • but the result was that their hypocotyls bowed themselves to the side, whence some light occasionaUy entered, in lines which were' Chap. VIII. HELIOTEOPISM. 421 Fig. 169. only slightly zigzag. Although not a single ellipse was eyen approximately formed, we inferred from the zigzag lines—and, as it proved, correctly—that their hypoootyls were oircumniitating, for on the following day these same seedlings were placed in a completely darkened room, and were observed each time by the aid of a small was taper held almost directly above them, and their movements were traced on a horizontal glass above ; and now their hypocotyls clearly circumnutated (Fig. 168, and Fig. 39, formerly given, p. 5'2); yet they moved a short distance towards the side where the taper was held up. If we look at these d i agrams, and suppose that the taper had been held more on one side, and that the hypoootyls, still circumnutating, had bent themselves within the same time much more towards the light, long zigzag lines would obviously have been the result. Again, two seedlings of SoJavum lycop:'rsicum were illuminated from above, but accidentally a little more light entered on one than on any other side, and their hypocotyls became slightly bowed towards the brighter side; they moved in a zigzag line and described in their coui-se two little triangles, as seen in Fig. 37 (p. 50), and in another tracing not given. The sheathlike cotyledons of Zea mays behaved, under nearly similar circumstances, in a nearly similar manner, as described in our first ^«m s"<*« •• heliotropio ' T movement and circumchapter (p. 64), for they bowed them,selves nutation of sheath-like during the whole day towards one side, making, however, in their course some conspicuous flexures. Before we knew how greatly ordinary circumnutation was modified by a lateral light, some seedling oats, with rather old and therefore not highly sensitive cotyledons, were placed in front of a north-east window, towards which they bent all day in a strongly zigzag course. On the following day they continued to bend in the same direction (Fig. 169), but zigzagged much less. The sky, however, became between 12.40 and 2.35 p.k. Sfa.ini cotyledon (If inch in height) traced on horizontal glass from 8 A.M. to 10.25 p.m. Oct. llith. i22 MODIFIED CIKCTJMNUTATION. Chap. VIII. CS as overcast with extraordinarily dark thunder-clouds, and it was interesting to note how plainly the cotyledons ciroumnutated during this interval. The foregoing observations are of some Fig. 170. value, from having b. en made when we were not attending to heliotropism ; and they led us to experiment on several kinds of seedlings, by e.^posing them to a dim lateral light, so as to observe the gradations between ordinary circumnutation and heliotropism. Seedlings in pots were placed in front of, and about a yard from, a north-east window ; on each side and over the yjots black boards were placed ; in the rear the pots were open to the diffused light of the room, which had a second north-east and a north-west window. By hanging up one or more blinds before the window where the seedlings stood, it was easy to dim the light, so that very little more entered on this side than on the opposite one, which received the diffused light of the room. Late in the evening the blinds were successively removed, and as the plants had been subjected during the day to a very obscure light, they continued to bend towards the window later in the evening than would otherwise have occurred. Most of the seedlings were selected because they were known to be highly sensitive to light, and some because they were but little sensitive, or had become so from having grown old.. The movements were traced in the usual manner on a horizontal glass cover ; a fine glass filament with little triangles of paper having been cemented in an upright position to the hypocotyls. "Whenever the stem or hypoootyl became much bowed towards the light, the latter part of its course had to be traced on a vertical glass, parallel to the window, and at right angles to the horizontal glass cover. Apios graveolens. —The hypocotyl bends in a few hours rectan- 2 «^ g S g S "^ "3 O 0, CO s Chap VIII. HELIOTKOPISM. 423 gularly towards a bright lateral light. In order to ascertain how straight a course it would pursue when fairly well illuminated on one side, seedlings were first placed before a south-west window on a cloudy and rainy morning ; and the movement of two hypocotyls were traced for 3 h., during which time they became greatly bowed towards the light. One of these tracings is given on p. 422 (Fig. 170), and the course may be seen to be almost straight. But the amount of light on this occasion was superfluous, for two seedlings were placed before a north-east window, protected by an ordinary linen and two muslin blinds, yet their hypocotyls moved towards this rather dim light in only slightly zigzag lines ; but after 4 p.m., as the light waned, the lines became distinctly zigzag. One of these seedlings, moreover, described in the afternoon an ellipse of considerable size, with its longer axis directed towards the window. We now determined that the light should be made dim enough, so we began by exposing several seedlings before a north-east window, protected by one Hnen blind, three muslin blinds, and a towel. But so little light entered that a pencil cast no perceptible shadow on a white card, and the hypocotyls did not bend at all towards the window. During this time, from 8.15 to 10.50 a.m., the hypocotyls zigzagged or circumnutated near the same spot, as may be seen at A, in Pig. 171. The towel, therefore, was removed at 10.50 a.m., and replaced by two muslin blinds, and now the light passed through one ordinary linen and four muslin blinds. When a pencil was held upright on a card close to the seedlings, it cast a shadow (pointing from the window) which could only just be disting lushed. Yet this very slight excess of light on one side sufficed to cause the hypocotyls of all the seedlings immedialely to begin bending in zigzag lines towards the window. The course of one is shown at A (Fig.. 171): after moving towards the window from 10.50 a.m. to 12.48 p.m. it bent from the window, and then returned in a nearly parallel line; that is, it almost completed between 12.48 and 2 p.m. a narrow ellipse. Late in the evening, as the light waned, the hypocotyl ceased to bend towards the window, and circumnutated on a small scale round the same spot ; during the night it moved considerably backwards, that is, became more upright, through the action of apogeotropism. At B, we have a tracing of the movements of another seedling from the hour (10.50 a.m.) ' when the towel was removed ; and it is in all essential respects 124 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VIH Bimilar to the previous one. In these two oases there could be no doubt that the ordinary circumnutating movement of the hypocotyl was modified and rendered heliotropic. Fig. 171. ia:48 to'.so'aat O'pnfn. SyS'a.m.r ia-50n.m. ^^'ZS'^TJ"'^']',':""*™P*'' ™«vetr.ent and circumnntation of the Htdc Bra^nca oleracea.-Tn.^ hypocotyl of the cabbage, when notd.stm-bed by a lateral light, circumnutates in a ^mpKcated Chap. Vlll, HKLIOTROnSM. 425 manner over nearly the same space, and a figure formerly gi'^'en is here reproduced (Fig. 172). If the hypoootyl is exposed to a moderately strong lateral light it moves quickly towards this side, travelling in a straight, or nearly straight, line. But when the lateral light is very dim its course is extremely tortuous, and evidently consists of modified circumnutation. Seedlings were placed before a north-east window, protected by a linen and muslin blind and by a towel. The sky was cloudy, and whenever the clouds grew a little lighter an additional muslin blind was temporarily suspended. The light from the window was Fig. 172. Brassica olcracea ordinary circumnutating mcvement of the hypocoty! of a seedling plant. thus SO much obscured that, judging by the unassisted eye, the seedlings appeared to receive more light from the interior of the room than from the window; but this was not really thtt case, as was shown by a very faint shadow cast by a pencil on a card. Nevertheless, this extremely small excess of light on one side caused the hypocotyls, which in the morning had stood upright, to bend at right angles towards the window, so that in the evening (after 4.23 p.m.) their course had to be traced on a vertical glass parallel to the window. It should be stated that at 3.30 p.m., by which time the sky had become darker, the towel was removed and replaced by an additional muslin blind, which itself was removed at 4 p.m., the other two 426 MODIFIED CIKCUMXUTATION. Chat. VUL blinds bemg left suspended. In Fig. 173 the couise pursued, between 8.9 a.m. and 7.10 p.m., by one cf the hypocotyls tluia Brassica oleracea : heliotropic movement and circumnutation of a hypocoty! towards a very dim lateral light, traced during 11 hours, on a horizontal glnss in the morning, and on a vertical glass in the evening. Figure reduced to one-third of the original scale. exposed is shown. It may be observed that during the first 16 m. tl.e hypocotyl moved obliqnely from the light, and this. Chap. VIU. HELIOTEOPISM. i2'3 Fig. 174. e?30' S^.m no doubt, was due to its then circumnutating in this direction, Similar cases were repeatedly observed, and a dim light rarely or never produced any effect until from a quarter to threequarters of an hour had elapsed. After 5.15 p.m., by which time the light had become obscure, the hypocotyl began to circumnutate about the same spot. The contrast between the two figures (,172 and 173 J would have been more striking, if they had been originally drawn on the same scale, and had been equally reduced. But the movements shown in Fig. 1 72 were at first more magnified, and have been reduced to only one-half of the original scale; whereas those in Fig. 173 were at first less magnified, and have been reduced to a one-third scale. A tracing made at the same time with the last of the movements of a second hypocotyl, presented a closely analogous appearance ; but it did not bend quite so much towards the light, and it circumnutated rather more plainly. I'halaris Canariensis. — The sheath-like cotyledons of this monocotyledonous plant were selected for trial, because they are very sensitive to light and circumnutate well, as formerly shown (see Fig. 49, p. 63). Although we felt no doubt about the result, some seedlings were first placed before a south-west window on a moderately bright morning, and the movements of one were traced. As is so common, it moved 8h5'a.m.SepJS.'^ I'halaris Canariensis: heliotropic movement and circumnutation of a rather old cotyledon, towards a dull lateral light, traced on a horizontal glass from 8.15 A.M. Sept. 16th to 7.45 A.M. 17th. Figure reduced to one-third of original scale. t28 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. Vin for the first 45 m. in a zigzag line; it then felt the full influence of the light, and travelled towards it for the next 2 h. 30 m. in an almost straight line. The tracing has not been given, as it was almost identical with that of Apios under similar circumstances (Fig. 170). By noon it had bowed itself to its full extent ; it then circumnutated about the same spot and described two ellipses ; by 5 p.m. it had retreated considerably from the light, through the action of apogeotropism. After some preliminary trials for ascertaining the right degree of obscurity, some seedlings were placed (Sept. 16th) before a north-east window, and light was admitted through an ordinary linen and three muslin blinds. A pencil held close by the pot now cast a very faint shadow on a white card, pointing from the window. In the evening, at 4.30, and again at 6 p.m., some of the blinds were removed. In Fig. 174 we see the course pursued under these circumstances by a rather old and not very sensitive cotyledon, 1"9 inch in height, which became much bowed, but was never rectangularly bent towards the light. From 11 A.M., when the sky became rather duller, until 6.30 p.m., the zigzagging was conspicuous, and evidently consisted of drawnout ellipses. After 6.30 p.m. and during the night, it retreated in a crooked line from the window. Another and younger seedling moved during the same time much more quickly and to a much greater distance, in an only slightly zigzag line towards the light ; by 11 a.m. it was bent almost rectangularly in this direction, and now circumnutated about the same place. Tropceolum majus.—Some very young fee llings, bearing only two leaves, and therefore not as yet arrived at the climbing stage of growth, were first tried before a north-east window without any blind. The epicotyls bowed themselves towards the light so rapidly that in little more than 3 h. their tips pointed rectangularly towards it. The lines traced were either nearly straight or slightly zigzag ; and in this latter case we see that a trace of circumnutation was retained even under the influence of a moderately bright light. Twice whilst these epicotyls were bending towards the window, dots were made every 5 or 6 minutes, in order to detect any trace of lateral movement, but there was hardly any ; and the lines formed by their j auction were nearly straight, or only very slightly zigzag, as in the other pxrts of the f.gures. After the epicotyls had bowed themselves to the full extent towards the light, ellipses of considerable size were described in the usual manner. Chap. VIU. HELIOTKOPISM. 429 After having seen how the epicotyls moTed towards a mode lately bright light, seedlings were placed at 7.48 a.m. (Sept. 7th) before a north-east window, covered by a towel, and shortly afterwards by an ordinary linen blind, but the epicotyls still moved towards the window. At 9.13 a.m. two additional muslin blinds were suspended, so that the seedlings received very little more light from the window than from the interior of the room The sky varied in brightness, and the seedlings occasionally Fig. 175. //.°2ar MM'pan, TropcBoliim majus : h eliotropic movement and circumnutation of the epicotyl of a yonng seedling towards a dull lateral light, traced on a horizontal glacis from 7.48 a.m. to 10.40 p.m. Figure reduced to one-half of the original scale. received for a short time less light from the window than from the opposite side (as ascertained by the shadow cast), and then one of the blinds was temporarily removed. In the evening tho blinds were taken away, one by one. The course pursued by an epicotyl under these circumstances is shown in Fig. 175. During the whole day, until 6.45 p m., it plainly bowed itself towards the light ; and the tip moved over a considerable space. After 6.45 p.m. it moved backwards, or from the window, tiD i30 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VIII Fig. 176. 10.40 P.M., when the last dot -sras made. Here, then, we have a distinct heliotropic movement, effected by means of six elongated figures (which if dots had been made every few minutes would have been more or less elliptic) directed towards the light, with the apex of each successive ellipse nearer to the window than the previous one. Now, if the light had been only a little brighter, the epicotyl would have bowed itself more to the light, as we may safely conclude from the previous trials; there would also have been less lateral movement, and the ellipses or other figures would have been drawn out into a strongly marked zigzag line, with probably one or two small loops still formed. If the light had been much brighter, we should have had a slightly zigzag line, or one quite straight, for there would have been more movement in the direction of the light, and much less from side to side. Sachs states that the older internodes of this Tropseolum are apheliotopic; we therefore placed a plant, 111 inches high, in a box, blackened within, but open on one side in front of a north-east window without any blind. A filament was fixed to the third internode from the summit on one plant, and to the fourth internode of another. These intemodes were either not old enough, or the light was not sufficiently bright, to induce apheliotropism, for both plants bent slowly towards, instead of from the window during four days. The course, during two dajs of the first-mentioned internode, is given in Fig. 176 ; and we see that it either circumnutated on a small scale, or travelled in a zigzag line towards the light. We have thought this case of feeble heliotropism in one of the older internodes of a plant, TroptBolum majus: heliotropic movement and circumnutation of an old internode towards a lateral light, traced on a horizontal glass from 8 A.M. Nov. 2nd to 10 20 A.M. Nov. 4th. Broken lines show the nocturaal course. Chap. Vlll. HELIOTROPISM. 431 which, whilst young, is so extremely sensitive to light, woith giving. Cassia tora. — The cotyledons of this plant are extremely sensitive to light, whilst the ^ , hypocotyls are much less '= '^^' S^rnJ/ .• sensitive than those of most other seedlings, as we had often observed with surprise. It seemed therefore worth while to trace their movements. They were exposed to a lateral hght before a north-east window, which was at first covered merely by a muslin blind, but ss, the sky grew brighter about 11 A.M., an additional linen oHnd was suspended. After 4 P.M. one bund and then the other was removed. The seedlings were protected on each side and above, but were open to the diffused light of the room in the rear. Upright filaments were fixed to the hypocotyls of two seedlings, which stood vertically in the morning. The accompanying figure (Fig. 177) shows the course pursued by one of them during two days ; but it should be particularly noticed that during the second day the seedlings were Sam.'t kept in darkness, and they Cassia tora: heliotropic movement aud ., *^ . , , T 1 circummitation of a hypocotyl (1* then Circumnutated round inch in height) traced on a horizontal nearly the same small space. glass from 8 a.m. to lO.iO p.m. Oct. On the first day (Oct. 7th) ^th Also its circumnut^tion in , , T ~ ' darkness from 7 A.M. Oct. 8th to 7.45 the hypocotyl moved from ^^ Oct. 9th. 8 A.M. to 12.23 P.M., toward the light in a zigzag line, then turned abruptly to the left and afterwards described a small ellipse. Another irregular 'O°10'p:m7^ i;52 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VIH Kig. 17«. eiiipse was completed between 3 p.m. and about 5.30 p.m., tlie hypocotyl still bending towards the light. The hypocotyl was straight and upright in the morning, but by 6 P.M. its upper half was bowed towards the hght, so that the chord of the arc thus formed stood at an angle of 20° with the perpendicular. After 6 p.m. its course was reversed through the action of apogeotropism, and it continued to bend from the window during the night, as shown by the broken line, On the next day it was kept in the dark (excepting when each observation was made by the aid of a taper), and the course followed from 7 A.M on the 8th to 7.45 a.m. on the 9th is here likewise shown. The difference between the two parts of the figure (177), namely, that described during the daytime on the 7fh, when exposed to a rather dim lateral light, and that on the 8th in darkness, is striking. The difference consists in the lines during the first day having been drawn out in the direction of the light. The movements of the other seedling, traced under the same circumstances, were closely similar. Apheliotropism.—We succeeded in observing only two cases of apheliotropism, for these are somewhat rare ; and the movements are generally so slow that they would have been very troublesome to trace. Bignonia capredlata.—No organ of any plant, as far as we have seen, bends away so quickly from the light as do the tendrils of this Bignonia. They are also remarkable from cdrcumnutating much less regularly than most other tendrils, often remaining Btationary ; they depend on apheliotropism for coming into Bifjnonia capreolata ; apheliotropic movement of a tendril, traced on a horizontal glass from 6.45 A.M. July 19th to 10 A.M. 20th. Movements as originiilly traced, little magnified, here reduced to two-thirds of the original scale. UUAP. VIII. ArHELIOTROPISIW. 438 contact with the trunlcs of trees.* The stem of a young plaat was tied to a stick at the base of a pair of fine tendrils, which projected almost vertically upwards ; and it was placed in front of a north-east window, being protected on all other sides from the light. The first dot was made at 6.45 a.m., and by 7.35 A.M. both tendrils felt the full influence of the light, for they moved straight away from it until 9.20 a.m., when they circumnutated for a time, still moving, but only a little, from the light (see Fig. 178 of the left-hand tendril). After 3 p.m. they again moved rapidly away from the light in zigzag lines. By a late hour in the evening both had moved so far, that they pointed in a direct line from the light. During the night they returned a little in a nearly opposite direction. On the following morning they again moved from the light and converged, so that by the evening they had become interlocked, still pointing from the light. The right-hand tendril, whilst converging, zigzagged much more than the one figured. Both tracings showed that the apheliotropic movement was a modified form of circumnutation. Cyclamen Persicurn.—Whilst this plant is in flower the peduncles stand upright, but their uppermost part is hooked so that the flower itself hangs downwards. As soon as the pods begin to swell, the peduncles increase much in lengtli and slowly curve downwards, but the short, upper, hooked part straightens itself. Ultimately the pods reach the ground, and if this is covered with moss or dead leaves, they bury themselves. We have often seen saucer-like depresjions formed by the pods in damp sand or sawdust; and one pod ("3 of inch in diameter) buried itself in sawdust for three-quarters of its length.f We shall have occasion hereafter to consider the object gained by this burying process. The peduncles can change the direction of their curvature, for if a pot, with plants having their peduncles already bowed downwards, be placed horizontally, they slowly bend at right angles to their former direction towards the centre of the earth. We therefore at first attributed the movement to geotropism ; but a pot which had lain horizontally with the pods * 'The Movements and Habits tauio Garden,' Canto., iii. p. 126), of (JUmbing Plants,' 1875, p. 97. the pods forcibly penetrate the t The peduncles of several enrtli. See also Grenier and other species of Cyclamen twist Godron, ' Fl ;ire de France,' torn ii tliomselvei into a spire, and a^-- p. l.TO. ccirdlng to Erasmus Dar«hi >' Uo- 434 MODIFIED OIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VUL all poiuting to the ground, was reversed, being still kept horizontal, so that the pods now pointed directly upwards ; it was then placed in a dark cupboard, but the pods still pointed upwards after four days and nights. The pot, in the same position, was next brought back into the light, and after two days there was some bending downwards of the peduncles, and on the fourth day two of them pointed to the centre of the earth, as did the others after an additional day or two. Another plant, in a pot which had always stood upright, was left in the dark cupboard for six days ; it bore 3 peduncles, and only one became within this Fig. 179. Cyclamen Persicum: downward apheliotropic movement of a flower-pednncle, greatly magnified (about 47 times ?), traced on a horizontal glass from 1 P.M. Feb. 18th to 8 A.M. 2l5t. time at all bowed downwards, and that doubtfully. The weight, therefore, of the pods is not the cause of the bending down! This pot was then brought back into the light, and after three days the peduncles were considerably bowed downwards. We are thus led to infer that the downward curvature is due to apheliotropism; though more trials ought to have been made In order to observe the nature of this movement, a peduncle bearmg a large pod which had reached and rested on the ground, was lifted a little up and secured to a stick. A filament was fixed across the pod with a mark beneath, and its move. CuAP. VIII. .a^HELIOTEOPISil. 43o ment, greatly magnified, was traced on a horizontal glass during 67 h. The plant was illuminated during the day from aboYO. A copy of the tracing is given on p. 434 (Fig. 179) ; and there can be no doubt that the descending movement is one of modified circumnflitation, but on an extremely small scale. The observation was repeated on another pod, which had partially buried itself in sawdust, and which was lifted up a quarter of an inch above the surface; it described three very small circles in 24 h. Considering the great length and thinness of the peduncles and the lightness of the pods, we may conclude that they would not be able to excavate saucer-like depressions in sand or sawdust, or bury themselves in moss, &o., unless they were aided by their continued rooking or circumnutating move- ment. Relation lietween Gircumnuiation and Heliotropism.— Any one who will look at the foregoing diagrams, showing the movements of the stems of various plants towards a lateral and move or less dimmed light, will be forced to admit that ordinary circumnutation and hcliotropism graduate into one another. When a plant is exposed to a dim lateral light and continues during the whole day bending towards it, receding late in the evening, the movement unquestionably is one of heliotropism. Now, in the case of Tropaeolum (Fig. 175) the stem or epicotyl obviously ciicumnutated during the whole day, and yet it continued at the same time to move heliotropically ; this latter movement being eifected by the apex of each successive elongated figure or ellipse standing nearer to the light than the previous one. In the case ot Cassia (Fig. 177) the comparison of the movement ot the hypocotyl, when exposed to a dim lateral light and to darkness, is very instructive ; as is that between the ordinary circumnutating movement of a seedling Brassica (Figs. 172, 173), or that of Phalaris (Figs. 49, 174), and their heliotropic movement towards a window protected by blinds. In both these cases 13(J EELATION BETWEEN Chap. VIll and in many others, it was interesting to notice now gradually the stems began to circumnutate as the light waned in the evening. We have therefore many kinds of gradations from a movement towards the light, which must be considered as one of circumnutation. very slightly modified and still consisting of ellipses or circles,—though a movement more or less strongly zigzag, with loops or ellipses occasionally formed,—to a nearly straight, or even quite straight, heliotropic course. A plant, when exposed to a lateral light, though this may be bright, commonly moves at first in a zigzag line, or even directly from the light ; a]id this no doubt is due to its circumnutating at the time in a direction either opposite to the source of the light, or more or less transversely to it. As soon, however, as the direction of the circumnutating movement nearly coincides with that of the entering light, the plant bends in a straight course tov/ards the light, if this is bright. The course appears to be rendered more and more rapid and rectilinear, in accordance with the degree of brightness of the light—firstly, by the longer axes of the elliptical figures, which the plant continues to describe as long as the light remains very dim, being directed more or less accurately towards its source, and by each successive ellipse being described nearer to the light. Secondly, if the light is only somewhat dimmed, by the acceleration and increase of the movement towards it, and by the retardation or arrestment of that from the light, some lateral movement being still retained, for the light will interfere less with a movement at right angles to its direction, than with one in its own direction.* " In hi3 paper, ' Ui ber oitlio- tl.eile' (' Aibeiten des Bot. Inst trope uud pliigiotrope PHanzeu- in Wiirzburg,' Band ii. Heft ii Chap. VIII. CIRCUMNUTATION AND HELIOVEOPISM. 437 The result is that the course is rendered more or less zigzag and unequal in rate. Lastly, when the light is very bright all lateral movement is lost ; and the whole energy of the plant is expended in rendering tlie circumnutating movement rectilinear and rapid in one direction alone, namely, towards the light. The common view seems to be that heliotropism is a quite distinct kind of movement from circumnutation; and it may be urged that in the foregoing diagrams we see heliotropism merely combined with, or superimposed on, circumnutation. But if so, it must be assumed that a bright lateral light completely stops circumnutation, for a plant thus exposed moves in a straight line towards it, without describing any ellipses or circles. If the light be somewhat obscured, though amply sufficient to cause the plant to bend towards it, we have more or less plain evidence of stillcontinued circumnutation. It must further be assumed that it is only a lateral light which has this extraordinary power of stopping circumnutation, for we know that the several plants above experimented on, and all the others which were observed by us whilst growing, continue to circumnutate, however bright the light may be, if it comes from above. Nor should it be forgotten that in the life of each plant, circumnutation precedes heliotropism, for hypocotyls, epicotyls, and petioles circumnutate before they have broken through the ground and have ever felt the influence of light. We are therefore fully justified, as it seems to us, in believing that whenever light enters laterally, it is the IS79), Sachs hns discussed the the organs of plants stand with manner in which geotiopism and respect to the direction of the heliotropism are affected by dif- incident force, ferences in the angles at which 138 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. VUL movement of circumnutation which gives rise to, or la converted into, heliotropism and apheliotropism. On this view we need not assume against all analogy that a lateral light entirely stops circumnutation ; it merely excites the plant to modify its movement for a time in a beneficial manner. The existence of every possible gradation, between a straight course towards a lateral light and a course consisting of a series of loops or ellipses, becomes perfectly intelligible. Finally, the conversion of circumnutation into heliotropism or apheliotropism, is closely analogous to what takes place with sleeping plants, which during the daytime describe one, or more ellipses, often moving in zigzag lines and making little loops ; for when they begin in the evening to go to sleep, they likewise expend all their energy in rendering their course rectilinear and rapid. In the case of sleep-movements, the exciting or regulating cause is a difference in the intensity of the light, coming from above, at different periods of the twenty-four hours ; whilst with heUotropic and apheliotropic movements, it is a difference in the intensity of the light on the two si des of the plant. Transversal-heUotropismus (of Frank *) or Biaheliotroptsm.—The cause of leaves placing themselves more or less transversely to the light, with their upper surfaces directed towards it, has been of late the subject of much controversy. We do not here refer to the object of the movement, which no doubt is that their upper surfaces may be fully illuminated, but the means by which this position is gained. Hardly a better or more simple instance can be given 'Die naturliehe Wagerechte Prnge iiber Transver^alGeo-nnd Uichtung von Pflanzeiithi ilen,' Heliotropismus," ' Bot. Zcitung, 18 '0 .See ylso sjme interusting 1873, p. 17 et seq. ailiclLS by the same author, " Zur Chai-. VIII. DIAHELIOTKOPISM. 439 of diaheliotropism than that offered by many seedlings, the cotyledons of which are extended horizontally. When they first burst from their seed-coats they are in contact and stand in various positions, often vertically upwards ; they soon diverge, and this is effected by epinasty, which, as we have seen, is a modified form of circumnutation. After they have diverged to their full extent, they retain nearly the same position, though brightly illuminated all day long from above, with their lower surfaces close to the ground and thus much shaded. There is therefore a great contrast in the degree of illumination of their upper and lower surfaces, and if they were heliotropic they would bend quickly upwards. It must not, however, be supposed that such cotyledons are immovably fixed in a horizontal position. When seedlings are exposed before a window, their hypocotyls, wliich are highly heliotropic, bend quickly towards it, and the upper surfaces of their cotyledons still remain exposed at right angles to the light ; but if the hypocotyl is secured so that it cannot bend, the cotyledons themselves change their position. If the two are placed in the line of the entering light, the one furthest from it rises up and that nearest to it often sinks down ; if placed transversely to the light, they twist a little laterally; so that in every case they endeavour to place their upper surfaces at right angles to the light. So it notoriously is with the leaves on plants nailed against a wall, or grown in front of a window. A moderate amount of light suffices to induce such movements ; all that is necessary is that the light should steadily strike the plants in an oblique direction. With respect to the above twisting movement of cotyledons, Frank has given many and much more striking instances in the case of the leaves on 29 440 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap, vm branches which had been fastened in various positiona or turned upside down. In our observations on the cotyledons of seedling plants, we often felt surprise at their persistent horizontal position during the day, and were convinced before we had read Frank's essay, that some special explanation was necessary. De Vries has shown* that the more or less horizontal position of leaves is ill most cases influenced by epinasty, by their own weight, and by apogeotropism. A young cotyledon or leaf after bursting free is brought do^vn into its proper position, as already remarked, by epinasty, which, according to De Vries, long continues to act on the midribs and petioles. Weight can hardly bo influential in the case of cotyledons, except in a few cases presently to be mentioned, but must be so with large and thick leaves. With respect to apogeotropism, De Vries maintains that it generally comes into play, and of this fact we shall presently advance some indirect evidence. But over these and other constant forces we believe that there is in many cases, but we do not say in all, a preponderant tendency in leaves and cotyledons to place themselves more or less transversely with respect to the light. In the cases above alluded to of seedlings exposed to a lateral light with their hypocotyls secured, it is impossible that epinasty, weight and apogeotropism, cither in opposition or combined, can be the cause of the rising of one cotyledon, and of the sinking of the other, since the forces in question act equally on both ; and since epinasty, weight and apogeotropism all act in a vertical plane, they cannot cause the twisting of the petioles, which occurs in seedlings under the Arbeitcm dcs Bot. I'latituts in Wiirzhurg ' Heft ii 1S79 nT^ 223-277. ioi^, pp. CHAI'. Vni. DIAHELIOTROPISJM. 441 above conditions of illumination. All thest movements evidently depend in some manner on the obliquity of the light, but cannot be called heliotropic, as this implies bending towards the light ; whereas the cotyledon nearest to the light bends in an opposed direction or downwards, and both place themselves as nearly as possible at right angles to the light. The movement, therefore, deserves a distinct name. As cotyledons and leaves are continually oscillating up and down, and yet retain all day long their proper position with their upper surfaces directed transversely to the light, and if displaced reassume this position, diaheliotropism must be considered as a modified form of circumnutation. This was often evident when the movements of cotyledons standing in front of a window were traced. We see something analogous in the case of sleeping leaves or cotyledons, which after oscillating lip and down during the whole day, rise into a vertical position late in the evening, and on the following morning sink down again into their horizontal or diaheliotropic position, in direct opposition to heliotropism. This return into their diurnal position, which often requires an angular movement of 90°, is analogous to the movement of leaves on displaced branches, which recover their former positions. It deserves notice that any force such as apogeotropism, will act with different degrees of power* in the different positions of those leaves or cotyledons which oscillate largely up and down during the day ; and yet they recover their horizontal or diaheliotropic position. We may therefore conclude that diaheliotropic movements cannot be fully explained by the direct action of light, gravitation, weight, &c., any more * See former note, in reference to Saclia' vemaikE on this si bject. t42 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. CHy.1'. VIIl than can tJie nyctitropic movements of cotyledons and leaves. In the latter case they place themselves so that their upper surfaces may radiate at night as little as possible into open space, with the upper surfaces of the opposite leaflets often in contact. These movements, which are sometimes extremely complex, are regulated, though not directly caused, by the alternations of light and darkness. In the case of diaheliotropism, cotyledons and leaves place themselves so that their upper surfaces may be exposed to the light, and this movement is regulated, though not directly caused, by the direction whence the light proceeds. In both cases the movement consists of circumnutation modified by innate or constitutional causes, in the same manner as with climbing plants, the circumnutation of which is increased in amplitude and rendered more circular, or again with very young cotyledons and leaves which are thus brought down into a horizontal position by epinasty. We have hitherto referred only to those leaves and cotyledons which occupy a permanently horizontal position ; but many stand more or less obliquely, and some few upright. The cause of these differences ol position is not known ; but in accordance with Wiesner's views, hereafter to be given, it is probable that some leaves and cotyledons would suffer, if they were fully illuminated by standing at right angles to the light. We have seen in the second and fourth chapters that those cotyledons and leaves which do not alter their positions at night sufficiently to be said to sleep, commonly rise a little in the evening and fall again on the next morning, so that they stand during the night at a rather higher inclination than during the middle of the day. It is incredible that a rising movement of 2" or 3°, or even of 10° or 20°, can be of uhap. vui. diahelioteopism. 44y any service to the plant, so as to have been specially acquired. It must be the result of some periodical change in the conditions to which they are subjected, and there can hardly be a doubt that this is the daily alternations of light and darkness. De Vries states in the paper before referred to, that most petioles and midribs are apogeotropic ;* and apogeotropism would account for the above rising movement, which is common to so many widely distinct species, if we suppose it to be conquered by diaheliotropism during the middle of the day, as long as it is of importance to the plant that its cotyledons and leaves should be fully exposed to the light. The exact hour in the afternoon at which they begin to bend slightly upwards, and the extent of the movement, will depend on their degree of sensitiveness to gravitation and on their power of resisting its action during the middle of the day, as well as on the amplitude of their ordinary circumnutating movements ; and as these qualities differ much in different species, we might expect that the hour in the afternoon at which they begin to rise would differ much in different species, as is the case. Some other agency, however, besides apogeotropism, must come into play, either directly or indirectly, in this upward movement. Thus a young bean (Vicia faba), growing in a small pot, was placed in front of a window in a klinostat ; and at night the leaves rose a little, although * According to Frank ('Pie organs have been long kept in the nat. Wagereclite Riohtung von da-k, the amount of water and of Pflanzentheilen.' 1870, p. 46) the niineni] matter which they oimroot-leaves of many plants, kept tain is so much altered, and their in darkuess, rise up and even he- regular growth is so much discome vertical ; and so it is in some turbed, that it is perhaps rash to oases with shoots. (See Kauwen- infer from their movements what hoff, 'Archives Neferlandaises,' would occur under normal contom.xii. p. 32.) Those movements ditions. (See Godlewski, 'Bot indicate apogeotropism ; but when Zeitung,' Feb. 14tli, 1879.) i44 MODIFIED CIRCUMNTJTATION. CiiAr. VIII the action of apogeotropism was ^uite eliminated. Nevertheless, they did not rise nearly so mucli at night, as when subjected to apogeotropism. Is it not possible, or even probable, that leaves and cotyledons, which have moved upwards in the evening through the action of apogeotropism during countless generations, may inherit a tendency to this movement ? We have seen that the hypocotyls of several Leguminous plants have from a remote period inherited a tendency to arch themselves ; and we know that the sleep-movements of leaves are to a certain extent inherited, independently of the alternations of light and darkness. In our observations on the circumnutation of those cotyledons and leaves which do not sleep at night, we met with hardly any distinct cases of their sinking a little in the evening, and rising again in the morning,—that is, of movements the reverse of those just discussed. We have no doubt that such cases occur, inasmuch as the leaves of many plants sleep . by sinking vertically downwards. How to account for the few cases which were observed must be left doubtful. The young leaves of Cannabis sativa sink at night between 30° and 40° beneath the horizon ; and Kraus attributes this to epinasty in conjunction with the absorption of water. Whenever epinastic growth is vigorous, it might conquer diaheliotropism in the evening, at which time it would be of no importance to the plant to keep its leaves horizontal. The cotyledons of Anoda Wrightii, of one variety of Grossypium, and of several species of Ipomoea, remain horizontal in the eveiiing whilst they are very young ; as they grow a little older they curve a little downwards, and when large and heavy sink so much that they come under our definition of sleep. In the case of Chap. VIII. PAEAHELIOTEOPISM. 4! mm.). Cotyledons with their U)))ier halves enclosed in such tubes were placed before a south-west window, in such a position, that the scraped stripes did not directly l^ice the window, but obliquely to one side. The seedlings wore left exposed for 8 h., l)efore the close of which time the many frro seedlings in the same pots had become greatly bowed towards the window. Under those circumstances, the whole lower halves of the cotyledons, which had their sumn\its enclosed in the tubes, wore fully exposed to the light of the sky, whilst their upper halves receiv(!d exclusively or chiefly diffused light from the room, and this only through a very narrow slit on one side. Now, if the curvature of the Io^mt part had been determined by the illumination of this part, all the cotyledons assuredly would liave become curved towards the window; but this was far from being the case. Tubes of the kind just described were placed on several occasions over the upper halves of 27 cotyledons ; 11 of tluim remained all the time quite vertical; so that sulfieiont diffused light did not enter tiirough the narrow slits to produce any effect whatever; and they behaved in the same manner us if their upper halves liad liern enclosed in completely blackened tubes. The lower halves of tlie 13 other cotvledons l)0fMrae bowed UHAP. IX. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS OF LIGHT. 477 not directly in the line of 'the window, but obliquely towards It ; one pointed at an angle of only 18°, but the remaining 12 at angles varying between 45° and 62° from the line of the window. At the conuuoncement of the experiment, jsins liad been laid on the earth in the direction towards which the slits in the varnish faced ; and in this direction alone a small amount of diflused light entered. At the close of the experiment, 7 ot the bowed cotyledons pointed exactly in the line of the pins, and 6 of them in a line between that of the pins and that of the window. This intermediate position is intelligible, for any light from the sky which entered obliquely through the slits would be much more efficient than the diffused light which entered directly through them. After the 8 h. exposure, the contrast in appearance between these 13 cotyledons and the many other seedlings in the same pots, which were all (excepting the above 14 vertical ones) greatly bowed in straight and parallel lines towards the window, was extremely remarkable. It is therefore certain that a little weak light striking the upjDer halves of the cotyledons of Phalaris, is far more potent in determining the direction of the curvature of the lower halves, than the full illumination of the latter during the whole time of exposure. In confirmation of the above results, the effect of thickly painting with Indian ink one side of the upper part of three cotyledons of Phalaris, for a length of 2 inch from their tips, may be worth giving. These were placed so that the unpainted surface was directed not towards the window, but a little to one side ; and they all became bent towards the unpainted side, and from the line of the window by angles amoimting to 31°, 35°, and 83°The curvature in this direction extended down to their bases, although the whole lower part was fully exposed to the light from the window. Finally, although there can be no doiibt that the illumination of the upper part of the cotyledons of Phalaris greatly affects the. power and manner of bending of the lower part, jet some observations seemed to render it probable that the simultaneous stimulation of the lower part by light greatly favours, or is almost necessary, for its woll-marked curvature ; but our experiments were not conclusiv horizontally, and the upper part of the stem rose 58° in 46 li.; in the manner shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 185). "We here ^'S- '^5. see that during the whole of the second day of 15 i h., tlie stem plainly circumnutated whilst bending upwards tlu-ough apogeotropism. It had still to rise considerably, for when the last dot in the iigure was made, it stood 32° from an iipright position. PhalaiHs Caiiarienxis.—A cotyledon of this plant (1"3 inch in height) has already been described as rising in 4 h. 30 m. from 40° beneath the horizon into a vertical position, passing through an angle of 130° in a nearly straight line, and then abruptly beginning to circumnutate. Another somewhat old cotyledon of the same height (but from which a true leaf had not yet protruded), was similarly placed at 40° beneath the horizon. For the first 4 h. it rose in a nearly straight course (Fig. 186), so that by 1.10 p.m. it was highly inclined, and now apogeotropism acted on it with much less power than before, and it began to zigzag. At 4.15 P.M. (i.e. in 7 h. from the commencement) it stood vertically, and afterwards continued to circumnutate in the usual manner about the same spot. Here then we have a graduated change from a straight upward apogeotropic course into circum- Zilium auratum : apogtonutation, instead of an abrupt change, t^'op'" movement of stem, as in the former case. Avena saiiva.—The sheath-like cotyledons, whilst young, are strongly apogeotropic ; and some which were placed at 45° beneath the horizon rose 90° in 7 or 8 h. in lines almost absolutely straight. An oldish cotyledon, from which the first leaf began to traced on a vertical glabs during 2 days and 2 nights, from 10.40 A.M. March ISth to 8 A.M. 20th. Figure reduced to one-half of the original scale. 500 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. X Fig. 186. 4°is'p.m, ffjn'^m. \ Pkalaris Canariensit : jpogeotropio movement of cotyledon, traced on a vertical and horizontal glass, from 9.10 A.M. Sept. I9th to 9 A M. 20th. Figure here reduced to one-fifth of original scale. protrude whilst the following observations were being made, was placed at 10° beneath the horizon, and it rose only 59° in 24 h. It behaved rather differently from any other plant, observed by ns, for during the first 4i h. it rose in a line not far from straight; during the next 64 h. it circumnutated, that is, it descended and again ascended in a strongly marked zigzag course; it then resumed its upward movement in a moderately straight line, and, with time allowed, no doubt would have become upright. In this case, after the first 4J h., ordinary circumnutation almost completely conquered for a time apogeo- tropism. Brassica oleracea.—The hypocotyls of several young seedlings placed horizontally, rose up vertically in the course of 6 or 7 h. in nearly straight lines. A seedling which had grown in darkness to a height of 2i inches, and was therefore rather old and not highly sensitive, was placed so that the hypocotyl projected at between 30° and 40° beneath the horizon. The upper part alone became curved Ceap. X. APOGEOTROPISM. 501 Kig. 187. upwards, and rose during the first 3 h. 10 m. in a nearly straighl line (Fig. 187); but it was not possible to trace the upward movement on the vertical glass for the first 1 h. 10 m., so that the nearly straight line in the diagram ought to have been much longer. During the next 11 h. the hypocotyl circumnutated, describing irregularflgures, each of which rose a little above the one previously formed. During the night and following early morning it continued to rise in a zigzag course, so that apogeotropism was still acting. At the close of our observations, after 23 h. (represented by the highest dot in the diagram) the hypocotyl was still 32° from the perpendicular. There can be little doubt that it would ultimately have become upright by describing an additional number of irregular elUpses, one above the other. ApogeotropUm retarded hy Heliotropism. — When the stem of any plant bends during the day towards a lateral Hght, the movement is opposed by apogeotropism ; but as the light gradually wanes in the evening the latter power slowly gains the upper hand, and draws J^rassica oleracea: apogeotropic the stem back into a vertical position. Here then we have a good opportunity for observing how apogeotropism acts when very nearly balanced by an opposing force. For instance, the plumule of Tropceolum m.ajus (see former Fig. 175) moved towards the dim evening light in a slightly zigzag Une until 6.45 p.m., it then returned on movemenf. of hypocotyl, traced on ve]-tical glass, from 9.20 A.M. Sept. 12th to 8.30 A.M. l.'^th. The upper part of the figure is more magnified than the lower part, if the whole course had been traced, the straight upright line would have been much longer. Figure here reduced to one-third of the original scale. its course until 502 MODIFIED CIECUMNUTATION. Chap. X 10.40 P.M., during -which time it zigzagged and described an ellipse of considerable size. The hypocotyl of Brassica olcracea (see former Fig. 173) moved in a straight line to the light until 5.15 P.M., and then fronj the light, making in its backward course a great rectangular bend, and then returned for a short distance towards the former source of the light ; no observations -were made after 7.10 p.m., but during the night it recovered its vertical position. A hypocotyl of Cassia tora moved in the evening in a somewhat zigzag line towards the failing light until 6 p.m., and was now bowed 20° from the perpendicular ; it then returned on its course, making before 10.30 p.m. four great, nearly rectangular bends and almost completing an ellipse. Several other analogous cases were casually observed, and in all of them the apogeotropic movement could be seen to consist of modified circumnutation. Apogeotropic Movements effected by the aid of joints or pulvini. —Movements of this kind are well known to occur in the Gramineee, and are effected by means of the thickened bases of their sheathing leaves; the stem within being in this part thinner than elsewhere.* According to the analogy of all other pulvini, such joints ought to continue oircumnutating for a long period, after the adjoining parts have ceased to grow. We therefore wished to ascertain whether this was the case with the Graminese; for if so, the upward curvature of their stems, when extended horizontally or laid prostrate, would be explained in accordance with our view—namely, that apogeotropism results from modified circumnutation. After these joints have curved upwards, they are fixed in their new position by increased growth along their lower sides. Lolium pcrenne.—A young stem, 7 inches in height, consisting of 3 internodes, with the flower-head not yet protruded, was selected for observation. A long and very thin glass filament was cemented horizontally to the stem close above the second joint, 3 inches above the ground. This joint was subsequently proved to be in an active condition, as its lower side swelled much through the action of apogeotropism (in the manner described by De Yries) after the haulm had been fastened down for 24 h. in a horizontal position. The pot was * TliiB structure hns been re- die Aufricbtung des gelagerteri oently dcsnibed by \)e Viies iu Getreides,' in ' LaiidwirtliBchaftBii iiitereBting article, 'Ueber liche Jiihrlmclier,' 1880, p. 473. Chap. X. APOGEOTEOPISM. 503 BO placed that the end of the filament stood beneath the 2-inch object glass of a microscope with an eye-piece micrometer, each division of which equalled -g^ of an inch. The end of the filament was repeatedly observed during 6 h., and was seen to be in constant movement ; and it crossed 5 divisions of the micrometer (tso inch) in 2 h. Occasionally it moved forwards by jerks, some of which were yoVo 'noh in length, and then slowly retreated a little, afterwards again jerking forwards. These oscillations were exactly like those described under Brassica and Dionsea, but they occurred only occasionally. We may therefore conclude that this moderately old joint was continually circumnutating on a small scale. Alopecuriis pratensis.—Ayoung plant, 11 inches in height, with the flower-head protruded, but with the florets not yet expanded, had a glass filament fixed close above the second joint, at a height of only 2 inches above the ground. The basal internode, 2 inches in length, was cemented to a stick to prevent any possibility of its circumnutating. The extremity of the filament, which projected about 60° above the horizon, was often observed during 24 h. in the same manner as in the last case. Whenever looked at, i-t was always in movement, and it crossed 30 divisions of the micrometer (J^ inch) in 3i h. ; but it sometimes moved at a quicker rate, for at one time it crossed 5 divisions in li h. The pot had to be moved occasionally, as the end of the filament travelled beyond the field of vision ; but as far as we could judge it followed during the daytime a semicircular course ; and it certainly travelled in two different directions at right angles to one another. It sometimes oscillated in the same manner as in the last species, some of the jerks forwards being as much as y^oo of an inch. We may therefore conclude that the joints in this and the last species of grass long continue to circumnutate ; so that this movement would be ready to be converted into an apogeotropic movement, whenever the stem was placed in an inclined or horizontal position. Movements of the Flower-peduncles of Oxalis carnosa, due to apogeotropism and other forces.—The movements of the main peduncle, and of the three or four sub-peduncles which each main peduncle of this plant bears, are extremely complex, and are determined by several distinct causes. Whilst the flowers are expanded, both kinds of peduncles circumnutate about the sanrc spot, as we have seen (Fig 91) in the fourth chapter. But soon after the flowers have begun to wither the sub- 33 501 MODIFIED CIKCOIXUTATION. Chap. X peduncles bend downwards, and this is due to epinasty; foi on two ixwisions wben puts were laid horizontally, the s\ilv peduncles asisumed the same position relatively to the main peduncle, as would have been the case if they had remained upright; that is. each of them formed with it an angle of about J:0' If they had l>een acted on by gootropism or apheliotropism (for the plant was illuminated from alx>ve). they wuuld hare directed themselves to the centre of the earth. A main peduncle W!\s secured to a stick ii\ an upright jxisition, and ono of the upright sub-peduncles which had lieen ol>served circumnutating whilst the flower was expanded, continued to do so for at least '24 h. after it had withei-ed. It then began to Ixnid downwards, and after 36 h. pointeii a little beneath the horizon. A new figure was now begun i,A. Fig. ISS), and the snb-peduncle was traced descending in a zigzfig line from 7.'20 p.m. on the 19th 1 1 9 A.M. on the ilud. It now pouitcd almost perpendicularly downwards, and the glass filament had to be removed and fastened transversely across the base of the young capsule, "^^'e expected that the sulvpeduncle would have been motionless in its new position ; but it continued slowly to swing, like a pendulum, from side to side, that is, in a plane at right angles to that in which it had descended. This circumniitating movement w:is observed from 9 a.m. on '2'2iid to 9 a.m. •2t:th, as sho'mi at B in the diagram. We were not able to observe this particular sub-peduncle any longer; but it would certainly liave cone on circumnutating until the capsule was nejirly ripe (which requires only a short time), and it would then have moved upwards. The upward movement (C, Fig. 188) is effected in part by the whole sub-peduncle rising in the same manner as it had pre^^ously descended through epinasty—namely, at the joint where united to the main peduncle. As this upward movement occurred with plants kept in the dark and in whatever position the main peduncle was fastened, it could not have been caused by heliotropism or apogeotropism, but by hyponasty. Pesides this movement at the joint, there is another o. a very difieront kind, for the sub-peduncle becomes upwardly bent in the middle part. If the sub-peduucle happens at the time to be inclined much do\™wai-ds, the upward curvature is so great that the whole forms a hook. The upper end beai-ing the capsule, thus always places itself upright, and as this . ccurs in diu'kness, and in whatever position the main peduncle may have been secured. Ciui' X. ArOiJI';(>'l'l!lMMSM. 506 tlio up\vi>r,l I'm-widiiv oniniol IhmIuo Io li<>li,)l,n»i)isiu or l\y|KV I'lit. 188. ^>-. " - --X ^' A» ^jNinrtvtii' ilownw.n.l nioNoni.-nt ; li, oiiv\n\liuil,-»( i.u\ w hiUt .iO| vhich had their tips cut off for a length of 1'5 mm., new riotcaps and new vegetative points were re-formed after an interval of 3 days 20 h. ; and these when placed horizontally were acted on by geolropism. On some other occasions this regeneration of the tips and reacquired sensitiveness occurred within a somewhat shorter time. Therefore, radicles having their tips amputated should he observed in from 12 to 48 h. after the operation. Four radicles were extended horizontallj" with their lower surfaces touching the water, and with their tips cut off for a length of only 0-5 mm. : after 23 h. three of them were still horizontal ; after 47 h. one of the three became fairly geotropic ; ind after 70 h. the other two showed a trace of this action. The fourth radicle was vertically geotropic after 23 h. ; but by an • ' Arbeiten dos But. Instifiits in Wiirzburg,' Heft. iii. 1873, p. 4.S2. (Jhap. XI. THANSMITTED EFFECTS : VICIA. 525 accident the root-cap alone and not the vegetative point waa found to have bten amputated ; so thai this case formed no real exception and might have been excluded. Five radicles were extended horizontally like the last, and had their tips cut off for a length of 1 mm. ; after 22-23 h., four of them were still horiz ntal, and one was slightly geotropic ; after 48 h. the latter had become vertical; a second was also somewhat geotropic; t\\o remained approximately horizontal; and the last or lifth had grown in a disordered manner, for it was inclined upwards at an angle of 65° above the horizon. Fourteen radicles were extended horizontally at a little height over the water with their tips cut off for a length of 1-5 mm. ; after 12 h. all were horizontal, whilst five control or standard specimens in the same jar were all bent greatly downwards. After 24 h. several of the amputated radicles remained horizontal, but some showed a trace of geotropism, and one was plainly geotropic, for it was inclined at 40° beneath the horizon. Seven horizontally extended radicles from which the tips had been cut off for the unusual length of 2 mm. unfortunately were not looked at until 35 h. had elapsed; three were still horizontal, but, to our surprise, four were more or less plainly geotropic. The radicles in the foregoing oases were measured before their tips were amputated, and in the course of 24 h. they had all increased greatly in length ; but the measurements ^re not worth giving. It is of more importance that Sachs found that the rate of growth of the different parts of radicles with amputated tips was the same as with unmutilated ones. Altogether twenty-nine radicles were operated on in the manner above described, and of these only a few showed any geotropic curvature within 24 h. ; whereas radicles with unmutilated tips always became, as already stated, much bent down in less than half of this time. The part of the radicle which bends most lies at the distance of from 3 to 6 mm. from the tip, and as the bending part continues to grow after the operation, there does not seem any reason why it should not have been acted on by 'geotropism, unless its curvature depended on some influence transmitted from the tip. And we have clear evidence of such transmission in Ciesielski's experiments, which we repeated and extended in the following manner. Beans were embedded in friable peat with the hilum downwards, and after their radicles had grown perpendicularly down for a length of from i to 1 inch, sixteen were selected which 526 SEKSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Chap. XI were perfectly straight, and these were placed horizontally on the peat, being covered by a thin layer of it. They were thus left for an average period'of 1 h. 37 m. The tips were then cut off tr^iriKversely for a length of 1-5 mm., and immediately afterwards they were embedded vertically in the peat. In 'his position geotropism would not tend to induce any curvature, but if some influence had already been transmitted from the tip to the part wbich bends most, we might expect that this part would become curved in the direction in which geotropism had previously acted; for it should be noted that these radicles being now destitute of their sensitive tips, would not be prevented by geotropism from curving in any direction. The result was that of the sixteen vertically embedded radicles, four continued for several days to grow straight downwards, whilst twelve became more or less bowed laterally. In two of the twelve, a trace of curvature was perceptible in 3 h. 30 m., counting from the time when they had first been laid horizontally ; and all twelve were plainly bowed in 6 h., and still more plainly in 9 h. In every one of them the curvature was directed towards the side which had been downwards whilst the radicles remained horizontal. The curvature extended for a length of from 5 to, in one instance, 8 mm., measured from the cut-oflf end. Of the twelve bowed radicles five became permanently bent into a right angle ; the other seven were at first much less bent, and their curvature generally decreased after 24 h., but did not wholly disappear. This decrease of curvature would naturally follow, if an exposure of only 1 h. 37 m. to geotropism, served to modify the turgescence of the cells, but not their subsequent growth to the full extent. The five radicles which were rectangularly bent became fixed in this position, and they continued to grow out horizontally in the peat for a length of about 1 inch dm-ing from 4 to 6 days. By this time new tips had been formed ; and it should be remarked that this regeneration occurred slower in the peat than in water, owing perhaps to the radicles being often looked at and thus disturbed. After the tips had been regenerated, geotropii^m was able to act on them, so that they now became bowed vertically downwards. An accurate drawing (Fig. 195) is given on the opposite page of one of these five radicles, reduced to half the natural size. We next tried whether a shorter exposure to geotropism would suiBce to produce an after-effect. Seven radicles were extended horizontally for an hour, instead of 1 h. 37 m as in the Chap. XL TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : VIOIA. 527 former trial; and after their tips (1-5 mm. in length) had been ainputated, they were placed vertically in damp peat. Of these, three were not in the least affected and continued for days to grow straight downwards. Four showed after 8 h 30 m. a mere trace of curvature in the direction in which they had been acted on by geotropism; and in this respect they differed much from those which had been exposed for 1 h. 37 m., for many of the latter were plainly curved in 6 h. The curvature of one of these four radicles almost disappeared after 24 h. In the second, the curvature increased diwing two days and then decreased. The third radicle became permanently bent, so that its terminal part made an angle of about 45° with its original vertical direction. The fourth radicle became horizontal. These two latter radicles continued during two more days to grow in the peat io the same directions, that is, at an angle of 45° beneath the horizon and horizontally. By the fourth morning new tips had been re-formed, and now geotropism was able to act on them again, and they became bent perpeudiciTlarly downwards, exactly as in the case of the five radicles described in the last paragraph and as is shown in the figure (Fig 195) here given. Lastly, five other radicles were similarly treated, but were exposed to geotropism during only 45 m. After 8 h. 30 m. only one was doubtfully affected; after 24 h. two were perceptibly curved towards the side which had bee.i acted on by geotropism ; after 48 h. the one first mentioned had a radius of curvature of 60 mm. That this curvature was duo to the a( tion of geotropism during the horizontal position of the radicle, waa shown after 4 days, when a new tip had b^en reformed, for it then grew perpendicularly downwards. We learu from this Vioia faha : r.idicle, rectangularly bent at A, after the umpu'ation of the tip, due to the previous influence of geotropism. L, side of bean which lay on the peat, whilst geotropism acted on the radicle. A, point of chief curvature of the radicle, whilst standing vertically downwards. B, point of chief curvature after the regeneration of the tip, when geotropism again acted. C, regenerated tip. 528 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Cum XV case that when the tips are amputated after an exposure to gcotropism of only 45 m., though a slight influence is sometimea transmilted to the adjoining part of the radicle, yet this seldom snfBcos, and then only slowly, to induce even moderately welllironouiicel curvature. In the previously given experiments on 29 horizontally extended rad cles with their tips amputated, only one grew irregularly in any marked manner, and this liecame bowed upwards at an angle of 65^. In Ciesielski's experiments the radicles could not have grown very irregularly, for if they had done so, ho could not have spoken confidoiitly of the obliteration of all geotropifi aoiion. It is therefore remarkable that Sachs, who experimented on many radicles with their tips amputated, found extremely disordered growth to be the usual result. As horizontally extended radicles with amputated tips are sometimes acted on slightly by geotropism within a short time, and are often acted on plainly after one or two days, we thought that this influence might possibly prevent disordered growth, though it was not able to induce immediate curvature. Therefore 13 radicle-;, of which 6 had their tips amputated transversely for a length of 1'5 mm., and the other 7 for a length of only 5 mm., were suspended vertically in damp air, in which position they would not bo affected by geotropism; but they exhibited no great irregularity of growth, whilst observed during 4 to 6 days. We next thought that if care were not taken in cutting off the tips transversely, one side of the stump might be irritated more than the other, either at first or subsequently during the regeneration of the tip, and that this might cause the radicle to bend to one side. It has also been shown in Chapter III. that if a thin slice bo cut off one side of the tip of the radicle, this causes the radicle to bend from the sliced side. Accordingly, 30 radicle.^, with tips amputated for a length of 1-5 mm., were allowed to grow perpendicularly downwards into water. Twenty of them were amputated at an angle of 20^ with a line transverse to their longitudinal axes; and such stumps appeared only moderately oblique. The remaining ten radicles were amputated at an angle of about 45°. Under these circumstances no less than 19 out of the 30 became much distorted in the course of 2 or 3 days. Eleven other radicles were similarly treated, excepting that only 1 mm. (including in this and all other cases the root-cap) was amputated ; and of these only one grow much and two others slightly Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : VICIA. 529 distorted; so that this amount of oblique amputation was not sufficient. Out of the above 30 radicles, only one or two showed in the first 24 h any distortion, but this became plain in the 19 cases on the second day, and still more conspicuous at the close of the third day, b}' which time new tips had been partially or completely regenerated. When therefore a new tip is reformed on an oblique stump, it probably is developed Fooner on one side than on the other : and this in some manner excites the adjoining part to bend to one side. Hence it seems probable that Sachs unintentionally amputated the radicles on which he experimented, not strictly iu a transverse direction. This explanation of the occasional irregular growtli of radicles with amputated tips, is supported by the results of cauterising their tips; for often a greater length on one side than on the other was unavoidably injured or killed. It should be remarked that in the following trials the tips were first dried with blotting-paper, and then slightly rubbed with a dry stick of nitrate of silver or lunar caustic. A few touches with the caustic suffice to kill the root-cap and some of the upper layers of cells of the vegetative point. Twenty-seven radicles, some young and very short, others of moderate length, were suspended vertically over water, after being thus cauterised. Of these some entered the water immediately, and others on the second day. The same number of uncauterised radicles of the same age were observed as controls. After an interval of three or four days the contrast in apptar.mce between the cauterised and control specimens was wonderfully great. The contmls had grown straight downward^, with the exception of the normal curvature, which we have called Sachs' curvature. Of the 27 cauteri ed radicles, 15 had become extremely distorted; 6 of them grew upwards and formed hoops, so that their tips sometimes came into contact with the bean above ; 5 grew out rectangularly to one side ; only a few of the remaining 12 were quite straight, and some of these towards the cL se of our observations became hooked at their extreme lower ends. Radicles, extended horizontally instead of vertically, with their tips cauterised, also sometimes grew distorted, but not so commonly, as far as we could judge, as those suspended vertically ; for this occurred with only 5 out of 19 radicles thus trcdted. ' Instead of cutting off the tips, as in the first set of experiments, we next tried the effects of touching horizontally extended radicles with caustic in the manner just described. But 530 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Chap XL Bome preliminary remarks must first be made. It may be objected that the caustic would injnre the radicles and prevent them from bending; but ample evidence was given in Chapter III. that touching the tips of vertically suspended radicles with caustic on one side, does not stop their ben ling; on the contrary, it causes them to bend from the touched side. We also tried touching both the upper and the lower sides of the tips of some radicles of the bean, extended horizontally in damp friable earth. The tips of three were touched with caustic on their upper sides, and this would aid their geotropic bending ; the tips of three were touched on their lower sides, which would tend to counteract the bending downwards ; and three were left as controls. After 24 h. an independent observer was asked to pick out of the nine radicles, the two which were most and the two which were least bent ; he selected as the latter two of those which had been touched on their lower sides, and as the most bent, two of those which had been touched on the upper side. Hereafter analogous and more striking experiments with Pisum tativum and Oucurbita ovifera will be given. We may therefore safely conclude that the mere application of caustic to the tip does not prevent the radicles from bending. In the following experiments, tne tips of young horizontally extended radicles were just touched with a stick of dry caustic; and this was held transversely, so that the tip might be cauterised all round as symmetrically as possible. The radicles were then suspended in a closed vessel over water, kept rather cool, viz., 55°-59° F. This was done because we had found that the tips were more sensitive to contact under a low than under a high temperature ; and we thought that the same rule might apply to geotropism. In one exceptional trial, nine radicles (which were rather too old, for faey had grown to a length of from 3 to 5 cm.), were extended horizontally in damp friable earth, after their tips had been cauterised, and were kept at too high a temperature, viz., of 68' F., or 20° 0. The result in consequence was not so striking as in the subsequent cases; for although when after 9 h. 40 m. six of them were examined, tliese did not exhibit any geotropic bending, yet after 24 h., when all nine were examined, only two remained horizontal, two exhibited a trace of geotropism, and five were slightly or morlorately geotropic, yet not comparable in degree with the conti'ol specimens. Marks had been made on seven of these cauterised radicles at 10 mm. from the tips, which includes Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : YICIA. 5S1 the whole growing portion ; and after the 24 h. this part had a mean length of 37 mm., so that it had increased to more than 3J times its original length; but it should be remembered that these beans had been exposed to a rather high tempeialure. Nineteen young radicles with cauterised tips were extended at different times horizontally over water In overj trial an equal number of control specimens were observed. La the fu-st trial, the tips of three radicles were lightly touched with the caustic for 6 or 7 seconds, which was a longer apphcadon thau usual. After 23 h. 30 m. (temp. 55°-56° F.) these three radicles Vicia fdba . state of radicles which haJ been e.xtended horizontally for 23 h. .SO m. : A, B. C, tips touched with caustic ; D, E, F, tips uncauterised. Lengths of radicles reduced to one-half scale, but by an accident the beans themselves not reduced in the same degree. A, B, (Fig. 196), were still horizontal, whilst the three control specimens had become within 8 h. slightly geotr.ipic, and strongly so \D, E, F) in 23 h. 30 m. A dot had been made on all six radicles at 10 mm. from their tips, when first placed horizontally. After the 23 h. 30 m. this terminal part, originally 10 mm. in length, had increased in the cauterised specimens to a mean length of 17'8 mm., and to 15'7 mm. in the control radicles, as shown in the figures by the unbroken transverse line ; the dotted line being at 10 mm. from the apex. The control or nncauterised radicles, therefore, had actually grown lees 532 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Ohap. XL than the cauterised; but this no doubt was accidental, for radicles of different ages grow at different r.ites, and the growth of different individuals is likewise affected by unknown causes. The state of the tips of these three radicles, which had been caiiterised for a rather longer time than usual, was as f-dlows ; the blackened apex, or the part wliich had been actually touched by the caustic, was succeeded by a yellowish zone, due probably to the absorption of some of the caustic; in A, both zones together were I'l mm. in length, and 1'4 mm. indiarrieterat tlie base of the yellowish zone; in B, the length of both was only 7 mm., and the diameter 0'7 mm.; in C, the length was 0'8 mm., and the fliameter 1 '2 mm. Three other radicles, the tips of which had been touched with caustic during 2 or 3 seconds, remained (temp. 58°-59° V ) horizontal for 23 h. ; the control radicles having, of course, become geotropio within this time. The terminal growing part, 10 mm. in length, of the cauterised radicles had increased in this interval to a mean length of 24 '5 mm., and of the controls to a mean of 26 mm. A section of one of the cauterised tips showed that the blackened part was '5 mm. in length, of which 0'2mm. extended into the vegetative point; and a faint discoloration could be detected even to 1 6 mm. fiom the apex of the root-cap. In another lot of six radicles (temp. 55°-57° F.) the three control specimens were plainly geotropic in 8i h. ; and after 24 h. the mean length of their terminal part had increased from 10 mm. to 21 mm. When the caustic was applied to the three cauterised specimens, it was held quite motionless during 5 seconds, and the result was that the black marks were extremely minute. Therefore, caustic was again applied, after Si h., during which time no geotropio action had occurred When the specimens were re-examined after an additional interval of 15 i h., one was horizontal and the other two showed, to our surprise, a trace of geotropism which in one of them soon afterwards became strongly marked; but in this latter specimen the discoloured tip was only f mm. in length. The growing part of these three radicles increased in 2i h. from 10 mm. to an average of 16 '5 mm. It would be superfluous to describe in detail the behaviour of the 10 remaining cauterised radicles. The corresponding control Rpecimens all bei-nme geotropic in 8 h. Of the cauterised G were first looked at after 8 h., and one alone showed a trace Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : VICL\- 533 of geotropism ; 4 were first looked at after 14 h., and one alone of these was slightly geotropic. After 23-21 h., 5 of the 10 were still horizontal, 4 slightly, and 1 decidedly, geotropic. After 48 h. some of them became strongly geotropic. The cauterised radicles increased greatly in length, but the measurciiients are not worth giving. As five of the last-mentioned cauterised radicles had become in 24 h. somewhat geotropic, these (together with three which were still horizontal) had their positions reversed, so that their tips were now a little upturned, and they were again touched with caustic. After 24 h. they showed no trace of geotropism ; whereas the eight corresponding control specimens, which had likewise been reversed, in which position the tips of several pointed to the zenith, all became geotropic ; some having passed in the 24 h. through an angle of 180°, others through about 13-5°, and others through only 90°. The eight radicles, which had been twice caaterised, were observed for an additional day (i.e. for 48 h. after being reversed), and they still showed no signs of geotropism. Nevertheless, they continued to gr..w rapidly ; four wei'e measured 24 h. after being reversed, and they had in this time increased in length betweon 8 and 11 mm. ; the other four were measured 48 h. after being reversed, and these had increased by 20, 18, 23, and 28 mm. In coming to a conclusion with respect to the effects of cauterising the tips of these radicles, we should bear in mind, firstly, that horizontally extended control radicles were always acted on by geotropism, and became somewhat bowed downwards in 8 or 9 h. ; secondly, that the chief seat of the curvature lies at a distance of from 3 to 6 mm. from the tip ; thirdly, that the tip was discoloured by the caustic rarely for more than 1 mm. in length ; fourthly, that the greater number of the cauterised radicles, although subjected to the full influence of geotropism during the whole time, remained horizontal for 24 h., and some for twice as long ; and that those which did become bowed were so only in a slight degree ; fifthly, that the cauterised radicles continued to grow almost, and sometimes quite, as well as the uninjured ones along the part which bends most. And lastly, that a touch on the tip with caustic, if on one side, far from preventing curvature, actually induces it. Bearing all these facts in mind, we must infer tbat under normal conditions the geotropic curvature of the root is due to an influence transmitted fi'om the apex to the adjoining part where tho bending 534 SENSITIVENESS TO GEAVITATiON. Chap. XL takes place; and that when the tip of the root is cauterised it is unable to originate the stimulus necessary to produce geotropio curvature. As we had observed that grease was highly injurious to some plants, we determined to try its effects on radicles. When the cotyledons of Phalaris and Avena were covered with grease along one side, the growth of this side was quite stopped or greatly checked, and as the opposite side continued to grow, the cotyledons thus treated became bowed towards the greased side, This same matter quickly killed the delicate hypocotyls and young leaves of certain plants. The grease which we employed was made by mixing lamp-black and olive oil to such a consistence that it could be laid on in a thick l^yer. The tips of five radicles of the bean were coated with it for a length of 3 mm., and to our surprise this part increased in length in 28 h. to 7 • 1 mm. ; the thick layer of grease being curiously drawn out. It thus could not have checked much, if at all, the growth of the terminal part of the radicle. With respect to geotropism, the tips of seven horizontally extended radicles were coated for a length of 2 mm., and after 24 h. no clear difference could be perceived between their downward curvature and that of an equal number of control specimens. The tips of 33 other I'adicles were coated on different occasions for a length of 3 mm. ; and they were compared with the controls after 8 h., 24 h., and 48 h. On one occasion, after 24 h., there was very little difference in curvi-ture between the greased and control specimens; but generally the difference was unmistakable, those with greased tips being considerably less curved downwards. The whole growing part (the greased tips included) of six of these radicles was measured and was found to have increased in 23 h. from 10 mm. to a mean length of 17 '7 mm. ; whilst the corresponding part of the contro's had increased to 20'8 mm. It appears therefore, that idthougli the tip itself, when greased, continues to grow, yet the growth of the whole radicle is somewhat checked, and that the geotropic curvature of the upper part, which was free from grease, was in most cases considerably lessened. Pimm sativum.—Five radicles, extended horizontally over water, had their tips lightly touched two or three times with dry caustic. These tips were measured in two cases, and found to be blackened for a length of only half a millimeter. Five other radicles were left as controls. The part which is most bowed through geotropism lies at a distance of several millimeters frora CHAr. XI. TEAM SMI TTED EFFECTS : PHASEOLUS. 535 the apex. After 24 h., and again after 32 h. from the commencement, four of the cauterised radicles were still horizontal, but one was plainly geotropic, being inclined at 45° beneath the horizon. The five controls were somewhat geotropic after 7 h. 20 m., and after 24 h. were all strongly geotropic ; being inclined at the following angles beneath the horizou, viz., 59°, 60°, 65°, 57°, and 43°. The length of the radicles was not measured in either set, but it was manifest that the cauterised radicles had grown greatly. The following case proves that the action of the caustic by itself does not prevent the curvature of the radicle. Ten radicles were extended horizontally on and beneath a layer of damp friable peat-earth; and before being extended their tips were touched with dry caustic on the upper side. Ten other radicles similarly placed were touched on the lower side ; and this would tend to make them bend from the cauterised side; and therefore, as now placed, upwards, or in opposition to geotropism. Lastly, ten uncauterised radicles were extended horizontally as controls. After 24 h. all the latter were geotropic ; and the ten with their tips cauterised on the upper side were equally geotropic ; and we believe that they became curved downwards before the controls. The ten which had been cauterised on the lower side presented a widely different appearance : No. 1, however, was perpendicularly geotropic, but this was no real exception, for on examination under the microscope, there was no vestige of a coloured mark on the tip, and it was evident that by a mistake it had not been touched with the caustic. No. 2 was plainly geotropic, being inclined at about 45° beneath the horizon; No. 3 was slightly, and No. 4 only just perceptibly geotropic ; Nos. 5 and 6 were strictly horizontal ; and the four remaining ones were bowed upwards, in opposition to geotropism. In these four cases the radius of the upward curvatures (according to Sachs' cyclometer) was 5 mm., 10 mm., 30 mm., and 70 mm. This curvature was distinct long before the 24 h. had elapsed, namely, after 8 h. 45 m. from the time when the lower sides of the tips Were touched with the caustic. Phaseolws muUiflorns.—Eight radicles, serving as controls, were extended horizontally, some in damp friable peat and some in damp air. They all became (temp. 20°-21° G.) plainly geoti'opic in 8 h. 30 m., for they then stood at an average angle of eS"^ beneath the horizon. A rather greater length of the radicle if bowed downwards by geotropism than in the case of Viciafahfi 35 b'36 SENSITIVENESS TO GEAVITATION. Chap. XI. that is to say, rather more than 6 mm. as measured from the apex of the root-cap. Nine other radicles were similarly extended, three in damp prat and six in damp air, and dry caustic was held transversely to their tips during 4 or 5 seconds. Three of their tips were afterwards examined : in (1) a length of " 68 mm. was discoloured, of which the basal • 136 mm. was yellow, the apical part beibg black; in (2) the discoloration was 0'6o mm. in length, of which the basal • 04 mm. was yellow ; in (3) the discoloration was 6 mm. in length, of which the liasal 0'13 mm. was yellow. Therefore less than 1 mm. was affected by the caustic, but this sufficed almost wholly to prevent geotropic action ; for after 24 h. one alone of the nine cauterised radicles became slightly geotropic, being now inclined at 10° beneath the horizon ; the eight others remained horizontal, though one was curved a little laterally. The terminal part (10 mm. in length) of the six cautei-ised radicles in the damp air, had more than doubled in length in the 24 h., for this part was now on an average 20*7 mm. long. The increase in length within the same time was greater in the control specimens, for the terminal part had grown on an average from 10 mm. to 26 '6 mm. But as the cauterised radicles had more than doubled their length in the 24 h., it is manifest that they had not been seriously injured by the caustic. We may here add that when experimenting on the effects of touching one side of the tip with oaiistic, too much was applied at first, and the whole tip (but we believe not more than 1 mm. in length) of six horizontally extended radicles was killed, and these continued for two or three days to grow out horizontally. Many trials were made, by coating the tips of horizontally extended radicles with the before described thick grease. The geotropic curvature of 12 radicles, which were thus coated for a length of 2 mm., was delayed during the first 8 or 9 h., but after 24 h. was nearly as great as that of the control specimens. The tips of nine radicles were coated for a length of 3 mm., and after 7 h. 10 m. these stood at an average angle of 30° beneath the horizon, whilst the controls stood at an average of 51°. After 24 h. the two lots differed but little in their degree of curvature. In some other trials, however, there was a fairly well-marked difference after 24 h. between those with greased tips and the controls. The terminal part of eight control specimens inc'-eased in 24 h. from 10 mm. to a mean length of Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS ; CUOURBITA. 537 24-3 mm-, -whilst the mean increase of those with greased tipB was 20-7 mm. The grease, therefore, slightly checked the growth of the terminal part, but this part was not much injured; for several radicles which had been greased for a length of 2 mm. continued to grow during seven days, and were then only a little shorter than the controls. The appearance presented by these radicles after the seven days was very curious, for the black grease had been drawn out into the finest longitudinal striae, with dots and reticulations, which covered their surfaces for a length of from 26 to 44 mm., or of 1 to 1-7 inch. We may therefore conclude that grease on the tips of the radicles of this Phaseolus somewhat delays and lessens the geotropic curvature of the part which ought to bend most. Gossypium herhaceum.—The radicles of this plant bend, through the action of geotropism, for a length of about 6 mm. Five radicles, placed horizontally in damp air, had their tips touched with caustic, and the discoloration extended for a length of from f to 1 mm. They showed, after 7 h. 45 m. and again after 23 h., not a trace of geotropism ; yet the terminal portion, 9 mm. in length, had increased on an average to 15 "9 mm. Six control radicles, after 7 h. 45 m., were all plainly geotropic, two of them being vertically dependent, and after 23 h. all were vertical, or nearly so. Cucurhita ovifera.—A large number of trials proved almost useless, from the three following causes: Firstly, the tips of radicles which have grown somewhat old are only feebly geotropic if kept in damp air; nor did we succeed well in our experiments, until the germinating seeds were placed in peat and kept at a rather high temperature. Secondly, the hypocotyls of the seeds which were pinned to the lids of the jars gradually became arched ; and, as the cotyledons were fixed, the movement of the hypocotyl affected the position of the radicle, and caused confusion. Thirdly, the point of the radicle is so fine that it is difficult not to cauterise it either too much or too little. But we managed generally to overcome this latter difSculty, as the following experiments show, which are given to prove that a touch with caustic on one side of the tip does not prevent the upper part of the radicle from bending. Ten radicles were laid horizontally beneath and on damp friable peat, and their tips were touched with caustic on the upper side. After 8 h. all were plainly geotropic, three of them rectangularly ; after 19 h. 538 SENSITIA'ENEPS TO GRAVITATION. Chap. XI. all were strongly geotropic, most of them pointing perpendicularly downwards. Ten other radicles, similarly placed, had their tips touched with caustic on the lower side; after 8 h. three were slightly geotropic, but not nearly so much so as the least geotropic of the foregoing specimens ; four remained horizontal; and three were curved upwards in opposition to geotropism. After 19 h. the three which were slightly geotropic had become strongly so. Of the four horizontal radicles, one alone showed a trace of geotropism; of the three up-curved radicles, one retained this curvature, and the other two had become horizontal. The radicles of this plant, as already remarked, do not succeed well in damp air, but the result of one trial may be briefly given. Nine young radicles between "3 and "5 inch in length, with their tips cauterised and blackened for a length never exceeding i mm., together with eight control specimens, were extended horizontally in damp air. After an interval of only 4 h. 10 m. all the controls were slightly geotropic, whilst not one of the cauterised specimens exhibited a trace of this action. After 8 h. 35 m., there was tne same difference between the two sets, but rather more strongly marked. By this time both sets had increased greatly in length. The controls, however, never became much more curved downwards ; and after 24 h. there was no great difference between the two sets in their degree of curvature. Eight young radicles of nearly equal length (average '36 inch) were placed beneath and on peat-earth, and were exposed to a temp, of 75°-76° F. Their tips had been touched transversely with caustic, and five of them were blackened for a length of about 05 mm., whilst the other three were only just visibly discoloured. In the same box there were 15 control radicles, mostly about '36 inch in length, but some rather longer and older, and therefore less sensitive. After 5 h., the 15 control radicles were all more or less geotropic : after 9 h., eight of them were bent down beneath the horizon at various angles between 45° and 90°, the remaining seven being only slightly geotropic : after 25 h. all were rectangularly geotropic. The state of the eight cauterised radicles after the same intervals of time was as follows : after 5 h. one alone was slightly geotropic, and this was one with the tip only a very little discoloured: after 9 h. the one just mentioned was rectangularly geotropic, and two others were slightly so, and these were the three which had been scarcely Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : ZEA, 539 affected by tlie caustic; the other five were still strictly horizontal. After 24 h. 40 m. the three with only slightly discoloured tips were bent down rectangularly; the other five were not in the least aflfectcd, but several of them had grown rather tortuously, though still in a horizontal plane. The eight cauterised radicles which had at first a mean length of '36 inch, after 9 h. had increased to a mean length of '79 inch; and after 24 h. 40 m. to the extraordinary mean length of 2 inches. There was no plain difference in length between the five well cauterised radicles which remained horizontal, and the three with slightly cauterised tips which had become abniptly bent down. A few of the control radicles were measured after 25 h., and they were on an average only a little longer than the cauterised, viz., 219 inches. We thus see that killing the extreme tip of the radicle of this plant for a length of about 0'5 mm., though it stops the geotropic bending of the upper part, hardly interferes with the growth of the whole radicle. In the same box with the 15 control specimens, the rapid geotropic bending and growth of which have just been described, there were six radicles, about '6 inch in length, extended horizontally, from which the tips had been cut off in a transverse direction for a length of barely 1 mm. These radicles were examined after 9 h. and again after 24 h. 40 m., and they all remained horizontal. They had not become nearly so tortuous as those above described which had been cauterised. The radicles with their tips cut off had grown in the 24 h. 40 m. as much, judging by the eye, as the cauterised specimens. Zea mays.—The tips of several radicles, extended horizontally in damp air, were dried with blotting-paper and then touched in the first trial during 2 or 3 seconds with dry caustic; but this was too long a contact, for the tips were blackened for a length of rather above 1 mm. They showed no signs of geotropism after an interval of 9 h., and were then thrown away. In a second trial the tips of three radicles were touched for a shorter time, and were blackened for a length of from 0'5 to 0'75 mm. : they all remained horizontal for 4 h., but after 8 h. 30 m. one of them, in which the blackened tip was only 0'5 mm. in length, was inclined at 21° beneath the horizon. Six control radicles all became slightly geotropic in 4 h., and strongly so after 8 h. 30 m., with the chief seat of curvature generally between 6 or 7 mm. from the apex. In the cauterised specimens, the terminal growing part, 10 mm. in length, increased during 540 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Chap. XI. the 8 h. 30 m. to a mean length of 13 mm. ; and in the controls to 14 8 mm. In a third trial the tips of five radicles (exposed to a temp, of 70°-71°) were touched with the caustic only once and very slightly ; they were afterwards examined under the microscope, and the part which was in any way discoloured was on an average 76 mm. in length. After. 4 h. 10 m. none were bent; after 5 h. 45 m., and again after 23 h. 30 m., they still remained horizontal, excepting one which was now inclined 20° beneath the horizon. The terminal part, 10 mm. in length, had increased greatly in length during the 23 h. 30 m., viz., to an average of 26 mm. Four control radicles became slightly geotropic after the 4 h. 10 m., and plainly so after the 5 h. 45 m. Their mean length after the 23 h. 30 m. had increased from 10 mm. to 81 mm. Therefore a slight cauterisation of the tip checks slightly the growth of the whole radicle, and manifestly stops the bending of that part which ought to bend most under the influence of geotropism and which still continues to increase greatly in length. Ooncluding RemarJcs.—Abundant evidence has now been given, showing that with various plants the tip of the radicle is alone sensitive to geotropism; and that when thus excited, it causes the adjoining parts to bend. The exact length of the sensitive part seems to be somewhat variable, depending in part on the age of the radicle ; but the destruction of a length of from less than 1 to 1'5 mm. (about Voth of an inch), in tht several species observed, generally sufficed to prevent any part of the radicle from bending within 24 h., or even for a longer period. The fact of the tip alone being sensitive is so remarkable a fact, that we will here give a brief summary of the foregoing experiments. The tips were cut off 29 horizontally extended radicles of Vioia faha, and with a few exceptions they did not become geotropic in 22 or 23 h., whilst unmutilated radicles were always bowed downwards iu 8 or 9 h. It should be borne in mind that the mere act of cutting Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : CONCLUSION. 541 off the tip of a horizontally extended radicle does not prevent the adjoining parts from bending, if the tip has been previously exposed for an hour or two to the influence of geotropism. The tip after amputation is sometimes completely regenerated in three days ; and it is possible that it may be able' to transmit an impulse to the adjoining parts before its complete regeneration. The tips of six radicles of Cucurbita ovifera were amputated like those of Vicia faba ; and these radicles showed no signs of geotropism in 24 h. ; whereas the control specimens were slightly affected in 5 h., and strongly in 9 h. With plants belonging to six genera, the tips of the radicles were touched transversely with dry caustic ; and the injury thus caused rarely extended for a greater length than 1 mm., and sometimes to a less distance, as judged by even the faintest discoloration. We thought that this would be a better method of destroying the vegetative point than cutting it off ; for we knew, from many previous experiments and from some given in the present chapter, that a touch with caustic on one side of the apex, far from preventing the adjoining part from bending, caused it to bend. In all the following cases, radicles with uncauterised tips were observed at the same time and under similar circumstances, and they became, in almost every instance, plainly bowed downwards in one-half or one-third of the time during which the cauterised specimens were observed. With Vicia faha 19 radicles were cauterised; 12 remained horizontal during 23-24 h. ; 6 became slightly and 1 strongly geotropic. Eight of these radicles were afterwards reversed, and again touched with caustic, and none of them became geotropic in 24 h., whilst the reversed control specimens became strongly bowed downwards within this time. 542 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Chap. XI. With Pisun sativum, five radicles had their tips touched with caustic, and after 32 h. four were still horizontal. The control specimens were slightly geotropic i\\ 7 h. 20 m., and strongly so in 24 h. The tips of 9 other radicles of this plant were touched only on the lower side, and 6 of them remained horizontal for 24 h., or were upturned in opposition to geotropisra ; 2 were slightly, and 1 plainly geotropic. With Phaseolus muUiflorus, 15 radicles were cauterised, and 8 remained horizontal for 24 h. ; whereas all the controls were plainly geotropic in 8 h. 30 m. Of 5 cauterised radicles of Gossypium herhaeeum, 4 remained horizontal for 23 h. and 1 became slightly geotropic ; 6 control I'adicles were distinctly geotropic in 7 h. 45 m. Five radicles of Cueurbita ovifera remained horizontal in peat-earth during 25 h., and 9 remained so in damp air during 8=^ h. ; whilst the controls became slightly geotropic in 4 h. 10 m. The tips of 10 radicals of this plant were touched on their loicer sides, and 6 of them remained horizontal or were upturned after 19 h., 1 being slightly and 3 strongly geotropic. Lastly, the tips of several radicles of Vicia.faha and Phaseolus muUiflorus were thickly coated with grease for a length of 3 mm. This matter, which is highly injurious to most plants, did not kill or stop the growth of the tips, and only slightly lessened the rate of growth of the whole radicle ; but it generally delayed a little the geotropic bending of the upper part. The several foregoing cases would tell us nothing, if the tip itself was the part which became most bent ; but we know that it is a part distant from the tip by some millimeters which grows quickest, and which, under the influence, of geotropism, bends most. We have no reason to suppose that this part is injured by the death or injury of the tip ; and it is certair Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : CONCLUSION. 543 that after the tip has been destroyed this part goes on growing at such a rate, that its length was often doubled in a day. We have also seen that the destruction of the tip does not prevent the adjoining part from bending, ii this part has already received some influence from the tip. As with horizontally extended radicles, of which the tip has been cut off or destroyed, the part which ought to bend most remains motionless for many hours or days, although exposed at right angles to the full influence of geotropism, we must conclude that the tip alone is sensitive to this power, and transmits some influence or stimulus to the adjoining parts, causing them to bend. We have direct evidence of such transmission ; for when a radicle was left extended horizontally for an hour or an hour and a half, by which time the supposed influence will have travelled a little distance from the tip, and the tip was then cut off, the radicle afterwards became bent, although placed perpendicularly. The terminal portions of several radicles thus treated continued for some time to grow in the direction of their newly-acquired curvature ; for as they were destitute of tips, they were no longer acted on by geotropism. But after three or four days when new vegetative points were formed, the radicles were again acted on by geotropism, and now they curved themselves perpendicularly downwards. To see anything of the above kind in the animal kingdom, we should have to suppose that an animal whilst lying down determined to rise up in some particular direction ; and that after its head had been cut off, an impulse continued to travel very slowly along the nerves to the proper muscles ; so that after several hours the headless animal rose up in the predetermined direction. As the tip of the radicle has been found to be tho 544 6ENS1T1VKNESS TO GEAVIIATIOJS Chap. XI part which is sensitive to geotropism in the members of such distinct families as the Leguminos£e, Malvaceaj, Cucurbitaceaj and Graminete, we may infer that this character is common to the roots of most seedling plants. Whilst a root is penetrating the ground, the tip must travel first ; and we can see the advantage of its being sensitive to geotropism, as it has to determine the course of the whole root. Whenever the tip is deflected by any subterranean obstacle, it will also be an advantage that a considerable length of the root should be able to bend, more especially as the tip itself grows slowly and bends but little, so that the proper downward course may be soon recovered. But it appears at first sight immaterial whether this were effected by the whole growing part being sensitive to geotropism, or by an influence transmitted exclusively from the tip. We should, however, remember that it is the tip which is sensitive to the contact of hard objects, causing the radicle to bend a\vay from them, thus guiding it along the lines of least resistance in the soil. It is again the tip which is alone sensitive, at least in some cases, to moisture, causing the radicle to bend towards its source. These two kinds of sensitiveness conquer for a time the sensitiveness to geotropism, which, however, ultimately prevails. Therefore, the three kinds of sensitiveness must often come into antagonism ; first one prevailing, and then another ; and it would be an advantage, perhaps a necessity, for the interweighing and reconciling of these three kinds of sensitiveness, that they should be all localised in the same group of cells which have to transmit the command to the adjoining parts of the radicle, causing it to bend to or from the source of irritation. Finally, the fact of the tip alone being sensitive to Chap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFB^ECTS : CONCLUSION. 545 the attraction of gravity has an important bearing on the theory of geotropism. Authors seem generally to look at the bending of a radicle towards the centre of the earth, as the direct result of gravitation, which is believed to modify the growth of the upper or lower surfaces, in such , a manner as to induce curvature in the proper direction. But we now know that it is the tip alone which is acted on, and that this part transmits some influence to the adjoining parts, causing them to curve downwards. G-ravity does not appear to act in a more direct manner on a radicle, than it does on any lowly organised animal, which moves away when it feels some weight or pressure. 516 SUMMARY A2ID Chaf. 2U1. CHAPTEE XII. SOMMARY AND CONCLUDINO EeMABKS. Nature of the oircumnutating move'r.ent—History of a germinating seed —Tlie radicle first protrudes and circumnutates—its tip highly sensitive—Emergence of the hypocotyl or of the epicotyl from the ground under tlie form of an arch—Its circumnutation and that of the cotyledons—The seedling throws up a leaf-bearing stem—The circumnutation of all the parts or organs—Modified circumnutation—Epinasty and hyponasty—Movements of climbing plants -Nyctitropio movements—Movements excited by light and gravitation — Localised sensitiveness —Kesemblance between the movements of plants and animals—The tip of the radicle acts like a brain. It may be useful to the reader if we briefly sum up the chief conclusions, which, as far as we can judge, have been fairly well established by the observations given in this volume. All the parts or organs in every plant whilst they continue to grow, and some parts which are provided with pulvini after they have ceased to grow, are continually oircumnutating. This movement commences even before the young seedling has broken through the ground. The nature of the movement and its causes, as far as ascertained, have been briefly described in the Introduction. Why every part of a plant whilst it is growing, and in some cases after growth has ceased, should have its cells rendered more turgescent and its cell-walls more extensile first on one side and then on another, thus inducing circumnutation, is not known. It would appear as if the changes in the cells required periods of rest. Cfap. XII. GONCLUDING EEMA.KKS. 547 In some cases, as with the hypocotyls of Brassica, the leaves of Dionsea and the joints of the Graminofe, the circumnutating movement when viewed under tlxe microscope is seen to consist of innumerable small oscillations. The part under observation suddenly jerks forwards for a length of -002 to -001 of an inch, and then slowly retreats for a part of this distance; after a few seconds it again jerks forwards, but with many intermissions. The retreating movement apparently is due to the elasticity of the resisting tissues. How far this oscillatory movement is general we do not know, as not many circumnutating plants were observed by us under the microscope ; but no such movement could be detected in the case of Drosera with a 2-inch object-glass which we used. The phenomenon is a remarkable one. The whole hypocotyl of a cabbage or the whole leaf of a Dionaea could not jerk forwards unless a very large number of cells on one side were simultaneously affected. Are we to suppose that these cells steadily become more and more turgescent on one side, until the part suddenly yields and bends, inducing what may be called a microscopically minute earthquake in the plant ; or do the cells on one side suddenly become turgescent in au intermittent manner ; each forward movement thus caused being opposed by the elasticity of the tissues ? Circumnutation is of paramount importance in the life of every plant ; for it is through its modification that many highly beneficial or necessary movements have been acquired. When light strikes one side of a plant, or light changes into darkness, or when gravitation acts on a displaced part, the plant is enabled in some unknown manner to increase the always varying turgescence of the cells on one side ; BO that the ordinary circumnutating movement is 548 SUMMARY AND Chap. XH. modified, and the part bends either to or from the exciting cause ; or it may occupy a new position, as in the so-called sleep of leaves. The influence which modifies circumnutation may be transmitted from one part to another. Innate or constitutional changes, independently of any external agency, often modify the circumnutating movements at particular periods of the life of the plant. As circumnutation is universally present, we can understand how it is that movements of the same kind have been developed in the most distinct members of the vegetable series. But it must not be supposed that all the movements of plants arise from modified circumnutation ; for, as we shall presently see, there is reason to believe that this is not the case. Having made these few preliminary remarks, we will in imagination take a germinating seed, and consider the part which the various movements play in the life-history of the plant. The first change is the protrusion of the radicle, which begins at once to circumnutate. This movement is immediately modified by the attraction of gravity and rendered geotropic. The radicle, therefore, supposing the seed to be lying on the surface, quickly bends downwards, following a more or less spiral course, as was seen on the smoked glass-plates. Sensitiveness to gravitation resides in the tip ; and it is the tip which transmits some influence to the adjoining parts, causing them to bend. As soon as the tip, protected by the rootcap, reaches the ground, it penetrates the surface, if this be soft or friable ; and the act of penetration is apparently aided by the rocking or circumnutating movement of the whole end of the radicle. If the surface is compact, and cannot easily be penetrated, then Chap. XII. CONCLUDING EEMAEKS. 549 the seed itself, unless it be a heavy one, is displaced or lifted up by the continued growth and elongation of the radicle. But in a state of nature seeds often get covered with earth or other matter, or fall into crevices, &c., and thus a point of resistance is afforded, and the tip can more easily penetrate the ground. But even with seeds lying loose on the surface there is another aid : a multitude of excessively fine hairs are emitted from the upper part of the radicle, and these attach themselves firmly to stones or other objects lying on the surface, and can do so even to glass ; and thus the upper part is held down whilst the tip presses against and penetrates the ground. The attachment of the root-hairs is effected by the liquefaction of the outer surface of the cellulose walls, and by the' subsequent setting hard of the liquefied matter. This curious process probably takes place, not for the sake of the attachment of the radicles to superficial objects, but in order that the hairs may be brought into the closest contact with the particles in the soil, by which means they can absorb the layer of water surrounding them, together with any dissolved matter. After the tip has penetrated the ground to a little depth, the increasing thickness of the radicle, togethei with the root-hairs, hold it securely in its place ; and now the force exerted by the longitudinal growth of the radicle drives the tip deeper into the ground. This force, combined with that due to transverse growth, gives to the radicle the power of a wedge. Even a growing root of moderate size, such as that of a seedling bean, can displace a weight of some pounds. It is not probable that the tip when buried in compact earth can actually circumnutate and thus aid its downward passage, but the circumnutating movement will facilitate the tip entering any lateral 550 SUMMARY AND Chap. XII or oblique fissure in the earth, or a burrow made by an earth-worm or larva; and it is certain that roots often run down the old burrows of worms. The tip, however, in endeavouring to circumnutate, will continually press against the earth on all sides, and this can hardly fail to be of the highest importance to the plant ; for we have seen that when little bits of cardlike paper and of very thin paper were cemented on opposite sides of the tip, the whole growing part of the radicle was excited to bend away from the side bearing the card or more resisting substance, towards the side bearing the thin paper. We may therefore feel almost sure that when the tip encounters a stone or other obstacle in the ground, or even earth more compact on one side than the other, the root will bend away as much as it can from the obstacle or the more resisting earth, and will thus follow with unerring skill a line of least resistance. The tip is more sensitive to prolonged contact with an object than to gravitation when this acts obliquely on the radicle, and sometimes even when it acts in the most favourable direction at right angles to the radicle. The tip was excited by an attached bead of shellac, weighing less than j-J^th of a grain (0"33 mg.) ; it is therefore more sensitive than the most delicate tendril, namely, that of Passiflora gracilis, which was barely acted on by a bit of wire weighing /uth of a grain. But this degree of sensitiveness is as nothing compared with that of the glands of Drosera, for these are excited by particles weighing only y-gy^g of a grain. The sensitiveness of the tip cannot be accounted for by its being covered by a thinner layer of tissue than the other parts, for it is protected by the relatively thick root-cap. It is remarkable that although the radicle bends away, when one side of the tip is slightly touched Chap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 551 with caustic, yet if the side be much cauterised the injury is too great, and the power of transmitting some influence to the adjoining parts causing them to bend, is lost. Other analogous cases are known to occur. After a radicle has been deflected by some obstacle, geotropism directs the tip again to grow perpendicularly downwards; but geotropism is a feeble power, and here, as Sachs has shown, another interesting adaptive movemeut comes into play ; for radicles at a distance of a few millimeters from the tip are sensitive to prolonged contact in such a manner that they bend towards the touching object, instead of from it as occurs when an object touches one side of the tip. Moreover, the curvature thus caused is abrupt; the pressed part alone bending. Even slight pressure suffices, such as a bit of card cemented to one side. Therefore a radicle, as it passia over the edge of any obstacle in the ground, will through the action of geotropism press against it ; and this pressure will cause the radicle to endeavour to bend abruptly over the edge. It will thus recover as quickly as possible its normal downward course. Radicles are also sensitive to air which contains more moisture on one side than the other, and they bend towards its source. It is thBrefore probable that they are in like manner sensitive to dampness in the soil. It was ascertained in several cases that this sensitiveness resides in the tip, which transmits an influence causing the adjoining upper part to bend in opposition to geotropism towards the moist object. We may therefore infer that roots will be deflected from their downward course towards any source oi moisture in the soil. Again, most or all radicles are slightly sensitive to light, and, according to Wiesner, generally bend a b'ttle 36 5f'2 SUMMARY AND Chap Xll. from it. Whether this can be of any service to them is very doubtful, but with seeds germinating on the surface it will slightly aid geotropism in directing the radicles to the ground.* We ascertained in one instance that such sensitiveness resided in the tip, and caused the adjoining parts to bend from the light. The sub-aerial roots observed by Wiesner were all apheliotropic, and this, no doubt, is of use in bringing them into contact with trunks of trees or surfaces of rock, as is their habit. We thus see that with seedling plants the tip of the radicle is endowed with diverse kinds of sensitiveness ; and that the tip directs the adjoining growing parts to bend to or from the exciting cause, according to the needs of the plant. The sides of the radicle are also sensitive to contact, but in a widely different manner. Gravitation, though a less powerful cause of movement than the other above specified stimuli, is evei present; so that it ultimately prevails and determines the downward growth of the root. The primary radicle emits secondary ones which project sub-horizontally ; and these were observed in one case to circumnutate. Their ti2)s are also sensitive to contact, and they are thus excited to bend away from any touching object; so that they resemble in these respects, as far as they were observed, the primary radicles. If displaced they resume, as Sachs has shown, their original sub-horizontal position ; and this apparently is due to diageotropism. The secondary radicles emit tertiary ones, but these, in the case of the beau, are not affected by gravitation ; consequently thoy protrude in all directions. Thus the general • Dr. Karl Riehter. who lias in Wieii,' 1879, p. 149), states thai 3Bpeciully attin eil lo tliia iiubject apheliotropism docs not aid raf (' K. Akr.d. dor Wisseiibclialten dicles iu penctiatiug the ground. Chap. XII CONCLUDING KEMAEKS. 55S arrangement of the three orders of roots is ex3ellently adapted for searching the whole soil for nutriment. Sachs has shown that if the tip of the primaryradicle is cut off (and the tip will occasionally be gnawed off with seedlings in a state of nature) one of the secondary radicles grows perpendicularly downwards, in a manner which is analogous to the upward growth of a lateral shoot after the amputation of the leading shoot. We have seen with radicles of the bean that if the primary radicle is merely compressed instead of being cut off, so that an excess of sap is directed into the secondary radicles, their natural condition is disturbed and they grow downwards. Other analogous facts have been given. As anything which disturbs the constitution is apt to lead to reversion, that is, to the resumption of a former character, it appears probable that when secondary radicles grow downwards or lateral shoots upwards, they revert to the primary manner of growth proper to radicles and shoots. With dicotyledonous seeds, after the protrusion of the radicle, the hypocotyl breaks through the seedcoats; but if the cotyledons are hypogean, it is the epicotyl which breaks forth. These organs are at first invariably arched, with the upper part bent back parallel to the lower ; and they retain this form until they have risen above the ground. In some cases, however, it is the petioles of the cotyledons or of the first true leaves which break through the seed-coats as well as the ground, before any part of the stem protrudes ; and then the petioles are almost invariabl v arched. We have met with only one exception, and that only a partial one, namely, with the petioles of the two first leaves of Acanthus candelabrum. With Delphinium nudicaule the petioles of the two cotyledons are com- 554 SUMMARY AND Chai-. ill pletely confluent, and they break through the grounj as an arch ; afterwards the petioles of the successively formed early leaves are arched, and they are thus enabled to break through the base of the confluent petioles of the cotyledons. In the case of Megarrhiza, it is the plumule which breaks as an arch through the tube formed by the confluence of the cotyledonpetioles. With mature plants, the flower-stems and the leaves of some few species, and the rachis of several ferns, as they emerge separately from the ground, are likewise arched. The fact of so many different organs in plants of many kinds breaking through the ground under the form of an arch, shows that this must be in some manner highly important to them. According to Haberlandt, the tender growing apex is thus saved from abrasion, and this is probably the true explanation. But as both legs of the arch grow, their power of breaking through the ground will be much increased as long as the tip remains within the seedcoats and has a point of support. In the case of monocotyledons the plumule or cotyledon is rarely arched, as far as we have seen ; but this is the case with the leaf-like cotyledon of the onion ; and the crown of the arch is here strengthened by a special protuberance. In the Graminese the summit of the straight, sheath-like cotyledon is developed into a hard sharp crest, which evidently serves for breaking through the earth. With dicotyledons the arching of the epicotyl or hypocotyl often appears as if it merely resulted from the manner in which the parts are packed within the seed; but it is doubtful whether this is the whole of the truth in any case, and it certainly was not so in several cases, in which the arching was seen to commence after the parts had whollj Chap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 555 escaped from the seed-coats. As the arching occurred in whatever position the seeds were placed, it is no doubt due to temporarily increased growth of the nature of epinasty or hyponasty along one side of the part. As this habit of the hypocotyl to arch itself appears to be universal, it is probably of very ancient origin. It is therefore not surprising that it should be inherited, at least to some extent, by plants having hypogean cotyledons, in which the hypocotyl is only slightly developed and never protrudes above the ground, and in which the arching is of course now quite useless. This tendency explains, as we have seen, the curvature of the hypocotyl (and the consequent movement of the radicle) which was first observed by Sachs, and which we have often had to refer to as Sachs' curvature. The several foregoing arched organs are continually circumnutating, or endeavouring to circumnutate, even before they break through the ground. As soon as any part of the arch protrudes from the seed-coats it is acted upon by apogeotropism, and both the legs bend upwards as quickly as the surrounding earth will permit, until the arch stands vertically. By continued growth it then forcibly breaks through the ground ; but as it is continually striving to circumnutate this will aid its emergence in some slight degree, for we know that a circumnutating hypocotyl can push away damp sand on all sides. As soon as the faintest ray of light reaches a seedling, heliotropism will guide it through any crack in the soil, or through an entangled mass of overlying vegetation; for apogeotropism by itself can direct the seedling only blindly upwards. Hence probably it is that sensitiveness to light resides in the tip of the cotyledons of the Graminete, and in 556 SUMMABY AND Chap. XII. the upper part of the hypocotyls of at least some plants. As the arch grows upwards the cotyledons are dragged out of the ground. The seed-coats are either left behind buried, or are retained for a time still enclosing the cotyledons. These are afterwards cast off merely by the swelling of the cotyledons. But with most of the Cucurbitaceae there is a curious special contrivance for bursting the seed-coats whilst beneath the ground, namely, a peg at the base of the hypocotyl, projecting at right angles, which holds down the lower half of the seed-coats, whilst the growth of the arched part of the hypocotyl lifts up the upper half, and thus splits them in twain. A somewhat analogous structure occurs in Mimosa pudica and some other plants. Before the cotyledons are fully expanded and have diverged, the hypocotyl generally straightens itself by increased growth along the concave side, thus reversing the process which caused the arching. Ultimately not a trace of the former curvature is left, except in the case of the leaf-like cotyledons of the onion. The cotyledons can now assume the function of leaves, and decompose carbonic acid ; they also yield up to other parts of the plant the nutriment which they often contain. When they contain a large stock of nutriment they generally remain buried beneath the ground, owing to the small development of the hypocotyl ; and thus they have a better chance of escaping destruction by animals. From unknown causes, nutriment is sometimes stored in the hypocotyl or in the radicle, and then one of the cotyledons or both become rudimentary, of which several instances have been given. It is probable that the extraordinary manner of germination of Megarrhiza Califm-nioa, Chap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 557 Ipomoea leptophylla and pandurata, ai.d of Quercus virens, is connected with the burying of the tuber-like roots, which at an early age are stoiiked with nutriment ; for in these plants it is the petioles of the cotyledons which first protrude from the seeds, and they are then merely tipped with a minute radicle and hypocotyl. These petioles bend down geotropically like a root and penetrate the ground, so that the true root, which afterwards becomes greatly enlarged, is buried at some little depth beneath the surface. Gradations of structure are always interesting, and Asa Gray informs us that with Ipomoea Jalappa, which likewise forms huge tubers, the hypocotyl is still of considerable length, and the petioles of the cotyledons are only moderately elongated. But in addition to the advantage gained by the concealment of the nutritious matter stored within the tubers, the plumule, at least in the case of Megarrhiza, is protected from the frosts of winter by being buried. With many dicotyledonous seedlings, as has lately been described by Be Vries, the contraction of the parenchyma of the upper part of the radicle drags the hypocotyl downwards into the earth ; sometimes (it is said) until even the cotyledons are buried. The hypocotyl itself of some species contracts in a like manner. It is believed that this burying process serves to protect the seedlings against the frosts of winter. Our imaginary seedling is now mature as a seedling, for its hypocotyl is straight and its cotyledons are fully expanded. In this state the upper part of the hypocotyl and the cotyledons continue for some time to circumnutate, generally to a wide extent relat vely to the size of the parts, and at a rapid rate. But seedlings profit by this power of movement only when it is modified, especially by the action of light and 558 SUMMARY AND Chaf. XII. gravitation ; for they are thus enabled to move more rapidly and to a greater extent than can most mature plants. Seedlings are subjected to a severe struggle for life, and it appears to be highly important to them that they should adapt themselves as quickly and as perfectly as possible to their conditions. Hence also it is that they are so extremely sensitive to light and gravitation. The cotyledons of some few species are sensitive to a touch ; but it is probable that this is only an indirect result of the foregoing kinds of sensitiveness, for there is no reason to believe that they profit by moving when touched. Our seedling now throws up a stem bearing leaves, and often branches, all of which whilst young are continually circumnutating. If we look, for instance, at a great acacia tree, we may feel assured that every one of the innumerable growing shoots is constantly describing small ellipses ; as is each petiole, sub-petiole, and leaflet. The latter, as well as ordinary leaves, generally move up and down in nearly the same vertical plane, so that they describe very narrow ellipses. The flower-peduncles are likewise continually circumnutating. If we could look beneath the ground, and our eyes had the power of a microscope, we should see the tip of each rootlet endeavouring to sweep small ellipses or circles, as far as the pressure of the surrounding earth permitted. All this astonishing amount of movement has been going on year after year since the time when, as a seedling, the tree first emerged from the ground. Stems are sometimes developed into long runners or stolons. Thesecircumnutateina conspicuousmanner,and are thus aided in pas.sing between and over surrounding obstacles. But whether the circumnutating movement has been increased for this special purpose ia doubtful Chap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 559 We have now to consider circumntitation in a modified form, as the source of several great classes of movement. The modification may be determined byinnate causes, or by external agencies. Under the first head we see leaves which, when first unfolded, stand in a vertical position, and gradually bend downwards as they grow older. We see flower-peduncles bending down after the flower has withered, and others rising up ; or again, stems with their tips at first bowed downwards, so as to be hooked, afterwards straightening themselves ; and many other such cases. These changes of position, which are due to epinasty or hyponasty, occur at certain periods of the life of the plant, and are independent of any external agency. They are effected not by a continuous upward or downward movement, but by a succession of small ellipses, or by zigzag lines,—that is, by a circumnutating movement which is preponderant in some one direction. Again, climbing plants whilst young circumnutate in the ordinary manner, but as soon as the stem has grown to a certain height, which is different for different species, it elongates rapidly, and now the amplitude of the circumnutating movement is immensely increased, evidently to favour the stem catching hold of a support. The stem also circumnutates rather more equally to all sides than in the case of non-climbing plants. This is conspicuously the case with those tendiils which consist of modified leaves, as these sweep wide circles ; whilst ordinary leaves usually circumnutate nearly in the same vertical plane. Flower-peduncles when converted into tendrils have their circumnutating movement in like manner greatly increased. We now come to our second group of circumnu- 560 SUMMARY AXD Chap. XII tating moTements—those modified through externa] agencies. The so-called sleep or nyctitropic movements of leaves are determined by the daily alternations of light and darkness. It is not the darkness which excites them to move, but the difference in the amount of light which they receive during the day and night ; for with several species, if the leaves have not been brightly illuminated during the day, they do not sleep at night. They inherit, however, some tendency to move at the proper periods, independently of any change in the amount of light. The movements are in some cases extraordinarily complex, but as a full summary has been given in the chapter devoted to this subject, we will here say but little on this head. Leaves and cotyledons assume their nocturnal position by two means, by the aid of pulvini and without such aid. In the former case the movement continues as long as the leaf or cotyledon remains in full health ; whilst in the latter case it continues only whilst the part is growing. Cotyledons appear to sleep in a larger proportional number of species than do leaves. In some species, the leaves sleep and not the cotyledons ; in others, the cotyledons and not the leaves ; or both may sleep, and yet assume widely different positions at night. Although the nyctitropic movements of leaves and cotyledons are wonderfully diversified, and sometimes differ much in the species of the same genus, yet the blade is always placed in such a position at night, that its upper surface is exposed as little as possible to full radiation. We cannot doubt that this is the object gained by these movements ; and it has been proved that leaves exposed to a clear sky, with their blades compelled to remain horizontal, suffered much more from the cold than others which were allowed to assume OiAP SII CONCLUDING REMAEKS. 561 their proper vertical position. Some' curious facts have lieen given under this head, showing that horizontally extended leaves suffered more at night, when the air, which is not cooled by radiation, was prevented from freely circulating beneath their lower surfaces ; and so it was, when the leaves were allowed to go to sleep on branches which had been rendered motionless. In some species the petioles rise up greatly at night, and the pinna3 close together. The whole plant is thus rendered more compact, and a much smaller surface is exposed to radiation. That the various nyctitropic movements of leaves result from modified circumnutation has, we think, been clearly shown. In the simplest cases a leaf describes a single large ellipse during the 24 h. ; and the movement is so arranged that the blade stands vertically during the night, and reassumes its former position on the following morning. The course pursued differs from ordinary circumnutation only in its greater amplitude, and in its greater rapidity late in the evening and early on the following morning. Unless this movement is admitted to be one of circumnutation, such leaves do not circumnutate at all, and this would be a monstrous anomaly. In other cases, leaves and cotyledons describe several vertical ellipses during tlie 24 h. ; and in the evening one of them is increased greatly in amplitude until the blade stands vertically either upwards or downwards. In this position it continues to circumnutate until the following morning, when it reassumes its former position. These movements, when a pulvinus is present, are often complicated by the rotation of the leaf or leaflet ; and such rotation on a small scale occurs during ordinary circumnutation. The many diagrams showing the movements of sleeping and non-sleeping leaves and coty- 5G2 SUMMARY AND Chap. XIl ledons should be compared, and it will be seen that they are essentially alike. Ordinary circumnutation is converted into a nyctitropic movement, firstly by an increase in its amplitude, but not to so great a degree as in the case of climbing plants, and secondly by its being rendered periodic in relation to the alternations of day and night. But there is frequently a distinct trace of periodicity in the circumnutating movements of non-sleeping leaves and cotyledons. The fact that nyctitropic movements occur in species distributed in many families throughout the whole vascular series, is intelligible, if they result from the modification of the universally present movement of circumnutation ; otherwise the fact is inexplicable. In the seventh chapter we have given the case of a Porlieria, the leaflets of which remained closed all day, as if asleep, when the plant was kept dry, apparently for the sake of checking evaporation. Something of the same kind occurs with certain Graminese. At the close of this same chapter, a few observations were appended on what may be called the embryology of leaves. The leaves produced by young shoots on cut-down plants of Melilotus taurica slept like those of a Trifolium, whilst the leaves on the older branches on the same plants slept in a very diiiferent manner, proper to the genus ; and from the reasons assigned we are tempted to look at this case as one of reversion to a firmer nyctitropic habit. So again with Besmodium gyrans, the absence of small lateral leaflets on very young plants, makes us suspect that the immediate progenitor of this species did not possess lateral leaflets, and that their appearance in an almost rudimentary conditioa at a somewhat more advanced age is the result of reversion to a trifoliate predecessor. However this may be, the rapid circumnutating or Chap. XII. CONCLUDING EEMAEKS. 5G3 gyrating movements of the little lateral leaflets, seem to be due proximately to the pulvinus, or organ ot movement, not having been reduced nearly so much as the blade, during the successive modifications through which the species has passed. We now come to the highly important class of movements due to the action of a lateral light. When stems, leaves, or other organs are placed, so that one side is illuminated more brightly than the other, they bend towards the light. This heliotropic movement manifestly results from the modification of ordinary circumnutation ; and every gradation between the two movements could be followed. When the light was dim, and only a very little brighter on one side than on the other, the movement consisted of a succession of ellipses, directed towards the light, each of which approached nearer to its source than the previous one. When the difference in the light on the two sides was somewhat greater, the ellipses were drawn out into a strongly-marked zigzag line, and when much greater the course became rectilinear. We have reason to believe that changes in the turgescence ol the cells is the proximate cause of the movement of circumnutation ; and it appears that when a plant is unequally illuminated on the two sides, the always chano-ing turgescence is augmented along one side, and is weakened or quite arrested along the other sides. Increased turgescence is commonly followed by increased growth, so that a plant which has bent itself towards the light during the day would be fixed in this position were it not for apogeotropism acting during the night. But parts provided with pulvini bend, as Pfeffer has shown, towards the light ; and here growth does not come into play any more than in the ordinary circumnntating movements of pulvini. 564 SUMMARY AND Chap. XII. Heliotropism prevails widely throughout the vegetable kingdom, but whenever, from the changed habits of life of any plant, such movements become injurious or useless, the tendency is easily eliminated, as we see with climbing and insectivorous plants. Apheliotropic movements are comparatively rare in a well-marked degree, excepting with sub-aerial roots. In the two cases investigated by us, the movement certainly consisted of modified circumnutation. The position which leaves and cotyledons occupy during the day, namely, more or less transversely to the direction of the light, is due, according to Frank, to what we call diaheliotropism. As all leaves and cotyledons are continually circumnutating, there can hardly be a doubt that diaheliotropism results from modified circumnutation. From the fact of leaves and cotyledons frequently rising a little in the evening, it appears as if diaheliotropism had to conquer during the middle of the day a widely prevalent tendency to apogeotropism. Lastly, the leaflets and cotyledons of some plants are known to be injured by too much light ; and when the sun shines brightly on them, they move upwards or do\vnward.s, or twist laterally, so that they direct their edges towards the light, and thus they escape being injured. These paraheliotropic movements certainly consisted in one case of modified circumnutation ; and so it probably is in all cases, for the leaves of all the species described circumnutate in a conspicuous manner. Thi.s movement has hitherto been observed only with leaflets provided with pulvini, in which the increased turgescence on opposite sides is not followed by growth ; and wq can understand why this should be so, as the movement is required only for a temporary It would manifestly be dis« Chap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 565 adrantageous for the leaf to be fixed by growth in its inclined position. For it has to assume its former horizontal position, as soon as possible after the sun has ceased shining too brightly on it. The extreme sensitiveness of certain seedlings to light, as shown in our ninth chapter, is highly remarkable. The cotyledons of Phalaris became curved towards a distant lamp, which emitted so little light, that a pencil held vertically close to the plants, did not cast any shadow which the eye could perceive on a white card. These cotyledons, therefore, were affected by a difference in he amount of light on their two sides, which the eye could not distinguish. The degree of their curvature within a given time towards a lateral light did not correspond at all strictly with the amount of light which they received ; the light not being at any time in excess. They continued for nearly half an hour to bend towards a lateral light, after it had been extinguished. They bend with remarkable precision towards it, and this depends on the illumination of one whole side, or on the obscuration of the whole opposite side. The difference in the amoimt of light which plants at any time receive in comparison with what they have shortly before received, seems in all cases to be the chief exciting cause of those movements which are influenced by light. Thus seedlings brought out of darkness bend towards a dim lateral light, sooner than others which had previously been exposed to daylight. We have seen several analogous cases with the nyctitropic movements of leaves. A striking instance was observed in the case of the periodic movements of the cotyledons of a Cassia; in the morning a pot was placed in an obscure part of a room, and all the cotyledons rose up closed • anolher pot had stood in the sunlight, and 566 SUMMARY AND Chap. XU. the cotyledons of course remained expanded; both pots were now placed close together in the middle of the room, and the cotyledons which had been exposed to the sun, immediately began to close, while the others opened ; so that the cotyledons in the two pots moved in exactly opposite directions whilst exposed to the same degree of light. We found that if seedlings, kept in a dark place, were laterally illuminated by a small wax taper for only two or three minutes at intervals of about threequarters of an hour', they all became bowed to the point where the taper had been held. We felt much surprised at this fact, and until we had read Wiesner's observations, we attributed it to the after-effects of the light; but he has shown that the same degree of curvature in a plant may be induced in the course of an hour by several interrupted illuminations lasting altogether for 20 m., as by a continuous illumination of 60 m. We believe that this case, as well as our own, may be explained by the excitement from light being due not so much to its actual amount, as to the difference in amount from that previously received ; and in our case there were repeated alternations from comjDlete darkness to light. In this, and in several of the above specified respects, light seems to act on the tissues of plants, almost in the same manner as it does on the nervous system of animals. There is a much more striking analogy of the same kind, in the sensitiveness to light being localised in the tips of the cotyledons of Phalaris and Avena, and in the upper part of the hypocotyls of Brassica and Beta ; and in the transmission of some influence from these upper to the lower pints, causing the latter to bend towards the light. This influence is also trans- Chap. XII. CONCLUDING EEMAEKS. 567 mitted beneath the soil to a depth where no light enters. It follows from this localisation, that the lower parts of the cotyledons of Phalaris, &c., which normally become more bent towards a lateral light than the upper parts, may be brightly illuminated during many hours, and will not bend in the least, if all light be excluded from the tip. It is an interesting experiment to place caps over the tips of the cotyledons of Phalaris, and to allow a very little light to enter through minute orifices on one side of the caps, for the lower part of the cotyledons will then bend to this side, and not to the side which has been brightly illuminated during the whole time. In the case of the radicles of Sinapis alba, sensitiveness to light also resides in the tip, which, when laterally illuminated, causes the adjoining part of the root to bend apheliotropically. Gravitation excites plants to bend away from the centre of the earth, or towards it, or to place themselves in a transverse position with respect to it. Although it is impossible to modify in any direct manner the attraction of gravity, yet its influence could be moderated indirectly, in the several ways described in the tenth chapter; and under such circumstances the same kind of evidence as that given in the chapter on Heliotropism, showed in the plainest manner that apogeotropic and geotropic, and probably diageotropic movements, are all modified forms of circumnutation. Different parts of the same plant and different species are affected by gravitation in widely different degrees and manners. Some plants and organs exhibit hardly a trace of its action. Young seedlings wliich, as we know, circumnutate rapidly, are eminently sensitive • and we have seen the hypocotyl of Beta bending 37 668 SUMMAKY AND Chap. XIL upwards through 109° in 3 h. 8 m. The after-effects of apogeotropism last for above half an hour ; and horizontally-lai.l hypocotyls are sometimes thus carried temporarily beyond an upright position. The benefits derived from geotropism, apogeotropism, and diageotropism, are generally so manifest that they need not be specified. With the flower-peduncles of Oxalis, epinasty causes them to bend down, so that the ripening pods may be protected by the calyx from the rain. Afterwards they are carried upwards by apogeotropism in combination with hyponasty, and are thus enabled to scatter their seeds over a wider space. The capsules and flower-heads of some plants are bowed downwards through geotropism, and they then bury themselves in the earth for the protection and slow maturation of the seeds. This burying process is much facilitated by the rocking movement due to circumnutation. In the case of the radicles of several, probably of all seedling plants, sensitiveness to gravitation is confined to the tip, which transmits an influence to the adjoining upper part, causing it to bend towards the centre of the earth. That there is transmission of this kind was proved in an interesting manner when horizontally extended radicles of the bean were exposed to the attraction of gravity for 1 or l^^ h., and their tips were then amputated. Within this time no trace of curvature was exhibited, and the radicles were now placed pointing vertically downwards ; but an influence had already been transmitted from the tip to the adjoining part, for it soon became bent to one side, in the same manner as would have occurred had the radicle remained horizontal and been still acted on by geotropism. Eadicles thus treated continued to grow out horizontally for two or three days, until a new tip was Chap. XII. CONCLUDING EEMARKS. 569 reformed ; and this was then acted on by geotropism, and the radicle became curved perpendicularly down- wards. It has now been shown that the following important ('.lasses of movement all arise from modified circumimtation, which is omnipresent whilst growth lasts, and after growth has ceased, whenever pulvini are present. These classes of movement consist of those due to epinasty and hyponasty,—those proper to climbing plants, commonly called revolving nutation, —the nyctitropic or sleep movements of leaves and cotyledons,—and the two immense classes of movement excited by light and gravitation. When we speak of modified circumnutation we mean that light, or the alternations of light and darkness, gravitation, slight pressure or other irritants, and certain innate or constitutional states of the plant, do not directly cause the movement ; they merely lead to a temporary increase or diminution of those spontaneous changes in the turgescence of the cells which are already in progress. In what manner, light, gravitation, &c., act on the cells is not known ; and we will here only remark that, if any stimulus affected the cells in such a manner as to cause some slight tendency in the affected part to bend in a beneficial manner, this tendency might easily be increased through the preservation of the more sensitive individuals. But if such bending were injurious, the tendencj' would be eliminated unless it was overpoweringly strong; for we know how commonly all characters in all organisms vary. Nor can we see any reason to doubt, that after the complete elimination of a tendency to bf-nd in some one direction under a certain stimulus, the power to bend in a directly 570 SUMMARY AND Chap. XII opposite direction might gradually be acquired through natural selection.* Although so many movements have arisen through modified circumnutation, there are others which appear to have had a quite independent origin ; but they do not form such large and important classes. When a leaf of a Mimosa is touched it suddenly assumes the same position as when asleep, but Briicke has shown that this movement results from a different state of turgescence in the cells from that which occurs during sleep ; and as sleep-movements are certainly due to modified circumnutation, those from a touch can hardly be thus due. The back of a leaf of Drosera rotundifolia was cemented to the summit of a stick driven into the ground, so that it could not move in the least, and a tentacle was observed during many hours under the microscope; but it exhibited no circumnutating movement, yet after being momentarily touched with a bit of raw meat, its basal part began to curve in 23 seconds. This curving movement therefore could not have resulted from modified circumnutation. But when a small object, such as a fragment of a bristle, was placed on one side of the tip of a radicle, which we know is continually circumnutating, the induced curvature was so similar to the movement caused by geotropism, that we can hardly doubt that it is due to modified circumnutation. A flower of a Mahonia was cemented to a stick, and the stamens exhibited no signs of circumnutation under the microscope, yet when they were lightly touched they suddenly moved towards the pistil. Lastly, the curling of the extremity of a tendril when * See the remarks in Frank's 91, &o.)i on natural selection in ' Die wagerechte Kiclitung vcn connection with geotropism, helioPflanzenthcilen' '1870, pp. 90, tropism, &o. CHAr. XII. CONCLUDIXG REMARKS. 571 touched seems to be independent of its revolving oi cu-cumnutating movement. This is best shown by the part which is the most sensitive to contact, circumnutating much less than the lower parts, or apparently not at all.* Although in these cases we have no reason to believe that the movement depends on modified circumnutation, as with the several classes of movement described in this volume, yet the difference between the two sets of cases may not be so great as it at first appears. In the one set, an irritant causes an increase or diminution in the turgescenoe of the cells, which are already in a state of change ; whilst in the other set, the irritant first starts a similar change in their state of turgescence. Why a touch, slight pressure or any other irritant, such as electricity, heat, or the absorption of animal matter, should modify the turgescence of the affected cells in such a manner as to cause movement, we do not know. But a touch acts in , this manner so often, and on such widely distinct plants, that the tendency seems to be a very general one ; and if beneficial, it might be increased to any extent. In other cases, a touch produces a very different effect, as with Nitella, in which the protoplasm may be seen to recede from the walls of the cell ; in Lactuca, in which a milky fluid exudes; and in the tendrils of certain Vitacese, Cucurbitacese, and Bignoniaccfe, in which slight pressure causes a cellular outgrowth. Finally, it is impossible not to be struck with the resemblance between the foregoing movements of plants and many of the actions performed unconsciously by the lower animals.f With plants an * For the evidence on fhia pp. 173, 174. head, see the ' Movements and t Sachs remarks to nearly the Hsbitsof Climbing Plants,' 1875, same effect: " Dass sich die le- 572 SUMMAKY AND Chap. XII astonishingly small stimulus suffices; and even with allied plants one may be highly sensitive to the slightest continued pressure, and another highly sensitive to a slight momentary touch. The habit of moving at certain periods is inherited both by plants and animals ; and several other points of similitude have been specified. But the most striking resemblance is the localisation of their sensitiveness, and the transmission of an influence from the excited part to another which consequently moves. Yet plants do not of course possess nerves or a central nervous system; and we may infer that with anirr.j,ls such structures serve only for the more perfect transmission of impressions, and for the more complete intercommunication of the several parts. We believe that there is no structure in plants more wonderful, as far as its functions are concerned, than the tip of the radicle. If the tip be lightly pressed or burnt or cut, it transmits an influence to the upper adjoining part, causing it to bend away from the, affected side; and, what is more surprising, the tip can distinguish between a slightly harder and softer object, by which it is simultaneously pressed on opposite sides. If, however, the radicle is pressed by a similar object a little above the tip, the pressed part does not transmit any influence to the more distant parts, but bends abruptly towards the object. If the tip perceives the air to be moister on one side than on the other, it likewise transmits an influence to the upper adjoining part, which bends towards the source of moisture. When the tip is excited by light (though bende Pflanzensubstanz derart licb,wiedieversohiedenen Sinnesinnerlich diffeienziit, daas eln- nerveu des Thiere ' (' Arbuilen zelnp Theile mit specifischen des Bot. Inst, in Wurzburg,' lid, EncrgieD uusgei'iistot siud, abu- ii. 1879, p. 282'). Chap. XII. CONCLUDING EEJIAEKS. 573 in the case of radicles this was ascertained in only a single instance) the adjoining part bends from the light ; but when excited by gravitation the same part bends towards the centre of gravity. In almost every case we can clearly perceive the final purpose or advantage of the several movements. Two, or perhaps more, of the exciting causes often act simultaneously on the tip, and one conquers the other, no doubt in accordance with its importance for the life of the plant. The course pursued by the radicle in penetrating the ground must be determined by- the tip; hence it has acquired such diverse kinds of sensitiveness. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the tip of the radicle thus endowed, and having the power of directing the movements of the adjoining parts, acts like the brain of one of the lower animals ; the brain being seated within the anterior end of the body, receiving impressions from the sense-organs, and directing the several movements. INDEX. Abies communia, effect of killing or injuring the leading shoot, 187 pectinata, effect of killing or injuring the leading shoot, 187 , affected by Moidium elatinum, 188 Abronia umbellata, its single, developed cotyledon, 78 , rudimentary cotyledon, 95 , rupture of tlie seed coats, 105 Abntilon Darwinii, sleep of leaves and not of cotyledons, 314 , nocturnal movement of leaves, 323 Acacia Farnesiana, state of plant when awake and asleep, 381, 382 , appearance at night, 395 , nyctitropio movements of piunsB, 402 , the axes of the ellipses, 404 hphanllta, character of first leaf, 415 retinoides, circnmnutation of young phyllode, 236 Acaniliosicyos horrida, nocturnal movement of cotyledon 304 Acanthus candelabrum, inequality in the two first leaves, 79 , petioles not arched, 553 latifolius, variability in first leaves. 79 I mollis, seedling, manner of breakiug through the ground, 78, 79 , circnmnutation of young leaf, 249, 269 tpinoms, 79 , movement of leaves, 249 AMFHICilRPCBA. Adenanthera pavonia, nyotitropifi movements of leaflets, 374 ^cidium elatinum, effect on the lateral bianohes of the silver fir, 188 ^sculus hippocastanum, movements of radicle, 28, 29 , sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 172-174 Albizzia lopliantlia, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 383 , of pinnsB, 402 Allium cepa, conical protuberance on arched cotyledon, 69 , circumnutivticm of basal half of arched cotyledon, 60 , mode of breaking through ground, 87 , straightening process, 101 porrum, movements of flowerstems, 226 Alopecurus pratensis, joints affected by apogeotropism, 503 Aloijsia citriodora, circumnutatiou of stem, 210 Amaranfhut, sleep of leaves, 387 caudatuK, noctural movement of cotyledons, 307 Amnrpha fruticosa, sleep of leaflets, 354 Ampelopiis trieuspidaia, hyponastio movement of hooked tips, 272- 275 Ampliicarpcea monoica, circnmnutation and nyctitropio movements of leaves, 365 , effect of sunshine on leaflets, 445 , geotropio movements o£ 520 INDKX. fuo Anoda Wri^Uii, sleep of cotyledons, 302,312 , of leaves, 32-t , downward movement of cotyledons, 444 Aphellotropism, or negative heliotropism, 5, 419, 432 Apios graveolens, heliotropio movements of hypocolyl, 4j:2-424 tuberosa, verlical biuking of leaflets at night, 368 Apium graveolens, sleep of cotyledons, 305 , petroselinum, sleep of cotyledons, 304 Apogeotropic movements effected by joints or pulvini, 502 Apogeotropiim, 5, 494 ; retarded by heliotropism, 501 ; concluding remarks on, 507 Aracliie liypogoea, eiroumnutation of gynophure, 225 ——, etfeets of rad.ation on leaves, 289, 29r> , movements of leaves, 357 , rate of movement, 404 , oircumnutation of vertically dependent young gynopliores, 519 ' , downward movement of the same, 519 Arching of various organs, importance of, to seedling plants, 87, 88 ; emergence of hypocotyls or epicotyls in the form of an, 553 Asparagus oj^clnalls, circumnutation of plumules, 60-62. , effect of lateral light, 484 Asplenium triclwmanes, movement in the fruiting fronds, 257, m. Astragalus uUginosus, movement of leaflets, 355 Avena saliva, movement of cotyledons, 65, 66. , sensitiveness of tip of radicle to moist air, 183 , heliotropic movement and circamnutatiou of cotyledon, 421,422 . , sensitiveness of cotyledon to a lateral light, 477 , young sheath-like cotyledons strongly apogeotropic 499 Avena saliva, movements of oldish cotyledons, 499, 500 Averrhoa bilimhi, leaf asleep, 330 , angular movements when going ti> sleep, 331-335 , leaflets exposed to brij^ht sunshine, 447 Azalea Indica, oircumnutation of stem, 208 B, Bary, de, on the effect of the .fficidium on the silver fir, 188 Bati.lin, Prof, on the nyotitropio movements of leaves, 2t<3 ; on the sleep of leaves of Sida napcea, 322 ; on Polygonum aviculare, 387 ; on the effect of tunshine on leaflets of Oxalis aretosella, 447 Bauhiiiia, nyctitiopic movements, 373 , moven-.entsof petioles of young tee.ilings, 401 , appearance of young plants at night, 402 Beta vulgaris, circumnutation of h^ pocotyl of seedlings, 52 , movements of cotyledons, 52, 53 , effect of light, 124 , nocturnal moveuient of cotyledons, 307 , heliotropic movements of, 420 , trani-mitted effect of light on hypocotyl, 482 , apogeotiopic movement of hypocotyl, 496 Bignonia capreolata, apheliotropic njovement of tendrils, 432, 450 •Bouche on Melaleuca ericcefolia 383 Brassica napus, circumnutation ol fluwer-stems, 226 Brassica oleracea, circumnutatioc of seedling, 10 , of radicle, 11 , geotropic movement of radicle, H 578 INDEX. BBA8SI0A.. INDEX 577 Oatgia pubescens, uninjured by exposure at night, 293 , sleep of cotyledons, 308 , uyctitropio movement of leaves, 871 , circumnutating movement of leaves, 372 • , uyctitropio movement of petioles, 400 , diameter of plant at night, 402 sp. (?) movement of cotyledons, 116 tora, oircumnutation of cotyledons and hypoeotyls, 34, 85, 109, 308 , effect of light, 124, 125 , sensitiveness tu contact, 125 , heliotropio movement and circumnntation of hypocotyl, 431 , hypocotyl of seedling slightly heliotropio, 454 , apogeotropic movement of old hypocotyl, 497 , movement of hypocotyl of young seedling, 510 Caustic (nitrate of silver), eifpct of, on radicle of bean, 150, 156; on the common pea, 160. Cells, table of the measurement of, in tlie pulvini of OzaHs corniculata, 120 ; changes in, 547 Centrosema, 3d5 Ceratophyllum demersum, movements of stem, 211 Cereus Landbeckii, its rudimentary cot\ ledons, 97 speaiossimus, circumnntation of stem, 206, 207 Oerinthe major, circumnntation of hypocotyl, 49 , of cotyledons, 49 , ellipses described by hypoeotyls when erect, 107 effect of darkness, 124 Chatin, M., on Finua ISWdmori'niana, 389 Ckenopodium album, sleep of leaves, but not of cotyledons, 314. 819 Clienopodium album, movement of le.ives, 3ST Chlorophyll injured by bright light, 446 Ciesielski, on the sensitiveness of the tip of the radicles, 4, 523 Circumnntation, men ning explained, 1 ; modified, 263-279 ; and helio^ tr i|iihm, relation between, 435 ; of paramonnt importance to every plant, 547 Cissus discolor, cu'cumnutation of leaf, 233 Citrus aurantium, oircumnutation of epicotyl, 28 , unequal cotyledons, 95 Clianthus Dampieri, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297 Cohcea scandens, circumnntation of, 270 Colin, on the water secreted by Lathrifa squamaria, 86, n. ; on the movement of leaflets of Uxalis, 447 Colutea arborea, nocturnal movement of leaflets, 355 Coniferie, oircumnutation of, 211 Coronilla rosea, leaflets aaleep, 355 Corylus avellana, circumnntation of young shoot, emitted from the epicotyl, 55, 56 , arched epicotyl, 77 Cotyledon umbilicus, circumnntation of stolons, 219, 220 Cotyledons, rudimentary. 94-98 ; circnmnutatiou of, 109-112 ; nocturnal movements, 111, 112 ; pulvini or joints of, 112-122; distujbed periodic movements by liglit, 123 ; sensitiveness of, to contact, 125; nvetitropic movements of, 283, 297 ; list of cotyle.lons which rise or sink at night, 300 ; concluding remarks on their movements, 811 Cramhe maritiina, circumuutation of leaves, 228, 22b Crinuiit cai'tiise, shape (,'f leaves, 253 H'Tfi. INDEX. Crini.m, oapense, circumnutation of, 234 Crutolaria (sp. ?), sleep of leaves, 340 Cryptogams, circumnutation of, 257-259 Vucumis dudaim, movement of cotyledons, 43, 44 , sleep of cotyledons, 304 Cucurhita aurantia, movement of hypocotyl, 42 , cotyledons vertical at night, 304 ovifera, geotropic movement of radicle, 38, 39 , circumnutation of arched hypocntyl, 39 , of straight and vertical hypocotyl, 40 , movements of cotyledons, 41, 42, 115, 124 , position of radicle, 89 , rupture of tlie seed - coats, 102 , circumnutation of hypocotyl when erect, 107, 108 , sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 109-171 , cotyledons vertical at night, 304 , not affected by apogeotropism, 509 , tips cauterised transversely, 537 Curvature of the nidiole, 193 Cycas pectinata, circumnutation of young leaf, whilst emerging from the ground, 58 , lirst leaf arched, 78 , circumnutation of terminal leaflets, 252 Cyclamen Persfcum, movement of cotyledon, 46 , undeveloped cotyledons, 78, 96 , circumnutation of peduncle, 225 , , of leaf, 246, 247 , downward apheliotropio movement of a flower peduncle, 433- 435 DESMODIUH. Cyclamen Persieum, burying of the pods, 433 Cyperus altemifoUus, ciroiimnutiition of stem, 212 , movement of stem, 509 Cytisus fragrans, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 37 , sleep of leaves, 344, 397 , apogeotropie movement of stem, 494-496 D. Dahlia, oiTcumnutation of young leaves, 244-246 Dalea ahpecuroides, leaflets depi'essed al iiigjjt, 354 Darkness, effect of, on the movement of leaves, 407 Darlingtonia Califomica, its leaves or pitchers apheliotropio, 450, n. Darwin, Charles, on Maurandia semperjliirens,225; on the Swedish turnip, 230, a. ; movements of climbing plants, 266. 271; the lieliotropic movement of the tendrils of Bignonia capreolata, 433 ; revolution of climbing plants, 451 ; on the curling of a tendril, 670 , Erasmus, on the pedimcles of Cyclamens, 433 , Francis, on the radicle of Sinapia alba, 486 ; on Hygroscopic seeds, 489, n. Datura stramonium, nootiunal movement of cotyledons, 298 Delpino, on cotyledons of Oliffirophyllum and Coiydalis, 96, n. Delphinium nudicaule, mode of breaking tlirough the ground, 80 , confluent petioles of two cotyledons, 553 Desmodium gyrans, movement of leaflets, 257, ». , position of leaves at night, 285 , sleep of leaves, not of ooty ledons, 314 , ckoumnutation and nycti- tNDEX 1IE8M0DIDM. tiopie movement of leaves, 358- 860 Desmodium gyrans, movement of latei-iil leaflets, 361 , jerking of leaflets, 362 , nyctitropio movement of petioles, 400, 401 , diameter of plant at night, 402 , lateral movement of leaves, 404 , z'gzag movement of apex of leaf, 405 , shape of lateral leaflet, 416 vespertilionis, 364, n. Deukia gracilis, circutnnutation of stem, 205 Diageotropism, 5 ; or transveraeguotiopism, 520 Diahiliotropisrn, 5; or TransversalHeliotropismus of Frank, 419; influenced by epinasty, 439 ; by weight and apogeotropisra, 440 DiantJius /•arynpTiyllus, 230 , circumuutation of young leaf, 231, 269 Dicotyledons, ciicmnnutation widely spread among, 68 Dionoea, oscillatory movements of leaves, 261, 271 Dionoea muscipuhi. cirenmmitation of young expanding leaf, 239, 240 , closure of the lobes and oircumnutatiou of a full-grown leaf, 241 , oscillations of, 242-244 Diurnal sleep, 419 Drosera Capensis, structure of firstformed leaves, 414 . rolundifilia. movement of young leaf, 237, 238 , of the tentacles, 239 . , sensitiveness of tentacles, 261 , shape of leaves, 414 , leaves not heliotropio, 450 , leaves circumnutate largely, 454 , sensitiveness of 570 EC0ALTPTU8. Duchartre on Tephrosia can'ftt^a, 354 ; on the nyctitropio movemi nt of the Cassia, 369 Duval-Jouve, on the movements of Bryophyllum calycinum, 237 ; of the narrow leaves of the Grnniinese, 413 Dyev, Mr. Thiselton, on the leaves of Criitolaria, 340 ; on Cassia florihunda, 369, n., on the absorbent hairs on the buried flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum, 517 E. Echeveria stolonifera circumnuta^ tion of leaf, 237 Echinocactus viridescens, its rudimentary cotyledons, 97 Echinocystis lohata, movements of tendrils, 266 , apogeotropism of tendrils, 510 Elfving, F., on the rhizomes of Sparganium raTnosum, 189; on the diageotropic movement in the rhizomes of some plants, 521 Elymus arenareus, leaves closed during the day, 413 Embryology of leaves, 414 Engelmann, Dr., on the Quercus virens, 85 Epinasty, 5, 267 Epicotyl. or plumule, 5 ; manner of breaking through the ground, 77 ; emerges from the ground under the form of an arch, 553 Erythrina oaffra, sleep of leaves, 367 coraUodendron, movement of terminal leaflet, 367 crista-galli, effect of temperature on sleep of leaves, 818 , circumnutalion and nyotitropic movement of terminal leaflets, 367 Eucalyptus resinifera, circumnuta^ tion of leaves, 244 580 nfOEX. ECPHOBBIA. Euphorbia jacquineaflora, nyctitioijio movement of leaves, 388 F. Flail ault, M., on the rupture of seed-coats, 102-104, 106 Flower- stems, circumnutatiim of, 2-J3-226 Fragaria Bosaeea, clroumnutation of stolon, 214-218 Frank, Dr. A. B., Ihe terms Heliotropism and Geotropism, first used by him, 5, n. ; radicles actedon by geotropism, 70. n.; on the stolons of Fragaria, 215; periodic and uyotitropic raoyements of leaves, 284 ; on the root-leaves of plants kept in d;irkness, 44.S ; on pulvini, 485 ; on natural selection in connection with geotiopism, heliotropism, &o., 570 , on TrBnBversal-Heliotropismus, 419 Fuohsia, oireumnutation of stem, 205, 206 e. Oazania ringens, oireumnutation of stem, 208 Genera containing sleeping plants, 320, 321 Geotropism, 5 ; effect of, on the primary radicle, 196 ; the reverse of apngeotropism, 512 ; effect on tlio tips of radicles, 548 Geranium cinereum, 304 Endressli, 304 Ibericum, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298 —^ Bicliardsoni, 304 . rotundifoliuin, nocturnal movement of cotyledon, 304, 312 subcaulescens, 304 Germinating seed, history of a, 548 GYMNCWEKMB. GUhago segetum, oireumnutation ol hypocotyl, 21, 108 , burying of liypocotyl, 109 , seedlings feebly illuminated, 124, 128 , sleep of cotyledon, 302 , leaves, 321 Glaueium lutevm, oireumnutation of young leaves, 228 Oleditsehia, sleep of leaves 3G8 Glycine hispida, vertical sinking of 1 aflets, 3G6 Glycyrrhiza, leaflets depressed at night, 355 Godlewskl, Emil, on the turgescenoe of the cells, 485 Gooseberry, effect of radiation, 284 Goasypium (var. Nankin cotton), oireumnutation of hypocotyl, 22 , movement of cotyledon, 22, 23 , sleep of leaves, 324 arboreum (?), sleep of ootyle^ dons, 303 Braziliense, nocturnal movement of leaves, 324 , sleep of cotyledons, 303 herbaceum, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 168 , radicles cauterised transversely, 537 maritimum, nocturnal movement of leaves, 324 Gravitation, movements excited by, 567 Gray, Asa, on Delphinium nudicaule, 80; on Megarrhiza Californica, 81 ; on the movements in the fruiting fronis ot Asplenium trichomanes, 257 ; on the Amphicarpcea monoica, 520 ; on the Ipomoea Jalappa, 557 Grease, effect of, on radicles and their tips, 182, 185 Gressner, Dr. H., on the cotyledons of Cyclamen Persicum, 46, 77 ' on hypocotyl of the same, 96 Gymnosperms, 389 INDEX. 581 HABEBLAXUT. JTaberlandt, Dr., on the protuberance on the hypocotyl of Allium, 59 ; the importance of the arch to seedling plants, 87 ; subaerial and subterranean cotyledons, 110, re. ; the ai-ohed hypocotyl, 554 Uaimatiixylon Campecliianum. nocturnal movement of leaves, 368, 369 Hedi-ra helix, ciroumnutatiou of stem, 207 Hedysarum coronnnum, nocturnal movements of leaves, 356 Heliwithemum prosiratiim, geotropic movement of flower-heads, 518 Uelianthus annuus, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 45 , arching of hypocotyl, 90 , nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 305 Heliotropism, 5 ; uses of, 449 ; a, modified form of circnmiiutution, 490 Billeborus niger, mode of breaking through the ground, 86 Hensen, Prof., on roots in wormburrows, 72 Henslow, Eev. Gr., on the cotyledons of i'halarii Canariensis, 62 Hofmeister, on the curious movement of Spirogyra, 3, 259, n. ; of the leaves of Pistia straHufes, 255 ; of cotyledons at night, 297 ; of petals, 414 and Batalin on the movements of the cabbage, 229 Hooker, Sir J., on the effect of light on the pitchers of Sarracenia, 450 Hypocotyl, 5 ; manner of breaking through the ground, 77 ; emerges under the form of an arch, 553 Hypoeotyls and Epicotyls, cii-cumnutation and other movementa when arched.98; power of straightening themselves, 100; rupture of the seed-coats, 102-106 ; illustration of, 106 ; circumnutation when erect, 107 ; when in darlc 108 Hyponasty, 6, 267 Iberis umheUata, movement of stem, 202. Ilium, nation, effect of, on the sleep of leaves, 398 Imatophyllum vel Clivia (sp. ?), movement of leaves, 255 Indigofera tinctoria, leaflets dopressed at night, 354 Inheritance in plants, 407, 491 Inseotivoious and climbing plants not heliotiopic, 450 ; influence of light on, 488 Ipamcea bona nox, aroliing of hypocotyl, 90 , nocturnal position of cotyledons, 306, 312 caerulea vel Pharbitis nil, circumnutation of seedlings, 47 , movement of cotyledons, 47- 49,109 , nocturnal movements of cotyledons, 305 , sleep of leaves, 386 , sensitiveness to light, 451 , the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453 , coccinea, position of cotvledons at night, 306, 312 leptophylla, mode of breaking through tl-e ground, 83, 84 , arching of the petioles of the cotyledons, 90 , difference in sensitiveness to gravitation in different part,s, 509 , extraordinary manner of garmination, 557 582 INDEX. JpoTOflsa pandurata, iranner of geriiiiiiafion, 84, 5.57 purpurea (vel Pharhitis hispida), nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 305, 312 — , sleep of leaves, 386 , sensitiveness to light, 451 , the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453 Iris psemJo-aoorus, circumnutation of leaves, 253 Irmisch, on cotyledons of Banuncuius Ficaria, 96 Ivy, its stems heliotropic, 451 Kerner on the bending down of peduncles, 414 Klinostat, the, an instrument devised by Sachs to eliminate geotropism, 93 Kraus, Dr. Car], on the underground shoots of Triticum repens, 189 ; on Cannabis sativa, 250, 307, 312 ; on the movements of leaves, 318 L. Lactuca scariola, sleep of cotyledons, 305 Lagenaria vulgaris, circumnutation of seedlings, 42 , of cotyledons, 43 , cotyledons vertical at night, 304 Lathriea squamaria, mode of breaking through the ground, 85 , quantity of water secreted, 85, 86, n. T 'ithyrus nissolia, circumnutation of stem of young seedling, 33 , ellipses described by, 107, 108 Leaves, circumnutation of, 226- 262 ; dicotyledons, 226-252 ; mo nocotyledons, 252-257; nyctitropism of, 280 ; their temperature affected by their position at night, 294 ; nyctitropio or sleep movements, 315, 394 ; periodicity of their movements inherited, 407; embryology of, 414; su-called diurnal sleep, 445 Leguminosse, sleep of cotyledons, 808 ; sleeping species, 340 Le Maout and Deeaisne, 67 Lepidium sativum, sleep of cotyledons, 302 Light, movements excited by> 418, 563 ; influence on most vegetable tissues, 486 ; acts on plant as on the nervous system of animals, 487 Lilium auratum, circumnutation of stem, 212 , apogeotropio movement of stem, 498, 499 Linnseus, ' Somnus Plantarum, ' 280; on plants sleeping, 320; on the leaves of Sida abutilon, 324; on (Enothera molUssima, 383 lAnum Beretidieri, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298 usitatissimum, circumnutation of stem, 203 Lolium perenne, joints afifeoted by apogeotropism, 502 Lonicera brachypoda, hooking of the tip, 272 , sensitiveness to light. 453 Loomis, Mr., on tlie movements in the fruiting fromls of Asplenivm triehomanes, 257 Lotus aristata, etfect of radiatif.n on leaves, 292 Creticus, leaves awake and asleep, 354 Gebelii, nocliirnal movement of cotyledons, 308 , leaflets provided with pulvini, 353 Jacobieus, movements of eoty ledons, 35, 109 , pulvini of, 115 INDEX. 5»3 Lorns. L<^» Jacohssus, movements at night, llti, 121. 124 , development of pulvini, 122 , sleep of cotyledons, 308, 313 , nyctitropio movement of leaves, 3S3 major, sleep of leaves, 353 perigrinuSf movement of leaflets, 353 Lunularia viilgarU, oircumnutation of fronds, 258 Lupinus, 340 albi/rons, sleep of leaves, 344 Hartwegii, sleep of leaves, 341 luteus, oircumnutation of cotyledons, 3-^, 110 , effect of darkness, 124 Lupinus, posiiiou of leaves wLen asleep, 341 •, dili'ereiit positions of leaves at night, 343 , varied movements of leaves and leafletn, 395 Meiiziesii, sleep of leaves, 343 mutabilis, sleep of leaves, 343 nanus, sleep of leaves, 343 pilosus, sleep of leaves, 340, 341 polyphyUus, sleep of leaves, 343 pubescens, sleep of leaves by dny and night, 34'38-340, 344 , heliotropio movement and circumnutation of epicotyl of a young seedling, 428, 429 , of an old intiTnofle towards a lateral light, 430 , stems of very young plants highly heliofropic, of old plants slightly apheliotropic, 453 , effect of lab ral light, 484 minus (V), circumnutation of buried and arched epicotyl, 27 VTex, or gorse, first-formed leaf of, 415 Urnria lagopus, vertical sinking of kaflets at night, 865 Vancher, on the burying of the flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum, 513; on the protection of seeds, 517 Yerhena melindres (!), circumnutation of stem, 210 , apogeotropio movement of stem, 495 Vieia faba, circumnutation of radicle, 29, 30 , of epicotyl, 31-33 , curvature of hypocotyl, 92 sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 132-134 , of the tips of secondary radio es, 154 , of the primary radicle above the apex, 155-158 ^ various experiments, 135-143 , summary of results, 143-151 , power of an irritant on, compared with that of geotropisra, 151-154 Yiciafaha, circumnutation of leaves, 233-235 , circumnutat.on of terminal leaflet, 235 , effect of apogeotropism, 444 , effect of amputating the tips of radicles, 523 , regeneration of tips, 526 , short exposure to geotropio action, 527 , effects of amputating the tips obliquely, 528 , of cauterising the tips, 529 , of grease on the tips, 534 Vines, Mr., on cell growth, 3 Vries, De, on turgesoence, 2 ; on epinasty and hyponasty, 6, 2e7, 268; tlie priiteotion of liypocotyls during winter, 557 ; stoluna apheliotropic, 108 ; the nyctitropio movement of leaves, 283 ; the position of leaves influenced by epinasty, their own weight and apogeotropism, 440 ; apogeotropism in petioles and midribs, 443 ; the stolons of strawberries, 451 ; the joints or pulvini of tlie Graminea), 502 W. Watering, effect of, on Porlieria hygrometriea, 336-338 Wells, ' Essay on Dew,' 284, n. Wiesuer, Prof., on the circumnutation of the hypocotyl, 99, 100 ; on the hooked tip . THE END.