ELSEVIER CrossMark ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT 1. Introduction Catastrophic rock slope failures (RSFs) involving rock avalanches, rockslides and rockfalls are very efficient geomorphic agents and hazardous phenomena in mountain areas (Korup et al., 2010). They frequently occur in deglaciated landscapes, including regions which underwent glacier retreat during the Late Pleistocene (Cossart et al., 2008; Ballantyne et al., 2014a, 2014b) and in mountains experiencing recent glacier thinning following the Little Ice Age glacier culmination (Holm et al., 2004; Allen et al., 2011). However, although the abundance of RSFs within deglaciated areas is well known (Cossart et al., 2014), their chronological link to local deglaciation patterns is still poorly understood and in fact limited to only a few world regions containing larger datasets of dated RSFs and well reconstructed deglaciation histories, such as Scotland (Ballantyne et al., 2013, 2014a, 2014b), Norway (Blikra et al., 2006; Longva et al., 2009) and the European Alps (Cossart et al., 2008; Prager et al., 2008). Theoretical models dealing with RSF response to ice retreat usually consider the highest frequency of slope instabilities immediately after deglaciation, with a gradual or abrupt decline of RSF frequency thereafter (Cruden and Hu, 1993). However, growing datasets of numerically dated RSFs reveal that a chronological relationship between the deglaciation and origin of slope failures is more complicated (Prager et al., 2008; Ballantyne et al., 2014a, 2014b), reflecting the complexity of rock mass properties and diverse slope-destabilizing processes (e.g. slope debutressing, permafrost degradation, seismicity related to isostatic rebound, meltwater effects) accompanying the withdrawal of glaciers from mountain valleys (McColl, 2012). In such circumstances, RSFs are very often significantly delayed in respect to deglaciation, involving time lags in orders of 102-104 yrs. (Ballantyne et al., 2014a, 2014b). Therefore, determination of the age of RSFs in various types of paraglacial landscapes (Ballantyne, 2002) with better understanding of the rock slopes' responses to glacier withdrawal remains an important interdisciplinary task for understanding mountain landscape development. Recent progress in terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating provides a great opportunity for RSF age determinations. Although the number of studies using TCN for timing slope failures is still rather low in 53 comparison with applications in glacial and fluvial geomorphology (Pänek, 2015), successful age determination of several RSFs throughout the world indicate the great potential of this method in the field of dating mass movements (e.g. Hormes et al., 2008; Ivy-Ochs et al., 2009; Dortch etal., 2009; Hewitt et al., 2011; Penna et al., 2011; Yuan etal., 2013; Ballantyne et al., 2014a, 2014b; Claude et al., 2014; Hughes et al., 2014; Zerathe et al., 2014; Nagelisen et al., 2015). In this paper, we provide the first cosmogenic 10Be dating of large RSFs from the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia), the highest mountain range in the Carpathians (Fig. 1). The aims of this study are: (i) to describe typical modes, kinematics and geomorphology of RSFs within the granodi-orites of the Tatra Mountains, (ii) to provide cosmogenic 10Be dating of the most representative prehistoric RSFs situated in this area and (iii) to correlate the timing of RSFs with local Late Pleistocene deglaciation history. Due to the limited area, homogenous geology and well-constrained deglaciation chronology (Makos et al., 2012, 2013, 2014; Engel et al., 2015), this region represents an excellent natural laboratory for the study of the chronological links between glacier retreat and RSF origin. 2. Regional settings 2.1. Geology, tectonics and origin of recent topography The Tatra Mountains (49°05'-49°20' N, 19°33-20°25' E) are situated along the Slovakian/Polish border, in the culmination part of the Western Carpathians (Fig. 1). With the highest point of the Gerlachovsky peak (2654 m a.s.l.), it is the highest mountain range in the whole Carpathian mountain system. Although the mountain area is limited in size (the longest W-E axis of the range is about 55 km), it represents a distinct geomorphic unit with rugged rocky relief rising 1000-1500 m above the surrounding basins. The western part of the mountains (called Western Tatra Mountains) is somewhat lower (the summit level is about 2000 m of elevation) and characterized by gentler hillslopes, whereas the eastern section (called Eastern "High" Tatra Mountains) contains a high concentration of peaks exceeding 2400 m of elevation (Fig. 2). The geological structure is dominated by the Tatric crystalline basement represented by Variscan/Carboniferous biotitic granodiorite and to a lesser extent also ortho-and paragneisess (Némčok et al., 1994). Crystalline rocks are overlain by allochthonous Mesozoic nappes (Trias-sic and Jurassic limestones, quartzites, etc.), and contemporary outcropping as denudational remnants mainly on the northern slopes of the range (Némčok et al., 1994; Fig. 1). The Alpine tectonic structure of the mountains originated during several stages of tectonic deformations between the middle-Cretaceous and Quaternary periods (Králikova et al., 2014). Multistage tectonic deformations caused a substantial weakening of the bedrock, which is especially well-reflected within the granodiorite by the presence of numerous mylonite zones with reduced rock mass strength. The recent distinct topography mainly arises from the youngest phase of the uplift, which has occurred since the Miocene. Apatite fission track data from the highest granodiorite part of the mountains yield ages between -37-9.3 Ma, with the majority of ages spanning between -15 and 10 Ma (Králikova et al., 2014). The uplift of the mountain range was highly asymmetric and predominantly concentrated along the sub-Tatra fault forming the southern boundary of the area. It led to the overall northward tilting of the range, deep exhumation of the southern flank and evolution of a prominent fault scarp forming the southern boundary of the mountains (Fig. 1). The current seismicity of the Tatra Mountains is rather marginal with historical earthquakes reaching maximum moment magnitudes (Mw) of-4.5-5.5 (Pagaczewski, 1972). 2.2. Last glaciation of the Tatra Mountains Alongside the Late Neogene/Quaternary uplift, repeated glaciations during the Pleistocene were among the most important factors affecting the current topography of the Tatra Mountains (Lukniš, 1973). Situated midway between the Scandinavian and Alpine ice sheets, the Tatra Mountains was the most glaciated mountain area in central Europe during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (between 26.5 and 20-19 ka, Clark et al., 2009). The region hosted 55 glacier systems, which occupied a total of 280 km2 and some individual glaciers reached lengths >13 km (Fig. 1). The largest glaciers attained thicknesses of up to 400 m (Zasadni and Klapyta, 2014). 36C1 and 10Be ages of moraines Liptovský Mikuláš 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Fig. 1. Schematic geological map of the Tatra Mountains after Nemcok et al. (1994) with marked dated RSFs and extent of glaciation during the LGM Legend: 1 — tonalite to granodiorite rocks (Carboniferous-Permian), 2 — granite rocks (Carboniferous-Permian), 3 — quartzite, sandstone and shale rods (Triassic), 4 — amphibolite, migmatite and gneiss rods (Paleozoic), 5 — shale, sandstone, limestone, dolomite and hornblende rods (Middle-Upper Triassic), 6 — conglomerate, sandstone, marlstone, shale, calcareous-claystone and claystone flysch rods (Cretaceous-Paleogene), 7 — limestone, dolomite and hornblende rods (Triassic), 8 — limestone, sandstone, sandstone-limestone rocks (Triassic-Late Jurassic), 9 — layers of carbonate claystone, hornblende and marlstone rods (Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous), 10 — conglomerate, sandstone, limestone, breccia and claystone rods (Paleogene), 11 — faults, 12 — towns and munidpalities, 13 — state border, 14 — mountain peaks, 15 — studied areas, 16 — LGM glaciers according to Zasadni and Klapyta (2014). 54 W 3000-, Fig. 2. Position of studied RSFs within west-east oriented swath profile of the Tatra Mountains showing mean slope gradient (°) and maximum, minimum and mean elevation. and glacially polished surfaces throughout the mountains revealed that the local LGM took place between -26 and 21.0-20.5 ka (Makos et al., 2014; Engel et al., 2015) with a suggested local maximum extent of Velká and Malá Valleys palaeoglacier -22.0 ka (Engel et al., 2015). The last cirque glaciers disappeared after -11 ka (Makos et al., 2012, 2013; Engel et al., 2015). The strong imprint of repeated Pleistocene glacia-tions is reflected in the abundance of glacial landforms such as latero-terminal moraine loops, U-shape troughs, cirques, glacier trimlines and oversteepened rock slopes. The eastern part of the Tatra Mountains is dominated by rock relief with arétes, pyramidal peaks and horns forming the highest peaks of the area. Besides glacial phenomena, common features are relict rock glaciers infilling valleys especially in the western part of the mountains (Němčok and Mahr, 1974; Klapyta, 2013). 2.3. RSFs in the Tatra Mountains Distribution of RSFs throughout the area is well known from the studies of Lukniš (1973); Mahr and Němčok (1977), and Němčok (1982). Slope deformations, involving mainly deep-seated "sackung"-type deformations of mountain ridges, rockfalls, landslides, debris flows and rock avalanches are frequent phenomena in the Tatra Mountains. However, in comparison with some other European high-mountain areas (e.g. the Alps, Pyrenees, Apennines, Scandinavian Mountains), RSFs in the Tatra Mountains reach only modest sizes with the majority of accumulations in orders of 103-105 m3. Mass movements affect predominantly oversteepened rock slopes and thick unconsolidated glacial deposits. As demonstrated by Kalvoda (1994), zones of mylonitized and tectonically weakened granodiorites are especially prone to RSF. This is well reflected along the tectonic zone of the sub-Tatra fault, where numerous major RSF accumulations originated at the intersections of the southern boundary fault slope with N-S trending glacial valleys (Lukniš, 1973). Special attention was paid to the description of major accumulations of RSFs, such as the largest rock avalanche accumulation in the Koprová valley (-8 x 106 m3 according to Lukniš, 1973) or rockfalls at the lower terminations of the Velká and Malá Studená valleys (Lukniš, 1973; Němčok, 1982). Although none of the RSFs have been hitherto dated in the Tatra Mountains, it was expected by some authors that the majority of failures took place just after the deglaciation at the beginning of the Holocene (Kotarba and Dtugosz, 2010). 3. Methods 3.1. Selection of study sites Six representative RSFs from the Slovakian part of the Tatra Mountains were selected for 10Be dating and geomorphic/kinematic analysis. All of the sites are situated within the lithologically homogenous grano-diorite bedrock. In order to include RSFs from diversified types of topography, we dated localities both from the Western and Eastern (High) Tatra Mountains (Fig. 2). Two sites (Salatin and Koprová) are situated in the western part of the mountains with less pronounced local relief and gentler slope gradient, and four of them (Malá Studená, Velká Studená, Zamkovského and Hrebienok) at the eastern part of the mountains with oversteepened rock slopes (Fig. 2). Four RSFs from the High Tatra Mountains are situated in the Velká and Malá Studená dolina Valleys (glacial troughs), for which detailed, post-LGM deglaciation history has recently been established by (Engel et al., 2015). These sites thus provide a scope for comparison of the local deglaciation chronology and associated rock slope collapses within particular sections of the glacial troughs. As distinguishing between RSFs and glacial moraines can be somewhat ambiguous, we selected for dating only the most typical landforms (e.g. with pronounced head scarps) and followed criteria for RSFs identification proposed by Hewitt (1999). 32. Geomorphic mapping and kinematic analysis of slope failures The main information about the geomorphological context of selected RSFs situated in the High Tatra Mountains was derived from the existing "Geomorphological map of the High Tatra Mountains" published in the scale of 1:50,000 by Lukniš (1968). In order to recognize principal landform assemblages in detail, we performed geomorphic mapping for the surrounding area of each studied RSF. The main aim was to find the most suitable sites for 10Be exposure dating and obtain information regarding types of slope failures and their relationships with adjacent landforms, with a special focus on glacial landforms and deposits. Field GPS mapping was supported by the interpretation of aerial photographs and a photogrametrically derived digital elevation model (5-m grid DEM), which was launched by the EUROSENSE-group in 1998-2009 and finally updated in 2012. Mass movement products were classified according to the landslide classification of Cruden and Varnes (1996) and Hungr et al. (2014). Volumes and other metrics of RSFs were derived from the 5-m DEM, locally corrected by field measurements. 55 For better understanding of relationships between the bedrock structure and RSFs, extensive structural measurements of discontinuities (dip and dip directions; in total >1500 measurements) and kinematic analysis were performed throughout the head scarp areas of four RSFs (Salatín, Koprová, Zamkovského and Hrebienok). Kinematic analysis (e.g. Wyllie and Mah, 2004; Brideau et al., 2006, 2011; Stead et al., 2006) using Dips 6.0 software (Rocscience, 2014) was performed to determine possible failure modes (i.e. sliding, toppling or wedge failure). Because of the lack of information about real friction angles, two different values of

1 m above the surrounding surface. In order to minimize the possibility of sampling younger rockfalls, we sampled boulders situated in the terminal part of accumulations far from steep rock slopes. All samples for exposure dating were collected by chiselling the upper surfaces of quartz-rich granodiorite boulders. The thickness of the samples, topographic shielding and overall geometry (dip, height etc.) of the sampled surfaces were recorded. The collected samples were distributed to two AMS facilities. The Salatín samples SalAl-3 were analysed by the XCAMS facility at GNS Science, New Zealand (Zondervan et al., in press). All the others were analysed by ASTER, the French Accelerator Mass Spectrometry National Facility located in Aix en Provence. The methodologies for processing and measuring the samples at these laboratories are very similar. We proceed by describing the methods followed by the French facility and only significant deviations by the XCAMS facility are mentioned. After collection, the samples are crushed, sieved and cleaned with a mixture of HC1 and H2SiF6. The extraction method for 10Be (T,/2 = 1-387 ± 0.012 Ma; Korschinek et al., 2010; Chmeleff et al., 2010) involves isolation and purification of quartz and elimination of meteoric 10Be. After physical pretreatment, the XCAMS facility applied the following sequence of chemistry to extract pure quartz: 'hotdog rolling' of the sample material in 10% HC1, in a 5% HF + 3.5% HN03 mixture, in pyrophosphoric acid, and in a hot H2S04 + HN03 mixture. A weighed amount (-0.1 g) of a 3025 ppm solution of 9Be was added to the decontaminated quartz. Beryllium was subsequently separated from the solution by successive anionic and cationic resin extraction and precipitation. The final precipitates were dried and heated to 800 °C to obtain BeO, and finally mixed with niobium powder prior to the measurements. The beryllium data were calibrated directly against the National Institute of Standards and Technology beryllium standard reference material N1ST SRM4325 by using an assigned value of (2.79 ± 0.03) -lCT11. The XCAMS facility used 10Be standard 01-5-1 with an assigned value of2.709 ■ 10~11 (Nishiizumi et al., 2007). Age uncertainties include AMS internal variability (<0.5%), an external AMS uncertainty of 0.5% (Arnold et al., 2010), blank correction and lcruncer-tainties. Long-term measurements of chemically processed blanks yield the ratios in the order of (3.0 ± 1.5) ■ 10"15 for 10Be. The XCAMS analysis involved correcting for the processing blank using a single analysis: (1.7 ± 0.6) ■ 105 at 10Be. A sea-level, high-latitude spallation production of 4.03 ± 0.18 at-g-1 yr.-1 was used and scaled for latitude (Stone, 2000) and elevation. This production rate is a weighted mean of the calibrated production rates in the Northern Hemisphere (Balco et al., 2009; Fenton et al., 2011; Goehring et al., 2012; Briner et al., 2012). All the individual production rates have been corrected relative to a 10Be half-life of 1.387 Ma. The surface production rates were also corrected for the local slope and topographic shielding due to the surrounding terrain following Dunne et al. (1999). Cosmic rays exposure ages were calculated using the equation: ' spall. +-i=- 1 — exp<^ —t An A 1— exp<^ —t where C(x, £, t) is the nuclide concentration as a function of depth x (g.cm~2), Cthe denudation rate (g.cm_2.a_1), A. the radioactive decay constant (a-1), and t the exposure time (a). Pspall and are the relative production rates due to neutrons and muons, respectively. An, A^are the effective apparent attenuation lengths (g.cm~2), for neutrons and muons, respectively. The muon scheme follows Braucher et al. (2011). Multiple exposure ages obtained for a given accumulation were examined using a chi-square (x2) test and outliers were excluded from the dataset. Final datasets were used to calculate the error-weighted mean exposure age for a given accumulation. Exclusion of the negative and positive outliers (anomalies) to constrain ages of RSF accumulations is described and discussed in Ballantyne et al. (2013). Retrospective evaluation of negative anomalies identified at the Salatin and Hrebinok sites suggests block emplacement and toppling, respectively, after the main RSF events. Unless otherwise noted, all ages are reported as results of10Be dating. 4. Results 4.1. Geomorphology and relative age constraints of RSFs The main characteristics of dated RSFs are presented in Table 1. Their landform assemblages are shown in geomorphic sketches (Fig. 3) and selected field photographs (Fig. 4). We focus especially on their 56 Íl 500 m 1 I» trimlines LGM J >20 ka 1111 II III (aj RSF scarp, (b) front of RSF accumulation RSF accumulation with location of '°Be dated samples talus slope a\ä b*. (a) debris flow fan, (bj debris flow track (a) river channel, (b) waterfall (a) floodplain, (b) impounded floodplain hi J * Ijjj » rock glacier fault scarp Fig. 3. Geomorphic maps denoting spatial context of studied RSFs and position of 10Be-dated boulders. Aerial photographs with 50-m contours used as a background draped over 5-m grid shaded relief (A — Salatín; B — Koprová; C — Velká Studená; D — Malá Studená; E — Zamkovského and Hrebienok). (i) overall geomorphic position, (ii) morphological and depositional peculiarities and (iii) relative timing. All but one of the RSFs are situated on steep slopes of glacial troughs, one case (the Salatín RSF) occupies a cirque headwall (Fig. 3). Three RSFs (Koprová, Hrebienok, Zamkovského) are situated in the lowermost parts of troughs, at the mouths of valleys to the mountain piedmont (Figs. 3B, E). Two RSFs (Salatín and Koprová) are nested on slopes affected by deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (sackungen), suggesting prolonged evolution and possible recurrent behaviour of failures (Figs. 3A and B). All studied RSFs disrupt the LGM glacier trimline and some of them presumably also overlie coeval moraines (Koprová, Hrebienok; Fig. 5), which suggest their post-LGM age. In the case of the Salatín rock avalanche, its accumulation lobe is deposited on the rock glacier surface, causing its folding and the origin of crescen-tic mounds close to the front of the rock avalanche (Figs. 3A and 4A, B). Considering the morphology of both depletion and accumulation zones together with runout parameters, volume and character of RSF material (Table 1; Figs 3 and 4), the studied failures can be classified as rock avalanches (i.e. lobate morphology, long runout, highly fragmented material; Koprová and Salatín RSFs) or rockfalls (i.e. accumulation consisting of chaotic boulders, limited runout, predominance of block-sized fractions; Velká Studená, Malá Studená and Hrebienok RSFs). The Zamkovského RSF, where the majority of accumulation is arrested on the slope, is consistent with characteristics typical for rockslides (Table 1; Figs. 3E, 4G and H). Only the Koprová RSF can be considered to be a typical rock avalanche, exceeding the nominal threshold volume of 1 x 106 m3 proposed e.g. by Hsu (1975) or Hungr et al. (2001). The total volume of the largest RSF in the Tatra Mts. (calculated by using the 5-m-DEM) is -5.4 x 106 m3 (Table 1). The internal morphology of the RSFs indicates that except for the Koprová and Hrebienok RSFs, the studied failures originated as single events. In the case of the Koprová rock avalanche, two overlapping lobes (volumes for the lower/older and overlying younger are -3.8 x 106 m3 and-1.6 x 106m3, respectively) suggest that it originated as a polyphase failure with two generations of rock avalanches (Table 1; Figs. 3B and 5). As for the Hrebienok rockfall, the complex morphology of the accumulation zone with several longitudinal lobes together with a head scarp consisting of several chutes also indicate that this accumulation might have originated during multiple rockfall events (Figs. 3E and 4F). Another RSF, which was likely preceded by multiple failures, is the Salatín RSF. Although the accumulation of the Salatín rock avalanche originated as a single event, the volume of its head scarp (-2 x 106 m3) contradicts the estimated volume of the rock avalanche deposit, which is about 0.3 x 106 m3 (Table 1, Figs. 3A and 4A). Such a Table 1 Main characteristics of dated RSFs. Rock slope failure/used acronym RSF area RSF aspect Volume Vertical Length (km2) (103 m3 range (m) (m) Fahrböschung (after Hsü (1975)) n RSF classification" Characteristics Source area Debris zone Salatin/Sal 0.14 NE 300 397 750 Koprová (whole failure)/Kopr 0.46 ESE Koprová 1st generation/Koprl 0.22** ESE Koprová 2nd generation/Kopr2 0.09 ** ESE Velká Studená/VelSt Malá Studená/MalSt Zamkovského/Zamk Hrebienok/Hreb 0.17 NE 0.05 NE 0.23 SW 0.13 NE 5400 545 1100 3800 545 1100 1600 500 900 700 535 800 200 260 700 900 400 900 300 300 500 27.9 26.4 26.4 29.1 33.ř 20.4 29.7 31.0 Rock avalanche Rock avalanche Rock avalanche Rock avalanche Rockfall Rockfall Rockfall Rockslide Amphitheatre-shaped headscarp with missing volume (-106 m3) significantly exceeding volume of debris accumulation; pronounced sackung scarps above the source area; strongly disrupted and tectonically weakened granodiorite bedrock (joint spacing -5-10 cm). Amphitheatre-shaped headscarp partly covered by talus; sackung scarps above the source area; partly predisposed by slope-parallel joint sets (dip -50°); unstable rock face in the middle part of the headscarp is a potential source for recent rockfalls. It cannot be distinguished between source areas of 1st and 2nd generations of RSFs. It cannot be distinguished between source areas of 1st and 2nd generations of RSFs. Formed by the narrow wedge-like rock chute originated at the intersection of two joint sets; source area for numerous minor rockfalls. Formed by slope-parallel discontinuity plane. Facetted rock face predisposed by slope-parallel joint plane (dip -45°); close vicinity to major sub-Tatra fault Nearly vertical rock face disrupted by toppled rock pilars and chutes formed by the intersection of joint sets; close vicinity to major sub-Tatra fault, active toppling and minor rockfalls. Lobate accumulation with steep front deforms adjacent rock glacier forming compressional structures; only a few boulders protrude above the grassy surface. Large bouldery accumulation organized into two vertical steps revealing the older and younger generations of RSF. At least 40 m thick bouldery accumulation with pronounced steep front; formerly dammed valley floor. Rises with the steep front above the surface of the 1 st generation of RSF; partly covered by talus. Lobate accumulation with steep front formed mainly by large boulders (some of them > 15 m in longer axis); substantial part of the accumulation covered by the younger talus cone. Lobate accumulation with steep front formed mainly by large boulders, partly covered by talus. Accumulation formed mainly by large boulders (some of them > 15 m in longer axis); without pronounced longitudinal lobes and steepened frontal part Accumulation formed mainly by large boulders (up to 5-10 m in the longer axis); pronounced longitudinal lobes and steepened frontal part Only accumulation zone. **In accordance with classifications of Cruden and Varnes (1996) and Hungr et al. (2014). 58 Fig. 4. Photographs of studied RSFs. A — Overall view of the Salatin rock avalanche. B — Google Earth image of the accumulation of the Salatin rock avalanche with deformed rock glacier at the forefield. C — Head scarp of the polyphase Koprová rock avalanche. D — Boulder accumulation of the Velká Studená rockfall partly overlain by talus deposits. E — Malá Studená rockfall situated in close vicinity of the -15.5 ka moraine (Engel et al., 2015). F — Accumulation of the Hrebienok rockfall with several longitudinal lobes. G — Overall view of the Zamkovského rockslide with structurally-predisposed head scarp. H — Detailed view of large boulders within the accumulation of the Zamkovského rockslide. discrepancy can be explained by multiple Late Pleistocene rock avalanches/rockfalls from the same source area, whereas only the youngest one persists in the recent landscape. The older generations of failures were probably removed by glacial erosion and/or consumed by the exceptionally large rock glacier that fills the cirque bottom of the Salatinska dolina Valley (Figs. 3A and 4B). 42. Kinematics of RSFs Geomorphic observations of landforms and structures (e.g. sackung-type features) in their depletion zones suggest that the mechanism of both RSFs from the western part of the Tatra Mountains (Salatin and Koprová rock avalanches) was rather complex. Kinematic analysis 59 Aj NW sackung UOOma.s.l. / features . Fig.C SE unstable rock mass 1 st generation of RA Fig.F, Koprový creek 1120ma.s.l. Fig. 5. Polyphase Koprova rock avalanche which once dammed the Koprovsky brook valley (according to drilling, the accumulation thickness overlying the valley floor was more than 40 m) (Luknis, 1973). A — Cross-section with schematic representation of geological structure (inserted stereonet shows poles of main discontinuity sets in the head scarp area). B — Recent secondary reactivation of rockfall within the head scarp area utilized by slope-parallel joint set C — Sackung scarp above the head scarp area. D — Outflow of water from the down-valley side of the rock avalanche dam. Significant amount of water from the adjacent Koprovsky brook is infiltrated into the rock avalanche material. E — Large boulders forming carapace of the rock avalanche accumulation. F — Exposure within the boulder/clast-supported accumulation of the rock avalanche. reveals that the structural and topographic conditions of the Salatin rock avalanche do not favour any simple failure mode (i.e. planar, toppling or wedge type). Only if we assume

3.8ka immediately or with the time lag of max. few ka Older event took place just before deglaciation (emplacement on glacier surface) Both preparatory and triggering factor Triggering factor-seismicity related to postglacial rebound Triggering factor only for few oldest rock avalanches Triggering factor for older event "Beand36Cl 18.2-1.2 ka -15.7-0.7 ka -19 ka followed by younger one at -15.6 ka -10 ka followed by younger one at -1.5 ka -7.4 ka -15.5-0.5 ka i.9 ka 95% of RSFs originated -5400 years after deglaciation, with peak RSF activity 1600-1700 years after deglaciation Oldest events are nearly coeval with deglaciation which took place 14-11 ka First event is coeval with LGM deglaciation First event is coeval with deglaciation Triggering factor Triggering factor - majority of RSFs caused by seismicity related to postglacial rebound Triggering factor only for few oldest rockslides Triggering factor -4 ka Preparatory factor Except of one event coeval with glacier Preparatory factor withdrawal, other RSFs originated at least 1-2 ka after deglaciation >4.4 ka -13 ka -4.5 ka -15.8-9.2 ka 8.5-6.5 ka -13-12.5 ka -9ka -3ka -7ka Both rock avalanches collapsed immediately or with a time lag of max few ka -2-4 ka -1-1.5 ka -5ka Preparatory factor Preparatory factor Preparatory factor Triggering factor Preparatory factor Preparatory factor Preparatory factor 1 Preparatory factors involve especially debutressing glacial erosion, sheet jointing, static fatigue and some climatic influences. As for the triggering factors, most likely are debutressing, sheet jointing, seismicity related to post-glacial rebound and climatic effects (McColl, 2012). 2 RSF is nearly coeval with two nearby situated giant Kofels (9.8 ka; 3.3 km3) and Kandertal (9.6 ka; 0.8 km3) rock avalanches. 64 (Fig. 8). Therefore, among hitherto published cases of dated paraglacial RSFs (e.g. Soldati et al., 2004; Cossart et al., 2008; Prager et al., 2008; Mercier et al., 2013; Ballantyne et al., 2014a, 2014b), our results from the Velká and Malá Studená dolina Valleys represent quite rare examples of a nearly immediate response by RSFs to ice retreat (Table 4). As demonstrated by Prager et al. (2008) and Ballantyne et al. (2014a, 2014b), the majority of paraglacial RSFs respond to glacier retreat with a millennial time lag, revealing the long-term nature of stress relaxation within the rock mass and/or delayed crustal rebound and accompanied seismic activity due to the isostatic uplift of deglaciated terrains. It seems that our discussed examples from the eastern part of the Tatra Mountains do not fit this scenario and originated directly either due to the loss of glacier ice support and related debutressing or paraglacial fracturing of oversteepened rock walls, i.e. their trigger was directly related to paraglacial processes (compare e.g. McColl, 2012). In comparison with other European mountains (e.g. the Scottish Highlands, European Alps, Scandinavian Mountains) where a substantial number of RSFs post-date Younger Dryas (12.9-11.7 b2k, Rasmussen et al., 2014), major RSFs in the eastern part of the Tatra Mountains predate this period due to the limited extent of glaciers which occupied only the uppermost parts of glacial troughs and cirques within the Younger Dryas (Engel et al., 2015). Although two dated RSFs (Salatin and Koprová) in the Western Tatra Mountains are not supported by local deglaciation chronology, their location in glacier valleys close to the High Tatra Mountains allows for tentative timing of RSFs (Fig. 1; Makos et al., 2012, 2013, 2014). As for the Koprová rock avalanche, it originated close to the LGM terminal moraine of the Koprovský potok Valley. Terminal moraines of the nearby Mlynická and Velická dolina Valleys were stabilized according to Makos et al. (2014) between 20 and 18 ka ago, therefore if we take into account the age of the first rock avalanche event of the Koprová RSF (-14.4 ka), it originated at least -4-6 ka following the glacier withdrawal. The second rock avalanche event (-10.2 ka), which took place in the same source area, post-dated the presence of a glacier by more than -8-10 ka. Estimation of the time lag for the Salatin rock avalanche which collapsed from the cirque headwall in the uppermost part of the valley is more uncertain. However, if we assume that this area was occupied by a small glacier during the Younger Dryas period, the delay of RSF was -1 ka, considering that the final deglaciation of similar positions in other parts of the Tatra Mountains is dated to -11 ka (Makos et al., 2012; Engel etal., 2015). The pronounced time lag of these three RSF events following deglaciation in the Western Tatra Mountains suggests that these collapses were not directly driven by paraglacial stress release. Although glacial processes prepared the topography for subsequent collapses, their triggers were likely related to climatic factors (Soldati et al., 2004; Prager et al., 2008), or alternatively RSFs originated due to the progressive weakening of the rock mass (Hancox et al., 1999; McColl, 2012). Rock avalanche events in the Koprová site and the Salatin rock avalanche can be well correlated with major climatic changes. The first Koprová rock avalanche (-14.4 ka) postdates the beginning of regional warming -15 ka, correlating with the onset of the Bolling-Allerod chronozone (Blockley et al., 2012; Lischke et al., 2013). Similarly, the second Koprová rock avalanche (-10.2 ka) and the Salatin rock avalanche (-10.1 ka) probably followed the onset of the Holocene (suggested as abrupt warming at 11,320 b2k - Kobashi et al., 2008; Rasmussen et al., 2014) (Fig. 9). Both climate deteriorations are documented by proxy data in Central Europe, such as pollen (Feurdean et al., 2014), speleothem (Hercman, 2000) or fluvial (Starkel et al., 2006) records, supporting the existence of a warmer and more humid climate in the Western Carpathians. Besides hydrometeorological extremes, these rock avalanche events might also be triggered by permafrost degradation, presumably accelerated during warmer climatic conditions (McColl, 2012; Claude et al., 2014). Minor instabilities (e.g., small rockfalls and debris flows) from steep head scarps have likely continued for the whole Holocene, which is evidenced also by two negative anomalies (too young boulders) in our dataset. 52. Volume, structural settings, terrain conditions and genesis of RSFs Despite the high quantity of slow-moving, deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the Western Tatra Mountains (Němčok, 1982), catastrophic RSFs in the Tatra Mountains are relatively scarce in comparison with other high mountain areas and reach only a limited size. Although Lukniš (1973) estimated the volume of the largest RSF in the area (the Koprová rock avalanche) as -8 x 106 m3, our result suggests a more limited volume of-5.4 x 106 m3 (Table 1). Even this, the largest RSF in the Tatra Mts., is at least an order of magnitude smaller than the largest RSFs documented in topographically similar mountains, including the Northern Calcareous Alps (Prager et al., 2008), Apennines (Bianchi Fasani et al., 2014), Pyrenees (Jarman et al., 2014) and Scandinavian Mountains (Blikra et al., 2006). The main reason is the predominance of granitoid rocks in the Tatra Mountains, which are characterized by overall high rock mass strength (Selby, 1993). The scarcity of RSFs within granitoid domains has also been reported from other mountain areas (Crosta et al., 2013; Ballantyne et al., 2014a, 2014b; Jarman et al., 2014). Therefore it is not surprising that major RSFs in the Tatra Mountains are concentrated in zones of substantially weakened rock mass, such as major tectonic faults (Koprová, Zamkovského and Hrebienok RSFs), slopes deformed by long-term deep-seated creep (Salatin and Koprová RSFs), or originated on exposed kinematically feasible discontinuity sets and their intersections (Velká Studená and Malá Studená RSFs). The structural settings and geomorphic positions of individual RSFs likely influenced their chronological responses to glacier retreat. RSFs with immediate responses to deglaciation are situated in the highest and steepest parts of the Tatra Mountains, where slopes are probably close to their threshold conditions (Fig. 2). According to the "threshold hillslopes" concept (Montgomery, 2001), even a slight change of slope geometry (esp. steepening, increasing slope height, etc.) leads to fast landsliding and establishment of new stability. The abrupt reaction of rock slopes to changed stability conditions in the highest parts of the Tatra Mountains was additionally facilitated by the presence of kinematically feasible discontinuity sets which were exposed by glacier erosion. Resulting slope failures were thereafter detached as kinematically relatively simple failures (planar, wedge or toppling) and in most cases collapsed as rockfalls. The delayed RSFs from the Western Tatra Mountains are situated in different topographic settings, with gentler hillslopes and their relationship with the bedrock structure is more complex. Furthermore, both RSFs have their source areas situated within deep-seated gravitational slope deformations, which indicate prolonged stress relaxation within the rock massif and perhaps a recurrent nature of slope failures (see e.g. Böhme etal. (2013); Barth (2014)). 6. Conclusion Cosmogenic age constraints on major RSFs in the Tatra Mountains show that slope collapses originated in close coincidence with paraglacial conditions following the Late Pleistocene deglaciation. Weighted mean ages of RSFs range between 20.2 ±1.2 and 10.1 ± 0.3 ka. Nevertheless, the time response of an individual RSF in respect to the withdrawal of glaciers, and thus the mechanisms of how ice retreat influenced the instability of rock slopes, was rather complex. RSFs situated in the threshold-hillslope domain of the highest part of the mountains originated mostly a few hundred years after the deglaciation of particular valley sections, implying that glacially-conditioned stress release (debutressing, paraglacial fracturing, etc.) was probably the main factor of slope instabilities. The immediate response of such failures was likely facilitated by local structural predisposition and relatively simple kinematics. The cases described from the western part of the mountains (involving the largest event, -5.4 x 106 m3 Koprová 65 5,80(%o) NGRIP -40 -35 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 re