FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies chapter 2. Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková Přírodovědecká fakulta & CEITEC, Masarykova univerzita, Brno lenkaz@physics.muni.cz spring semester 2017 Central European Institute of Technology ^ U*I# i BRNO | CZECH REPUBLIC ^*SL*f^ FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: arbon Nanotubes • 2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes • 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes • 2.3 Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes • 2.4 Properties of CNTs • 2.5 Carbon Nanotube-Based Nano-Objects • 2.6 Potential and Current Applications FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 3/50 2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 4/50 sp2-C valence orbitals: Potential energy 1 sp2 hybridization 111 77 2Px 2^ 2Pz ■} ■> ~> p sp1 sp- sp1 r sp- sp' unhybridized p orbital 0 sp" orbitals Bonds: ► one valence electron in pure p state creates 7r-bond by sideways overlapp of atomic orbitals ► other three electrons in sp2 hybrid orbitals (combination of 1 /3s and 2/3p) create cr-bonds by head-to-head overlapps - trigonal planar bonding directions with angles of 120( sp' 0 sideways overlap 0 head to head overlap 0 sideways overlap C a a 2 SP' sigma bond pi bond FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 5/50 Various ways to roll graphene into tubes are mathematically defined by the vector of helicity (chirality vector) Ch, _L to the tube axis, and the angle of helicity (chiral angle) 0 OA= Ch = na^ + ma2 aV3 _ a _ where a = 2.46 Á and a2 COSc9 = aVŠ ^ a ^ -x--y 2n+ m 2\Jn2 + m2 + nm (a) armchair m = n, i. e. || to any C=C bonds -here (5,5) (b) zigzag m = 0, i. e. C/, J_ to any C=C bonds -here (9,0) (c) m / n chiral (n,m) - here (10,5) Nanotube tips contain C atoms also in pentagonal rings (hemi-fullerene) - 6 x 5 = 30 atoms (for ideal SWCNTs) chemical reactivity will be highly favored at the tube tips (at pentagonal rings) FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: .1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 6/50 Single-wall nanotubes - diameter, sp2C bond deformation Diameter D is related to the vector of chirality Ch where the C=C bond length is elongated by the curvature imposed 1.41 A ^ 1.44 A (graphite) L=L (Qo) The C=C bond angles are not plannar hybridization is not pure sp2 (some degree of sp3) - same effect as in fullerene C60 molecule (radius 0.35 nm, bonds have 10% sp3 character). •-XTca- Bond deformation induces variable overlapping of energy bands (unique and versatile electronic behaviour), perhaps also a bit more reactive than planar graphene? D = Čh I aCc \/3(n2 + m2 + nm) 7T 7T FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 7/50 Single-wall nanotubes - ropes Fig. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy images of a SWNT rope, (a) Longitudinal view. An isolated single SWNT also appears at the top of the image, (b) Cross-sectional view Fig, Image of two neighboring chiral SWNTs within a SWNT bundle as seen using high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: .1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 8/50 Multi-wall nanotubes Fi g. 3. & H igh-reso lut io u transm iss ion e Lection m icroscop) image {Lougitudi na I view\ of n concentric muLtiwall carboi nanotube (c-MWNT) prepared using an elecuic ait. 'J'Jie insert shows a sketch of tJie Russian doll-Like arrange mem of graphenes Fig. 3.6a,b Sonne of l lie earliest high-resolution trans missIon electron microscopy images of a herringbone {and bamboo) muitiwall uanotulw {bh-MWNT. longitudinal view) prepared by CO dlí pro-port Ionat Ion on he-Co catalyst, (a) As-grown. 71le nanotube surface is made of free grapJtene edges, (b) After 2900 "C beat treatment. Both the IwrriiigboLie and the bamboo textures have become obvious. Graplieue edges from the surface Jiavc buckled Willi Uicli1 neighbors {nrn>wl closing off access to the LutergrapJiene space Fig. 3.7a,b Transmission elecUou microscopy images from bamboo mult [wall nanotubes {longitudinal views). (a) Low magnification of a foaiiül>i>ivlieiTiiigL>oiie multiwall nanotube {bh-MWNT) showing tlie nearly periodic nature of die texture, which occurs very frequently {from [3.1 ft]); (b) High-resolution image of a bamboo-concentric multi-wall iianotube{bc-M WNT) {modified from [3.19]) Fig. 3.S Sketchentpiaiiiing the various parameter's obtaLied from high-resolution {lattice fringe mode) trans miss ion electron microscopy used to quantify nanotexture: L\ is tlie average length of perfect {distortion-free) graphenes of coliereut areas; N is tlie number of pi led-up giaphenes in coJiereut {distoilion-free) areas; L2 is tlie average length of continuous though distorted grapJieues within grapJtene stacks; is tlie average distortion angle. L\ and jV are related to tlie La and L1: values obtained from X-ray diffraction FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: .2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 9/50 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ► Various methods - need of controlling purity, structural quality and chirality (for SWCNTs) ► How to understand the mechanism of nanotube nucleation and growth? - still controversial subject ► Not only carbon involved: aside from c-MWCNTs derived from electric arc (catalyst-free), nanotubes are frequently found to be associated with the catalyst crystals from which they are formed ► 2.2.1 Solid Carbon Source - Based Synthesis of CNTs ► 2.2.2 Gaseous Carbon Source-Based Production Techniques FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 10/50 2.2.1 Solid carbon source - based synthesis of CNTs four solid carbon source - based techniques ► laser ablation ► dc electric arc ► three-phase ac arc plasma ► solar energy =>- high temperature (1000 K < T < 6000 K) is common feature but morphologies of carbon nanostructures and the SWCNTs yields can differ notably Before CNTs, production of fullerenes: ► laser vaporization of graphite -1 st method for C60 ► electric arc - 1st method for production of fullerenes in relatively large quantities Methods that helped to discover CNTs: ► 1991, lijima, catalyst-free formation of c-MWCNTs by electric arc ► 1993, lijima+lchihashi and independently Bethune, attempts to fill MWCNTs with metal =>- transition metals introduced as part of electrode accidentally discovered SWCNTs FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: .2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 11/50 Laser ablation - experimental devices Furnace During the interaction between the laser beam and the material, numerous phenomena occur at the same time and/or follow each other within the certain time period. It is sensitive to ► characteristics of laser beam, ► incoming power density (fluence), ► nature of target, ► surrounding environment. Two types are currently used ► pulsed laser ► laser operating in continous mode (generally smaller fluence) Furnace Graphite target Fig. 3.9 Sketch of an early laser vaporization apparatus Graphite pellet with catalyst is placed in the middle of a quartz tube filled with inert gas and placed in oven (1200 °C). Pellet is vaporized, carbon species swept by a flow and deposited as soot in different regions (conical water-cooled copper collector, tueb walls, backside of the pellet) FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: .2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 12/50 Pump W Fimiace I Graphite I taraet Optical pyrometer yšž^lj Filter Silica pipe Fig. 3.9 Sketch of an early laser vaporization apparatus some improvements: ► second pulsed laser -evaporation of coarse aggregates ► peller on revolving system for uniform heating ► two pellets (graphite and catalyst separately) Continuous C02 laser Water cooled chamber Gas injector continuous C02 laser (10.6 /xm), power 100-1600 W, control of pellet T - pyrometer, gas is heated by contact with pellet - external furnace unnecessary, products taken by gas flow and collected on filter FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: .2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 13/50 ► without catalyst: soot contains mainly c-MWCNTs, length up to 300 nm, quantity and quality depend on oven T (best at 1200 °C, lower T yields deffective MWCNTs). ► with catalyst (transition metal like Ni, Co), a few percent or less: SWCNTs, yield depends on catalyst and increases with T, uniform diameter, rope-like crystals with diameter 5-20nm (see fig) Fig. 3.11 Low-magnification TEM images of a typical raw SWNT material obtained using the laser vaporization technique. The fibrous structures are SWNT bundles, and the dark particles are remnants of the catalyst. Raw SWNT materials obtained from an electric arc exhibit similar features FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 14/50 Electric arc - experimental devices Window ~U Gas inlet Cathode Anode Motor Window uu Vacuum Fig. 3.12 Sketch of an electric arc reactor ► two graphite rods (few mm in diameter) are the electrodes between which the potential is applied ► anode - graphite with catalyst (Fe, Ni, Co, Y etc.) for SWCNTs growth ► inert atmosphere (Ar, He) plasma in carbon and catalyst vapors mixed with inert gas Two types of anode ► graphite anode with a coaxial hole, several cm in length, into which mixture of catalyst and graphite powder is placed (more popular) ► graphite anode within which catalysts are homogeneously dispersed FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 15/50 Electric arc - experimental devices zone 1 - zone 2 zone 2 FIGURE Schematic of MWNT growth in a DC arc. Positively charged graphitic splinters spallated from the anode partially vaporize on the way to the tops of the columns (zone 1). Intense carbon flux above the columns is due to enhanced thermionic emission from zone 1, which produces a high degree of carbon vapor ionization. Carbon density above the columns is further increased by circular convection of helium. Nanotubes grow in dense gas near the cathode surface from low-molecular carbon species and precipitate in zone 1 and zone 2 with their axes oriented preferentially parallel to the surface. This orientation is held constant in as-produced deposit core in both zone 2 and the nanotube braid of the column [1]. SWCNTs deposited in different regions ► collaret (formed around cathode) ► weblike deposit above the cathode ► soot all around reactor walls and the bottom MWCNTs are formed in a hard cathode deposit under the cathode whether catalysts are used or not The formation of collaret and web is not systematic and depends on exp. conditions. Cathode deposit and soot are obtained consistenly. Products do not consist solely of CNTs (see table on next page): carbon NPs, fullerene-like structures, poorly organized polyaromatic carbons, nearly amorphous carbon nanofibers, multiwall shells, single-wall nanocapsules, amorphous carbon ... FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 16/50 Table 3,1 Different carbon morphologies obtained by changing the type of anode, the type of catalyst and tlie pressure in a series of arc discharge experiments [electrode gap = 1 mm) Catalyst (atom%) Arc conditions O.oNi+O.iCo (homogeneous anode) i»~ (SOkPa 7~80A O.tSNi+O.óCo (homogeneous anode) P ~ 40 tPa J~80A 05M+«.5Co P ~ 60 kPa 7~ 80 A 4.2Ni-t-LY i>~ SOkPa J~8*A Soot - MWNT + MWS -POPAC or Cn - catalysis 0 3-35 nm • NANF + catalysts • AC particles -I- catalysts • [DWNT], [SWNT], ropes or isolated. + POPAC « POPAC and AC particles + catalvsts 0~2-2Onm • NANF + catalysts

'-3-35nm • NANT + catalysts


MWNT0 < 35 nm i POPAC and PSWNC particles i [SJFNT\, isolated ex ropes i [Catalysis] 0~3-3Onm SWNT, 0-1.4 mil isolated or ropes 0 < 20nm + AC POPAC and AC particles+catalysis 0 - 3 - 10 - 40 nm + MWS ■ SWNT

- size and number density dependening on film thickness Fiu;. I. SEM microsLrucLnre of Ni par Lides on SlO^/Sl substrate formed by anneal im; of spuLLer deposited N"i film of (a} J.4 nm and (b) ft.fi nm in Lhk'kne^s. FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 25/50 CCVD Involving Thin Film Catalysts M. Jung et al. Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 1235 Fig. 2. Schema!it of horizontal flow reactor tor carbon nanoLube studies of H2/N2/C2H2 mixtures: L :.....■ .. Flj;. j. SEM Tnii:[iisLrin:Ltints uf [be carbon ileptRiils iilz 20 min wilh 2.4 vul.% CiH2 at fiSfi°CaflÉí preLrealmera fůr 1 h in the environ-möÜS of various I ^/(n,, +11,} frati ions: (a} I l_,/(K , + 11 ,} = I); (b) Hí/ÍTÍj + HíJ-Oů; Hí/(I^+Hj)-0-83; and (jD evcnj + H2)-lJQ. ► NPs preparation (contin.): pre-treatment directly in quartz tube, 700-1000 °C heating for 1 hour in various gas environments such as H2, N2 , H2/N2, H2/Ar, H2/NH3 ► CNTs growth: C2H2 added to previous gases (concentration varied from 2.4 to 20 vol.%), 20 min deposition H2 prevents passivation of catalyst mixture influences decomposition kinetics of C2H2 (no growth for 850 °C for H2/(N2+H2)=0.35 but ok for pure H2) Piu;. 5. SEM micnBilruCLures of Lbe deposits fit: 3) min wilh 2.4 V6L% CiHi af Icr preLreaLmenL for 1 h (a) al 75ITC when Hj/GAi + Hi>= 0.35 and (b)aL 9SD°C when Hi/(Nj + H2) - 14 Fig.íi. TEM mitnüiLrutLure of CNTsynthesized wiLh2.4 vül^CjHj after pielrealment tor 1 h aL fi50ůCwhenH1/(N1 + H1)= 1.0. FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 26/50 M. Jungetal. Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 1235 Fig. 7. (a) SEM mimtalrueLures ůf the CNTs synthesized for 20 min with^.l vúl.% C1ll1 after prctreatment for 1 h inNII, environment, (b) 5EM micros! met ures of I he CNTü synthesized for 20 min with 13 j0 voi.% Ci Hj a fie r prel realmen L fur I h in K II.. environment, (c) S CM mirrostruelures of Lhe deposits synthesized fór 20 min with 7.0 voi.% C1H1 after pretrealment for 1 h in the environment of mixture of N, and 11^ environment Illz/(N_, + II 2> = 0.75j. (d)TEM micros! met Lire of the CNTof rig. 7b. ► improvements of CNTs growth for admixed NH3 ► size and density of catalytic NPs did not change but nitrogen is incorporated in Ni particles FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 27/50 CCVD Involving" rhin Film Catalysts pre-heating of the substrate in Ar/H2 plasma, average T = 700 °C Ar/H2 - 1500/570 seem, ŕ = 30 s, Ar/H2 - 1500/430 scem, ŕ = 30 s Fe 10 nm Ar/H2/CH4 - 1500/430/42 scem, ŕ = 30 s Fe 15 nm O. Jašek et al. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 68 (2007) 738 FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 28/50 CCVD Involving Impregnated Catalysts Process generally involves four different and successive steps: 1. impregnation of the support by a solution of a salt (nitrate, chloride) of the chosen metal catalyst; 2. drying and calcination of the supported catalyst to get the oxide of the catalytic metal; 3. reduction in a H2 containing atmosphere to make the catalytic metal particles, 4. the decomposition of a carbon-containing gas over the freshly prepared metal particles that leads to nanotube growth FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 29/50 CCVD Involving Impregnated Catalysts Example of CCVD involving impregnated catalysts from Ph. Mauron etal. Carbon 40 (2002) 1339 ► Step 1 - deposition of iron(lll) nitrate, Fe(N03)3, film: Fe(N03)3/ethanol solutions of different concentrations (7.5-60 mmol/l) spin-coated on Si substrate. The film thickness can be changed by varying the concentrations of Fe(N03)3 solution. ► Step 2 - heating prior to CNTs growth: quartz glass tube evacuated to 10-4 Pa, temperature increased to 650-750 °C (8 min to reach the temperature, kept constant for 10 min), constant flux of N2 (98 seem) introduced to get p = 5 x 104 Pa. Iron oxide clusters were formed by heating the Fe(N03)3-coated substrate according to the reaction: 4Fe(N03)3 2Fe2Os + 12N02 + 302 • .: * '• >-* - V. t 9* % * • t ór« ♦ \: ■ -.v - r: -.• - -. " •" v •. ťc)> ■•• ..v *% » ■ • ■ • * »». _ • • • . • * .. •.. • *..»•». « . lLim.': ; ■ . - . »*** 1 ' V v*. ■ "■'■'■"***»* Fuj. 1. SEM inuigeí íbiitk stirttereJ e-lettruní;) uf Fe,J01 dusters furmed on HÍliaui ^Ľh'-lnilij'-. J'ht i-uhi-l nilc ■■ were c- Phys-90' (2001)'5308 ► Lower process temperature: conventional argument for PECVD over CVD but CNT growth does not require pyrolysis of precursor Hoffman et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. (2003), 135 - carbon nanfibres at 120 °C by dc-PECVD ► Preferential growth of semiconducting SWNTs. Li et al., Nano Lett. (2004), 317 FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 36/50 ► f = 2.45 GHz ► P = 100-400 W ► dual gas flow: ► central channel: Ar (500-1500 seem) ► side channel: CH4l H2, Ar + Fe(CO)5 dual gas flow flowmeters MW Generator quarlz stretcher -plunger N ferrite circulator c water load waveguide gradual transition O 900 800 700 600 waveguide & matching 2 £ 500 ra Q) 400 Q. E 300 B 200 100 H, -S— A CH4 Y Ä Ar 0 H Ar fron pentacarbonyl *—/ blower - - CH4, H2 flow- - controllers opened discharge off i i i . i....... -10 10 time [s] 20 30 FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 37/50 Visualization of Torch Dynamics MW power 210 W, Ar 660 seem side view front view 1st appearance of visible after 29 s plasma channel (front view) Ar/Fe(CO)5 670/1 seem 145sccm Ar/H2/CH4 total video time 30s, camera resolution 1000 frames/s, video resolution 10 frames/s FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 1.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 38/50 SiO ► Ar/H2/CH4 gas feed - 1500/430/42 seem, ► catalytic film - Fe 5 nm, average T = 700 °C ► non-uniform deposition because of gradients of substrate T center average diameter 38 nm edge average diameter 18nm SEI 5.0kV X20.000 1,um WD 9.4i B c 8 B c 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 diameter [nm] 25 35 45 55 65 75 diameter [nm] L. Zajíčková et al. Plasma Process. Polym. 2007, 4, S245-S249 FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 1.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 39/50 growth on Si without barrier layer - some applications require electrical contact to CNTs ► 1500/430/42 seem ► 700 °C, 45 s ► 15nm Fe alignment of CNTs (people) by crowding effect SEI 5.0kV X1.000 10řim WD 8.0mm CNTs deposited without barrier layer exhibit similar density and quality as with Si02 barrier 5.0kV X20.000 L. Zajíčková et al. Pure Appl. Chem. 82(2010) 1259-1272 FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ka Zajíčková 40 / 50 >mpia.inn ► only other method aside from the electric arc that is able to synthesize CNTs without any catalyst ► principle is to deposit the solid carbon coating obtained from the CVD method onto the walls of a porous substrate whose pores are arranged in parallel channels ► feedstock is a hydrocarbon; substrate can be alumina or zeolite for instance, while the whole system is heated to a temperature that cracks the hydrocarbon selected as the carbon source ► both MWNTs (exclusively concentric type) and SWNTs can be obtained; the smallest SWNTs have diameters ~ 0.4 nm, lengths are directly determined by the channel lengths; in other words by the thickness of the substrate plate Anodic aluminium oxide film Carbon deposition on die pore wall Carbon tubes (Propylene, 800 °C) lOOum Il0-500um HF washing Fig. 3.16 Principle of the templating technique used in the catalyst-free formation of single-walled or concentric-type multiwalled carbon nanotubes FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.3 Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes Lenka Zajíčková 41 / 50 2.3 Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes ► Catalyst-free growth (templating method, electric arc - here driving force is related to electric field, precursors species C2 as in fullerene production) ► Catalytically Activated Growth ► low T conditions - typically in CCVD: VLS mechanism (1. adsorption + decomposition, 2. dissolution + diffusion 3. precipitation); catalyst as crystallized solid (texture defined by crystal) or liquid droplet (energy minimization make concentric product); c-MWCNTs, h-MWCNTs, platelet nanofibers (formed for large particles > 100 nm); tip-growth for large NPs or absence of substrate x base growth ► high T conditions - solid carbon-source: carbon source and catalyst is atomized, at some distance from atomization zone - carbon metal alloy droplets + secondary carbon species (C2 and higher like corannulene: central pentagon surrounded by five hexagons) adjacent pentagons are not stable hexagons; in the zones with low T solubility threshold of C in metal decreases - combination of VLS and adatom mechanism FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.4 Properties of CNTs Lenka Zajíčková 42 / 50 Mechanical Properties ► Strongest and stiffest material yet discovered (tensile strength and elastic modulus) ► In 2000 a MWNT tested to have a tensile strength of 63 GPa ► Translates into ability to hold 6500 kg on a cable with cross-section of 1 mm2 ► Specific strength of up to 48,000 kN-m-kg-1 (high carbon steel's is 154 kN-m-kg-1) ► Not so strong under compression FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.4 Properties of CNTs ka Zajíčková 43/50 ► Multi-walled coaxial nanotubes show striking telescopic properties ► Shells slide with almost no friction ► Molecular nanotechnology ► World's smallest rotational motor created already FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.4 Properties of CNTs Lenka Zajíčková 44 / 50 ► Indices (m, n) tune the gap ► n = m - nanotube is metallic ► n = -m - nanotube is semiconducting with a very small gap ► otherwise - moderate semiconductor FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.4 Properties of CNTs Thermal Properties ► Very good thermal conductivity along a tube Good insulator laterally to the tube axis ► Three orders difference ► One order better on-axis conductivity than copper FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.5 Carbon Nanotube-Based Nano-Objects Len ka Zajickova 46 / 50 2.5 Carbon N anotube-Based N ano-0 bjects ► 2.5.1 Extreme CNTs and Related Geometries ► 2.5.2 Functionalized Nanotubes ► 2.5.3 Heteronanotubes (replacement of some C atoms by other elements, e.g. N, B) ► 2.5.4 Hybrid CNTs (inner cavities filled with foreign atoms, molecules, compounds or crystals) FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.5 Carbon Nanotube-Based Nano-Objects Lenka Zajíčková 47/50 2.5.1 Extreme Carbon Nanotubes and Other Related Geometries ► The longest carbon nanotube (18.5 cm) reported in 2009. Grown on Si using improved CVD ► The shortest CNT is the organic compound cycloparaphenylene synthesized in early 2009 ► The shortest CNT synthesized is armchair (2,2) with diameter of 3 A ► The thinnest free-standing SWNT is about 4.3 Ain diameter ► Nanotorus - Theoretically described, many unique properties described ► Nanobud - Combination of fullerene and NT allotropes. Useful properties of both, improving mechanical properties FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.6 Potential and Current Applications Lenka Zajíčková 48/50 Structural Applications ► Because of superior mechanical properties, many structures have been proposed ► From clothes, sports gear, combat jackets up to space elevators FC250 Nano- and micro-technologies: 2.6 Potential and Current Applications Lenka Zajíčková 49/50 Electrical Circuits ► Nanotube-based transistors have been made ► Semiconducting nanotube required (n / at?) ► Capable of digital switching using a single electron FC250 Nano- and microtechnologies: 2.6 Potential and Current Applications Lenka Zajíčková 50/50 Other Applications ► Solar Cells - Nanotubes with buckyballs containing a polymer As paper batteries - supercapacitors ► Nanoscale electric motors ► Radio receiver consisting of a single NT demonstrated ► Demonstrated that sheet on NTs can work like a speaker - thermoacoustically ► Nano-tips for SPM ► Emitters for electron microscopy