2. Complete the citations in Text 1 with the following phrases a) vegetarians and vegans weigh less than omnivores b) there is no strong reason why a vegetarian diet should be deficient in vitamin B12, but vegans are ‘at risk‘ of B12 deficiency, as well as the essential mineral calcium c) this lower rate of CHD in vegetarians could be due to lower levels of saturated fat in their diets d) vegetarians are less likely to suffer from CHD than meat-eaters e) diets high in animal protein are also high in saturated fat 3. Find in the text sentences introducing citation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. Transform the first sentence using the beginnings. · Trustwell (2003, p.39) argues that… · There has been… 5. Now transform the remaining sentences, so that all variations: author+verb/ impersonal “it“ /“there”+be+noun phrase are used. 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6. Reporting verbs in citing: Complete the table with the reporting verbs below according to similarity of meaning discuss state indicate point out speculate on highlight believe stress feel argue demonstrate illustrate say talk about think emphasize show suggest Write six example sentences using a selection of the verbs above HOMEWORK: a) Complete the text below with words made from the ones on the margin b) Paraphrase the sentences in the grammar revision exercise Plagiarism Plagiarism (from the Latin plagiare, "to kidnap") is the practice of claiming, or implying, original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate 1)________________. Unlike ACKNOWLEDGE cases of forgery, in which the 2) __________________of the writing, document, or some AUTHENTIC other kind of object, itself is in question, plagiarism is concerned with the issue of false attribution. Plagiarism can also occur 3)________________; in some cultures certain forms CONSCIOUS of plagiarism are accepted because the concept can be interpreted differently. Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic HONEST 4)________________ or academic fraud. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic contexts claim that they plagiarized 5)________________ , by failing to include quotations INTENTION or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the 6)________________of the Internet, where articles appear as DEVELOP electronic text, has made the physical act of copying the work of others much easier, simply by copying and pasting text from one web page to another. In the academic world, plagiarism by students is a very serious offense that can result in punishments such as a failing grade on the particular 7)________________ (typically at ASSIGN the high school level) or a failing grade for the course (typically at the college or university level). Repetition in student projects or paper topics between academic terms and years provides students with ample resources from which to plagiarize. Many students feel pressured to get papers done well and quickly, and with the 8)________________ of new technology ACCESS (The Internet) it is quite possible for students to plagiarize by copying and pasting information from another source. This type of plagiarism is often easily detected by teachers, for several reasons. First, students' choice of sources is frequently 9)________________as well; ORIGIN instructors may receive the same passage copied from a popular source (such as Wikipedia) from several students. Second, it is often easy to tell whether or not a student is using his or her own "voice." Third, students may choose sources which are 10)____________________, PROPER off-topic, or even wrong. Fourth, many universities now use plagiarism detection software. Sources: Chazal, E. & S. McCarter (2012) Oxford EAP, Oxford University Press “Plagiarism” – prepared by Složilová Eva, materials for JAC04 course