Linking Words: Cause and Result Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first using the word given. Use no more than SIX words and do not change the form of the word in capitals. 1. The accident happened because of terrible weather. The accident ........ bad weather. (RESULT) 2. The train was cancelled so I missed my appointment. ........ the train cancellation I missed my appointment. (CONSEQUENCE) 3. They decided to buy a new car because of the problems they were having with their old one. They decided to buy a new car ........ problems with their old one. (SINCE) 4. We were unable to contact you as communications were so poor. We couldn't contact you ........ communications were so poor. (OWING) 5. You have been late every morning this week so we have deducted the lost time from your wages. We have deducted money from your wages ........ you have been late every morning this week. (DUE) 6. I was sent home from school because I was feeling sick. The student was sent home ........ the fact that he was feeling sick. (ACCOUNT) 7. It was too far to walk so we caught the bus. We got the bus as ........ to walk. (ENOUGH) 8. The film was so boring that we decided to leave early. ........ we decided to leave early. (SUCH) Linking Words: Time 1 ........ I didn't really enjoy the course, but after a while I really started to enjoy it. ___ In the beginning ___ At the beginning 2 ........ of the film the main character arrives in town looking for somewhere to stay. ___ In the beginning ___ At the beginning 3 We waited ages for a bus. ........ we decided to walk home. ___ Eventually ___ At last 4 The audience waited patiently for the delayed performance to start. ........ the curtain rose. ___ Lastly ___ At last 5 I waited for you ........ 10.00. I finally decided you weren't coming. ___ before ___ until 6 I managed to get the house tidy ........ my parents got home. ___ before ___ until 7 ........ had I gone to bed than I heard the phone ring. ___ Hardly ___ As soon as 8 I played a lot of tennis ........ I was on holiday. ___ during ___ while LINKING WORDS: EXEMPLIFYING, EMPHASIZING, CLARIFYING/ IDENTIFYING EXEMPLIFYING: for example for instance as an illustration among otehrs such as EMPHASIZING: even more above all more importantly undoubtedly as a matter of fact to emphasize to repeat CLARIFYING/ IDENTIFYING in other words put (it) another way that is (to say) I mean namely thus specifically more precisely Complete these sentences with one of the connectors a-d 1. Crafts (2002), ______________, states that until 1830 water power was still often more inexpensive than steam power. a) as an illustration b) to demonstrate c) that is d) for instance 2. What is ____________ fascinating is that newborns have the ability to remember words that they have heard prenatally. a) more precisely b) to emphasize c) even more d) as an illustration 3. Gall did much other work on the brain, _____________ identifying grey matter in the brain as active tissue and white matter as conductive tissue. a) namely b) thus c) above all d) among others 4. These social and political problems were highlighted by both male and female poets, including Augusta Webster, Christina Rossetti and Robert Browning _____________. a) namely b) thus c) above all d) among others 5. They observed unrest all over Europe, and ____________ became convinced of the revolutionary potential of the proletariat. a) namely b) thus c) above all d) among others 6. In the eyes of its author, Braudel’s history is, ___________, structural history. a) Even more b) above all c) for example d) to emphasize 7. we have observed many differences, _________ size, complexity and internal compartments. a) in other words b) precisely c) such as d) thus Source: LINKING WORDS: EXEMPLIFYING, EMPHASIZING, CLARIFYING/ IDENTIFYING: A.Suchomelová, based on examples from seen 3.11.2017 Remaining exercises:, visited Oct 12^th, 2017