Angličtina pro fyziky IV


Please bring the material from week V. - we are going to finish part B. Delivery, plus the material for week VII. below - Body language.

Please submit a final version of your abstract in Final abstracts and bionotes 2019   Deadline: 12 April

A sample bionote:

Steve Kevan is currently Professor of Physics at the University of Oregon. He earned his Bachelor of Arts at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT, in 1976, and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1980, working with Prof. David Shirley. In his thesis work he pioneered the photoelectron diffraction technique for determining absorbate surface structures and applied this to study sulfur, selenium, and CO absorbed on low index single crystal nickel surfaces.
Kevan has over 140 refereed publications, 27 in Physical Review Letters and 1 in Science.

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