Radon transforms The mathematics behind Computertomography PD Dr. Swanhild Bernstein, Institute of Applied Analysis, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, International Summer academic course 2008, „Modelling and Simulation of Technical Processes“ Historical remarks  C. Röntgen (1895) – X-rays  J. Radon (1917)– Mathematical Model  G. Grossmann (1935) – Tomography  G. Hounsfield, McCormack (1972) – Computerized assited tomography (CAT scan) Why does it work? The physical priniples.  Tomography means slice imaging,  Quantification of the tendency of objects to absorb or scatter x-rays by the attunation coefficient, involving Beer‘s law. Model  No refraction or diffraction: X-ray beams travel along straight lines that are not „bent“ by the objects they pass through. This is a good approximation because x-rays have very high energies, and therefore very short wavelength.  The X-rays used are monochromatic: The waves making up the x-ray beams are all of the same frequency. This is not a realistic assumption, but it is needed to construct a linear model for the measurements.  Beer‘s law: Each material encountered has a characteristic linear attenuation coefficient μ for x-rays of a given energy.  The intensity, I of the x-ray beam satisfies Beer‘s law: Here, s is the arc-length along the straight line trajectory of the x-ray beam. Model The failure to distinguish objects one object two objects same projection Solution: more directions Different angles lead to different projections. The more directions from which we make measurement, the more arrangements of objects we can distinguish. Analysis of a Point Source Device, 2D model, what do we measure? 2D model, what do we measure? Beer‘s law: First order ordinary differential equation for the intensity I with boundary condition I at r=r0>0 equals I0. Ex 1 2D model, what do we measure? Analysis if a Point Source Device The density of the developed film at a point is proportional to the logarithm of the total energy incident at that point: density of the film = γ × log (total energy intensity), where γ is a constant, we obtain: This formula expresses the measurements as linear function of the attunation coefficient. Oriented lines t t is the distant of the line from the origin, s is the parameter of the line. Radon transform Radon transform Radon transform  The Radon transform can be defined, a priori for a function, f whose restriction to each line is locally integrable and  This is really two different conditions: 1. The function is regular enough so that restricting it to any line gives a locally integrable function, 2. The function goes to zero rapidly enough for the improper integrals to converge. In applications functions of interest are usually piecewise continuous and zero outside of some disk. Ex 2 Properties of the Radon transform  The Radon transform is linear:  The Radon transform of f is an even function:  The Radon transform is monotone: if f is a non-negative function then Pencilgeometry (Nadelstrahlgeometrie) Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Back-projection formula  It is difficult to use the line integrals of a function directly to reconstruct the function:  Results of the recontruction by back-projection What is that?? Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Fourier transform in 1D  The Fourier transform of an absolutely integrable function f, defined on the real line, is  Suppose that the Fourier transform of f is again an absolutely integrable function then Square integrable functions Ex 3  A (complex-valued) function f, defined on , is square integrable if  Examples: The function is not absolutely integrable but square integrable, the function is absolutely integrable but not square integrable. Fourier transform in nD  The Fourier transform of an absolutely integrable function is defined by  Let and define then  Parseval formula: If f is square integrable then  Let f be an absolutely integrable function. For any real number r and unit vector , we have the identity  For a given vector the inner product , is constant along any line perpendicular to the direction . The central slice theorem interprets the compution of the Fourier transform of as a two-step process: 1. First, integrate the function along lines perp. to . 2. Compute the one-dimensional Fourier transform of this function of the affine parameter. Central Slice Theorem Ex 4 Inverse Radon Transform and Central Slice Theorem 3. Compute the one dimensional Fourier transform of 1. Choose a line L, determined by the direction (Cartesian coord.) or by the angle γ . Then the coorinate axis ξ shows in the same direction. 2. Integrate along all lines perp. to (those lines are parallel to the cood. axis η. We obtain the Radon transform . 4. With u=q cos γ and v=q sin γ, we get F(u,v) = and f(x,y) is equal to the 2D inverse Fourier transform of F(u,v). Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Radon Transform Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Radon Transform In Cartesian coordinates. Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Radon Transform In Polar coordinates. Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Radon Transform Abdomen, Radon transform in Cartesian coord. Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Reconstruction based on 1 projection. Now, we can try to do some reconstruction by the before mentioned procdure E. Meyer, www1.am.uni-erlangen.de/~bause/Seminar/seminar.html based on 4 projections. Reconstruction E. Meyer, www1.am.uni-erlangen.de/~bause/Seminar/seminar.html based on 8 projections. Reconstruction E. Meyer, www1.am.uni-erlangen.de/~bause/Seminar/seminar.html based on 30 projections. Reconstruction E. Meyer, www1.am.uni-erlangen.de/~bause/Seminar/seminar.html based on 60 projections. Reconstruction What is the difference to the back-projection formula? E. Meyer, www1.am.uni-erlangen.de/~bause/Seminar/seminar.html Radon Inversion Formula  If f is an absolutely integrable function and ist Fourier transform is absolutely integrable too, then Radon Inversion Formula  If f is an absolutely integrable function and its Fourier transform is absolutely integrable too, then  Filtered Back-Projection 1. The radial integral is interpreted as a filter applied to the Radon transform. The filter acts only the affine parameter; is output of the filter is denoted 2. The angular integral is then interpreted as the backprojection of the filtered Radon transform. Back-Projection vs. Filtered Back-Projection Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Back-Projection vs. Filtered Back-Projection back-projection filtered back-projection based on 1 projection Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Back-Projection vs. Filtered Back-Projection back-projection filtered back-projection based on 3 projections Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Back-Projection vs. Filtered Back-Projection back-projection filtered back-projection based on 10 projections Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Back-Projection vs. Filtered Back-Projection back-projection filtered back-projection based on 180 projections Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Back-Projection vs. Filtered Back-Projection back-projection filtered back-projection based on 180 projections Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Back-Projection vs. Filtered Back-Projection a) back-projection and b) filtered back-projection, based on 1, 2, 3, 10, 45 projections resp. Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Different Inversion formulas  We already had the Radon inversion formula:  We write |r| as sgn(r) r : A Different Inversion formula  We already had the Radon inversion formula:  Where we write |r|as sgn(r) r  denotes the 1D Fourier transform with respect to t.  Suppose that g is square integrable on the real line. The Hilbert transform of g is defined by If is also absolutely integrable, then We obtain Mathematical Model for CT  We consider a two-dimensional slice of an three-dimensional object, the physical parameters of interest is the attenuation coefficient f of the two-dimensional slice. According to Beer‘s law, the intensity traveling along a line is attenuated according to the differential equation where s is arclength along the line.  By comparing the intensity of an incident beam of x-rays to that emitted, we measure the Radon transform of f:  Using the Radon inversion formula, the attenuation coefficient f is reconstructed from the measurements Scanner geometry http://www.impactscan.org/slides/impactcourse/basic_principles_of_ct/ Scanner geometry http://www.impactscan.org/slides/impactcourse/basic_principles_of_ct/ Scanner geometry http://www.impactscan.org/slides/impactcourse/basic_principles_of_ct/ Scanner geometry http://www.impactscan.org/slides/impactcourse/basic_principles_of_ct/ Radon transform - Polar grid Fourier transform – Cartesian grid Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomography, Springer Verlag , 2004 Why fan beam? http://www.impactscan.org/slides/impactcourse/basic_principles_of_ct/ Reconstruction Algorithm for a Parallel Beam Machine  We assume that we can measure all the data from a finite set of equally spaced angles. In this case data would be  With these data we can apply the central slice theorem to compute angular samples of the two-dimensional Fourier transform of f,  Using the two-dimensional Fourier inversion formula and using a Riemann sum in the angular direction gives Concluding remarks  The model present here is a CT-model, there exist other types of tomographical methods that are based on other mathematical models.  All mathematical models are based on so-called integral geometry and connected with wave equations.  Modern tomography even combines different methods:  fusion of CT-scan (grey)  and PET-scan (grey)  PET = Positron Emission  Tomography http://www.sdirad.com/PatientInfo/pt_pet.htm Most of the pictures are dealing with medical applications but Computer tomography can be applied to more applications, as for example: Material sciences Tomographic visualisation of a metallic foam structure http://www2.tu-berlin.de/fak3/sem/GB_index.html Geology http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/classes/Geo101/ 101images_spring.html Seismic tomography reveals a more complex interior structure. Archeology 3D-Computer Tomography of Prehispanic Sound Artifacts. Supported by the Ethnological Museum Berlin and the St. Gertrauden Hospital, Berlin. http://www.mixcoacalli.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/ct2.jpg Concluding remarks Bibliography  Charles L. Epstein, Introduction to the Mathematics of Medical Imaging, Pearson Education, Inc., 2003  Thorsten M. Buzug, Einführung in die Computertomographie, Springer Verlag, 2004  Esther Meyer, Die Mathematik der Computertomogrphie, Seminarvortrag, www1.am.unierlangen.de/~bause/Seminar/seminar.html  Other pictures are from www.impactscan.org/slides/impactcourse/basic_principles_of_ct/ www.sdirad.com/PatientInfo/pt_pet.htm