REPRESENTATION THEORY – EXERCISES 2 No credits will be awarded for doing the exercises, but I encourage you to do them. 1. Characters (1) Prove that if χ is an irreducible character and θ an irreducible 1-dimensional character, then χθ(g) = χ(g)θ(g) is an irreducible character. (Hint: use that roots of unity x satisfy xx = 1.) (2) A certain group of order 12 has six conjugacy classes with representatives g1, . . . , g6 where g1 = e. It has two irreducible characters   g g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 χ1 1 −i i 1 −1 −1 χ2 2 0 0 −1 −1 2   Calculate its full character table using results from the course. (3) Consider the standard Sn-module C[1, . . . , n]. Find a formula for the value of its associated character χ at a permutation π ∈ Sn. (4) In this question we will calculate the character table of S4. • Describe the five conjugacy classes of S4. • Describe two distinct 1-dimensional characters. • By Maschke’s theorem there exists a 3-dimensional G-module U for which C[1, . . . , 4] = C[1 + . . . + 4] ⊕ U. Using the previous question, or otherwise, calculate its character and prove that it is irreducible. • Using results from the course, conclude that there exist two other irreducible characters, of dimensions 3 and 2 respectively. • Find the other 3-dimensional irreducible character. • Finally, complete the character table. 2. Maschke’s theorem via the projection formula (1) In Maschke’s theorem, one starts with a G-module V , and linear map p : V → V . The key step is to show that the averaged linear function q(v) = 1 |G| g∈G g−1 p(gv) is a G-module homomorphism. On the other hand, the projection formula used in the course says that given a G-module V the map k(v) = 1 |G| g∈G g.v is a projection with image V G = {v ∈ V : gv = v}. By considering the internal hom G-module [V, V ] = V ect(V, V ) with its conjugation action described in the course, show how the key step in Maschke’s theorem, namely that q is a G-module map, follows from the projection formula. Date: April 23, 2019. 1 2 REPRESENTATION THEORY – EXERCISES 2 3. Tensor products, homs and the trace (1) In the course we proved that for finite G-modules V and W there exists an isomorphism of G-modules θV,W : [V, W] ∼= V ∗ ⊗W indirectly. Describe such an isomorphism directly. (2) Check that the composite [V, V ] θV,V // V ∗ ⊗ V ev // k gives a (matrix free) interpretation of the trace homomorphism. (If it doesn’t find an isomorphism so that it does!)