Bambusuril analogs based on alternating glycoluril and xylylene units Tomáš Lízal,^ Vladimír Šindelář ^ Glycoluril is a urea-based heterocyclic molecule, which is a suitable building block for macrocyclic receptors. These host molecules can interact with cationic, anionic or neutral guests. Bambusurils^1 are potent anion receptors that were used to detect and quantify anions in a complex mixture by NMR^2. In order to allow anion sensing by UV-VIS spectroscopy, we designed a new bambusuril derivative incorporating aromatic groups in its structure. Here we present synthesis of the new hybrid macrocycles consisting of glycoluril and aromatic units. Inspired by work of prof. Shimizu^3, we employed basic synthetic conditions which afforded us with mixture of macrocyclic of various sizes. The macrocyclic homologues were separated by reverse-phase flash chromatography and characterized by the means of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The conformational behavior of separated isomers was investigated using DFT models and variable-temperature NMR. Figure 1. Xylylene-glycoluril macrocycle. References [1] J. Švec, M. Nečas, V. Šindelář, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 2378; [2] V. Havel, M. A. Yawer, V. Šindelář, Chem. comm. 2015, 51, 4666; [3] K. Roy, C. Wang, P. J. Pellechia, L. S. Shimizu, J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 5453.