A Political-Geographical Analysis of the Turiec Region Elections[NZM1] are an important part of the system of every democratic state. Their results influence the future political country direction. Thanks to that many disciplines such as politology, sociology, economy and also geography analyze electoral results. Geographical view on elections is very important because different regions have different political behavior. Many works focus on one specific region[NZM2] , and that region is for them a homogenous unit. However, the region is never homogenous. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on individual parts of the region. When we know about partial spatial election patterns, then we can characterize the whole region. In my dissertation, I want to analyze the political-geographical behavior of the inhabitants of the Turiec Region.[NZM3] Few authors wrote about the political behavior of the electors in this region. However, every author took the Turiec Region as one unit. [NZM4] The Turiec Region has some paradoxical electoral characteristics. The Turiec Region has compared to other regions always a high voter turnout. On the one side, the left political parties such as Smer-SD or Communist Party are very popular in this region. On the other side, the right political parties are popular in this region too. There is also high support for the liberal parties, anti-system parties, new political subjects, and parties, which have their political background anchored mainly in other parts of Slovakia. Why is this region so political specific? We must find an answer to that. That is why it is necessary to look at Turiec as a whole and also to go down one level and look for the political behavior of inhabitants at the level of individual municipalities. And we will create a spatial mosaic of the region, consisting of individual villages. Electoral results could be also influenced by political traditions from the first Czechoslovak republic. Therefore, it would be good to analyze the electoral results from this period and find the phantom borders in the Turiec Region. The aim of my dissertation is analyzed geographical aspects of parliamentary elections in the Turiec Region.[NZM5] I will try to characterize and explain the political behavior of the electors of the Turiec Region by its electoral regionalization. ________________________________ [NZM1]Generally well written intro. [NZM2]What kind of region are you talking about?? It is worth mentioning that you area talking about the administrative unit or other generally territorial unit. [NZM3]I am not sure if this is enough for the dissertation itself. What about comparing the Turiec Regino with other regions in Slovakia and potentially with other Visegrad regions?? Using alternative methodologies? [NZM4]Add some spatial unit theory here. You do not quote any references which is weird. Do not forget that your research must have some grounding! [NZM5]See my comments above – add some temporal extent (you mentioned the Czechoslovakia earlier) and possibly also other regions in the surroundings. See also Ondrejka, P. Journal of Maps.