Ž .Geomorphology 31 1999 181–216 Landslide hazard evaluation: a review of current techniques and their application in a multi-scale study, Central Italy Fausto Guzzetti a,) , Alberto Carrara b , Mauro Cardinali a , Paola Reichenbach a a Inst. di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeolgica nell’Italia Centrale, CNR, Via della Madonna Alta 126, 06128 Perugia, Italy b Centro di studio per L’informatica edi sistemi de telecommunicasioni, CNR, Viale Risiorgimento 2, 40136, Bologna, Italy Received 30 September 1996; received in revised form 11 March 1997; accepted 1 May 1997 Abstract In recent years, growing population and expansion of settlements and life-lines over hazardous areas have largely increased the impact of natural disasters both in industrialized and developing countries. Third world countries have difficulty meeting the high costs of controlling natural hazards through major engineering works and rational land-use planning. Industrialized societies are increasingly reluctant to invest money in structural measures that can reduce natural risks. Hence, the new issue is to implement warning systems and land utilization regulations aimed at minimizing the loss of lives and property without investing in long-term, costly projects of ground stabilization. Government and research institutions worldwide have long attempted to assess landslide hazard and risks and to portray its spatial distribution in maps. Several different methods for assessing landslide hazard were proposed or implemented. The reliability of these maps and the criteria behind these hazard evaluations are ill-formalized or poorly documented. Geomorphological information remains largely descriptive and subjective. It is, hence, somewhat unsuitable to engineers, policy-makers or developers when planning land resources and mitigating the effects of geological hazards. In the Umbria and Marche Regions of Central Italy, attempts at testing the proficiency and limitations of multivariate statistical techniques and of different methodologies for dividing the territory into suitable areas for landslide hazard assessment have been completed, or are in progress, at various scales. These experiments showed that, despite the operational and conceptual limitations, landslide hazard assessment may indeed constitute a suitable, cost-effective aid to land-use planning. Within this framework, engineering geomorphology may play a renewed role in assessing areas at high landslide hazard, and helping mitigate the associated risk. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: landslide; natural hazard; hazard evaluation; statistical modelling 1. Introduction A hundred years ago, the world population totalled 1.1 billion, and about 5% of people lived in cities. Today, the population has risen to 5.3 billion ) Corresponding author. Tel.: q0039-75-5054943; fax: q0039- 75-5051325. Ž .E-mail address: F.Guzzetti@irpi.pg.cnr.it F. Guzzetti . and approximately 45% of it is concentrated in urban areas. The most explosive growth has been in the developing world, where urban populations have tripled in the last 30 years. Between 1950 and 1995, the number of cities with population of more than one million increased sixfold in the third world Ž .Helmore, 1996 . The population growth and the expansion of settlements and life-lines over hazardous areas are in- 0169-555Xr99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Ž .PII: S0169-555X 99 00078-1 ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216182 creasing the impact of natural disasters both in the Ždeveloped and developing world Rosenfeld, 1994; .Alexander, 1995 . In many countries, the economic losses and casualties due to landslides are greater than commonly recognized and generate a yearly loss of property larger than that from any other natural disaster, including earthquakes, floods and Žwindstorms Schuster and Fleming, 1986; Alexander, 1989; Swanston and Schuster, 1989; Olshansky, .1990; Schuster, 1995a; Glade, 1998 . Casualties due to slope failures are larger in the developing countries, whereas economic losses are more severe in the industrialized world. Both may be increasing because of the higher value of endangered structures and the greater number of people potentially involved Ž .Schuster and Fleming, 1986 . Third world countries have always had difficulty affording the high costs involved in controlling natural hazards through major engineering works and rational land-use planning. Owing to the economic recession, many industrialized societies are reluctant to invest in structural measures to reduce natural risks. Economic and social considerations suggest that, even if the recurrence of natural disasters remains constant — and it may not be the case — damage caused by catastrophic events is too costly even for industrialized societies. In other words, natural catastrophes occur with higher frequency than our ability to recover from previous events. The recent trend is towards the development of warning systems and land utilization regulations aimed at minimizing the loss of lives and property damage without investing in long-term, costly proŽjects of slope stabilization U.S. Geological Survey, 1982; Kockelman, 1986; Schuster and Fleming, 1986; .IDNHR, 1987; UNDRO, 1991; Schuster, 1995b . Despite the largely acknowledged need for landslide planning strategies, few attempts have been made to introduce landslide hazard considerations in building Žcodes or civil protection strategies Brabb and Har. Žrod, 1989 . Notable examples are in France Humbert, 1976, 1977; Antoine, 1977; Godefroy and .Humbert, 1983; Leroi, 1996 , the San Francisco Bay Žregion Nilsen and Brabb, 1977; Nilsen et al., 1979; . ŽBrabb, 1995 and the Los Angeles area IDNHR, . Ž .1987 in the United States, in Japan IDNHR, 1987 , Ž . ŽSweden Ahlberg et al., 1988 and Hong Kong Brand .et al., 1982; Brand, 1988; Hansen et al., 1995 . Within this framework, earth sciences, and geomorphology in particular, may play a relevant role in assessing areas at high landslide hazard and in helping to mitigate the associated risk, providing a valuable aid to a sustainable progress. Tools for handling Ž .and analyzing spatial data i.e., GIS may facilitate the application of quantitative techniques in landslide hazard assessment and mapping. In this paper, we first introduce the general assumptions, the mapping unit types, and the most commonly used hazard evaluation methods. We then discuss the experience gained from the application of GIS-based models of hazard and risk due to slopefailures over test areas in Central Italy, ranging in size from some tens to some thousands of square kilometers, and outline the potentials and pitfalls of the approach. In the light of the results obtained, data quality, type of terrain-unit and statistical models are critically evaluated. Lastly, general comments on data collection, model production and information transfer are addressed. 2. Definition of landslide hazard Physical scientists define a natural hazard either as the probability that a reasonably stable condition Ž .may change abruptly Scheidegger, 1994 , or as the probability of occurrence of a potentially damaging phenomenon within a given area and in a given Ž .period of time Varnes et al., 1984 . The latter remains the most widely accepted definition for natural hazard and for maps portraying its distribution Žover a region IDNHR, 1987; Einstein, 1988, 1997; Starosolszky and Melder, 1989; Horlick-Jones et al., .1995; Murck et al., 1997 . The definition incorporates the concepts of magnitude, geographical location and time recurrence. The first refers to the ‘‘dimension’’ or ‘‘intensity’’ of the natural phenomenon which conditions its behavior and destructive power; the second implies the ability to identify the place where the phenomenon may occur; the third refers to the temporal frequency of the event. Traditionally, earthquake predictive models atŽtempt to define hazard in terms of magnitude a .measure of the energy released by a seismic event , ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 183 affected area, and time recurrence. Ideally, they largely fulfil the definition of hazard previously mentioned; unfortunately, scientists are generally unable to predict with the required accuracy where and when an earthquake will take place and how severe it will be. Despite the different meanings of the term Ž .‘‘flood’’ Baker, 1994 , flood hazard evaluation essentially consists in the temporal prediction of an extreme hydrological event of a given magnitude Ž .peak flow or volume , while, its location and spatial Ž .extent potentially inundated areas are determined from other sources of information, such as historical records and ground morphology. For landsliding, a conceptual confusion arises from the use of the same term, landslide, to address Ž .both the landslide deposit the failed mass and the movement of slope material or of an existing landŽ .slide mass Bosi, 1978; Cruden, 1991 . Regional landslide predictive models generally attempt to identify where landslides may occur over a given region on the basis of a set of relevant environmental characteristics. Under the assumption that slope failures in the future will be more likely to occur under the conditions which led to past and present slope Žmovements Varnes et al., 1984; Carrara et al., .1991,1995 , these models provide information on potentially unstable slopes. Hence they differ from Ž .maps of landslide deposits landslide inÕentories which consist of a catalogue of the landslide deposits present over a region which formed within a generŽ .ally unknown or unspecified period of time. However, such models do not directly incorporate time Ž Ž . Žand magnitude i.e., size Fell, 1994 , speed Cruden . Žand Varnes, 1996 , kinetic energy Hsu, 1975; Sassa,¨ . .1988 or momentum of the failed mass , hence, they cannot be correctly defined as hazard models. Predictive models of landslide movement are generally confined to single slopes where detailed geotechnical site investigations attempt to assess when and to what extent the slope-forming material, frequently an existing landslide deposit, will move. Also in this case, the term hazard would be incorrect since the location of the phenomenon under study derives from information acquired from other sources. Therefore, the application to landsliding of the term ‘‘natural hazard’’ is difficult and somewhat inadequate. The wide spectrum of landslide phenomena and the complexity and variability of their interactions Ž .with the environment both natural and human make the acceptance of a single definition of landslide hazard unsuitable. For example, very large, fastŽ .moving landslides e.g., rock avalanches are probably the most destructive and hazardous mass movements. Slow-moving, deep-seated failures rarely claim lives but can cause high property damage. Fast-moving soil-slip–debris flows triggered by intense rainfalls are extremely destructive, causing widespread damage and casualties. Each type of slope movement pose different threats and may require a separate assessment, based on distinct definitions of landslide hazard. Recurrence, the expected time for the repetition of an event, is evaluated studying historical records. Historical data however are seldom available and difficult to obtain for single landslides or landslide Žprone areas Guzzetti et al., 1994; Ibsen and Bruns.den, 1996 . In addition, for first-time failures Ž .Hutchinson, 1988 recurrence is not applicable. First-time landslides occur at or close to peak strength values, whereas reactivations occur between peak and residual conditions. Thus, first-time landslides provide little information on the behavior of reactivations. Additionally, each time a landslide occurs, the topographic, geological and hydrological settings of the slope change, often dramatically, giving rise to different conditions of instability. These changes allow geomorphologists to identify landslides and understand mechanisms and causes of failures, but limit their ability to forecast reactivations. Despite the lack of consensus on the reliability and usefulness of historic information, some investigators have attempted the reconstruction of historical records for single landslides or landslide prone regions. The results appear to be somewhat encouraging and useful for the evaluation of landslide hazard at various Žscales Guzzetti et al., 1994; Ibsen and Brunsden, .1996; Cruden, 1997; Evans, 1997; Glade, 1998 . Historical records may be integrated with temporal data derived from dendrocronology and other dating techniques which have been used by some investigaŽtors to date landslide deposits Stout, 1977; DeGraff .and Agard, 1984; Trustrum and De Rose, 1988 . Due to the conceptual and operational limitations, most landslide hazard maps could be better defined ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216184 Ž .as landslide susceptibility maps Brabb, 1984 . Unfortunately, terms such as susceptibility or propensity have long been used with different meanings ranging from landslide-deposits inventory to estimates of landslide incidence based on the subjective Žjudgement of the investigator Radbruch-Hall and Varnes, 1976; Varnes et al., 1984; van Westen, . Ž1993 . In this paper, the term landslide map or .landslide inventory map will be used to indicate a map portraying the distribution of deposition and erosion areas of gravity-induced mass movements which may vary in type, age and activity. The term landslide hazard map will refer to a quantitatiÕe prediction of the spatial distribution of both landslide deposits and slopes which are likely to be site of Ž .failures; whose movement or reactivations will take place in a way and within a time period defined from information that is not directly incorporated in the model. 3. Landslide hazard mapping Over the past 25 years, government and research institutions have invested considerable resources in assessing landslide hazard, and in attempting to proŽduce maps portraying its spatial distribution lands.lide hazard zonation . Several different methods and techniques for evaluating landslide hazard and risk have been proposed or tested. Inspection of the literature reveals that a few reviews of the concepts, principles, techniques and methodologies for landŽslide hazard evaluation have been proposed Cotecchia, 1978; Carrara, 1983; Brabb, 1984; Crozier, 1984; Hansen, 1984; Varnes et al., 1984; Crozier, 1986; Einstein, 1988; Hartlen and Viberg, 1988;´ .Mulder, 1991; van Westen, 1993, 1994 . Surprisingly, little work has been done on the systematic comparison of different techniques, outlining advanŽtages and limitations of the proposed methods Car.rara et al., 1992, 1995; van Westen, 1993 ; or to the critical discussion of the basic principles and underlying assumptions of landslide hazard evaluation ŽVarnes et al., 1984; Carrara et al., 1995; Hutchin.son, 1995 . Likewise, only few attempts have been made to define, conceptually or operationally, landŽslide risk Yong et al., 1977; Ahlberg et al., 1988; Bernknopf et al., 1988; Brand, 1988; Carrara et al., .1991; Fell, 1994; Cruden and Fell, 1997 . The majority of papers discuss specific attempts at the evaluation of landslide hazard in limited areas. Only a few authors report on long-term projects on the evaluation of slope instability conditions, and the related hazard and risk, over large regions. Notable examples are represented by the work carried out in San Mateo County, CA, by the US Geological SurŽvey Nilsen and Brabb, 1977; Brabb et al., 1978; .Mark, 1992; Brabb, 1995 ; by the proposal made by the French Bureau des Recherches Geologiques et´ Minieres for a geomorphologically based evaluation` Žof landslide hazard Humbert, 1976, 1977; Antoine, 1977; Delaunay, 1981; Godefroy and Humbert, 1983; .Leroi, 1996 ; by the work carried out at the GeotechŽnical Engineering Office, in Hong Kong Brand, 1988; Brand et al., 1982; Burnett et al., 1985; Hansen .et al., 1995 ; and by the application of multivariate statistical techniques in pilot areas of Southern and ŽCentral Italy Carrara, 1983; Carrara et al., 1991, .1995 . At present, there is no agreement either on the methods for or on the scope of producing hazard Ž .maps Brabb, 1984; Carrara, 1989; Nieto, 1989 . Operational and conceptual differences include: general underlying assumptions; the type of mapping unit selected for the investigation; and the techniques and tools favored for the analysis and the hazard assessment. 3.1. Basic assumptions Despite the conflicting views among geomorphologists and engineers, all the proposed methods are based upon a few, widely accepted principles or Žassumptions Varnes et al., 1984; Carrara et al., 1991; Hutchinson and Chandler, 1991; Hutchinson, .1995; Turner and Schuster, 1995 , namely, the fol- lowing: – Slope failures leave discernible morphological features; most of them can be recognized, classified and mapped both in the field or through remote Žsensing, chiefly aerial photographs Rib and Liang, 1978; Varnes, 1978; Hansen, 1984; Hutchinson, .1988; Dikau et al., 1996 . – Landsliding is controlled by mechanical laws that can be determined empirically, statistically or in deterministic fashion. Conditions that cause land- ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 185 Ž .slides instability factors directly or indirectly linked to slope failure, can be collected and used to build Žpredictive models of landslide occurrence Dietrich .et al., 1995 . – The past and present are keys to the future ŽVarnes et al., 1984; Carrara et al., 1991; Hutchin.son, 1995 . As previously mentioned, the principle, which follows from uniformitarianism, implies that slope failures in the future will be more likely to occur under the conditions which led to past and present instability. Hence, the understanding of past failures is essential in the assessment of landslide hazard. – Landslide occurrence, in space or time, can be inferred from heuristic investigations, computed through the analysis of environmental information, or inferred from physical models. Therefore, a territory can be zoned into hazard classes ranked according to different probabilities. Ideally, evaluation of landslide hazard and its mapping should derive from all of these assumptions. Failure to comply to them will limit the applicability of any hazard assessment, regardless of the methodology used or the goal of the investigation. Unfortunately, as will be later discussed, satisfactory application of all of these principles proves difficult, both operationally and conceptually. 3.2. The mapping unit Evaluation of landslide hazard requires the preliminary selection of a suitable mapping unit. The term refers to a portion of the land surface which contains a set of ground conditions which differ from Žthe adjacent units across definable boundaries Han.sen, 1984 . At the scale of the analysis, a mapping unit represents domain that maximises internal homogeneity and between-units heterogeneity. Various methods have been proposed to partition the landscape for landslide hazard assessment and mapping Ž .Meijerink, 1988; Carrara et al., 1995 . All methods fall into one of the following five groups: – grid-cells; – terrain units; – unique-condition units; – slope-units; and – topographic units. Grid-cells, preferred by raster-based GIS users, divide the territory into regular squares of pre-defined size which become the mapping unit of referŽence Carrara, 1983; Bernknopf et al., 1988; Pike, 1988; van Westen, 1993, 1994; Mark and Ellen, .1995 . Each grid-cell is assigned a value for each Ž .factor morphological, geological, of land-use, etc. taken into consideration. Alternatively, a stack of raster layers, each mapping a single instability factor, is prepared. Terrain units, traditionally favored by geomorphologists, are based on the observation that in natural environments the interrelations between materials, forms and processes result in boundaries which frequently reflect geomorphological and geological differences. Terrain units are the base of the land-system classification approach which has found application in many land resources investigations ŽCooke and Doornkamp, 1974; Speight, 1977; Verstappen, 1983; Burnett et al., 1985; Meijerink, 1988; .Hansen et al., 1995 . ŽUnique-condition units Bonham-Carter, 1994; .Chung et al., 1995 imply the classification of each slope-instability factor into a few significant classes which are stored into a single map, or layer. By sequentially overlying all the layers, homogeneous Ž .domains unique conditions are singled out whose number, size and nature depend on the criteria used in classifying the input factors. Slope-units, automatically derived from high-quality DTMs, partition the territory into hydrological Žregions between drainage and divide lines Carrara, .1988; Carrara et al., 1991 . Depending on the type of Žinstability to be investigated deep-seated vs. shallow .slides or complex slides vs. debris flows the mapping unit may correspond either to the sub-basin or Žto the main slope-unit rightrleft side of the sub.basin . Slope-units can be further subdivided into topographic units defined by the intersections of contours and flow tube boundaries orthogonal to contours Ž .O’Loughlin, 1986 . For each topographic unit, local morphometric variables and the cumulative drainage area of all up-slope elements are computed. Selection of an appropriate mapping unit depends on a number of factors, namely: the type of landslide phenomena to be studied; the scale of the investigation; the quality, resolution, scale and type of the ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216186 thematic information required; and the availability of the adequate information management and analysis tools. Each technique for tesselling the territory has advantages and limitations that can be enhanced or reduced choosing the appropriate hazard evaluation method. 3.3. Landslide hazard modelling Methods for ranking slope instability factors and assigning the different hazard levels can be qualitatiÕe or quantitatiÕe and direct or indirect. Qualitative methods are subjective and portray the Ž .hazard zoning in descriptive qualitative terms. Quantitative methods produce numerical estimates Ž .probabilities of the occurrence of landslide phenomena in any hazard zone. Direct methods consist of the geomorphological mapping of landslide hazŽ .ard Verstappen, 1983 . Indirect methods for landslide hazard assessment are essentially stepwise. They require first the recognition and mapping of landŽslides over a target region or a subset of it training .area . It follows the identification and mapping of a group of physical factors which are directly or indiŽrectly correlated with slope instability instability .factors . They then involve an estimate of the relative contribution of the instability factors in generating slope-failures, and the classification of the land surface into domains of different hazard degree Ž .hazard zoning . The most important methods proposed in the literŽature can be grouped into few main categories Carrara et al., 1992; van Westen, 1993; Carrara et al., .1995; Hutchinson, 1995 , namely: – geomorphological hazard mapping; – analysis of landslide inventories; – heuristic or index based methods; – functional, statistically based models; – geotechnical or physically based models. Geomorphological mapping of landslide hazard is a direct, qualitative method that relies on the ability of the investigator to estimate actual and potential Žslope failures Humbert, 1977; Godefroy and Humbert, 1983; Kienholz et al., 1983, 1984; Bosi et al., 1985; Zimmerman et al., 1986; Seeley and West, .1990; Hansen et al., 1995 . The heuristic approach, based on the a priori knowledge of all causes and instability factors of landsliding in the area under investigation, is an indirect, mostly qualitative method, that depends on how well and how much the investigator understands the geomorphological processes acting upon the terrain. Instability factors are ranked and weighted according to their assumed or expected importance in causing mass movements ŽNilsen and Brabb, 1977; Amadesi and Vianello, 1978; Hollingsworth and Kovacs, 1981; Neeley and Rice, 1990; Montgomery et al., 1991; Mejıa-Navarro´ .et al., 1994 . All other approaches are indirect and quantitative. The analysis of landslide inventories attempts to predict future patterns of instability from the past and present distribution of landslide deposits. This is Žaccomplished by preparing landslide density ‘‘iso.pleth’’ maps, i.e., maps showing the number or percent of area covered by landslide deposits over a Žregion Campbell, 1973; Wright, 1974; Wright and Nilsen, 1974; Wright et al., 1974; DeGraff, 1985; .Guzzetti et al., 1994 . Statistical, ‘‘black-box’’ approaches are based on the analysis of the functional relationships between instability factors and the past and present distribution of landslides. Various multivariate statistical techniques have been applied on various mapping units. The most favored are discriminant analysis, linear and logistic regression, and Žneural networks Neuland, 1976; Carrara, 1983; Carrara et al., 1991; Carrara et al., 1995; Roth, 1983; Yin and Yan, 1988; Neeley and Rice, 1990; Mark, .1992; van Westen, 1993, 1994; Chung et al., 1995 . A statistical model of slope instability is built on the assumption that the factors which caused slope-failure in a region are the same as those which will generate landslides in the future. The general linear model assumes the form: LsB qB X qB X qB X q . . . qB X qe0 1 1 2 2 3 3 m m Žwhere L is the presencerabsence or the area per.centage of landslides in each sampling unit, the X’s Ž .are input predictor variables or instability factors measured or observed for each mapping unit, the B’s are coefficients estimated from the data through techniques which are dependent on the statistical tool ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 187 Žselected multiple regression, discriminant analysis, .etc. , and e represents the model error. Ž .Lastly, process-based geotechnical models rely upon the understanding of few physical laws controlŽling slope instability Okimura and Kawatani, 1987; Dunne, 1991; Montgomery and Dietrich, 1994; Diet.rich et al., 1995; Terlien et al., 1995 . These models Žcouple shallow subsurface flow i.e., the pore pres.sure spatial distribution , predicted soil thickness, Žand landsliding of the soil mantle Dietrich et al., .1995 . Stability conditions are generally evaluated by means of a static model, such as the ‘‘infinite slope model’’, where the local equilibrium along a potential slip surface is considered. As previously mentioned, hazard models and mapping units are conceptually and operationally Ž .interrelated Carrara et al., 1995 . In the direct hazard mapping the geomorphological unit of reference is implicitly defined by the interpreter that maps those portions of the territory that are subject to Ž .different geomorphological hazards Hansen, 1984 . ŽIn all other cases i.e., grid-based modelling, unique-condition units, slope-units, topographic .units , the mapping unit is explicitly defined by the operator. In general, grid-cells are preferred for Ž .heuristic Pike, 1988; Mejıa-Navarro et al., 1994 ,´ Ž .statistical Carrara, 1983; van Westen, 1994 and Žphysical or simulation Mark, 1992; Terlien et al., .1995 modelling. Unique-condition units have been Ž .applied to both heuristic van Westen, 1993 and Žstatistical methods Carrara et al., 1995; Chung et al., .1995 . Slope-units and topographic units have been Ž .used in statistical Carrara et al., 1991; 1995 and Ž .physically based Montgomery and Dietrich, 1994 models. 4. The Umbria–Marche hazard assessment pro- ject In the Umbria and Marche Regions of Central Ž .Italy Fig. 1 evaluation of landslide hazard was attempted using a variety of techniques pertaining to the realms of geology, geomorphology, statistics, and information technology. Experiments were carried out at the regional scale, for the entire Umbria– Ž 2 .Marche territory 18,125 km in size , and at the Ž 2 . Žlocal scale, in the Tescio 59 km and Carpina 67 2 . Ž .km basins Guzzetti, 1993 . The long-term hazard assessment project involved: – the regional evaluation of landslide occurrence, obtained through the interpretation of mediumŽscale aerial photographs Guzzetti and Cardinali, .1989, 1990; Antonini et al., 1993 and the inventory of historical information on slope movements Ž .Guzzetti et al., 1994 ; – a reconnaissance estimate of landslide hazard, attempted using the regional landslide inventory and the available, small scale thematic informa- tion; – a set of detailed landslide hazard models in test areas, selected for their lithological, structural and morphological settings representative of large secŽtors of the Umbria–Marche territory Carrara et .al., 1991, 1995 ; – a conceptual model of landslide occurrence Ž .Guzzetti et al., 1996 . Results of these experiments, along with the outcomes of an international workshop on the application of GIS technology in assessing natural hazards ŽReichenbach et al., 1993; Carrara and Guzzetti, .1995 , encouraged the undertaking of a detailed evaluation of landslide hazard over the upper section of Ž 2 .the Tiber River basin 4097 km in size . This experiment, which is still in progress, is requiring a great deal of work in data acquisition, storage and processing and will need a significant amount of time and funds to be completed. 4.1. Regional setting The Umbria and Marche Regions are located Ž .along the Apennines mountain chain Fig. 1 . To the east of the Apennines, the Umbria Region is drained by the Tiber River that flows into the Tyrrhenian sea. The Marche Region, to the west of the Apennines main divide, exhibits a parallel drainage that flows into the Adriatic sea. The study area has a long history of hydrogeological catastrophes. Reports on landslides go back to Etruscan and Roman periods, but the first documented information on slope movements in the hillsides of Todi and Orvieto dates back to the fourteenth century. Due to the extent and economic ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216188 Fig. 1. The Umbria–Marche territory in shaded relief. The image was prepared from the Archive of Mean Elevations of Italy with a ground Ž .resolution of 230=230 m. Sun azimuth angle is 3158, elevation above the horizon is 458. No vertical exaggeration. A Upper Tiber River Ž . Ž .basin. B Carpina basin. C Tescio basin. significance of landslides, research on slope movements, ranging in scale from site specific investigaŽtions to regional studies, is abundant Guzzetti et al., .1996 . ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 189 Different rock types crop out in the area, varying in strength from hard to weak and soft rocks, that Žcan be grouped into few lithological domains Fig. .2A . Hard rocks consist of layered and massive limestone, cherty limestone, sandstone, pyroclastic deposits, travertine and conglomerate. Weak rocks are marl, shale, sand, silty clay and stiff, overconsolidated clay. Soft rocks are marine and continental clay, silty clay and shale. The morphological and structural setting of the area is determined by the superposition of two tectonic phases. A compressive phase, late Miocene to early Pliocene in age, was followed by an extension phase of Pliocene to Recent age. The compressive deformation produced large anticlines, corresponding to major divides, and synclines associated with thrusts and transcurrent faults. The extensional tectonic phase produced normal faults that formed intra-mountain basins and valleys. The lithological and structural domains are characterized by a prevalent geomorphological setting and by typical geotechnical and hydrogeological properties that control the abundance and pattern of slope failures. Mass movements, ranging in size from less than 1 ha to few square kilometers, include: falls and topples in hard rocks; soil-slips in the colluvial cover mantling slopes in soft or weak rocks; rotational slides in homogeneous, mostly soft rocks; translational slides in well bedded, soft and hard rocks; earth-flows, complex and compound slides where alternating hard and soft rocks crop out Ž .Guzzetti et al., 1996 . 4.2. Regional eÕaluation of landslide occurrence The regional inventory of landslides can be attempted through the catalogue of existing informaŽtion on mass movements bibliographical or historical catalogue; cf. Nemcok and Rybar, 1968; Rad-´ .bruch-Hall et al., 1982; Brabb, 1984 or by means of the systematic interpretation of medium- or smallŽscale aerial photographs reconnaissance inÕentory; .cf. Brabb, 1984; Hansen, 1984; Wieczorek, 1984 . For the Umbria and Marche Regions a reconnaisŽsance inventory of landslide deposits Guzzetti and .Cardinali, 1989, 1990; Antonini et al., 1993 and a catalogue of bibliographical information on landŽ .slides CoGeo, 1994a, 1994b; Guzzetti et al., 1994 were completed in the years 1986–1992. The reconnaissance mapping was carried out through the systematic analysis of about 2100 black and white vertical aerial photographs, at 1:33,000 scale. Landslides were classified according to a simŽ .plified version of Varnes 1978 classification of mass movements. In the Marche Region, landslide relative-age was also estimated. Mapping took 5 manryears and detected about 14,700 landslide deŽ .posits. Additionally, 9700 small less than 1 ha Ž .failures, affecting mostly clay about 50% and flyŽ .sch deposits about 30% , were identified and mapped as single points. The total mapped landslide area was 1628 km2 , namely, 9% of the Umbria–Marche terriŽ .tory Fig. 2B . Detailed geomorphological investigations carried out in pilot areas suggest that this is a Ž .lower estimate Guzzetti et al., 1996 . The reconnaissance inventory revealed different types of landslides. Complex failures, covering 40% of the total landslide area, showed the largest extent. Flows were the smallest failures, but in the northern part of the study area flows exceeding 3 km2 are Žpresent. In addition, tectonic melanges 40% of the . Ž .territory and flysch deposits 12% of the territory were the most landslide-prone rocks, followed by all other rock types with less than 10% landslide area. A catalogue of bibliographical information on slope failures for the Umbria and Marche Regions was completed for the period 1918–1990 through the systematic review of four newspapers, the interview of 24 expert witnesses, and inspection of 180 techniŽ .cal and scientific reports CoGeo, 1994a, 1994b . The historical investigation revealed 1485 landslide events, at 956 different sites, affecting 89 out of 92 Ž .townships in Umbria 97% and 148 out of 246 Ž . Ž .townships in the Marche Region 60% Fig. 2C . ŽThe analysis of the limited number of failures 35% .for Umbria and 16% for Marche for which the date of occurrence was known, showed a higher freŽ .quency of events in the winter season Fig. 3A . Additionally, landslide frequency exhibited a correlaŽ .tion with the general climatic trend Fig. 3B . Landslide events were found abundant in the period 1950–1969 and rare during the Second World War Ž .and the post war period 1940–1949 . The latter reflects the incompleteness of the catalogue rather ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216190 Ž . Ž .Fig. 2. Umbria and Marche Regions. Geological and morphological setting of the territory. A Lithological domains. 1 Lake and alluvial, Ž . Ž . Ž .post-orogenic sediments; 2 Flysch deposits pertaining to the Macigno Fms.; 3 Flysch deposits of the Marche sequence; 4 Ligurian Ž . Ž .allochtonous complex; 5 Flysch deposits pertaining to the Marnoso–Arenacea Fm.; 6 Plio-Pleistocene marine and continental deposits; Ž . Ž . Ž .7 Limestone and Marls pertaining to the Umbria–Marche sequence; 8 Volcanic rocks. B Distribution of landslide deposits mapped Ž . Ž .through a reconnaissance survey of medium-scale aerial photographs after Guzzetti and Cardinali, 1989; Antonini et al., 1993 . C Ž .Administrative boundaries townships . Dots report the location of 956 sites affected by mass movements cataloged by the historical Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .inventory completed for the period 1918–1990. D Morphological classification in terrain types. 1 Lowlands; 2 Low hills; 3 Hills; 4 Ž .Mountains; 5 High mountains. ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 191 Fig. 3. Umbria and Marche Regions. Frequency of landslide events cataloged for the period 1918–1990, compared with the regional climatic trend, expressed by average mean daily discharge of the Tiber River at the Ponte Nuovo gauging station Ž . Ž .Perugia . A Average, monthly frequency of landslide events. Ž .B Frequency of landslide events in 5-year intervals. Žthan a peculiar climatological condition a dry pe.riod . As a preliminary assessment of the regional economic impact of landslides in the Umbria–Marche Žterritory, the two inventories reconnaissance and .bibliographical were compared using the local adŽ .ministrative boundaries townships as the reference Ž .mapping unit Fig. 2C . The percentage of landslide area mapped by the reconnaissance inventory and the number of events available in the historical catalogue were counted within the territory of each municipality. Percentage of landslide area was found ranging Ž . Žbetween nil 0% , in landslide free areas, to 88% at .Carpegna , with an average value of 10%. Forty Ž .percent of townships 125 , corresponding to about 30% of the territory, exhibit a percentage of landslide area greater than the average. Only 15 townships had a percentage of landslide area less than 1%. Of these, five, due to the local morphological Ž .and geological setting i.e., large plains , were found completely free of landslide deposits. The bibliographical inventory revealed that 237 townships Ž .70% experienced from one up to a maximum of 88 Ž .landslide events in 72 years 1918–1990 , with an Ž .average of five events. For 101 townships 30% no information on landslides was reported. Further analysis showed that for only about 10% of the townships, the morphological and geological setting was not landslide-prone. In all other cases the lack of information could not be interpreted as a safety condition, but the result of the incompleteness of the historical record. An attempt was made to test the consistency of the two regional evaluations of landslide occurrence. Due to the lack of precision in the location of many landslides identified by the historical investigation Ž .Guzzetti et al., 1994 , and the uncertainty associated Žwith small scale landslide mapping Carrara et al., .1992 , a direct map overlay was not appropriate. To take care of possible mapping errors a ‘‘confidence Ž .belt’’ a ‘‘buffer’’ was traced around each landslide Ž .whose width was proportional 10% to landslide area. Then the distance between each landslide identified historically to the nearest landslide mapped by the reconnaissance inventory was computed. It was Žfound that the density of events number of 2 .eventsrkm that fall directly on landslides mapped Žby the reconnaissance inventory landslide deposit .plus 10% confidence belt or within a distance of 500 m, is twice the density of events that lay at a greater distance. In other words, 70% of historical events lay on, or within a distance of 500 m to the nearest mapped landslide. 4.3. Reconnaissance modelling of landslide hazard The reconnaissance estimate of landslide hazard for the entire Umbria–Marche territory was attempted in two ways. At first, an isopleth map, showing the distribution of landslide density, was prepared counting the percentage of area affected by landslides within a circular moving window of about 2 Ž .1 km Fig. 4A . In landslide-prone areas, landslide Ž 2 .density varies from 0.01 1 harkm up to 1.0, where the whole area is covered by landslide deŽ .posits Guzzetti et al., 1994 . As a second attempt, a statistical model of landslide hazard was developed using the reconnaissance ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216192 inventory of slope movements and the thematic inŽ .formation available at small scale Fig. 4B . Geology was obtained from existing maps at 1:100,000 scale by grouping the over 100 formations into eight lithoŽ .logical domains Fig. 2A . Major lithological boundaries were buffered to capture the instability effect Žon slopes of contrasting lithologies Guzzetti et al., .1996 . Morphology was estimated through the computaŽtion of geomorphological parameters i.e., elevation, terrain gradient, curvature, frequency of slope direc.tion changes, and elevation relief ratio from a coarse Ž .230=230 m DTM and an unsupervised cluster analysis of such morphometric data. Hence, the territory was simply divided into five terrain types, namely: lowlands, low hills, hills, mountains and Ž .high mountains Fig. 2D . Regional seismicity was obtained from a synoptic map showing the maximum felt seismic intensity in Ž .Italy Boschi et al., 1995 . Intensity levels were Ž .grouped into three classes, namely: low 68–78 , Ž . Ž .medium 88–98 , and high 108–118 MCS scale intensity. Regional climatic conditions were estimated by preparing maps of mean annual precipitation and yearly number of rainy days for the period 1921– 1950. Mean annual precipitation ranges from 570 to 1880 mm, whereas rainy days are between 62 and 124 mm. Both parameters are correlated to elevation. A simple index expressing the average yearly rainfall intensity was computed as the ratio between mean annual rainfall and the yearly number of rainy days. Index values were ranked into three classes, corresponding to low, medium and high yearly rainfall intensity. Mapping units for the analysis were obtained by sequentially overlaying the five thematic maps previously listed. Because the thematic variables are spatially correlated, of the 1080 possible unique conditions only 522 actually resulted, for a total of over Ž .50,000 domains polygons . Each unique condition was classified as stable or unstable depending on the percentage of area affected by any type of landslide deposit. The threshold was selected equal to the Ž .mean landslide area of the whole territory 9% , that is, the expected probability to find a landslide deposit by chance. Logistic regression was then applied to predict stable and unstable terrain units using 17 dummy Ž .0r1 variables corresponding to the classes into which the five input thematic maps were grouped Ž .Table 1 . The results of the classification are shown in Table 2, and the probabilities of landslide occurrence, grouped into four classes, are displayed in Fig. 4B. Of the variables entered into the equation, Ž .those reflecting rock type eight are the most important in classifying stable and unstable units with a success nearly equal to 75%. Conversely, seismic Ž . Ž .zoning two and climatic belts two proved to be rather poor predictors of landslide distribution. This Žmight reflect the time-span of the seismic map few . Ž .centuries and of the rainfall map 30 years . Both are much shorter than that of the reconnaissance Žinventory that portrays the result of 10,000 years or .more of geomorphological history. The limited preŽ .dictive power of morphological variables four may be due to the strong correlation at regional scale Ž . Žbetween morphology Fig. 2D and lithology Fig. .2A . ŽBy overlaying the landslide deposits map Fig. . Ž .2B over the regional hazard model map Fig. 4B , Žthe belts at lower probability 0%–20% and 20%– .40% were found to have a percentage of landslide Ž .area 4.4% and 6.3%, respectively which is about one third of that featuring the belts at high hazard Ž .60%–100% , namely 14.1%; while in the intermediŽ .ate hazard region 40%–60% landslide area is 8.9%. Lastly, a preliminary attempt was made to rank the territory of each municipality into hazard classes based on the outcome of the reconnaissance hazard model. It was found that 95 townships have more than 75% of their territory classified as landslide Ž . Ž .Fig. 4. Umbria and Marche Regions. Reconnaissance assessment of landslide hazard. A Landslide density map ‘‘isopleth map’’ . Shades Ž . Ž . Ž .of grey indicate increasing percentage of landslide area, from less than 1% white to 100% black . B Landslide hazard assessment by Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .logistic regression on 522 unique-condition units. Hazard levels are: 1 0%–20% very low ; 2 20%–40% low ; 3 40%–60% Ž . Ž . Ž .intermediate ; and 4 60%–100% high . ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 193 ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216194 Table 1 Umbria and Marche Regions. List of 17 dummy variables entered into the logistic regression model, equation coefficients and their standard Ž . Ž . Ž .errors S.E. . Grouping variable: unique-condition unit free unstable area F 9% vs. affected unstable area)9% by landslide deposits Variable Explanation Coefficent S.E. MAR Marnoso–Arenacea Fm. Flysch deposits 3.081 1.221 AVAN marine clay and sand 3.724 1.235 GESSO Marche flysch deposits 4.225 1.229 UMBRO Umbria–Marche stratigraphic sequence 2.333 1.218 SINE lake and alluvial deposits 1.102 1.244 CERVA Macigno Fms. Flysch deposits 3.244 1.229 VULC volcanic rocks 2.937 1.257 LIGU Ligurian allochtonus sediments 4.732 1.313 DD-DD corridor at the boundary of lithological units 0.919 0.366 MOR-1 lowland y0.894 0.330 MOR-2 low hills 1.144 2.315 MOR-3 hills 0.401 0.309 MOR-5 high mountains 0.481 0.408 CLIMA-1 low rainfall intensity y0.465 0.267 CLIMA-3 high rainfall intensity y0.415 0.251 SEIS-1 low seismicity, 6 to 7 MCS scale 0.403 0.225 SEIS-2 intermediate seismicity, 8 to 9 MCS scale 0.097 0.072 Model y3.322 1.237 Ž .prone high hazard class . Conversely, only 35 townships have 75% or more of the territory mapped as Ž .potentially stable low hazard class . 4.4. Landslide hazard modelling in pilot areas In the Tescio and Carpina tributaries of the Tiber Ž .River Fig. 1 , detailed hazard evaluations were carried out testing a variety of data acquisition techniques, mapping unit types, and information manageŽment and statistical techniques Carrara et al., 1991, .1995 . Both areas are underlain by rocks belonging to the Umbria–Marche stratigraphic sequence. In the Tescio basin crop out: to the south, thinly bedded limestone, marl and shale Late Jurassic to Cretaceous in age; in the central part, marl and shale Oligocene to Eocene in age; and, to the north, alternating sandstone, calcarenite and marl Miocene in age. The latter cover half of the basin and are affected by numerous landslides, mostly complex, rotational or translational slides with a distinct flow component at the toe. The Carpina basin is underlined by flysch deposits, Eocene to Miocene in age. In the area crop out rhythmic sequences of sandstone, calcarenite and marl in different proportion, marl, shale, and chaotic Ž .mixtures olistostromes of various rock types. Mass movements comprise large, very old complex slides controlled by the local bedding attitude; old to recent Žslides are abundant where competent beds sandstone Table 2 Umbria and Marche Regions. Classification of stable and unstable unique-condition units by logistic regression Unique-condition units correctly classified: 74.8%. Actual group No. of unique condition units Predicted group membership Ž . Ž .Group 1 stable units Group 2 unstable units Ž .Group 1 stable units 278 214 64 Ž .Group 2 unstable units 244 68 176 ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 195 Table 3 Tescio basin. List of variables entered in the discriminant function and their relative importance as expressed by the standardized Ž . Ž .discriminant function coefficient SDFC . Grouping variable: slope-unit free of vs. affected by landsliding after Carrara et al., 1991 Variable SDFC CINE slope-unit percent of Scaglia Cinerea rock type y0.202 SCHL slope-unit percent of Schlier rock type y0.355 ARCA slope-unit percent of sandstone-rich rock type 0.331 MAXCA product of marl-rich and calcarenite-rich rock types 0.693 DENUD slope-unit percent of uncultivated area 0.314 BOSCO slope-unit percent of forest y0.601 AN slope-unit facing N 0.199 AW slope-unit facing W 0.293 MAGN sub-basin magnitude y0.492 ELV-M slope-unit mean elevation y0.295 FORM slope-unit form perimeterrarea y0.503 RXGR slope-unit surface roughness index y0.260 FRA-TR bedding dipping toward slope-unit free face 0.251 Ž .IDR-A permeable beds sandstone capping impermeable ones 0.545 Ž .IDR-D impermeable beds clay and shale throughout slope-unit 0.840 .and calcarenite are present within mostly marly rocks; and old to recent shallow soil-slips and flows take place on soil-mantled slopes. Detailed thematic data were derived from existing topographic maps, aerial photographs and field surveys. Landslide deposits, classified according to relative age, degree of activity, movement type, estimated depth and velocity, type of material, and mapping certainty, were determined by interpreting aerial photographs of different dates and scales Ž .1:33,000 and 1:13,000 , and by systematic field investigations. ŽUsing high-fidelity DTMs 20=20 or 25=25 .m , drainage-divide networks were automatically identified and basins were partitioned into sub-basins and slope-units, each characterized by a wide set of Žmorphometric and hydrological parameters Carrara, .1988; Carrara et al., 1991, 1995 . Geological data were obtained by field mapping at 1:10,000 scale, aided by photo-geological techŽniques. Bedding and structural measurements joints, .cleavage and faults were taken as uniformly as possible throughout the study areas. This allowed partitioning of the terrain into structural domains Ž .i.e., anticline, thrust, graben, etc. as well as in Ž .constant bedding strike and dip areas. By comparŽing bedding attitude and slope orientation aspect .and steepness , slope-units were classified in structural and bedding attitude classes. To estimate the hydrological conditions of slopes, the stratigraphic relations between permeable and impermeable rocks were estimated in the field and from the lithological maps. Land-use data were obtained from existing maps at 1:10,000 scale and through the interpretation of large scale, color aerial photographs. In the Tescio basin, for each slope-unit the percentage of unstable area was derived as the weighted summation of the landslide area existing in the unit. Slope-units were defined as landslide-free and landslide-bearing when the percentage of failed area was Table 4 Ž .Tescio basin. Classification of stable and unstable slope-units by discriminant analysis after Carrara et al., 1991 Slope-units correctly classified: 83.8%. Actual group No. of slope-units Predicted group membership Ž . Ž .Group 1 stable slopes Group 2 unstable slopes Ž .Group 1 stable slopes 148 128 20 Ž .Group 2 unstable slopes 118 23 95 ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216196 Table 5 Carpina basin. List of variables entered in the discriminant function and their relative importance as expressed by the standardized Ž . Ždiscriminant function coefficient SDFC . Grouping variable: slope-unit free of vs. affected by old to recent slides after Carrara et al., .1995 Variable SDFC CAM slope-unit percent of marly–calcareous sandstone 0.253 ALL-COL slope-unit percent of alluvial–colluvial deposits y0.209 D3 slope-unit percent of N monocline domain 0.215 D11 slope-unit percent of NE transcurrent fault domain 0.122 D12 slope-unit percent of graben domain 0.173 TRR bedding dipping obliquely into the slope y0.217 TFP bedding dipping toward slope free face 0.245 CATA slope-unit percent of cataclastic rocks 0.105 RX variability of across-slope profile y0.338 COC-COV concave–convex slope-unit profile y0.170 IRR irregular slope-unit profile y0.109 MOR-A1 PC reflecting slope length and width 0.354 MOR-B1 PC reflecting slope steepness y0.264 PALEO slope-unit profile inherited from old landsliding 0.268 AC-TM permeable beds capping impermeable ones 0.115 AC-A acquifer in alluvial–colluvial deposits y0.232 S-BO slope-unit percent of forest area y0.204 S-PP slope-unit percent of pasture area 0.126 S-DN slope-unit percent of barren area y0.264 S-SAP slope-unit percent of cultivated area 0.254 less or greater than 2%, respectively. This threshold was derived from an estimate of average drafting and digitising errors. Using classified slope-units as the grouping variable and almost 40 factors as input predictor variables, stepwise discriminant analysis was applied in order to predict stable or unstable slope-units, on the basis of their morphological, geological and land-use characteristics. The variables Ž .factors entered into the discriminant function are listed in Table 3, while the results of the classification are summarized in Table 4. A test of the statistical reliability of the model showed that the discrimiŽnant function was able to classify correctly from .75% to 82% stable and unstable slopes belonging to the test set. In the Carpina basin large, very old complex slides; old to recent slides; and old to recent, shallow flows or soil-slips were processed separately. For the area, three drainage-divide networks of increasing detail were prepared, partitioning the basin into a different number of slope-units, namely: 66, 414 and 750 which correspond to an average size of 1.109, 0.162 and 0.090 km2 , respectively. These values were selected in agreement with the average size of each landslide group. Because of the large number of variables availŽ .able over 60 and their high interrelations, selected subsets were replaced with their most significant Ž .principal components PC , through standard princiŽ .pal components analysis PCA , to reduce redundancy and to improve numerical stability in the subsequent analyses. Stepwise discriminant analysis was performed on each set of 66, 414 and 750 slope-units, setting as grouping variable the presencerabsence of slope failures belonging to either the large, very old landslides, or slides, or flows. Since slope-units are very unequal in size in each map and uncertainty in the input data is expected to Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .Fig. 5. Carpina basin. Evaluation of landslide hazard. Hazard levels are: 1 0%–40% low ; 2 40%–60% intermediate ; and 3 Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .60%–100% high ; 4 are landslide deposits. A Landslide hazard assessment by discriminant analysis on 414 slope-units. B Landslide hazard assessment by discriminant analysis on 2092 unique-condition units. ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 197 ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216198 Table 6 Ž .Carpina basin. Classification of stable and unstable slope-units by discriminant analysis after Carrara et al., 1995 Slope-units correctly classified: 80.7%. Actual Group No. of slope-units Predicted group membership Ž . Ž .Group 1 stable slopes Group 2 unstable slopes Ž .Group 1 stable slopes 278 228 50 Ž .Group 2 unstable slopes 136 30 106 decrease with slope-unit size, all analyses were weighted by the log of the slope-unit area. The results of this threefold analysis can be summarized as follows. Ž .To predict successfully at the 92% level the occurrence of the few large, very old slides, 12 variables entered into the model. They equally reflect rock composition, structural setting, slope morphometry and ground water conditions. In the second analysis carried out on the statistically more significant group of the old to recent slides, a wider spectrum of variables entered into the Ž . Ž .model Table 5 , namely: rock type two , structure Ž . Ž . Ž .six , morphometry six , water conditions two and Ž .land-use four . In Fig. 5A, the probabilities of slide occurrence, grouped into three classes, are displayed along with the slide deposits. Although the classificaŽtion power of the model is rather good over 80%, .Table 6 , too many predictors were needed to obtain this result. Indeed, an intrinsic limitation of any multivariate analysis is that as the number of variables increases the reliability of the model decreases to some extent. To predict at the 75% level slope-units affected by shallow landslides, 20 variables entered into the discriminant function, of which two regard slope Table 7 Carpina basin. List of dummy variables entered into the discriminant function and their relative importance as expressed by the standardized Ž . Ž .discriminant function coefficient SDFC . Grouping variable: unique-condition unit free of unstable area-4.39% vs. affected by old to Ž .recent slides after Carrara et al., 1995 Variable SDFC CALC calcareous sandstone and marl y0.195 ARP sandstone and marl y0.141 CAM marly–calcareous sandstone 0.419 PELC marl and calcareous sandstone y0.100 OLI tectonic clayey melange 0.075 ALL-COL alluvial–colluvial deposits y0.216 D3 northern monocline domain 0.307 D7 southern thrust fault domain y0.201 D10 central transcurrent fault domain 0.171 D11 northeastern transcurrent fault domain 0.160 SLO10 slope angle-108 y0.194 SLO25 slope angle between 208–258 y0.151 SLO90 slope angle)258 y0.262 PROF1 concave down-slope profile y0.205 PROF2 rectilinear down-slope profile y0.071 CATA cataclastic rock 0.157 LEN200 slope length-200 m y0.112 LEN400 slope length between 200–400 m 0.286 REG-T bedding dipping into the slope y0.192 FRP-T bedding dipping toward the slope free face 0.231 S-BO forested area 0.220 S-PP pasture area 0.479 ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 199 Table 8 Ž .Carpina basin. Classification of stable and unstable unique-condition units by discriminant analysis after Carrara et al., 1995 Unique-condition units correctly classified: 72.7%. Actual group No. of unique condition units Predicted group membership Ž . Ž .Group 1 stable units Group 2 unstable units Ž .Group 1 stable units 1213 893 320 Ž .Group 2 unstable units 879 252 627 material, nine the structure, six the morphometry and three the land-use type. The rather low percentage of slope-units correctly classified indicates that input variables were unable to predict adequately the spatial distribution of flows in the area. This is not surprising; a test of randomness of their distribution proved that in a large portion of the basin shallow failures were nearly randomly distributed with reŽspect to the available thematic information Cardinali .et al., 1994 . In the Carpina basin, an attempt was also made to assess landslide hazard due to old to recent slides using unique-conditions as mapping unit. In order to apply a multivariate statistical analysis to such an approach, all input variables were grouped into a few meaningful classes. For categorical data, such as rock type and land-use, this operation did not involve any subjective judgement. For continuous variables, such as slope angle or length, the selection of the Ž .number of classes and class limits break points required a significant amount of guess work guided by previous knowledge of the causal relationships between slope failures and instability factors. As a Ž .result, from eight input dummy 0r1 variables, Ž .namely: rock type eight classes , structural domains Ž . Ž .12 classes , fault zones two classes , bedding attiŽ .tude vs. slope aspectrangle four classes , slope Ž . Žangle five classes , down-slope profile three . Ž .classes , slope length four classes and land-use Ž .three classes a total of 41 classes were derived. To limit the number of statistically meaningless uniqueconditions, filtering techniques were applied after each map overlay step. As a result, the final map had only 2092 unique-conditions, out of 138,240 possible cases. Stepwise discriminant analysis was then applied using, as the grouping variable, unique-condition units having a percentage of sliding area lower or greater than 4.39%, that is half the average instability percentage of the basin, and, as predictors, the dummy variables corresponding to the classes into which the eight input layers were grouped. Under the assumption that both the errors and uncertainty decrease with the size of the ground domain, all the analyses were weighted by the log of the domain area. Model results are listed in Table 7 and the probabilities of slide occurrence, grouped into three classes, Ž .are displayed in Fig. 5B. Of the 22 dummy 0r1 variables entered into the function, five are lithological, seven structural, seven morphometrical, and two concern land-use. The presencerabsence of pasture, marly–calcareous sandstone, northern monocline domain, and slope length are the most important in classifying stable and unstable units with a success Ž .equal to 73% Table 8 . The outcome of the two hazard assessments, on Ž .slope-units model A and on unique-condition units Table 9 Ž .Carpina basin. Comparison of percentages of area predicted as unstable, intermediate ‘‘unclassified’’ and stable, based on discriminant Ž .membership probabilities greater than 60%, between 40%–60% and less than 40%. Model A slope-units refers to Tables 5 and 6 and Fig. Ž . Ž .5A. Model B unique-condition units refers to Tables 7 and 8 and Fig. 5B after Carrara et al., 1995 Ž . Ž .Model A slope-units Model B unique-condition units Unstable area 31.5% 34.0% Intermediate area 18.7% 21.1% Stable area 49.8% 44.8% ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216200 Ž .model B , can be compared. The lists of variables entered into the discriminant functions for slope-units Ž . Ž .Table 5 and unique-condition units Table 7 show that several predictors are in common, albeit with ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 201 Table 10 Upper Tiber River basin. List of 40 variables entered into the discriminant function and their relative importance as expressed by the Ž .standardized discriminant function coefficient SDFC . Grouping variable: slope-unit free vs. slope-unit affected by deep-seated landslides Variable SDFC SAPM Alberese Fm. Limestone and marls 0.345 MAUH Marnoso–Arenacea Fm. Flysch deposits 0.163 ASS Chaotic lithological complex 0.166 FADT alluvial deposits, fans and detritus y0.335 STS Macigno del Mugello Fm. Marly flysch 0.235 STH Macigno del Chianti Fm. Sandy flysch 0.092 MNS Monte Nero Fm. Marl and shale 0.073 LIGH Ligurian allochtonus complex. Ophiolite suite 0.231 MARS Marnoso–Arenacea Fm. Marly, flysch deposits 0.219 DFLS lake deposits, clay and silt 0.082 DFLM lake deposits, silt and sand 0.296 DFLH lake deposits, gravel and cobbles y0.049 LINK LEN channel link length y0.131– LINK ANG channel link slope 0.164– ANG STD dispersion of channel link slope y0.129– SLO ARE slope-unit area 0.153– R variability of slope profile y0.106 ELEV STD dispersion of elevation 0.588– SLO LEN slope-unit length 0.422– COV COC convex–concave slope-unit profile y0.173– COC COV concave–convex slope-unit profile 0.040– MOR A1 PC reflecting slope-unit hydrologic position 0.300– MOR A2 PC reflecting slope-unit hydrologic position 0.189– MOR B1 PC reflecting slope steepness y0.475– IRR irregular slope-unit profile y0.064 TR1 slope-unit facing N or NW 0.036 TR2 slope-unit facing NE or E 0.095 STRU1 PC reflecting rock structure and attitude y0.427 STRU3 PC reflecting rock structure and attitude y0.453 REG bedding dipping into the slope y0.389 FRAM bedding dipping toward slope free face 0.537 TRA bedding dipping at right angle to the slope y0.049 CAO chaotic bedding 0.122 NONE undefined bedding y0.116 MASS massive rock types y0.160 AE slope-unit percent of built up area y0.077 SA slope-unit percent of culture with orchard area 0.033 PA slope-unit percent of pasture area 0.275 SS slope-unit percent of cultivated area 0.162 AN slope-unit percent of denuded and unclassified area y0.083 Ž .similar of different coefficients SDCF . Of the 20 variables entered into the slope-unit model, nine, Ž .equally distributed between lithology two , structure Ž . Ž . Ž .two bedding attitude three and land-use two , Ž . Ž . Ž .Fig. 6. Upper Tiber River basin. A Subdivision of the basin into 5598 slope-units. B Lithological map. 1 Alluvial deposits, fans and Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .detritus; 2 Chaotic lithological complex; 3 Limestone and sandstone of the San Marino sequence; 4 Lake deposits; 5 Ligurian Ž . Ž .allochtonous complex; 6 Flysch deposits of the Marnoso–Arenacea Romagnola sequence; 7 Flysch deposits of the Marnoso–Arenacea Ž . Ž . Ž .Umbra sequence; 8 Marl and shale of the Monte Nero Fm.; 9 Limestone and marl of the Alberese Fm.; 10 Flysch deposits of the Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .Macigno Fms.; 11 Schlier Fm. C Landslide inventory map, only deep-seated landslides are reported. D Bedding attitude map. 1 Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .N–NE; 2 E–SE; 3 S–SW; 4 W–NW; 5 chaotic; 6 undefined; 7 massive. ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216202 entered directly into the unique-condition model. Other variables are comparable, namely: MOR B1,– a proxy for terrain gradient, incorporates much of the information of SLO10, SLO25 and SLO90. Likewise, MOR A1, a proxy for slope length, includes– LEN200 and LEN400. The total areas predicted by the two models as Ž .unstable, intermediate ‘‘unclassified’’ and stable Ž .are comparable Table 9 . In terms of predictive Ž .power, model A slope-units is significantly superior for the higher percentage of classes correctly Ž .classified 80.7 vs. 72.7 and for the lower proporŽ .tion of area ‘‘unclassified’’ 18.7% vs. 21.1% ; however, its spatial resolution is lower than that of model Ž .B unique-condition units . The average size of a Ž 2 .slope-unit 0.13 km is five times larger the average Ž 2 .size of a unique-condition unit 0.03 km . 4.5. PredictiÕe model of landslide hazard for the upper Tiber riÕer basin A detailed estimation of landslide hazard over a large area is currently being attempted in the Upper Ž .Tiber River Basin Fig. 1 . The long-term experiment involves: the generation of a high-fidelity DTM; the production of a revised, 1:25,000 scale landslide inventory map; the acquisition of lithological, hydrological, structural and land-use data at 1:25,000 or 1:10,000 scale. A detailed digital representation of terrain was generated from contour lines obtained from 1:25,000 scale topographic maps. From a 25=25 m DTM Ž .totalling 6.5 million heights , nearly 20,000 slopeŽ .units were generated Fig. 6A . For each slope-unit, 24 morphometric parameters were automatically computed or subsequently derived. Lithological, bedding-plane, and landslide inventory maps were prepared through an extensive interpretation of 1:33,000 scale, black and white, aerial photographs and, limited to the outcrop of lake and continental deposits, of 1:13,000 scale color aerial Ž .photographs Fig. 6B . Landslides were classified into shallow failures and deep-seated movements, of Ž .certain or uncertain identification Fig. 6C . The lithological map was obtained updating the available geological maps, at 1:100,000 scale or larger. Attention was paid to the identification of rock types particularly prone to landslides, differentiating clay rich units from more competent rocks. Bedding attitude, an important factor in controlling landslide Žtypes and pattern in the region Guzzetti et al., .1996 , was mapped identifying areas of constant Žbedding attitude with respect to the local slope Fig. .6D . The lithological, bedding attitude and landslide maps were locally checked against detailed surveys ŽCarrara et al., 1991; Barchi et al., 1993; Toppi, 1993; Cardinali et al., 1994; Lambrugo and Lattuada; .1996 . Land-use was obtained assembling the existing maps at 1:10,000 and 1:25,000 scale. Lithological, geological, structural, geomorphological and land-use data are available for the entire area. However, only for the northernmost part of the basin, covering about 1132 km2 , thematic data are validated. For each of the 5598 slope-units pertaining to this portion of the basin, the percentage of unstable area was computed adding all deep-seated landslide area existing in each unit. Area of uncertain landslides was weighted by a factor of 0.7. Shallow failures were not taken into consideration. Ž .Small slope-units less than 10 ha were considered stable if the total landslide area was less than Ž .10%. Large slope-units larger than 40 ha were classified as landslide-bearing if landslide deposits exceeded 2.5% of the area. For slope-units of interŽ .mediate size 10–40 ha , the threshold value was set to 5%. As for the Carpina basin, selected subsets of the 60 input variables were replaced by their most signifTable 11 Upper Tiber River basin. Classification of stable and unstable slope-units by discriminant analysis Slope-units correctly classified: 72.0%. Actual Group No. of unique condition units Predicted group membership Ž . Ž .Group 1 stable units Group 2 unstable units Ž .Group 1 stable units 3502 2522 980 Ž .Group 2 unstable units 2096 587 1509 ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 203 Ž .Fig. 7. Upper Tiber River basin. Landslide hazard assessment by discriminant analysis on 5598 slope-units. Hazard levels are: 1 0%–40% Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž . Ž .low ; 2 40%–60% intermediate ; and 3 60%–100% high . ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216204 Ž .icant principal components PC . Factors were computed for morphometrical and structuralrbedding attitude variables. Using the presencerabsence of landslides as the grouping variable, stepwise discriminant function was applied to the 5598 slope-units. For a preliminary prediction of deep-seated landslide hazard, 40 variŽ .ables entered the discriminant function Table 10 . Of these, 12 are lithological, 15 morphometrical, eight express structure or bedding plane attitude, and five refer to land-use. Variables reflecting slope morphometry and attitude of bedding were the most powerful in classifying stable and unstable units with Ž .a success equal to 72% Table 11 . The probability of slide occurrence, grouped into three classes, is displayed in Fig. 7. The preliminary hazard assessment assigned 42% of the territory of the Upper Tiber River basin to the Žhigh probability class, 28% to the intermediate ‘‘un.defined’’ class, and 30% to the low hazard class. Frequencies of landslide area in each class are 28%, 11% and 4%, respectively. 5. Discussion Landslide hazard evaluation and mapping rely on a rather complex body of knowledge of slope movements and on few basic assumptions, widely accepted among earth scientists. Ideally, such assumptions form the conceptual framework within which the ‘‘rationale’’ on slope movements is applied, regardless of the hazard evaluation method, the mapping unit, the scale of the analysis, or the goal of the investigation. Unfortunately, due to operational and conceptual constraints, the task is not always feasible or possible. Major constraints include: systematically identifying landslide deposits; correctly understanding the causes and triggering mechanisms of slope-failures; obtaining adequate information on the relevant geological, geomorphological, hydrological, climatological, etc. instability factors; selecting the most suitable mapping unit and predictive model; and acquiring appropriate techniques and tools for data analysis and modelling. These constraints pose severe limitations on the evaluation of landslide hazard. Lack of understanding and recognition of the main causes of landsliding prevents any successful hazard evaluation. Deficiency of adequate information on the instability factors affects the reliability and effectiveness of the forecast. Selection of a mapping unit and of a modelling method affect the way uncertainties in the input data are dealt with, as well as the model fit and its reliability. Inadequacy of GIS and modelling software limits the reliability of the forecast and jeopardize the practical application of any model. Some of these limitations can be overcome; others pose more severe conceptual constraints. The conceptual limitations and the operational difficulties will now be discussed in the light of the experience gained from the Umbria–Marche project. 5.1. Constraints in the application of basic principles Geomorphological information remains largely descriptive. Its subjectivity makes it somewhat unsuitable for engineers, policy makers or developers in planning land resources, when mitigating the effects of geological hazards. In the past two decades, countless landslide maps were produced by geomorphologists. The reliability of these maps is poorly documented. This introduces a factor of uncertainty that cannot readily be evaluated and incorporated in the subsequent phases of data modelling and in the transfer and use of this information. Identification and mapping of landslide deposition–erosional areas, the first step in any landslide Ž .hazard assessment Brabb, 1984; Hansen, 1984 , are indeed difficult, error prone, and subject to uncerŽtainties largely untested Fookes et al., 1991; Carrara .et al., 1992; van Westen, 1993 . This is particularly true for old or inactive slope movements, for landslides that leave faint morphological signs, for failures in forested areas, on slopes intensively ploughed, Žand in recently urbanized areas Brabb, 1984; Guzzetti and Cardinali, 1989; Brabb, 1995; Hutchin.son, 1995 . Inadequacy in mapping the full extent of slope movement limits the reliability of any hazard assessment, particularly, if errors are systematic in Žrecognizing some types of slope processes Brabb, .1995 . Reconnaissance inventories provide a fairly unbiased spatial coverage but generally lack information Žon the time of occurrence of failures Cotecchia, .1978 . This information is available only where a reconnaissance inventory is completed shortly after a ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 205 particularly damaging meteorological or seismic event. Attempts at evaluating the ‘‘goodness’’ of reconnaissance inventories at different scales proved that errors can be large and related to the experience of the interpreter, the scale of the inventory and of the aerial photographs, and the time available for the Ž .study Carrara et al., 1992; van Westen, 1993 . Ž .Historical records landslide time-series constitute the main source for every estimate of landslide recurrence. Drawbacks of the historical analysis include: lack of spatial completeness, resolution and precision; and an undefined over-estimate of events which caused damage to human structures as opposed to an under-estimate of failures, even large, Žwhich took place in unpopulated areas Guzzetti et .al., 1994; Ibsen and Brunsden, 1996 . The Umbria– Marche archive inventory largely confirms such bi- ases. Identification and mapping of a suitable set of Ž .instability factors thematic mapping bearing a relationship with slope failures — such as surface and bedrock lithology and structure, bedding attitude, seismicity, slope steepness and morphology, stream evolution, groundwater conditions, climate, vegetaŽtion cover, land-use and human activity Carrara et .al., 1995; Hutchinson, 1995 — require an a priori Žknowledge of the main causes of landsliding Schus.ter and Krizek, 1978; Crozier, 1986 . The availability of thematic data largely varies depending on the type, scale, and technique for data acquisition. As for landslide maps, the quality of this information remains largely undefined. Where thematic data are gathered manually, by field survey or through the Žinterpretation of remote sensing data aerial pho.tographs or satellite images , mismatch between difŽ .ferent interpreters can be large Carrara et al., 1992 . Recent visual estimates of the mismatch between geological maps at different scale and of different dates in the Umbria Region revealed large discrepancies. Attempts to evaluate the quality of digital terrain models, widely used in describing landscape Žmorphology for slope stability Carrara, 1983; Carrara et al., 1991, 1995; Pike, 1988; van Westen, .1993; Dietrich et al., 1995; Mark and Ellen, 1995 , proved that even where data are gathered and manipulated automatically or semi-automatically, errors and uncertainties can be greater than commonly expected Ž .Carrara et al., 1997 . As previously pointed out, predictive hazard models assume that landslides in the future will take place under the conditions which led to past and present instability. This assumption holds true for factors, such as bedrock lithology, structure and morphology, which are time-invariant within the temporal framework of the model. Conversely, it cannot be extended to environmental factors which vary with time, such as land-use, human activity and even climate. Climatological conditions that triggered mass movements in the past may differ from present climate, in a way and for an amount that is usually unknown in quantitative terms. Information on land-use and human activity can be obtained for both historical and modern time; however, such instability factors may vary rapidly in response to environmental changes or economical needs. Thus, the use of past environmental settings exhibiting large temporal variability may lead to erroneous predictions. The estimate of the relative contribution of each physical factor in generating slope-failures, and the classification of the land surface into domains of Ž .different hazard degree hazard zoning are a crucial step. When the main instability factors leading to slope failure are identified, the understanding of their complex interactions becomes the next difficult issue to be accomplished, particularly over large regions Ž .Hutchinson, 1995; Guzzetti et al., 1996 . AdditionŽally, the role played by factors leading to i.e., rock .type, clay content, bedding attitude, etc. or bearing Ž .i.e., land-use, vegetation cover, etc. a functional relationship to landslide occurrence in one area may Žturn out to be very different in other areas Guzzetti .et al., 1996 . Quite surprisingly, investigators have invested little time in the acquisition of terrain information and in testing innovative mapping techniques. Likewise, few attempts have been made at the ‘‘regionalization’’ of site specific information and models. This has limited the use of geotechnical and site specific Ždata on regional hazard modelling Nieto, 1989; .Hutchinson, 1995 . 5.2. Selection of a mapping unit ŽAs previously mentioned, various methods gridcells, terrain units, unique-condition units, slope-units ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216206 .and topographic units have been proposed and tested to partition the landscape into mapping units. Each method has advantages and drawbacks which can be either enhanced or controlled depending on the hazard assessment approach used. Automated cartography and GIS-based spatial operations have demonstrated their usefulness in partitioning a territory into mapping units according to various criteria without the constraints due to traditional, time-consuming manual work. When appropriate software is available, the investigator can readily choose among grid-cells, unique-conditions, slope-units or other terrain subdivisions without investing a great deal of time and tedious work. Hence, the major issue is no longer how to create the sampling unit, but which unit is the most suitable for the type of problem to be investigated. Actually, as it was demonstrated in the Carpina basin, more than one mapping unit can be tried and the most suitable for the problem at hand can be used. Advantages and limitations of grid-cells are known. Owing to the matrix form of the grid data, computer implementation is simple and processing is fast. Since data are regularly spaced, sampling constraints are relaxed. Drawbacks lay in the absence of any relation between grid-cells and geological, geomorphological, or any other terrain information. The tendency to use smaller and smaller grid-cells appears unjustified. Spatial inaccuracy is partially reduced but to cover even small areas an overwhelming number of grid-cells is required, leading to unmanageable computer problems and numerical instability when data have to be processed by statistical techniques. Terrain units, which have long been applied in many land resources investigations on a wide range of scales, fully exploit the investigator skill in detecting in the field or on aerial photographs the complex relations existing between slope-failure and the geomorphological context. The approach, emphasizing cataloging, provides much information about the land but it does little to measure the functional relationships between instability factors. The main drawback lays in the intrinsic subjectivity of the method. Different investigators may classify any given region in different ways. To partition the landscape into geomorphological-units, maps portraying all the different forms and processes are used. These maps use a variety of classification schemes which are always complex and frequently inconsistent; conceptually or spatially. Unique-condition units are appropriately applied where it is conceptually or operationally difficult or impossible to pre-define a physically based mapping unit or domain. They perform well where thematic Ž .information layers completely ‘‘fill’’ the territory. ŽProblems arise where linear features i.e., fault lines .or lithological boundaries are used in the analysis. The problem arose in the Umbria–Marche experiment, where lithological boundaries were buffered to capture the instability effect of contrasting lithology. Another weakness is the inherent subjectivity in factor classification that has to be performed prior to map overlay. Additionally, by overlying more than Ž .just few maps five to seven , each with a relatively Ž .small number of factors 3–10 , thousands of small domains are generated. Most of these areas result from errors in data collection and digitisation and are statistically meaningless. They can be cancelled out by applying some filtering technique, however loosing in objectivity in the process. Other areas may Ž .reflect rare small in size but physically meaningful Ž .conditions ‘‘outliers’’ that cannot be eliminated. Since some of the factors into which each input layer is classified may turn out to be not very significant, it would be wise to restart the whole map overlay operation after the reclassification of such layers. This makes the procedure rather cumbersome. Since a clear physical relationship exists between landsliding and the fundamental morphological elements of a hilly or mountain region, namely drainage and divide lines, the slope-unit technique seems appropriate for landslide hazard assessment. In the Upper Tiber River basin, it was observed that problems arise where intra-mountain basins or large open valleys are present. In these areas, slope-units do not match with the local geomorphological setting bearing on slope instability. Slope-units can be resized according to the prevailing failure type and dimension, partitioning a river basin into nested subdivisions, coarser for larger landslides and finer for Ž .smaller failures cf. Carpina basin . Despite this capability, the tendency of slope-units to identify relatively large areas into stability types rather than resolve fine-scale patterns of instability conditions, limits the applicability of this approach for small, ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 207 shallow landslides such as soil-slips and debris flows Ž .Montgomery and Dietrich, 1994 . To overcome this limitation, slope-units can be further subdivided into topographic units. Due to the physical relationship between topography and surface and sub-surface hydrology, the approach appears most appropriate to predict surface saturation and the occurrence of topographically controlled landslides, such as soil-slip–debris flows, in soil Žmantled topography Montgomery and Dietrich, .1994 . Limitations refer to: the availability of detailed contour lines that accurately portray topography, seldom available over large areas; the assumption that sub-surface hydrology is directly related to surface topography; and the related inadequacy to investigate deep-seated, complex slope failures. It should be pointed out that too often, the selection of the mapping unit appears guided more by the Žtype of software available i.e., raster vs. vector GIS, .DTM modelling software, etc. , rather than by the specific requirements of the geomorphological data to be analysed. 5.3. Landslide hazard modelling As previously discussed, all methods proposed and tested to evaluate landslide hazard fall into a few main categories, namely: direct geomorphological mapping; analysis of landslide inventories; heuristic or index based models; functional or statistical models; and geotechnical or physically based models. The goodness of direct methods for landslide hazard mapping relies on the ability of the investigator to estimate actual and potential slope failures, taking into account a large number of instability factors detected in the field or on aerial photographs Ž .Verstappen, 1983 . In addition, local or peculiar slope instability conditions can be identified and assessed. Drawbacks concern the high subjectivity that characterizes all phases of the geomorphological investigation. Moreover, the degree of uncertainty can not be readily evaluated, making it difficult, or impossible, to compare landslide hazard maps produced by different investigators, even if they applied Žthe same ranking criteria Godefroy and Humbert, .1983 . Isopleth maps can be readily produced for large areas; they provide a general overview of landslide occurrence and may be useful when portraying the distribution of many failures triggered by severe storms or seismic events. However, such fairly popular maps are founded upon the wrong assumption that landslide presencerabsence is a spatially continuous variable. Thus, isopleth maps do not incorporate any relation between slope-failure and landscape, namely, stable areas, such as flat terrain, can be ranked as unstable, or isolated outcrops of landslide-prone clayey rocks may well be classified as stable. The reliability of heuristic methods depends largely on how well and how much the investigator understands the geomorphological processes acting upon the terrain. Since this knowledge can be formalized into rules, the method could take into account local geomorphological variability or specific conditions leading to slope failures. Major limitations refer to the fact that in most cases the body of knowledge available on the causal relations between environmental factors and landslides is inadequate and, most importantly, is essentially dependent on the experience of the investigator. At present, maps obtained by this method cannot be readily evaluated in terms of reliability or certainty. Additionally, landslide hazard is not directly expressed in terms of probability, limiting the use for risk evaluation and economic estimates. Statistical or probabilistic approaches are based on the observed relationships between each factor and the distribution of landslides. Since the instability determinants and their interrelations are evaluated on a statistical basis, hazard evaluation becomes an operation as objective as possible. Black-box models are conceptually simple but, due to the great complexity in identifying the slope-failure processes and the difficulty in systematically collecting the different factors related to landsliding, the task of creating a geomorphological predictive model enabling actualrpotential unstable slopes to be identified over large areas, is difficult operationally. Errors in mapping past and present landslides will exert a large and not readily predictable influence on statistical models, particularly if errors are systematic in not Ž .recognizing specific landslide types Brabb, 1995 . Additionally, being data-driven, a statistical model built up for one region cannot readily be extrapolated to the neighboring areas. ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216208 Physically based models, being process-driven, may provide significant insight on the causes and triggering factors of landslide movements. Their limitations include: the use of too simple models of instability evaluation; the fact that very few geotechnical data can be collected over even small regions at Ž .reasonable cost Mulder, 1991; Hutchinson, 1995 ; and the spatial variability of geotechnical factors that is not controlled for. Additionally, reliable mechanical models are not yet available for several types of Žstructurally complex rock units Esu, 1977; Nieto, .1989 . Despite such limitations, physically based models show promise for investigating, in quantitative terms, the influence of instability factors on Žlandslides Okimura and Kawatani, 1987; Mont.gomery and Dietrich, 1994; Dietrich et al., 1995 , for modelling topographically controlled, shallow slope Ž .failures, for predicting simulate the potential run Žout path of debris flows Ikeya, 1981; Takahashi et .al., 1981; Mark and Ellen, 1995 , or where the elements at stake justify extensive, site-specific investigations, over limited areas. 5.4. GIS-based statistical modelling The experience gained from the application, at various scales, of GIS-based statistical models to landslide hazard assessment in the Umbria and Marche Regions allows a few considerations to be made. Nowadays, owing to the ever-increasing capabilities of hardware and software technologies, electronic geographical data processing is becoming a common tool in a wide range of research activities related to the assessment and control of landsliding Žor other natural catastrophes Wadge, 1988; Soeters et al., 1991; van Driel, 1991; Carrara, 1993; Carrara and Guzzetti, 1995; van Westen, 1993; Bonham.Carter, 1994; Kovar and Nachtnebel, 1994 . A crucial issue in hazard assessment remains that of the input data, which are fundamentally inadequate in quantity and quality for the task to be accomplished. With the diffusion of GIS-driven techniques the basic data did not change significantly. The most relevant progress refer to the morphometric variables derived from DTMs, which in the future might allow simulating the visual recognition of the topographic form, the latter being a fundamental element in any geomorphologic analysis of landslide Židentification Ollier, 1977; Rib and Liang, 1978; Pike, 1988; Carrara, 1993; Carrara et al., 1995; .Howard, 1994; Montgomery and Dietrich; 1994 . Empirical and process-based models for estimating Žthe spatial variation in soil attributes chiefly thick.ness from DTMs proved efficient for predicting Ž . Žshallow slope instability soil-slip Moore et al., .1993; Dietrich et al., 1995 . Attempts at automatically combining lithological and bedding attitude Ždata with morphometric parameters terrain gradient .and aspect to classify the territory into structural or hydrogeological domains, proved quite satisfactory Žfor detailed investigations cf. Tescio and Carpina .basins , but performed less efficiently at the regional Ž .scale cf. Upper Tiber River basin . Also, the application of remote sensing techniques to aerial photographs and satellite imagery to obtain significant and cost-effective information on instability factors, remains a future resource, whose potential, yet to be determined and exploited, appears more promising in Žunpopulated areas of developing countries Bruns.den, 1993 . Besides this task, which should constitute a major research effort in the coming years, more attention should be paid to the many sources of errors and uncertainties associated with data acquisition and manipulation. It has clearly been demonstrated that landslide mapping is the most error-prone phase of Žthe whole operation Carrara et al., 1992; van Westen, .1993 . Likewise, virtually all the instability factors collected in the field or derived in laboratory through GIS manipulation, are affected by inaccuracies or errors whose magnitude cannot readily be estimated or controlled during the subsequent phase of data Ž .analysis or modelling Walsh et al., 1987 . Environmental processes are highly non-linear and most environmental thematic information is spatially correlated. Additionally, environmental variables exŽ .hibit large variances, and peculiar rare or small , but Ž .significant values outliers . Thus, hazard models based on the statistical analysis of environment variables may be affected by large errors and wrong assumptions, or generate questionable or equivocal outcomes. Discriminant and regression analyses would require data derived from a normally distributed population, an assumption frequently vioŽlated. In addition, a mixture of continuous i.e., ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 209 . Želevation and categorical i.e., presencerabsence of .a rock type variables leads to a solution which is generally not optimal, namely, it does not minimize the probability of incorrect predictions. Most importantly, when the variable set includes good and poor predictors, that is, some of the input variables do not bear a clear physical relationship with mass movement, a statistical stepwise procedure may generate a linear combination of both types of variables whose interpretation will eventually give difficult, unreliable or even meaningless results. Better results could be obtained by entering into the model only the variables that the investigator assumes to be the most significant. However, in general different investigators will not select the same variables; so the model becomes dependent on the skill and experience of the analyst. Since input factors are invariably correlated, the technique of entering all the available variables can produce even worse outcomes with some variables characterized by meaningless coeffiŽ .cients Carrara et al., 1995 . Hence, correlation between variables should always be carefully checked Ž .Bonham-Carter, 1994 . Additionally, variables correlated to instability conditions in one area may give rise to stability conditions in a different physiographic environment. In the Umbria–Marche project this was found to be the case for land-use data. Thus, experience on factors bearing a functional relationship on slope instability should be used with care. Where input information is highly generalized, the reliability and usefulness of any predictive model may be limited. The reconnaissance evaluation carŽried out for the Umbria and Marche Regions Fig. .4B; Tables 1 and 2 indicates that a statistical model based on a set of broad factors which do not reflect the great variability of conditions leading to slope failures over a wide region may be fairly successful in terms of predictive power, but lack adequate spatial resolution for planning purposes. In addition, by grouping very different landslide types into a single class, the model may become physically unre- liable. In discriminant analysis and logistic regression, high and low values of membership probability indicate hazardous and safe mapping units, respectively. Values close to 0.5 do not provide any additional information with respect to the input landslide map. If this is the case for many sampling units: a large portion of the region under study will turn out to be ‘‘unclassified’’. Hence, the model could be statistically sound, but of limited application. In the Umbria–Marche project, models prepared at various scales, classified in the intermediate hazard class Ž .40%–60% probability between 15% and 28% of the territory. Any model is unable to correctly classify all mapping units. If this should occur, the model, once again, would not provide more information than the input inventory map. However, misclassifications Ž .have very different meanings, namely: a a mapping unit is predicted as unstable, but no landslides were Ž .found on it by the surveyor; b a mapping unit is predicted as stable, but slope-failures were mapped on it. Under the hypothesis that the model is reliable, the first case is the result of inaccurate mapping or of a failed mass concealed by erosion or farming activity. The second case indicates either wrong mapping or a model which lacks the factors that caused a landslide in that specific or unique environmental setting. Regardless of the causes, the first type of mismatch indicates a mapping unit that has to be interpreted as hazardous, with a high probability of failure in the future; while the second is equivocal and requires further investigation. Ideally, a good model should minimize the latter type of misclassification. Conversely, all multivariate procedures yield an approximately equal proportion of the two types Žof incorrect predictions cf. Carpina basin; Tables 6 .and 8 . Owing to these pitfalls, hazard assessment and mapping by statistical modelling are intrinsically uncertain operations which nowadays are taking advantage of the opportunities provided by new technologies, such as GIS, but are still requiring new efforts for improving both data quality and model reliability. Lastly, after a ‘‘black-box’’ model has been built up and tested, results have to be interpreted in the light of the local geomorphological setting. This is a crucial step that often represents one of the most difficult phases of landslide hazard evaluation. 5.5. Model combination and application Where various types of landslides take place, distinct hazard evaluations should be prepared. This was attempted in the Carpina basin, where different ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216210 hazard models for the three prevailing types of slope failures were prepared, and in the Upper Tiber River basin, where provisional hazard modelling was confined to deep-seated failures. Unfortunately, even if all hazards can be singled out, assessed and mapped separately — and this may not always be feasible — it remains to be understood how to combine them into a singe hazardrrisk map portraying the spatial distribution of all endangered areas. At present, it is not even clear if this is appropriate. Two conflicting approaches can be followed. Maps portraying different types of hazard are kept separate and no attempt is made to compile a general, holistic hazard evaluation. Alternatively, the different forecasts are ranked and portrayed in a single map. Both approaches have advantages and limitations. The former is preferred where multiple Ž .hazard evaluations landslide as well as others are Ž .available Seely and West, 1990; Brabb, 1995 . The benefit lays in presenting ‘‘simple’’ evaluations, allowing for various interpretations by decision-makers and planners, some of which may not be known to the author of each single hazard assessment. The later is favored where direct geomorphological hazard evaluation is attempted. Its main advantage refers to the possibility of incorporating into a generalized hazard model or map some of the complex interactions existing among single hazard evaluations ŽHumbert, 1977; Godefroy and Humbert, 1983; Kienholz et al., 1983, 1984; Zimmerman et al., .1986 . A related problem of models combination arises when more than a single landslide hazard evaluation is available for the same area, as in the Carpina basin, where two hazard models based on slope-units Ž . Ž .Fig. 6A and unique-condition units Fig. 6B were prepared. This is conceptually equivalent to the situation where two or more experts are asked for their opinion on a technical or scientific problem. The question of which model to prefer or how to combine different forecasts remains largely unsolved. Taking the ‘‘worst-case approach’’, that is, choosing for each site or mapping unit the most catastrophic forecast, may be too conservative. Also, the choice Žof the ‘‘simplest’’ and cheapest estimate Hutchin.son, 1995 may not be appropriate. A more sensible approach would consist in the critical analysis of the underlying assumptions of each hazard assessment — if these are clearly stated — and in the evaluation of external sources of information, such as economical or other practical constrains. A still different problem is related to the aggregation of the results of a landslide hazard evaluation Ž .one or more hazard models or maps prepared using Žsome sort of mapping unit grid-cells, slope-units, .unique-condition units, etc. into a different partition of the territory, most commonly an administrative or political subdivision. This step, requested by decision makers for regional planning purposes, may be subjective and conceptually troublesome. Despite the largely acknowledged need of new tools for planning and policy making, no general agreement has been reached among earth scientists and decision makers on the goals and possible use of landslide hazard evaluations. This may explain why, despite the fact that numerous models have been proposed and tested in a variety of physiographic environments, only in a few cases has knowledge on landslide hazard become an integral part of building codes, planning policies, or civil protection regula- tions. To limit the discussion to functional models, such as those presented for the Umbria–Marche territory, models for the evaluation of landslide hazard can be prepared with two distinct goals. The first is ‘‘scienŽ .tific’’ explanatory and aims to explain landslide phenomena. In the hope of producing more reliable predictions, it considers a landslide hazard assessment as a scientific theory, and makes all efforts Ž .to prove it faulty Popper, 1959 . In this view, uncertainties and the analysis of errors and residuals represent useful tools for model refinement and calibration and for a better understanding of slope phenomena. The second is an ‘‘engineering’’ Ž .pragmatic approach that, based on the available information on local slope failures, aims at producing the ‘‘best’’ possible predictive model. Little effort is made to improve the understanding on landsliding. Uncertainties, errors and peculiar conditions, that make any model somewhat unsuitable for planners and decision makers, are dealt with pragmatically by introducing a safety factor. Ideally, both approaches are needed for a comprehensive evaluation of landslide hazard. Unfortunately, as has been discussed, due to practical constraints and conceptual limitations, this is not often the case. ( )F. Guzzetti et al.rGeomorphology 31 1999 181–216 211 6. Concluding remarks Landslides are among the most hazardous natural disasters. Government and research institutions worldwide have attempted for years to assess landslide hazard and risk and to portray its spatial distribution. Several different methods have been proposed and tested in a variety of physiographic environments, with different results. In the Umbria and Marche Regions, attempts at testing the proficiency and limitations of multivariate statistical techniques and of different methodologies for dividing the territory into suitable terrain units have been completed, or are in progress, at various scales. These experiments showed that, despite the operational and conceptual limitations, landslide hazard assessment may indeed constitute a suitable, cost-effective aid to land-use planning, an aid to a sustainable development both in developed and developing countries. Evaluation of landslide hazard aims at the solution of a complex, ‘‘multi-dimensional’’ problem that requires expertise pertaining to the earth sciŽences specifically geomorphology and engineering .geology , statistics, computer science, physics, information technology and economics. The definition of landslide hazard remains a largely open, ill-formalized question. Landslides are phenomena with complex feedback varying in scale from the local to the regional. Their geomorphological and economic impact ranges from the very short to the very long term. Despite efforts, landslide phenomena are still poorly understood, particularly at the regional scale. Additionally, their interactions with the economic and human sphere remains a novel problem to the earth scientists. Knowledge on slope processes appears insufficient for a comprehensive and exhaustive evaluation of landslide haz- ard. Industrialized societies and developing countries face increasingly complex problems of planning and policy making. These are different from the traditional problems of both pure and applied science Ž .Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1995; Murck et al., 1997 . As regards to landslide hazard evaluation, on one side geomorphology is unable to provide wellfounded theories for hazard assessment, and on the other side, environmental issues and policy decisions challenge geomorphologists with difficult issues. Due to the uncertainties in data acquisition and handling, and in model selection and calibration, landslide hazard evaluation and land-zoning appear out of the reach of the traditional puzzle-solving scientific approach, based on experiments and on a generalized consensus among experts. In general, predictive models of landslide hazard can not be readily tested by traditional scientific methods. Indeed, the only way a landslide predictive map can be validated is Ž .through time Hutchinson, 1995 . Additionally, as previously discussed, no general agreement has been reached on the scope, techniques and methodologies for landslide hazard evaluation. 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