Slope processes and forms 167 Table 7.3 Atteřb€rg limits for various clay mineťals SURFACE AREA PLASTIC LIMIT (m' kgJ) (%,J SHR|NKAGE LIMIT VOLUME CHANOE (c.\ LIQUID LIMIT (qa) smectite 800 000 Il|ite 80 txx) Kaolinite 15 000 50_100 35 60 25 4I) 100-900 60_120 30-110 8,5_15 l5_17 3-15 High Medium Low solř.": Modified from M.J. selby (1982), Hitlslope Materials and Processď. oxford University Řess, oxíord. Table 4.8, p.79; based on data in R. E. G:.|n,1968,Clay Mineralo8}. Mccraw-Hill, New Yoík, watel content on soil behaviour. They are expressed in terms of the weight of contained water as a percentage of the weight of dry soil. When subject to the same stress different soils with an identical moistule content may fail by brittle fIacture. deform plastically or behave as a viscous fluid. This is because of the varying abilities of different clay minelals to absolb water (Table 7.3). Smectite geneIally has the highest plaslic and liquid limits b€cause its cryslal srruclure enables it to provide an enormous surface area for wateT absorPtion. Consequently, smectite-dch soils swell and shrint significantly when they ale wetted and dried. Kaolinite, by contlast, has a much more limited Water absorption capacity. An important parameter derived from Atterber8 limits is the pIasticity index. This is defined as the liquid limit minus the plastic limit and indicates the range of moisfuIe content over which a soil exhibits plastic behaviour. It is an important indicatol of the potential instability of the soil since the higher the plasticity index the less stable slope materials will be. Two further aspects of soil ploperties need to be mentioned briefly. Certain soil§ have an open'honeycomb' structure which allows them to retain Water at píoportions in excess of the liquid limit. The structure of these soils. termed sensitiv€ soils, is potentially unstable. If they are subject to high shear stresses (§uch as those induced by an earthquake), or high compressive stresses (such as those arising from loading by burial), they can collapse catastlophically as the water is squeezed out and the soil becomes a fluid. Such soils are sometimes called quick clays and are often associated with major and rapid flows of slope matedals. sands can also act in a fashion similar to sensitive soils under certain conditions. In a saturated mass of sand most of the stlength arises from point to point contacts between the solid sand gIains. If the sand is shaken violently, by a seismic shock for insíance, all the effective stresses can be transferred fŤom grain-to-gíain contacís to the pole water, an effect known as |iquefaction. All the stlength from interpaíicle friction is thereby lost, the sand mass consequently has no re§istance to sheal shess and liquid deformation occurs- 7.2 Mass movement Mass movemení is lhe downslope movemenl of slope material under the influence of the gravitational force of the matelial itself and without the assistance of moving wateI, ice or air. The distinction between mass movement and the tlansPort of material by othel denudational processes is, however, not always cleaí-cut in practice since mass mov€ment§ involving material with a high watel content grade into fluvial tíansport where streams carry very large loads of fine sediment. In a very real sense glacier flow itself is a form of mass movement, involYing as it does the downslope movement of coherent masses of ice; nevertheless, glaciers have particular characteíistics which merit special consideration and they are examined separately in the context of glacial landscapes (see Chapter 1l). Very large-scale movement§ of rock which are tlansitional to tectonic processes can also occur under gravity; we discuss these bdefly in Section 7.3. Thd term mlss wasting i§ often regarded as synonymous with mass movement. but it is also used in a broader sense to encompass all processes involved in the lowering of the landscape. Before we consider the vadous mechanisms of mass movement we will look briefly at the conditions which give rise to them. 7.2.1 Slop€ stability The stability of a slope can be expressed in terms of the relationship between those stlesses tending to disturb the slope material and cause it to move and those forces tending to lesist these drividg strcsse§. Clearly, movement will occur where driving forces exceed re§isting forces and this relationship is repre§ented a§ the safety factor for a slope. This is expressed as the ratio between shear §trength and shear shess (Box 7.2). Slopes can exist in one of thlee states. Whele shear strength is significantly larger than shear stress the slope is described as stabl€ (§afety factor > 1.3). Where shear stress exceeds shear strength (safety factor < 1) there will be continuous or intermittent movement and the slope is described as activ€ly unstable. Since shear strength can vary over time, especially in response to changes in the water content of slope materials, the third stability categoly is the 16E Exogenic proc€ss€s and landforms Box7,2 Safety factor for a slope The salety factor (F) is defined as J F=_ 1 whele s is the total §hear strength along a specific shear plane, and t the total amount of sheaí stress developed along this plane. For shallow, translational slides F is defined as óu cos2 p - ,) tan o 1z sin P cos P where . is cohesion, "í the unit weight of regolith, z the vertical depth to the shear plane, p the angle of the shear plane, the pore-water pressufe at the shear plane and (D the angle of intemal fúction, conditionally stable slope which has a safety factor of 1-1.3 and fails on occasion in response to transient changes in shear strength. Numerous factols contribute to the occuíTence of mass movements, and these are listed in TabIe 7.4, They can be categorized as either pleparatory factors or triggering factors. Preparatory factors make the slope susceptible to movement without 3ctually initiating failure by transforming it into a conditionally Stable state. Triggering factols tlansform the slope from a conditionally stable to an actively unstable state. Although the slope §tability approach to analyzing mass movements provides a good theoretical understanding of Table ?.4 Factors contributing to the occurrence ofmass movernent the factols which promote movement, it has limited applicability to specific situations. This is because both cohesion and pore-water pIessure are highly variable on most natural slopes, even ovel short distances and brief periods of time. FoI instance, fissures may tíaverse slope material§ leading to drastic variations in pore-Water pressule from place to place. 7.2.2 Mass movement proces§es There have been numerous attempts to classify the divelse modes of mass movement, none of them universally satisfactory. Here we identify six fundamental types of movement - cleep, flow, slide, heave, fall and subsidence. Each of these can be subdivided into moIe specil]c forms of mas§ movement (Table 7.5). Classifications of the various processes of mass movement are valuable in indicating the range of mechanisms and forms of motion, but it must be appreciated that most movements in reality involve a combination of processes. Debris avalanches, for example, may begin as slides consisting of large masses of rock but then rapidly break up to form flows a§ the material is pulverized in tíansit. The compound natule of many forms of mass movement is illustrated in Figure 7,4, which also indicates how the different types of movement vary in theil moistule content and velocity. Flows tend to be wet and slides dry, while heave can occur ovel a faiIly bToad lange of moisture conditions. Heave processes are invariably slow, whereas both flows and slides tend to be lapid. Creep Creep is the Slow, plastic deformation of rock or soil in Fig.7.4 Classifcatíon oímass moýements in terms of pure flow, slíde and heaýe. Note lhe compound nature of some moýements. (Aíter M. A. Carson and M. J. Kirkby ( 1972) Hillslope Form and Ptocess. Cambridge Uniýersit, Prcss, Cambrídge, Fig. 5,2, p. 100.) Faclols 0 tl,ibuling to ínťreasedsheař slress Remova| of larcíal support thíough undercutling oí slope sleepening Removal of underlying support Loading of slope Latera] pressuíe Weathering €ffects Changes in pore-wat€r pí€ssure Changes of §tructure oíganic eff€cts Erosion by rivers and 8laciers, wave action, faulting, previous rock falls or slides UndeŤcutting by rivers and waves, subsurface solution.loss of ýŤength by exrusion of undeílying sedimenls wei8ht of water, vegetation, accumulalion of debris Water in cracks, freezing in cracks, swelling (especially throu8h hydration of clays). pressuíe íelease Eaíthquake§, movement of trees in wind Faclors contíibutinq lo redued sheal suenslh Disintegration of granular íocks, hydration of clay minera]s, dissolution ofcementing minerals in rock oí soi] saturation. softening of material Creation offissures in shale§ and clays. remoulding oi sand and s€nsitive clay§ Burrowing ofanimats, decay oftree řoots Slope processes and forms 1ó9 Table 7.5 Cla§sifrcation and characteristics of the majoí t}pes of mass movement Jo'iP: Based lalgelv on D, J, varne\lto/, R. L, sch_usteí and R.J, í*rizek leds, Laadstlde Analy\I\ ond conlrcl. rransDonarionResealch Board Special Reporl l7ó, \alional a*a..y .r š.li*.i w""r,l"gil". óř. ii-.l: MAss MoVEMENT MATERIAL§ lN TYPE MOTION TYPE OF STRAIN ÁND NATURE OF MOVEMENT Rock (e§peciall], íeadily delormábl€ lÝDes such as shales and clay' slo$ plasLic defoímalion of very slos to rocK. or soll producln8 a exLreíne]y s]os tanely ol lórms includinp cam_ berin8, válle} bulging anď our_ cíop bedding curvalúre Dry now solifluclion celiíluction Mud ílow slow earthllow Rapid earthflow Debris now D€bris (rock) (sturzslíom) slush avalanche High Hich Exrremely high Very high Hi8h Slow slow very rapid very íapid Extremely rapid sand or siit soil soil >80% clay_§ized >80% sand_§ized soil conlaining sensilive clays Mixlure of frne and coařse debíis í20-80% of particle§ coarsěr than sand-sized) Rock debris, in som€ snow and ic€, in some cases wilh íock debřis waler_salu.ated snow FunDeIled flow down steeD slopes of non-cohe§ive widespíead flow of §aturated soil oÝer low to moderate angle slope§ widespread flow of sea§onallv saluraled soil over Deímanen v frozen subsoil confined elongaled ílow Conlined elongated flow Rapid collapse and ]areíal spreading of soil following disturbance. oft€n bv an inifi,l slide Flow usuallv focused intó píe_exi§tin8-díainag€ lines catastrophic low friction movement of up to s€veral kilo_ metres, U§ually precipitated bv a majoí _rock lall and capable of overrlolng st8nlhcaDt lopo_ Catastřophic low fíiction molemenl precipitaled by fal] or FIow along eris!ing drainage extremely rapid Modeřate rapid s]ow Rock slide Rock block slide Debris/eaíth slide Debíis/earth block sIide unfraclured íock mass Rock debris or soil Rock debřis oí§oil shallow ďide aDoroximatel! paralJel to grouira surface Óf coherenl rock mass alonp sing]e fracture slide approximately paralle] lo ground suďace of fractured rn.L shallow slide of deformed masse§ of soil shal]ow slide of laípelv uDdelormed masses'of soil Rock slump Rock Debris/earth dump Rock debfis or §oil Rotational movement alon8 Extremely §low to concave failure plane morterate' Rotationa| molemeni a|on8 slow concave la||ure D]ane soil Rock debris widespread incremental ,_ E\treme\ slow downs|ope movemenl of soil or Rock fal] Debřis/earlh (loppl€) Fall of,individual blocks from F\tremel} ídpld !ertrcál lá.e( Toppling ol cohesite unlls or Very íapld §oll lrom neaFvert|cal láces súch Detached tock joint Delached cohesive units of §oil Collapse of rock o, soil inlo Ven raDld underground cavities such limeslóne cáves or ]ava lubes Loweíing of surface due to slow 8round comDaclion usuállv resulring from wirhdíaýa1-of 170 Exogenic processes and landforms Iesponse to stless generated by the weight of oveTbulden. It begins once the yield stress of the slope material is exceerled_ In rock it can extend to hundreds of metres below the surface. It occurs at very slow rates, typically l mm to l0 m a-l and is likely to be especially active where weakly competent materials, such as clays, are overlain by more competent beds. Cleep is often a precursor of slidetype movements, but it can also cause specific observable effects. The bending of the lower parts of tíee trunks iS offen cited as evidence of creep, but this phenomenon can also be caused by other mechanisms. More substantial evidence of creep is provided by the downslope curvature of strata near the suďace. Another consequenc€ of creep is cambering which involves the extrusion of weak rocks (usually clays), either lying below, or interbedded with, mole rigid strata which causes valley sides to bulge. lt is imponant ro distinguish the type of creep described here from soil creep and talus creep. The former acts solely under gravity, whereas the lattel involve heave and are consequently considereó h Sectiol 7,2 -2 -2 Flow In a pure flow, shear occurs throughout the moving mass of material and there is no well-defined shear plane (Fig. 7.5(A)). Flow is distinguished from creep by having discrete boundaries or narow peripheral zones experiencing shear. shear is at a maximum at the base of the flow. but here the late of flow is relatively slow and nearly all the movement occul§ a§ tulbulent motion within the body of the flowing mass. \ ílow§ can occur, but abundant watgr is usually present. They are often initiated by falls or slides, becoming flows when the moving soil or rock mass breaks up. Flows are categorized as avalanches, debris flows, earthflows or mudflows depending on whethel they consist of pledominantly snow and ice, rock fragments, sand-sized material or clay (Fig. 7.6). Where the flow has a high water content it may extend a§ a long, narrow tongue well beyond the base of the slope from which it originated. Such flows are usually more or less confined to existing drainage lines (Fig. 7.7) and there is jn fact a transition between mudflows and streams laden with abundant fine sediment. Earthflows involve the extrusion of lobes downslope and are usually slow moving. Where the slope matelial is composed of sensitive soils, however, an initial disturbance can cause an instantaneous loss of shear Strength and plomote a rapid earthflow. The slowest type of flow is solifluction which involves the downs|ope movement of Safuraled soil, Solifluction can occur al slope angles a5 low as l" and is paflicularly aclive in periglacial envilonmgnts. Here abundant moisture is made available by seasonal thawing of soil above a frozen subsurface, and this form of solifluction is termed gelifluction (see Section l2.2,3). Although solifluction can be regarded as a distinct mass movement process it A PURE FLoW B PURE sLlDE C PURE HEAVE Fig.7.5 Velocity pt,ofles íor ideal types of mass moyement: (A) pure flow, (B) pure slide anel (C) pure heave. (Modijedfron M. A. Carson and M. J. Kit,kby ( l972) Hillslope Form and Process. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Fi8. 5.1 , p. l00). frequently occurs in close association with soil creep. Many hillslopes show the combined effects of both plocesses (Fig. 7.8). In addition to the transport of material ftom higher to lower elevations, flows can be effective erosional agents, especially the more ener8etic varieties. This is particularly true for debris flows and for debris and snow avalanches which travel over the ground, rather than predominantly <".,N Ť§\Sҧ: N,..i.,ixšž Slope processes and forms l71 Fig.7.7 , Deb_risflow on western flank of the Southern Alps. Souh Island, Nerý zealand F,ig. 7.6 . Uaieties oíílow-typemass hovement. ( Based on D. J. Varnes ( 1978) in R. L. Sl.huster and R. J. Krizek (eds) Laiddid;si Analysisjnd conlrol. Transportation Resear(h Boar.l sPecial Report l7ó. National Al ad?my or scicnces. Washington', DC, FiR.2.1.) though the air. The major geomorphic effects of avalanches are the removal of debris fróm gullies and slope faces, the excavation of lock to form avalanche chutes, tire elosion and redistribution of unconsolidated slope deposits, and the deposition of snow and/or rock debris. Major ayalanches can be one of the most violent and destructive forms of geomorphic activity. Two particularly catastíophic avalanches, both triggered by earthquakes, crashed from the the mountain peak of Huascaran in the Peruvian Andes in 1962 and 1970. In the 1962 event 3 Mt of ice and 9 Mt of rock Were transported at speeds well in excess of 100kmh,l over a holizontal distance of 20km. An estimated 3500 people were kiiled. In 1970 a second avalanche occurred which initially moved along the same route as ďle 1962 event, but aftel travelling some 16 km at an average speed of around 300 km h,t PaIt of the furbulent flow oírock debris and ice jumped aiross a 300m high ridge and buried the town of Yun8ay beyond. on this occasion the death toll was possibly as high as 40 00Ó. The extremely high velocities achieved by some avalanches clearly requie explanation. Some may ride on a layer of compressed air tapped between the avalanche debris and the gŤound surface. This has the effect of greatly reducing thc frictional drag on the moving -asr. Otrr-o possiUte explanations of high rates of movement include fluidization where fine particles are kept in suspension by a flow of ail, and cohesionless gmin flow in whiih particle motion is §ustained by continuous collisions as in a fluid. Fig.7.8 Valle, cul inro a Lhalk escarpment in Ken!, IJK. such valleys on the chalk are known as coombes, and soliIuclion deposits. known_as coombe rock, are ofien puuru á, ,|oli"y lloors (eý,i.denl ,in phorographftom theJlat bolom of the villey). l, hese .sol.úlu.clrcn deposits probahly accumulated at the end of the laý s,|acial l0000 l 5 000 a ar under periglacial tonditions 1and are lhereJore more accurarely dest.ribed as lelŮu,.lion dcposils). Term(e.tíes Can be s?en on úevalle!-sidc rlopžs and are' probably related lo soil creeP. 172 Exogenic processes ánd landforms Although spectacular, avalanches are not of widespread significance. They are largely conflned to terain characterized by high local relief and steep sloPes and are tius most common in actiYe orogenic belts. on a global basis the more ubiquitous but le§s spectacular slower forms of flow aíe moíe significant dgnudational agents. 7 .2.2.3 Slide Slide is an extremely widespread form of mass movement, and the term landslide is part of our everyday vocabulary. This presents problems when using it in a Specific technical sense since landslide in general usage simply means the rapid downslope movement of slope material. Applied in this sense many landslides also involve fall and flow. In a pure slide failure occurs along a well-defined sheal plane (Fig. 7.5(B)). Resi§tance to movement falis sharply immediately the initial failure takes place, and downslope movement continues unlil lhere is a sufficient increase in resislance, often related to a decrease in slope angle, to halt it. Slides are nearly always long in relation to theil width and depth, their length-width ratio typically being l0: 1. They can be subdivided into translational slides, which have predominantly planar shear surfaces, and Ťotational slides in which the shear plane is concave-up (Fig. 7.9). Rotational slides are most common where slopes consist of thick, homogeneous materials, such as clays. The rotational movement can Iesult in the upper part of the slumped mass being back-tilted towaíds the failure surface (Fig. 7.10). The material can moye as a single block, but usually it is broken into sevelal discrete segments sepalated by transveíse lissures. Movement at the base of rotational slides in clay or similar cohesive material is often transformed into that of an eanhflow and this gives rise to a chaolic. hummbcky surfáco ol s6párátion Fig.7.10 Major features of a rotational slide (Modifiedfrom D. J. Vames (]978) in: R. L. Schuster and R. J. Krizek (eds) Landslides: Analysis an d Control. Tralsportation Re,earch Board special Reporí 176. National Academ| ofSciences, Washington, DC, Fig. 2.1.) suďace. Both rotational and translational slides are precipi tated by a temporary excess of shear stress over shear strength within the slope (Box 7.3). The difference between the two types of moyement is that in thick, relatively homogeneous material the depth at which the ratio between Box 7,3 Analysis of rotational slides TRANSLATlONAL EARTH Fig.7.9 varieties oí slide-type mass moýements. (Based on D.J. Varnes, 1978, in: R- L- Schuster and R. J. Krže,t (eds) Landslides: Analysis and Control. Transportation Research Board Specíal Repoft 176, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, Fi8.2.1 .) The shear plane of a rotational slide is cuíved artd therefore the stability analysi§ outlined in Box 7.2 must be modified, One way the stability of a rotational slide can be evaluated is to divide the slide into a number of 'slices' of length L and aggregate the forces acting of each of these slice§ (Fig. B7.3). The weight (W) is taken a§ operating through the centre of each slice. The angle of the shear plane ((r) is calculated for each slice from the centre of rotation (o). The effective noímal stress (o') at the base of each slice is W cos (r and the shear strength (s) is lť sin q, The safety factor (F) can then be defined as A F => IcL + (W :os (l - uL) tu| l) ) c where c is cohesion, a die pore-water pressure at the ba§e of lhe slice and lan o lhe angle of inlemal friction. Fi?. 87.3 stabílítyanalJsis oía deep-seated slide usíng the meíhod oí slices. (Aíter M. A. Catson aru1 M. J. Kil"khJ (1972) Hillslope Form and Process. Cambridge University Press, Cambritlge, Fig.7.1l, p. l67.) Slope processes and forms 173 shear strength and §hear stress is at a minimum (that is, the potential shear plane) forms an arc rather than a straight Úne. _ The gleat majority of slides are small and ,t attŠ**iÁ lengths of a few tens of menes and depths of 2-3 m. Slides l T bedrock are less common. but may anain .n.;;;; ] dimensions and involve the movement of millions of cubic l :De*: of.material. Very large s|ides usually break up to tbrm debris avalanches bul in some cases the rock travels a significant distance as a coherent mass. This is most likely to occuí_ where competent beds slide over incompetá strata (often clay or mudstone) dipping steepty Ághly parallel with the gíound slope. Such conditions "ont iřuó to low shear strength and enhance the probability of slides occurring. FocK FALL Probably the largest slide on Eanh is the Saidmarreh slide located in south-westem Iran. Although it occuneJ more than 10000 a sp it has suffered oňly superficial modification by subsequent erosion. The á"p*it. -",crudely stratified, indicating that the movement was not predominantly one of a furbulent debris avalanche. A mass of limestone some 15 km long, 5 km wide and at least 3(Xi m thick slid off the underlying interbedded marl and limestone which dips at an angle of around 20o out of the slope. The^initial vertical component of movement was only about 1000 m, but the slide travelled a total distance of 18 km, crossing an 800 m high ridge en roure. F.ig.7.1I, .Varieties oífall-typ? mass moýemehls. (Based on D.J. Varhes .( l978) in R. L. St-hustir and R.J. Krlrcr íeásl Landslider: Analysis and Contíol. Trahsponaion Resear(h Board special Report 176. Na|ional Academy of sciences, Washington|. DC, Fi8. 2.1.) *. o|":1$o: of soil creep because above an angle of around 25'the soil cover is thin or absent. On st.ep,ira..covered siopes flights of narow ".pr. ."lil i'"-ria"Ťň;, are commonly present and it is likely that these are relatj to §oil ffeep, although shallow landslides may also be instnrmental in theř deve|opment (Fig. 7.8). 7.2,2.5 Fall 7.2 .2.4 Heave In pure heave the slope material experiences cycles of expansion and contracťon (Fig. 7.5(C)). Downslope movement aíises from the fact that while expansioit occurs normal to the sloping ground surface contraction under $avity tends to be more nearly vertical. cohesion between particles usually prevents a purely vertical refum movement yd9r gravity. Two t}pes of heave can be distinguished on the basis of the size of the constituent particles -ioil creep and taIus creep; the lattel inYolves coarser material than the former. Expansion and contraction can be caused bv wetting and drying, freezing and thawing (in which case thá process is described as frost creep - see Section 12.2.3), temperature changes aId the burrowing activity of worms and other olganisms. T}e rat9 9f soil or talus creep on a slope depends on a number of factors. It will become greatei with increasing slope angle since this increas€s the downslope "ornpon"niof movement. It wi]l also be high, in .oil. .oniuining abundant quantities of clays. such as smectite, whicň expand significantly on weíing. or in silt-sized material whlch is capable of subslantial ice accumulation. soil and talus creep will, however, decrease with depth below the §lope suďace, both because of the moderation of changes associated with wetting and drying and freeze-thaw, ňrd the increase in the weight of the overburden. There is some support from experimental and field observations for these expected relationships, although lhere is an upper timit to Fall involves the downward motion of rock or. more rar.elvsoil through the ail (Fig. 7.11). Soil i§ not rrequenttf ir1volved for the §imple reason that free fall can á.ry á""* from.very steep slopes or cliff faces which, of course, have very linle soil cover. An exception is the loppling of slabs ol eaflh along river banks. a process often iefeied to as bank calving. This arises from the undercutting of banks by_ streams and is a very common phenomenon iuhi"h aontnbu(es large quanti(ies of sediment to river channels. Topples are distinguished from other types of fall by the rotation of the block of material as it fatt, a*ay. roppte can occur in rock especially where joints are veíically extenslve Ur re|atlon to their width and where lhey diP out oÍ a slope. Rock can become detached as a result of various physical weathering processes, including pressure release and joínt Wid€ning by frost action, and the fragments produced ar_e rapidly removed under gtavity. Rocr fills are common phenomena in terrain charac(erized by high. ste€p rock slopes and cliffs (Fig. 7.12). Where the disto;ged r.ugrn*t, 'ur" large they accumulate a significant amount of kinetic energy by^ thetime they impact on the §lope betow and ttreý can therefore be an active erosive agent by detaching othe; fra€ments. Large rock falls originating from a consijerable hetght above (he ground spread Lheir debri§ over an extensive area_unless the dispersal of material is confined by topoglaphy. As already mentioned, large rock fals are otien transfórmed into debris avalanches once they have made theil initial impact. In sifuations where deep valleys are cut into.hard rocks, such as gíanites and somó .-O.ton"r, ifglaciers or rapidly incising river channels, the releasó of --) _,..\ 174 Exogenic processes and landťorms Fig.7.12 Rock íall in a recently qlatiated ýalley in the Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand. The area of ftesh rock íace írotfi which the large blocks ofrock have fallen is more than20 m high. lateral coníining pressure along the valley walls can give dse to plessure release and generate tension joints running Iou8hly Parallel With the ground slope. These can promote slab failure when the progressive widening of these joints evenfually leads to the detachment of thick slices of fock (Fig.6.2l). 7 .2.2.6 Subsidence subsidence can occur either as the morg or less instantaneous collapse of mateíial into a cave or other cavity (cavity collapse) or as a progressive lowering of the ground suďace (settlement). cavity collapse is largely conflned to limestone teíains where the loofs of undeíground cavities occasionally collapse. More rarely lava tubes within lava flows may experience a similar fate. Cavity collapse can also occur as a result of human activites such as mining. settlement usually arises from the lowering of Water tables and is most dramatically illustrated in areas where tiere has been oil drilling or large-scale abstractión of ground Water for iírigation. senlement can also occur naturally where the volume of poorly compacted matelials i§ decleased by the addition of watel (hydrocompaction) or by Yibrations such as those generated by earthquakes. 7.3 Gravity tectonics Gravity tectonics is a useful term which covers a range of píocesses extending from the very large-scale movements of rock masses involved in the development of thrust§ and nappes to smaller scale downdip translocations of matelial which are transitional to landslides. Many of the massive nappes occurring in intercontinental collision orogens such as the AlPs are now considered to be vast gravity slides moving away from their high, axial zones (see Section 3.4.1). Gravity tectonics can involve both spreading and sliding, the two processes being closely associated, but not identical. Rocks located high up in mountain masses and bounded by st€ep slopes gradually yield and move downslope under gravity. This kind of motion can be accommodated by intemal movements within the rock (gravity spreading) or it may occur primarily through gravity sliding of the rock mas§ oveT a few well-defined planes composed of incompetent strata. Although the movement is essentially downslope, intemal deformation and the rotation of blocks along small-scale faults can cleate chaotic pattems at the local scale (Fig. 7.13). Such strucfuIes clearly have a combined endogenic and exogenic ori8in. The initial energy input is endogenic, involving as it does orogenic uplift. But the subsequent sliding, which may take place over gradients as low as 0.5o, ii f |{ Fig.7,1j Schematic fepresentation oí ?raýity.tectonics in the northern APennines, near Flofence,Italy: (A) the oriqinal depositional basín; (B) thrustinq from the ýýest; (C) gravity sliding owr UpperTriassic eýaporites (solid shading) acting as a décollement surface. (AJter P. Elter and L.Treýisan (}973) in: K. A. De long and R. Schohen (eds) Gtavity and Tectonics, Wil?y, Ne.,ý York, Fig. 15,p. ]87.)