Arch. Biol Sei., Belgrade, 60 (3), 485-492, 2008 DOI:10.2298/ABS0803485B COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE VASCULAR FLORAS OF THE MORACA AND CIJEVNA CANYONS (MONTENEGRO) Z. BULIČ1, D. LAKUŠIČ2 and V. STEVANOVIČ2 ľNature Protection Institute of Montenegro, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro institute of Botany and Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Abstract — The vascular floras of the canyons of the Morača and Cijevna Rivers in Southern Montenegro are analyzed. A great number of Mediterranean plants were observed in these canyons, clearly indicating that they belong to the Adriatic sub-Mediterranean floristic subregion. This is additionaly confirmed by the prevailing occurrence of Mediterranean hemicryptophytes, geophytes, and therophytes. The floristic differences observed between these two canyons are mostly caused by their different geographical positions, resulting in stronger Mediterranean influence in the Cijevna Canyon, but stronger continental impact in the Morača Canyon. Thus, the Cijevna Canyon has more Mediterranean and evergreen plant species. Key words: Vascular flora, canyons, Morača River, Cijevna River, Montenegro, Mediterranean floristic region UDC 581.9(497.16) INTRODUCTION Canyons and gorges in the southern and central part of the Balkan Peninsula are characterized by great floristic diversity, i.e., by species of different origin and distribution, as well as by numerous microhabitats favourable for the development of plants with various ecological requirements. They are also exceptionally interesting from the geobo-tanical point of view as refugia for both the arctic-Tertiary flora and the Tertiary orophytic flora during the Ice Age. Extensive botanical investigations since the middle of the last century have contributed to knowledge of the flora and vegetation in many canyons of the Dinaric (Illyrian) region in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro and the western Moesian floristic subregion in Serbia [(Bulic, 1989, 1994, 1998; Grebenscikov, 1950; Jankovic and Stevanovic, 1981; Jovanovic and Jovanovic-Dunjic, 1986; Jovanovic-Dunjic, 1953; Lakusic et al, (1996); Lakusic (1972); Lakusic and Redzic (1989); Misic (1981); Pulevic and Lakusic, (1983); Stefanovic, 1979; Stevanovic and Bulič (1992); Zlatkovič and Randelovič (1993/94) etc.)]. Canyons and gorges are characteristic of the territory of Montenegro. In their southern parts, the canyons of the Morača and Cijevna Rivers are especially interesting for their floristic specificities. Along the narrow valleys of these rivers, which belong to the watershed of the Adriatic Sea, the influence of Mediterranean climate strongly affects the continental part of Montenegro. Given that high mountains (the Moračke Mountains i.e., the Prokletije and Žijovo Ranges) are present in the hinterland of the Morača and Cijevna Canyons, the question arises as to the extent to which these canyons are under Mediterranean influence, i.e., where Mediterranean and continental mountain climates meet, resulting in changes of their fioristic-vegetation characteristics. To answer this question, floristic elements and life forms of plants of both canyons were analyzed, with special emphasis on the relationship between plant species with Mediterranean and Central European distribution, as well as between South European and Central European orophytes. 485 486 Z. BULIC ET AL. MATERIALS AND METHODS Material for floristic analyses of the canyons studied was collected over many years of field survey Herbarium plant specimens were stored in the herbarium of the Nature Protection Institute of Montenegro in Podgorica and in that of the Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (BEOU). Numerous literature data were also used in the analysis (Beck and Szyszylowicz, 1888; Hayek, 1918, 1923; Rohlena, 1942; Pulevic and Lakusic, 1983; Bulic, 1998; Vuksanovic, 2003; etc.). The type of floristic element and range were determined for taxa with the rank of species and sub-species (Meusel et al, 1965; Stevanovic, 1992a). Chorological analysis identified the distribution type of each taxon. Taxa belonging to the following groups were recorded: cosmopolitan, Holarctic, Eurasian, boreal, Central European, Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean, Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean-Pontic, South European mountain, and Central European mountain. The life forms of plant species were determined according to the classification given byRaunkiaer (1934), supplemented and elaborated according to Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974) and Stevanovic (1992). The degree of floristic similarity between the examined canyons was established using the Jaccard (ISj) and Sorensen (ISs) similarity indices. The following abbreviations are used for distribution types in Tables 3 and 4 and Figs. 1 and 2: A-A - arctic-alpine, BOR - boreal, CEM - Central European mountain, SEM - South European mountain, CEU - Central European, MED-SUBMED - Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean, MED-PONT - Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean-Pontic, EAS - Eurasian, HOL - Holarctic, and COSM - cosmopolitan, including adventive plants. The following abbreviations are used for life forms: P - phanero-phytes, P scap - trees, P caesp - shrubs; Ch - cham-aephytes; H - hemicryptophytes; G - geophytes; T - therophytes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Altogether, 838 lower taxa (species and subspecies) of vascular plants were recorded in the canyons of the Moraca, its tributaries Mala Rijeka and Mrtvica, and the Cijevna. Of this total number of plants, 589 taxa were found in the Moraca Canyon and canyons of its tributaries, and 640 in the Cijevna Canyon. It is interesting that 416 taxa are common to the canyons of both rivers. Floristic similarity between the Moraca and Cijevna Canyons is comparatively great, being 66.3% (ISs) or 49.6% (ISj), which might indicate their belonging to the same or very similar phytochoria. In both canyons the most abundant family is Compositae, which is the family richest in both species and genera not only in the Balkans and the Mediterranean region, but also throughout the whole Holarctic realm. In addition, numerous representatives of the families Labiatae, Orchidaceae, Papilonaceae, Boraginaceae, and Liliaceae were also recorded, being far more common in the Mediterranean region than in the continental region (Table 1). In the total taxonomic spectrum of floras of the canyons surveyed, species of the family Caryophyllaceae constitute a comparatively small share, despite its being the second largest family in the Balkan flora after the family Compositae (Turrill, 1927). In both canyons, the genus Trifolium stood out by virtue of the large number of species with Mediterranean distribution. In addition, numerous species of the genera Campanula, Orchis, Euphorbia, Geranium, Galium, and Silene were recorded, mostly ones with Mediterranean distribution and to a considerably lesser extent species with Central European and Eurasian distribution (Table 2). The presence of Mediterranean genera, in only one canyon (Spartium, Arbutus, Romulea, Hermodactylus, and Rhagadiolus in the Cijevna Canyon and the genus Cionura in the Moraca Canyon) or in both canyons (Phyllirea, Securinoga, Ophrys, Bituminaria, Paliurus, Petteria, Pistacia, and Osyris) shows that the Mediterranean flora is well presented predominant in both canyons, particularly in the Cijevna Canyon. VASCULAR FLORA OF THE MORAČA AND CIJEVNA CANYONS, MONTENEGRO 487 Table 1. Families with the greatest number of taxa having species or subspecies rank presented in descending order. Familes with less than 10 taxa are not listed. The percentage represents the contribution of each family to the total flora recorded in the given canyon. Canyon Cijevna Morača Family No. % No. % 8.4 6.0 5.7 4.7 3.3 3.0 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.2 The most common life forms in both canyons are hemicryptophytes, followed in descending order by therophytes (annuals), geophytes (bulbous, corm, and rhizome geophytes), and chamaephytes or woody or semi-woody dwarf shrubs (Table 3, Fig. 1). A special place in the spectrum of life forms of both canyons is occupied by trees and shrubs, i.e., scapose and caespitose phanerophytes. To be specific, the woody species Quercus ilex (Cijevna), Carpinus orientalis (Cijevna, Morača), Ostrya carpi-nifolia (Cijevna, Morača), Quercus trojana (Cijevna, Morača), Q.pubescens (Cijevna, Morača), Celtis aus-tralis (Cijevna, Morača), Phyllirea latifolia (Cijevna, Morača), Petteria ramentacea (Cijevna, Morača), and Arbutus unedo (Cijevna) are dominant pioneers or sub-dominant pioneers of forest and shrub vegetation in these canyons. However, the Cijevna Canyon is inhabited by the evergreen Mediterranean holm-oak (Quercus ilex), which was not recorded in the Morača Canyon. The presence of this oak and the evergreen species Arbutus unedo, Lonicera etrusca, Spartium junceum, Phyllirea latifolia, Cistus incanus, and Osyris alba is the decisive factor leading us to con - Table 2. Genera with the greatest number of taxa having species or subspecies rank presented in descending order. Genera with less than six taxa are not listed. The percentage represents the contribution of each genus to the total flora recorded in the given canyon. Canyon Cijevna Morača Genus No. % No. % Trifolium 14 1.7 11 1.3 Campanula 7 0.8 10 1.2 Orchis 6 0.7 9 1.1 Euphorbia 8 1.0 7 0.8 Geranium 7 0.8 6 0.7 Galium 5 0.6 8 1.0 Silene 7 0.8 5 0.6 Hieracium 8 1.0 5 0.6 Sedum 5 0.6 7 0.8 Centaurea 6 0.7 5 0.6 Lathyrus 7 0.8 4 0.5 Ranunculus 8 1.0 3 0.4 Allium 5 0.6 5 0.6 Quercus 6 0.7 4 0.5 Teucrium 5 0.6 5 0.6 Plantago 5 0.6 5 0.6 Carex 7 0.8 2 0.2 Vicia 4 0.5 5 0.6 Veronica 5 0.6 4 0.5 Lamium 5 0.6 4 0.5 Stachys 4 0.5 5 0.6 Chenopodium 5 0.6 3 0.4 Asperula 5 0.6 4 0.5 Cardamine 5 0.6 3 0.4 Potentilla 3 0.4 5 0.6 Saxifraga 3 0.4 5 0.6 Acer 2 0.2 5 0.6 Ornithogalum 4 0.5 3 0.4 Medicago 4 0.5 3 0.4 Ophrys 5 0.6 2 0.2 Poa 4 0.5 3 0.4 Bromus 4 0.5 3 0.4 Bupleurum 4 0.5 2 0.2 Festuca 3 0.4 3 0.4 sider the Cijevna Canyon as an enclave of evergreen sclerophyllous Mediterranean vegetation. Owing to its northeast-southwest orientation, the Cijevna Canyon is to some extent sheltered from direct continental climate impacts. The phytogeographic Compositae 69 8.2 70 Labiatae 51 6.1 50 Papilionaceae 34 4.1 48 Gramineae 52 6.2 39 Cruciatae 34 4.1 28 Umbelliferae 26 3.1 25 Orchidaceae 18 2.1 22 Caryophyllaceae 32 3.8 22 Liliaceae 26 3.1 20 Boraginaceae 20 2.4 19 Scrophulariaceae 20 2.4 17 Rosaceae 15 1.8 17 Rubicaeae 12 1.4 14 Ranunculaceae 17 2.0 13 Campanulaceae 10 1.2 13 Euphorbiaceae 11 1.3 10 488 Z. BULIČETAL. Table 3. Number of taxa belonging to main life form and distribution types recorded in the Cijevna and Moraca Canyons. Canyon CIJEVNA MORACA Life forms Distribution types P scap P caesp Ch H G T E P scap P caesp Ch H G T E A-A 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 BOR 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CEM 0 4 0 10 0 0 14 0 2 6 14 0 0 22 SEM 0 0 19 18 4 2 43 0 0 18 13 5 1 37 CEU 9 4 5 51 15 16 100 13 7 5 65 20 8 118 MED-SUBMED 19 16 29 57 45 98 264 10 11 29 50 35 63 198 MED-PONT 0 0 8 36 12 22 78 1 1 9 38 11 15 75 EAS 0 0 3 56 4 32 95 0 0 2 59 8 19 88 HOL 0 0 0 8 0 3 11 0 0 0 11 0 4 15 COSM 0 0 0 17 0 28 45 0 0 0 16 0 19 35 E 28 24 66 254 80 202 654 24 21 71 266 79 129 590 Table 4A. Number of endemic taxa belonging to main life form and distribution types recorded in the Cijevna and Moraca Canyons. Canyon_CIJEVNA_MORAČA_ Distribution types C£M S£M C£U MED E CEM SEM CEU MED E Lite forms P 0003300112 Ch 0 8 0 9 17 0 7 0 7 14 H 2908 19 2709 18 G 0203502035 T 0104500044 E 2 20 0 27 49 2 16 1 24 43 Table 4B. Number of subendemic taxa belonging to main life form and distribution types recorded in the Cijevna and Moraca Canyons. Canyon_CIJEVNA_MORAČA_ Distribution types C£M S£M C£U MED E CEM SEM CEU MED E Lite forms P 0003300112 Ch 0 8 0 9 17 0 7 0 7 14 H 2908 19 2709 18 G 0203502035 T 0104500044 E 2 20 0 27 49 2 16 1 24 43 and phytocenological significance of the presence of Q. ilex and other Mediterrannean evergreen trees and shrubs in the Cijevna Canyon has been considered in detail by P u 1 e v i č and Lakušič (1983). On the other hand, the absence of autochthonous evergreen sclerophyllous Mediterranean trees in the Morača Canyon is a result of this canyon's north- south orientation and the direct and strong impact of cold winter winds from the mountain massifs in the hinterland. Common in both canyons are Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean woody and semiwoody shrub chamaephytes such as Salvia officinalis, Satureja VASCULAR FLORA OF THE MORACA AND CIJEVNA CANYONS, MONTENEGRO 489 Cijevna Moraca p P Ch H scap caesp Life forms ^0-20 [ ] 20-40 I J 40-60 Number of taxa P P Ch H scap caesp Life forms -COSM ■HOL -EAS at a >» -MED-PONT a •MED-SUBMED c -CEU •c 9. ■SEM Q •CEM •BOR ■A-A 60-80 80-100 Fig. 1. Relationship between main distribution types and life forms of the total flora recorded in the Cijevna and Moraca Canyons (according to data presented in Table 3). Floristic elements Distribution types Illlyrian-Balkan I- CEU Cijevna Illyrian(Adriatic) Illyrian-Balkan Ch h G Life forms Cijevna Ch h g Life forms □ 0-2 \Z\2-4 Q4-6 [16-8 Number of taxa 18-10 Distribution types Floristic elements Apennine-Adriatic Apennine-Illyrian-Balkan Illyrian-Balkan-S. Carpathian Apen nine-Di naric-Bal kan Dinaric-Balkan-SXarpathian Apennine-Adriatic Apennine-Illyrian-Balkan Illyrian-Balkan-S. Carpathian Apennine-Dinaric-Balkan Dinaric-Balkan-SXarpathian Fig. 2. Relationship between main distribution types and life forms of the endemic and subendemic flora recorded in the Cijevna and Moraca Canyons (according to data presented in Tables 4A and 4B). 490 Z. BULIC ET AL. montana, Euphorbia spinosa, Cephalaria leucantha, Helichrysum italicum, etc., which are dominant plants of degraded calcareous stony grounds. Both canyons are characterized by large degraded areas and/or burned areas once occupied by natural forest and shrub ecosystems. The considerable presence, of therophytes or annuals in both canyons (30.9% in the Cijevna Canyon, 18.7% in the Moraca Canyon) indicates their belonging to the Mediterranean floristic region on the one hand and testifies to the extent of human impact on the other hand. To be specific, in addition to native Mediterranean therophytes, various ruderal and/or segetal synanthropic species with the wider Holarctic and/or cosmopolitan type of distribution are common. Therophytes with Mediterranean distribution are present in much higher numbers in the Cijevna Canyon than in that of Moraca. In addition, the relatively abundant geophytes (12.2% in the Cijevna Canyon and 13.4% in the MoracaCanyon)aremainlyoneswithMediterranean-sub-Mediterranean or Mediterranean-Pontic ranges and to a lesser degree species with the Central European type of distribution. Analysis of distribution types revealed dominance of Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean species and the presence of a considerable number of Mediterranean-Pontic species, which clearly points to the general Mediterranean, i.e., xerophilous, character of the flora inhabiting the canyons studied. To be specific, 52.3% of plants of the Cijevna Canyon and 43% of plants of the Moraca Canyon belong to these distribution types. Plants with the Central European distribution type are less present and restricted to regions of higher altitudes in the canyons, or to sheltered and more humid sites. The number of such plant species is higher in the Moraca Canyon (20% of the total flora of this canyon) than in the Cijevna Canyon (15.3%). Eurasian floristic elements are relatively numerous, represented by 14.3% of species in the flora of the Cijevna canyon and 14.9% of species in that of the Moraca canyon. Eurasian species and a smaller number of Holarctic and cosmopolitan species are indicators of secondary vegetation and human impact on the autochtho- nous vegetation in both canyons. A phytogeographically significant group of plants is composed of South European mountain plants, which are most frequently endemic and relict species. They are somewhat more abundant in the Cijevna Canyon (6.57%) than in the Moraca Canyon (6.27%). On the other hand, Central European orophytes, also including two arctic-alpine species aggregates of the species Saxifraga paniculata and Arabis alpina), account for only about 0.3 % of the total flora in each of the two canyons. Generally speaking, the Cijevna Canyon is characterized by a larger number of Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean species of all the mentioned life forms (40.4%) in comparison with the Moraca Canyon (33.6%). A considerable number of endemic species were found in the canyons (49 species or 7.5% of the total flora found in the Cijevna Canyon and 43 species or 7.29% of the total flora recorded in the Moraca Canyon). Endemic taxa are mainly Dinaric and Dinaric-Balkan floristic elements with the South-European mountain type of distribution, as well as Illyrian (Adriatic) and Illyrian-Balkan elements with the Mediterranean type of distribution (Table 4, Fig. 3). The majority of endemic taxa are hemicrypto-phytes and chamaephytes, and only four species are phanerophytes (Acer intermedium, Petteria ramen-tacea, Rhamnus orbiculatus, and Rh. intermedius). The presence of a large number of endemo-relict species (Ramonda serbica, Teucrium arduinii, Seseli globiferum, Moltkia petraea, Stachelina uniflosculosa, Viola kosaninii, Asperula scutellaris, and the like) is conspicuous. In addition to endemic species, a considerable number of subendemic taxa were recorded in both canyons. These are mostly species whose ranges are characterized by amphi-Adriatic disjunction, such as Apennine-Illyrian species (Portenschlagiella ramosissima, Genista dalmatica, Campanula pyrami-dalis, Onosma echioides, Asyneuma limonifolium, Scabiosa crenata, Anemone hortensis, A. apennina, etc.) or Apennine-Illyrian-Balkan plants (Table 4, Fig. 3). VASCULAR FLORA OF THE MORACA AND CIJEVNA CANYONS, MONTENEGRO 491 The presence of endemic and subendemic taxa, particularly ones of a relict character, indicates that the canyons studied are also significant refugia for ancient floras of the Mediterranean or sub-Mediterranean type. CONCLUSION The canyons of the Moraca and Cijevna Rivers abound in Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean species of various life forms, which outnumber plants with Central European, South European mountain, and Eurasian distribution. Such a relationship between distribution types present clearly indicates that phytogeographically both canyons belong to the Mediterranean-sub-Mediterranean floristic region, or more precisely to the Adriatic sub-Mediterannean floristic subregion, which is characterized by vegetation of the Ostryo-Carpinion adriaticum alliance. However, there are clear floristic and vegetation differences between these two canyons. Thus, the Cijevna Canyon is characterized by the presence of numerous sclerophyllous evergreen trees and shrubs (Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo, Phyllirea latifolia, etc.), which defines it as an enclave and refugium for Mediterranean vegetation of the Orno-Quercion ili-cis alliance in the hinterland of the southern part of the Adriatic Coast. On the other hand, the Moraca Canyon is characterized by a more humid and cooler climate and by the presence of a larger number of Central European plant species, given that it is heavily affected by mountain climate, particularly in the winter period. The floristic differences observed between these two mediterranean-sub-Mediteranean canyons are mostly caused by their different orientation - northeast-southwest in the case of the Cijevna Canyon and north-south in that of the Moraca Canyon. Accordingly, they are exposed to stronger or weaker Mediterranean and continental impacts. As a consequence, spreading of Mediterranean species into the Cijevna Canyon in unhindered, while spreading of such forms and Central European species into the Moraca Canyon is limited or unhindered, respectively. The Moraca Canyon is typically sub-Mediteranean up to its narrowest part (Platije), after which Central European floristic elements start to prevail. Strong Mediterranean influence on both canyons from inter-glaciation (when climate change occurred) until the present day made them important refugia for the Tertiary flora of Mediterranean origin, to which a number of endemo-relict and relict Mediterranean species belong (Ramonda serbica, Moltkia petraea, Stachelina uniflosculosa, Portenschlagiella ramosissima, Teucrium arduinii, Stachys menthifolia, Viola kosaninii, Daphne lau-reola, Ilex aquifolium, Geranium dalmaticum, etc.). Thus, it may be assumed that orophytes from the surrounding mountains are present in small numbers because these plants could not, in canyons with Mediterranean climate, find refuge during the Ice Age, i.e., they could not find adequate habitats in which to remain until the present day. Acknowledgement — The financial help of the Serbian Ministry of Science (Grant # 143015) is acknowledged. REFERENCES Beck, G., and I. Szyszylowicz (1888). Plantae a Dr. Ign. Szyszy-lowicz in itinere per Cernagoram et in Albania adjacente anno 1886 lectae, Cracoviae, Typis Universitatis Jagello-nicae, 1-166. Bulic, Z. (1989). Prilog flori kanjonske doline rfjeke Tare. Glasn. Republ. Zav. Zas. Prir.-Prir. Muz. 22,113-138. Bulic, Z. (1994). Flora i vegetacfja kanjona rfjeke Cijevne u Crnoj Gori - ekolosko-fitogeografska studfja, 282 pp. Masters Thesis, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. Bulic, Z. (1998). Flora kanjona Cijevne u Crnoj Gori. - Glasn. Republ. Zav. Zas. Prir.-Prir. Muz. 26, 5-29. 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BenMKM 6poj BpcTa MeflMTe-paHCKor apean TMna cbmx >kmbothmx (J)opMM ÖMjBaica Oflpeíjyje (JMToreorpacJKKy npMnaflHOcr 06a Kan>OHa JaflpaHCKOM cyÖMeriMTepaHCKOM peraoHy ycraHOBjBe-He (J)nopMCTMHKe pa3jniKe yoiOBjBeiie cy, npe CBera, npaBu,eM npy>Kan>a pe^HMx flcwiMHa obmx Kan>OHa m h>mxobom BehoM m7im MaH>OM m37io>KeHOIIlhy toiuimm MeflMTepaHCKMM m7im XJiaflHMM nnaHMHCKMM yTMU,aJM- Ma. CTora ce Kan>oh IjMJeBHe, kojm ce npy>Ka y npaBiiy ceBepoMCTOK-jyrosanafl ncnrae Kao pe(j)yrajyM TepMO-(JMTiHe MeflMTepaHCKe (jxrope. HacynpoT tomc Kan>oh Mopane hmjm je npaßau, npy>Kan>a ceßep-jyr M37io>KeH je flMpeKTHMM yTMu,aJMMa ruiaHMHCKe krmme, noceöiro tokom 3MMe, Te je npMcycTBO cpeflibeeBponcKMx eneMe-HaTa (jwiope M3pa»ceHO, rok je flMcrpjioyuMJa MeflMTe-paHCKMx eneMeHTa orpain/raeHa. Meí)yTMM, 06a Kan>OHa cy 3HaHaJHM u,eHTpM eHfleMMHHe m cyöeHfleMMHHe (jwio-pe RMHapcKor, flMHapcKo-öaxiKaHCKor m aMcJMjaflpaii-CKor pacnpocTpaH>eH>a.