Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 331-342, 2008 doi: 10.3170/2008-8-18372, published online 24 January 2008 © IAVS; Opulus Press Uppsala. 331 Classification and phytogeographical differentiation of broad-leaved ravine forests in southeastern Europe Kosir, Petra1*; Carni, Andraz12 & Di Pietro, Romeo3 ^Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, P. B. 306, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2E-mail; 3 Department ITACA, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Flaminia 70, IT-00196 Rome, Italy; E-mail; "Corresponding author; Abstract Question: How do broad-leaved ravine forests in SE Europe differentiate phytogeographically? Do they differ from analogous European forests? What is their distribution pattern? Location: southeastern Europe, Apennine-Balkan province. Methods: The initial data set of 2189 releves was stratified geographically andphytosociologically; 614releves remaining after stratification were classified with aTWINSPAN and cluster analysis, wich resulted in four clusters and eight subclusters. Average Pignatti indicator values for releves of each subcluster were subj ected to PCA to show ecological relationships among the clusters. The spectra of geoelements and sociological species groups of individual subclusters were calculated to show phytogeographical and sociological relationships between them. The diagnostic species combination was calculated by a fidelity measure (0-coefficient) and presented in a synoptic table. Results: Broad-leaved ravine forests in southeastern Europe form a separate group within the European broad-leaved ravine forests. They are well differentiated by the species with a southeast European distribution, as well as by many other species that reflect their different ecological affinities. Conclusions: The phytosociological and phytogeographical relationships between the Apennines and the Balkan peninsula that have already been recognized for other vegetation types have been confirmed for broad-leaved ravine forests. According to the numerical analysis, two suballiances of broad-leaved ravine forests in southeastern Europe are proposed, both belonging to the alliance Tilio-Acerion: an amphi-Adriatic xerothermo-philous suballiance Ostryo-Tilienion platyphylli suball. nova andamesophilous suballiance Lamio orvalae-Acerenion suball. nova, the latter appearing only on the Balkan Peninsula. Keywords: Acer; Apennines; Balkan Peninsula; Biogeogra-phy; Fidelity; Fraxinus; Numerical analysis; Phytosociology; Syntaxonomy; Tilia; Ulmus. Abbreviation: BLRF = Broad-leaved ravine forest. Nomenclature: Tutin et al. (1964-1980); except Stellaria montana Pierrat and Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenkins. Fagus moesiaca is included in Fagus sylvatica; syntaxonomy follows Mucina et al. (1993), except for the syntaxa under consideration. New names are based on the nomenclature rules in Weber etal. (2000). Introduction Broad-leaved ravine forests (BLRFs) grow on spatially restricted sites with specific soil conditions. They occur on slopes, on the foot of slopes, in sinkholes, gorges and hollows with colluvial, skeletal and primarily unstable soil, which allow the broad-leaved trees Acer platanoides,A.pseudoplatanus, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos and Ulmus glabra to replace otherwise competitively stronger tree species, above all Fagus sylvatica (Clot 1990; Muller 1992; Mucina et al. 1993; Ellenberg 1996). BLRFs have already been thoroughly studied in many parts of Europe. In central Europe they are classified into the Tilio-Acerion alliance, within which two ecological groups of associations are distinguished, recognized as suballiances by some authors (Muller 1992; Willner 1996): a group of mesophilous Acer associations and a group of xerothermophilous associations with Tilia and Corylus (Mucina et al. 1993; Borhidi 2003). Forests of both groups of associations are found on sites with similar soils, but they differ in temperature and moisture requirements. There have been some locally focused publications on BLRFs in southeastern Europe, but there is still is no synthetic review of these forests in the region available. We focus on southeastern Europe (Apennine-Balkan province, Fig. 1), the distribution area of zonal Carpinus forests of the alliance Erythronio-Carpinion and Fagus forests of the alliance Aremonio-Fagion, both of the order Fagetalia sylvaticae, and of fhermophilous forests of the alliance Carpinion orientalis of the order Quercetalia pubescentis. All of these communities are very rich in species and occur on both sides of the Adriatic Sea in the Apennines and the Balkans. They are characterized by numerous relict and endemic species that survived Quaternary glaciations in southern European refugia (Bennet et al. 1991; Trinajstic 1992; Tzedakis 1993; Magri 1998; Petit et al. 2002). It has already been established that mesophilous 332 Košir, P. et al. deciduous forests of southeastern Europe differ from forests in central Europe, and vicariant alliances have been described. The southeastern European alliances Aremonio-Fagion and Erythronio-Carpinion are vicariant to the central European alliances Fagion sylvaticae and Carpinion betuli within the order Fagetalia sylvaticae. In that respect, the question of phytogeographic differentiation within European BLRFs is raised. Should southeastern European BLRFs be classified like zonal vegetation of Fagus- and Carpinus forests in a vicariant alliance regarding central European forests? This paper addresses this question by reviewing and discussing BLRFs in southeastern Europe, above all their floristic composition, chorology, syntaxonomy and phytogeo-graphical differentiation in comparison with the central European BLRFs. Methods Forest vegetation relevés made by applying the Braun-Blanquet approach (Braun-Blanquet 1964), classified by their authors as broad-leaved ravine forests and/or dominated by broad-leaved species, and originating from SE and C Europe (Fig. 1), were collected from the literature (n = 2636). Relevés were entered into the TURBOVEG (Hen-nekens & Schaminée 2001) database. The relevés with an incomplete list of herb species indicated by the authors were not included into the analyses. With regard to the definition of BLRFs by dot (1989), we excluded the relevés whose dominant tree species (cover value 4 and 5) are species of climazonal and other forest types (Abies alba, Alnus glutinosa, A. incana, Carpinus betulus, Castanea saliva, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Picea abies, Quercus cerris, Q. ilex, Q.petraea, Q.pubescens and Q. robur), as well as those where none of the tree species characteristic of BLRFs (Acer platanoides, A. pseudopla-tanus, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos and Ulmus glabra) had a cover value of at least 2 (Chytrý et al. 2002a). There were 2189 BLRF relevés remaining after this selection. This data set of 2189 relevés was then stratified. Stratified resampling was made by combining the geographical stratification with stratification by phytosocio-logical association (Knollová et al. 2005). This means up to ten relevés of one association in one area were selected in such a way that different authors, different publications and different locations within the area were represented. We took the biogeographic map of Europe (Rivas-Martinez et al. 2004) as the basis of geographical stratification, where sectors were used as geographical strata. The associations were defined according to synthetic works (Clot 1990; Mucina et al. 1993; Willner 1996) or expert assignments in case they were not treated in any of those synthetic works. Syntaxa described in older publications under the names Aceri-Fraxinetum, Aceri-Tilietum and Tilio-Fraxinetum were considered separately according to the author and publication. After stratification, 614 releves remained (App. 1), originating from 87 combined geographic-habitat strata. As many authors did not record mosses, we excluded them from our analysis before numerical processing. For the purpose of numerical analysis and in the synoptic table we unified the system of layer division, which differs from author to author. All sublayers of the tree layer were incorporated into one, whereas the herb and scrub layers, where scrub species, tree saplings, seedlings and lianas occur, were united into one scrub layer. Fig. 1. The study area on the Biogeographical map of Europe (Rivas-Martmez et al. 2004). Legend: The Apennine-Balkan province (9; shaded) is divided into the Apennine (9a), Pada-nian (9b), Illyrian (9c), Hndan (9d) andBulgarian (9e) sectors. Neighbouring provinces and sectors include the central European province (5) with the middle European sector (5b), Alpine province (8) with the western Alpine (8b), central Alpine (8c) and Eastern Alpine (8d) sectors, Pannonio-Carpathian province (10) with the Pannonian (10a) and Carpathian (10b) sectors, Italo-Thyrrhenian (20), Adriatic (21) and Graeco-Aegean (22) province. Broad-leaved ravine forest suballiances distinguished in this paper: A.Ostryo-Tilienion, ♦ Lamio orvalae-Acerenion, • Tilienion, # Lunario-Acerenion. - Classification and phytogeographical differentiation of broad-leaved forests - 333 When processing and analysing the BLRF relevés of SE and C Europe we carried out a TWINSPAN classification (Hill 1979), run under the JUICE 6.4 program (Tichý 2002). TWINSPANpseudospecies cutlevels for species abundances were set to 0 -2 -5 -10 -20% scale units as proposed by McCune & Grace (2002). Initially, six division levels were chosen and the minimum group size for division was set to five relevés. As we were investigating classification of BLRFs on the level of superior syntaxa, the level of division was raised until groups of relevés still interpretable regarding ecology and phytogeography were obtained. Three levels of division were accepted, resulting in eight groups of relevés. As TWINSPAN cannot perform a fully hierarchically organized classification tree (it does not consider cluster heterogeneity), the relationships between the resulting eight TWINSPAN groups were further investigated by cluster analysis, using the SYN-TAX program (Podani 2001). Percentage frequencies of species occurrences (constancies) in the eight TWINSPAN groups were used as input data for cluster analysis. We used several methods: /3-flexible with parameter j3 = -0.25, group average (UPGMA), complete link (farthest neighbour) method with similarity ratio as the resemblance measure, all leading to similar results. Only the result of the complete link method is presented in this paper. One TWINSPAN group with a small number of relevés, set apart on the first level of cluster analysis, was not interpreted (see explanation later in the text). According to the result of cluster analysis of seven TWINSPAN groups (subclusters), four clusters were obtained, since several authors suggested that there are four groups based on the main ecological and phytogeographical gradient of these forests in the area. Further, these four main clusters were also supported by the spectra of geo-elements and sociological species groups (see below). Diagnostic species of each of the seven subclusters and four clusters were determined in the JUICE 6.4 program (Tichý 2002) by calculating the fidelity of each species to each cluster and subcluster (Bruel-heide 1995, 2000; Chytrý et al. 2002b; Havlová et al. 2004), using the 30.0) are shown, ranked by decreasing value of the 0-coefficient, indicated by asterisks (for subclusters) and shading (for clusters and subclusters). t = tree layer, s = shrub layer, h = herb layer. Some of the species diagnostic for BLFs of southeastern Europe are, at the same time, diagnostic for only one cluster (cluster 2 or 4) and therefore appear twice in the table: they are indicated with r. Subcluster number No. of releves Cluster number Sociological type (% of all species in the subcluster) Carpinion orientalis Aremonio-Fagion Quercetalia pubescentis Fagetalia sylvaticae Querco-Fagetea 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 59 141 126 116 49 44 62 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 0.5 1 7.1 4.5 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 1.6 8.5 9.1 4.8 1.3 2 1 15.6 15.9 13.3 12.9 2.7 5 0.7 0.6 34.9 30.9 32.7 51.3 48.4 52.7 55.7 19.6 17.7 17.8 17.6 12.6 9.6 10.8 Character species of Tilio-Acerion Fraxinus excelsior t 51 71 60 Fraxinus excelsior 42 35 52 Ulmus glabra t 39 48 40 Ulmus glabra 36 37 32 Tilia cordata t 42 11 44 Tilia cordata 29 4 38 * Acer platanoides t 58 40 29 Acer platanoides 49 33 25 Tilia platyphyllos t 76 55 56 Tilia platyphyllos 39 31 27 Acer pseudoplatanus t 46 70 67 Acer pseudoplatanus s 37 38 54 Species diagnostic for one cluster Cluster 1 Poa nemoralis h 81 * 14 32 Sedum telephium h 44 * 6 15 Quercus petraea t 42 * 15 11 Quercus petraea s 17 5 8 Campanula persicifolia h 34 * 8 6 Carpinus betulus t 63 * 40 23 Carpinus betulus s 39 20 14 Cardaminopsis arenosa h 29 * 2 6 Galium aparine h 42 * 24 3 Euonymus verrucosus s 31 * 11 11 Rosa canina agg. s 27 * 5 9 Impatiens parvifiora h 4 2 Chelidonium mqjus h 15 2 Cluster 2 Primula vulgaris h 29 25 Ostrya carpinifolia t 16 34 * Ostrya carpinifolia s 2 5 Hedera helix s 22 64 * 48 Fraxinus ornus t 8 27 28 Fraxinus ornus h 7 17 17 Acer campestre t 17 51 * 22 Acer campestre s 29 35 22 Crataegus monogyna t 1 Crataegus monogyna s 8 33 21 Rosa arvensis s 2 18 22 Melica uniflora h 12 47 * 18 Cyclamen purpurascens h 2 10 56 * Tamus communis s 2 27 21 Helleborus odorus h 7 30 16 Festuca heterophylla h 2 17 20 Daphne laureola h 3 24 13 Hepatica nobilis h 25 30 51 Euonymus latifolius s 13 26 Ligustrum vulgare h 3 18 12 Melittis melissophyllum h 5 13 19 Clematis vitalba s 20 34 32 Cluster 3 Impatiens noli-tangere h 20 4 5 Viola bifiora h Polygonatum verticillatum h 6 Chaerophyllum hirsutum h 2 2 2 78 67 25 42 64 63 20 26 63 47 25 40 34 45 16 42 5 10 11 2 3 10 2 3 11 2 2 10 16 8 2 8 25 6 14 8 9 6 14 5 89 98 98 95 67 55 59 82 23 47 41 2 5 2 3 24 4 15 4 6 7 2 3 3 8 4 2 12 2 3 1 2 25 2 2 10 3 11 3 2 11 3 6 2 2 4 13 4 3 1 5 1 2 1 2 10 6 2 6 2 6 9 10 55 * 47 36 42 2 16 45 * 10 37 55 16 10 22 59 13 - Classification and phytogeographical differentiation of broad-leaved forests - 335 Subcluster number No. of releves Cluster number Sociological type (% of all species in the subcluster) Carpinion orientalis Aremonio-Fagion Quercetalia pubescentis Fagetalia sylvaticae Querco-Fagetea 1.1 59 2.1 141 2.2 126 3.1 116 3.2 49 3.3 44 4.1 62 0.5 1.6 7.1 8.5 4.5 9.1 0.5 4.8 0.6 1.3 0.7 2 0.6 15.6 15.9 13.3 12.9 2.7 5 0.7 0.6 34.9 30.9 32.7 51.3 48.4 52.7 55.7 19.6 17.7 17.8 17.6 12.6 9.6 10.8 Cluster 4 Stellaria montana h 4 Symphytum tuberosum h 5 21 Cardamine bulbifera h 10 39 Doronicum austriacum h Chrysosplenium alternifolium h 8 9 Lamium orvala h 13 Cardamine trifolia h 1 Adoxa moschatellina h 7 16 Anemone nemorosa h 3 21 Cardamine enneaphyllos h 7 28 Cardamine waldsteinii h 1 Leucojum Vernum h 4 Scopolia carniolica h 1 Dryopteris carthusiana agg. h 3 2 Oxalis acetosella h 19 16 Omphalodes verna h 1 Polystichum braunii h 1 Anthriscus nitida h 5 1 Dryopteris affinis h 1 Gentiana asclepiadea h 1 Corydalis solida h 5 13 Lunaria rediviva h 15 8 Veratrum album h Sambucus nigra t 2 2 Sambucus nigra s 24 53 Polystichum x illyricum h Species diagnostic for one subcluster Acer obtusatum t 19 Acer obtusatum s 1 Lathyrus venetus h 7 23 Galanthus nivalis h 7 35 Ruscus hypoglossum s 2 18 Tilia tomentosa t 3 18 Tilia tomentosa s 2 16 Crataegus laevigata s 5 28 Anemone ranunculoides h 12 34 Viola alba h 17 Quercus cerris t 3 16 Quercus cerris s 2 4 Ornithogalum umbellatum h 12 Ranunculus ficaria h 10 28 Carex digitata h 12 15 Luzula nivea h Lonicera xylosteum s 15 10 Asplenium ruta-muraria h 2 1 Solidago virgaurea h 3 4 Galium laevigatum h Sorbus aria agg. t 7 7 Sorbus aria agg. s 2 3 Anemone trifolia h 3 Knautia dipsacifolia h Phyteuma spicatum h 4 Silene vulgaris h 8 1 Crepis pyrenaica h Adenostyles glabra h Vicia sylvatica h 2 Calamagrostis varia h 1 Bromus ramosus agg. h 15 10 Valeriana officinalis h 7 6 Hordelymus europaeus h 7 8 Cirsium oleraceum h 4 Pimpinella major h 3 1 Vicia sepium h 2 5 Rubus saxatilis s 8 22 13 3 2 25 9 13 6 27 2 2 5 33 2 4 6 10 1 5 3 1 29 4 63 * 24 * 72 * 18 * 50 * 17 * 28 23 * 19 * 5 16 6 1 19 18 6 1 3 4 3 1 5 7 24 2 8 9 9 5 7 2 9 53 3 7 6 5 48 3 11 3 39 10 1 2 14 1 8 37 2 10 14 4 5 30 9 9 27 64 5 2 7 25 23 9 2 15 12 16 2 6 31 23 21 2 49 34 2 2 3 4 9 6 5 5 45 * 23 63 * 27 8 31 * 5 22 * 5 37 * 18 2 20 * 2 41 * 16 2 51 * 5 2 41 * 36 35 * 7 35 * 23 6 22 * 2 27 * 7 20 * 11 336 Košir, P. et al. Subcluster number 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 No. of releves 59 141 126 116 49 44 62 Cluster number 1 i 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 Sociological type (% of all species in the subcluster) Carpinion orientalis 0.5 1 7.1 4.5 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 Aremonio-Fagion 1.6 8.5 9.1 4.8 1.3 2 1 15.6 1 Quercetalia pubescentis 1 15.9 13.3 12.9 2.7 5 0.7 0.6 Fagetalia sylvaticae 34.9 30.9 32.7 51.3 48.4 52.7 55.7 1 Querco-Fagetea 19.6 17.7 17.8 17.6 12.6 9.6 10.8 Carduus defloratus h 2 16 * 7 Brachypodium sylvaticum h 14 31 28 26 65 * 9 24 Buphthalmum salicifolium h 2 14 * Laserpitium latifolium h 6 4 1 22 * 2 Saxifraga rotundifolia h 2 13 8 13 6 70 * 18 Polystichum lonchitis h 1 3 8 41 * 6 Adenostyles alliariae h 1 3 36 * 8 Stellaria nemorum h 2 1 6 12 12 50 * 19 Lonicera alpigena h 1 20 7 16 52 * 8 Primula elatior h 2 1 2 10 8 34 * Cicerbita alpina h 2 23 * 5 Polystichum aculeatum h 3 21 29 38 24 80 * 40 Epilobium montanum h 12 5 17 23 20 59 * 16 Paris quadrifolia h 9 35 28 24 75 * 63 Picea abies t 5 4 13 16 31 50 * 32 Picea abies s 3 3 10 10 31 52 * 34 Streptopus amplexifolius h 1 1 6 20 * Rubus idaeus s 20 1 14 14 22 52 * 16 Rumex alpestris h 1 1 6 20 * 2 Lonicera nigra s 2 1 8 20 * 2 Salix appendiculata s 1 2 16 * 2 Valeriana montana h 2 14 * Crepis paludosa h 1 2 4 18 * 2 Cystopteris montana h 11 * Cardamine pentaphyllos h 22 9 8 41 * 19 Aconitum variegatum ssp. paniculatum h 8 18 27 * 6 Veronica urticifolia h 1 28 5 33 43 * 5 Ranunculus platanifolius h 1 18 20 * 3 Species diagnostic for more than one subcluster Aconitum lycoctonum h 5 18 10 6 69 * 68 * 10 Petasites albus h 2 3 6 16 39 68 * 60 * Athyrium filix-femina h 2 9 20 33 31 80 * 90 * Species diagnostic for broad-leaved ravine forests of SE Europe r Symphytum tuberosum h 5 21 22 5 66 * r Lamium orvala h 13 25 2 56 * r Cardamine enneaphyllos h 7 28 27 5 2 9 63 * r Cyclamen purpurascens h 2 10 56 * 4 13 Polystichum setiferum h 2 28 13 1 23 ■ Other species with high frequency Fagus sylvatica t 32 55 45 47 51 27 63 Fagus sylvatica s 17 26 37 41 35 14 52 Lamiastrum galeobdolon h 47 52 71 68 92 98 89 Geranium robertianum h 85 56 61 75 73 73 45 Dryopteris filix-mas h 51 38 67 69 53 89 87 Mercurialis perennis h 39 52 62 71 80 41 48 Corylus avellana s 59 60 84 51 35 16 44 Urtica dioica h 63 33 16 61 33 48 71 Galium odoratum h 39 44 29 66 61 41 42 Mycelis muralis h 51 40 52 31 65 48 27 Senecio nemorensis h 29 9 47 44 43 75 53 Actaea spicata h 8 21 50 33 41 66 60 Salvia glutinosa h 10 26 55 25 59 9 45 Campanula trachelium h 37 33 43 16 59 18 8 Aegopodium podagraria h 10 38 24 28 51 25 32 Asarum europaeum h 25 44 42 30 8 5 29 Asplenium scolopendrium h 3 27 39 36 6 27 42 Polygonatum multiflorum h 19 48 46 27 4 5 29 Viola reichenbachiana h 10 47 33 12 45 11 19 Pulmonaria officinalis h 27 26 39 22 6 14 37 Aruncus dioicus h 7 9 32 32 18 43 29 Arum maculatum h 10 41 14 29 2 2 53 Fragaria vesca h 22 20 38 9 37 18 5 Cystopteris fragilis h 31 9 17 22 8 41 21 Asplenium trichomanes h 24 21 48 21 10 11 13 Geum urbanum h 34 34 14 18 18 11 11 - Classification and phytogeographical differentiation of broad-leaved forests - 337 Results Clusters and their interpretation Fig. 2 shows the result of the cluster analysis of the eight TWINSPAN groups of releves (subclusters). The subclusterX comprises 17 releves of xerothermophilous forests, 13 of which are from one author (Hierholzer 1957; Acereto-Coryletum avellanae, Aceri-Fraxinetum) from the northwestern Apennines with a high cover of Corylus avellana. Because of the small size, specific floristic composition and unclear interpretation of this subcluster, we decided to eliminate it from further analyses. Excluding subclusterX, the xerothermophilous forests and mesophilous forests divide at the next first level. At the second level, the two groups also divide geographically into a group of southeastern European and a group of central European forests, resulting in four main clusters. The list of the syntaxa in each subcluster and cluster is given in App. 1. The classification of broad-leaved ravine forests is presented in a synoptic table (Table 1), in which statistically determined diagnostic species are indicated and ranked by decreasing fidelity. Cluster 1 corresponds to subcluster 1.1 and is represented mainly by xerothermophilous forests from the middle European and Pannonian sector. The cluster is characterized by a group of thermophilous and nitrophil-ous species with Eurasian distribution, growing at lower altitudes in the Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus belt. The central European Tilia associations Aceri-Carpinetum, Aceri-Tilietum cordatae, Aceri-Tilietum platyphylli, Mercuriali-Tilietum, Roso pendulinae-Tilietum and Seslerio albicantis-Tilietum cordatae are classified within this cluster. Cluster 2 is characterized by thermophilous species of southeastern distribution, e.g. Primula vulgaris, Ostrya carpinifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Cyclamen purpurascens, Helleborus odorus and Euonymus latifolius. It comprises of two subclusters. Subcluster 2.1 is represented mainly by xerothermophilous forests from the Apennine, Illyrian and Pannonian sectors, and subcluster 2.2 by xerothermophilous forests from the Eastern Alpine, Illyrian, central Alpine and middle European sectors as it comprises the relict association Asperulo taurinae-Tilietum in the broader sense. Diagnostic species of subcluster 2.1 are thermophilous species with southeastern distribution {Acer obtusatum, Lathyrus venetus, Galanthus nivalis, Tilia tomentosa) andEurymediterranean species (Ruscus hypoglossum, Viola alba, Quercus cerris). Diagnostic species of subcluster 2.2 indicate that the distribution of this subcluster is mainly related with the Alps (e.g. Luzula nivea, Galium laevigatum, Anemone trifolia). 0.8 073 0.7 0 65 0.6 0 55 0.5 ■c 0 45 1 0.4 035