© by PSP Volume 28 – No. 8/2019 pages 5727-5733 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 5727 ANALYSIS OF THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF MOUNTAIN BEECH FORESTS ON THE TERRITORY OF SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Rajko Milosevic1,* , Milic Curovic2 , Marijana Novakovic-Vukovic1 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, Serbia 2 University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty, Podgorica, Montenegro ABSTRACT The mountain beech forest represents a vast climate-regional belt of vegetation in Serbia, as well as the most economically important forest type, and takes up a significant area in Serbia and Montenegro. This paper focused on a comparison of the floristic composition of a typical mountain beech forest in Serbia and Montenegro in order to determine the differences between the investigated stands. A total of 12 phytocoenological relevés were analyzed; 7 on Jastrebac (Serbia) and 5 on Biogradska Gora (Montenegro). CCA analysis showed that significant differences are present among the studied stands. Phytocoenological relevés from Montenegro correlated with altitude and assembly, while relevés from Serbia have a correlation with slopes. Differences in floristic composition are mostly due to various tree layering. Stands on Mt. Jastrebac are dispersed, which allow the penetration of light on the terrestrial flora, leading to weed growth. The composition of tree layers is quite dense on Biogradska Gora, thus the shrub layer is poor, whereas terrestrial flora is mainly comprised of species that thrive in areas of little light (sciophytes). In the spectrum of floral elements, species of Central European areal type dominate both sites, which expressed extreme mesophilic characteristics of researched stands. In the spectrum of life forms on Mt. Jastrebac, phanerophytes are dominant due to the large number of species in the tree and shrub layer, while geophytes are dominant on Biogradska Gora as a result of dense tree layering, therefore, the ground flora consists of species that can complete the reproductive cycle before trees begin to bloom. KEYWORDS: beech forest, floristic composition, Serbia, Montenegro INTRODUCTION Beech forests cover large areas in South Eastern Europe and are on different geological substrates, soils, altitudes, grow in various macro and micro-climate conditions, thus they are very heterogeneous. There are many classifications of beech forests of Southeastern Europe. Horvat [1] first ranked all beech forests, ranging from the Alps to Albania and Greece, in alliance Fagion sylvaticae illyricum. However, within such a wide distribution, significant floristic differences exist within the researched stands, thus Soó [2, 3] ranked forests of Southeastern Serbia, Bulgaria and northern Greece in alliance Fagion dacicum, which were previously examined in the Carpathian region. Given that many diagnostic species of the alliance were not found in the mentioned areas, the author dubbed these forests ‘Moesian Beech Forests’ (MoesischeFagionWälder), marking Moesian beech (Fagus moesiaca) as a differential type of alliance [4]. All beech forests of Southeastern Europe have recently been classified into two alliances [5]: AremonioFagion and Fagion moesiacae. Pure and mixed beech forests occupy significant areas in Serbia because beech (Fagus sylvatica L. ssp. moesiaca) is the most widespread tree species in Serbia; beech forests cover 660,400 ha (29.3%) of the total covered area, of which 64.7% is state-owned [6]. In syntaxonomic sense, beech forests in Serbia are classified into class Querco- Fagetea Br.-Bl. Vlieger & 1937, order Fagetalia silvaticae Pawlowski and Pawlowski, Sokolowski&Walisch 1928 and alliance Fagion moesiacae Blečić & R. Lakušić 1976. The affiliation of beech forest in the alliance Fagion moesiacae was confirmed on the area of Biogradska Gora in Montenegro [7] even though Illyrian beech forests Fagetum montanum sylvaticae montenegrinum Blečić 1958 were originally described [8] on the area of Piva (Montenegro). Within this alliance, due to a great variety, seven suballiances and a large number of associations were isolated where mountain beech forest has the largest distribution and is economically the most important type of beech forest, and forests in Serbia in general [9]. Mountain beech forest (Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum moesiacae B. Jovanović 1973, syn. Fagetum moesiacae montanum B. Jovanović 1973) presents a very well defined climate-regional belt of vegetation in Moesia and transitional Illyrian-Moesia Provinces. The community is mainly located on all exposures, at altitudes between 800- © by PSP Volume 28 – No. 8/2019 pages 5727-5733 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 5728 1200 m, and is observed on most mountains of the mentioned areas. The aim of this research was to determine whether there are differences in the floristic composition of a typical mountain forests of beech in two localities in Serbia and Montenegro, given that it amounts to a considerable distance, and investigated sites with specific characteristics in terms of severity synergistic environmental impacts in which these two communities grow. MATERIALS AND METHODS Great Jastrebac mountain range stretches between 18 ° 59 'and 19 ° 05' east longitude and 43 ° 24 'and 43 ° 28' north latitude. It belongs to the Rhodope mountain system, and in morphological terms, belongs to the category of high and medium mountains with very expressed relief, locatedat altitudes between 300-1394 m (Figure 1). The average annual temperature is 9. 7О С, the average temperature during the vegetation period is 15.8 О С. Geologically speaking, the area of Great Jastrebac consists of the highest percentage of granodiorite in its base. Corneits are present on the peaks of the mountain range, and phyllites at somewhat lower altitudes ranging from 950-1000 meters. Acidic brown soils prevail (dystric cambisol), typical acid brown soil, poor skeletal and typical acid brown soil of medium depth and skeletal. Podzolic acid brown soil is less common. Humus-silicate soils are present at higher altitudes: regosol, colluvial and podzolic [10]. Biogradska Gora, along with Mt. Bjelasnica, represent the unique geomorphological unit in Central Montenegro (Figure 1) with peaks over 2000 m, where glacier peaks and cirques with several glacial lakes are present. The average annual temperature is around 20 C, while the mean air temperature in the vegetation period is around 60 C (mountainous areas) to 120 C (lower parts-valley of Tara). The dominant soil type is acid brown soildystric cambisol on volcanic surfaces. The geological foundation consists of various volcanic rocks that have effused in this area during volcanic activity in the Middle Triassic and Jurassic period [11]. DATA COLLECTION For the analysis of floristic composition of the researched area, 12 phytocoenological relevés made using the standard method Braun-Blanquet [12] were done and were taken from literature [10,11]; 7 relevés on Jastrebac and 5 on Biogradska Gora. The stands at both sites, according to syntaxonomic origin, were classified as typical mountain beech forest (Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum moesiacae B. Jovanović 1973, syn. Fagetum moesiacae montanum B. Jovanović 1973 subass. typicum). Statistical analysis. First, the transformation estimates of abundance and coverage for each species within the phytocoenological relevés were performed by the Van Der Maarel method [13]. CCA analysis of ecological-vegetation data was performed with the help of statistical software CANOCO 4.5 [14]. Monte Carlo permutation test was used to determine the significance of worth (eigenvalue) with appropriate CCA axes. The study calculated 499 randomly selected permutation of the described communities. Syntax names were given according to [15]. FIGURE 1 Geological location of researched sites © by PSP Volume 28 – No. 8/2019 pages 5727-5733 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 5729 The spectrum of floral elements were produced on the basis of systematization of plantgeographic elements after [16], and the life-form spectrum after [17]. Indices of diversity and evenness (Shannon-Wiener diversity index and evenness) were calculated using the program JUICE 7.0 [18]. The Jaccard index of similarity between the investigated communities was also calculated [19] according to formula: where UV- is the number of common species, U, Vis the number of species in the beech and fir forest on Mt. Jastrebac and Mt. Biogradska Gora, respec- tively. RESULTS Statistical analysis. Stands of typical mountain beech forests (Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum moesiacae B. Jovanović 1973, syn. Fagetum moesiacae montanum subass. typicum) on Jastrebac (Serbia) appear at altitudes between 700-960 m, on slopes of 30-35 degrees, and exposure are mostly hidden- N, NW, NE. The stands at Biogradska Gora (Montenegro) are at slightly higher altitudes, between 1150 to 1270 m, on slopes of 20-25 degrees and different exposure-W, NW, S, SW. The graph (Fig. 2) shows that the relevés from Serbia accumulate on the right side, while relevés from Montenegro are on the left side of the chart, which shows that there are significant differences among them, although it is the same association and subassocia- tions. FIGURE 2 CCA ordination triplot, fit range for species 20-40%, 44 species (○-relevé representation, Δ-species representation;(1-7) – phytocoenological relevés in the mountain beech forest on Mt. Jastrebac (Serbia); (8-12) –phytocoenological relevés of the mountain beech forest on Mt. Biogradska Gora (Montenegro)) Species abbreviations: Ace hel-Acer heldreichii; Fra exc-Fraxinus excelsior; Dap mez-Daphne mezereum; Pru avi-Prunus avium; Sen nem-Senecio nemorensis; San eur-Sanicula europaea; Fag moe-Fagus moesiaca; Ath fil-Athyrium filix-femina; Oxa ace-Oxalis acetosella; Ace pse-Acer pseudoplatanus; Lun red-Lunaria rediviva; Pol acy-Polystichum aculeatum; Dry fil-Dryopteris fili-mas; Sam nig-Sambucus nigra; Hed hel-Hedera helix; Rus hyp-Ruscus hypoglossum; Rub hir-Rubus hirtus; Sym tub-Symphytum tuberosum; Pol ver-Polygonatum verticillatum; Car bul-Cardamine bulbifera; Abi alb-Abies alba; Vio syl-Viola sylvestris; Epi mon-Epilobium montanum; Asp odo-Asperula odorata; Lam gal-Lamium galeobdolon; Pre pur-Prenanthes purpurea; Mer per-Mercurialis perennis; Myc mur-Mycelis muralis; Ane nem-Anemone nemorosa; Cal off-Calamintha officinalis; Ace pla-Acer platanoides; Ulm gla-Ulmus glabra; Asa eur-Asarum europaeum; (abbreviation after a species name denotes A- tree layer, B –shrub layer, C-ground flora layer) © by PSP Volume 28 – No. 8/2019 pages 5727-5733 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 5730 Phytocoenological relevés from Montenegro correlated with altitude and assembly, while relevés from Serbia have a correlation with slopes. Exposure is the variable that has the least impact on the community, which isn’t a surprise due to the fact that mountainous beech forests are located in all aspects within its areal. It is evident that mostly woody and shrub species are isolated when it comes to relevés from Serbia: Abies alba, Fraxinus excelsior, Prunus avium, Ulmus glabra, Fagus moesiaca and others. Due to more open tree layering (0.5-0.7) greater light penetration on the ground flora layer occurred, which led to weed growth and increase inquantity and coverage of blackberry (Rubus hirtus), which prevents the development of other species in this layer. On the other hand, a thick strand of tree layers in stands in Montenegro hinders the development of shrub species, however various sciophyt and semiscyophyte species are present in the ground flora layer: Asperula odorata, Mercurialis perennis, Cardamine bulbifera, Mycelis muralis, Epilobium montanum etc. Common to both sites is the absolute dominance of the beech trees in the tree and shrub layer, while the ground flora layer varies significantly as a result, primarily to, a different set of tree layers. Jaccard's similarity index (0.38) shows that among the study stands there is not a great floristic similarity, even though it is the same subassocia- tion. The spectrum of floral elements. In both researched sites, the spectrum of floral elements (Fig. 3A) absolutely dominated species belonging to Central European floral element, which is an indicator that the community develops in mesophilic conditions of temperate zone. Other floral elements have a similar representation, apart from the elements of northern regions, which in Serbia amounts to 5%, while in Montenegro there are no records. The spectrum of life forms. The spectrum of life forms (Fig 3B) reveals important differences between the mountain beech stands in Serbia and Montenegro. On the territory of Serbia, phanerophytes are significantly more numerous (41%: 25%) which is result of a large number of species of tree layers and shrubs. On the other hand, geophytes (early flourishing species) are more numerous in stands in Montenegro, nearly two fold compared to Serbia (39%: 18%). This is due to the dense layer of trees (0.9-1.0), where terrestrial plants have insufficient sunlight during the growing season, and therefore, have to complete their reproductive cycle before trees bloom. Indices of diversity and evenness. The community of mountain beech on Biogradska Gora (Table 1) has a slightly higher diversity index (Shannon-Wiener index) when it comes to ground flora, compared to Jastrebac.However this value is not statistically significant. Evenness index (Evenness index) has approximately the same value at both sites. Blackberry (Rubus hirtus) can be labeled as a speciesthat reduces the evenness index value on Jastrebac, whereas Asperula odorata and Lamium galeobdolon do the same on Biogradska Gora. FIGURE 3 Spectrum of floral elements and spectrum of life forms in the mountain beech forests in Serbia and Montenegro © by PSP Volume 28 – No. 8/2019 pages 5727-5733 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 5731 TABLE 1 Indices of diversity and evenness in researched stands Locality Average Shannon-Wiener index Average Evenness index Jastrebac (SRB) 1.42 0,54 Biogradska Gora (MNE) 1,76 0.60 DISCUSSION At both researched sites (Jastrebac and Biogradska Gora) fir (Abies alba) was found in the shrub and ground flora layer. The presence of young fir is evidence that said community can not be regarded as a pure beech forest, but as a degraded deciduous-coniferous forest Abieti-Fagetum. On both mountain ranges forests of beech and fir were observed in the vicinity of pure beech forests, which confirms what was previously said, because over time man cut more fir than beech, thus beech, being biologically more resilient, prevailed. The origin of the secondary forests of mountain beech on some mountain ranges in Serbia was discussed in previous research [9, 15, 20, 21], as well as in Bosnia [22], on the Dinarides [23] and others. Mountain beech forests occupies large areas on the Balkans. In the area of Galicica (Macedonia), the mountain beech forest (Calamintha grandiflorae-Fagetum (Em 1965) Rizovski& Jack's ex Matevski et al. Ass. Nova)) is present on altitudes between 1300-1700 m. This forest is of vast economical importance and has a lot of common species with the researched sites in terms of floristic composition. Dryopteris filix-mas (observed on Jastrebac and Biogradska Gora), Neottia nidus-avis (recorded on Biogradska Gora) and Pulmonaria officinalis (observed on Jastrebac) are all species labeled as diagnostics [24]. The mountain beech forest in Macedonia belongs to the alliance Doronico columnae-Fagion Dzwonki et al.1999, Macedonian fir (Abies borisii-regis) is a diagnostic type of alliance. In the area of Mt. Jadovnik (BiH), the community Fagetum montanum illyricum Fuk. et Stef 1958. was described, with altitudes ranging from 700m (800m) -1100m (1200) m, on limestones and dolomites [25]. Cardamine bulbifera, Cardamine enneaplhyllos, Paris quadrifolia, Polystichum aculeatum, Geranium robertianum and Oxalis acetosella are differential types of the subassociation cardaminetosum (typicum). All of these species were recorded on the investigated localities Jastrebac and Biogradska Gora. The author also concludes that the forests of beech and beech-fir in Jadovnik have great sociological similarities, 55% of species are common to both characteristic sets, spatially very close, grow at the same exposures, slopes and soils, which supports the conclusion that the forests of secondary character beech, with anthropological origins, caused the degradation of beech-fir forests. Mountain beech forests (Fagetum montanum illyricum subass. typicum) in Manjaca (BiH) also have great floristic similarities with mountain beech forests in Serbia and Montenegro. It was recorded at altitudes ranging from 920-1000 m. Fir and spruce [26] were introduced to this community via over-seeding. Due to a dense tree layer, ground flora is impoverished. Typical "fagetal" species represent a small coverage and quantity: Asperula odorata, Dryopteris filix-mas, Mercurialis perennis, Festuca drymeia. European beech (Fagus sylvatica) is an edificatory for this community. The most common, and the most clearly defined, Illyrian beech forest in Croatia is the community Lamia orvalae-Fagetum (I. Horvat 1938) Borhidi 1963 classified in alliance Aremon-Fagion (I. Horvat 1938) Török, Podani et Borhidi 1989. It is found in the Dinaric area, between 400 -800 m above sea level, below the beech-fir belt [27]. By floristic composition, this community differs significantly from the mountain beech forests in the Moesia province, because it‘s floristic composition is comprised of a vast number of Illyrian species: Lamium orvala, Rhamnus fallax, Cardamine enneaphyllos, Hacquetia epipactis, but also a lot of species that occur in the mountainous beech forest in the Moesia Province: Polystichum aculeatum, Lonicera nigra, Prenanthes purpurea, Senecio nemorensis, Lilium martagon and others. The community Lamia orvalae-Fagetum in Slovenia represents the zonal vegetation mountainous belt at altitudes between 600-900 m [28]. It is mainly distributed in limestones and dolomites. In Slovenia, this community is of similar floristic composition compared to the mountain forests of beech in the Moesia Province, as can be seen from the combination of diagnostic species: Acer pseudoplatanus, Ulmus glabra, Acer platanoides, Euonymus latifolia, Sambucus nigra, Athyrium filix-femina, Dentaria bulbifera, Dryopteris filix-mas Oxalis acetosella, Paris quadrifolia, etc. CONCLUSION Mountain beech forests make up an ecocoenological and spatially differentiated whole in terms of developed and formed climate-regional belt. Typical forest community of mountain beech (Fagetum moesiacae montanum subass. typicum) is most widely spread and the most common within this belt. There are significant differences in the floristic composition of the plant community between the forest communities typical mountain beech (Fagetum moesiacae montanum subass. typicum) © by PSP Volume 28 – No. 8/2019 pages 5727-5733 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 5732 on Veliki Jastrebac (Serbia) and Biogradska Gora (Montenegro), although according to the classification they belong to the same association and sub- associations. Jaccard's similarity index (0.38) shows that among the studied stands there is great floristic similarity, even though it is the same subassocia- tions. It is evident that within the records from Serbia, mostly woody and shrub species are isolated: Abies alba, Fraxinus excelsior, Prunus avium, Ulmus glabra, Fagus moesiaca etc., while in the stands in Montenegro on the ground flora many sciophytes and semi-sciophyte species are present: Asperula odorata, Mercurialis perennis, Cardamine bulbifera, Mycelis muralis, Epilobium montanum, etc. Common to both sites is the absolute dominance of beech trees in the tree layer. In the spectrum of floral elements on both studied sites, dominant species belong to Central European floral element, which is an indicator that the community develops in mesophilic conditions of temperate zone. Other floral elements have a similar representation, except for the elements of the northern regions, which in Serbia accounted for 5%, while in Montenegro they are not recorded. In the spectrum of life forms significant differences between the mountain beech stands in Serbia and Montenegro were observed. On the territory of Serbia, phanerophytes are significantly more numerous (41%: 25%) as a result of a large number of species of trees and shrubs. On the other hand, in stands in Montenegro, geophytes are more numerous, early flourishing species, which is more than doubled compared to Serbia (39%: 18%). The community of mountain beech on Biogradska Gora has a slightly higher diversity index (Shannon-Wiener index) of ground flora layer compared to Jastrebac, but this value is not statistically significant. Evenness index also has approximately the same value at both sites. Species that reduce the value of the evenness index in the area of in Biogradska Gora are Asperula odorata and Lamium galeobdolon, whereas in Jastrebac, blackberry (Rubus hirtus) is known to reduce the evenness index value. 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