Restriction Endonucleases TECHNICAL GUIDE RESTRICTION ENZYMES FROM NEB Simplify Reaction Setup and Double Digestion with CutSmart® Buffer Over 205 restriction enzymes are 100% active in a single buffer, CutSmart Buffer, making it significantly easier to set up your double digest reactions. Since CutSmart Buffer includes BSA, there are fewer tubes and pipetting steps to worry about. Additionally, many DNA modifying enzymes are 100% active in CutSmart Buffer, eliminating the need for subsequent purification. For more information, visit Cut Smarter with Restriction Enzymes from NEB® Looking to bring CONVENIENCE to your workflow? Speed up Digestions with Time-Saver™ Qualified Restriction Enzymes 190 of our restriction enzymes are able to digest DNA in 5–15 minutes, and can safely be used overnight with no loss of sample. For added convenience and flexibility, most of these are supplied with our new CutSmart Buffer. For more information, visit Bring Flexibility to your Workflow NEB offers the largest selection of restriction enzymes commercially available. With an evergrowing list to choose from, currently at 280 enzymes – including traditional restriction enzymes, nicking endonucleases, homing endonucleases and methylation-sensitive enzymes for epigenetics studies – there is no need to look anywhere else. pXba DNA was digested with EcoRV-HF RE-Mix according to the recommended protocol. Lane L is the TriDye™ 2-Log DNA Ladder (NEB #N3270). Complete digestion, free of unwanted star activity, is seen whether incubated for 5–15 minutes, 1 hour or overnight. L 0 5 min 15 min 1 hr o/n Keep it Simple with our RE-Mix® Restriction Enzyme Master Mixes RE-Mix Restriction Enzyme Master Mixes are pre-mixed solutions that contain enzyme, buffer, BSA and loading dye. Just add your DNA and water; it's that simple! RE-Mix master mixes are Time-Saver qualified so you can trust your reaction to digest to completion in 15 minutes, or leave it to digest overnight, with no degradation of your final product. For more information, visit ENZYME ACTIVITY IN CUTSMART REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTS Alkaline Phosphatase (CIP) + + + Antarctic Phosphatase + + + Requires Zn2+ Bst DNA Polymerase + + + CpG Methyltransferase (M. SssI) + + + DNA Polymerase I + + + DNA Polymerase I, Large (Klenow) Fragment + + + DNA Polymerase Klenow Exo– + + + DNase I (RNase free) + + + Requires Ca2+ E. coli DNA Ligase + + + Requires NAD Endonuclease III (Nth), recombinant + + + Endonuclease VIII + + + Exonuclease III + + + GpC Methyltransferase (M. CviPI) + Requires DTT McrBC + + + Micrococcal Nuclease + + + Nuclease BAL-31 + + + phi29 DNA Polymerase + + + RecJf + + + Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP) + + + T3 DNA Ligase + + + Requires ATP + PEG T4 DNA Ligase + + + Requires ATP T4 DNA Polymerase + + + T4 Phage β-glucosyltransferase (T4-BGT) + + + T4 Polynucleotide Kinase + + + Requires ATP + DTT T4 PNK (3´ phosphatase minus) + + + Requires ATP + DTT T7 DNA Ligase + + + Requires ATP + PEG T7 DNA Polymerase (unmodified) + + + T7 Exonuclease + + + USER Enzyme, recombinant + + + + + + full functional activity + + 50–100% functional activity + 0–50% functional activity Activity of DNA Modifying Enzymes in CutSmart Buffer 2 Looking to optimize PERFORMANCE in your reaction? Choose a High-Fidelity (HF® ) Restriction Enzyme As part of our ongoing commitment to the advancement and improvement of enzymes for the cloning and manipulation of DNA, NEB has developed a line of High-Fidelity (HF) restriction enzymes. These engineered enzymes have the same specificity as the native enzyme, with the added benefit of reduced star activity, rapid digestion (5-15 minutes), and 100% activity in CutSmart Buffer. Enjoy the improved performance of NEB's engineered enzymes at the same price as the native enzymes! For more information, visit Benefit from Industry-leading Quality NEB's reputation as a leader in enzyme technologies stems from the quality and reliability of our restriction enzymes. All of our restriction enzymes undergo stringent quality control testing, ensuring the highest levels of purity and lot-to-lot consistency. EcoRI-HF (NEB #R3101) shows no star activity in overnight digests, even when used at higher concentrations. 50 μl reactions were set up using 1 μg of Lambda DNA, the indicated amount of enzyme and the recommended reaction buffer. Reactions were incubated overnight at 37°C. Marker M is the 1 kb DNA Ladder (NEB# N3232). Restriction Enzyme Competitor Study: Nuclease Contamination EcoRI, NotI, and BamHI from multiple suppliers were tested in reactions containing a fluorescent labeled single stranded, double stranded blunt, 3’overhang or 5’ overhang containing oligonucleotides. The percent degradation is determined by capillary electrophoresis and peak analysis. The resolution is at the single nucleotide level. 0 1 3 5 10 M 0 1 3 5 10 µl NEB EcoRI-HF Competitor FastDigest® EcoRI Unwanted Cleavage Visit for information on the smarter choice of restriction enzymes. HF® , REBASE® , RE-MIX® , NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS® , NEB® , NEBCLONER® ,andNEBioCalculator® are registered trademarks of New England Biolabs, Inc. CUTSMART® , NEBCUTTER® , TIME-SAVER™ and TRIDYE™ are trademarks of New England Biolabs, Inc FASTDIGEST® is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific. IPAD® and IPHONE® are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. ANDROID™ is a trademark of Google, Inc. 3 CUT SMARTER HIGHLIGHTS • Industry-leading product quality • State-of-the-art production and purification • Over 40 years of experience • Stringent quality control testing • Lot-to-lot consistency • ISO 9001- and 13485-certified Single-stranded OverhangDouble-stranded blunt top Double-stranded blunt bottom 3´ Overhang top 3´ Overhang bottom 5´ Overhang top 5´ Overhang bottom 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Degradation(%) EcoRI EcoRI-HF NEB EcoRI A B C D Competitor EcoRI 0 NotI NotI-HF NEB NotI A B C D Competitor NotI 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Degradation(%) 0 BamHI BamHI-HF NEB BamHI A B C D Competitor BamHI 20 40 60 Degradation(%) 80 100 120 TOOLS & RESOURCES Visit to find: • The full list of HF restriction enzymes available • Online tutorials on how to avoid star activity and setting up digests using the Time-Saver protocol High Fidelity (HF) Enzymes High-Fidelity (HF) restriction enzymes are engineered enzymes that have the same specificity as the native enzymes, are all active in CutSmart Buffer and have reduced star activity. Star activity, or off-target cleavage, is an intrinsic property of restriction enzymes. Most restriction enzymes will not exhibit star activity under recommended reaction conditions. However, for enzymes that have reported star activity, extra caution must be taken to set up reactions according to the recommended conditions to avoid unwanted cleavage. HF enzymes should be used in these cases. In addition to reduced star activity, HF enzymes work optimally in CutSmart Buffer, which has the highest level of enzyme compatibility and will simplify double digest reactions. They are all Time-Saver qualified and digest substrate DNA in 5–15 minutes and are flexible enough to digest overnight. HF enzymes are supplied with our purple gel loading dye, which sharpens bands and eliminates UV shadow. Lastly, they are available at the same price as the native enzymes. The following table indicates the number of units of HF enzyme that can be used compared to the native enzyme before any significant star activity is detected. The HF Factor refers to the X-fold increase in fidelity that is achieved by choosing an HF enzyme. This data clearly illustrates the flexibility that is offered by using an HF restriction enzyme. HF ENZYMES 4 WHAT IS A HIGH-FIDELITY ENZYME? PRODUCT NAME PRODUCT NUMBER BUFFER† MAXIMUM UNITS WITH NO STAR ACTIVITY* HF FACTOR AgeI-HF #R3552 CutSmart ≥ 250 ≥ 8 AgeI #R0552 1.1 32 BamHI-HF #R3136 CutSmart ≥ 4,000 ≥ 125 BamHI #R0136 3.1 32 BmtI-HF #R3658 CutSmart 1,000,000 31,250 BmtI #R0658 3.1 32 BsaI-HF #R3535 CutSmart ≥ 8,000 ≥ 250 BsaI #R0535 CutSmart 32 BsrGI-HF #R3575 CutSmart ≥ 1,000 ≥ 62 BsrGI #R0575 2.1 16 BstEII-HF #R3162 CutSmart ≥ 2,000 ≥ 125 BstEII #R0162 3.1 16 DraIII-HF #R3510 CutSmart ≥ 2,000 ≥ 1,000 DraIII** N/A 3.1 2 EagI-HF #R3505 CutSmart 500 2 EagI #R0505 3.1 250 EcoRI-HF #R3101 CutSmart 16,000 64 EcoRI #R0101 U 250 EcoRV-HF #R3195 CutSmart ≥ 64,000 ≥ 64 EcoRV #R0195 3.1 1,000 HindIII-HF #R3104 CutSmart ≥ 500,000 ≥ 2,000 HindIII #R0104 2.1 250 KpnI-HF #R3142 CutSmart ≥ 1,000,000 ≥ 62,500 KpnI #R0142 1.1 16 MfeI-HF #R3589 CutSmart ≥ 500 ≥ 16 MfeI #R0589 CutSmart 32 MluI-HF #R3198 CutSmart ≥ 4,000 2 MluI #R0198 3.1 ≥ 2,000 NcoI-HF #R3193 CutSmart ≥ 64,000 ≥ 530 NcoI #R0193 3.1 120 PRODUCT NAME PRODUCT NUMBER BUFFER† MAXIMUM UNITS WITH NO STAR ACTIVITY* HF FACTOR NheI-HF #R3131 CutSmart ≥ 32,000 ≥ 266 NheI #R0131 2.1 120 NotI-HF #R3189 CutSmart ≥ 64,000 ≥ 16 NotI #R0189 3.1 4,000 NruI-HF #R3192 CutSmart ≥ 32,000 64 NruI #R0192 3.1 ≥ 500 NsiI-HF #R3127 CutSmart ≥ 8000 2 NsiI #R0127 3.1 ≥ 4,000 PstI-HF #R3140 CutSmart 4,000 33 PstI #R0140 3.1 120 PvuI-HF #R3150 CutSmart ≥ 16,000 ≥ 32 PvuI #R0150 3.1 500 PvuII-HF #R3151 CutSmart 500 32 PvuII #R0151 2.1 16 SacI-HF #R3156 CutSmart ≥ 32,000 ≥ 266 SacI #R0156 1.1 120 SalI-HF #R3138 CutSmart ≥ 32,000 ≥ 8,000 SalI #R0138 3.1 4 SbfI-HF #R3642 CutSmart 250 32 SbfI #R0642 CutSmart 8 ScaI-HF #R3122 CutSmart 250 62 ScaI** #R0122 3.1 4 SpeI-HF #R3133 CutSmart ≥ 8,000 ≥ 16 SpeI #R0133 CutSmart 500 SphI-HF #R3182 CutSmart 8,000 250 SphI #R0182 2.1 32 SspI-HF #R3132 CutSmart 500 16 SspI #R0132 U 32 StyI-HF #R3500 CutSmart 4,000 125 StyI #R0500 3.1 32 † Wild type enzymes were tested in supplied buffer for comparisons. * Wei, H. et al (2008) Nucleic Acids Reseach 36, e50. ** No longer available. TOOLS & RESOURCES Visit to find: • Video tutorials on how to avoid star activity, and for setting up restriction enzyme digests • The full list of HF enzymes available • Troubleshooting guides Tips for preventing unwanted cleavage in restriction enzyme digests Under non-standard reaction conditions, some restriction enzymes are capable of cleaving sequences which are similar but not identical to their defined recognition sequence. This altered specificity has been termed “star activity”. It has been suggested that star activity is a general property of restriction endonucleases (1) and that any restriction endonuclease will cleave noncanonical sites under certain extreme conditions, some of which are listed below. Although the propensity for star activity varies, the vast majority of enzymes from New England Biolabs will not exhibit star activity when used under recommended conditions in their supplied NEBuffers. If an enzyme has been reported to exhibit star activity, it will be indicated in the product entry found in the catalog, on the supplied card and on our website. Avoiding Star Activity CONDITIONS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO STAR ACTIVITY STEPS THAT CAN BE TAKEN TO INHIBIT STAR ACTIVITY High glycerol concentration (> 5% v/v) Restriction enzymes are stored in 50% glycerol, therefore the amount of enzyme added should not exceed 10% of the total reaction volume. Use the standard 50 µl reaction volume to reduce evaporation during incubation. High concentration of enzyme/µg of DNA ratio (varies with each enzyme, usually 100 units/µg) Use the fewest units possible to achieve digestion. This avoids overdigestion and reduces the final glycerol concentration in the reaction. Non-optimal buffer Whenever possible, set up reactions in the recommended buffer. Buffers with differing ionic strengths and pHs may contribute to star activity. Prolonged reaction time Use the minimum reaction time required for complete digestion. Prolonged incubation may result in increased star activity, as well as evaporation. Presence of organic solvents [DMSO, ethanol (4), ethylene glycol, dimethylacetamide, dimethylformamide, sulphalane (5)] Make sure the reaction is free of any organic solvents, such as alcohols, that might be present in the DNA preparation. Substitution of Mg2+ with other divalent cations (Mn2+ , Cu2+ , Co2+ , Zn2+ ) Use Mg2+ as the divalent cation. Other divalent cations may not fit correctly into the active site of the restriction enzyme, possibly interfering with proper recognition. New England Biolabs recommends setting up restriction enzyme digests in a 50 µl reaction volume. However, different methods may require smaller reaction volumes. When performing restriction enzyme digests in smaller reaction volumes, extra care must be taken to follow the steps listed above to avoid star activity. Alternatively, using our line of High Fidelity (HF) restriction enzymes will allow greater flexibility in reaction setup. Please visit frequently to learn about new additions to the HF restriction enzyme product line. Note: The relative significance of each of these altered conditions will vary from enzyme to enzyme. HF ENZYMES 5 RESTRICTION ENZYME TYPES • Type I enzymes are multisubunit proteins that cut DNA randomly at a distance from their recognition sequence. • Type II enzymes cut DNA at defined positions close to or within their recognition sequence and are commonly used in the laboratory. There are over ten subtypes with different types of recognition sites, cleavage sites and cofactor requirements. • The most common Type II enzymes cleave within their recognition site (e.g., BamHI, EcoRI); sites can be symmetric or asymmetric. • Type IIS enzymes cleave outside their recognition sequence (e.g., FokI, AlwI) and are invaluable for emerging technologies in the biotechnology industry. • Type IIM enzymes recognize methylated targets (e.g., DpnI). • Type III enzymes are large, combination restriction-and-modification enzymes that cleave outside their recognition sequences and require two sequences in opposite orientations to cleave one DNA molecule. • Type IV enzymes recognize modified DNA (methylated, hydroxymethylated, etc.). They require two sites and cleave non-specifically. • Isoschizomers are restriction enzymes that recognize the same sequence as the prototype. • Neoschizomers are isoschizomers with different cleavage sites. References: 1. Nasri, M. and Thomas, D. (1986) Nucleic Acids Res. 14, 811. 2. Barany, F. (1988) Gene, 68, 149. 3. Bitinaite, J. and Schildkraut, I. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99, 1164–1169. 4. Nasri, M. and Thomas, D. (1987) Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 7677. 5. Tikchonenko, T.I., et al. (1978) Gene, 4, 195–212. RESTRICTION ENZYME STAR ACTIVITY Learn more about restriction enzyme types in our online tutorials. TIME-SAVER ENZYMES Time-Saver Qualified Restriction Enzymes Whether you are quickly screening large numbers of clones or setting up overnight digests, you will benefit from the high quality of our enzymes. Typically, a restriction digest involves the incubation of 1 µl of enzyme with 1 µg of purified DNA in a final volume of 50 µl for 1 hour. However, to speed up the screening process, choose one of NEB’s enzymes that are Time-Saver qualified. 190 of our enzymes will digest 1 µg of substrate DNA in 5-15 minutes using 1 µl of enzyme under recommended reaction conditions, and can also be used safely in overnight digestions. Unlike other suppliers, there is no special formulation, change in concentration or need to buy more expensive, new lines of enzymes to achieve digestion in 5-15 minutes. Nor do you have to worry if you incubate too long. In an effort to provide you with as much information as possible, NEB has tested all of its enzymes on unit assay substrate, as well as plasmid substrate and PCR fragments. We recommend that this data be used as a guide, as it is not definitive for all plasmids. Restriction enzymes can often show site preference, presumably determined by the sequence flanking the recognition site. In addition, supercoiled DNA may have varying rates of cleavage. For more information, visit Note that there are some enzymes indicated below that can cut in 5-15 minutes, but cannot be incubated overnight. These are not Time-Saver qualified. Since all of our enzymes are rigorously tested for nuclease contamination, you can also safely set up digests for long periods of time without sample degradation. Only NEB Time-Saver qualified enzymes offer power and flexibility – the power to digest in 5-15 minutes and the flexibility to withstand overnight digestions with no loss of substrate. 6 ENZYME UNIT ASSAY PLASMID PCR AatII n s l AccI n s s Acc65I l s l AciI l l l AclI l n s AcuI n s s AflII l l l AgeI-HF l l l AgeI-HF RE-Mix l l n AhdI l l n AluI l s l AlwNI l l s ApaI l l l ApaLI l l s ApeKI l n s ApoI l l l AscI l l NT AscI RE-Mix l l NT AseI l l NT AvaI l s s AvaII l l l AvrII l s NT BaeI n l s ENZYME UNIT ASSAY PLASMID PCR BaeGI l s s BamHI l l s BamHI-HF l l l BbsI n s s BbvI l s s BccI n s s BceAI n n s BciVI l n s BclI l s s BcoDI l l s BfuAI l l s BfuCI n s l BglI l l s BglII l n s BlpI l l l BmgBI l l s BmrI n s n BmtI-HF l l s BpuEI l l s BsaI l l s BsaI-HF l l s BsaAI l l n BsaHI n n l SUBSTRATESUBSTRATE ENZYME UNIT ASSAY PLASMID PCR BsaWI n s s BsaXI l s s BseRI l l n BsgI l l s BsiEI l s s BsiWI l l s BslI l n n BsmI l l s BsmAI l s l BsmBI n s s BsmFI l l s BsoBI l n l Bsp1286I l l s BspCNI n s s BspEI l s s BspHI n l l BspQI l l s BsrI l n s BsrBI l n s BsrDI l n s BsrGI n s s BsrGI-HF l l s BssHII l s s BssKI n s l BssSa I l s s BstBI l l s BstEII l l s BstEII-HF l l l BstEII-HF RE-Mix l l n BstNI l l s BstUI l l s BstXI l l s BstYI n l s BstZ17I l s s Bsu36I n s n Btsa l l l n BtsCI l n s Cac8I n s s ClaI l l s CspCI l l s CviAII n l l CviQI l l l DdeI l n n SUBSTRATE Chart Legend l digests in 5 minutes n digests in 15 minutes s not completely digested in 15 minutes NT not tested TIME-SAVER ENZYMES 7 ENZYME UNIT ASSAY PLASMID PCR DpnI l l s DpnII n s l DraI l l n DraIII-HF l l s DrdI n l l EagI l s s EagI-HF l l s EarI n n s Eco53KI l l n EcoNI l n l EcoO109I l s s EcoP15I n s s EcoRI l l s EcoRI-HF l l l EcoRI-HF RE-Mix l l s EcoRV l l s EcoRV-HF l l s EcoRV-HF RE-Mix l l s Fnu4HI l n n FokI l l l FseI l l s FspI n s n HaeII n s s HaeIII l l l HgaI n s s HhaI l n s HincII n s l HindIII-HF l l l HinfI l l l HinP1I l s l HpaII l l s HphI l s s Hpy166II l l l HpyAV l l NT HpyCH4IV l l l HpyCH4V l l l KpnI-HF l l l KpnI-HF RE-Mix l l s MboI l s l MboII l l l MfeI l l l MfeI-HF l l l MfeI-HF RE-Mix l l l MluI l l l MluI-HF l l s MluCI l l s MlyI l s l MmeI l l s MnlI l l n MseI n n l ENZYME UNIT ASSAY PLASMID PCR MslI l l l MspI l l l MspA1I l l l MwoI n s s NciI l l l NcoI l n s NcoI-HF l l l NcoI-HF RE-Mix l l l NdeI l l s NgoMIV n l s NheI l n s NheI-HF l l n NheI-HF RE-Mix l l s NlaIII n s n NmeAIII l s s NotI l l s NotI-HF l l l NotI-HF RE-Mix l l s NruI l n s NruI-HF l n s NsiI l l l NsiI-HF l l n NspI l n s PacI l l l PacI-RE-Mix l l NT PaeR7I l s s PflfI l n s PflMI l s s PmeI l n NT PmlI l s s PpuMI l s s PshAI n n n PstI l l l PstI-HF l l l PvuI l s l PvuI-HF l l l PvuII l l s PvuII-HF l l s RsaI l l l SacI l l s SacI-HF l l l SacII l s s SalI l n s SalI-HF l l s SalI-HF RE-Mix l l s SapI n s s SbfI l l s SbfI-HF l l s ScaI-HF l l s ScaI-HF RE-Mix l l s SUBSTRATE SUBSTRATE ENZYME UNIT ASSAY PLASMID PCR SfiI l s s SfoI l l l SmaI l n n SpeI l l l SpeI RE-Mix l l l SphI l l s SspI l l s SspI-HF l l s StuI n s s StyI n s s StyI-HF l l s StyD4I n s s SwaI n s s TaqI l l s TfiI n l s TseI n s s TspMI l n s TspRI l n s Tth111I n n s XbaI l l s XbaI-RE-Mix l l n XhoI l l s XhoI RE-Mix l l NT XmaI n s n XmnI l l s SUBSTRATE TOOLS & RESOURCES Visit to find: • The full list of Time-Saver qualified restriction enzymes available • Video tutorials on how Time-Saver qualified enzymes speed up restriction enzyme digests Optimizing Restriction Enzyme Reactions There are several key factors to consider when setting up a restriction enzyme digest. Using the proper amounts of DNA, enzyme and buffer components in the correct reaction volume will allow you to achieve optimal digestion. By definition, 1 unit of restriction enzyme will completely digest 1 µg of substrate DNA in a 50 µl reaction in 60 minutes. This enzyme:DNA:reaction volume ratio can be used as a guide when designing reactions. However, most researchers follow the “typical” reaction conditions listed, where a 5–10 fold overdigestion is recommended to overcome variability in DNA source, quantity and purity. The Time-Saver protocol can be used for enzymes that are Time-Saver qualified and will digest DNA in 5–15 minutes (see page 6–7 for the full list). For additional convenience, a RE-Mix Restriction Enzyme Master Mix can also be used. NEB offers the following tips to help you to achieve maximal success in your restriction enzyme reactions. Enzyme •• Keep on ice when not in the freezer •• Should be the last component added to reaction •• Mix components by pipetting the reaction mixture up and down, or by “flicking” the reaction tube. Follow with a quick (“touch”) spin-down in a microcentrifuge. Do not vortex the reaction. •• In general, we recommend 5–10 units of enzyme per µg DNA, and 10–20 units for genomic DNA •• NEB has introduced a line of HighFidelity (HF) enzymes that provide added flexibility to reaction setup. •• If using a RE-Mix restriction enzyme master mix, see page 9 for protocol. DNA •• Should be free of contaminants such as phenol, chloroform, alcohol, EDTA, detergents, nucleases or excessive salts •• Methylation of DNA can inhibit digestion with certain enzymes Buffer •• Use at a 1X concentration •• BSA is included in NEBuffer 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 and CutSmart Buffer. No additional BSA is needed. Reaction Volume •• A 50 µl reaction volume is recommended for digestion of 1 µg of substrate •• Enzyme volume should not exceed 10% of the total reaction volume to prevent star activity due to excess glycerol •• Additives in the restriction enzyme storage buffer (e.g., glycerol, salt) as well as contaminants found in the substrate solution (e.g., salt, EDTA, or alcohol) can be problematic in smaller reaction volumes. The following guidelines can be used for techniques that require smaller reaction volumes. Standard Protocol Restriction Enzyme 1 µl (or 10 units)* DNA 1 µg 10X NEBuffer 5 µl (1X) Total Reaction Volume 50 µl Incubation Temperature Enzyme Dependent Incubation Time 60 minutes *Sufficient to digest all types of DNAs. Restriction Enzyme 1 µl DNA 1 µg 10X NEBuffer 5 µl (1X) Total Reaction Volume 50 µl Incubation Temperature Enzyme Dependent Incubation Time 5–15 minutes* Time-Saver Protocol: *Time-Saver qualified enzymes can also be incubated overnight with no star activity. Alternative Volumes for Restriction Digests RESTRICTION ENZYME* DNA 10X NEBUFFER 10 µl rxn** 1 unit 0.1 µg 1 µl 25 µl rxn 5 units 0.5 µg 2.5 µl 50 µl rxn 10 units 1 µg 5 µl * Restriction Enzymes can be diluted using the recommended diluent buffer when smaller amounts are needed ** 10 µl rxns should not be incubated for longer than 1 hour to avoid evaporation OPTIMIZING REACTIONS 8 Incubation Time •• Incubation time for Standard Protocol is 1 hour. Incubation for Time-Saver Protocol is 5–15 minutes. •• With many enzymes, it is possible to use fewer units and digest for up to 16 hours. For more information, visit Stopping a Reaction If no further manipulation of DNA is required: •• Terminate with a stop solution (10 µl per 50 µl rxn) [50% glycerol, 50 mM EDTA (pH 8.0), and 0.05% bromophenol blue] (e.g., NEB #B7021) or Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X) (NEB #B7024). When further manipulation of DNA is required: •• Heat inactivation can be used (buffer chart indicates if the enzyme can be heat inactivated) •• If enzyme cannot be heat inactivated, remove by using a spin column or phenol/chloroform extraction Storage •• Storage at –20°C is recommended for most restriction enzymes. For a few enzymes, storage at –70°C is recommended for periods longer than 30 days. Visit for storage information. •• 10X NEBuffers should also be stored at –20°C Stability •• All enzymes are assayed for activity every 3–6 months. The expiration date is found on the label. •• Exposure to temperatures above –20°C should be minimized whenever possible Control Reactions For difficulty cleaving DNA substrate, we recommend the following controls: •• Control DNA (DNA with multiple known sites for the enzyme) with restriction enzyme to test enzyme viability •• If the control DNA is cleaved and the experimental DNA resists cleavage, the two DNAs can be mixed to determine if an inhibitor is present in the experimental sample. If an inhibitor (often salt, EDTA or phenol) is present, the control DNA will not cut after mixing. Star Activity •• Can occur when enzyme is used under sub-optimal conditions •• Star activity can be reduced by using a High-Fidelity (HF) enzyme, by reducing incubation time, by using a Time-Saver enzyme or by increasing reaction volume •• RE-Mix master mixes include enzyme, buffer, BSA and loading dye. All that is required is the addition of DNA and water. For the full list of RE-Mix master mixes, visit Optimizing Restriction Enzyme Reactions Using RE-Mix Master Mixes Many of the optimization tips for restriction enzymes apply to RE-Mix. Additional tips include: •• RE-Mix Master Mixes should be used at 1X concentration •• A 20 µl reaction volume is recommended for digestion with a RE-Mix Master Mix •• The recommended incubation time with a RE-Mix Master Mix is 15 minutes •• The RE-Master Mix includes a density agent and dye, and does not require addition of stop solution •• RE-Mix Master Mixes should be stored at –20°C DNA X µl (up to 1 µg) dH2 O 18 µl–X 10X RE-Mix 2 µl Reaction Volume 20 µl Incubation Temperature 37°C Incubation Time 15 minutes RE-Mix Protocol OPTIMIZING REACTIONS 9 TOOLS & RESOURCES Visit to find: • Video tutorials on setting up restriction enzyme reactions from NEB scientists CUTSMART® BUFFER FROM NEB Troubleshooting Guide References 1. Blakesley, R.W., Wells, R.D. (1975) Nature 257, 421–422. 2. Blakesley, R.W., et al. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 7300–7306. 3. Yoo, O.J., Agarwal, K.L, (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 10559–10562. TROUBLESHOOTING 10 PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Few or no transformants Restriction enzyme(s) didn’t cleave completely Check the methylation sensitivity of the enzyme(s) to determine if the enzyme is blocked by methylation of the recognition sequence Use the recommended buffer supplied with the restriction enzyme Clean up the DNA to remove any contaminants that may inhibit the enzyme When digesting a PCR fragment, make sure to have at least 6 nucleotides between the recognition site and the end of the DNA molecule The digested DNA ran as a smear on an agarose gel The restriction enzyme(s) is bound to the substrate DNA Lower the number of units Add SDS (0.1–0.5%) to the loading buffer to dissociate the enzyme from the DNA Nuclease contamination Use fresh, clean running buffer and a fresh agarose gel Clean up the DNA Incomplete restriction enzyme digestion Cleavage is blocked by methylation DNA isolated from a bacterial source may be blocked by Dam and Dcm methylation DNA isolated from eukaryotic source may be blocked by CpG methylation Check the methylation sensitivity of the enzyme(s) to determine if the enzyme is blocked by methylation of the recognition sequence If the enzyme is inhibited by Dam or Dcm methylation, grow the plasmid in a dam-/ dcm- strain (NEB #C2925) Salt inhibition Enzymes that have low activity in salt-containing buffers (NEBuffer 3.1) may be salt sensitive, so clean up the DNA prior to digestion DNA purification procedures that use spin columns can result in high salt levels, which inhibit enzyme activity. To prevent this, DNA solution should be no more than 25% of total reaction volume. Inhibition by PCR components Clean up the PCR fragment prior to restriction digest Using the wrong buffer Use the recommended buffer supplied with the restriction enzyme Too few units of enzyme used Use at least 3–5 units of enzyme per μg of DNA Incubation time was too short Increase the incubation time Digesting supercoiled DNA Some enzymes have a lower activity on supercolied DNA. Increase the number of enzyme units in the reaction. Incomplete restriction enzyme digestion Presence of slow sites Some enzymes can exhibit slower cleavage towards specific sites. Increase the incubation time, 1–2 hours is typically sufficient. Two sites required Some enzymes require the presence of two recognition sites to cut efficiently DNA is contaminated with an inhibitor Assay substrate DNA in the presence of a control DNA. Control DNA will not cleave if there is an inhibitor present. Mini prep DNA is particularly susceptible to contaminants. Clean DNA with a spin column, resin or drop dialysis, or increase volume to dilute contaminant Extra bands in the gel If larger bands than expected are seen in the gel, this may indicate binding of the enzyme(s) to the substrate Lower the number of units in the reaction Add SDS (0.1–0.5%) to the loading buffer to dissociate the enzyme from the substrate Star activity Use the recommended buffer supplied with the restriction enzyme Decrease the number of enzyme units in the reaction Make sure the amount of enzyme added does not exceed 10% of the total reaction volume. This ensures that the total glycerol concentration does not exceed 5% v/v. Decrease the incubation time. Using the minimum reaction time required for complete digestion will help prevent star activity. Try using a High-Fidelity (HF) restriction enzyme. HF enzymes have been engineered for reduced star activity. Partial restriction enzyme digest Enzymes that have low activity in salt-containing buffers (e.g., NEBuffer 3.1) may be salt sensitive. Make sure to clean up the DNA prior to digestion. DNA purification procedures that use spin columns can result in high salt levels, which inhibit enzyme activity. To prevent this, DNA solution should be no more than 25% of total reaction volume Clean-up the PCR fragment prior to restriction digest Use the recommended buffer supplied with the restriction enzyme Use at least 3–5 units of enzyme per μg of DNA and digest the DNA for 1–2 hours Q. Do restriction enzymes cleave singlestranded DNA? A. Although some restriction enzymes have been reported to cleave ssDNA, it is unclear whether cleavage occurs on a ssDNA molecule or on two ssDNA molecules which transiently anneal at a region of partial homology (1–3). For this reason, we hesitate to make unreserved claims about a restriction enzyme’s ability to cut ssDNA. Q. How stable are restriction enzymes? A. All restriction enzymes from NEB are assayed for activity every 3–6 months. Most are very stable when stored at -20°C in the recommended storage buffer. Exposure to temperatures above -20°C should be minimized whenever possible. Q. Is extended digestion (incubation times > 1 hour) recommended? A. The unit definition of our restriction enzymes is based on a 1 hour incubation. Incubation time may be shortened if additional units of restriction enzyme are added to the reaction or if a Time-Saver qualified restriction enzyme is used (5–15 minutes). Conversely, longer incubation times are often used to allow a reaction to proceed to completion with fewer units of enzyme. This is contingent on how long a particular enzyme can survive (maintain activity) in a reaction. Additional information on extended digestion can be found at FAQS TOOLS & RESOURCES Visit for: • Help choosing double digest conditions using NEB’s Double Digest Finder or NEBCloner® Setting up a Double Digest •• Double digests with CutSmart restriction enzymes can be set up in CutSmart Buffer. Otherwise, choose an NEBuffer that results in the most activity for both enzymes. If star activity is a concern, consider using one of our High-Fidelity (HF) enzymes. •• Set up reaction according to recommended protocol. The final concentration of glycerol in any reaction should be less than 5% to minimize the possibility of star activity. For example, in a 50 µl reaction, the total amount of enzyme added should not exceed 5 µl. •• If two different incubation temperatures are necessary, choose the optimal reaction buffer and set up reaction accordingly. Add the first enzyme and incubate at the desired temperature. Then, heat inactivate the first enzyme, add the second enzyme and incubate at the recommended temperature. •• Depending on an enzyme’s activity rating in a non-optimal NEBuffer, the number of units or incubation time may be adjusted to compensate for the slower rate of cleavage. Setting up a Double Digest with a unique buffer •• NEB currently supplies three enzymes with unique buffers: EcoRI, SspI and DpnII. In most cases, DpnII requires a sequential digest. Note that EcoRI has an HF version which is supplied with CutSmart Buffer. Setting up a Sequential Digest •• If there is no buffer in which the two enzymes both exhibit > 50% activity, a sequential digest can be performed. •• Set up a reaction using the restriction endonuclease that has the lowest salt concentration in its recommended buffer and incubate to completion. •• Adjust the salt concentration of the reaction (using a small volume of a concentrated salt solution) to approximate the reaction conditions of the second restriction endonuclease. •• Add the second enzyme and incubate to complete the second reaction. •• Alternatively, a spin column can be used to isolate the DNA prior to the second reaction. Digesting a DNA substrate with two restriction enzymes simultaneously (double digestion) is a common timesaving procedure. Over 205 restriction enzymes are 100% active in CutSmart Buffer, making double digestion simple. If you are using an enzyme that is not supplied with CutSmart Buffer, the Performance Chart for Restriction Enzymes rates the percentage activity of each restriction endonuclease in the four standard NEBuffers. Double Digestion DOUBLE DIGESTION 11 TIPS FOR SETTING UP DOUBLE DIGESTS Double Digest Protocol using two RE-Mix Enzymes: DNA X µl (up to 1 µg) dH2 O 36 µl–X RE-Mix 1 2 µl RE-Mix 2 2 µl Total Volume 40 µl Incubation Temperature 37°C Incubation Time 15 minutes Double Digest Protocol using One RE-Mix and One Standard Restriction Enzyme.* DNA X µl (up to 1 µg) dH2 O 17 µl–X RE-Mix 2 µl Standard Enzyme 1 µl Total Volume 20 µl Incubation Temperature 37°C Incubation Time 15 minutes (Time-Saver Enzymes) 1 Hour (Standard Enzymes) * Use only with standard restriction enzymes with 37°C incubation temperature. Setting up a Double Digestion with RE-Mix Master Mixes •• RE-Mix master mixes can also be used in double digest reactions. KEY POINTS TO CONSIDER DNA Methylation & Restriction Digests DNA methyltransferases (MTases) that transfer a methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine to either adenine or cytosine residues are found in a wide variety of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Methylation should be considered when digesting DNA with restriction endonucleases because cleavage can be blocked or impaired when a particular base in the recognition site is methylated. Prokaryotic Methylation In prokaryotes, MTases have most often been identified as elements of restriction/ modification systems that act to protect host DNA from cleavage by the corresponding restriction endonuclease. Most laboratory strains of E. coli contain three site-specific DNA methyltransferases. •• Dam methyltransferases–methylation at the N6 position of the adenine in the sequence GATC (1,2). •• Dcm methyltransferases–methylation at the C5 position of cytosine in the sequences CCAGG and CCTGG (1,3). •• EcoKI methylase–methylation of adenine in the sequences AAC(N6 A)GTGC and GCAC(N6 A)GTT. Some or all of the sites for a restriction endonuclease may be resistant to cleavage when isolated from strains expressing the Dam or Dcm MTase if the methylase recognition site overlaps the endonuclease recognition site. For example, plasmid DNA isolated from dam+ E. coli is completely resistant to cleavage by MboI, which cleaves at GATC sites. Not all DNA isolated from E. coli is methylated to the same extent. While pBR322 DNA is fully modified (and is therefore completely resistant to MboI digestion), only about 50% of λ DNA Dam sites are methylated, presumably because the methylase does not have the opportunity to methylate the DNA fully before it is packaged into the phage head. As a result, enzymes blocked by Dam or Dcm modification will yield partial digestion patterns with λ DNA. Restriction sites that are blocked by Dam or Dcm methylation can be un-methylated by cloning your DNA into a dam– , dcm– strain of E. coli, such as dam– /dcm– Competent E. coli (NEB #C2925). Restriction sites can also be blocked if an overlapping site is present. In this case, part of the Dam or Dcm sequence is generated by the restriction enzyme sequence, followed by the flanking sequence. This situation should also be considered when designing restriction enzyme digests. Eukaryotic Methylation CpG MTases, found in higher eukaryotes (e.g., Dnmt1), transfer a methyl group to the C5 position of cytosine residues. Patterns of CpG methylation are heritable, tissue specific and correlate with gene expression. Consequently, CpG methylation has been postulated to play a role in differentiation and gene expression (4). Note: The effects of CpG methylation are mainly a concern when digesting eukaryotic genomic DNA. CpG methylation patterns are not retained once the DNA is cloned into a bacterial host. Methylation Sensitivity The table below summarizes methylation sensitivity for NEB restriction enzymes, indicating whether or not cleavage is blocked or impaired by Dam, Dcm or CpG methylation if or when it overlaps each recognition site. This table should be viewed as a guide to the behavior of the enzymes listed rather than an absolute indicator. Consult REBASE (, the restriction enzyme database, for more detailed information and specific examples upon which these guidelines are based. References 1. Marinus, M.G. and Morris, N.R. (1973) J. Bacteriol., 114, 1143–1150. 2. Geier, G.E. and Modrich, P. (1979) J. Biol. Chem., 254, 1408–1413. 3. May, M.S. and Hattman, S. (1975) J. Bacteriol., 123, 768–770. 4. Siegfried, Z. and Cedar, H. (1997) Curr. Biol., 7, r305–307. METHYLATION SENSITIVITY 12 • Genomic DNA directly isolated from a mammalian source is not Dcm or Dam methylated, and is therefore not an issue when digesting mammalian DNA. • Mammalian and plant DNA that has been cloned into a methylating E. coli strain will be Dam/Dcm methylated. Most commonly used laboratory E. coli strains methylate DNA. • Directly isolated mammalian and plant genomic DNA are CpG methylated. Some enzymes are inhibited by CpG methylation. (See for more information). • Most bacterial DNA (including E. coli DNA) is not CpG methylated. Inhibition of enzyme activity by CpG methylation is not an issue for DNA prepared from E. coli strains. • DNA amplified by PCR does not contain any methylated bases. • To avoid Dam/Dcm methylation when subcloning in bacteria, NEB offers the methyltransferase deficient cloning strain dam– /dcm– Competent E. coli (NEB #C2925) for propagation. Legend: 1 not sensitive 2 blocked 3 ol blocked by overlapping 3 scol blocked by some combinations of overlapping 4 impaired 5 ol impaired by overlapping 5 scol impaired by some combinations of overlapping R = A or G K = G or T H = A or C or T D = A or G or T Y = C or T S = C or G B = C or G or T N = A or C or G or T M = A or C W = A or T V = A or C or G Methylation Sensitivity – Dam, Dcm and CpG Methylation Single Letter Code: METHYLATION SENSITIVITY 13 AatII GACGT/C 1 1 2 AccI GT/MKAC 1 1 3 ol Acc65I G/GTACC 1 3 scol 3 scol AciI CCGC(-3/-1) 1 1 2 AclI AA/CGTT 1 1 2 AcuI CTGAAG(16/14) 1 1 1 AfeI AGC/GCT 1 1 2 AflII C/TTAAG 1 1 1 AflIII A/CRYGT 1 1 1 AgeI A/CCGGT 1 1 2 AgeI-HF A/CCGGT 1 1 2 AgeI-HF RE-Mix A/CCGGT 1 1 2 AhdI GACNNN/NNGTC 1 1 5 scol AleI CACNN/NNGTG 1 1 5 scol AluI AG/CT 1 1 1 AlwI GGATC(4/5) 2 1 1 AlwNI CAGNNN/CTG 1 3 ol 1 ApaI GGGCC/C 1 3 ol 3 ol ApaLI G/TGCAC 1 1 3 ol ApeKI G/CWGC 1 1 3 ol ApoI R/AATTY 1 1 1 AscI GG/CGCGCC 1 1 2 AscI RE-Mix GG/CGCGCC 1 1 2 AseI AT/TAAT 1 1 1 AsiSI GCGAT/CGC 1 1 2 AvaI C/YCGRG 1 1 2 AvaII G/GWCC 1 3 ol 3 ol AvrII C/CTAGG 1 1 1 BaeI (10/15)ACNNNNGTAYC(12/7) 1 1 3 scol BaeGI GKGCM/C 1 1 1 BamHI G/GATCC 1 1 1 BamHI-HF G/GATCC 1 1 1 BanI G/GYRCC 1 3 scol 3 scol BanII GRGCY/C 1 1 1 BbsI GAAGAC(2/6) 1 1 1 BbvI GCAGC(8/12) 1 1 1 BbvCI CCTCAGC(-2/-5) 1 1 5 ol BccI CCATC(4/5) 1 1 1 BceAI ACGGC(12/14) 1 1 2 BcgI (10/12)CGANNNNNNTGC(12/10) 5 ol 1 3 scol BcoDI GTCTC(1/5) 1 1 3 scol BciVI GTATCC(6/5) 1 1 1 BclI T/GATCA 2 1 1 BfaI C/TAG 1 1 1 BfuAI ACCTGC(4/8) 1 1 5 ol BfuCI /GATC 1 1 3 ol BglI GCCNNNN/NGGC 1 1 3 scol BglII A/GATCT 1 1 1 BlpI GC/TNAGC 1 1 1 BmgBI CACGTC(-3/-3) 1 1 2 BmrI ACTGGG(5/4) 1 1 1 BmtI GCTAG/C 1 1 1 BmtI-HF GCTAG/C 1 1 1 BpmI CTGGAG(16/14) 1 1 1 Bpu10I CCTNAGC(-5/-2) 1 1 1 BpuEI CTTGAG(16/14) 1 1 1 BsaI GGTCTC(1/5) 1 5 scol 3 scol BsaI-HF GGTCTC(1/5) 1 3 ol 3 scol BsaAI YAC/GTR 1 1 2 BsaBI GATNN/NNATC 3 ol 1 3 scol BsaHI GR/CGYC 1 3 scol 2 BsaJI C/CNNGG 1 1 1 BsaWI W/CCGGW 1 1 1 BsaXI (9/12)ACNNNNNCTCC(10/7) 1 1 1 BseRI GAGGAG(10/8) 1 1 1 BseYI CCCAGC(-5/-1) 1 1 3 ol BsgI GTGCAG(16/14) 1 1 1 BsiEI CGRY/CG 1 1 2 BsiHKAI GWGCW/C 1 1 1 BsiWI C/GTACG 1 1 2 BslI CCNNNNN/NNGG 1 3 scol 3 scol BsmI GAATGC(1/-1) 1 1 1 BsmAI GTCTC (1/5) 1 1 3 scol BsmBI CGTCTC(1/5) 1 1 2 BsmFI GGGAC(10/14) 1 3 ol 3 ol BsoBI C/YCGRG 1 1 1 Bsp1286I GDGCH/C 1 1 1 BspCNI CTCAG(9/7) 1 1 1 BspDI AT/CGAT 3 ol 1 2 BspEI T/CCGGA 3 ol 1 4 BspHI T/CATGA 5 ol 1 1 BspMI ACCTGC(4/8) 1 1 1 ENZYME SEQUENCE Dam Dcm CpG ENZYME SEQUENCE Dam Dcm CpG METHYLATION SENSITIVITY 14 BspQI GCTCTTC(1/4) 1 1 1 BsrI ACTGG(1/-1) 1 1 1 BsrBI CCGCTC(-3/-3) 1 1 3 scol BsrDI GCAATG(2/0) 1 1 1 BsrFI R/CCGGY 1 1 2 BsrGI T/GTACA 1 1 1 BsrGI-HF T/GTACA 1 1 1 BssHII G/CGCGC 1 1 2 BssKI /CCNGG 1 3 ol 3 ol BssSa I CACGAG(-5/-1) 1 1 1 BstAPI GCANNNN/NTGC 1 1 3 scol BstBI TT/CGAA 1 1 2 BstEII G/GTNACC 1 1 1 BstEII-HF G/GTNACC 1 1 1 BstEII-HF RE-Mix G/GTNACC 1 1 1 BstNI CC/WGG 1 1 1 BstUI CG/CG 1 1 2 BstXI CCANNNNN/NTGG 1 3 scol 1 BstYI R/GATCY 1 1 1 BstZ17I GTA/TAC 1 1 3 scol Bsu36I CC/TNAGG 1 1 1 BtgI C/CRYGG 1 1 1 BtgZI GCGATG(10/14) 1 1 4 Btsa I GCAGTG(2/0) 1 1 1 BtsIMutI CAGTG(2/0) 1 1 1 BtsCI GGATG(2/0) 1 1 1 Cac8I GCN/NGC 1 1 3 scol ClaI AT/CGAT 3 ol 1 2 CspCI (11/13)CAANNNNNGTGG(12/10) 1 1 1 CviAII C/ATG 1 1 1 CviKI-1 RG/CY 1 1 1 CviQI G/TAC 1 1 1 DdeI C/TNAG 1 1 1 DpnI GA/TC 1 1 3 ol DpnII /GATC 2 1 1 DraI TTT/AAA 1 1 1 DraIII-HF CACNNN/GTG 1 1 5 scol DrdI GACNNNN/NNGTC 1 1 3 scol EaeI Y/GGCCR 1 3 ol 3 ol EagI C/GGCCG 1 1 2 EagI-HF C/GGCCG 1 1 2 EarI CTCTTC(1/4) 1 1 5 ol EciI GGCGGA(11/9) 1 1 3 scol Eco53kI GAG/CTC 1 1 3 scol EcoNI CCTNN/NNNAGG 1 1 1 EcoO109I RG/GNCCY 1 3 ol 1 EcoP15I CAGCAG(25/27) 1 1 1 EcoRI G/AATTC 1 1 3 scol EcoRI-HF G/AATTC 1 1 3 scol EcoRI-HF RE-Mix G/AATTC 1 1 3 scol EcoRV GAT/ATC 1 1 5 scol EcoRV-HF GAT/ATC 1 1 5 scol EcoRV-HF RE-Mix GAT/ATC 1 1 5 scol FatI /CATG 1 1 1 FauI CCCGC(4/6) 1 1 2 Fnu4HI GC/NGC 1 1 3 ol FokI GGATG(9/13) 1 5 ol 5 ol FseI GGCCGG/CC 1 5 scol 2 FspI TGC/GCA 1 1 2 FspEI C5mCNNNNNNNNNNNN 1 1 1 HaeII RGCGC/Y 1 1 2 HaeIII GG/CC 1 1 1 HgaI GACGC(5/10) 1 1 2 HhaI GCG/C 1 1 2 HincII GTY/RAC 1 1 3 scol HindIII A/AGCTT 1 1 1 HindIII-HF A/AGCTT 1 1 1 HinfI G/ANTC 1 1 3 scol HinP1I G/CGC 1 1 2 HpaI GTT/AAC 1 1 3 scol HpaII C/CGG 1 1 2 HphI GGTGA(8/7) 2 2 1 Hpy99I CGWCG/ 1 1 2 Hpy166II GTN/NAC 1 1 3 ol Hpy188I TCN/GA 3 ol 1 1 Hpy188III TC/NNGA 3 ol 1 3 ol HpyAV CCTTC(6/5) 1 1 5 ol HpyCH4III ACN/GT 1 1 1 HpyCH4IV A/CGT 1 1 2 HpyCH4V TG/CA 1 1 1 KasI G/GCGCC 1 1 2 KpnI GGTAC/C 1 1 1 KpnI-HF GGTAC/C 1 1 1 KpnI-HF RE-Mix GGTAC/C 1 1 1 LpnPI C5mCDGNNNNNNNNNN 1 1 1 MboI /GATC 2 1 5 ol MboII GAAGA(8/7) 3 ol 1 1 MfeI C/AATTG 1 1 1 MfeI-HF C/AATTG 1 1 1 MfeI-HF RE-Mix C/AATTG 1 1 1 MluI A/CGCGT 1 1 2 MluI-HF A/CGCGT 1 1 2 MluCI /AATT 1 1 1 MlyI GAGTC(5/5) 1 1 1 MmeI TCCRAC(20/18) 1 1 3 ol MnlI CCTC(7/6) 1 1 1 MscI TGG/CCA 1 3 ol 1 MseI T/TAA 1 1 1 MslI CAYNN/NNRTG 1 1 1 MspI C/CGG 1 1 1 MspA1I CMG/CKG 1 1 3 ol MspJI 5mCNNRNNNNNNNNN 1 1 1 MwoI GCNNNNN/NNGC 1 1 3 scol NaeI GCC/GGC 1 1 2 NarI GG/CGCC 1 1 2 Nb.BbvCI CCTCAGC (none/-2) 1 1 1 ENZYME SEQUENCE Dam Dcm CpG ENZYME SEQUENCE Dam Dcm CpG METHYLATION SENSITIVITY 15 Nb.BsmI GAATGC (none/-2) 1 1 1 Nb.BsrdI GCAATG (none/0) 1 1 1 Nb.BtsI GCAGTG 1 1 1 NciI CC/SGG 1 1 5 ol NcoI C/CATGG 1 1 1 NcoI-HF C/CATGG 1 1 1 NcoI-HF RE-Mix C/CATGG 1 1 1 NdeI CA/TATG 1 1 1 NgoMIV G/CCGGC 1 1 2 NheI G/CTAGC 1 1 3 scol NheI-HF G/CTAGC 1 1 3 scol NheI-HF RE-Mix G/CTAGC 1 1 3 scol NlaIII CATG/ 1 1 1 NlaIV GGN/NCC 1 3 ol 3 ol NmeAIII GCCGAG(21/19) 1 1 1 NotI GC/GGCCGC 1 1 2 NotI-HF GC/GGCCGC 1 1 2 NotI-HF RE-Mix GC/GGCCGC 1 1 2 NruI TCG/CGA 3 ol 1 2 NruI-HF TCG/CGA 3 ol 1 2 NsiI ATGCA/T 1 1 1 NsiI-HF ATGCA/T 1 1 1 NspI RCATG/Y 1 1 1 Nt.AlwI GGATC(4/-5) 2 1 1 Nt.BbvCI CCTCAGC(-5/none) 1 1 3 scol Nt.BsmAI GTCTC(1/none) 1 1 2 Nt.BspQI GCTCTTC(1/none) 1 1 1 Nt.BstNBI GAGTC(4/none) 1 1 1 Nt.CviPII (0/-1)CCD 1 1 2 PacI TTAAT/TAA 1 1 1 PacI RE-Mix TTAAT/TAA 1 1 1 PaeR7I C/TCGAG 1 1 2 PciI A/CATGT 1 1 1 PflFI GACN/NNGTC 1 1 1 PflMI CCANNNN/NTGG 1 3 ol 1 PhoI GG/CC 1 5 scol 5 scol PleI GAGTC(4/5) 1 1 3 scol PluTI GGCGC/C 1 1 2 PmeI GTTT/AAAC 1 1 3 scol PmlI CAC/GTG 1 1 2 PpuMI RG/GWCCY 1 3 ol 1 PshAI GACNN/NNGTC 1 1 3 scol PsiI TTA/TAA 1 1 1 PspGI /CCWGG 1 2 1 PspOMI G/GGCCC 1 5 scol 3 ol PspXI VC/TCGAGB 1 1 4 PstI CTGCA/G 1 1 1 PstI-HF CTGCA/G 1 1 1 PvuI CGAT/CG 1 1 2 PvuI-HF CGAT/CG 1 1 2 PvuII CAG/CTG 1 1 1 PvuII-HF CAG/CTG 1 1 1 RsaI GT/AC 1 1 3 scol RsrII CG/GWCCG 1 1 2 SacI GAGCT/C 1 1 1 SacI-HF GAGCT/C 1 1 1 SacII CCGC/GG 1 1 2 SalI G/TCGAC 1 1 2 SalI-HF G/TCGAC 1 1 2 SalI-HF RE-Mix G/TCGAC 1 1 2 SapI GCTCTTC(1/4) 1 1 1 Sau3AI /GATC 1 1 3 ol Sau96I G/GNCC 1 3 ol 3 ol SbfI CCTGCA/GG 1 1 1 SbfI-HF CCTGCA/GG 1 1 1 ScaI-HF AGT/ACT 1 1 1 ScaI-HF RE-Mix AGT/ACT 1 1 1 ScrFI CC/NGG 1 3 ol 3 ol SexAI A/CCWGGT 1 2 1 SfaNI GCATC(5/9) 1 1 5 scol SfcI C/TRYAG 1 1 1 SfiI GGCCNNNN/NGGCC 1 5 ol 3 scol SfoI GGC/GCC 1 3 scol 2 SgrAI CR/CCGGYG 1 1 2 SmaI CCC/GGG 1 1 2 SmlI C/TYRAG 1 1 1 SnaBI TAC/GTA 1 1 2 SpeI A/CTAGT 1 1 1 SpeI RE-Mix A/CTAGT 1 1 1 SpeI-HF A/CTAGT 1 1 1 SphI GCATG/C 1 1 1 SphI-HF GCATG/C 1 1 1 SspI AAT/ATT 1 1 1 SspI-HF AAT/ATT 1 1 1 StuI AGG/CCT 1 3 ol 1 StyI C/CWWGG 1 1 1 StyI-HF C/CWWGG 1 1 1 StyD4I /CCNGG 1 3 ol 5 ol SwaI ATTT/AAAT 1 1 1 TaqI T/CGA 3 ol 1 1 TfiI G/AWTC 1 1 3 scol TseI G/CWGC 1 1 3 scol Tsp45I /GTSAC 1 1 1 TspMI C/CCGGG 1 1 2 TspRI NNCASTGNN/ 1 1 1 Tth111I GACN/NNGTC 1 1 1 XbaI T/CTAGA 3 ol 1 1 XbaI RE-Mix T/CTAGA 3 ol 1 1 XcmI CCANNNNN/NNNNTGG 1 1 1 XhoI C/TCGAG 1 1 4 XhoI RE-Mix C/TCGAG 1 1 4 XmaI C/CCGGG 1 1 4 XmnI GAANN/NNTTC 1 1 1 ZraI GAC/GTC 1 1 2 ENZYME SEQUENCE Dam Dcm CpG ENZYME SEQUENCE Dam Dcm CpG ONLINE TOOLS Online Tools The Tools & Resources tab, accessible on our homepage, contains a selection of interactive technical tools for use with restriction enzymes. These tools can also be accessed directly in the footer of every web page. Enzyme Finder Use this tool to select restriction enzymes by name, sequence, overhang or type. Enter your sequence using single letter code, and Enzyme Finder will identify the right enzyme for the job. DNA Sequences and Maps Tool With the DNA Sequences and Maps Tool, find the nucleotide sequence files for commonly used molecular biology tools, including plasmid, viral and bacteriophage vectors. Double Digest Finder Use this tool to guide your reaction buffer selection when setting up double-digests, a common timesaving procedure. Choosing the right buffers will help you to avoid star activity and loss of product. NEB Tools for Restriction Enzymes REBASE® NEBioCalculator® NEBcloner® NEBcutter® V2.0 Identify restriction sites within your DNA sequence using NEBcutter. Choose between Type II and commercially available Type III enzymes to digest your DNA. NEBcutter V2.0 indicates cut frequency and methylation sensitivity. Use this tool as a guide to the ever-changing landscape of restriction enzymes. REBASE, the Restriction Enzyme DataBASE, is a dynamic, curated database of restriction enzymes and related proteins. NEBioCalculator is a collection of calculators and converters that are useful in planning bench experiments in molecular biology laboratories. Use this tool to find the right products and protocols for each step (digestion, end modification, ligation and transformation) of your next traditional cloning experiment. It is also very helpful with double digests! While you are there, you can also, find other relevant tools and resources to enable protocol optimization. Mobile Apps NEB Tools for iPhone® , iPad® or Android™ NEB Tools brings New England Biolabs’ most popular web tools to your iPhone, iPad or Android devices. • Use Enzyme Finder to select a restriction enzyme by category or recognition sequence, or search by name to find information on any NEB enzyme. Sort your results so they make sense to you, then email them to your inbox or connect directly to • Use Double Digest Finder or NEBcloner to determine buffer and reaction conditions for experiments requiring two restriction enzymes. When using either of these tools, look for CutSmart, HF and Time-Saver enzymes for the ultimate in convenience. NEB Tools enables quick and easy access to the most requested restriction enzyme information, and allows you to plan your experiments from anywhere. 16 TOOLS & RESOURCES Visit for: • Technical information including additional charts, protocols and technical tips related to restriction enzymes CLEAVAGE CLOSE TO THE ENDS Cleavage Close to the Ends of DNA Fragments To simulate cloning reactions, a selection of NEB restriction enzymes have been tested for their ability to cleave close to the end of a DNA fragment. Reaction conditions are described below. Note that the data reported represents the minimum number of bases that will work, and will not necessarily result in maximum cleavage. As a general rule, 6 base pairs should be added on either side of a restriction enzyme recognition site to cleave efficiently. Experimental: Linearized vectors were incubated with the indicated enzymes (10 units/µg) for 60 minutes at the recommended reaction conditions for each enzyme. Following ligation and transformation, cleavage efficiencies were determined by dividing the number of transformants from the digestion reaction by the number obtained from religation of the linearized DNA (typically 100–500 colonies) and subtracting from 100%. “Base Pairs from End” refers to the number of double-stranded base pairs between the recognition site and the terminus of the fragment; this number does not include the single-stranded overhang from the initial cut. ENZYME BASE PAIRS FROM END % CLEAVAGE EFFICIENCY VECTOR INITIAL CUT AatII 3 88 LITMUS 29 NcoI 2 100 LITMUS 28 NcoI 1 95 LITMUS 29 PinAI Acc65I 2 99 LITMUS 29 SpeI 1 75 pNEB193 SacI AflII 1 13 LITMUS 29 StuI AgeI 1 100 LITMUS 29 XbaI 1 100 LITMUS 29 AatII ApaI 2 100 LITMUS 38 SpeI AscI 1 97 pNEB193 BamHI AvrII 1 100 LITMUS 29 SacI BamHI 1 97 LITMUS 29 HindIII BglII 3 100 LITMUS 29 NsiI BsiWI 2 100 LITMUS 29 BssHII BspEI 2 100 LITMUS 39 BsrGI 1 8 LITMUS 38 BsrGI BsrGI 2 99 LITMUS 39 SphI 1 88 LITMUS 38 BspEI BssHII 2 100 LITMUS 29 BsiWI EagI 2 100 LITMUS 39 NheI EcoRI 1 100 LITMUS 29 XhoI 1 88 LITMUS 29 PstI 1 100 LITMUS 39 NheI EcoRV 1 100 LITMUS 29 PstI HindIII 3 90 LITMUS 29 NcoI 2 91 LITMUS 28 NcoI 1 0 LITMUS 29 BamHI KasI 2 97 LITMUS 38 NgoMIV 1 93 LITMUS 38 HindIII KpnI 2 100 LITMUS 29 SpeI 2 100 LITMUS 29 SacI 1 99 pNEB193 SacI MluI 2 99 LITMUS 39 EagI ENZYME BASE PAIRS FROM END % CLEAVAGE EFFICIENCY VECTOR INITIAL CUT MunI 2 100 LITMUS 39 NgoMIV NcoI 2 100 LITMUS 28 HindIII NgoMIV 2 100 LITMUS 39 MunI NheI 1 100 LITMUS 39 EcoRI 2 82 LITMUS 39 EagI NotI 7 100 Bluescript SK- SpeI 4 100 Bluescript SK- KspI 1 98 Bluescript SK- XbaI NsiI 3 100 LITMUS 29 BssHII 3 77 LITMUS 29 BglII 2 95 LITMUS 28 BssHII PacI 1 76 pNEB193 BamHI PmeI 1 94 pNEB193 PstI PstI 3 98 LITMUS 29 EcoR V 2 50 LITMUS 39 HindIII 1 37 LITMUS 29 EcoRI SacI 1 99 LITMUS 29 AvrII SalI 3 89 LITMUS 39 SpeI 2 23 LITMUS 39 SphI 1 61 LITMUS 38 SphI SfiI* 9 81 LITMUS 38 BamHI 4 97 LITMUS 38 MluI 1 93 LITMUS 38 EcoRI SpeI 2 100 LITMUS 29 Acc65I 2 100 LITMUS 29 KpnI SphI 2 99 LITMUS 39 SalI 2 97 LITMUS 39 BsrGI 1 92 LITMUS 38 SalI XbaI 1 99 LITMUS 29 AgeI 1 94 LITMUS 29 PinAI XhoI 1 97 LITMUS 29 EcoRI XmaI 2 98 pNEB193 AscI 2 92 pNEB193 BssHII * A modified version of LITMUS 38 with an introduced SfiI site was used for this test. PERFORMANCE CHART Performance Chart for Restriction Enzymes New England Biolabs supplies > 200 restriction enzymes that are 100% active in a single buffer, CutSmart. This results in increased efficiency, flexibility and ease-of-use, especially when performing double digests. This performance chart summarizes the activity information of NEB restriction enzymes. To help select the best conditions for double digests, this chart shows the optimal (supplied) NEBuffer and approximate activity in the four standard NEBuffers for each enzyme. Note that BSA is now included in all NEBuffers, and is no longer provided as a separate tube. In addition, this performance chart shows recommended reaction temperature, heat-inactivation temperature, recommended diluent buffer, methylation sensitivity and whether the enzyme is Time-Saver™ qualified (i.e., cleaves substrate in 5–15 minutes under recommended conditions, and can be used overnight without degradation of DNA). 18 INCUB. INACTIV. SUPPLIED % ACTIVITY IN NEBUFFERS TEMP. TEMP. METHYLATION ENZYME NEBUFFER 1.1 2.1 3.1 CUTSMART (°C) (°C) DIL. SUBSTRATE SENSITIVITY NOTE(S) NEBuffer Compositions (1X) NEBuffer 1.1 10 mM Bis Tris Propane-HCl, 10 mM MgCl2 , 100 µg/ml BSA (pH 7.0 @ 25°C). NEBuffer 2.1 10 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM MgCl2 , 50 mM NaCl, 100 µg/ml BSA (pH 7.9 @ 25°C). NEBuffer 3.1 50 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM MgCl2 , 100 mM NaCl, 100 µg/ml BSA (pH 7.9 @ 25°C). CutSmart Buffer 20 mM Tris-acetate, 10 mM magnesium acetate, 50 mM potassium acetate, 100 µg/ml BSA (pH 7.9 @ 25°C). Diluent A 50 mM KCI, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 200 µg/ml BSA (pH 7.4 @ 25°C). Diluent B 300 mM NaCI, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 500 µg/ml BSA, 50% glycerol (pH 7.4 @ 25°C). Diluent C 50 mM KCI, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 0.15% Triton X-100, 200 µg/ml BSA 50% glycerol (pH 7.4 @ 25°C). FOR STAR ACTIVITY 1. Star activity may result from extended digestion, high enzyme concentration or a glycerol concentration of > 5%. 2. Star activity may result from extended digestion. 3. Star activity may result from a glycerol concentration of > 5%. * May exhibit star activity in this buffer. FOR LIGATION AND RECUTTING a. Ligation is less than 10% b. Ligation is 25% – 75% c. Recutting after ligation is < 5% d. Recutting after ligation is 50% – 75% e. Ligation and recutting after ligation is not applicable since the enzyme is either a nicking enzyme, is affected by methylation, or the recognition sequence contains variable sequences. Activity Notes (see last column) AatII CutSmart < 10 50* 50 100 37° 80° B Lambda AbaSI 4 25 50 50 100 25° 65° C T4 wt Phage e AccI CutSmart 50 50 10 100 37° 80° A Lambda Acc65I 3.1 10 75* 100 25 37° 65° A pBC4 AciI CutSmart < 10 25 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda AclI CutSmart < 10 < 10 < 10 100 37° No B Lambda AcuI CutSmart + SAM 50 100 50 100 37° 65° B Lambda 3, b, d AfeI CutSmart 25 100 25 100 37° 65° B pXba AflII CutSmart 50 100 10 100 37° 65° A phiX174 AflIII 3.1 10 50 100 50 37° 80° B Lambda AgeI 1.1 100 75 25 75 37° 65° C Lambda 2 AgeI-HF CutSmart 100 50 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda AhdI CutSmart 25 25 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda a AleI CutSmart < 10 < 10 < 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda AluI CutSmart 25 100 50 100 37° 80° B Lambda b AlwI CutSmart 50 50 10 100 37° No A Lambda dam- 1, b, d AlwNI CutSmart 10 100 50 100 37° 80° A Lambda ApaI CutSmart 25 25 < 10 100 25° 65° A pXba ApaLI CutSmart 100 100 10 100 37° No A Lambda HindIII ApeKI 3.1 25 50 100 10 75° No B Lambda Chart Legend U Supplied with a unique reaction buffer that is different from the four standard NEBuffers. The compatibility with the four standard NEBuffers is indicated in the chart. SAM Supplied with a separate vial of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). To obtain 100% activity, SAM should be added to the 1X reaction mix as specified on the product data card. Recombinant dcm methylation sensitivity Time-Saver qualified CpG methylation sensitivity Engineered enzyme for maximum performance RE-Mix Master Mix version available dam methylation sensitivity PERFORMANCE CHART 19 INCUB. INACTIV. SUPPLIED % ACTIVITY IN NEBUFFERS TEMP. TEMP. METHYLATION ENZYME NEBUFFER 1.1 2.1 3.1 CUTSMART (°C) (°C) DIL. SUBSTRATE SENSITIVITY NOTE(S) ApoI 3.1 10 75 100 75 50° 80° A Lambda AscI CutSmart < 10 10 10 100 37° 80° A Lambda AseI 3.1 < 10 50* 100 10 37° 65° B Lambda 3 AsiSI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 37° 80° B pXba (Xho digested) 2, b AvaI CutSmart < 10 100 25 100 37° 80° A Lambda AvaII CutSmart 50 75 10 100 37° 80° A Lambda AvrII CutSmart 100 50 50 100 37° No B Lambda HindIII BaeI CutSmart + SAM 50 100 50 100 25° 65° A Lambda e BaeGI 3.1 75 75 100 25 37° 80° A Lambda BamHI 3.1 75* 100* 100 100* 37° No A Lambda 3 BamHI-HF CutSmart 100 50 10 100 37° No A Lambda BanI CutSmart 10 25 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda 1 BanII CutSmart 100 100 50 100 37° 80° A Lambda 2 BbsI 2.1 100 100 25 75 37° 65° B Lambda BbvI CutSmart 100 100 25 100 37° 65° B pBR322 3 BbvCI CutSmart 10 100 50 100 37° No B Lambda 1, a BccI CutSmart 100 50 10 100 37° 65° A pXba 3, b BceAI 3.1 100* 100* 100 100* 37° 65° A pBR322 1 BcgI 3.1 + SAM 10 75* 100 50* 37° 65° A Lambda e BciVI CutSmart 100 25 < 10 100 37° 80° C Lambda b BclI 3.1 50 100 100 75 50° No A Lambda damBcoDI CutSmart 50 75 75 100 37° No B Lambda BfaI CutSmart < 10 10 < 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda 2, b BfuAI 3.1 < 10 25 100 10 50° 65° B Lambda 3 BfuCI CutSmart 100 50 25 100 37° 80° B Lambda BglI 3.1 10 25 100 10 37° 65° B Lambda BglII 3.1 10 10 100 < 10 37° No A Lambda BlpI CutSmart 50 100 10 100 37° No A Lambda d BmgBI 3.1 < 10 10 100 10 37° 65° B Lambda 3, b, d BmrI 2.1 75 100 75 100* 37° 65° B Lambda HindIII b BmtI 3.1 100 100 100 100 37° 65° B pXba 2 BmtI-HF CutSmart 50 100 10 100 37° 65° B pXba BpmI 3.1 75 100 100 100 37° 65° B Lambda 2 Bpu10I 3.1 10 25 100 25 37° 80° B Lambda 3, b, d BpuEI CutSmart + SAM 50* 100 50* 100 37° 65° B Lambda d BsaI CutSmart 75* 75 100 100 37° 65° B pXba 3 BsaI-HF CutSmart 50 100 25 100 37° 65° B pXba BsaAI CutSmart 100 100 100 100 37° No C Lambda BsaBI CutSmart 50 100 75 100 60° 80° B Lambda dam- 2 BsaHI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 37° 80° A Lambda BsaJI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 60° 80° A Lambda BsaWI CutSmart 10 100 50 100 60° 80° A Lambda BsaXI CutSmart 50* 100* 10 100 37° No B Lambda e BseRI CutSmart 100* 100 75 100 37° 80° A Lambda d BseYI 3.1 10 50 100 50 37° 80° B Lambda d BsgI CutSmart + SAM 25 50 25 100 37° 65° B Lambda d BsiEI CutSmart 25 50 < 10 100 60° No A Lambda BsiHKAI CutSmart 25 100 100 100 65° No B Lambda BsiWI 3.1 25 50* 100 25 55° 65° B phiX174 BslI CutSmart 50 75 100 100 55° No A Lambda b BsmI CutSmart 25 100 < 10 100 65° 80° A pBR322 BsmAI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 55° No B Lambda 1. Star activity may result from extended digestion, high enzyme concentration or a glycerol concentration of > 5%. 2. Star activity may result from extended digestion. 3. Star activity may result from a glycerol concentration of > 5%. * May exhibit star activity in this buffer. PERFORMANCE CHART 20 INCUB. INACTIV. SUPPLIED % ACTIVITY IN NEBUFFERS TEMP. TEMP. METHYLATION ENZYME NEBUFFER 1.1 2.1 3.1 CUTSMART (°C) (°C) DIL. SUBSTRATE SENSITIVITY NOTE(S) BsmBI 3.1 10 50* 100 25 55° 80° B Lambda BsmFI CutSmart 25 50 50 100 65° 80° A pBR322 1 BsoBI CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° 80° A Lambda Bsp1286I CutSmart 25 25 25 100 37° 65° A Lambda 3 BspCNI CutSmart + SAM 100 75 10 100 25° 80° A Lambda b BspDI CutSmart 25 75 50 100 37° 80° A Lambda BspEI 3.1 < 10 10 100 < 10 37° 80° B Lambda damBspHI CutSmart < 10 50 25 100 37° 80° A Lambda BspMI 3.1 10 50* 100 10 37° 65° B Lambda BspQI 3.1 100 100 100 100 50° 80° B Lambda 3 BsrI 3.1 < 10 50 100 10 65° 80° B phiX174 b BsrBI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 37° 80° A Lambda d BsrDI 2.1 10 100 75 25 65° 80° A Lambda 3, d BsrFI CutSmart 10 100* 100* 100 37° No C pBR322 1 BsrGI 2.1 25 100 100 25 37° 80° A Lambda BsrGI-HF CutSmart 10 100 100 100 37° 80° A Lambda BssHII CutSmart 100 100 100 100 50° 65° B Lambda BssKI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 60° 80° A Lambda b BssSa I CutSmart 10 25 < 10 100 37° No B Lambda BstAPI CutSmart 50 100 25 100 60° 80° A Lambda b BstBI CutSmart 75 100 10 100 65° No A Lambda BstEII 3.1 10 75* 100 75* 60° No A Lambda 3 BstEII-HF CutSmart < 10 10 < 10 100 37° No A Lambda BstNI 3.1 10 100 100 75 60° No A Lambda a BstUI CutSmart 50 100 25 100 60° No A Lambda b BstXI 3.1 < 10 50 100 25 37° 80° B Lambda 3 BstYI 2.1 25 100 75 100 60° No A Lambda BstZ17I CutSmart 75 100 100 100 37° No B Lambda 3, b Bsu36I CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° 80° A Lambda HindIII b BtgI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 37° 80° B pBR322 BtgZI CutSmart 10 25 < 10 100 60° 80° A Lambda 3, b, d Btsa l CutSmart 100 100 25 100 55° No A Lambda BtsIMutI CutSmart 100 50 10 100 55° 80° A pUC19 b BtsCI CutSmart 10 100 25 100 50° 80° B Lambda Cac8I CutSmart 50 75 100 100 37° 65° B Lambda b ClaI CutSmart 10 50 50 100 37° 65° A Lambda damCspCI CutSmart + SAM 10 100 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda e CviAII CutSmart 50 50 10 100 25° 65° C pUC19 CviKI-1 CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° No A pBR322 1, b CviQI 3.1 75 100* 100 75* 25° No C Lambda b DdeI CutSmart 75 100 100 100 37° 65° B Lambda DpnI CutSmart 100 100 75 100 37° 80° B pBR322 b DpnII U 25 25 100* 25 37° 65° B Lambda damDraI CutSmart 75 75 50 100 37° 65° A Lambda DraIII-HF CutSmart < 10 50 10 100 37° No B Lambda b DrdI CutSmart 25 50 10 100 37° 65° A pUC19 3, b EaeI CutSmart 10 50 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda b EagI 3.1 10 25 100 10 37° 65° C pXba EagI-HF CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° 65° B pXba EarI CutSmart 50 10 < 10 100 37° 65° B Lambda b, d EciI CutSmart 100 50 50 100 37° 65° A Lambda 2 Eco53kI CutSmart 100 100 < 10 100 37° 65° A pXba 3, b a. Ligation is less than 10% b. Ligation is 25% – 75% c. Recutting after ligation is <5% d. Recutting after ligation is 50% – 75% e. Ligation and recutting after ligation is not applicable since the enzyme is either a nicking enzyme, is affected by methylation, or the recognition sequence contains variable sequences. PERFORMANCE CHART 21 EcoNI CutSmart 50 100 75 100 37° 65° A Lambda b EcoO109I CutSmart 50 100 50 100 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII 3 EcoP15I 3.1 + ATP 75 100 100 100 37° 65° A pUC19 e EcoRI U 25 100* 50 50* 37° 65° C Lambda EcoRI-HF CutSmart 10 100 < 10 100 37° 65° C Lambda EcoRV 3.1 10 50 100 10 37° 80° A Lambda EcoRV-HF CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° 65° B Lambda FatI 2.1 10 100 50 50 55° 80° A pUC19 FauI CutSmart 100 50 10 100 55° 65° A Lambda 3, b, d Fnu4HI CutSmart < 10 < 10 < 10 100 37° No A Lambda a FokI CutSmart 100 100 75 100 37° 65° A Lambda 3, b, d FseI CutSmart 100 75 < 10 100 37° 65° B Adenovirus-2 FspI CutSmart 10 100 10 100 37° No C Lambda b FspEI 4 + BSA < 10 < 10 < 10 100 37° 80° B pBC4 2, e HaeII CutSmart 25 100 10 100 37° 80° A Lambda HaeIII CutSmart 50 100 25 100 37° 80° A Lambda HgaI 1.1 100 100 25 100 37° 65° A phiX174 1 HhaI CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda HincII 3.1 25 100 100 100 37° 65° B Lambda HindIII 2.1 25 100 50 50 37° 80° B Lambda 2 HindIII-HF CutSmart 10 100 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda HinfI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 37° 80° A Lambda HinP1I CutSmart 100 100 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda HpaI CutSmart < 10 75* 25 100 37° No A Lambda 1 HpaII CutSmart 100 50 < 10 100 37° 80° A Lambda HphI CutSmart 50 50 < 10 100 37° 65° B Lambda b, d Hpy99I CutSmart 50 10 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda Hpy166II CutSmart 100 100 50 100 37° 65° C pBR322 Hpy188I CutSmart 25 100 50 100 37° 65° A pBR322 1, b Hpy188III CutSmart 100 100 10 100 37° 65° B pUC19 3, b HpyAV CutSmart 100 100 25 100 37° 65° B Lambda 3, b, d HpyCH4III CutSmart 100 25 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda b HpyCH4IV CutSmart 100 50 25 100 37° 65° A pUC19 HpyCH4V CutSmart 50 50 25 100 37° 65° A Lambda KasI CutSmart 50 100 50 100 37° 65° B pBR322 3 KpnI 1.1 100 75 < 10 50* 37° No A pXba 1 KpnI-HF CutSmart 100 25 < 10 100 37° No A pXba LpnPI 4 + BSA < 10 < 10 < 10 50 37° 65° B pBR322 2, e MboI CutSmart 75 100 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda damMboII CutSmart 100* 100 50 100 37° 65° C Lambda dam- b MfeI CutSmart 75 50 10 100 37° No A Lambda 2 MfeI-HF CutSmart 75 25 < 10 100 37° No A Lambda MluI 3.1 10 50 100 25 37° 80° A Lambda MluI-HF CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° No A Lambda MluCI CutSmart 100 10 10 100 37° No A Lambda MlyI CutSmart 50 50 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda b, d MmeI CutSmart + SAM 50 100 50 100 37° 65° B phiX174 b, c MnlI CutSmart 75 100 50 100 37° 65° B Lambda b MscI CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° 80° B Lambda MseI CutSmart 75 100 75 100 37° 65° A Lambda MslI CutSmart 50 50 < 10 100 37° 80° A Lambda MspI CutSmart 75 100 50 100 37° No A Lambda INCUB. INACTIV. SUPPLIED % ACTIVITY IN NEBUFFERS TEMP. TEMP. METHYLATION ENZYME NEBUFFER 1.1 2.1 3.1 CUTSMART (°C) (°C) DIL. SUBSTRATE SENSITIVITY NOTE(S) PERFORMANCE CHART 22 INCUB. INACTIV. SUPPLIED % ACTIVITY IN NEBUFFERS TEMP. TEMP. METHYLATION ENZYME NEBUFFER 1.1 2.1 3.1 CUTSMART (°C) (°C) DIL. SUBSTRATE SENSITIVITY NOTE(S) MspA1I CutSmart 10 50 10 100 37° 65° B Lambda MspJI 4 + BSA < 10 < 10 < 10 50 37° 65° B pBR322 2, e MwoI CutSmart < 10 100 100 100 60° No B Lambda NaeI CutSmart 25 25 < 10 100 37° No A pXba b NarI CutSmart 100 100 10 100 37° 65° A pXba Nb.BbvCI CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° 80° A pUB e Nb.BsmI 3.1 < 10 50 100 10 65° 80° A pBR322 e Nb.BsrDI CutSmart 25 100 100 100 65° 80° A pUC19 e Nb.BtsI CutSmart 75 100 75 100 37° 80° A phiX174 e NciI CutSmart 100 25 10 100 37° No A Lambda b NcoI 3.1 100 100 100 100 37° 80° A Lambda NcoI-HF CutSmart 50 100 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda NdeI CutSmart 75 100 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda NgoMIV CutSmart 100 50 10 100 37° No A pXba 1 NheI 2.1 100 100 10 100 37° 65° C Lambda HindIII NheI-HF CutSmart 100 25 < 10 100 37° 80° C Lambda HindIII NlaIII CutSmart < 10 < 10 < 10 100 37° 65° B phiX174 NlaIV CutSmart 10 10 10 100 37° 65° B pBR322 NmeAIII CutSmart + SAM 10 10 < 10 100 37° 65° B phiX174 c NotI 3.1 < 10 50 100 25 37° 65° C pBC4 NotI-HF CutSmart 25 100 25 100 37° 65° A pBC4 NruI 3.1 < 10 10 100 10 37° No A Lambda b NruI-HF CutSmart 0 25 50 100 37° No A Lambda NsiI 3.1 10 75 100 25 37° 65° B Lambda NsiI-HF CutSmart < 10 20 < 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda NspI CutSmart 100 100 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda Nt.AlwI CutSmart 10 100 100 100 37° 80° A pUC101 dam-dcm- e Nt.BbvCI CutSmart 50 100 10 100 37° 80° A pUB e Nt.BsmAI CutSmart 100 50 10 100 37 65° A pBR322 e Nt.BspQI 3.1 < 10 25 100 10 50° 80° B pUC19 e Nt.BstNBI 3.1 0 10 100 10 55° 80° A T7 Nt.CviPII CutSmart < 10 100 25 100 37° 65° A pUC19 e PacI CutSmart 100 75 10 100 37° 65° A pNEB193 PaeR7I CutSmart 25 100 10 100 37° No A Lambda HindIII PciI 3.1 50 75 100 50* 37° 80° B pXba PflFI CutSmart 25 100 25 100 37° 65° A pBC4 b PflMI 3.1 0 100 100 50 37° 65° A Lambda 3, b, d PleI CutSmart 25 50 25 100 37° 65° A Lambda b PluTI CutSmart 100 25 < 10 100 37° 65° A pXba PmeI CutSmart < 10 50 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda PmlI CutSmart 100 50 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII PpuMI CutSmart < 10 < 10 < 10 100 37° No B Lambda HindIII PshAI CutSmart 25 50 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda PsiI CutSmart 10 100 10 100 37° 65° B Lambda 3 PspGI CutSmart 25 100 50 100 75° No A T7 3 PspOMI CutSmart 10 10 < 10 100 37° 65° B pXba PspXI CutSmart < 10 100 25 100 37° No B Lambda HindIII PstI 3.1 75 75 100 50* 37° 80° C Lambda PstI-HF CutSmart 10 75 50 100 37° No C Lambda PvuI 3.1 < 10 25 100 < 10 37° 80° B pXba PvuI-HF CutSmart 25 100 100 100 37° No B pXba 1. Star activity may result from extended digestion, high enzyme concentration or a glycerol concentration of > 5%. 2. Star activity may result from extended digestion. 3. Star activity may result from a glycerol concentration of > 5%. * May exhibit star activity in this buffer. PERFORMANCE CHART 23 INCUB. INACTIV. SUPPLIED % ACTIVITY IN NEBUFFERS TEMP. TEMP. METHYLATION ENZYME NEBUFFER 1.1 2.1 3.1 CUTSMART (°C) (°C) DIL. SUBSTRATE SENSITIVITY NOTE(S) PvuII 3.1 50 100 100 100* 37° No B Lambda PvuII-HF CutSmart < 10 < 10 < 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda RsaI CutSmart 25 50 < 10 100 37° No A Lambda RsrII CutSmart 25 75 10 100 37° 65° C Lambda SacI 1.1 100 50 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII SacI-HF CutSmart 10 50 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII SacII CutSmart 10 100 10 100 37° 65° A pXba SalI 3.1 < 10 < 10 100 < 10 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII SalI-HF CutSmart 10 100 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII SapI CutSmart 75 50 < 10 100 37° 65° B Lambda Sau3AI 1.1 100 50 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda b Sau96I CutSmart 50 100 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda SbfI CutSmart 50 25 < 10 100 37° 80° A Lambda 3 SbfI-HF CutSmart 50 25 < 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda ScaI-HF CutSmart 100 100 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda ScrFI CutSmart 100 100 100 100 37° 65° C Lambda 2, a SexAI CutSmart 100 75 50 100 37° 65° A pBC4 dcm- 3, b, d SfaNI 3.1 < 10 75 100 25 37° 65° B phiX174 3, b SfcI CutSmart 75 50 25 100 37° 65° B Lambda 3 SfiI CutSmart 25 100 50 100 50° No C pXba SfoI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 37° No B Lambda HindIII SgrAI CutSmart 100 100 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda 1 SmaI CutSmart < 10 < 10 < 10 100 25° 65° B Lambda HindIII b SmlI CutSmart 25 75 25 100 55° No A Lambda b SnaBI CutSmart 50 50 10 100 37° 80° A T7 1 SpeI CutSmart 75 100 25 100 37° 80° C pXba-XbaI digested SpeI-HF CutSmart 25 50 10 100 37° 80° C pXba-XbaI digested SphI 2.1 100 100 50 100 37° 65° B Lambda 2 SphI-HF CutSmart 50 25 10 100 37° 65° B Lambda SspI U 50 100 50 50 37° 65° C Lambda SspI-HF CutSmart 25 100 < 10 100 37° No B Lambda StuI CutSmart 50 100 50 100 37° No A Lambda StyD4I CutSmart 10 100 100 100 37° 65° B Lambda StyI 3.1 10 25 100 10 37° 65° A Lambda b StyI-HF CutSmart 25 100 25 100 37° 65° A Lambda SwaI 3.1 10 10 100 10 25° 65° B pUPS b, d Taqa I CutSmart 50 75 100 100 65° 80° B Lambda TfiI CutSmart 50 100 100 100 65° No C Lambda TseI CutSmart 75 100 100 100 65° No B Lambda 3 Tsp45I CutSmart 100 50 < 10 100 65° No A Lambda TspMI CutSmart 50* 75* 50* 100 75° No B pUCAdeno d TspRI CutSmart 25 50 25 100 65° No B Lambda Tth111I CutSmart 25 100 25 100 65° No B pBC4 b XbaI CutSmart < 10 100 75 100 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII damXcmI 2.1 10 100 25 100 37° 65° C Lambda 2 XhoI CutSmart 75 100 100 100 37° 65° A Lambda HindIII b XmaI CutSmart 25 50 < 10 100 37° 65° A pXba 3 XmnI CutSmart 50 75 < 10 100 37° 65° A Lambda b ZraI CutSmart 100 25 10 100 37° 80° B Lambda a. Ligation is less than 10% b. Ligation is 25% – 75% c. Recutting after ligation is <5% d. Recutting after ligation is 50% – 75% e. Ligation and recutting after ligation is not applicable since the enzyme is either a nicking enzyme, is affected by methylation, or the recognition sequence contains variable sequences. USA New England Biolabs, Inc. Telephone (978) 927-5054 Toll Free (USA Orders) 1-800-632-5227 Toll Free (USA Tech) 1-800-632-7799 Fax (978) 921-1350 Canada New England Biolabs, Ltd. Toll Free: 1-800-387-1095 China, People’s Republic New England Biolabs (Beijing), Ltd. Telephone: 010-82378265/82378266 France New England Biolabs France Telephone : 0800 100 632 Germany & Austria New England Biolabs GmbH Free Call: 0800/246 5227 (Germany) Free Call: 00800/246 52277 (Austria) Japan New England Biolabs Japan, Inc. Telephone: +81 (0)3 5669 6191 Singapore New England Biolabs, PTE. Ltd. Telephone +65 6776 0903 United Kingdom New England Biolabs (UK), Ltd. Call Free: 0800 318486 Version 4.0 – 8/15 ISO 13485 Registered MedicalDevices ISO 14001 Registered Environmental Management ISO 9001 Registered Quality Management