Environmen degradation as a culprit of social issues „Na začátku arabského jara v Egyptě lidé vyšli do ulic mimo jiné kvůli nedostatku chleba. Ten vznikl, když Číňané vykoupili všechnu pšenici. A Číňané vykoupili pšenici, neboť Čína za sebou měla neobvykle suché léto roku 2010. Stejně tak v Sýrii ve městech protestovali farmáři, kteří sem emigrovali ze severozápadu země. Emigrovali, protože je globální oteplování připravilo o obživu. HN: A v Turecku? V Turecku nynější politická krize vznikla z toho, jak naložit s imigranty a jak se postavit ke kolapsu Sýrie. Obojí souvisí s proměnami životního prostředí.“ 2015 - 2030 Sustainable development goals (SDG) - Continuation of successfull 8MDG - set 17 goals with 169 sub-goals !!! 2015 - 2030 Sustainable development goals (SDG) - Continuation of successfull 8MDG - set 17 goals with 169 sub-goals !!! „many priorities = no priority“ How to prioritize the „best“goals? Smarter Global Targets to 2030 ??? Can the 1.7 m tall man change the Earth in 128∙1012 m2 ??? 0.37 Santa Cruz, Bolívia Al'Isawiyah, Saudi Arabia Almeria, Spain Brief history of the Earth Anthropocene - Geological term popularized by Paul Crutzen - From industrial revolution / WW2 (½ 18. cent or ½ 20. cent) - Period, when man become the most dominant force changing „the Earth systém“ Earth systém – integrated biophysico-soci-economic processes and interactions among hydro-, cryo-, bio-,geo- a antroposphere in spatial (from local to global) and time scale, determining the state of the Earth in the space. Why should we care? 7.17 – 8.35 I. Biosphere integrity – genetic x functional Biodiversity loss - 6. Great species extinction in the Earth history - For the first time as a consequence of human activities - Threatened with extinction13 % bird species, 23 % mammals species, 25 % conifers, 41 % amphibians - Insect? Biodiversity loss? Biodiversity loss? - Not enough data form insect - Loss of some species (e.g. butterflies, dragonflies…) - Some others not changed, mainly pests (př. aphids) - Some are more abundant - Species homogenization - Functional diversity is kept Significance of biodiversity Functional diversity ? Significance of biodiversity Functional diversity • Providing and sustaining ecosystem services • udržení odolnosti a pružnosti ekosystémů – obzvlášť důležité v rychle se měnícím prostředí (klima, pH, atd.) Genetic biodiversity • Each species = unique surviving strategy • Pool of know-how for pharmaceutical, chemical, etc. industry (50% drugs are of plant origin) Significance of biodiversity Functional diversity • Providing and sustaining ecosystem services • udržení odolnosti a pružnosti ekosystémů – obzvlášť důležité v rychle se měnícím prostředí (klima, pH, atd.) Genetic biodiversity • Each species = unique surviving strategy • Pool of know-how for pharmaceutical, chemical, etc. industry (50% drugs are of plant origin) • Source of an aesthetic joy • Value of life 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 Percentage Species Affected Mammals Amphibians Birds Habitat Loss Over-exploitation Invasive Species Human Disturbance Pollution Natural Disasters Species Dynamics Incidental Mortality Disease Persecution Causes of biodiversity loss = solutions Issue of evolution traps - people are making such environments, where instinctive behavior of animals (or entire populations) can be deadly for them. „ Do you prefer the thing that's worse for you?“ III a IV. Biogeochemické toky P a N