Exam Problems: Non-linear waves and soli-tons, Spring 2020 1. Two-soliton solution. Construct the two-soliton solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation iii + u" + u\u\2 = 0 . 2. Zero curvature representation and conservation laws. Consider the linear system of equations V = LV, V = MV , where i/A u* \ m --( ^ ~ lM'2 ~iu'* + Xu* 2\2u -\ J ' 2 V 2iu' + 2Am ~a2 + M2 / Vi \ and V is a two-component vector V = T. . Here L, M, V all \v2 J depend on x, t as well as the auxiliary spectral parameter A. Show that the compatibility condition for the linear problem leads to the non-linear Schrodinger equation for u. Define the functions pk recursively as , fc-2 Pk =--Pk-1 + Pk-1 + 2 PjPk-2-j ' ^° = M • U 3=0 It turns out that the charges /oo -oo are conserved. Show this for k = 0,1, 2. 3. Sine-Gordon equation. Show that the Sine-Gordon (SG) equation u" — u = sin u can be cast in the ZS scheme by taking the 4x4 matrix operators (i) _,dlfl 0 \ d (2) ( ia2 0 ^ d 1 where I denotes the 4x4 and 2x2 unit matrices (in the block matrices 0 denotes the 2x2 zero matrix) and a2 = ^ ^ ^ ^ is one of the Pauli matrices. You can assume that K = satisfies [a2, A] = wau B = —ia2D and C = iDa2 where 1 / e«u/2 o D ~ 4 I 0 e-™/2 and u, w are functions of x, t. 2