The world leader in serving science 2020/05/28 (Vybrané kapitoly z elektronové mikroskopie, MUNI.) Cryo electron microscopy (for LS) 2 Content • Introduction: bio-samples, scale, methods, etc. • Sample preparation, navigation • Fixation / vitrification, • Plunge freezing (PF), • High pressure freezing (HPF), • Correlative microscopy (CLEM), • Lamella preparation with ion beam (for SDB Tomo Workflow). • Methods • Cryo-Electron Tomography (cryo-ET) + STA, • Single Particle Analysis (SPA), • MicroED. 3 Bio-Samples: Wide Scale Across the Space Adapted from: Alberts, Základy buněčné biologie, 2004. 4 Different Methods See Different Details Adapted from: N/A; 5 From Image to Function…To reveal a structure and understand its function. Adapted from Wiki, example of antiviral drug TEM image 6 From Image to Function…Drug Design • PROTEINS: “tiny molecular machines. Perform most of the tasks needed to keep cells alive. Drugs can be used to turn proteins on or off, to affect their action.” • DRUGS: “small molecules that bind to one specific protein and modify its action. Antibiotics or anticancer drugs are used to completely disable a critical molecular machine. These drugs can kill a bacterial or cancer cell. Other molecules, such as aspirin, gently block less-critical proteins for a few hours.” Adapted from 7 Selected Life Science Workflows to Study Objects of Interest Remark. Micro-ED: structure of protein crystals. Room Temperature Tomography: 3D imaging on RT TEM. Structure of folded Protein Function of Protein in Cells CryoEM: Single Particle Analysis CryoEM: Tomography Cellular Organisation in Tissue Large Volume Analysis Structure determination of proteins and protein complexes in their native state at “nearatomic” resolution. High resolution reconstruction of large molecular complexes in their functional environment in cells and tissues. Modelling of cell-cell interactions and organ function based on volume imaging at nm resolution. SPA Cryo-ET LVA 8 Advantages of Cryo-EM • Observation of biological systems in their native hydrated state. • No artifacts that occur in chemical fixation and negative staining (direct visualization of biological macromolecules instead of their contours in background of negative stain). • No need for the macromolecule crystallization. • Suitable for larger protein complexes and pleomorphic structures. • Possible 3D structure determination up to “near-atomic” resolution. • Time-freezing of dynamic processes allows determination of molecules in multiple different functional conformations. Cryo-ET enables to study these conformations in the context of their cell environment. • Cryo-ET bridges the gap between imaging of isolated macromolecules at near-atomic resolution and large volume analysis at the cell-cell/tissue level; “opens the window into the cell”. 20S proteasome Remark. Images on the right: 20S Proteasome particles; near-atomic resolution model by Cryo-EM. 9 Structural Symphony: Role of Cryo-Electron Tomography / SPA within Imaging Technologies FEI Company AtomsProteins 100 µm 10 µm 10 nm 1 nm 1ÅStructure size 100 nm1 µm1 mm VirusesCells Single Particle cryo-TEM Cryo-electron tomography (+ STA) NMR Light Microscopy X-ray crystallography (XRD)/MicroED Cryo Light Microscopy Super Res RESOLUTION CONTEXT Conventional SEM / TEM (+LVA) Brno Philharmonic Orchestra image: 11 Deposited Structures in EMDB Solved by Cryo-EM; Shashi Bushan: EMBO course: SPA presentation. 12 Sample Preparation is the Key…Fixation FEI Company Brno Philharmonic Orchestra image: • Bio-samples are full of water (body water content around 60%, brain 73%, cell 70%) => implications for the sample preparation and observation in EM. (Most/less abundant elements: H, C, N, O/Na, Mg, P, S.) • Fixation = to stop the biological activity and to preserve the tissue structure for subsequent treatments. • “The objective is to process tissues and cells without significant change in size, shape, positional relationship of the cellular components and to preserve as much of the biological activity and chemical nature of cellular components…”* *Dykstra M.J. et al., Biological EM microscopy (2003). 13 I love Cryo! Sample Preparation is the Key…Fixation Chemical Fixation Heat Preservation Cryo Preservation Freeze Dried Normal Strawberry 14 Bio-Sample Preparation SDB Cryo-ET SPA Adapted image by Andreas Kaech, University of Zürich. See as well: Handbook of Cryo-preparation methods for EM, edited by Cavalier A., Spehner D., Humbel B.M. (2009). 15 Preparation of Biological Samples for Cryo Electron Microscopy Cryo-FIB milling Cryo-ultramicrotomy CryoEM: SPA Cryo-electron tomography of thin specimen 3D RECONSTRUCTION & INTERPRETATION IMAGING Plunge-freezing in liquid ethane High-pressure freezing VITRIFICATION Purified particles Bacteria & yeasts / Eukaryotic cells BIOLOGICAL SAMPLE 16 • Why, advantages • The best method of preservation. Rapid freezing in milliseconds = near perfect preservation (minimal chemical and physical changes if done well). • Offers a SnapShot at a particular time, very important when studying function. • Sample vitrification • Cool the specimen so rapidly that there is not time for ICE (crystalline water) to form! → ICE is what does the damage as it rips structures apart. • Increase cooling speed by the reducing size of the specimen. • Methods • High pressure freezing (HPF, commonly up to ~200 µm), plunge freezing (PF), slam (metalmirror) freezing, double jet propane freezing, spray freezing (all up to units or tens of µm). Cryofixation (cryo/cryos means "icy cold" (from crystallos)) Adapted from Cheng et al., Current Micros. Contrib. to Advan. in Scien.and Tech. (2012); Szczesny et al.: 17 Plunge Freezing • sample thickness: up to ~5-10 µm (cells, proteins, virus particles), • 3 mm TEM grids, • cryogen: liquid ethane/propane, atm pressure. Plunge Freezing vs High Pressure Freezing (vitrification of native bio-specimens) High Pressure Freezing • sample thickness: commonly ~50-200 µm (small organisms, tissue, cell cultures), • 3 – 6 mm carriers, • cryogen: “open system”: pressurized LN2. HPF: Images adapted from; Andres Kaech: High pressure freezing / presentation. 18 Plunge Freezing • Needs high rate of cooling (~105 K/s) to temperatures below -140 • Fast plunge of blotted specimens (m/s). • Liquid nitrogen cannot be used because of low heat capacity. • Liquid ethane or propane have good properties and Tm close to Tb of LN2. Tweezers LN2 bath for cooling of secondary cryogen °C. 19 Sample and TEM Grid Support • Support to fragile TEM grids and possibility of robotic handling and automated TEM loading. 20 Plunge Freezing Process 21 Time-Resolved Cryo-EM (TR Cryo-EM) Adapted from: *Frank J., J. Struct. Biol. 200(3) (2017); Shaikh T.R. et al., PNAS 111 (27) (2014). • *“Combination of the structural study with kinetics, by capturing kinetic intermediate states in a biological reaction.” • “Movies of a biological complex functioning in real time.” • “Fast reactions require a means of mixing, reacting and depositing the product on the grid in a fast, controlled way.” • Different approaches: mixing-spraying, spraying-freezing, flash-photolysis, etc. Experimental setup of the mixingspraying method and the design of the mixing-spraying chip. Cryo-EM maps of the 70S ribosomes formed within 9.4 ms. 22 High Pressure Freezing • Simultaneous high rate of cooling (~104 K/s) to temperatures below -140 at high pressure (2100 bars). • Pressurized LN2 flows over the sample inside the carrier (“open system”). • Rapid cooling at high pressure allows for the transition to amorphous (glassy-like) state even for “thicker” samples. Image of HPF (*) adapted from * °C 23 HPF Freezer Depicted HPF Freezer: High Pressure Freezer Leica EM ICE. 24 The pressure-temperature dependent phase diagram of water Images Fig.1, Fig. 6 adapted from: Dahl R. et al., J. of El. Micr. Tech. 13 (1989) + Bäuerlein F.J.B., PhD. thesis, 2018 (TUM/MPI); Kim Ch.U. et al., Acta Cryst. D61 (2005). 25 HPF: Cooling Rates • Water has a very poor heat conductivity. thicker specimen=lower cooling rate ice crystal formation=Segregation 26 HPF: FS and observation of resin embedded samples at RT In 20% Dextran before freezing. After Freeze Substitution (FS) in Epon resin. 2 um Drosophilla embryo Images at the bottom adapted from Titze B. et al., Biol. Cell 108 (2016); Miranda K. et al., Molecular Rep. & Dev. 82 (2015). Schematic representation of FS process. 27 Doing Cryo Electron Tomography on Vitrified Cells Requires a Workflow ELECTRON TOMOGRAPHY FOCUSED ION BEAM MILLING VITRIFICATION SUBTOMOGRAM AVERAGING CORRELATIVE MICROSCOPY ½ DAY 1 TO 2 DAYS UP TO MULTIPLE DAYS DAYS- MONTHS VISUALIZATION & ANALYSIS 28 Many Cells are Too Thick for Electron Cryo-Tomography PHAGOSOME CELL MEMBRANE 1 µm RANGE TILTAXIS ACCESSIBLENON-ACCESSIBLE 29 A need for correlative microscopy / CLEM Correlative microscopy: use of two or more microscopy techniques – preferably with different spatial and/or temporal resolutions – to characterize the same region of interest in a sample. Light microscope FIB/SEM 30 Cryo-Fluorescence Microscopy: Fluorescence Mediated Targeting Transfer device Catridge The eukaryotic cytoskeleton. Actin filaments are shown in red,and microtubules compo sed of beta tubulin are in green. Blue: nucleus stained with DAPI; Green: Tubulin (microtubules); Red: F-Actin stained with Texas Red X- Phalloidin. Cryo-Light Microscope (cryo-LM, Leica) Images adapted from:;; 31 Cryo-CLEM: Relocation of Region of Interest in the Cryo-EM FIB/SEM TEM TEM + LM data FIB/SEM LM Right image adapted from: Kuba J. et al., Journal of Microscopy (in review) (2020). 32 Cryo-Tomography: high resolution imaging of structure and context for cell biology Data Courtesy Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry | Mahamid et al., Science 2016 Molecular Identification Dynamics Large Volumes Only see what is tagged No structure No context FLUORESCENCE IMAGING 33 AQUILOS CRYO-FIB GUIDED USER SOFTWARE LN2 DEWAR SAMPLE LOADING STATION Cryo-FIB: Cryo-Sample Preparation…opening the window into the cell 34 Operating Principle and Function of Cryo-FIB/SEM in SDB Cryo-Tomo Workflow Left: adapted from Kuba J. et al., J. of Micr. 2020 (in review). Right: Shaffer M. et al., J. Struct. Biol., Vol. 197(2) (2017). 35 Cryo-FIB: Cryo-Sample Preparation Flow 36 Cryo-FIB: Cryo Infrastructure AQUILOS CRYO-FIB 37 Prep Station Controller (pumping, venting, heating) A B Aquilos: Sample Loading, Transfer, Preparation Station Cryo-FIB Autogrid shuttle (closed shield) Heating Plate for Tools Stand for Transfer Rod Transfer Pot (+ docked Transfer Rod) 38 Aquilos: Load Lock, Cryo Transfer Rod, Stage LOAD LOCK (continously pumped) CRYO TRANSFER ROD Cryo Shuttle Shutter in open position Two Slots for Autogrids 39 Contamination: specles, large particles, homogeneous layer; devitrification “cell” “protective layer” contamination cell 40 Lamella Preparation 1 2 3 SEM FIB 41 Lamella Preparation Automation: Cryo AutoTEM live 42 Lamella Milling Issues Electrons Ions 44 Protective Coating: Cold Deposition (using GIS = gas injection system) GIS scheme on the right adapted from Rigort A. et al., Archives of Biochem. and Biophys. 581 (2015). Remark. Hayles M. F. et al., A technique for improved FIB milling of cryo-prepared LS specimens, JOM 226 (Pt 3) (2007). Do not forget to close the GIS valve… Gas molecules Deposited material Volatile products FIB GIS RT Cryo 45 without Pt GIS coatingwith Pt GIS coating Pt layer Protective Coating: Preventing Beam Erosion Milling direction Adapted from Shaffer M. et al., J. Struct. Biol., Vol. 197(2) (2017); Rigort A. et al., Archives of Biochem. and Biophys. 581 (2015). 46 Cryo-FIB Lamella: Milling Strategy SEM (+ contrast difference) TEM Fig. a,b adapted from Rigort A. et al., Archives of Biochem. and Biophys. 581 (2015). Bottom image: Schaffer et al., Journal of Structural Biology 2016. Image on the right: Electron tomography (2010), edited by J. Frank. Lamella thickness and uniformity, tilting during milling. Distribution of scattered electrons for vitreous ice. 47 uncoated Pt sputter coated Conductive Coating: SEM, TEM Adapted from (image on the left) Schaffer et al., Journal of Structural Biology (2016), doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2016.07.010. just polished sputtered cells on the TEM grid lamella 48 Conductive Coating: Example of Retractable In-Chamber Magnetron Sputter Principle of DC Magnetron Sputtering. Image on the right adapted from: 49 Lamella Preparation Approaches Adapted from Kuba J. et al., Journal of Microscopy 2020 (in review). 50 CLO Flow 51 CLO live 52 SDB Cryo-Tomo Workflow: SEM Cryo-Imaging SDB cryo-tomo workflow for structure determination of cells. Cryo Auto Slice and View or end-pointing during lamella preparation. cryo-lamella (mouse brain) 3D display, Chlamydomonas vitrified cell* * 53 Cryo-ASV: Site Preparation 54 SEM Cryo Imaging: Visualization of subcellular features. Chlamydomonas Cell (schematic) GOLGI CHLOROPLAST (THYLAKOIDS) PYRENOID (RUBISCO) STARCH NUCLEUS ER GOLGI NUCLEAR PORES MITOCHONDRIA Aquilos Cryo-FIB: Cryo ASV of Chlamydomonas 55 Aquilos: Live Demo 56 Data collection: meet the big guy. Image on the left: TEM scheme: Bäuerlein F.J.B., PhD. thesis, 2018 (TUM/MPI). 57 Cryo electron tomography (Cryo-ET) principle compustage e-beam e-dose busy microscropist detector Adapted from: left - Electron tomography (2010), edited by J. Frank; right: Weber M.S. et al., Cells 8 (57) (2019). holder sample on TEM grid 2D projections 3D reconstruction (tomogram) tilt series 58 Cryo-ET principle 59 Data collection geometry: ET vs SPA Adapted from Electron tomography (2010), edited by J. Frank. 60 Cryo-ET (with STA) workflow* • Data collection (automated by dedicated SW): collection geometry (single-, dual-tilt axis etc. strategy), tilt scheme; stage drift: ROI tracking, autofocus). • Image pre-processing: frame alignment (DED); defocus determination (gradient: tilt, sample thickness) > CTF correction (3D). • Tilt series alignment: correction for shifts, rotation, magnification changes; fiducial or feature/patch tracking based. • Tomogram Reconstruction (dedicated SW packages: Eman, Spider, Scipion, …): different algorithms (WBP, ART, SIRT, DFM…) to process tilt series into tomogram. • Particle picking for STA (template matching and/or manual; starting reference vs biased structure determination). • STA = sub-tomogram averaging (3D particle averaging from reconstructed volume). • Post-processing and visualization. *Software tools for Molecular microscopy: Scheme adapted from Briggs J.A.G. et al.: Methods in Enzymology 579 (2016). 61 Tilt scheme, dose distribution sample holder, single tilt increase of the sample effective thickness Adapted from: left - Briggs J.A.G. et al.: Methods in Enzymology 579 (2016); right top: Galaz-Montoya J.G. et al., Biophys. Rep. 3 (1-3) 2017. 62 Projection theorem and missing wedge, WBP Adapted from Electron tomography (2010), edited by J. Frank. Projection theorem. “The 2D Fourier transform of a projection of the object is identical to a central section of the object’s 3D Fourier transform.” N ~ D/d (Crowther; cylindrical object, fully mapped); D object dia, d resolution. real space Fourier space object N projections WBP reconstruction Effects of the missing wedge on a 2D image. 63 Missing wedge Adapted from: left – Koster A.J. et al., J. of Struct. Bio. 120 (1997); right – McEwen B.F. et al., Methods in Cell Bio. 49 (ch. 6). 64 How does tomography data look like? TOMOGRAM VISUALIZATION Data Courtesy Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry | Bykov et al., eLife 2017. 65 Cryo-ET at the Cytoplasm/Nucleoplasm Border 500 nm 200 nm TEM projection Slice from 3D reconstruction 3D reconstruction (300 nm) 67 Cryo-ET: Visualizing the Molecular Sociology at the Hela Cell Nuclear Periphery Mahamid et al., Science, 351(6276) 2016; cell scheme on the right: Alberts, Základy buněčné biologie, 2004. 68 Subtomogram averaging (STA/STP): structural biology in-situ Adapted from Briggs Briggs J.A.G. et al.: Methods in Enzymology 579 (2016); Mahamid et al., Science. (2016). Particle picking (template matching) 69 STA allows to map different functional states of the same protein Adapted from Albert et al., PNAS 114 (2017). Proteasome localization and activity (functional state and interaction partners) by visualizing its macromolecular structure within the native cellular environment (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii). Scale bar: 200 nm. Tomo: lam. thick. < 200 nm, tilt incr. 2°, ±60°, px 3.4 Å, defocus form -4 to -5.5 µm, total dose < 100 e/Å. Subtomogram averages of 26S assembly states (res. ~ 21 Å). (Remark. Particle picking: SPA template from EMDB: low-pass filtered 20S core particle attached to one 19S regulatory particle.) 70 Volta Phase Plate (VPP) Adapted from: Danev R. et al., PNAS, 111 (2014); Bäuerlein F.J.B., PhD. thesis, 2018 (TUM/MPI); Fukuda Y. et al., Journal of Structural Biology 190 (2015). CTEM (-8 um defocus), VPP (-1um defocus) Cryo-ET SPA 71 Direct Detectors & Dose Fractionation & Drift Correction Image on the left:; DQE graph: Bäuerlein F.J.B., PhD. thesis, 2018 (TUM/MPI). 72 Single Particle Analysis (SPA) Workflow Data acquisition (2D images of particles) Reconstruction (3D model) others… Biochemistry (protein purification) Sample preparation (vitrification) automated data collection: e.g. EPU sw 73 SPA Workflow Sample preparation (proteins, viral particles, …) Data acquisition (no tilt series) Data processing Adapted from: image on the right - 74 SPA Principle - video Dr. Wen-Ti Liu: 75 SPA: Data Processing Chain 2D images / projections class averages 3D model reprojection refined class average • frames: motion correction, • particle picking, • CTF correction, • alignments and classification (particle shifts, rotation; classes) • relative orientation of the particles / classes in the space (euler angles), • reconstruction algorithm (2D slices), e.g.: FT > filling of 3D FT space > FT-1 • reproject in all directions (angular step), • realign, reclassify (filters), • filling of 3D FT space > FT-1 initial model • known structure, • tomography, • de novo / common lines • random conical tilt, … Adapted from: Jensen G.: Getting started in cryo-EM; Orlova E.V. et al., Chem. Rev. 111 (2011); Carroni M. et al., Methods 95 (2016). 76 357,022 Particles 2D classification 2392 Micrographs Particle picking 3740 Micrographs Micrograph selection Example: Apoferritin sample reconstructed at 1.6 Å. 1.62 Å Reconstruction 1.9 Å Reconstruction Ctf Refinement + Particle Polishing 265,955 Particles 3D refinement + Postprocessing Final 3D Refinement + Postprocessing Camera Falcon 3 EC Pixel size(Å) 0.52 Dose rate (e/pix/sec) 0.5 Total dose (e/Å2) 52 Dose fractions 100 Exposure time (sec) 29 Number of images 3740 Defocus values -1.2, -1, -0.8, -0.6,-0.4 • Data Acquisition on Krios TEM using EPU sw & Falcon 3 EC camera. • Sample: apoferritin ~3 mg/ml. 77 Example: Apoferritin reconstruction at 1.6 Å resolution. 3D reconstruction of Apoferritin Atomic Structure Docking Ferritin 78 From Sample Screening to High Resolution Data Acquisition TalosL120CGlaciosTitanKrios Image on the left adopted from Passmore & Russo, Methods Enzymol, 579 (2016). 79 Example: Cryo-EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike (S) glycoprotein. Adapted from: left -; right - Wrapp et al., Science 367 (2020) and Sheeren M.A. et al., Journal of Advanced Research 24 (2020). Remark. Build you own virus: CellPAINT-2D. 81 MicroED: Crystal Protein Lamella Workflow PRODUCTION + PURIFICATION CRYSTALLIZATION DATA PROCESSING REFINEMENT & VISUALIZATION 1-2 DAYSFEW DAYS ½ DAY FEW DAYSMINUTES MINUTES TO HOURS FREEZING CRYO-FIB MILLING FEW HOURS X-ray crystallography (XRC) >50 µm MicroED (MED) <0.5 µm Too small for XRC Too large for MED 0.5-50 µm DATA COLLECTION 82 Principle of MicroED 3D structure 3D structureFT space 83 Micro-crystals of Lysozyme SDB: Electrons 1 0 µ m 10 µm 50nm SDB: Ions 10 µm TEM Electron Density Map 84 MicroED for Pharmaceutical Molecule Structure Workflow (RT) • Drug (paracetamol, ibuprofen,…) is turned into to smooth powder. • Powder is applied on carbon film on TEM grid and observed in TEM. • No cryo temperature needed. Image on the right: Jones C.G. et al. ACS Cent Sci. 4(11) 2018. Product quality control.