Structural Biology – a concept In vivo function structure & dynamics PDB Statistics – by method Where the structural information comes from …. In vivo function X buffered solutions, crystalline state, or deposited isolated molecules on the surface Complex environment of living cells approximation vs. Complex heterogenous aqueous env. Simple homogenous anhydrous env. -180 ºC 37 ºC X-ray diffraction approximation vs. Complex heterogenous aqueous env. Simple homogenous aqueous env. 20 ºC 37 ºC NMR spectroscopy approximation vs. Complex heterogenous aqueous env. -180 ºC 37 ºC Electron microscopy Simple homogenous aqueous env. … underlying assumptions in STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY The use of these techniques imposes … Øbiologically active specie = lowest (free) energy structure Øthermodynamically NOT kinetically preferred conformation is responsible for biological activity. Østructure is independent of environmental conditions …not entirely true, particularly for DNA (D pH, D ion strengh, ion type, MC, hydration) Østructure is independent of environmental conditions …monocrystal production screenig_crystv02.jpg crystal-screen example.tiff X-ray – particularly prone to env. artifacts monoc.jpg … not generally true Øthermodynamically NOT kinetically preferred conformation is responsible for biological activity. Biological processes (folding, interactions) t < sec, min Only H2 would be observed in conventional X-ray, NMR experiment Bessi et al. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2015 Jul 13;54(29):8444-8. …not entirely true Øbiologically active specie = lowest (free) energy structure …number of processes happens via conformational selection (from excited/non-visible states) Folding coordinate U Lowest energy state Kinetically preferred state Thermodynamically preferred state Exited state …X-ray, NMR, cryoEM structures •Towards thermodynamically preferred (lowest energy) conformation, which is not necessarily biologically active; the bias is a function of T [ºC] •Towards conformation specific to selected environmental conditions • •Parameters used to assess structure quality refers only to precision not accuracy ØSummary …are biased accuracy_precissionv02.jpg …in addition, NMR ØSummary …is biased by averaging Exited state Lowest energy state Multiple states populated at physiological temperatures We observe ensemble average Bias from external information on local structure noestr.tiff cryoEM NMR X-ray Bias from external information on local structure Example: Implicitly used assumption of planarity of nucleic acid bases Data from ultra-high resolution structures of nucleotides Nucleic Acids Res, Volume 37, Issue 21, 1 November 2009, Pages 7321–7331 During structure determination we presume planarity However, NA bases are planar only when isolated and when at 0 K. … source of the artefact in NMR – affects interpretation of NOEs, Js, RDCs … which can be easily fixed Historically based artifacts potassium sodium magnesium calcium ion not specified Ionic composition of: Intracellular space Extracellular space Ionic composition of buffers used for NMR studies of: DNA RNA Statistics based on PDB data How to recognize physiologically relevant (accurate) structure? Structural Biology – an issue … assessment of structural accuracy presumes knowledge of reference structure accuracy_precissionv02.jpg buffered solutions or crystalline state … characterization of structures at physiologically relevant env. conditions Cellular Structural Biology – a concept In vivo function X Complex environment of living cells in vivo function in cell structure DNA Cell nucleus Cellular structural biology RNA cytosol analysis protein cryoEM NMR Homework – mandatory self-reading Plitzko et al. Structural Biology Outside the Box-Inside the Cell. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2017 Oct;46:110-121 Conservation of repetitive sequences suggest their importance for function. Their distribution in genome then provide hints on the function. EXAM by homework Model a 3D complex between TBA aptamer and FGF2 presuming that the TBA binds to the heparin binding site via electrostatic interactions. Consider visualization of charge distribution on structural models of FGF2 and TBA. e.g., Raček et al. Atomic Charge Calculator II: Web-Based Tool for the Calculation of Partial Atomic Charges. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 May 13;gkaa367. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa367 Conservation of repetitive sequences suggest their importance for function. Their distribution in genome then provide hints on the function.