English for Biology II

WEEK 8: Definitions (Herd Immunity and Patient Zero)

1 Read the articles "Patient Zero" and "Herd Immunity"

2 Define these two concepts: define "patient zero" and "herd immunity" - define them with your own words or using the info from the articles. Provide each concept with 1 concrete example - either an example from the articles or an example from history/ current situation you have heard about

3 In your definitions, you should not use the exact words from the article - you have to paraphrase them. To see how to paraphrase, see the worksheet below

4 Send me the definitions of the 2 concepts plus their examples by mail - deadline: ideally by April 22 (you have 2 weeks)

You can then use your definitions for the oral exam. These two concepts are also a bit controversial, so you can use them for speaking about controversial topic, which is another exam topic