Angličtina pro matematiky II
Information about the course
English for Specific Purposes (for mathematics) - ESP - work with specialized texts, audio and video
Academic English - EAP - language functions, presentations and discussions, academic vocabulary
No textbook. I have prepared materials - handouts which are available in the information system. Please print them out and bring them to seminars.
moving towards B1+ or B2 level skills needed for reading, listening, speaking and writing about mathematical topicsCREDITS REQUIREMENTS:
- attendance is compulsory after you have enrolIed on the course, in case of an illness or unexpected duties you can miss max two seminars during the whole semester
- homework is compulsory - completion of activities before and after sessions; coming unprepared for the lesson may result in counting an absence for this lesson
- exam practice tasks - vocabulary, grammar, writing emails
- giving a three-minute speech (supported by a visual) - a spoken summary of a talk of your choice from giving the main point and your evaluation and opinion, on any topic about mathematics or related disciplines that you find relevant or interesting
- prepare a poster on the topic of the role of mathematics in your studies/future
- credit test in Week 13: min 60% correct
CONTACT : - you can contact me any time by email.
The course is not compulsory, though it is recommended as a preparation for the JA001 and JA002 exams.
You can find information about JA001 exam at