Unit 4: The Environment
Dear students,
since there will be no contact classes for some time, we will have to make do with distance study.
Please read the instructions carefully and complete the tasks accordingly.
For materials, i.e. handouts, web applications and audio recordings, refer to weeks 3, 4 or 5 of this syllabus. Everything is clearly labelled. If there are still issues, do not hesitate to email me at 180425@mail.muni.cz
This page is divided into three sections:
1. Monday group - overview of last week's assignments
2. Wednesday groups - overview of week 3 assignments, week 4 assignments
3. All groups - NEW: week 5 assignments (scroll down for these)
Remember to complete assignments from week 4:
- post your summaries of arguments in the homework vault in week 4 by Monday, March 16 (5 pm)
- in order to complete your simultaneous narration of the plate tectonics video, you need to:
- go to knovio.com, which is an app for creating narrated presentations (scroll down for the link)
- get a free account and follow the instructions in knovio
- upload the ppt presentation I've created (see file Plate_tectonics_ppt below) or create your own one if you don't like mine
- narrate the slides
- once you're happy with your recording, press save
- choose share
- you can either copy a link and upload it straight in the homework vault or export your presentation, download it as an .mp4 file, save it onto your computer and then upload it in the homework vault
- upload the presentation in the homework vault below (NARRATED PRESENTATIONS) by Sunday, March 22
- post your cause-effect sentences in a Google document (see below) by Wednesday, March 18 (midnight)
- NEW TASK in handout 3: Plate tectonics - complete the passive section and upload it in the homework vault below by Sunday, March 22
Since there was no class last week, please do the following:
- upload your homework from week 3 in the homework vault below by Wednesday, March 19
- remember to upload main arguments for your posters (see week 3)
- complete the whole of handout 3 Plate tectonics. Just follow the instructions. If there are any questions, please ask in the discussion forum below. Upload the handout in the homework vault below by Sunday, March 22
Upload your homework from week 3 (box in task 3 in handout 2, task 3C in hd 2). Format: Surname_handout 2
Upload the completed handout 3 here. File format: Surname_Plate tectonics
Video for the listening in handout 3: Plate tectonics. Watch from 00:30 to 07:36
New assignments for week 5 (you have until Sunday, March 29 to complete those):
- download UNIT 4 The Environment (see below) and follow the instructions in the handout
- there are three types of tasks:
- RECORDED TASKS (use either vocaroo or rev voice recorder - see below) and upload your recording in the respective homework vault by Sunday, March 29 (task 1 of HD 4)
- WRITTEN TASKS (share your response in the forum below; remember to comment on at least one of your classmates' posts) by Sunday, March 29 (task 2 of HD 4)
- REGULAR EXERCISES (complete the rest of the tasks in HD 4 and upload your handout in the respective homework vault by Sunday, March 29)
- sources for the successful completion of your tasks:
Recordings for the successful completion of the listening tasks in handout 4
Use these online voice recorders to record your response to task 1.
Upload your recorded responses here (either a link or mp3 file - format: Surname_recorded task_unit 4)
Share your thoughts on the question in task 2 here. Write at least an 80-word response. Don't forget to comment on at least one of your classmate's posts by Sunday, March 29. Your comment on someone else's post can be shorter. However, don't just say I agree or I disagree. Say why and give examples.