Week 4 : Affile OEoM&rzr &cJs iL be a vector space &ve\r IK - JR o+ the e%*t*»> fy y Ä b . Them (TMôtJtvn : Anc^ solution X of A**b is of the f-oŕtn where. is f poCvihs sptfce* iL. Then the uffih^ comhCMhCo\A (4-b) 6-3 = A + y CB-A) . 4// affine ce>i*biwibu!>n£> fwm a lt'»e* tCA-B) A l * AofAji*-. An fs £he po{\t É k A, lbe h4 ve. 2j ér - ± i=0 t =0 -f .... -t A>) Theorem 4 \n eveir a^itie euhepace-Wh wľbh any jpoínbs 4«, Ai,& tHs MS /Us ^hcA{e^ for = i-0 1^0 ľrg?č?f-: ^ - V* V /u***. 1ľ £>4t C* ^ sector (-0 i"=0 ť°0 l~0 ist? Theorem 2, Lei 41% be a honesty subset o£ tke \r&cbo\r space % šuch thai, far Vra>o^_ The4e ife cah q(ve &n equivalent def-in*'hov) of d f-plne, ßuhspzce* OŤl 4£> 4* -4 <9 b (e / c i y> ) ~-> frail h\)(/ ivi Such eoovicl etfu^kton /s t^e (D Ihb&r£*cét0» of qfffhe subjptcez \v[ exer^ses ure m&eh three, posľbi/ihes; (i) (fcrtAj SM b £p£ce+é, 4^ ^/>eh kej 4 scfčé&toi of etfuci-bi'onz T^r y /h the >4>^^i) ľ____ So \x/e ^et 4 éyséem of efučiéťovs foir hf/ 64- . (3) Om a 71 are q(v*v\ b<ý yatemebvt'c. description : Vo m, : Q ŕ S, k, -r sz Tkev\ H/e solve éh& £^£bshi ín (4 n in even s. íii ti, é3/ S,, sí ; /f w e demoted b^x syn u &i/ av\A Ľ b ts> -the £w# ll^h affine £ubzpic&> containing foth tyt a.wl ty. ^ : T* f a** /H> ' Q*W~t them 4M u ty, ; p y CS-'PJ t 4ŕ+ P" uH