The jeopardy package∗ Robert Maˇr´ık† April 7, 2010 1 Introduction Jeopardy like game – redesigned the jj_game.cls by D. P. Story. The package requires to load exerquiz and dljslib packages from AcroTeX bundle. The current only supported way to produce pdf file is pdftex. The main properties include • In contrast to jj_game.cls, the oQuestion environment is used to allow fill-in questions. • The proofing option is introduced. Use this option to typeset your answers into the document. To check the answers for \RespBoxMath and \RespBoxTxt commands remember to use transparent background for these text fields or use the browser which does not show these fields, like xpdf. • Option twoplayers builds game for two players. • Option bgpicture is used to place the picture below the buttons (graphicx package is used). The name of the picture is stored in the \JeopardyPictureFile command. Default value is picture.jpg. You can change it by using command like \def\JeopardyPictureFile{blabla.jpg}. If you use this option, you may also consider the (rather tricky) option finetune. This option is described with the corresponding code at the end of this file. The bgpicture option is automaticaly turned on when picture option is active. • The option picture is introduced for another version of the game. The user gets no score but uncovers parts of a picture hidden by buttons and (after wrong answer) non-transparent fields. It can be used in the class and students can guess what is on the picture. The option adds the ”Solution” button below the gameboard. If the user clicks this button, all buttons from not yet answered questions and fields from wrong answered questions are ∗This document corresponds to jeopardy v1.1a, dated 2010/04/07. †Supported by the grant 18/2006 of the Fund for Developement of Czech Universities. 1 hidden and the picture is fully visible. After the second click on this button, a \ChampionMsg is shown. This can be used for example to store the name of a person on the picture. • The user is not allowed to browse pages of the game without clicking in gameboard. We use the (not portable) \pdfpageattr command to achieve this behavior. This can be turned off by allowpeeking option. • The evalonblur option may be used. This concerns filling forms for \RespBoxTxt and \RespBoxMath questions and the following problem with switching keyboard layout: When filling the text field, if user switches the keyboard layout1 using keyboard shortcut on Linux, the (not yet finished and hence incorrect) answer is evaluated and marked as wrong. Known workarounds: – The user should erase the contents of the field completely, switch the keyboard, click into the field and type his/her answer. – The user should change keyboard using mouse and Gnome applet. – The author can compile the file with evalonblur option. The answer is evaluated after shift+click-ing outside the field. This package has been tested on Texlive2005+Linux (pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592- 1.30.4-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)), with exerquiz 2006/18/06 v6.05e. 2 Usage To instal the style run latex jeopardy.ins from the directory with jeopardy.dtx. You get files jeopardy.sty and jeopardy.cfg. Copy both files where LATEX finds them and include your customizations into jeopardy.cfg. For sample file look at the files game*.tex. The number of questions and categories is written into aux file and stored in macros \NumberOfQuestions and \NumberOfCategories. From this reason, the file has to be two times pdflatexed to build the game. The aux file contains also definitions for the category names. These names are not used when picture option is active. Macro \MakeGameBoard typesets the game board. This should be at the\MakeGameBoard begin of the file and followed by category environments. The dimensions of cells are \CellWidth and \CellHeight. The user can set these dimensions after \begin{document} or with the \SetGameWidth and \SetGameHeight commands. Write e.g. \SetGameHeight{10cm}. The fields are created via \pushButton and \textField commands and the user may change the default behavior using command available in the package eforms.sty. The colors for wrong and right messages are set in exerquiz package and stored in \correctColor and \wrongColor macros. The tokens registers \GrandPoohbahtoks, \Celltoks and \Scoretoks are used to build the GrandPoohbah field (see below), cell fields and score field. 1necessary, for example, to write powers on Czech keyboard 2 You can set it by e.g. \GrandPoohbahtoks{\Q{0}\textColor{1 0 0 rg}}. All these registers are empty by default. The exception is if the picture option is used, the \Celltoks is set to \BG{0 0 0}. If you change it, remember to use non-transparent background for cells! Macro \AfterGameBoard is execuetd between gameboard and score field.\AfterGameBoard Tokens register \everyCategoryHead is used at the begin of every category\everyCategoryHead head. You can set it by something like \everyCategoryHead{\textrm\footnotesize} The \JeopardyTitle macro contains the title of the game. The title is the\JeopardyTitle hyperlink anchor used to return from questions to the gameboard. You can set it by e.g. \def\JeopardyTitle{The title of the game}. The category environment has one parameter – the name of the category. Itcategory encloses question environments. The category name is not used if the picture option is active. In this case the name is replaced by the capital letter A, B, C, . . . . In this case you (or your students) can refer to the fields like on chessboard. The question environment contains a question and answers for multiple choicequestion questions. The answers are introduced by \Ans0 (wrong answers) or \Ans1 (correct answers). The environment includes an oQuestion environment and hence it may contain \RespBoxMath or \RespBoxTxt command. If the user finishes the game with at least \Goal points, a hidden banner\Goal (GrandPoohbah field) with message stored in \ChampionMsg command is shown. The default initial value 45*(1+numQuestions)*numQuestions*numCategories*\JeopardyScaleFact means 90 percent of the maximal point score. The banner has height \GrandPoohbahHeight. This macro is not used if the option picture is active. In this case the \ChampionMsg should contain the name of the picture (for example the name of the person on photograph) and it can be shown by doubleclicking ”Solution” button at the bottom. Macro \SetGameWidth sets the \GameWidth register with the width of the game\SetGameWidth desk. It evaluates the width of cells as quotient of the parameter of the macro and the number of categories. Macro \SetGameHeight works in a similar way if the option picture is not active. If the option picture is active, the height of the game is evaluated from the dimensions of the picture. The width of the picture is scaled into \GameWidth and the height is established from the height of the scaled picture. 3 Implementation Check that we use pdflatex and both exerquiz and dljslib packages are loaded. 1 ∗package 2 3 \ifx\shortquiz\undefined 4 \PackageWarning{Jeopardy}{!!!!!!!!!!!!! Load exerquiz package !!!!!!!!!!!} 5 \def\finito{\@@end} 6 \expandafter\finito\fi 7 8 \ifx\dljsRegister\undefined 9 \PackageWarning{Jeopardy}{!!!!!!!!!!!!! Load dljslib package !!!!!!!!!!!} 3 10 \def\finito{\@@end} 11 \expandafter\finito\fi 12 13 \if\eq@drivernum1%%% pdftex 14 \typeout{*** using pdftex option ***} 15 \def\JeopardyNoPeekCommand{ 16 \edef\ThisPage{/AA<> >>} 18 \global\pdfpageattr=\expandafter{\ThisPage}% 19 } 20 \else 21 \def\JeopardyNoPeekCommand{} 22 \typeout{!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!} 23 \typeout{!!!!!!!! The package has been tested with pdflatex only.} 24 \typeout{!!!!!!!! Use pdflatex drivers in eforms.sty and exerquiz.sty.} 25 \typeout{!!!!!!!! On your own risk you can use other drivers 26 with *allowpeeking* option.} 27 \PackageWarning{Jeopardy}{No pdftex drivers for eforms and exerquiz} 28 \fi 29 30 \RequirePackage{multido} 31 32 \DeclareOption{czech}{ 33 \def\formessage{za} 34 \def\Scoremessage{Body} 35 \def\fairmsg{Nesidit! Odpovidate na jinou otazku!} 36 \def\who@answers@msg#1{Odpovida hrac #1} 37 \def\RightWrongMessages{ 38 aCM = new Array\ 39 ( "Spravne! Jen tak dal!", 40 "Vyborne! Gratuluji!", 41 "Dobre! Pokracujte ve spravne nacate praci!", 42 "Ano, ano, ano, ano!", 43 "Spravne! Zkuste i tezsi otazky", 44 "Spravna odpoved!", 45 "Presne tak! Ziskavate dalsi body" 46 ); 47 aEM = new Array\ 48 ( "To neni spravne! Zkuste jinou otazku.", 49 "Chyba. Nehadejte!", 50 "Prosim! Prosim! Premyslejte nez odpovite!", 51 "Dalsi chyba! Hadanim se daleko nedostanete!", 52 "Ale ne! Kdepak! Body dolu.", 53 "Ne, zkuste jinou otazku.", 54 "Zase spatne! Bohuzel, vase konto se opet snizuje!" 55 );} 56 \def\NotAllowedMesssage{"Nesmite menit odpovedi!"} 57 \def\RightMessage{Spravne} 58 \def\WrongMessage{Spatne} 59 \def\JeopardyTitle{Tituln\’\i{} strana} 4 60 \def\ChampionMsg{Bravo! Mistr nad mistry!} 61 } 62 63 \def\formessage{for} 64 \def\Scoremessage{Score} 65 \def\NotAllowedMesssage{"Changing your answer is not allowed!"} 66 \def\RightMessage{Right} 67 \def\WrongMessage{Wrong} 68 \def\fairmsg{Play Fair! Answer the question you have clicked!} 69 \def\who@answers@msg#1{Player #1} 70 \def\RightWrongMessages{ 71 aCM = new Array 72 ( "That’s Right! Way to go, Kiddo!", 73 "Wonderfully Done! Congrats!", 74 "Very Good! Keep up the good work!", 75 "Good, good, good, good!", 76 "Gee, you’re smart! Try a harder one!", 77 "You’re pretty sharp! Continuez, s’il vous pla\string\356t!", 78 "You’re the tops! But wait...try another." 79 ); 80 aEM = new Array 81 ( "That’s wrong! Sorry. Try Again.", 82 "Error again. Don’t guess, I’m watching!", 83 "Please! Please! Work it out first!", 84 "An error has insinuated itself into your calculations. Recalibrate your thinking!", 85 "Bah! Humbug! You’re haunted by Errors!", 86 "Try again. This time with order and method.", 87 "Wrong again! Use your little gray cells!" 88 ); 89 } 90 \def\JeopardyTitle{Jeopardy Game} 91 \def\ChampionMsg{You are a Champion!} 92 93 \newif\ifJeopardyNoPeeking 94 \JeopardyNoPeekingtrue 95 \DeclareOption{allowpeeking}{\JeopardyNoPeekingfalse} 96 97 \newif\ifEvalOnBlur 98 \EvalOnBlurfalse 99 \DeclareOption{evalonblur}{\EvalOnBlurtrue} 100 101 \newif\ifdouble \doublefalse 102 \def\JeopardyScaleFactor{1} 103 \DeclareOption{double}{\doubletrue\def\JeopardyScaleFactor{2}} 104 105 \newif\ifoneplayer \oneplayertrue 106 \DeclareOption{twoplayers}{\oneplayerfalse} 107 108 \newif\if@jeopardyFineTune \@jeopardyFineTunefalse 109 \DeclareOption{finetune}{\@jeopardyFineTunetrue} 5 110 111 \DeclareOption{proofing}{\eq@proofingtrue \JeopardyNoPeekingfalse} 112 \definecolor{webgreen}{rgb}{0,.5,0} 113 114 \newif\if@jeopardyBgPicture 115 \@jeopardyBgPicturefalse 116 \DeclareOption{bgpicture}{\@jeopardyBgPicturetrue \everyPushButton{\BC{}}} 117 118 \newif\if@jeopardyPicture 119 \@jeopardyPicturefalse 120 \def\Picture{0} 121 \DeclareOption{picture}{\def\Picture{1}\def\formessage#1.{}% 122 \@jeopardyPicturetrue 123 \@jeopardyBgPicturetrue 124 \Celltoks{\BG{0 0 0}} 125 \everyPushButton{\BC{}} 126 } 127 128 129 \newtoks\GrandPoohbahtoks 130 \newtoks\Scoretoks 131 \newtoks\Celltoks 132 \newtoks\Radiotoks 133 \newtoks\Playertoks 134 135 136 \ProcessOptions We load graphicx package for inserting bitmaps. 137 \if@jeopardyBgPicture 138 \RequirePackage{graphicx} 139 \fi 140 141 \sqTurnOffAlerts 142 143 \newcount \CatCount 144 \newcount \QuestCount 145 \newcount \NumberOfCategories 146 \newcount \NumberOfQuestions 147 \newcount \QuestCountA \QuestCountA=-1 148 \newcount \AnswerCount 149 \newcount \OQuestionCount 150 \newcount \temporarycount 151 \newcounter{tempcounter} 152 \everyRespBoxMath{\BG{1 1 1}} 153 \everyRespBoxTxt{\BG{1 1 1}} 154 155 \newlength \GrandPoohbahHeight 156 \GrandPoohbahHeight = 10pt 157 6 Macros for setting game width and height. 158 \newlength\GameWidth 159 \newlength\GameHeight 160 \newlength\CellWidth 161 \newlength\CellHeight 162 \newlength\ScoreCellHeight 163 \def\SetGameWidth#1{\GameWidth=#1\relax 164 \CellWidth=\GameWidth 165 \ifnum\NumberOfCategories=0 166 \divide\CellWidth by 10 167 \else 168 \divide\CellWidth by \NumberOfCategories 169 \fi 170 } 171 \def\SetGameHeight#1{\GameHeight=#1\relax 172 \CellHeight=\GameHeight 173 \ifnum\NumberOfCategories=0 174 \divide\CellHeight by 10 175 \else 176 \divide\CellHeight by \NumberOfQuestions 177 \fi 178 \ScoreCellHeight=\CellHeight 179 } We do some basic initializations for dimensions of gameboard. 180 \AtBeginDocument{ 181 \SetGameWidth{0.8\linewidth} 182 \SetGameHeight{0.6\textheight} 183 } Macros to typeset the picture. The default name of the picture is picture.jpg. You can redefine the command \insertJeopardyPicture to replace the picture e.g. by a text written in TEX. To do this, replace the \includegraphics command by something else, e.g. minipage environment. 184 \newbox\JeopardyPictureBox 185 \def\JeopardyPictureFile{picture.jpg} 186 \def\insertJeopardyPicture{% 187 \setbox\JeopardyPictureBox=% 188 \hbox{\includegraphics[width=\GameWidth]{\JeopardyPictureFile}}% 189 \SetGameHeight{1.02\ht\JeopardyPictureBox}% 190 \dimen0=\CellHeight 191 \dimen1=0.5\dimen0 192 \hbox to 0 pt{\vbox to 0 pt{\kern -\dimen1\box\JeopardyPictureBox\vss}\hss}% 193 } 194 We define category and question environments. We read the names of the categories from the aux file and store these names in macros. These names are not used when picture option is active. In this case we convert the number of category into capital letter. 7 195 \if@jeopardyPicture 196 \def\CategoryNameDef#1#2{% 197 \setcounter{tempcounter}{#1}% 198 \expandafter\xdef\csname CategoryName#1\endcsname{% 199 \Alph{tempcounter}\strut}}% 200 \else 201 \def\CategoryNameDef#1#2{% 202 \expandafter\gdef\csname CategoryName#1\endcsname{#2}}% 203 \fi 204 The category environment simply increases the counter, writes the name into aux file and checks the number of questions in the last category environment. 205 \newenvironment{category}[1]{% 206 \global\advance \CatCount by 1 207 \global\QuestCount=0 208 \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\CategoryNameDef{\the\CatCount}{#1}}% 209 } 210 {% 211 \ifnum \QuestCountA=-1 \global\QuestCountA=\QuestCount 212 \else 213 \ifnum\QuestCountA=\QuestCount 214 \else 215 \PackageWarning{Jeopardy} 216 {Bad number of questions in Category \the\CatCount.} 217 \fi 218 \fi 219 } question environment increases the counter, places the action to check that the page is opened from the gameboard, writes the title of the question and defines macro \Ans which typesets buttons with correct and incorrect answers. It also starts the oQuestion environment and hence the commands \RespBoxMath and \RespBoxTxt from exerquiz.sty can be used. At the end of the environment we close the oQuestion environment and start new page. 220 \newenvironment{question}{% 221 \global\advance \QuestCount by 1\relax 222 \AnswerCount=0 223 \ifJeopardyNoPeeking 224 \JeopardyNoPeekCommand 225 \fi 226 \begin{center}% 227 \hypertarget{\the\QuestCount\the\CatCount}% 228 {\csname CategoryName\the\CatCount\endcsname{} % 229 \formessage{} \the\QuestCount00.}% 230 \end{center}% 231 \def\Ans##1{\par 232 \ifnum\AnswerCount=0 \vskip\medskipamount\fi 233 \advance\AnswerCount by 1% 234 \setcounter{tempcounter}{\the\AnswerCount}% 8 235 \leavevmode\hbox to 0 pt{% 236 \hss 237 \ifeq@proofing \def\temp{##1}\if\temp1$\color{webgreen}\bullet$ \fi\fi 238 \pushButton[\CA{\alph{tempcounter}}% 239 \A{\JS{useranswer(##1,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount);}}]% 240 {{Answer\the\AnswerCount-\the\QuestCount-\the\CatCount}}% 241 {1.3em}{1.3em}% 242 \hskip1em}% 243 \leftskip2em}% 244 \begin{oQuestion}{Q\the\QuestCount\the\CatCount}% 245 }{\par\end{oQuestion}\newpage} 246 At the end of document we write the number of questions and categories into aux file. 247 \AtEndDocument{ 248 \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\global\string\NumberOfCategories=\the\CatCount} 249 \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\global\string\NumberOfQuestions=\the\QuestCount} 250 } Here we redefine some internal macros of exerquiz.sty. 251 \ifEvalOnBlur 252 \def\@@RespBoxMathActions 253 {% 254 \AA{ 255 \AAFormat{\eqFormatArg}% 256 \AAOnFocus{\JS{var retn = null;}}% 257 \AAOnBlur{\JS{retn = \processJSfunc(\rbArgs,\compareJSfunc); 258 if (event.shift){ 259 if (retn==true) {useranswer(1,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount); } 260 else {if (retn==false) {useranswer(0,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount);} 261 else {app.alert("Probably a syntax error somewhere.");}}} 262 else 263 {app.alert("Exit the field with Shift+Click."); 264 this.getField("obj.\oField.\thequestionno").setFocus(); 265 }} 266 } 267 } 268 } 269 \def\@@RespBoxTxtActions 270 {% 271 \AA{\AAOnBlur{\JS{retn = ProcRespTxt(\rbTxtAlt); 272 if (event.shift){ 273 if (retn==true) {useranswer(1,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount); } 274 else {if (retn==false) {useranswer(0,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount);} 275 else {app.alert("Probably a syntax error somewhere.");}}} 276 else 277 {app.alert("Exit the field with Shift+Click."); 278 this.getField("obj.\oField.\thequestionno").setFocus(); 279 }} }% 280 \AAOnFocus{\JS{var retn = null;}} 9 281 } 282 } 283 \def\jsRespBox[#1]#2{% 284 \def\compareJSfunc{#1}\def\processJSfunc{#2}% 285 \ifeq@proofing\makebox[0pt][l]{\space\math@correctAnswer}\fi 286 \eq@TextField % send to the driver-dependent macro 287 \ \pushButton{button}{10bp}{10bp}}% 288 \def\eq@@RespBoxTxt{% 289 \ifeq@proofing\makebox[0pt][l]{\space\txt@correctAnswer}\fi 290 \eq@TextField 291 \ \pushButton{button}{10bp}{10bp}}% 292 \else 293 \def\@@RespBoxMathActions 294 {% 295 \AA{\AAKeystroke{if(event.willCommit) { 296 retn = \processJSfunc(\rbArgs,\compareJSfunc); 297 if (retn==true) {useranswer(1,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount); } 298 else {if (retn==false) {useranswer(0,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount);} 299 else {app.alert("Probably a syntax error somewhere.");}}} 300 }% 301 \AAFormat{\eqFormatArg}% 302 \AAOnFocus{\JS{var retn = null;}}% 303 }% 304 }% 305 \def\@@RespBoxTxtActions 306 {% 307 \AA{\AAKeystroke{if(event.willCommit) { 308 retn = ProcRespTxt(\rbTxtAlt); 309 if (retn==true) {useranswer(1,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount); } 310 else {if (retn==false) {useranswer(0,\the\QuestCount,\the\CatCount);} 311 else {app.alert("Probably a syntax error somewhere.");}}} 312 }% 313 \AAOnFocus{\JS{var retn = null;}} 314 } 315 } 316 \fi %%% \ifEvalOnBlur Macro for typesetting the page with title (hyperref anchor), hidden GrandPoohbah field and gameboard. 317 \newtoks\everyCategoryHead 318 \everyCategoryHead{}% 319 \def\MakeGameBoard{% 320 \begin{center}% 321 \hypertarget{GameBoard}{\JeopardyTitle}% 322 323 \edef\temp{\noexpand\textField[\noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly}% 324 \noexpand\F{\noexpand\FHidden}% 325 \noexpand\Q{1}% 326 \noexpand\textSize{0}% 327 \noexpand\V{\ChampionMsg}\the\GrandPoohbahtoks% 10 328 ]{GrandPoohbah}{\textwidth}{\the\GrandPoohbahHeight}}% 329 \temp 330 331 \leavevmode 332 \ifnum\NumberOfQuestions>0% 333 \ifnum\NumberOfCategories>0% 334 \multido{\i=1+1}{\NumberOfCategories}{\leavevmode 335 \vtop{\hsize=\CellWidth \centering 336 \the\everyCategoryHead\csname CategoryName\i\endcsname }}\\% 337 \leavevmode 338 \if@jeopardyBgPicture\insertJeopardyPicture\fi 339 \Multido{\i=1+1}{\NumberOfQuestions}% 340 {\edef\j{\i}% 341 \if@jeopardyPicture\hbox to 0 pt{\hss$\j$ }\fi 342 {\Multido{\i=1+1}{\NumberOfCategories}{% 343 \edef\temp{\noexpand\textField[% 344 \noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly}% 345 \noexpand\S{S}% 346 \noexpand\Q{1}% 347 \the\Celltoks]{Field\j\i}{\CellWidth}{\CellHeight}}% 348 \hbox to 0 pt{\temp\hss}% 349 \if@jeopardyPicture 350 \pushButton[\S{B}% 351 \A{\JS{kliknuti(\j,\i);}}]{Button\j\i}{\CellWidth}{\CellHeight}% 352 \else 353 \pushButton[\S{B}\CA{\j00}% 354 \A{\JS{kliknuti(\j,\i);}}]{Button\j\i}{\CellWidth}{\CellHeight}% 355 \fi 356 }\\\leavevmode}% 357 }% 358 \fi 359 \fi 360 \par 361 \AfterGameBoard 362 \if@jeopardyPicture 363 \smallskip\leavevmode 364 \hfill\pushButton[\A{\JS{hideall();}}\CA{Solution}]{Solution}{1.5cm}{12bp} 365 \else 366 \@makeScoreField 367 \fi 368 \end{center}% 369 \newpage 370 }% 371 372 \def\@makeScoreField 373 { 374 \ifoneplayer 375 \dimen0=\NumberOfCategories\CellWidth 376 \edef\temp{\noexpand\textField[\noexpand\V{}\noexpand\textSize{0} 377 \noexpand\Q{1} 11 378 \noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly} 379 \the\Scoretoks 380 ]{Total.1}{\dimen0}{\ScoreCellHeight}}% 381 \temp 382 \else%two players 383 \dimen0=\NumberOfCategories\CellWidth 384 \dimen1=0.5\dimen0 385 \edef\temp{\noexpand\textField[\noexpand\V{}\noexpand\textSize{0} 386 \noexpand\Q{1} 387 \noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly} 388 \the\Scoretoks 389 ]{Total.1}{\dimen1}{\ScoreCellHeight}}% 390 \temp 391 \edef\temp{\noexpand\textField[\noexpand\V{}\noexpand\textSize{0} 392 \noexpand\Q{1} 393 \noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly} 394 \the\Scoretoks 395 ]{Total.2}{\dimen1}{\ScoreCellHeight}}% 396 \temp\\ 397 \hbox to \hsize{\hss\hbox to \dimen0 398 {\hss 399 \radioButton[\V{1}\Ff{\FfNoToggleToOff}\A{\JS{player=1;this.getField("whoanswers").val 400 \hss 401 \hbox % to 0 pt 402 {\hss 403 \edef\temp{% 404 \noexpand\textField[\noexpand\Q{1}\noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly}\noexpand\V{\w 405 {whoanswers}{0.6\dimen0}{10pt}}\temp\hss 406 } 407 \hss 408 \radioButton[\Ff{\FfNoToggleToOff}\A{\JS{player=2;this.getField("whoanswers").value= " 409 \hss}\hss 410 }% 411 \fi 412 } 413 414 \let\AfterGameBoard\relax 415 \edef\Goal{45*(1+numQuestions)*numQuestions*numCategories*\JeopardyScaleFactor} Basic Java functionality is rewritten from jj_game.cls. We start with initial declarations. 416 417 \def\update@who@answers{ 418 if (player==1) this.getField("whoanswers").value= "\who@answers@msg{A}"; 419 else this.getField("whoanswers").value= "\who@answers@msg{B}"; 420 } 421 422 \edef\JeopardyUpdatescore 423 { 424 \ifoneplayer 12 425 this.getField("Total.1").value="\Scoremessage: "+TotalScoreA; 426 if (TotalScoreA>0) 427 this.getField("Total.1").textColor=\correctColor; 428 else this.getField("Total.1").textColor=\wrongColor; 429 \else 430 this.getField("Total.1").value="\Scoremessage: "+TotalScoreA; 431 if (TotalScoreA>0) 432 this.getField("Total.1").textColor=\correctColor; 433 else this.getField("Total.1").textColor=\wrongColor; 434 this.getField("Total.2").value="\Scoremessage: "+TotalScoreB; 435 if (TotalScoreB>0) 436 this.getField("Total.2").textColor=\correctColor; 437 else this.getField("Total.2").textColor=\wrongColor; 438 if (player==1) {player=2; this.getField("radio").value=2;} 439 else {player=1; this.getField("radio").value=1}; 440 \update@who@answers 441 \fi 442 } 443 444 445 446 \begin{insDLJS}[dljslibRMb]{dljsliRMb}{RMb} 447 numQuestions = \the\NumberOfQuestions; 448 numCategories = \the\NumberOfCategories; 449 var player=1; 450 RowClick=0; 451 ColClick=0; 452 SaveRowClick=0; 453 SaveColClick=0; 454 totalQuestions = numQuestions * numCategories; 455 var QAed =""; 456 for (var i=0; i< totalQuestions; i++)QAed +="0"; 457 nEM = 0; 458 nCM = 0; 459 var submitted = 0; 460 TotalScoreA = 0; 461 TotalScoreB = 0; 462 NumQAed = 0; 463 Goal = \Goal; 464 \RightWrongMessages 465 var Picture=\Picture; 466 var JeopardyPass=0; These functions check that the page has been opened from the Gameboard and save the row and column number of the button which has been clicked. The OpenAction on the page is turned off after answering all questions. 467 468 function kontrola(row,col) 469 { 470 if (NumQAed 6) nCM=0; 520 } 521 else 522 { 523 if (Picture!=1) 524 { 525 this.getField("Field"+row+col).textColor=\wrongColor; 526 this.getField("Field"+row+col).value="\WrongMessage"; 527 } 528 if (player==1) 529 TotalScoreA -= \JeopardyScaleFactor*row*100; 530 else 531 TotalScoreB -= \JeopardyScaleFactor*row*100; 532 app.alert(aEM[nEM],3); 533 if (++nEM > 6) nEM=0; 534 } 535 if ((++NumQAed>=totalQuestions) && ((TotalScoreA+TotalScoreB)>=Goal)) 536 { 537 if (Picture!=1) this.getField("GrandPoohbah").hidden=false; 538 } 539 } 540 else 541 app.alert(\NotAllowedMesssage); 542 gotoNamedDest("GameBoard"); 543 if (Picture!=1) 544 { 545 \JeopardyUpdatescore 546 } 547 }; This function hides in the first call all fields and buttons on the gameboard and after the second call shows the \ChampionMsg. In addition, it sets NumQAed=totalQuestions and the user is allowed to go through the pages of the document. 548 function hideall(){ 549 NumQAed=totalQuestions; 550 var i=0; 551 var j=1; 552 if (JeopardyPass==0) 553 { 554 JeopardyPass=1; 555 for (var i=0; i< numQuestions; i++) 556 { 557 for (var j=0; j< numCategories; j++) 558 { 559 row=i+1; col=j+1; 560 this.getField("Field"+row+col).hidden=true; 561 this.getField("Button"+row+col).hidden=true; 562 } 15 563 } 564 } 565 else 566 this.getField("GrandPoohbah").hidden=false; 567 } We redefine function used in exerquiz package. We will turn off notification of the correct and incorrect answers by changing the strokecolor of the text fields. 568 function notifyField(success, flag, fieldname) { 569 return success; 570 } 571 \end{insDLJS} The fields in Acrobat have bigger dimension than their dimensions visible by TEX. From this reason they overlap a bit. The user may try to remove this overlap, which is not nice together with picture, using option finetune. This option tries to resolve this problem by using smaller buttons than the \CellWidth and \CellHeight. The user has to set manually the dimension \AditionalShift which is used to shift the image vertically to adjust correct position. (Sorry for the inconvenience.) I know that this solution is not clean enough but . . . I did my best. At least for this verion of jeopardy style. Look at the files game1a.tex and game4.tex. You can also try to remove the option finetune from these files and compaile again to note the difference. 572 \newlength\AditionalShift 573 \AditionalShift=0pt 574 575 \if@jeopardyFineTune 576 \newlength \finetunelength 577 \newlength \finetuneCellWidth 578 \newlength \finetuneCellHeight 579 \finetunelength=1pt 580 581 \def\insertJeopardyPicture{% 582 \dimen1=\finetunelength 583 \multiply\dimen1 by \NumberOfCategories 584 \advance\dimen1 by \GameWidth 585 \setbox\JeopardyPictureBox=% 586 \hbox{\includegraphics[width=\dimen1]{\JeopardyPictureFile}}% 587 \dimen1=\finetunelength 588 \multiply\dimen1 by \NumberOfQuestions 589 \dimen2=\ht\JeopardyPictureBox 590 \advance\dimen2 by -1.9\dimen1 591 \SetGameHeight{\dimen2}% 592 \dimen0=\CellHeight 593 \divide\dimen0 by 2 594 \hbox to 0 pt{\vbox to 0 pt{\kern -\dimen0\kern-\AditionalShift 595 \box\JeopardyPictureBox\vss}\hss}% 596 } 597 598 16 599 600 \def\MakeGameBoard{% 601 \begin{center}% 602 \fboxsep=\finetunelength 603 \fboxrule=0pt 604 \hypertarget{GameBoard}{\JeopardyTitle}% 605 606 \edef\temp{\noexpand\textField[\noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly}% 607 \noexpand\F{\noexpand\FHidden}% 608 \noexpand\Q{1}% 609 \noexpand\textSize{0}% 610 \noexpand\V{\ChampionMsg}\the\GrandPoohbahtoks% 611 ]{GrandPoohbah}{\textwidth}{\the\GrandPoohbahHeight}}% 612 \temp 613 614 \leavevmode 615 \ifnum\NumberOfQuestions>0% 616 \ifnum\NumberOfCategories>0% 617 \multido{\i=1+1}{\NumberOfCategories}{\leavevmode 618 \vtop{\hsize=\CellWidth \centering 619 \the\everyCategoryHead\csname CategoryName\i\endcsname }}\\% 620 \leavevmode 621 \if@jeopardyBgPicture\insertJeopardyPicture\fi 622 \finetuneCellWidth=\CellWidth 623 \advance\finetuneCellWidth by -\finetunelength 624 \finetuneCellHeight=\CellHeight 625 \vtop{% 626 \Multido{\i=1+1}{\NumberOfQuestions}% 627 {\edef\j{\i}% 628 \hbox{% 629 \if@jeopardyPicture\hbox to 0 pt{\hss$\j$ }\fi 630 \Multido{\i=1+1}{\NumberOfCategories}{% 631 \edef\temp{\noexpand\textField[% 632 \noexpand\Ff{\noexpand\FfReadOnly}% 633 \noexpand\S{S}% 634 \noexpand\Q{1}% 635 \the\Celltoks]{Field\j\i}{\finetuneCellWidth}{\finetuneCellHeight}}% 636 \fbox{\hbox to 0 pt{\temp\hss}% 637 \if@jeopardyPicture 638 \pushButton[\S{B}% 639 \A{\JS{kliknuti(\j,\i);}}]{Button\j\i}{\finetuneCellWidth}{\finetuneCellHeight 640 \else 641 \pushButton[\S{B}\CA{\j00}% 642 \A{\JS{kliknuti(\j,\i);}}]{Button\j\i}{\finetuneCellWidth}{\finetuneCellHeight 643 \fi% 644 }}}\kern-1pt 645 }}% 646 \fi %%% \ifnum\NumberOfQuestions>0% 647 \fi %%% \ifnum\NumberOfCategories>0% 648 \par 17 649 \AfterGameBoard 650 \if@jeopardyPicture 651 \smallskip\leavevmode 652 \hfill\pushButton[\A{\JS{hideall();}}\CA{Solution}]{Solution}{1.5cm}{12bp} 653 \else%not picture 654 \@makeScoreField 655 \fi 656 \end{center}% 657 \newpage 658 }% 659 \fi 660 The user may write his/her customizations into jeopardy.cfg. 661 \IfFileExists{jeopardy.cfg}{% 662 \typeout{---------------------------------------------------} 663 \typeout{jeopardy: Configuration from the file jeopardy.cfg.} 664 \typeout{---------------------------------------------------} 665 \input jeopardy.cfg}{} 666 /package We define shorter navigation panel if pdfscreen.sty package is used. 667 ∗cfg 668 \ifx\NavigationPanel\undefined\else 669 \def\NavigationPanel{\normalsfcodes% 670 \href{\@urlid}{\addButton{\buttonwidth}{\tiny\@Panelhomepagename}}\\ \pfill 671 \hyperlink{GameBoard}{\addButton{\buttonwidth}{\tiny GameBoard}}\\ \pfill 672 \Acrobatmenu{FullScreen}{\addButton{\buttonwidth}{\tiny\@Panelfullscreenname}}\\\pfill 673 \Acrobatmenu{Close}{\addButton{\buttonwidth}{\tiny\@Panelclosename}}\\\pfill 674 \Acrobatmenu{Quit}{\addButton{\buttonwidth}{\tiny\@Panelquitname}}\\ 675 } 676 \fi 677 \def\PDFSCR@Warning#1{} 678 /cfg 18