The Map as Intent:Variations on the Theme ofJohn Snow TOM KOCH Department of Geography / UnivlrrsiQof British Columbia / Vancouver/BC / Canada Abstract "Critical geographers" concerned with cartography insist maps are first and foremost social artefacts that must be "read" as authorial documents rather than perceived as data statements. Their argument is typically dismissed as trivial because the relation between intent and output has rarely been demonstrated in a critical way. This article seeks to demonstrate the degree to which authorial intent defines map content and appearance through an analysis of a single set of maps. All are based on the original data collected in 1854by DrJohn Snow as part of his study of the cholera outbreak in London's Soho district. Snow's original map is included as baseline for a study that includes versions of the Snow map by a range of authors, including Cliff and Haggett; the US Centers for Disease Control; Gilbert; Tufte; and Monmonier. The resulting appropriations bear progressively less resemblance to the original work, despite the use of the same data set and its clear availability. The result is a cautionary tale of the distance between maps and the data they represent. The article also insists upon the close relation behveen authorial intent and mapped result irrespective of the data available. Finally, the article concludes that because mapping is not value-free,dangers occur when professional cartographers and geographers attempt to map data from fields in which they are ignorant. Keywords:cartography, cholera, epidemiology, GIS, medical mapping, John Snow Resume Les << gkographes critiques ,, qui s'intiressent a la cartographie soutiennent que les cartes sont d'abord et avant tout des artefactssociaux que I'on doit N lire comme des documents Cmanant d'auteurs plut6t que percevoir comTom Koch is adjunct professor of geography at the University of British Colun~biaand adjunct professor of gerontology at Simon Fraser University. Address correspondence to Professor Tom Koch, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, 1984 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 122 Canada. Tel.: (604) 714-0348. E-mail: me des knoncks informatifs. On considere en gknkral leur argument comme futile vu qu'on a rarement prouvk de f a ~ o ncritique le rapport entre intention et rksultat. Cet article cherche a dkmontrer le degrk auquel l'intention de l'auteur dkfinit le contenu et la presentation d'une carte par le biais de l'analyse d'une skrie unique de cartes gkographiques. Ces dernieres sont toutes klaborkes a partir des donnkes d'origine recueillies en 1854 par le docteur John Snow, dans le cadre de son ktude sur l'ipidkmie de cholera dans le quartier londonien de Soho. On inclut la carte originale de Snow comme base de rifkrence pour une Ctude qui comprend des versions de cette carte ktablies par toute une gamme d'auteurs, dont Cliff et Haggett, le Center for Disease Control amiricain, Gilbert, Tufte et Monmonier. Les appropriations qui en dkcoulent ressemblent de moins en moins a l'oeuvre originale, bien qu'elles aient recours au m6me ensemble de donnkes et qu'elles puissent facilement yaccider. Cela se solde par un rkcit Cdifiant au sujet de l'kcart entre les cartes et les donnkes qu'elles reprksentent. L'article insiste kgalement sur le rapport ktroit entre l'intention de l'auteur et la carte qui en rCsulte et qui ne tient pas compte des donnkes disponibles. Pour finir, l'article conclut que, la cartographie n'ktant pas une science objective, il existe un reel danger lorsque les cartographes et gkographes professionnels tentent de cartographier des donnkes dans des domaines qu'ils connaissent mal. Mots cles : cartographie, cholkra, epidkmiologie, SIG, cartographie midicale, John Snow Introduction I t is easy to dismiss the so-called "critical geographers" (Lemann 2001) who write about map-making as non-mapping, armchair theorists whose view of cartography is social and theoretical rather than practical or real (Harley 2001). Even when their central point is ceded ("maps are social documents"), the result seems a trivial point, irrelevant to the greater issues of m a p making. With Brian Harley (1989) we can "deconstruct" the map as a social artefact. But does his (or another's) interpretation lead to different cartographic techniques or outcomes? We may know, as Denis Wood writes, that CARTOGRAPHICA,VOLUME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 2 TOM KOCH "what the map's about - what is really at stake - is whatever the discourse facilitated by this pointing [mapping] is about" (2002, 145).But unravel that, and the lesson is that this or that map is about the subject we choose to describe 011 its surface. In the main, working cartographers have treated this class of social theorists as irrelevant - or, worse, treated them with condescension - because their conclusions do not seem to affect the physical reality of the maps we make. Theory, or at least relevant theory, concerns itself with issues of symbolization and design that improve a map's communicability. As Mark Monmonier puts it, "I'm especially concerned that proponents of social criticism of cartography don't really seem to be very committed to communication" (Crampton 2002,638). Until it can be shown that intention and the rest of social theory matter in a concrete way to the maps that are daily drawn, the arguments of the critics from social theory will remain ephemeral to the greater issues of mapmaking perceived by those, like Monmonier, who assume that cartography is about the representation of specific, presumably objective, phenomena. To take seriously the stance of critics such as Harley and Wood is to accept that mapping is, first and foremost, manipulation; that social and conceptual prejudices and perspectives are determining elements in mapmaking. Generalization is always difficult. Wood and Harley are distinct voices in the broad and sometimes crowded field of cartographic (and geographic) theory. So, too, is Monmonier, albeit in a different tradition. In the main, however, the so-called critical geographers writing on cartography can be distinguished by their rejection of the general theory of maps as first and foremost representative artefacts. They stand in opposition to the main line of cartographic (and geographic) theory that the map is a tool of concrete presentation, a method of graphic representation of spatial relationships and forms (Robinson and others 1984;Wood in press). For the critics, that pretence to representative objectivity, as Stephen Turner has put it in another context, "exists only as a product of human activity" (1991, 23). From the perspective of the critical geographers concerned with mapping, maps are the externalization of subjective decisions in a construction that owes everything to authorial choice. "Each map is made from a particular perspective and for a particular purpose" (Fleersink 2003, 136). The implication is that this purpose defines the subjectivelygrounded result (Wood in press). This article offers a case in point, one whose authorial transformations can be traced, their importance demonstrated. It applies the general perspective of these "critical geographers" in cartography to one of the most famous of all nineteenth-century maps: John Snow's map of the 1854cholera outbreak in Soho, London (Tobler 1994).Its approach follows that of Wood (1992) in its reliance on Roland Barthes' system of semiotic analysis. One reason for this is Wood's position on the use of semiology in the analysis of mapping and my own fimiliarity with it as a tool for the understanding of text and image (Koch 1990). Another is Wood's role as a commentator on other "new geographers" concerned with cartography, such as P.D.A. Harvey and Brian Harley (see Wood 1993, 1994, 2002). The article thus serves, at one level, as a critical study of the transformation of Snow's work, and, at another, as both a new contribution to the critical discourse of map-making and a practical application of semiotics to its understanding. The History A series of maps of the 1854 cholera outbreak in Soho, London - historical and contemporary - serve as an example of the manner and degree to which a mapmaker's intent defines the context that determines the content of the resulting map. The maps include John Snow's original maps; E.W. Gilbert's 1958 version of Snow's map; Andrew D. Cliff and Peter Haggett's 1988 maps; Edward Tufte's 1983 revision of Gilbert's 1958 map; Monmonier's 1990s revision of the Gilbert-Tufte map; and the US Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) 2001 map based on Snow, Gilbert, and Tufte. Not only does the interpretation of the Snow map change, but the map itself is twisted, turned, and truncated - violated, for want of a better word - by each map-maker's mindset and point of view. Even in its most "scientific"mode - a GIS version by the US CDC designed for teaching purposes - the context of its making defines the map - its appearance and content - in ways that are demonstrably false and inaccurate. The cholera maps begin with the John Snow's 1854 map of the cholera outbreak in Soho, London. The image of cholera deaths Snow produced is now invoked as an icon so well known that it is assumed to require neither analysis nor discussion. It serves, for example, as the cover of a recent text titled GpographicInformation Analysis (O'Sullivan and Unwin 2003), not as an example of material the book covers (it does not) but because it is so well known - so emblematic of what mapped analysis can do - that no discussion is necessary. That Snow's work has been mythologized almost beyond historical redemption is generally accepted (McLeod 2000). In this article, however, the focus is on the mythic icon, Snow's 1854 map, and the ways it has been distorted beyond recognition in the service of this or that author's personal agenda. 111this way the concerns of McLeod (2000) and Brody and others (2000) the general myth of Snow - are extended to consider the appropriation and transformation of Snow's mapping to serve interests Snow himself would not have recognized as legitimate. THE SNOW MAP John Snow was a medical assistant in Newcastle-area coal mines during the first of four cholera pandemics to sweep through England in the 1800s (Winterton 1980). CART0C;RAPHICA. VOI,UME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 THE MAP AS INTENT: VARIATIONS ON THE THEME OFJOHN SNOW 3 During the second great epidemic that began in the late 1840s,Snow was a physician in London, where a total of 14,600 deaths, or 6.2 deaths per 1000 persons, were recorded (Winterton 1980). The epidemic was especially severe in the Berwick Street area of Soho, where Snow lived. In 1849 Snow published a long two-part paper on cholera in the Medical Gazette and Times (Snow 1849a, 1849b) as well as a short monograph, 0 1 1 the Mode of Trarlsmission of Cholera (Snow 1849~). In these works Snow argued that cholera was waterborne rather than. as most then believed, airborne. His hypothesis was clinical rather than spatial: airborne diseases affect the lungs, but cholera is an intestinal disorder causing extensive and sometimes fatal diarrhoea. It was, therefore, he argued, caused by something ingested rather than inhaled (Snow 1849a). Snow further believed the vector of transmission was either personal contact with an infected person or the drinking of contaminated water in which some materies morbi travelled (Snow 1849c;McLeod 2000). Unfortunately, he wrote in his review of the literature. "as we are never informed in works on cholera what water the people drink I have scarcely been able to collect any information on this point" (Snow 1849b,926). The 1854 cholera epidemic gave Snow a chance to gather data that would redress that signal failing. In that year he undertook two separate studies. One considered the correlation between water sources and the incidence of cholera in South London. Another famously examinrd a localized outbreak in London's Soho District. The results of both studies were published in a second and greatly expanded edition of On theMode of 7ransmission of C h o h (Snow 1854/1936). In that publication was the first appearance of Snow's large-scale cholera outbreak map, the one that, in the twentieth century, became emblematic of the potential of medical cartography. Snow's map was not a self-consciousexercise in analytic cartography, however. It was instead, he said, a "diagram of the topography of the outbreak," a graphic summary of the elements he analysed textually (Snow 1854/1936, 45). It is useful to think of Snow as an early ecologist seeking to describe a range of elements contributing to a phenomenon. He was not a medical cartographer using maps to uncover the epicentre of a disease outbreak or the vector of a specific pathogen. Indeed, he was not a map-maker at all. A portion of Snow's 1854 Soho map that includes the Broad Street pump is presented here as Figure 1. It appears to have been a commercial map sufficiently detailed to include the work places and other "anomalous" locations - a brewery on Broad Street and a workhouse on Poland Street, for example - to which Snow referred in his text. On this map, which includes the location of 13 pumps that were the primary sources of drinking water in the district, he marked each individual cholera death occurring during the study period. "All the deaths from cholera which were registered in the six weeks from lgthAugust to 3othSeptember within this locality, as well as those of persons removed into Middlesex Hospital, are shown in the map by a black line in the situation of the house in which it occurred, or in which the fatal account was contracted" (Snow 1854/ 1936,46).Snow marked each death on the map as an individual event, rather than simply marking the houses where deaths occurred. Where there were multiple deaths at a single address - a frequent occurrence near the Broad Street epicentre of the outbreak - each was marked separately,one below the other. In both the 1854 monograph and an 1855 report, which included a second version of the map with 14 pumps, Snow wrote that "it might be noticed that the deaths are most numerous near to the pump in Broad Street" (Snow 1855, 109).This was the extent of his analysis based on the map itself. Indeed, he warned against assuming a simple mapped relationship between the location of cholera deaths and simple distance from or proximity to individual pumps. With regard to the Rupert Street pump, for example, he cautioned "that some streets which are nearer to it on the map are in fact a good way removed on account of the circuitous road to it" (Snow 1854/1936; 1849a,45-46). Indeed, Snow was as interested in what the map did not show as in what it appeared to portray. His text (Snow 1854/1936) pays careful attention to anomalous cases: locations near the central pump that appeared to be cholera free and deaths that occurred at a distance from the epicentre of the outbreak. Despite its proximity to the Broad Street Pump, for example, the workhouse in Poland Street was relatively free of cholera cases: "The Workhouse in Poland Street is more than three-fourths surrounded by houses in which deaths from cholera occurred, yet out of five hundred and thirty-five inmates only five died of cholera, the other deaths which took place being those of persons admitted after they were attacked" (Snow 1854/1936, 42). Snow visited the workhouse and learned it had its own pump-well on the premises and that "the inmates never sent to Broad Street for water." Had the mortality in the workhouse been equal to that of the houses and shops surrounding it - those whose water was drawn from the Broad Street pump - Snow estimated that more than 100 inmates would ha\e died. Similarly, more than 70 workers employed at the Broad Street brewer): near the epicentre of the outbreak, remained free of the disease that affected the residents of the area. When Snow visited, the manager told him there was a deep, private well on-site whose water was available to all the workers. Mostly the employees drank either water from that well or the brewery's malt liquor ("the men were allowed a small quantity of malt liquor"), never from the Broad Street pump (Snow 1854/1936,42). The map also served to locate for readers the deaths within the district but relati\ely distant from the Broad CARTOGRAPHICA,VOLUME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 4 TOM KOCH Figure 1. Detail ofJohn Snow's 1854 map ofthe Soho area cholera outbreak,from Snow (184%).The m'gznal is 415 by 384 mm. CARTOGRAPHICA,VOLUME 39,# 4, MTNTER 2004 THE MAP AS INTENT: VARIATIONS O N THE THEME OF JOHN SNOW 5 0 yards 25 t '7 0 metres 25 0 yards 100 I 1 0 metres 100 Figure 2. Two views of Snow: (a) Cliff and Haggett (1988) used Snow'J cholera map as a tool to describe distrirting using a Lbronoi network of Thiessen polygons. Numbers in individualpolygons represent deaths occurring within each. In his 1855 map, (b) Snow used an irregular distance measure to create a single boundary around the Broad Street pump. Rrproduced by permission of the authors. Street epicentre, anomalies that appeared to challenge the centrality of the Broad Street pump. In each instance, however, interviews with relatives revealed that the deceased either worked or studied near the Broad Street pump - from which each was known to drink - or had been with cholera patients in the Broad Street area immediately prior to the onset of their own fatal illness. These included, for example, the cases of a young girl from Ham Yard (south of Brewer Street) and another from Angel Court, off Great Windmill Street. Both typically drank from the Broad Street pump on their way to or from a school off Broad Street. So, too, he discovered, did another school child from Naylor's Yard, off Silver Street. The seemingly anomalous death of a Noel Street boy, who lived north of Portland and east of Wardour Streets, was similarly explained by his attendance at the National School at the end of Broad Street. Nor did all anomalies involve schoolchildren. Prior to contracting cholera a tailor at 6 Heddon Court, west of Regent Street, had spent most of his time on Broad Street;and prior to her death, a woman from 10Heddon Court had been nursing a Broad Street friend who also died of the disease. Snow carefully investigated each case;each was represented as a mark on his map of cholera deaths. Snow was perhaps the first to carefully use proximity as a measurement in analysing the intensity and diffusion of a disease at this scale. In an attempt to define a "cholera area" for his 1855 report to parish officials, he created an irregular boundary, centred on the Broad Street pump, that included the majority of deaths occurring in the Soho outbreak. "By the most careful calculation," Snow (1855) wrote, he had drawn a line marking the median distance between the Broad Street pump and the others that were nearest to it in the district. The resulting boundary (Figure 2b) describing the area of greatest intensity of occurrence (the "cholera area") was an eccentric and irregular line approximating the median distance between the Broad Street pump and other local pumps. This irregular line is the source of the erroneous but entrenched myth of Snow as the originator of Thiessen polygon analysis creating what is sometimes called a Voronoi network.' This is central to the myth of Snow as a father of analytic cartography. It is also a critical misreading of Snow's maps and work. Snow neither drew a polygon network nor used one to calculate relative rates of death for the 13 pumps in his study area. The source of the myth may be Cliff and Haggett's use of Snow's data in 1988 to demonstrate how a Voronoi network of CARTOGRAPHICA,VOLUME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 6 TOM KOCH CARTOGRAPHICA, VOLUME 39, # 4, U'INTER 2004 Yords SO 0 so 100 150 200 convinced by his argument, were challenged to consider his theory. The Reverend Henry Whitehead (1855), for example, was sufficiently engaged by Snow's work - and sufficiently sceptical - that he independently collected data on the 1854 cholera deaths and later became a strong supporter of Snow's theory. While Snow was by no means the first to use maps to study disease - as Gilbert (1958) and Robinson (1982), among others, have pointed out - his Soho map was perhaps the most comprehensive study of a large-scale outbreak attempted to that date. That he was generally umuccessful at convincing his peers of cholera's water-borne vector does not detract from his real accomplishments. Snow's conclusion flew in the face of then accepted medical wisdom, and his data and analysis were insufficient to convince his contenlporaries otherwise. It was not until after Robert Koch identified the bacterium Vibn'o chokrae in 1883 that most physicians accepted Snow's argument that the disease was water-borne rather Figure 3.E.W!Gilbert'sz~ersion(withoriginal caption) ofJohn Sn,ozo's 1855 map of the than carried on the "miasma"of the air. Soho chokra outbreak ( I 958, 174). Reproduced 4y permission ofBlnckwel1Publishing. The Modern Turn In the 1950s a "lively interest in rriediThiessen polygons might be created (Figure 2a). In their cal geography" led E.W. Gilbert to publish a paper on work, however, they were careful to distinguish between the Pioneer Maps of Health and Disease in England (1958). Snow's original mapping and their use of his data to il- In it he reviews "early writers on 'medical topography"' lustrate modern analytic approaches. and presents a small set of nineteenth-century maps purWhat Snow contributed was, perhaps, the idea of dis- porting to describe the incidence or diffusion of various tricts based on a calculation of proxirnity. His contempo- diseases. The first map in his paper is "Dr. John Snow's raries suggested other solutions to defining the disease map (1855) of deaths from cholera in the Broad Street outbreak's boundaries, based primarily on density of oc- area of London in September 1854." In the text Gilbert currence. These included manually drawing boundary describes Snow as the man "largely responsible for demlines around the affected area and a circle thatwould en- onstrating the water-borne origin of cholera" (174). Gilcompass the majority of deaths (General Report 1855: bert's reproduction (Figure 3) of Dr Snow's 1855 map is Whitehead 1855). Snow's insight was an important ad- used to show how the nineteenth-century physician devance, but it was certainly not the polygonal network that fined a "cholera field" based on disease occurrence and some contemporary writers attribute to him. To state then identified the Broad Street pulnp as the centre of Snow's failure to develop this modern spatial analytic in the disease outbreak. no way diminishes his importance as a critical thinker The map Gilbert presented, however, was not Snow's whose work contributed enormously to the emerging map but, instead, one broadly based on it. Individual fields of epidemiology and public health. deaths are marked, not by Snow's bars, but by small dots Snow framed a hypothesis based on a clinical insight (an innovation first introduced by public health expert and investigated it at a range of scales with all the data W.T. Sedgwick in 1914; Vinten-Johansen and others that he could collect. He used maps in his 1854and 1855 2003); the pulnps are not circles but x's. Absent are the reports to summarize what he described as a topography breweries, the workhouse, and the other "anomalous" loof the localized outbreak in a way that would permit cations whose investigation was critical to Snow's study. readers to see the landscape of the illness he described. Gone, too, are many of the roads, streets, and mews. The His mapped approach influenced others who, while not major streets that are retained (Oxford, Carnaby, Re- THE MAP AS INTENT: VARIATIONS ON THE THEME OFJOHN SNOW 7 Signifier Signifed I 1 r' 4 3 2 Figure 4. The manner in which myth appropn'ates language or images in the creation of myth. Adapted from Barthes (1983, 100 and Koch (1990, 26). , Sign - Myth Signifier Signified Sign gent, etc.) serve less to locate the deaths than as a frame highlighting the relationship between central deaths and the Broad Street pump. There is little resemblance to the environment that was Snow's mapped subject. There were 12 water pumps identified in Snow's 1854 map, and 14 are seen in his 1855 map, but only 11 are marked on Gilbert's map. All in all, the ecology is denuded of myriad elements that made the original richly useful and informative. Gilbert's version "updates" Snow by converting the latter's idiosyncratic Victorian image into a standard 1950sstyle dot map. Snow's map self-consciously summarized research that considered a hypothesis about the precise pattern of diffusion of a specificdisease. It was dense and complex, an artefact illustrating a detailed study. Gilbert's abridgement - drawn either by him or at his direction - self-consciously sought to assign to Snow a simple, very legible correlation: many deaths, one pump, and therefore one source for the outbreak. Gilbert's changes to Snow's map served to emphasize that single theme. Gilbert - or a cartographer he hired, perhaps, to do the work at his direction - removed everything in Snow's map that would not contribute to this goal in the creation of his own "Snow" map. We know this was a selfconscious revision because Gilbert cites the 1936 reproduction of Snow's 1854monograph On the Mode of Transmission of Cholma as well as the 1855 Snow map as the source of his 1958 "Snow"map. Gilbert's map of Snow's work is clear, simple, and extremely legible. It reproduces more easily than the original, but if ease of reproduction were the essential purpose of Gilbert's adaptation he would have noted the changes made and described the map as one based on Snow's. His failure to do so forces the question of why Gilbert presented his map as Snow's work. The answer is that Gilbert clearly was not interested in the complex ecological portrait that Snow crafted in his effort to make sense of the 1854outbreak. Gilbert appropriated Snow's map - there is no better word except, perhaps, "stole" - so that his own would serve the then evolving myth of Snow as the man who "discovered" the cause of cholera through mapping a simple correlation. In advancing the myth of John Snow as a self-conscious and analytic map-maker (not a mapper graphically summarizing data to help illustrate an argument) Gilbert turns the 1854and 1855 Snow maps into an icon that falsified history. At this level of understanding, the distinction between "mapper" and "map-maker"is critical (Wood 1993;Koch 1990). Snow mapped elements pertinent to the cholera outbreak in Soho in an attempt to advance an argument about the nature of the disease through an investigation of the Soho outbreak. The map was not a stand-alone analytic tool but one summarizing (and locating) a wealth of data. Gilbert-the-map-makercreated a graphic, a map designed to show a clear correspondence between the incidence of a disease outbreak and a single source of contagion. The elements of Snow's map that did not contribute to this goal were eliminated by Gilbert to transform Snow's complex investigation into what Roland Barthes (1983) calls a "simple signification." Figure 4 is a basic schematic of the process by which, at level 1, individual marks (signifier) together create a dedicated map (signified) generating a synthesis at level 2 of a sign (a true representation of "x"). This, in turn, serves at level 3 as a signifier as the raw material by which objects or words (maps, paintings, photographs, etc.) are further transformed into general myth (level 4). The arrow in Figure 4 shows how the level 2 sign, created by level 1's signifier and signified, is appropriated and transformed, at levels 3 and 4, into myth. The whole is a second-order system in which signified and signifier operate at the level of language (verbal or visual) to create the signifiers and signs that become a mythic (or iconic) statement. At one level Gilbert's map signifies "map reveals disease source"; globally, that "maps serve medicine" - or, more precisely, "medical science." As a mapmaker, Gilbert crafted a myth precisely as Barthes defines it, as a "kind of speech better defined by its intention than its literal sense" (1983, 103).The resulting image exemplifies the "naturalization of the cultural" (Barthes 1972, 131) in support of a system of values that in this case revolves around the potential of medical mapping to identify the source of an epidemic outbreak. It represents not a lie but an "inflection," in this case an emphasis in the service of a view of maps as tools in the service of a type of science (Barthes 1983). This emphasis required that Snow's complex researches -which did not convince his peers - be transformed into the myth of the independent nineteenth-century researcher who mapped the outbreak and so discovered a simple correlation proving that cholera was water-borne. In the process, the myth continues, Snow single-handedly introduced analytic mapping to nineteenth-century medical researchers. How do we know this? We have Snow's map a la Gilbert CARTOGWHICA, VOLUME 39. # 4, WINTER 2004 8 TOM KOCH as proof. That Snow was one of a phalanx of persons John Snow. Infinitely superior to his earlier work, this mapping the incidence of cholera in the mid-nineteenth version bases its analysis on a reading of Snow and incentury (Robinson 1982) is a fact politely ignored in the cludes detail of the original map rather than one based myth-making. on Gilbert. THE TUFTE CONTRIBUTION Gilbert's map was reproduced as "the famous dot map of Dr.John Snow"in Edward R. Tufte's influential The Visual Display of QuantitativeInformation. Tufte presented Gilbert's version as Snow's work, "an early and most worthy use of a map to chart patterns of disease" (Tufte 1983, 24). Snow did not "chart" the patterns of disease in his map, however: that term implies a rigour and completeness his map did not present and Snow himself did not claim. Because there were pockets of cholera distant from the pump and areas near the Broad Street that were cholera-free (the Brewery, the workhouse, etc.), Snowwas careful not to assert that his map offered a convincing proof of his theory or a complete chart of the disease on which conclusions resulting from a simple relation or equivalence (proximity to pump = deaths) could be drawn. For Snow himself, the result was suggestive but not conclusive. Tufte, whose principal interest (as the title of his 1983 book indicates) is the "visual display of quantitative information," appropriated Gilbert's map, itself an appropriation of Snow's map. In his text, Tufte emphasizes Snow's map as a technical advance, but in his presentation he uses Gilbert's map to signify not simply that "maps serve medicine" but that the degree to which they do so depends on the map-maker's clarity of presentation. Tufte thus talks about Snow not as a mapper but as a map-makerwho created a dot map to "chart" the disease to reveal a simple correlation between cholera and water, and between the Soho cholera deaths and the Broad Street pump. Although Gilbert changed Snow's symbolization, in his text Gilbert (1958) describes the original Snow map's symbol system. Tufte, however, writes that in Snow's map (meaning Gilbert's), "deaths were marked by dots and, in addition, the area's eleven water pumps were located by crosses" (1983,24). Tufte's focus is neither epidemiology nor the mapping of disease. Even had he been aware of it, his interest was certainly not Snow's hard thinking about the Soho cholera outbreak. Rather, Tufte's interest was in the visual display of quantitative information. His intent was to promote the best graphical portrayal of data to maximize its utility, and for this purpose, Gilbert's simplification served better than Snow's original. Tufte's (1983) appropriation serves his purpose but does not reflect the reality of Snow, the "map thinker," considering a problem whose solution was unknown. What Tufte gained in the process was a simple argument represented by a simple icon; what he lost were the complicated reality Snow considered and his efforts to understand it. Tufte implicitly acknowledged these shortcomings in his later book Visual Explanations (1997),which included a section on THE MONMONIER CONTRIBUTION Tufte's 1983book became a standard, and his appropriation of Gilbert's appropriation of Snow became, in turn, the standard referent for Snow's map. Indeed, the default assumption among medical cartographers and geographers, who frequently riproduce it, is that Gilbert/ Tufte is Snow's map.' And, since Tufte, other authors have felt free to modify the Gilbert/Tufte icon for their own purposes and call it "Dr Snow's."In How to Lie with Maps, for example, Mark Monmonier (1996) uses the Tufte/Gilbert map to create his own version of "Snow's Dot Map" (Figure 5). In this version, however, the emphasis is not on the many deaths but on the pumps, which Monmonier has again re-symbolizedfor emphasis. The vastly enlarged circles exist upon the attenuated field of streets, whose width has been made uniform. The width of remaining streets (e.g., Oxford Street) is altered in a manner subtly emphasizing the centrality of the Broad Street pump. Lest anyone miss the point, an arrow and legend are used to locate the Broad Street pump. The emphasis has shifted in the process, and the point of the whole is the importance of the pumps themselves. The point becomes "Snow discovered the pump that caused the outbreak," not "Snow mapped a correlation between deaths and water sources" or the earlier "Snow discovered through mapping that cholera is water-borne." At this stage in the transformation of Snow's map into an iconic image his map-making has become an instrument of discovery, a critical analytical tool. The global signifier in this iteration (mapsserve medicine) is here subordinated to the more local maps reueal disease source. By invoking Snow in this appropriation, Monmonier simultaneously invokes Gilbert and Tuftes' message of maps as important analytic tools in medicine and in the study of specific disease events. Monmonier was free to emphasize how maps serve medicine through his version of their map and the myth it served to promote: Snow identified one pump out of many through brilliant mapmaking. Certainly nothing Snow wrote - and nothing in the data Snow collected and mapped - make the Soho cholera outbreak inherently superior as a case study for Monmonier's thesis in How to Lie with Maps. But by the early 1990s,the time of Monmonier's writing, the question was notwhy but...why notusewhat had become the "famous," iconic map alwaysused to talk about mapmaking. Snow's original interest had been wholly lost in the now abstract icon at the heart of the myth. Simply, Snow's data and map were now up for grabs, and anyone could do anything they wished without attention to the original work by Snow the medical thinker and researcher. With the signifier secured (maps serve medicine) and C:ARTOGRAPHICA, VOLUME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 THE MAP AS INTENT: VARIATIONS O N THE THEME OFJOHN SNOW 9 1 Snow's Dot Map Figurr 5. Mark Monmonier's vrrsion of the Tuftr/Gzlbert map (Monmonier 1996, 158).Image courtesy of University of ChicagoPress. the potential of mapping for epidemiology encoded (map reveals disease source),not only the original map but also the Snow myth and the tnap icon themselves could be dispensed with. Thus Monmonier was able to dismiss Snow's work as largely irrelevant to contemporary epidemiology or public health: "Real epidemiology isn't like that, at least not in late-twentieth-centiiryAmerica. Cholera is rare, if not extinct, and contagious diseases like pneumonia and influenza are less troublesome than heart disease, cancer, stroke, and numerous degenerative ailments once ascribed to old age" (1997, 263). But heart disease, cancer, influenza, and stroke are all diseases that aremapped (asMonmonier's own examples illustrate) by epidemiologists attempting to define clusters and patterns in a manner similar to the one Snow pioneered (US DHHS 1997). Nor is cholera any more extinct than pneumonia and influenza, both of which remain extremely serious diseases. In fact, at the time of Monmonier's writing in the 1990s, the world was in the midst of the seventh international cholera pandemic, which began in 1961 and by the early to mid-1990s was diffusing through the Americas (CDC 2000a). The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported 391,751 cases in the Americas in 1991 and 85,802 cases in 1995 (Arbona and Crum 1996).Extinct? Hardly. In the 1990sthe US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and PAHO all presented data, often in map form, on epidemics and pandemics of AIDS,flu (influenza), hepatitis, and the West Nile Virus, to name several examples. All were complex regional, national, and global health problems. Data for these and more localized outbreaks of specific diseases (e.g., meningitis and salmonella) were (and are) frequently mapped by international, national, regional, and local health organizations concerned with precisely the type of disease investigation that John Snow pioneered in the 1850s. THE US CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROI, AND PREVENTION Which is why the US CDC now distributes a simple mapping program, Epi Map, with its epidemiology software, Epi Info 2000 (cnc 2000b). Training modules provided by the CDC include. not surprisingly, data from Snow's 1854study of the Soho outbreak in the CD-ROMthat accompanies its analysis and mapping programs. By 2000 this version of Snow's work was 'frequently reproduced in introductory books on medical mapping, especially those using GIS (Lang 2000). Unfortunately, maps based on the CDC data (Figure 6), and described asJohn Snow's, bear even less resemblance to the original than the Gilbert/ Tufte or Monmonier versions. On a severely truncated, undifferentiated street network that ,draws no distinction between wider or narrower streets, deaths are represented by georeferenced house location (street number and name assigned). Unlike previous iterations, the CDC map does not represent deaths from cholera but, instead, 206 homes at which cholera fatalities occurred. The total database of deaths, including multiple deaths at many of the locations, totals only 456 deaths from cholera. The result is that 372 symbols representing cholera deaths (578 deaths on the Gilbert map minus 206 homes where death occurred) are omitted. Even more egregiously, 122deaths are not only not represented on the map but also wholly excluded from the database. So excised are all deaths occurring at homes situated west of Carnaby Street, east of Berwick Street, or south of Brewer Street: deaths whose location outside the Broad Street epicentre required Snow's careful investigations to determine the relation between the deceased (students and workers) and the Broad Street pump. CARTOGRAPHICA, VOLUME 39,# 4, WINTER 2004 10 TOM KOCH But because this version advocates implicitly for map- street network. From these, each chose which data to making using GIS, the message subtly changes. It is now would include and then manipulated it for his own purnot simply that "maps reveal disease sources" or that poses. All except Cliff and Haggett called the result "maps serve medicine" but that "CISmapping reveals dis- "John Snow's map." ease sources" and thus, at another level, "CISserves medi- The result is a series of very different maps, each a cine." The mapping of individual deaths is rejected in function of its author's intention. In Gibert's and then Vlgo Streat Pump ------'7 \ - - favour of mapping houses where deaths occurred, presumably to facilitate the georeferencing of cases, electronically collapsing them at a single street address. Outliers (deaths nearest to otherpumps) are excluded to avoid the necessity of a case-by-case analysis that, while critical epidemiologically, is not easily persuasive graphically. This version is all about the visual display (a la Tufte) and analysis (a la Monmonier) of electronically stored health data, not about the investigation of the cause of the deaths in Soho in 1854. This is not an inevitable consequence either of the digitization of data or of the use of GIS (Vinten-Johansen and others 2003). Figure 7 shows a map based on a digitized version of Snow's data obtained in 1998 from the Environmental Sciences Resources Institute (ESRI). Internal evidence strongly suggests that the ESRI data set was digitized from a map originally prepared by Cliff and Haggett (1988). On that map, the number of pumps is returned to the original 13 of Snow's 1855 map and the registry of deaths (N=578) is undiminished. Absent, however, are the institutions Snow investigated (brewery, schools, workhouse, etc.) and a system of street assignments that would show their relative width, data Snow presumably used in making his eccentric "cholera district." Nor is the "plague pit" that some believed to be the origin of the epidemic included. But then, while the plague pit appears on the CDC map as a transparent rectangle, it was absent in Snow's own work, which the CDC map purports to present and discuss. Still, the whole serves better than the CDC version, and most of the other appropriations, not only because Cliff and Haggett self-consciously distinguished between maps based on Snow's and those they themselves made but because the base data of deaths, Tufte's, the deaths - individual dots - are predominant and the pumps almost invisible. Gilbert but not Tufte emphasized the map-maker's ability to display a simple correlation in an objective fashion in the service of medical and health science. In Monmonier's version the pumps dominate the landscape with large, circular symbols, emphasizing the outcome of the analysis. Building on the myths fanned by these map-makers, the CDC created an abstract landscape whose resemblance to Snow's is minimal and wildlymisleading. Its purpose is to serve as an advertisement for GIS mapmaking as an instrument of medical science. ESRI similarly sought to promote its GIS product through a use of Snow's data -and the myth of its efficacy - but did so in a manner that, while less visually Figure 6. CLIC map of the Soho cholera outbreak with deaths aggregated by location pumps, and streets more closely reflect rather than individually displayed. The map resultsfrom data prepared and mapped in own. t h ~CDC'S EpiInfo and Epi Map programs. It is here rendered in black an,d white, with itsfont size increasedfor kgability,from a map @ Lung (2000,15). Discussion Gilbert, Tufte, Monmonier, Cliff and Haggett, the folk at the CDC, and those What results is a clear, visually precise cartographic at ESRI: all had access to data from the original Snow product that fails by any standard of epidemiological ac- map, which included (a) deaths from cholera occurring curacy. The CDC product builds not upon Snow's work in the Soho area in 1854; (b) the location of public water but on the iterations of Gilbert, Tufte, and Monmonier. pumps in that district in that year; and (c) the Soho-area satisfying,is less egregiously misleading. Some will insist, as did one peer reviewer of this article, that while later authors should, perhaps, have identified the manner of their appropriation, the sin itself is WTOGMPHICA, VOLUME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 THE MAP AS INTENT: VARIATIONS ON THE THEME OFJOHN SNOW 11 Broad Street Pump area 0 yards 50 P 0 metres 50 Figure 7.A (;IS-generatedmap with data based on Cliffand Haggett (1988).Map drawn 4y a.uthor,f;romdata provided 4y ESH. CARTOGRAPHICA,VOLUME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 12 TOM KOCH Marks On Cholera I "'P I I Figure 8. Illustrat~.~the steps @ which Snow's origtnal work is appropriated to creak the myth that GZS(or mapping generally) serves objective science. It is the rpecijic verrion of Barthes' semiotic map, summarized inFigure 4. trivial. "Of course they simplified in order to instruct," said the reviewer. "This didn't imply they were obfuscating the message of Snow, just that his data provided a compelling example for other points." The destruction and manipulation of data go well beyond simplification in the service of pedagogy, however. When the data themselves are diminished - 13or 14 pumps reduced to 11; deaths removed from the database; the street network denuded and homogenized; pertinent locations like the brewery excised - obfuscation (or worse) is what occurs. The point is that, as M700dwrites, 'What the map's about - what is really at stake - is whatever the discourse facilitated by this pointing [mapping] is about" (2002, 145). Each map-maker was engaged in a different discourse; each discourse resulted in a very different map. These maps were not objective and ''value-free" representations of Dr Snow's map - both the data and its mode of representation were altered -but reflections of the individual map-makers' intentions. Snow was interested in creating a "topography of cholera" to summarize a wealth of data all of which were potentially pertinent to an understanding of the Soho outbreak. He worked in ignorance of the specific cause of the disease (t'ibn'o cholerne) and included as much information as he could to illustrate his arguments. His map was designed to assist a reader interested in the problem (the mode of transmission of cholera) but unfamiliar with the study area. It complemented a text that paid special attention to areas close to the pump that were free of the disease as well as to those distant from Broad Street where cholera was present. Gilbert's interest was not in cholera (or epidemiology in general) but in "pioneers" of medical cartography, the very idea of which serves a myth of the map-maker-ashero. In service of this interest his map emphasized the correlation between the incidence of disease and its single source. This polemically advanced the potential of map-making for epidemiology and, more generally, medical science. Tufte built upon Gilbert's treatment of Snow's work in a discourse about the visual display of quantitative data and, more specifically,mapped displays of that data. Monmonier emphasized the pumps to legitimize his own work. The CDC map simplified things even further to transform the myth of map-making as medical science into one about GIS, map-making, and medical science. The ESRI version did the same thing, although it did not insist that the result was "Dr Snow's map" and its manipulation of the data set~wasfar less egregious. The result is that "Dr Snow's map," in its many modern forms, is no longer about understanding the 1854 cholera outbreak but about the power of GIS, graphic analysis, and map-making that is presumed to result when map-makers work in the service of science. Figure 8 presents this in a manner similar to the general semiotic paradigm summarized in Figure 4. The level 1 marks on the map (points, lines, polygons) together signified "Cholera in London." The conjuriction of signifier (marks) and signified together became "Snow's Map" (level 2). This was appropriated, in turn (level 3), as a signifier unrelated to the original event, one that signified "Science," or at least a scientific form of investigation. The result is the myth that "GIS Serves Medicine" (or "mapping serves medicine") in a manner that owes at once everything and nothing to the marks Snow made on his map as part of his consideration of the 1854 cholera outbreak in this district of London. Gilbert, Tufte, Monmonier, and the CDC were all free to appropriate Snow's work and transform it into whatever they wanted because it had become an artefact divorced from its purpose. They did so because Snow's map had become an icon in the public domain and they were therefore free to do with it as they would, just as anyone may bend a myth to his or her own individual purpose. That is their function, after all; in myth's plasticity and adaptability lies its attraction. The failure here lies primarily in appropriating and manipulating the data without acknowledging the act. Secondarily, it is in the individual authors' insistence (implied where not stated) that each is presenting "Dr Snow's map" when, in fact, the resulting map is their own work, designed to facilitate their own discourse, not Snow's. The problem is that Gilbert, Tufte, Monmonier, and the CDC mapmakers do not say why they left out some details and emphasized others in a way Snow himself would not have countenanced. But that is what happens in myth: it becomes so naturalized, its presence so taken for granted, that one is invited to forget that it is a myth. The myth appropriates the work on which it is based. At another level, the point is that Harley (1989), Wood (1992), and others are right: maps are as much about what we want them to mean as they are about the data they purport to represent. Map-making is manipulation, a process dependent on authorial background, intent, and perspective. Intention determines which eleC-mTOGRAPHIC,4,VOLUME 39, # 4, WINTER 2004 THE MAP AS INTENT: VARIATIONS ON THE THEME OFJOHN SNOW 13 ments of what data set will be included in a map and how those data are symbolized for editorial emphasis. None of these maps are value-free representations of reality, pieces of "neutral science." All are self-consciousmanipulations of a rich ecology. The conclusion seems unavoidable: map-making - including computer-based mapmaking - results first and foremost from intention. It is the mapmaker's intent that defines the artefact that results. The most egregious departure from the original and from the data it presents - is the CDC version of Snow's work. Even in the design of a simple teaching case, the absence of graphically troublesome but epidemiologically critical deaths is egregious. It is an extreme version of the maps of Gilbert, Tufte, and Monmonier, whose relative ignorance of epidemiology, and of Snow's cholera studies, permitted progressively radical distortions of the work they purported to present. The CDC version may thus be read as a cautionary example of what happens when the myths of map-making and the requirements of visual clarity overwhelm the mapmaker. This consideration leads directly to the problem of what might be called "specialized ignorance." Map-makers lacking detailed knowledge of the subjects they seek to represent will be prone to mistakes. Electronic mapping is relatively easy, and with GIS, some believe that the map-maker may stand forth as an expert scientist (Schuurman 1999), able to solve complex spatial problems, without a deep understanding of the subject, through a process of data manipulation and representation. The Snow maps suggest that it isn't that easy, that spatially related data do not "speak for themselves." Where the relation between cause and effect - between contaminated water and incidence of cholera - are known, then mapping may serve as an analytic. But such problems are essentially trivial, the outcome a foregone conclusion. When a clear causal relationship is unknown, the problem is returned to the level of complexity Snow confronted. His map struggled with ecological data, the relationship between its elements uncertain. It did not solve the problem -"What causes cholera?"- but contributed to Snow's thinking on the subject. Gilbert, Tufte, Monmonier, and the CDC sacrificed Snow's brilliantly complex and amazingly thorough thinking - which included mapping - in service of a myth whose ultimate message is that mapmaking is a science that, without further research, can solve complex problems with nothing more than the possibility of a simple spatial correlation. Many with expertise in medical history and modern epidemiology view modern mapping with suspicion precisely because it advances the assumption of simple correlations as an answer to complex phenomena. As Brody and others put it, "One sees an echo of Snow the mapmaker without the corresponding appreciation of Snow the thinker in today's 'desktop mapping revolution"' (2000,66). Until the thinking is taken into account, their caution will be justified. But when that happens, the myth itself will have been transformed, and "thinking serves medicine" will be the message. Should that happen, attention will return to Snow, not his map alone. Conclusion Critical geographers argue that maps are not value-free representations of spatial phenomena but meditations by map-makers on those phenomena. Some cartographers have dismissed this argument because it seemed irrelevant to the practical task of graphically presenting specific data. Here a series of maps based on data first collected and mapped in 1854 by Dr John Snow has been used to demonstrate the degree to which intent matters in cartographic representation. Depending on the map-maker's purpose, elements have been excluded, networks truncated, and pertinent cases removed from the original and widely available data set. In every case the changing map can be seen to result from the interplay between authorial intent and the data the mapmaker manipulates. The conclusion seems inescapable: maps reflect specific phenomena of interest to map-makers, who choose from the available data to fashion idiosyncratic interpretations of those phenomena. Each map results from the selection of data by the map-maker from a greater set of potentially relevant data. Map-making is not a value-free science that somehow stands apart from social, cultural, economic, and professional prejudices. Like all other sciences, and other forms of exposition, map-making is mired in the myths and assumptions of the individuals who promote this or that map within the culture(s) the map-makers serve. Acknowledgements The author acknowledges the assistance of the peer reviewers and Cartographica editor who read and commented on earlier drafts of this paper. He also gratefully acknowledges the editorial review of Denis Wood, whose comments on an earlier draft of this paper added greatly to its final form. Notes 1. See. for example, McLeod (2000); O'Sullivan and Unwin (2003,931-32). 2. See Meade and Earickson (2000,447).They, in turn, cite as a source the Snow map not by Tufte hut by Howe (1972, 178). References Arbona, S., and S. Crum. 1996. "Medical Geography and Cholera in Peril." Geographers' Craft Project, Department of Geography, The University of Colorado at Boulder. Available at cholera/cholera.html. Barthes, R. 1972. Mythologies.New York: Hill & Wang. . 1983. "Myth Today." 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