The Olympic Goat Controversy: A Perspective VICTOR B. SCHEFFER 14806 SE 54th Street Bellevue, WA 98006, U.S.A. Abstract: Mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) introduced into Olympic National Park are multiplying and causing soil erosion and changes in floral composition. Park managers want the goats removed or, if necessary, killed. But the Fund for Animals, a national humane society, argues that the present goat population should be left undisturbed as a replacement of a presumed indigenous stock that disappeared long ago. (I side with the park managers.) The debate underscores the value of both logic (or reason) and sentiment (or emotion) in making wildlife management de- cisions. Introduction The 20-year experience of the National Park Service (NPS) in dealing with the mountain goats of Olympic National Park is a useful case history in wildlife management. It is well documented (NPS 1987, 1988; Carlquist 1990; Houston et al. 1991a, 1991b). The NPS has concluded that, if nonlethal means of preventing damage by goats should prove infeasible, goats must be shot. The Fund for Animals (1992) disagrees. In this paper I examine the arguments offered by both sides in the de- bate. Background Goats were translocated during the 1920s from Canada and Alaska to the Olympic Peninsula (Fig. 1). In 1937 Paper submitted April 29, 1992; revised manuscript accepted March 2, 1993. La controversia de la Cabra Olimpica: Una perspectiva Resumen: Las cabras de montana (Oreamnos americanus) introducidas en el Parque Nacional Olimpico se estdn multiplicandoy causando ersi6n del sueloy cambios en la composici6n floristica. Quienes manejan los Parques quieren que las cabras sean removidas y si es necesario eliminadas. Sin embargo la fundaci6n para los animales, una sociedad nacional humanitariag argumenta que la presente poblacion de cabras debe ser dejada sin perturbar como reemplazodel supuesto stock indigena que desapareci6 hace tiempo. (yo estoy de parte de los que manejan el parque.). El debate toma en cuenta tanto el valor lo6gico (o de la razon) como el sentimental (o emotivo) para tomar decisiones de maneo de la fauna silvestre. they numbered about 25 (Scheffer 1949:237) and by 1983 about 1200 (Houston et al. 1986). Although 155 goats are known to have been removed between those years, the population grew at an average rate of about 9% a year. But the soils and biotas of the park had evolved on a goat free "land-bridge island" (Newmark 1987). By the late 1980s, the park's drier regions were beginning to show changes as a result of goat grazing, wallowing, and trampling. Goats were even "mining" bare soil where hikers had urinated! Most conspicuous were changes in floral composition, such as the disappearance of lichen and moss cover, which stabilizes bare soil surfaces in the absence of vascular plants (NPS 1987:7-8). And the NPS perceived threats to certain unique endemic plantsnine species and varieties-growing in areas used by goats. Between 1981 and 1989, humans removed 509 animals from the goat population (Houston et al. 1991b: 89). Of these, 360 were captured alive, 28 accidentally killed during capture, 19 shot for research, 99 killed by 916 Conservation Biology Volume 7, No. 4, December 1993 This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 14:30:58 UTC All use subject to Scheffer The Olympic Goat Controversy 917 Yukon Territory Northwest Territory Pacific Ocean ! 7JI__IdaholWyomingr;_Coi Ab Utah MColorado Figure 1. Native range of the mountain goat in northwestern North America, 1988 (National Park Service map). sport hunters outside the park, and 3 killed by poachers (Fig. 2). At the end of 1990 the estimated population on the peninsula was only 389 + 106 (172 goats seen). That total showed clearly that removals by humans outnumbered natural recruitment. The NPS also tested population control by contraception (NPS 1987:46-47). Later, an independent fivemember panel comprised of veterinarians, wildlife biologists, and a reproductive physiologist evaluated the potential of goat control by contraception (Scientific Panel 1992). Panel members visited the goat range, studied past research by the NPS, and brought to bear their collective experience with the application of contraceptives to overabundant wild or feral animals. They concluded that "current contraceptive or sterilant technologies will not eliminate mountain goats from ONP." Although the reestablishment of wolves (Canis lupis) in the park would impose a degree of control on the goat population, the NPS has never included this possibility in its management plans. (The last Olympic wolf was killed in the 1920s.) Students at Evergreen State College have suggested that the Peninsula could support at least 40-60 wolves (Students 1975:57). In 1987 the NPS released an environmental assessment that gave preference to settling the goat contro: ! .. *;; ;; ..... y ! | ! ! ! ! :: ! : :4,. , : . , ' . : . : .. .... ..... . . . . . . . .. ' . ' . . Figure 2. Two mountain goats, tranquilized by aerial darting, are removed from Olympic National Park, 1988 (National Park Service photo by Richard W. Olson). versy by removing all goats from the core of the park and thereafter removing-by capturing or killing-any that appeared along its borders (NPS 1987:52-54, 65- 67). Later, the NPS announced that it would release in 1993 a Final Environmental Impact Statement (Interagency Goat Management Team 1992:6). Conflict: Factual Considerations The Fund for Animals (1992), a national society of 150,000 members, claims that goats occupied the OlymConservation Biology Volume 7, No. 4, December 1993 This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 14:30:58 UTC All use subject to 918 The Olympic Goat Controversy Scheffer pic Peninsula into the nineteenth century. If so, the present population is a replacement or "restoration" (my term) entitled to protection. The Fund builds its case partly on a model drawn by anthropologist R. Lee Lyman (1988) and partly on "documented and scientific historical evidence." Lyman examined the known distribution of goats in five northwestern states in relation to the postulated distribution of Pleistocene ice lobes. From a "dispersal model" of goat occurrences at various times and places, he concluded that by 10,000 years ago goats could have reached the Olympics. He suggested that, if goat remains dating from the recent thousand years ever should be found here, the NPS should rethink its policy, quit calling the planted animals exotics, and leave them undisturbed. The Fund for Animals also points to narratives published between 1844 and 1917 that mentioned the goat as a member of the Olympic fauna. The NPS rests its case on the present distribution of mammals in western Washington and on the unreliability of reports of Olympic goats before 1925. First, the goat is one of 11 species of mammals native to the Cascade Range of Washington that are not native in the Olympic Range only 120 km away (Dalquest 1948; Scheffer 1949). Among the missing are six species characteristic of alpine or subalpine habitats. Conversely, one mammal species (Marmota olympus) native to the Olympics is not recorded from the Cascades. Geologic clues indicate that continental ice in the Puget Sound Basin would have isolated the high Olympics from the high Cascades long before the first goats reached North America, perhaps 40,000 years ago (NPS 1987:7, 17; Kruckeberg 1991:2-33). Second, early reports of Olympic goats cannot be taken seriously. For example, John Dunn visited the Indians living near Cape Flattery and reported that they "manufacture some of their blankets from the wool of the wild goat" (1844:231). But ethnologist Erna Gunther later learned from descendants of those Indians that "the mountain goat does not occur on the Olympic Peninsula.... Mountain-goat wool was bought in Victoria [British Columbia] through the Klallam" (1936:117). Albert B. Reagan, Indian Agent at Lapush in the early 1900s, excavated middens along the seacoast, where he found remains of bighorn sheep and mountain goat "usually only in the ladle form of the horns" (1917:16). These, again, would surely have been trade goods. Eight years earlier, Reagan (1909) had published a list of the animals of the Olympic Peninsula; it did not include the goat. Two other narratives briefly mentioned Olympic goats (Seattle Press 1890:20; Gilman 1896:138). The first, composed after a five-month crossing of the Olympic Range in winter and spring (the first crossing ever) stated simply that "one goat was seen by the party." The second included "mountain goat" and "pelican," among other species, as "game animals" of the Olympics. These narratives can hardly be taken as zoological records. The strongest evidence-albeit negative-that goats were not indigenous comes from the published accounts of the dozen or more zoologists who explored the Olympics between 1895 and 1921 on expeditions of the U.S. Biological Survey and the Field Museum of Natural History (Hall 1932:74). These explorers reported no goats. Ethical Considerations But the goat controversy is basically a clash of human values-the sort of controversy that is settled through agreement rather than discovery. Informed public opinion will ultimately determine whether Americans want a goat-free Olympic Park at the cost of routinely exiling or killing goats. The Fund for Animals has chosen unwisely to offer what it calls "historic and scientific evidence" (1992) in defending its case. Would not the Fund gain wider public support by relying purely on moral persuasion? Philosopher Mary Midgley has asked (1983: 33), "What does it mean to say that scruples on behalf of animals are merely emotional, or emotive or sentimental? What else ought they to be?" Two lessons can be read in the Olympic Park experience with its unwanted goats. First, national park managers will increasingly deal with exotic species as they deal with wildfires, hurricanes, and floods: with patience yet with steady resolve to maintain indigenous biosystems as nearly natural as possible. While "natural" as a state unperturbed by humans has long been an unreality-an abstraction-it is still useful as a goal. And all land managers need goals, however visionary or remote. Second, animal welfare, an umbrella term for kindness to animals, humaneness, animal protection, anticruelty, and (lately) animal rights, will continue to grow in American thought. As a societal endeavor to win greater consideration for the interests of all living things, animal welfare began in the 1960s to draw energy from the "liberation" and "ecology" movements of that era (Scheffer 1991:29-30). The significance of the animal welfare ethic for national park managers is that they will increasingly become more sensitive to public opinion-a set of preferences compounded of sentiment (or emotion) and logic (or reason). Park managers will increasingly turn for advice to social scientists, who will sample public attitudes and preferences with respect to park uses; will develop new technologies for interpreting park values; will assist in the drafting of regulations; and will join in mediating disputes over the status of exotic species, such as goats. Conservation Biology Volume 7, No. 4, December 1993 This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 14:30:58 UTC All use subject to SchefferThe Olympic Goat Controversy 919 Conclusions The planting of foreign goats in the Olympics seemed a good idea at the time and even 10 years later (1935) when I first worked as a biologist in the Olympic National Forest. But today, public attitudes toward natural areas and their biota are changing. The more we humans shape and color the landforms around us according to the designs of each new generation, the more we treasure those fragments kept undesigned. Wild places. Places to which we respond with all our senses, places where we bond with the earthly systems that nourish our civilization and our species. If a personal thought may be injected here it is this: the humane removal of goats is a small price to pay for keeping the Olympics wild. Acknowledgments For study materials and ideas, I thank Roger Anunson of the Fund for Animals, Robert L. Wood of Olympic Park Associates, and the generous wildlife biologists of Olympic National Park. Literature Cited Carlquist, B. 1990. An effective management plan for the exotic mountain goats in Olympic National Park. Natural Areas Journal (10)(1):12-18. Dalquest, W. W. 1948. Mammals of Washington. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History 2:1-144. Dunn, J. 1844. History of the Oregon Territory and British North American fur trade. Edwards and Hughes, London, En- gland. Fund for Animals. 1992. Historic and scientific evidence that mountain goats are native to the Olympic Peninsula. Press release, Fund for Animals, Northwest Region, Salem, Oregon. Gilman, C. 1896. The Olympic country. National Geographic Magazine 7(4):133-140, map. Gunther, E. 1936. A preliminary report on the zoological knowledge of the Makah. Pages 105-118 in Essays in Honor of Alfred Louis Kroeber. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. Hall, F. S. 1932. A historical resume of exploration and survey: Mammal types and their collectors in the State of Washington. Murrelet 13:63-91. Houston, D.B., B. B. Moorhead, and R. W. Olson. 1986. An aerial census of mountain goats in the Olympic Mountain Range, Washington. Northwest Science 60(2):131-136. Houston, D. B., B. B. Moorhead, and R. W. Olson. 1991a. Mountain goat population trends in the Olympic Mountain Range, Washington. Northwest Science 65(5):212-216. Houston, D. B., E. G. Schreiner, B. B. Moorhead, and R. W. Olson. 1991b. Mountain goat management in Olympic National Park: A progress report. Natural Areas Journal 11(2):87-92. Interagency Goat Management Team (IGMT). 1992. Newsletter no. 1, January. IGMT, Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, Washington. Kruckeberg, A. R. 1991. The natural history of Puget Sound Country. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Lyman, R. L. 1988. Significance for wildlife management of the Late Quaternary biogeography of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Research 20(1): 13-23. Midgley, M. 1983. Animals and why they matter. University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia. National Park Service. 1987. Environmental assessment: Mountain goat management in Olympic National Park. September. Port Angeles, Washington. National Park Service. 1988. Decision record: Mountain goat management in Olympic National Park. March. Port Angeles, Washington. Newmark, W. D. 1987. A land-bridge island perspective on extinctions in western North American parks. Nature 325(6103):430-432. Reagan, A. B. 1909. Animals of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Sciences 1908:193-199. Reagan, A. B. 1917. Archaeological notes on western Washi ton and adjacent British Columbia. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th series 7(1):1-31. Scheffer, V. B. 1949. Mammals of the Olympic National Park and vicinity. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Seattle, Washington. Unpublished. Scheffer, V. B. 1991. The shaping of environmentalism in America. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Scientific Panel (5 authors). 1992. The applicability of contraceptives in the elimination or control of exotic mountain goats from Olympic National Park. Final report to the National Park Service. January. Unpublished. Seattle Press. 1890. The Olympics: An account of the explorations made by the "Press" explorers. Seattle Press July 16, 18(10):1-11. (With an editorial and "resume of the natural resources of explored region" on p. 20.) Students of Evergreen State College (8 authors). 1975. A case study for species reintroduction: The wolf in Olympic National Park. Olympia, Washington. Conservation Biology Volume 7, No. 4, December 1993 This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 14:30:58 UTC All use subject to